I the Eichmann Trial'
.. , ii, • " .....H' ...... ____ ..... "'~,~_,,"""~~... ~. ",,'. ,',c>< ._, .. " .," . ',_ , .,' > ~ ,~'. " c,,';"" ,I".~ ••", ...""',, ' -,~ \ ,; ~ursday, April 13, 1961 ," , THE JEWISH POST Page SiXteen , . .. , • 1 " Germany. As a result of his stay in ;,= ~~- ---.-. -~=- . - I - t these countries, he bas c:iontrlbu~ Edmontoll. UJA fo Qpf!n,Apr;I,24: , '~atb of, ~banfiJ articles to a number of Canadian Edmonton ,(Special) _ The ,U~ted : Divisional chairmen are _Bory 'The fanillY 'of. ~e late Day!d .., I ' " .' c t: publications, with a view to inform crewish Appeal will officially open Miirgolus, 'top guts; ~George' Levln_I1' ThomPSOD- 'Wish' _to-, tllqIress , ,- \ appreCiation for, the: Ii! I ing the Canadian public not only on Monday, April 24; at- a dinner_meet- special gi~; Charles' Freedman. their. I The Eichmann \' " .' ads of, JdndJiess and -, , " ing in the Beth Shalom synagogue. advance gifts; Louis Rudolph, ,pro,.' developments in Israel, but also on :;:;ssionS of s~Pathy i'e~ Germany, about Which he wrote a :Mickey Dlin, general, chairman of fessional division; Ernie 1.. Cristall, ctllveci during tIUllr:' "t_t ' the Edmonton campaign, announced business division; Allen ,Cooper, resi Trial' series of artlclEis; 'beljavement and for'_ -dona ... ( ) tions made to charitable _orga l : Rabbi Feinberg has been invited that Mrs. Paulette, Oppert Fink, dential divisi04· Ben Ostry, Johp. national chairman of the American Shuler_ and Sam Wolch are co nizations in memory of theil' ro Speak Here to 'speak here hy the Winnipeg , late husband and father. -, United Jewish 'Appeal, ,Women's chairmen of the business division: Committee for - Disarmament. , As - Mrs; David Thompson . on Disarmamenf chairman of the Toronto'Committee division, will be guest speaker.
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