Highway 58 Plan
HIGHWAY 58 PLAN Prepared by the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency Adopted by Chattanooga City Council February 12, 2002 2 HIGHWAY 58 COMMUNITY PLAN Special Thanks to: The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency would like to thank all of the residents, business owners and other stakeholders in the Highway 58 area for their patience and participation in the creation of this plan. In addition, special thanks goes to the City of Chattanooga Public Works, Traffic Engineering, Stormwater, Parks/Recreation/Arts/Culture, Neighborhood Services, and Police Departments as well as the Hamilton County Department of Education, Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA), Trust for Public Land (TPL), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), South Chickamauga Creek Greenway Alliance (SCCGA), Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). All provided valuable expertise during the planning process. Regional Planning Agency Project Team: Greg Haynes, Senior Planner Dana Stoogenke, Senior Planner R.C. Hoff, Senior Planner Karen Rennich, Planner Regional Planning Agency Staff: Bill Allen, Alice Austin, Barry Bennett, John Bridger, Rozanne Brown, Fred Brunker, LaDell Carter, Jackie Day, Melissa Dickinson, Hugh Failing, Winsetta Ford, Janie Gatlin, Pam Glaser, Loren Graham, Gloria Haney, Sandra Harrison, Greg Haynes, R.C. Hoff, Karen Hundt, Alma Knowles, Steve Leach, Lee Ledford, Yuen Lee, Jerry Pace, Karen Rennich, Karen Rhodes, Christian Rushing, Ann Sitton, Gathel Stewart, Dana Stoogenke, Debra Vaughan, Jennifer Ware, Aleeta Zeller HIGHWAY 58 COMMUNITY PLAN 3 Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker Chattanooga City Council: Chairperson Yusuf A. Hakeem, District 9 Jack Benson, District 4 Dan Page, District 3 John P. Franklin, Jr., District 5 Ron Littlefield, District 6 John Lively, District 1 Leamon Pierce, District 8 Sally Robinson, District 2 John Taylor, District 7 Hamilton County Planning Commission: Mayor Bob Corker Jack Benson Heather Bell Deborah Maddox J.T.
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