Firenze University Press Aisthesis Avicenna on Beauty Citation: Mohamadreza Abolghassemi (2018) Avicenna on Beauty. Aisthesis Mohamadreza Abolghassemi 11(1): 45-54. doi: 10.13128/Aisthe- (University of Tehran) sis-23271
[email protected] Copyright: © 2018 Author.This is an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Firenze University Press Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to study the philosophy of Avicenna (980-1073), ( and in order to identify his thoughts and reflections regarding aesthetics. We will try to distribuited under the terms of the analyze several texts in which he treated the notion of beauty. This analysis will allow Creative Commons Attribution License, us to compare the aesthetics of Avicenna with its main origins, namely Aristotelianism which permits unrestricted use, distri- and Neoplatonism. Then, the detailed presentation of his aesthetic reflections will show bution, and reproduction in any medi- us that his contributions to subjects relating to beauty, perfection, and aesthetic delight um, provided the original author and bear some originality which, despite the determining influence of Neoplatonism, has source are credited. its own independent voice. The latter is the case, since these originalities are the results Data Availability Statement: All rel- of a hybridization of two great philosophical schools, namely Aristotelianism and Neo- evant data are within the paper and its platonism. Supporting Information files. Keywords. Avicenna, beauty, perfection, Aristotelianism, Neoplatonism. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing inter- ests exist. 1. INTRODUCTION This study concerns the philosophy of Ibn Sinâ, one of the phi- losophers, perhaps even the greatest philosopher in the history of Islamic civilization.