Our offer to primary schools Stronger together Primary Phase challenging world. in younglearners, opentheirminds, widentheirhorizons equipthemtosucceedina and Working togetherwe willdevelop desire and inspirational schoolswhichinstilambition Our mission Our values: Dreaming big : Learning thatinspires Learning Rewarding effort Rewarding effort Respecting eachotherandourworld Leading together 02 Ouracademies Highly effective governance Lowell Williams, Chair of the Board of Trustees theBoardLowell of of Williams, Chair work learners togetherinacoherent inthearea. tomeettheneedsof manner Trust isnow ready togrow. We are keen toinvitemore primary schoolstojoinusinorder to economic fortunes of young people in and beyond, Dudley Academies beyond,DudleyAcademies youngpeopleinDudley and economic fortunes of Committed toproviding excellent an experience learning toimproving and the phase educationforlearners three from of tonineteen. theage Technology, theTrust isvery well positionedtoprovide ahighqualitycross experienced theactive Dudley Collegeof sponsorship and central team of primaryleading outstanding thathasrecently joinedus.With astrong and Dudley AcademiesTrust currently a schoolsand combinesfoursecondary BEACON HILL : ACADEMY Dudley Collegeof Technology 03 Dudley Sponsored by ST ACADEMY JAMES Dudley


Primary Phase Creating inspirational schools Jo Higgins, Chief ExecutiveJo Higgins, Chief ourjourney. thenextphaseof help ustoshape ourprovision.outcomes inallareas of There hasnever to beenabettertimetojoinusand that we are drive abletoeffectively theschoolimprovement todeliver agenda positive within the Trust willbe vitaltoachieving ouraim mutually schools supportive group ofprimary We believe thathaving alarge, thrivingand institutes. Technology otherFurther Education and post-16 provision atDudleyCollegeof have theopportunity toprogress onto academiesand into secondary transition They willthenenjoy aseamless possible toourpupils’education. start are committedtoproviding thebest excellence sector. inthesecondary We phase underpins ourmissionto develop Trust. Excellent practice intheprimary We are delightedtobeacross phase Our primaryschool work closely with all of our academies. This significant capacity means means capacity work ouracademies.Thissignificant closely withallof professionals weto ourmissionand have extensive an central of who team schools.Creating aspirational, of an supportive family culture isfundamental wepace and are delightedtowelcome primary ouroutstanding intoour academiesare Dream Ourfoursecondary achieve. transformingat Bigand toaTrust endeavour dynamic thatenablesalllearnersintegral wide, to the Trust flourishing. Ourfive core valuesunderpin allthat and wedo are We are now inourthird tosee operational itiswonderful year and fully 04 academies and the opportunities for our pupils. academies and theopportunities active Trust, constantly working toimprove our stronger togetherandhelpeachother. We are an The Trust isnotjustagroup ofschools thatare phase ofthe Trust. equally instrumentalinhelpingtoshape theprimary Other schoolsthatjoinatthisearly stagecouldbe phase. primary provide for schoolimprovement support inthe Experienced staffinthe Trust’s centralteamalso to buildagenuinely outstandingcross-phase Trust. tojoinusandisspearheadingourmoveprimary in Dudley. Blowers isthefirst Green Primary of transforming theprospects ofyoung people Leading thePrimaryPhase • reported that: asoutstandinginallareas.Primary Inspectors In November 2016, OfstedjudgedBlowers Green relative deprivation challenge. and achievinghighstandards in areasand of primary succeedinsetting schoolscan Blowers Green how Primary isamodelof primary tojoinDudleyAcademiesTrust. Primary madethedecisiontobefirst In 2019,thegovernors Blowers of Green Blowers Green Primary inspirational. The learningenvironment atBlowers Green is Surinder Sehmbi,Executive Director Primary of learning to raise standards toraise acrosslearning the wholecurriculum. schools. Thiswillprioritise highqualityteachingand comprehensive schoolimprovement our forallof package Supported by Surinder ourcentral team, willprovide a school onthejourneyfrom tooutstanding. below satisfactory Surinder experienced isan Dudleyheadteacherwhohastaken her Surinder SehmbiistheExecutive Director theprimary phase. of 05 • • • to helpthemflourishintheir learning. needs onanindividualbasisand provide support points,starting isexceptional. Staffknow pupils’ The progress thatpupilsmake from low oftenvery at theschool. leadership, outcomesare exceptionally high performing team. As aresult ofoutstanding exceptional leadersandhave developed ahigh The headteacheranddeputyare they move through theschool. skills andprogress understandingprogressively as given tobuildontheirknowledge, opportunities crafted aprogramme oflearningwhere pupilsare The curriculum well isvery designed. Leadershave

Primary Phase School improvement and address challengestogether. pool experience, open doorstonew ideasandplan academies’ SeniorLeadership Teams. We are ableto provide support, development andguidancefor the of Teaching &Learningwork across ouracademiesto Our Executive andtheDirector Director ofPrimary Leadership including: central team, fromimprovement theTrust’s staff from Blowers Green withkey and school from working withtheleadership team Primary schoolsthatjoinuswillbenefit 06 standards across thewholecurriculum. teachersfrom ourschools,primary togetherraising we seethisteamexpandingtoincludeoutstanding and settingstandards for otherstofollow. Infuture, and Science, staffwithintheacademies supporting focuses onthecore subjectsofEnglish, Mathematics This teamofoutstandingteachingprofessionals Directors and maximisepupil progress. stafftodrive allows teachersand support interventions profile of how individualpupilsare learningandbehaving granular understandingof pupilachievement. This detailed performance management systems. This generatesa The Trust hasdeveloped comprehensive data and Performance Data and •  •  •  •  •  •  Senior Careers phaseto: Officer works intheprimary the foundation stageonwards isaspecialfeature ofthe Trust. A Providing excellentcareers, adviceandguidancefor pupilsfrom Careers •  •  •  •  •  provided to: all internal, localandnationalprocedures. is Support ensure ahighqualitysafeguarding provision inlinewith The SeniorInclusionOfficerprovides to support Safeguarding Inclusion and child –initiatedlearning. Establish aCareers Hubintheschoolfor useintheir linked tothelabourmarket intheirown town. Provide arangeofhighly engaging careers experiences Forge linkswithlocalemployers. information aboutcareers, adviceandguidance. Ensure teachersandpupilshave accesstokey this intothePSHEcurriculum. Implement acareers educationprogramme, weaving Develop anappropriate careers strategy. presentation tolocalgovernors. Prepare safeguarding performance reports for Develop thePSHE curriculum for pupils. Designated Safeguarding Leads. Deliver atrainingprogramme for allstaffincluding safety andsecurity, confidentialityanddataprotection. including thoserelating toChildProtection, health, Comply withrelevant policiesandprocedures, responsibilities are met. safeguardingEnsure dutiesand allstatutory

07 •  • Managementofsafeguarding. • Riskassessmentandmanagementofrisk. • Draftingandupdatingofpoliciesprocedures. • Proactive managementofallcomplianceissues. •  isprovidedSupport across awiderangeofareas including: Data Protection and Compliance Governance, •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  guidance andproject managementinthefollowing areas: independent expertise. The Trust therefore provides advice, related issuescouldbedifficulttomake withoutaccessto overall successoftheschool. The correct decisionsonIT is vitaltotheeffective ofthecurriculum delivery and The Trust willprovide acentralisedITStrategy, which Information Technology (IT) performance. and provides asolidevidence baseoftheschool’s overall fromsupport the Trust’s Directors would bemosthelpful At awhole-schoollevel, thedatamodelsindicatewhere Telephony. Wireless. Data Protection Regulation(GDPR). Advice andguidanceondata protection andGeneral. Audio Visual. committees/local governing bodies. andadministrationoflocaladvisory clerking services Full governance includingprovision support of CCTV. Networking. Connectivity. IT financial forecasting. IT Strategy.

PrimaryPrimary Schools Phase lies at the heart ofallwe do. lies attheheart communication transparent Highly effective, openand 08

•  • Monthly financial andbudgetinformation. reporting • ManagementofESFA returns. • Financial/Legaladvice. by theEducationSkillsFunding Agency (ESFA) providing: requirements ofthe Academies FinancialHandbookissued ofaChiefFinancialOfficerinlinewiththe services that theschoolsmake tothe Trust, we willprovide the difference toschoolfinances. In return for thecontribution in bulkandachieve economiesofscalethatmake areal stability for ouracademies. The Trust isalsoabletopurchase effective oversight andcontrol offinances, ensuring financial Centralised financialsystemsenablethe Trust tohave Resources and Finance • Disciplineandgrievance. • Capability processes for Teaching andNon-Teaching staff. • SingleCentralRecord includinganannual audit. • Consultationandnegotiation withtradeunionofficers. • • Staffwellbeing programme. • Performance management. • Creation andreview ofHRpoliciesandprocedures. inallareaspractical support including: The HRteamdelivers the Trust’s providing HRstrategy ResourcesHuman (HR) • Event management. • SocialMedia. • Signage. • Fulldesign, graphics andprintservice. • PublicRelations. • • Marketing strategy. ofallweat theheart do. include: Ourservices Highly effective, openandtransparent communication lies Marketing Communications and Terms andconditionsoremployment. Website designandmanagement. Regular on-site financemeetings. 09 07 are sourced athighly competitive rates. providedonly for theservices by externalsuppliers, which ofallworks.consultation andthesupervision Academies pay our EstatesandProjects Managerisavailable for on-site One ofthegreat advantagesofthe Trust’s isthat service ofcontractorsandsuppliers. • Managementandsupervision • Negotiation ofbest-pricecontracts. • Scopingandtenderingofprojects. • •  that includes: We provide acomprehensive property andestatesservice Property Estates and • • • Specialistprocurement andadvice. service • In-housepayroll service. • • Financesystems. from the Other services Trust’s financefunctioninclude: Architectural services. Assurance through internalauditservice. Access to Trust negotiated prices. Accounts payable andreceivable service. solutions andcosts. Diagnosis ofbuildingdefects andadvice on

Primary Phase The Trust’s delivery model Transition Developing our People Primary schools joining the Trust will Pupils are inspired to be A key feature of the Trust is a commitment to an A common and extensive programme of staff benefit from a tailored school improvement excellent transition experience so that pupils thrive. development operates across the Trust. This extends package that supports high quality teaching creative and are immersed in a Preparing pupils for the next phase of their education to senior and middle leaders, aspiring leaders, teaching and learning and raises standards. rich curriculum (Ofsted 2016). starts in Key Stage 2 when key elements of the and support staff. Staff have the opportunity to work secondary school behaviour and rewards model are across different schools and to work alongside a wide A relevant and responsive curriculum Extra-curricular opportunities for pupils extend their introduced. In addition, the central team’s subject range of colleagues. This enables staff to broaden A relevant and responsive curriculum lies at the knowledge and understanding and improve their skills directors for English, mathematics and science work their experience, gain fresh insights and increase their heart of our schools and Blowers Green Primary’s in a range of artistic, creative and sporting activities. with primary colleagues to weave in key aspects of potential for career progression. curriculum is ready to be shared and implemented. All of this is enhanced by the first class facilities of the secondary curriculum. Opportunities for primary The curriculum is a strength of the school and Dudley College of Technology. pupils to experience learning in specialist facilities for has developed significantly since the school’s last science, art, technology and sport are also provided. inspection in 2016, when it was judged to be of the Careers guidance is also introduced to encourage all Developing exemplary behaviours highest standard. The curriculum is well-planned, The values driven expectations behaviour model has pupils to Dream Big and to raise their aspirations as enabling pupils to build on their knowledge, skills and been integral to raising standards in our secondary early as possible in their lives. understanding progressively as they move through schools and to creating an aspirant culture. This the school. The curriculum is designed to be exciting, model has now been adapted for the primary phase challenging, and coherent with the detail and clarity to further add value to the behaviour model used at needed to support all teachers, particularly less Blowers Green. The behaviour model is ready to be Dudley experienced teachers. implemented in any school joining us, which includes a comprehensive training programme to support both teaching staff and support staff. Primary Phase

10 11 Our Sponsor, Dudley College of Technology

Neil Thomas, Chief Executive Officer • Graded as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. • One of few colleges nationally to have achieved the The transformational leadership that has & Principal • Enrols some 12,000 learners each year across a prestigious STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, propelled the development of the college wide range of academic and technical programmes. Mathematics) Assured kite mark. and the high attainment of its learners is The Trust is sponsored by Dudley College • Major capital investments of £60 million in buildings • The biggest provider of apprenticeships within the a driving force behind Dudley Academies of Technology, one of the most successful and technology. Combined Authority area. Trust. Further Education colleges in the UK. The • Specialist centres equipped to provide a technical • A growing Higher Education provision in partnership college operates across nine sites, which education unsurpassed in the region, including with Aston and Wolverhampton universities. collectively form the Dudley Learning Dudley Advance 1, a state-of-the-art Centre for • One of the first colleges to be selected to deliver Quarter, with further specialist units at Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering and T levels. nearby Brierley Hill Learning Quarter. Technology and Dudley Advance II, a Centre for • Leader of a consortium building an Institute of Features of the College include: Advanced Building Technologies. Technology in Dudley, which will focus on advanced • Dudley Sixth, which has some 500 learners across manufacturing, modern construction methodologies 34 A level programmes. and medical engineering for up to 2,000 learners.

Dudley Primary Phase

12 13 Why consider joining us

Dudley Academies Trust is actively seeking Our offer to primary schools is that they will be other primary schools to join us. We aim part of a large and well-resourced organisation to provide young people with a smooth that is committed to excellence in education. The and seamless progression from primary expertise and ready availability of our central team to secondary education and beyond, with enables schools to access a comprehensive support excellent provision throughout their programme for all non-teaching activities, allowing journey. Our ultimate aim is to develop senior leaders to focus on the core business of high quality teaching and learning for all of teaching and learning. At the same time, school our pupils in an environment in which they leaders and teaching staff will be supported by the are motivated, encouraged and enthused. Trust school improvement team, committed to helping them set the highest possible standards. Next steps

We know that joining a Trust is a big step. Understandably, schools want to be sure that their pupils and staff will gain from the move and that they will be financially secure. Any decision that a school makes should be well informed. We would therefore be delighted to meet with schools to share our vision, Providing excellent careers, advice explain what we do and how we work. If you are interested, please contact us. We are more than happy to and guidance for pupils from the come and visit you or for you to come and visit us. If you would like to have a confidential discussion foundation stage onwards is a about the possibility of joining Dudley Academies Trust, please contact Jo Higgins, Chief Executive by special feature of the Trust. telephoning 01384 363247 or via email to [email protected]. Primary Phase

14 15 Discover more

Dudley Academies Trust For further information on any aspect operates a policy of openness of the Trust’s operations, please contact: and transparency in all of its activities. Jo Higgins, Chief Executive

Further information about the Trust Dudley Academies Trust offices can be found on our website at Priory Villa www.dudleyacademiestrust.org.uk. 3a Ednam Road Dudley DY1 1HL Further information about the Trust’s sponsor Dudley College of Technology Tel: 01384 363247 can be found at www.dudleycol.ac.uk. Email: [email protected]

Sponsored by

Dudley College of Technology Primary Phase