V 46:3 M ⁄ J 2005 .. On to Wisconsin!

Our very first venture into the Principal Mycologist, and Adele Wisconsin woods along the banks of Mehta once again will keep track of the Mississippi River is coming up our collections as Recorder. soon. NAMA’s 2005 Annual Foray We are eager to see the fabu- will be held at the University of lous old-growth American chestnut Wisconsin at La Crosse, July 21–24, forest. Tom’s students will likely virosa, photo courtesy of John with Dr. Tom Volk as Host Mycolo- share their expertise on the trees Plischke III gist. Plans include at least one or two with us as well as assist with other workshops and some fascinating forays. It will be a real opportunity talks on subjects both international for us to see firsthand what it takes “We Told You So!” and unusual. to be a mycological student these Summary of Tom will introduce us to the local days. Poisonings in 2004 flora and fauna of the region and We will b housed in a single enlighten us on the fungi that dormitory with both a kitchen and accompany them. Among some of social room. There is a reduced by Michael W. Beug, Ph.D., Chair, the presenters are Dan Czederplitz, registration charge for those of us NAMA Toxicology Committee sharing with us his experiences col- willing to bunk on the upper two In 2004 members of the Toxicology lecting fungi in Belize, a novel floors. Although there is no air Committee reviewed and often session on indoor air quality that conditioning in the dorms, fans are investigated reports of 148 humans should be of great interest, and Britt available for a small fee. The poisoned, including 40 children and Bunyard’s mysterious Agaricus pseu- average July high temperature in La adolescents. We also received dopollination topic. Walt Sundberg Crosse ranges between the lower reports of 51 dogs stricken by eating will be offering his popular “hand and mid eighties, absolutely balmy . lens anatomy” on demand, and Bart for those of us from lower latitudes. For the first time in several Byuck, the Russula problem-solver, If you prefer off-campus accommo- years there were four reports of will return to us from France. dations, they are listed below. human deaths—three confirmed Heather Hallen will bring us up to This promises to be one of our and one possible—from mush- date on Amanita toxins, and ex- very special forays, not only for the rooms. We feel that this was due to president Gary Lincoff will, as usual, unusual non-glaciated habitats we the fact that the mushroom season have something up his sleeve. Dr. in the western half of the United Andrew Methven will serve as Continued on page 13 States was exceptional, with record fruitings of many species. In addition, the hurricanes that In this issue: affected the Southeast brought lots President’s Message ...... 2 of rain during mushroom season there. With a record abundance of Forays and Announcements ...... 3 mushrooms and an increased inter- Fungi in the News ...... 5 est in the harvest of edible wild Limerick ...... 8 mushrooms, there was an asso- Mushroom Shapes & Colors ...... 12 ciated increase in the total number Book Reviews ...... 14 of poisonings. Mushroom of the Month ...... 16 Story continues on page 9. More Chlorophyllum molybdites, photo courtesy photos on pages 2 and 15. of John Plischke III

1T M, May/June 2005 Moving? P R E S I D E N T ’S M E S S A G E Please send your new address, two weeks before you move, to Ann Bornstein I’ve been reading a lot lately about the struggle that the Food and Drug NAMA Membership Secretary 336 Lenox Avenue Administration (FDA) is having with defining what constitutes an “expert Oakland, CA 94610-4675 wild mushroom identifier.” The need for such a definition arose due to restaurants that buy “wild” mushrooms from other than “approved” sources Otherwise—you may not be getting (meaning those of us who go into the woods and gather them). your newsletter for a while. Each I received a call from the FDA about a year ago and was asked to define issue, several Mycophiles are an “expert wild-mushroom identifier.” That was a tough one. The only thing returned as undeliverable because of that I knew for sure was that being president of NAMA did not make you an no forwarding address on file. NAMA “expert.” Over the years I’ve learned that there’s much more I don’t know is charged seventy cents for each about identifying mushrooms than what I do. Anyway, I struggled with this returned or forwarded newsletter. question and decided my input would only confuse the matter more. How would you define an “expert wild-mushroom identifier”? Maybe NAMA is a 501(c)(3) charitable that would be a good contest, to see who could come up with an answer organization. Contributions to support that would satisfy all of the agencies which will eventually become the scientific and educational activi- involved. The focus now has shifted away from a definition and onto the ties of the Association are always restaurants to obtain “specifications” about the mushrooms being bought welcome and may be deductible as and the qualifications of the identifier. The FDA and other agencies are in allowed by law. Gifts of any amount the process of developing a brochure to provide more guidance. Luckily, I may be made for special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and know the chef at a local restaurant who will take, without question, my for memorials. “wild” mushrooms and prepare them for me (but just for me or my Special categories include company). Will I soon have to provide him with pages of information about Friend of NAMA: $500–900 the mushroom and myself? Probably so. Benefactor: $1000–4900 If you haven’t registered for the Wisconsin foray in July, don’t wait too Patron: $5000 and up long. The foray is shaping up to be a great one and a new experience for Send contributions to NAMA members as we have never had a national foray in Wisconsin. Judith McCandless, Treasurer Thanks again to Tom Volk for offering to host the foray and to all of those 330 Wildwood Place working with him to make it a success. —Ike Louisville, KY40206-2523

The Mycophile is published bimonthly by the North American Mycological Association, 6615 Tudor Court, Gladstone, OR 97027-1032. NAMA is a nonprofit corporation; contributions may be tax-deductible. Web site: www.namyco.org Isaac Forester, NAMA President P.O. Box 1107 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659-1107 A Judy Roger, Executive Secretary 6615 Tudor Court Gladstone, OR 97027-1032 C Britt Bunyard, Content Editor A) Volvariella volvaceae, the paddy W184 N12633 Fond du Lac Avenue straw mushroom, growing wild in Germantown, WI 53022 mulch. B) Volvariella pusilla. C) Volvariella volvaceae, the paddy Judith Caulfield, Production Editor 927 Lansing Drive B straw mushroom, commercially cultivated and canned. (All photos Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 See Summary of Mushroom Poisonings, courtesy of John Plischke III) beginning on page 1.

T M, May/June 2005 2 FORAYS & ANNOUNCEMENTS

Eagle Hill Field Seminars Natural History, 219 Dead River Hawaii at Hilo campus from July 30 Steuben, Maine Road, Bowdoin, ME 04287; to August 5, 2005. This will be the www.vfthomas.com/deltahome.htm; first time the two societies have The Eagle Hill Field Seminars are or phone (207) 266-5748. met together, and it will be an set in the woods with good facilities, occasion to celebrate the 50th great food, fantastic teachers, and a anniversary of the Mycological very intensive teaching program. NAMA Annual Foray Society of Japan. Field trips, sympo- Along with numerous other ecology University of Wisconsin– sia, and poster sessions will discuss seminars, this year’s schedule La Crosse all aspects of the importance of fungal interactions with plants and includes five of interest to myco- July 21–24 philes: animals around the world and especially with humans. May 29–June 4 I hope everyone’s heard by now! Special sessions will reveal Lichens and Lichen Ecology— If not, loads of details can be found newly described Hawaiian mush- Dr. David Richardson in this issue, the Mar./Apr. ’05 issue rooms and other fungi, as well as   June 12–18 of T M , or from the the most recent technology on how and Biology of Disco- NAMA Web site. Don’t forget: our to grow mushrooms commercially mycetes—Dr. Donald H. Pfister Host Mycologist, Tom Volk, has and how to extract unique pharma- requested that those arriving early July 10–16 ceuticals from fungi. The Japanese please respect the area and not Crustose Lichens of Coastal Maine— will bring new and exciting infor- collect within 20 miles of La Crosse. Dr. Irwin M. Brodo mation on medical and industrial July 17–23 occurring in Japan. The meetings will provide an ideal Ground–inhabiting Lichens: Three Exotic Mexican Forays Cladonia, Stereocaulon, and other atmosphere for American and Genera—Dr. Stephen Clayden Japanese scientists to exchange The Copper Canyon Mushroom ideas and technology and to forge Aug 28–Sept 3 Expedition collaborations for the future. Mushrooms for Naturalists—Dr. July 24–31 For more information, contact Rosalind Lowen and Dr. Lawrence and supply Leonard The Tlaxcala Mushroom Foray an e–mail address where future August 28–September 4 meeting announcements can be For further information see the web sent, or visit the MSA Web site at site www.eaglehill.us or email them The Veracruz Fungi Exploration www.msafungi.org. at . October 16–23

For details see the Mar./Apr. ’05 issue Samuel Ristich Foray Delta Institute of Natural of T M, contact the tour August 11–14 History organizers, Erik and Gundi, at Bowdoin, Maine , or visit In August of this year, NEMF www.mexmush.com. 2005—the 11th Annual Samuel Three courses for mycophiles: Ristich Foray—will transform the Mont Alto campus of the Pennsyl- July 16–18 Mycological Society of Lichens, with instructor Irwin Brodo. vania State University into Mush- America / Mycological room Heaven. August 7 Situated in the 85,000-acre Edible Wild Plants and Mushrooms, Society of Japan Michaux State Forest, the school is with instructor Russ Cohen. University of Hawaii–Hilo July 30–August 5 located near to a wide variety of September 23–25 habitats that ensure some of the Mushroom Identification from best mushroom picking in south– The Mycological Society of America Agaricus to Xylaria, with instructor central Pennsylvania. NEMF (MSA) and Mycological Society of Gary Lincoff. fungiphiles will channel the area’s Japan (MSJ) will meet in a joint For more information or to conference on the University of register, contact Delta Institute of Continued on page 4

3T M, May/June 2005 Forays and Announcements, specialist, and chief mycologist at Identification”; Paul Stamets, cont. from page 3 the 2004 NAMA). President of Fungi Perfecti (www And we haven’t even listed the .fungi.com), on “Medicinal Mush- tremendous diversity of mushrooms array of dedicated experts from the rooms”; Manuel Torres, author, on into a spectacular display in the three host clubs, or the Mont Alto “The Use of Visionary Mushrooms Great Exhibition Hall (a.k.a. the professors who will introduce us to and Plants in the Americas”; and Dr. school gym). the local flora! Emanuel Salzman, cCo-editor of Your hosts—the Eastern Penn This year’s foray will be limited , on “Mushroom Mushroomers (who hold their to 200 participants, on a first-come, Poisoning.” annual Helen Miknis Foray at this first-served basis. There is no Complete information about the site every year), the New Jersey membership requirement. Early-bird Festival program, registration, Mycological Association, and the registration (before July 1st) saves lodging, and travel is available on Western Pennsylvania Mushroom $30. For registration form and the Festival’s Web site: www Club—will do their best to ensure a additional information email the .shroomfestival.com; or write most enjoyable shrooming experi- registrars John or Cheryl Dawson at Fungophile, attn. Mushroom Festi- ence. or call val, P.O. Box 480503, Denver, CO In addition to mycological them at (717) 846-1225. 80248-0503; or call Emanuel interests, your family members will Salzman, MD at (303) 296-9359 or find a multitude of recreational (303) 296-1524. opportunities, including eleven golf Telluride Mushroom Festival courses and easy travel to several Telluride, Colorado important Civil War battlefields August 18–21 28th Clark Rogerson Foray (Gettysburg, Antietam, and Harper’s Moodus, Connecticut Ferry). Chambersburg, PA, Waynes- This year is the 25th anniversary of August 25–28 boro, PA, and Hagerstown, MD, the annual Telluride Mushroom offer a variety of accommodations Festival—designed for people The foray will be held at Cave Hill nearby, should dormitory living not interested in edible, psychoactive, Resort, in Moodus. Foray experts suit your style. and poisonous mushrooms—will be will include Gary Lincoff, Roz There will be lectures and held in Telluride, CO, August 18–21, Lowen, Sam Ristich, Sandy Sheine, workshops all day Friday and 2005. and Leon Shernoff. For details see Saturday, as well as many forays to The festival includes mushroom the Mar./Apr. ’05 issue of T choose from. Each Northeast Foray lectures, forays, hands-on identifica- M or contact Don Shernoff is unique, with its own strengths tion and cultivation workshops, at (914) 761–0332 or . This year we’ve worked hard to parade that runs down the main compile an exceptional faculty street of Telluride and features roster. Popular, eminent, and festival participants dressed as friendly mycologists who’ve been Foray Newfoundland and mushrooms, , and other regular guests of honor at prior Labrador 2005 elements of the mycological world. NEMFs include Sam Ristich (our The Festival’s annual Mushroom mycological patron), Doug Bassett, Gros Morne National Park, Cook-off Feast features chefs from Ernst Both, Glenn Freeman, Gary Newfoundland Telluride’s top restaurants, who will Lincoff, Rosalind Lowen, Walt September 2–5 prepare mushroom dishes to be Sturgeon, Rodham Tulloss, John judged by festival faculty. The Labrador Straits, coast of the last Plischke III, and Tom Volk. winning chef will receive a chef’s frontier Less familiar faces (to some) hat adorned with mushrooms, and September 6–9 include two renowned European festival goers will dine on the The Humber Natural History Society mycologists—Roy Watling (appointed mushroom dishes. is the host of the 2005 Newfound- an M.B.E. by the Queen of England Experienced guides will lead land and Labrador Mushroom Foray. for his broad contributions to mycol- daily forays in the forests The foray is held at Killdevil Lodge ogy) and Bart Buyck (Curator of surrounding Telluride, generally in Gros Morne National Park, a Cryptogamy at the National Mu- productive of a wide variety of wild UNESCO World Heritage Site. Exotic seum in Paris, and world expert on mushrooms, particularly edible boreal mushrooms, excellent guest Russula)—as well as Roy Halling species like chanterelles and porcini. and local faculty, full scientific (Curator of Mycology at the New Nationally recognized authorities program, friendly people, stunning York Botanical Gardens, and cur- on mushrooms will present lectures natural settings, determinations rently specializing in Boletes), and and workshops: Gary Lincoff, past Coleman McCleneghan (Pholiota President of NAMA, on “Mushroom Continued on page 10

T M, May/June 2005 4 F U N G I I N T H E N E W S

Greetings from Wisconsin, where Interestingly, the mushroom is Don’t Pick Up Hitchhikers— the weather has finally begun to often prepared by boiling in miso Especially the Fungal Type! warm (in time for the morel season, soup, which may provide a detoxify- Speaking of NAMA members, I hopefully) and where conditions will ing effect. According to Prof. Ota, a recently saw a blurb in Inoculum continue to improve until we hit a toxic sugar protein that is not [56(2):15] submitted by our own Jim crescendo around mid July. Just in destroyed by heating the mushroom Trappe regarding an “Important time for the Annual Foray, where I to the temperature of miso soup was Notice” sent by the State Farm hope to see all of you! suspected of being contained in the Insurance Company to policy mushrooms or in organisms at- holders. This term was included: More on the Deadly Japanese tached to them. It is possible that the “The following is added to When Sugihiratake Story: Clues to Cause toxic substance enters the blood- the Physical Damage Coverages of Mystery Brain Fever stream, destroys red blood cells, and Do Not Apply: THERE IS NO You may recall reading in the last produces a toxic effect, Ota said. COVERAGE FOR LOSS TO ANY issue of T M (Mar./Apr. The sugihiratake mushroom is VEHICLE DUE TO FUNGI. THIS ‘05) about some recent deaths in probably better known in North APPLIES REGARDLESS OF Japan following a rare “brain fever” America by its scientific name, WHETHER OR NOT THE FUNGI of kidney patients after the con- porrigens. If that RESULT FROM A LOSS THAT IS sumption of wild mushrooms. The doesn’t ring a bell, look for pictures PAYABLE UNDER ANY OF THE deaths were a mystery, as the of this mushroom within this issue. PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGES. cause—a kind of oyster mushroom WE WILL ALSO NOT PAY FOR ANY known locally as sugihiratake, or Speaking of Mushroom TESTING OR REMEDIATION OF “Angel Wings”—has long been Poisonings: NAMA Members FUNGI, OR ANY ADDITIONAL consumed there as a safe edible Inform about Poisonous COSTS REQUIRED TO REPAIR ANY species. Mushrooms VEHICLE THAT ARE DUE TO THE A recent report in the Japanese The most ambitious project ever EXISTENCE OF FUNGI.” (Capital newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun may attempted to inform poison control letters, italics, and boldface appear provide clues that lift the veil on this centers about poisonous mushrooms as in the original.) mystery. Tomihisa Ota, a scientist has been undertaken by Orphan specializing in natural products Medical in conjunction with four Jim goes on to muse about the chemistry at the School of Natural NAMA members. The result of this damaging affects of overpowering Sciences and Technology of project is a 2005 calendar meant for odors from overripe truffles! Kanazawa University, has found distribution to poison control centers I think our readers, during this that when mice are injected with an across the country. morel season, should be careful not extract of the sugihiratake mush- The calendar shows many to overload their cars with too many room, they suffer a toxic reaction poisonous mushrooms with which mushrooms. Rather than risk that causes kidney failure. Not people might get in trouble, and it is damage your auto’s suspension— exactly the effect you want your hoped that this information will help which won’t be covered by insur- wild mushrooms to have on your centers to be more aware of these ance—leave some mushrooms for body! mushrooms. A brief description is the next guy! The research team, led by included with each picture. The Professor Ota, obtained the extract program organizer, John Trestiall, And Speaking of Jim Trappe . . . by heating sugihiratake gathered last had four pictures used in the calen- Check out the Jan./Feb. issue of autumn in Tohoku and Hokuriku dar; Taylor Lockwood had one; Bill Audubon (mine came after the last Prefectures (Japan) to 90° C for 30 Roody had one; and John Plischke issue of T M had gone minutes. The team injected mice III had 17. Thanks, by the way, to to press) which features a handsome with one milligram of extract per John Plischke for this information. photo of Dr. Trappe in his natural gram of body weight. Seven of the Anyone wishing to learn more habitat: standing in the middle of a ten mice injected died within 24 about the calendar or how to obtain forest in the and hours. The mice are suspected to one should contact the Western holding a truffle rake. By the way, have died of shock caused by Pennsylvania Mushroom Club, he’s also holding a truffle. damage to red blood cells and kidney Toxicology Chair, at 1-888-8-. The story, “The fungus among failure. The toxic effects were not us,” features those in the pursuit of seen in extracts heated to boiling (100° C). Continued on page 6

5T M, May/June 2005 Fungi in the News, Institute´s Drug Discovery Division, While several strains of extract cont. from page 5 who oversees an NIAID contract to generated strong anti-pox activity, evaluate potential antiviral drugs, other strains were less potent. This the truffle as well as those notes that “Several of Stamets’s underscores the importance of who swear by its culinary prowess. medicinal mushroom extracts have conserving mycodiversity. More The North American Truffling shown very interesting activity potent strains may yet be discovered. Society gets a plug, as do the restau- against pox viruses in cell culture As for F. officinalis, this mush- rants that serve up this delectable assays performed through NIAID, room was first described 2000 years sporophore. Unfortunately, unscru- and we are hopeful that they will ago as an anti-inflammatory medi- pulous hunters are overharvesting also prove effective in the animal cine by Dioscorides, the Greek the truffle because it has become so model systems. The number of physician in his text Materia Medica. popular—and forests may be ruined different classes of compounds that “The ecological niche for these in the process. show promising activity is small, so unique mushrooms is increasingly For those wishing to try this finding something new would be of jeopardized as humans destroy old- mushroom in your own kitchen (and great benefit to the scientific com- growth habitats,” comments residing hundreds of miles from munity.” Stamets. “As this happens, the pool Oregon, as do I), call (888) 465-3247 In fact, of more than 200,000 of available strains will be further and a Eugene-based company called samples submitted over several reduced. Acquiring as many strains MycoLogical Natural Products will years, only a handful are slated for as possible should be an interna- FedEx “eco-friendly” Oregon truffles animal testing each year. In the past tional priority so that preventive or right to your door! year, approximately ten samples curative medicines against pox and showed activity warranting approval related viruses can be developed. More News from the Old-Growth for animal testing; of these, two are Personally, I believe we should be Forests of the Pacific NW: Medici- from strains of Agarikon discovered saving our old-growth forests as a nal Mushrooms May Counter by Stamets. Moreover, Mr. Stamets’s matter of national defense.” Smallpox and Similar Viruses samples are the only natural prod- [The text above was a press Recent in vitro tests demonstrate ucts extracts tested through this release from Paul Stamets dated that a specially prepared extract program that have demonstrated March 24, 2005, and was edited for from Fomitopsis officinalis is highly very active anti-pox activity. length and clarity. selective against viruses. Fomitopsis The NIH/USAMRIID screening * Vaccinia is the virus that was officinalis is a wood conk mush- program tests the mushroom ex- used historically to vaccinate against room, known for thousands of years tracts against viruses that could be smallpox, or variola virus; it is the as “Agarikon.” It is extinct or nearly weaponized, including the viruses source of the word “vaccine.” It was so in Europe and Asia but is still causing yellow fever, dengue, SARS, long believed to be cowpox virus— found in the old-growth forests of respiratory viruses, and pox viruses. “vacca” comes from the Latin word the American Pacific Northwest. It Of the Agarikon samples submitted for “cow”—but it is now thought to may provide novel antiviral drugs to date, several showed potent actually be a hybrid between the two useful for protecting against pox and activity for reducing infection from viruses, cowpox and smallpox. It is other viruses. vaccinia and cowpox, which are in also worthwhile to remind everyone That is the forecast of mycolo- the same family as the smallpox that smallpox was eradicated from gist Paul Stamets, owner and virus.* These extracts show activity humanity decades ago—the last case director of the research laboratories against vaccinia and cowpox by two was in 1978—and the only samples of Fungi Perfecti of Kamilche Point, different viral evaluations, demon- known to exist are kept “under tight WA. For the past two years Stamets strating the reproducibility of the security” in freezers in the US and has prepared more than a hundred results. Stamets has filed several Russia.—Ed.] strains of medicinal mushroom patents, both U.S. and international, extracts for testing by the National on the antiviral properties of mush- More on Mushroom Extracts . . . Institute of Allergy and Infectious rooms in the Fomitopsis family. Touted as natural immunity boost- Diseases (NIAID), part of the However, only compounds derived ers, mushroom extracts have National Institutes of Health and the using Mr. Stamets’s proprietary, thousands of years of anecdotal U.S. Army Medical Research patent-pending methodology for cell evidence to support their use, but Institute of Infectious Diseases cultures show activity; simple only recently have they been put to (USAMRIID), in their joint bio- extracts from the woody conks (such the test in the laboratory. Every defense antiviral screening program. as tea or infusions) are not active. month I come across dozens of The results to date promise break- Harvesting these rare conks from studies published on this very topic. throughs on this biomedical frontier. the forests will not provide therapeu- Most findings remain buried in Dr. John A. Secrist III, Vice- tic benefits and could impair the President of Southern Research reproduction of the fungus. Continued on next page

T M, May/June 2005 6 research journals, but a few make it its spores on their feet and other daily basis, but people with immune into the mainstream media. body parts, the fungus grows quickly disorders may be more susceptible to A blurb in Men’s Health (April inside their bodies, usually killing infection. 2005) mentions a new University of them within a week. Recently, Conditions most commonly at Los Angeles (UCLA) Jaronski found that an effective way associated with mucormycosis study which showed that a reishi to deliver the B. bassiana spores and include diabetes mellitus, chronic mushroom extract was able to make them attractive to grasshop- steroid use, metabolic acidosis, inhibit the formation of blood pers is to mix them with raw canola organ transplantation, leukemia/ vessels that feed tumors. “The oil. Black and strong-smelling, the lymphoma, treatment with mushroom approaches are promis- raw oil contains higher concentra- deferoxamine, and AIDS. If not ing,” says Andrew Vickers, Ph.D., a tions of the fatty acids that the diagnosed in the early stages of researcher at Sloan-Kettering. insects find irresistible. It’s also disease, mucormycosis has an However, the scientist cautions, cheaper than using refined, store- extremely high mortality rate even “what’s effective in the lab does not bought canola oil. with aggressive surgical interven- necessarily help patients.” Jaronski envisions the mixture tion. Death rates range from 25% to of canola oil and fungal spores being 80% depending on the site involved Beneficial Fungi Could Halt sprayed on targeted strips of range- as well as the underlying immune Hopper Hordes lands from the air or on the ground. problems. But if properly diagnosed, Most of the time I’m featuring Because the oil attractant lures the infection can be treated with stories in the news where fungi are hoppers to the strips from a wide cheap antibiotics, says David made out to be the bad guy when it distance, only small amounts of the Meddings, a World Health Organiza- comes to diseases of plants. You fungal spores are needed. tion medical officer working in the may recall many such stories on The other fungus, Metarhizium disaster zone. He hopes the case newly emerging diseases like anisopliae var. acridum, is much will alert local health workers to the soybean rust and sudden oak death. more host-specific than Beauveria, possibility that other survivors may Well, this time I have good news affecting just grasshoppers and their have been infected. about some fungi that may someday close relatives. Jaronski’s lab has be the savior of crop plants. found that Metarhizium is very Protect Your Clothes with . . . A recent press release from the infectious in most American grass- Fungi? Agricultural Research Service of the hoppers and the Mormon cricket, Science News reports that scientists U.S. Department of Agriculture which also causes destructive in Austria have created an enzyme describes two fungi that may outbreaks. Coupled with the raw treatment to protect wool clothes represent a natural solution to the canola oil carrier, it could also from shrinkage. Wool fibers are problem of millions of grasshoppers become a valuable tool for control- composed of keratin proteins leaping across parts of the western ling grasshoppers. bundled into microfibrils. The fibrils United States each summer. Both are wrapped in a natural scaly are like a fatal case of athlete’s foot Tsunami Fungus cuticle. When wool is washed, the to insects, producing infectious From the New Scientist [185(2485): scales interlock, preventing the spores that hoppers can pick up on 6–11] comes word of a rare but fibers from moving freely. This their feet. potentially deadly fungal infection interlocking prevents the fabric from Stefan T. Jaronski, an insect that could go undiagnosed in the retaining its original size. pathologist with the Agricultural areas most affected by the Southeast There already are shrink- Research Service, is studying these Asian tsunami because many of the proofing treatments for wool, but fungi and other microbes in hopes of local labs capable of detecting it they rely on chlorine-based chemi- keeping soaring hopper populations have been destroyed. cals to remove the cuticle and, as a in check. He works at the agency’s A 56-year-old man who returned result, generate wastewater that can Northern Plains Agricultural Re- to Australia from Sri Lanka after be harmful to the environment. search Laboratory in Sidney, Mon- being injured by the tsunami was Angelika Erlacher and her col- tana. found to have a rare fungal disease, leagues at the Graz University of During outbreaks, which are called mucormycosis. This disease, Technology in Austria decided to find often driven by droughts, grasshop- also known as zygomycosis, is a an environmentally friendly route to pers can gobble up valuable crops, fungal infection of the sinuses, unshrinkable wool. The team dis- forage, and ornamental plants, brain, or lungs that occurs primarily covered an enzyme in the soil costing millions of dollars in dam- in people with immune disorders. It fungus Beauveria brongniartii that age. One fungus, Beauveria bassiana, is caused by common fungi fre- degrades wool fibers. To ensure that is already registered in the United quently found in the soil and in the enzyme wouldn’t attack the States for the control of a variety of decaying vegetation. Most individu- insects. Once grasshoppers pick up als are exposed to these fungi on a Continued on page 8

7T M, May/June 2005 Fungi in the News not happen when they were fed comprise 33% to 67% of its diet, cont. from page 7 fungus from their own garden. depending on season and habitat. These findings led the researchers to Wei, Yao, Wang, and Pegler protein fibrils, the researchers suspect that compounds specific to [108(12): 1458–62] describe a newly attached it to a large polymer that the foreign fungus were inhibiting discovered species of Termitomyces can’t penetrate the cuticle. They the growth of the in-house fungus. mushroom from China, with a key then soaked the fabric with the “This makes it necessary that to allied species. The “new” species polymer-enzyme complex and, after ants rear clones of the same fungi,” was collected from Chinese fresh it had partially degraded the cuticle says Poulsen. Otherwise, the produce markets where it’s been and smoothed it out, washed away competition would stunt fungal found for years as a choice wild the complex. After subjecting their growth and reduce the ants’ food edible! shrink-proof wool textiles to several supply. So in terms of farming, says washing cycles, the scientists found Poulsen, it’s really the fungus that’s Get Involved! that the treated wool didn’t loose running the show. Michael Kuo (you may have any of its volume and was virtually “This is a great advance,” says visited his fabulous Web site, www indistinguishable from unwashed Ulrich Mueller, an evolutionary .mushroomexpert.com) is working textiles. In contrast, untreated biologist at the University of Texas on a project with Nik Money and fabrics with the same wash regimen at Austin. “We usually think of a Rodham Tulloss to determine the were reduced to about half their mutual relationship as one in which distribution of Amanita thiersii. This original size. both partners gain and there is no shaggy white species is found in internal conflict. But this paper lawns and was originally described When the Crops Tend the Farmer elegantly shows there can be a in Texas. Over the past two decades, Leaf-cutting ants are the farmers of relationship even with the conflict.” the mushroom appears to be spread- the ant world. But unlike real ing northward and eastward. farmers, the leaf-cutters raise only And now, a quick scan of the If anyone has seen this species, one crop: a strain of fungus particu- pages of Mycological Research . . . you can assist in ongoing research lar to each colony. A study published The year 2004 marked the 100th by contacting Dr. Kuo at in the journal Science [307(5710): anniversary of the founding of the . Inciden- 741–45] reports that researchers Fungal Diversity Center in the tally, Michael has a book entitled have figured out why: different Netherlands, heralded as the “oldest Morels coming out in October 2005. strains war with each other, forcing collection of living fungi in the For a sneak peak, visit his Web site. the ants to grow just one. world.” Mathew J. Ryan and David Leaf-cutting ants have been Smith provide a timely review cultivating fungi for millions of [108(12): 1351–62] of these valuable years. The benefits are mutual: Ants facilities around the globe, titled nourish the fungi with pieces of “Fungal genetic resource centers and Limerick leaves and defecate on them to the genomic challenge.” Their article by Charmoon Richardson provide other nutrients. In turn, the considers the impact of such centers, fungi flourish and are carried far the current roles of fungal genetic I once met a bolete that spoke. and wide by virgin ant queens when resource centers, the mechanisms He enjoyed surprising the folk. they leave to build a new colony. But used to preserve organisms in a He’d say “Look over here,” each colony deals with only one stable manner, and the range of Until one day a deer strain of fungus, and scientists resources that are offered for Ate him up—that’s the end of this joke. didn’t understand why or how this genomic research. was. The same issue has a study Reprinted with permission from Evolutionary biologist Michael looking into the plight of an Austra- SOMA News (Sonoma County Poulsen and fellow researchers at lian mycophagous marsupial known Mycological Association) and the the University of Copenhagen, as the bettong. Vernes et al. [108(12): author. For more mushroomy Denmark, took a crack at the mys- 1438–46] have found that fire-related limericks and other fun things, write tery by observing the fungus gar- changes in the biomass of hypo- to Charmoon Richardson, The Wild dens of 18 ant colonies. When they geous sporocarps can pose dire About Mushrooms Co., P.O. Box placed ant feces from one colony consequences for the little mammal. 1088, Forestville, CA 95436, or onto the fungus of another, the Interestingly, the bettong is an check out her Web site at fungus became discolored and grew endangered marsupial that inhabits www.wildaboutmushrooms.net. slower. In addition, when ants from the woodlands of northeastern one colony were fed fungi from Australia and is quite fond of fungi. another, their feces caused a similar In fact, the furry mycophile utilizes reaction on their own fungi. This did at least 35 hypogeous species that

T M, May/June 2005 8 Poisonings, cont. from page 1 It is important to note that at A group of six thought that they least eleven or twelve Asian immi- were eating “Shaggy Manes”! One The overwhelming majority of grants mistakenly consumed either person thought that she had “After- reports received over the past year Amanita phalloides or Amanita the-Rain Mushrooms.” In many have again come via the work of bisporigera (cases in Oregon, Califor- cases we have no idea what the Marilyn Shaw, of Denver, CO. Most nia and Minnesota). Several other victims thought they were eating. of her reports result from her close poisonings also involved recent What the 27 dogs thought they were cooperation with the Rocky Moun- immigrants from various parts of the eating is anyone’s guess. tain Poison and Drug Center (RMP& world where mushroom collecting is As usual, Chlorophyllum molyb- DC). She also talks frequently with practiced. There is clearly a need to dites claimed a significant number of people involved in the poisonings in find a way to educate recent immi- unwary victims. Indeed, I suspect order to identify the mushrooms as grants about dangerous lookalikes to that many of the fifteen “unknown” accurately as possible, to obtain mushrooms that they are familiar poisonings reported from Florida detailed information on symptoms with from their home country. were due to ingestion of Chlorophyl- experienced, and to try to determine In one incident seven Korean lum molybdites. Since this lawn what led to the ingestion. immigrants stated that they thought mushroom is common in warm Hanna Tschekunov provided they had consumed a Volvariella. In humid areas, and since it is big and reports from calls to the Florida many Asian countries, the choice meaty with a good flavor and closely Poison Information Center Network. “paddy straw mushrooms” (Volva- resembles the “Shaggy Parasol,” it Judy Roger investigated mush- riella spp.) are abundant. These frequently gets the attention both of room poisoning reports from the pink-spored mushrooms look very young children and of adults who Oregon Health Sciences University, similar to the white-spored “Destroy- should know better. The symptoms Oregon veterinarians, and from the ing Angels,” especially when they are always severe gastrointestinal Oregon Mycological Society Website. are young and the pink spores are distress. However, the onset is Judy regularly went to the site of the not yet in evidence. In addition to a sometimes delayed as long as six poisoning to collect mushrooms and difference in color, the hours, causing real panic in Poison often was able to do microscopy Volvariella species lack a partial veil. Centers since delayed onset of from the vomitus of the victims to In the past Italian immigrants symptoms is characteristically positively confirm most of her have consumed Amanita phalloides, associated with the deadly mush- identifications. mistaking it for the choice edible rooms. Raymond Archambault provided “Coccora,” another Amanita with a In the fall of 2004 at least information about poisonings in the distinct cup-like volva. While usually thirteen deaths were reported in Québec area. Additional reports were Amanita phalloides is greenish and Japan, all associated with the received as a result of concerned “Coccora” is yellowish, both can be consumption of Pleurocybella individuals locating the NAMA Web rather white at times. One person porrigens, “Angel’s Wing.” All the site or contacting the author through who likes to eat Amanita vaginata got individuals who died (of an acute his mushroom Web site (www Amanita phalloides instead. brain condition) had kidney disor- .evergreen.edu/mushrooms). This past year, at least 22 people ders. Since Angel’s Wing is common All confirmed deaths of humans mistook Amanita pantherina and in the United States, it is important were from eating members of the Amanita muscaria for an amazingly to alert mushroom pickers to its “Destroying Angel” group of Ama- wide range of edible mushrooms. potential danger to people on nita. One death reported from Two couples, one in and dialysis, though whether it was the Minnesota was due to ingesting one in Montana, ate young Amanita mushrooms themselves or some Amanita bisporigera, one from muscaria, thinking they were eating contaminant in Japan remains to be Québec due to Amanita virosa, and puffballs. Remember—edible researched. one death reported from California puffballs are pure white inside and Meanwhile, I have no record of as a result of eating Amanita phal- soft like a marshmallow. this species ever causing a poisoning loides. These mushrooms contain Four people mistook Amanita in North America. I have eaten it amatoxins. muscaria for Matsutake, and two occasionally and have once or twice There may also have been a people ate Amanita pantherina served it to my mycology students death due to kidney failure from a thinking that it was Matsutake. If over the years, but it is not that man in California collecting they had used their noses to seek great-tasting. Just to be safe, it is “Boletes.” out the delightful cinnamon spice/ now off my list. Eight dogs died or were euthan- dirty-sock smell of Matsutake, and In a number of cases, the ized after mushroom consumption. their sense of touch to squeeze the poisoning involved a popular edible In the dog fatalities Inocybe species uncrushably dense flesh of species. Most of these cases are were confirmed in about half of the Matsutake, they would not have cases and Amanita species in the gone wrong. Continued on page 10 other half. 9T M, May/June 2005 Poisonings, cont. from page 9 months after ingesting a hallucino- try wild mushrooms, people often genic species. A group of three proceed with inadequate informa- examples of individual food sensi- teenagers purchased “hallucino- tion. Help us change that situation. tivities. However, as in years past, genic” mushrooms but got taken by five people became ill after eating consuming some “raw shredded [All readers would benefit from a visit morels—some in association with brown mushrooms” that produced to Dr. Beug’s terrific Web site, alcohol, but some where no alcohol vomiting and diarrhea along with www.evergreen.edu/mushrooms.] was involved and the mushrooms tachycardia and a big hospital bill were thoroughly cooked. but no hallucinations. While most of In some of these cases “False the intestinal ingestions of halluci- Morels,” which I presume to be nogenic mushrooms involved Forays & Announcements, either bohemica or Gyromitra teenagers and young adults, there cont. from page 4 esculenta, are suspected. There is were also reports of people from actually a significant commercial their 40s through 60s trying the market for Verpa bohemica and magic mushrooms. backed by photo and voucher many people relish eating it! Others Of the over 50 dogs made ill by specimens. Information, agreement, react strongly to Verpa spp. and/or to mushrooms, either Amanita muscaria and registration forms, reports of spp. or Amanita pantherina was impli- 2003 and 2004 forays, species lists, There were also two reports of cated in over half of the cases. In and other information are available poisonings from consumption of the one case a dog was euthanized and/or downloadable at Humber choice edibles Cantharellus formosus when it went into the coma typical Natural History Society Web site: and one human and one dog report of this kind of ingestion. We suspect www.swgc.mun.ca/hnhs. from Tricholoma nudum. Members of that had the vet waited, the dog the Armillaria mellea complex grow- probably would have recovered, ing on also caused several unless it was otherwise in very poor Gary Lincoff Mid-Atlantic poisonings. Boletus edulis caused health. At least eight dogs consumed Mushroom Foray gastrointestinal distress in one Inocybe species. Judy Roger con- September 10 couple. manzanitae caused firmed by study of the vomitus that one case of GI distress in California Inocybe geophylla or Inocybe lilacina This annual event, billed as the and an unidentified Leccinum was were involved in two of three lethal “nation’s largest fall foray,” is hosted implicated in a severe case of cases. At least three dogs died from by the Western Pennsylvania stomach cramps in Oregon. suspected mushroom ingestions Mushroom Club. Scheduled presen- Lentinula edodes purchased from a where no expert had the chance to tations feature Gary Lincoff, special store resulted in a severe poisoning determine the mushroom involved. guest mycologist Walt Sturgeon, and coma for one person. Two If you hear of mushroom poi- special guest mycologist Dr. Ernst people had adverse reaction to con- sonings in the future, you are en- Both, and several other mycologists, sumption of Leucoagaricus leuco- couraged to go to the NAMA Web plus a large mushroom-tasting event thites, a mushroom that I don’t site (www.namyco.org) and file a (last year’s menu included more recommend eating in any case report. These reports will help us to than a dozen items!). because it looks so much like a better understand what mushrooms The cost for the entire day’s “Destroying Angel” if someone cuts should be avoided and what to events is still just $50—what a the stem off and misses the buried expect from a specific mushroom bargain! Children 11 and under are volva of the Amanita. A man from ingestion. free! Wisconsin reported a case of severe Also, lest this report leave you Registration is limited; the last contact dermatitis (poison ivy-like) too depressed, remember that two years were sold out early, and from consuming Laetiporus sul- mushrooms in general are far less people were turned away. Contact phureus. That brave soul confirmed toxic than plants. Unlike plants, no the WPMC or Dick Dougall (412) his suspicions by eating a small mushroom is so poisonous that you 486-7504, or by email ; or Glenn Carr second time and suffering a milder thousands of species of mushrooms (412) 369-0495, or by email repeat of the symptoms. out there only a handful are deadly. . The committee also saw a much All that is needed is a little better larger than usual number of reports education. Most people would never (16) of ingestion of hallucinogenic dream of randomly eating any wild mushrooms where the individual plant they find (or for that matter suffered a bad trip and wound up in any bulb that they might dig up in the hospital. One person reported their flowerbed; but for some adverse effects that persisted for reason, once they get the nerve to

T M, May/June 2005 10 Wildacres Regional NAMA will be led by professional mycolo- Mushroom Art Foray gists with extensive knowledge of Renowned artist Alexander (Sasha) Wildacres, North Carolina the native Northwest mushroom Viazmensky’s mushroom art will be species. Persons wishing to attend September 29–October 2 displayed at the Oxford Ashmolean’s the IMMC may register through exhibition “1000 Years of Botanical Fungi Perfecti via the mail: Fungi Art” from May 2 to September 11, Dr. Orson Miller, Jr., will be Princi- Perfecti, L.L.C., P.O. Box 7634, 2005—see details at www.ashmol.ox pal Mycologist. Participants at this Olympia, WA 98507; via phone at .ac.uk/ash/exhibitions/exh075.html. foray will be limited to 40 persons, (800) 780-9126 or (360) 426-9292; or Guest curator Dr. Shirley double-occupancy. There are no via fax at (360) 426-9377. An online Sherwood chose the exhibits from private rooms. The cost of the foray registration form is available for her acclaimed collection of botanical is $175 and covers three nights those purchasing their registrations painting by artists worldwide and lodging and eight meals beginning via the Online Store using a credit from the rich historical treasures of with an evening meal on Thursday card. (You can also use the online Oxford’s libraries and museums. September 29 and ending with form to simply register for the next Alexander Viazmensky’s mushroom breakfast on Sunday, October 2. For round of information concerning the art is in the catalog of the exhibi- information contact Allein Stanley at conference). Or you can register via tion A New Flowering: 1000 Years of . the mail with a credit card, check or Botanical Art by Dr. Shirley Sher- money order using a downloadable wood, 200 pp; paperback; 2005; ISBN registration form. 1-85444-206-6. Send inquired to 3rd International Medicinal Registration fee for the confer- . Mushroom Conference ence is $500.00 for check or money If you can’t make the trip, you Port Townsend, Washington order transactions, $510.00 for credit can view Alexander Viazmensky’s October 12–17 cards, and $530.00 for bank wires. new mushroom prints (which are This fee does not include food or fairly priced for sale) at: www.pelcor As sources for new antibiotics (both lodging. .com/mushrooms/SashaMushrooms antibacterial and antiviral), immu- A limited number of discounted .html. The paintings of Amanita nomodulators, enzymes, enzyme- student registrations will be made muscaria are incredible—possibly inhibitors, and other medicines, available in due course. Conference more beautiful than the actual mushrooms play a unique role in attendees may reserve lodging in a mushrooms! complementary therapies. Join the variety of dormitories and houses at leaders in this field at IMMC3 to the Fort Worden Conference Center Books for Sale explore the most recent innovations through Fungi Perfecti. Housing is Martin, G. W., and C. J. Alexo- in medicinal mushrooms. assigned on a first–come, first– poulos. The Myxomycetes. The conference will be held in served basis. All housing costs Univ. of Iowa Press, 1969. 560 pp. the conference center at the historic include sales tax, linen service and (41 color plates). Mint cond. $150.00 Fort Worden near Port Townsend, at least one meal per day (dormitory +shipping. Contact Larry Littlefield, WA, on the eastern edge of the housing includes two meals per 2724 Black Oak Drive, Stillwater, OK Olympic Peninsula. The close day). To make reservations or for 74074, or . proximity to virgin old-growth more information, contact Steve at forests will provide a unique oppor- (800) 780- 9126 ext. 10, or email at Rare Books on Fungi and Lichens tunity of foraying into some of the . Looking for rare and out of print most ancient woodlands of the texts on fungi and lichens? Many world. The timing of the conference titles printed during the 18th through has been selected so that the wild- 8th International Mycological early 20th centuries can be found mushroom season will be at its Congress through Antiquarian Steven Ekholm. peak. This event promises to be not Cairns, Australia Famous authors such as Elias Fries, only academically interesting, but August 21–26, 2006 Robert E. Fries, Karl Starbäck, and also visually and empirically rich. Juel are represented, among many We promise an unforgettable It’s not too early to start planning— others. All original publications! experience and hope you will join us and saving money—for IMC8. Contact the address below for an in helping to make this conference a Details forthcoming; meantime extensive list of titles available: success. check the Web site for periodic Antikvariat Steven Ekholm, Hög- Fungi Perfecti, L.L.C., will be updates: www.sapmea.asn.au/imc8. bergsgatan 8, 891 32 Örnsköldsvik, hosting pre-conference mushroom SWEDEN. Web site: forays into the old-growth forests of www.stevenekholmbooks.just.nu; the Olympic Peninsula on October email

11 T M, May/June 2005 maximized spore production. These plies, they produce foul volatile Why Do Mushrooms quickly formed fleshy mushroom compounds that smell like dead and Come in a Wide Variety species soon become fodder for rotting flesh. The strategy for myriad arthropods, mollusks, and stinkhorns is to attract , which of Shapes and Colors? other animals, thereby serving an eat the slimy, nutritious spore mass, important role in the food web. off, and defecate in a new by Dennis E. Desjardin, Ph.D. A different strategy is to produce location where the spores then (Reprinted with permission from the mushrooms that live longer and germinate in a nitrogen-rich sub- Mycological Society of San release their spores slowly over strate. Stinkhorn spores are adapted Francisco’s Mycena News.) weeks or months. These mushrooms to pass through the digestive system are designed to avoid predation and of insect where the insect’s enzymes Mushrooms are the charismatic to withstand environmental pres- may even aid in spore germination. reproductive structures of individ- sures encountered over long periods. The fly benefits from this, too, in uals whose main body (the poten- Polypores and other bracket fungi having food to eat and in providing tially immortal hyphae) is well can be seen all year long because food for its progeny, who consume hidden in the soil or amongst leaves they form their mushrooms from the stinkhorn. and rotting wood. Although there are very thick-walled cells that inhibit In a few cases, mushroom many ecologically important roles bacterial growth and animal preda- colors may serve as warning colora- for the hyphae, the primary role of tion. Yet other mushrooms form tion like that seen in poison dart the mushroom is reproduction. their billions of spores inside an frogs and coral snakes. Some Hence, they are optimally designed enclosed structure that opens only at mushrooms with unpalatable or for abundant spore production and maturity, and, with the aid of toxic compounds are distinctively effective spore dispersal, and their splashing rain and plodding animals, colored and may serve as a warning shape reflects this function. they slowly “puff” their spores into to potential predators. Avoiding One strategy is to produce and the air (puffballs). predation is important to mushrooms disperse billions of spores quickly, so Interestingly, these different only when they are young, before the mushroom is designed to mushrooms shapes have evolved the spores are formed. Remember, develop rapidly (in one to seven independently many times, indicat- when a mushroom is mature, it has days) and to have a maximized ing that not all mushrooms are already dispersed millions to billions surface area for spore production. closely related to each other. Some of spores and has effectively served There are many ways to design a gilled mushrooms are more closely its purpose. If an animal eats it at large spore-bearing surface area, related to boletes, polypores, or maturity, the animal becomes an and mushroom species exhibit them puffballs than they are to other additional dispersal vector for the all. Underneath a cap that provides a gilled mushrooms. The repeated fungus. Here, then, being brightly structural foundation and protection evolution of similar morphologies colored to attract animals is benefi- for the developing spores, some (convergence) is a good clue to their cial even though the mushroom is mushrooms produce radiating plates adaptive significance. Most of the consumed. called gills on which the spores are adaptive features of mushrooms that Who knows, maybe mushrooms formed (“agarics,” like portabella). aid in their survival and success are come in fantastic shapes and colors Other species form a sponge-like physiological or microscopic and are just to enhance the aesthetics of this structure of vertically oriented tubes not seen easily. Toxins, distasteful planet, thereby making us happier inside which the spores develop compounds, anti-freeze, hydrophobic and more conservation centric: the (“boletes,” like porcini), while others tissues, sticky residues, and hooked altruistic mushroom. form spine-like spore-bearing or needle-shaped cells are some structures (tooth fungi, like hedge- examples. Dr. Desjardin is the Professor of hogs). Concerning color variability, in Mycology at San Francisco State In most of these mushrooms, many cases mushrooms are brightly University and the author of numerous the spores are forcibly discharged, so colored to attract spore dispersers, research papers on fungi. He is cur- the cap is elevated by a stem to analogous to brightly colored fruits rently working on the fungal flora of assure that the spores are released attracting seed dispersers. Stink- the Hawaiian Islands and Indonesia. into the air for effective dispersal. horns are some of the most unusual Rather than produce a cap and stem, mushrooms known, suggesting some mushrooms look like marine props from the X-files. They are corals with highly branched, erect often bright red and oddly shaped, fruitbodies. In these coral mush- like starfish, phalluses, or whiffle- rooms, the spores are produced all balls. Both color and shape are over the surface of the branches: visual attractants for insects. More- again, an effective structure for over, as their common name im-

T M, May/June 2005 12 On to Wisconsin, continued from page 1

will be visiting, but also for the many attractions of the upper reaches of the river and the city of La Crosse. An additional plus is a live band on Saturday night. Bring your dancing shoes! You may reach La Crosse (LSE) by Northwest Airlines from Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN (MSP), Ameri- can Airlines through Chicago (ORD), or by Midwest Other magazines urge you to subscribe, but Express through Milwaukee (MKE). Madison, WI, is we invite you to join friends on what we call about 120 miles from La Crosse, and Minneapolis about “printed forays”! 135 miles if you would like to drive from these cities. We do plan a shuttle from the La Crosse airport to For 20 years, Mushroom the Journal has provided informa- campus. tion of value to those who like to hunt, name, cook, study Additional rooms have been reserved in two and photograph wild mushrooms. We’ve answered — downtown hotels that front on the Mississippi River. • How do professionals find “pillowcasefuls” of morels? They are being offered at the government rate of • In the future, will you have to pay to pick on public land $92.00 per night, double occupancy, with a 12.5% tax. and still have to contend with bag limits? If you prefer these accommodations, you may contact the hotels directly: • If you discover a new species, can you name it anything you want? Courtyard by Marriott Radisson Hotel • Should you worry about violence from commercial 500 Front St. 200 Harborview Plaza pickers? La Crosse, WI 54601 La Crosse, WI 54601 • Can you do more with choice edibles than toss them in a (608) 782-1000 (608) 784-6680 sauté pan with butter? Check out Tom Volk’s Web site for more informa- • Can you grow your own truffles? Train your own truffle tion about our venture into this great new territory: hound? TomVolkFungi.net at his NAMA 2005 page. • Can you subscribe to the world’s best mushroom maga- zine and have your satisfaction guaranteed? (You certainly [Editor’s note: Tom Volk has requested that those arriving can guess that answer—and yes, you can also train the early please respect the area and not collect within 20 dog.) miles of La Crosse.] We’re proud of the job we do of reviewing books of interest to the amateur mycologist. Before you buy, you’ll know whether you should. Think we’re kidding about “joining” rather than “subscribing”? Our Letters column lets you speak out, or contact others to seek that special book or sell that historic mushroom basket. So join—come aboard and check us out! www.mushroomthejournal.com

Yes! Send me ❏❏❏ the next year (4 issues) for $19 or ❏❏❏ three years (12 issues) for $49 (Save $8) Send your check made out to Mushroom the Journal to Leon Shernoff, 1511 E. 54th St., Chicago, IL 60615.

Name Address

City, State, Zip Email address NAMA Voucher 2004-347, Amanita ravenelii. P.S. How did you hear about Mushroom the Journal? Identified by N. Jay Justice and collected by John Ellifritz on the University of North Carolina campus under pine trees during last year’s Annual Foray in Asheville, NC.

13 T M, May/June 2005 B O O K R E V I E W S

Fungi in Forest Ecosystems: Systematics, Diversity, Before going further, we would be remiss not to and Ecology. Memoirs of the New York Botanical acknowledge the other half of Team Miller—Orson’s wife Garden, Volume 89, 2004. Cathy L. Cripps, ed. Hope. Orson usually gets top billing, but all who know ISBN 0-89327-459-3. them recognize that their successes come from a joint effort. Although many of us are well aware of Hope’s At the joint NAMA/MSA Foray in Asheville, NC, last considerable skills in cooking with mushrooms, her organi- July, a celebration was held honoring the career of zational talents, wealth of knowledge about mushrooms, mycologist Orson K. Miller, Jr. At that banquet, the and tolerance of Orson’s habit of starting work earlier in following letter from NAMA was read: the morning than anyone ought to should not be over- On this festive evening the officers and members of the looked. North American Mycological Association are pleased to In closing, NAMA’s members past and present join with join in the celebration of the mycological career of Dr. Orson’s many friends and colleagues throughout the world Orson K. Miller, Jr. For nearly 40 years Orson has been a in congratulating him on a remarkable career, thanking critical link between the professional and amateur myco- him for all he has done on behalf of NAMA and amateur logical communities and the person most responsible for mycology, and wishing him the very best as he continues his helping amateurs develop a deeper understanding of mycological endeavors at the informally named McCall mushrooms. For instance, he Center for Mushroom Research. Thank you, Orson. • First and foremost has been a patient, understanding, and effective teacher in the field, in the lab, and around • • • the display tables. • Wrote one of the first well-illustrated color mushroom During the festivities Fungi in Forest Ecosystems, which guides—Mushrooms of North America—an excellent is dedicated to Orson, was unveiled. The cover de- book that unfortunately no longer is in print. scribes the volume as “a compilation of research from • Has been NAMA’s most active institutional trustee, around the globe that documents a diversity of fungi attending many annual meetings, offering advice, serving and the critical roles they play in forest health and on committees, and on occasion providing a calming function.” The topic for the book was selected to influence when tensions ran high. recognize both Orson’s early career as a forester and his life-long passion for the higher fungi. • Has served as mycologist—chief, staff, and volunteer—at Edited by Cathy Cripps, the book contains 28 NAMA forays too numerous to list, beginning in 1966 at contributions from 56 of his students and other col- Priest Lake, ID, and stretching to this year’s event here leagues from throughout the world, from Scotland to in Asheville. He also has found time to head up many Switzerland, New Guinea to India, and Costa Rica to local and regional forays from Los Angeles to southern Korea. As the title suggests, the chapters are organized Idaho to New Mexico to Wildacres in the nearby Blue into three main sections: Systematics, Diversity, and Ridge Mountains. Ecology. These follow a recounting of Orson’s life and • Mentored many of the current generation of mycologists especially his mycological career, accompanied by a list and encouraged them to continue the tradition of of student theses completed under his guidance, a list interacting with amateurs that he inherited from his own of his published fungi, and a bibliography of his many advisor, Alex Smith. books and articles. Among the interesting tidbits • Led successful NAMA international forays to exposed are Orson’s stints as poster supermodel for the Scandinavia (1978), Austria-Yugoslavia (1980), and Girl Scouts of America and his illustrious—albeit brief— Czechoslovakia (1983), arranging for interactions with television careers. many prominent European mycologists in the people-to- The Systematics section includes 11 chapters, people spirit that was at the heart of NAMA’s origins in ranging from “Amanita subgenus Lepidella and related the Eisenhower years. taxa in the southeastern United States,” “Two remark- able taxa of Crepidotus from Bonin Islands (Japan) and • Taught, for many years, a very popular summer mush- new records from the Hawaiian Islands and Papua New room class at Flathead Lake, MT, including one in Guinea,” “New species of lignicolous basidiomycetes association with the 1973 NAMA foray there. from Hawai’i,” to “Three new boletes for Costa Rica.” The inclusion of papers dealing with the Svalbard In recognition of these and many other activities, in Archipelago and New Zealand’s sub-Antarctic islands 1981 Orson received NAMA’s highest honor—the Award for suggests that “forest ecosystems” was interpreted Contributions to Amateur Mycology. broadly.

T M, May/June 2005 14 Poisonous Mushrooms. See story beginning on page 1.

Amanita muscaria var. muscaria. Photo courtesy of John Plischke III

Top: Pleurocybella porrigens, or Angel’s Wings, Hope Miller, Orson Miller, and Cathy Cripps growing at Devil’s The Diversity section consists of only six chapters: Lake Park, Wisconsin. “Subalpine forests in the Alps, the Altai, and the Rocky Mountains: A comparison of their fungal popula- Bottom: tions,” “Ectomycorrhizal epigeous basidiomycete Pleurocybella diversity in Oregon Coast Range Pseudotsuga menziesii porrigens, or forests: Preliminary observations,” “Biodiversity of Angel’s Wings, growing at Indian wood-inhabiting fungi in Israeli pine forests,” “Distribu- Lake Park, tion and ecology of myxomycetes in southern Appala- Wisconsin. chian subalpine coniferous forests,” “Macrolichens of the forests of Montana and Yellowstone and Glacier Photos courtesy of Steve Nelsen National Parks,” and “Notes on fungi from the eastern highlands of Papua New Guinea.” Like the first section, the final one, Ecology, comprises 11 chapters, including “Ectomycorrhizal fungi above and below ground in a small isolated aspen stand,” “Fungal diversity and fruit body production in relation to vegetation structure, topography, and soil Amanita properties in a Quercus mongolica forest in central phalloides. Photo Korea,” “Mycorrhizal associations in dryland riparian courtesy of John forests of the southwestern United States,” “Diversity Plischke III and role of ectomycorrhizal fungi on a revegetated mine site in southwest Virginia,” and ‘Temporal and spatial variation in the spore rain of Gymnopus subnuda measured by the spore trap method.” The papers are presented in academic style, and the illustrations are all in black and white. Nonetheless, most of the chapters should be readily accessible for any NAMA member curious to know what’s out there in the Amanita woods and what the many fungi pantherina. Photo we seek are doing for a living. courtesy of John Plischke III —Steve Trudell Seattle, Washington

Ordering information: NYBG Order No. MEM-89, $68.00 plus s/h. Web site: www.nybg.org. E- mail: . Tel. (718) 817-8721.

15 T M, May/June 2005 North American Mycological Association 336 Lenox Avenue NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Oakland, CA 94610-4675 PAID PERMIT NO. 1260 Address Service Requested CHAS. WV 25301

Mushroom of the Month

This month’s featured fungus is Amanita muscaria var. formosa. See inside this issue for NAMA’s Summary of Mushroom Poisonings in 2004 along with lovely photos of “the usual suspects.”

Photo courtesy of John Plischke III

T M, May/June 2005 16