Daniel Feuermann January 2014 CURRICULUM VITAE AND LIST OF PUBLICATIONS • Personal Details Born: September 14, 1951, Zrifin, . Date of Re-Immigration: Jan. 1980. Dept. of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Midreshet Ben-Gurion 84990; work: Tel 08 659 6927 home: Midreshet Ben-Gurion 84990, P.O.B. 3, Neveh Zin 20. Tel 08 6532 439. • Education B.Sc. 1971-1976. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zürich, Switzerland. M.Sc. 1978-1979. Arizona State University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Tempe, Arizona, USA. Advisor: Prof. D. Jacobson. Heat Transfer Resistance and the Performance of Phase Change Energy Storage. Ph.D. 1980-1985. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israel. Advisors: Dr. J. Tiran, Prof. Y. Zarmi. Heating and Control Strategies for Passive Solar Buildings by a Repetitive Meteorological Day Method.

• Employment History 2011- Professor. Dept. for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 2006/7. Visiting Prof. (Sabbatical year), School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University, Israel. 2004-2011. Associate Professor. Dept. for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 2002-2004. Senior Lecturer. Dept. for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 2001 July-August, and February 2002. Visiting scholar, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. 1992-2002. Researcher B (equivalent to senior lecturer; tenured 1992). Dept. for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 1987-1992. Researcher C (equivalent to lecturer). CV Daniel Feuermann page 2

Dept. for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 1985-1987. Research Associate, postdoctoral fellow. Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. 1980-1985. Research Assistant. Applied Solar Calculations Unit, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 1978-1979. Research Assistant. School of Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. 1977. Design Engineer. SEETRU Ltd., Bristol, England. 1973-1974. Research Assistant. Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research (Eidgenössisches Institut für Reaktorforschung), Würenlingen, Switzerland. • Professional Activities (a) Positions in academic administration 2012- Director, Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Laboratory 2012- Department Chair, Department for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. 2000-2007; 2009-2012. Deputy department head. Department for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. 1999 Acting department head. Department for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. (b) Professional functions outside universities 2009-2011 Member, Scientific Advisory Committee - Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Ketura, Israel. 2009- Member, Program committee, SPIE-conference: Nonimaging Optics: Efficient Design for Illumination and Solar Concentration. 2008-2010 Member, Research proposal evaluation committee – Energy in Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Scientist, Israel. 1996-2000. Member of the technical committees for the development of standards in insulation of (i) residential buildings, (ii) commercial buildings, (iii) schools and kindergartens. The Israel Standard Institute. 1992-2000. Member, the Israeli Standard Institute's committee for thermal insulation in buildings. (c) Significant professional consulting 2008. Brightsource Energy (LUZ II), USA and Israel. Novel optics for solar towers, with JM Gordon. 2007. DiSP. Distributed Solar Power. Israel. System evaluation. 2005-2010. SolFocus Inc, Mountainview, Ca., USA. Concentrator optics for Photovoltaic system. Patented device. System deployed at the level of Megawatts. With JM Gordon. CV Daniel Feuermann page 3

2005. Industrial Science and Technologies Network, Inc. USA. Performance of anti- reflective coating under concentrated sunlight. 2003. Lumenis, Israel. Maximum-performance optical designs for Lumenis' intense pulsed light project. With JM Gordon. 1996-2001. Profile Advanced Technologies, PAT, Jerusalem, Israel. Non-imaging optics applied to illumination/irradiation problems in high-tech Israeli industries, e.g., Orbotech, Laser Industries, Oridion, AGI, ESC-medical, Ledi-Lite, and OpusDent. With JM Gordon. 1993-1996. Green-Tec Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel. Energy balance on a liquid radiation filter greenhouses. Feasibility studies of such greenhouses for different climates. 1992. Magen Plastics, Kibbutz Magen, Israel. Modification of tube conduit cross-section for solar collector efficiency improvement. 1979. Atlantis Energie AG, Bern, Switzerland. Energy storage with a chemical reaction. (d) Reviewer for scientific journals Optical Engineering Optics Express Applied Optics Solar Energy ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Applied Physics B Energy and Buildings Renewable Energy Energy for Sustainable Development Review of Scientific Instruments (f) Membership in professional/scientific societies 2004-present. SPIE (Society of Photoptical Instruments Engineers). 1990-present. Israel Solar Energy Society. 1983-present. Israel Society of Engineers and Architects. 1979-present. International Solar Energy Society. • Educational activities (a) Courses taught Alternative Energies (Graduate course). Department of Energy Engineering, Ben- Gurion University (together with Prof. Zeev Wiesmann). Heat Transfer. (Graduate course). School for Desert Research, Sede Boker Campus, Ben-Gurion University. Energy and Buildings. (Graduate course). School for Desert Research, Sede Boker Campus, Ben-Gurion University. Solar Energy. (Graduate course) School for Desert Research, Sede Boker Campus. Ben- Gurion University. Solar Energy. (Undergraduate course) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben- Gurion University of the Negev. Introduction to Environmental Physics, (Graduate course). School for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University. With Yair Zarmi (coordinator). Solar Water Heating Technology. Graduate and Undergraduate. Institute of Energy Technology, University of Malta, Malta, 1994. (b) Research Students CV Daniel Feuermann page 4

1990. W. Hawthorn. Research student. Princeton University. 1993. S. Seonbuchner. Diploma. Fachhochschule Ostfriesland, . With A. Zemel. 1993. T. Weidemann. Diploma. Fachhochschule Ostfriesland, Germany. 1995. Ch. Kern. MSc. Oldenburg University, Germany. With A. Zemel. 2001. Jeremy Capocci, Lance Donnelly, Thomas Grego, Mike Miraglia, Senior Thesis, BSc. Faculty of Engineering. Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. With T.A. Reddy. 2001/2002. T. Israeli, B. Davidor, A. Bernstein, A. Rachamim, Senior Thesis, BSc. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. With J. M. Gordon. 2002. Michael Tryniszewski, Kimberly Bowman. BSc; Siddharth Shetty, MSc; Faculty of Engineering. Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. With T.A. Reddy. 2003/04. Eyal Shem Tov, MSc., School for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University, with JM Gordon. 2003. Kathy Pearlmutter, PhD, Kreitman Graduate School, Ben-Gurion University, with JM Gordon. (Studies suspended 2004). 2004/05. Doron Nakar, Liore Pasco, Judith Kreitman, Wondessan Tassew, MSc. with JM Gordon. 2007/09. Suleiman Halasah, MSc. with D. Pearlmutter. 2009/10. Dotan Babai, MSc. with JM Gordon, and – unofficially – many other students. 2011/12. Oleg Skolnik, MSc. Energy Engineering. 2012/14. Heylal Mashaal, PhD, with Jeff Gordon.

● Awards, citations, honors, and fellowships (a) Awards 1982. David Ben-Gurion Research Grant. Israel Labor Federation. 2003. Haim Sheba award for scientific achievement. With J. Gordon and M. Huleihil. 2004. Best paper award. Solar Energy Division, ASME conference, July 9-14, 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA. (b) Fellowships 1980. Paula Ben-Gurion Student Fellowship. 1981. Paula Ben-Gurion Student Fellowship. ● Scientific Publications (c) Chapters in collective volumes 1. D. Faiman and D. Feuermann, 1987. "Thermal performance of a passive solar house in the Negev," in Progress in Desert Research, L. Berkovsky and M. Würtele editors, Rowman and Littlefield publishers, pp. 329-341. 2. D. Feuermann, 2009. “Solar Surgery,” in The Desert Experience in Israel, A. Paul Hare and G.M. Kressel editors. University Press of America, pp. 143-7.

(d) Refereed articles in scientific journals

1. K. Behringer, D. Feuermann, L. Kostic and W. Seifritz, 1975. "Correlation analysis of the environmental influences on the radioactive Argon releases from the plume of the reactor Diorit," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 2, pp. 419-426. 2. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and D. Govaer, 1981. CV Daniel Feuermann page 5

"f-chart, theory versus reality: an Israeli case study," Israel Journal of Technology, vol. 19, pp. 219-227. 3. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon, D. Govaer, Ari Rabl and Y. Zarmi, 1981. "Design of a solar water heating system for a textile plant," Israel Journal of Technology, Vol. 19, pp. 228-231. 4. D. Faiman and D. Feuermann, 1984. "Performance details of a rotating prism solar wall," Energy and Buildings, Vol 7. pp. 301-308. 5. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and Y. Zarmi, 1985. "A typical meteorological day approach for predicting the long term thermal performance of solar energy systems," Solar Energy, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 63-69. 6. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and Y. Zarmi, 1985. "The typical meteorological day (TMD): A new method for predicting the performance of solar energy systems," Anales de Fisica Serie B, Vol. 81, No. 1 pp. 60-64. 7. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and Y. Zarmi, 1985. "On massive envelopes in passively heated solar buildings: An analytic sensitivity study," Solar Energy, Vol. 35, No 3, pp. 271-279. 8. D. L. Bohac, G. S. Dutt, and D. Feuermann, 1987. "Approaches to estimating air flows in large multifamily buildings," ASHRAE Transactions, V. 93, Pt.1, pp. 1335-1358. 9. D. Feuermann, 1989. "Measurement of envelope thermal transmittance in multifamily buildings", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 13 (1989), pp. 139-148. 10. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and M. Huleihil, 1989. "Numerical model of a Rotating Prism Wall: Its validation and predicted device performance for a variety of situations", ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 111 (1989), No 3, pp. 237-244. 11. D. Feuermann, 1990. "A repetitive day method for predicting the long-term thermal performance of passive solar buildings", ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol 112 (1990), No 1, pp. 34-42. 12. D. Feuermann and J. M. Gordon, 1991. "Analysis of a two-stage, linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator", ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 113 (1991), pp. 272-279. 13. W. Kempton, D. Feuermann and A. E. McGarity, 1992. " 'I always turn it on super': User conceptions and operation of room air conditioners", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 18, No. 3-4, (1992) 177-192. 14. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson and A. Zemel, 1992. "A multipyranometer instrument for obtaining the solar beam and diffuse components, and the irradiance on inclined planes", Solar Energy, Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 253-259, 1992. 15. D. Feuermann, and A. Zemel, 1992. "Validation of models for global irradiance on inclined planes", Solar Energy, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 59-66, 1992. 16. D. Feuermann, H. Taylor, and S. Englander, 1992. "Non-Intrusive flow measurement by cross-correlation of temperature variations: A tool for building energy diagnostics," Energy and Buildings, Vol. 19 (1992), No. 2, pp. 81-86. 17. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and A. Zemel, 1992. "Accurate field calibration of pyranometers", Solar Energy, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 489-492, 1992. CV Daniel Feuermann page 6

18. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and A. Zemel, 1993. "Towards a site-independent algorithm for obtaining the direct beam insolation from a multipyranometer instrument", Solar Energy, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 53-58, 1993. 19. D. Feuermann and A. Zemel, 1993. "Dust-induced degradation of pyranometer sensitivity", Solar Energy, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 483- 486, 1993. 20. J. Gale, D. Feuermann, R. Kopel and S. Levi, 1996. "Liquid radiation filter greenhouses (LRFGs) and their use of low quality hot and cold water, for heating and cooling", Acta Horticulturae, 440, pp. 93-98, ISHS 1996. 21. D. Feuermann, R. Kopel, M. Zeroni, S. Levi, and J. Gale, 1997. "Theory and validation of a liquid radiation filter greenhouse simulation for performance predictions" Transactions of the ASAE, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 175-184. 22. Y. Fang, D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1997. "Maximum-performance fiber-optic irradiation with nonimaging designs." Applied Optics, Volume 36, No. 28, pp. 7107-7113. 23. D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, and H. Ries, 1998. "Nonimaging optical designs for maximum power density remote irradiation." Applied Optics, Volume 37, No. 10, pp. 1835-1844. 24. D. Feuermann, and A. Novoplansky, 1998. "Reversible low solar heat gain windows for energy savings ." Solar Energy, Vol 62, No. 2, pp. 169-175. 25. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1998. "Optical performance of axisymmetric edge-ray concentrators and illuminators," Applied Optics, Volume 37, No. 10, pp.1905-1912. 26. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1998. "Solar surgery: remote fiber-optic irradiation with highly concentrated sunlight in lieu of lasers," Optical Engineering, Volume 37, pp. 2760-2767. 27. D. Feuermann, R. Kopel, M. Zeroni, S. Levi, and J. Gale, 1998. "Evaluation of a liquid radiation filter greenhouse in a desert environment" Transactions of the ASAE, Vol 41 (6): 1781-1788. 28. D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, and H. Ries, 1999. "High-flux solar concentration with imaging designs," Solar Energy, Vol. 65, No. 2, 83-90. 29. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1999. "Solar fiber-optic mini-dishes: A new approach to the efficient collection of sunlight," Solar Energy, Vol 65, No. 3, 159-170. 30. J. Gale, D. Feuermann, D. Sivan, R. Kopel and E. Shlomo, 2000. “Engineering and economics of liquid radiation filter greenhouses,” Acta Horticulturae, 534, pp. 361-366, ISHS 2000. 31. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 2001. “Gradient-index rods as flux concentrators with applications to laser fiber-optic surgery,” Optical Engineering, Vol 40, Issue 3 (March 2001), pp. 418-425. 32. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 2001. “High-concentration photovoltaic designs based on miniature parabolic dishes,” Solar Energy, Vol. 70, No 5, 423-430. 33. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and M. Huleihil, 2002. "Light leakage in optical fibers: experimental results, modeling and the consequences for solar concentrators," Solar Energy, Vol. 72, No 3, 195-204. CV Daniel Feuermann page 7

34. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and M. Huleihil, 2002. “Solar fiber-optic mini-dish concentrators: first experimental results and field experience,” Solar Energy, Vol. 72, No 6, 459-472. 35. J. M. Gordon, D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 2002. “Laser surgical effects with concentrated solar radiation,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, No 14, 2653-2655. 36. J. M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, R. Shaco-Levy, and S. Mizrahi, 2003. “Solar Surgery,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 93, No 8, 4843-4851. 37. J. M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, R. Shaco-Levy, and S. Mizrahi, 2003. “Surgery by sunlight on live animals,” Nature, Vol. 424, 510 (31 July 2003). 38. J.M. Gordon, E.A. Katz, D. Feuermann, and M. Huleihil, 2004. “Toward ultrahigh-flux photovoltaic concentration,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, No. 18, 3642-3644. 39. R. Shaco-Levy, J. M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, and S. Mizrahi, 2004. “On Appropriate Pathology for Photothermal Surgery,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 35:28– 34. 40. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, B. Medwed, A. Zemel, A. Ianetz, and V. Liubansky, I. Setter, 2004. “The Negev Radiation Survey,” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 126:906-914. 41. J.M. Gordon and D. Feuermann, 2005. “Optical performance at the thermodynamic limit with tailored imaging designs,” Applied Optics, Vol 44 pp. 2326-2331. 42. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Eugene A. Katz, Wondesen Tassew and Daniel Feuermann, 2005. “Photovoltaic hysteresis and its ramifications for concentrator solar cell design and diagnostics” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 86, article 073508. 43. Jian Sun, Tomer Israeli, T. Agami Reddy, Kevin Scoles, Jeffrey M. Gordon, and Daniel Feuermann, 2005. “Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of Passive Heat Sinks for Miniature High-Flux Photovoltaic Concentrators”, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 127:138-145. 44. E. A. Katz, J. M. Gordon and D. Feuermann, 2006. “Effects of ultra-high flux and intensity distribution in multi-junction solar cells.” Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, v. 14, No.4, p. 297 -303. 45. Doron Nakar, Daniel Feuermann, Jeffrey M. Gordon. 2006. “Aplanatic near-field optics for efficient light transfer,” Optical Engineering 45(03). 46. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon, and Tuck Wah Ng, 2006. “Photonic surgery with incoherent light,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 114104, published on-line, 13 March 2006. 47. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon, and Tuck Wah Ng, 2006. “Near-field dielectric optics near the thermodynamic limit,” Optical engineering letters, 080504-1, Vol. 45, 8, August 2006. 48. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Ruthy Shaco-Levy, Daniel Feuermann, Mahmoud Huleihil, and Solly Mizrahi, 2006. “Photothermally induced delayed tissue death,” J. Biomed. Opt. Vol. 11, 030504 (Jun. 9, 2006). 49. E. A. Katz, J. M. Gordon, W. Tassew and D. Feuermann, 2006. “Photovoltaic characterization of concentrator solar cells by localized irradiation”. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 100, No. 4, 044514. CV Daniel Feuermann page 8

50. A. Albu-Yaron, T. Arad, M. Levy, R. Popovitz-Biro, R. Tenne, J. M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, E. A. Katz, M. Jansen and C. Mühle, 2006.

“Synthesis of fullerene-like Cs2O nanoparticles by concentrated sunlight.” Advanced Materials, v.18, 2993-2996 . 51. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Ruthy Shaco-Levy, Daniel Feuermann, Jared Ament, and Solly Mizrahi, 2006. “Fiberoptic surgery by ultrabright lamp light.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 11, No. 5, article 050509 (2006). 52. Omer Korech, Jeffrey M. Gordon, Eugene A. Katz, Daniel Feuermann, and Naftali Eisenberg, 2007. „Dielectric micro-concentrators for efficiency enhancement in concentrator solar cells,“ Optics Letters, 32, 2789-2791. 53. Asher Malul, Doron Nakar, Daniel Feuermann and Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2007. „Effectiveness of recycling light in ultra-bright short-arc discharge lamps,“ Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 21, pp 14194-14201. 54. Doron Nakar, Asher Malul, D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 2008. “Radiometric characterization of ultra bright Xenon short arc discharge lamps,” Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 2. 55. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Eugene A. Katz, Daniel Feuermann, Ana Albu-Yaron, Moshe Levy, Reshef Tenne 2008.

“Singular MoS2, SiO2 and Si nanostructures and synthesis by solar ablation,” J. Mater. Chem., 18, 458 – 462. 56. Gordon, J.M., D. Feuermann and P. Young. 2008. Unfolded aplanats for high-concentration photovoltaics. Optics Letters 33:1114-1116. 57. Daniel Feuermann and Jeffrey M Gordon, 2008. ”High-irradiance reactors with unfolded aplanatic optics”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 31 pp. 5722-5727. 58. Inna Wiesel, Hamutal Arbel, Ana Albu-Yaron, Ronit Popovitz-Biro, Jeffrey M. Gordon, Daniel Feuermann, and Reshef Tenne, 2009.

“Synthesis of WS2 and MoS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles from solid precursors”, Nano Res (2009) 2: 416-424. 59. Natalia Ostroumov, Jeffrey M. Gordon, and Daniel Feuermann, 2009. “Panorama of dual-mirror aplanats for maximum concentration”, Applied Optics, Vol. 48 Issue 26, pp.4926-4931 (2009). 60. Moshe Levy, Ana Albu-Yaron, Reshef Tenne, Daniel Feuermann, Eugene A. Katz, Dotan Babai, and Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2010. “Synthesis of Inorganic Fullerene-like Nanostructures by Concentrated Solar and Artificial Light,” Isr. J. Chem. 2010, 50, 417-425. 61. J. M. Gordon, D. Babai, and D. Feuermann, 2010. “A high-irradiance solar furnace for photovoltaic characterization and nanomaterial synthesis,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 95, No.3, pp 951-956. 62. Ana Albu-Yaron, Moshe Levy, Reshef Tenne, Ronit Popovitz-Biro, Marc Weidenbach, Maya Bar-Sadan, Lothar Houben, Andrey N. Enyashin, Gotthard Seifert, Daniel Feuermann, Eugene A. Katz, and Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2011. „MoS2 Hybrid Nanostructures: From Octahedral to Quasi-Spherical Shells within Individual Nanoparticles,” Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 50, 1810 –1814. 63. A. Goldstein, D. Feuermann, G.D. Conley, and J. M. Gordon, 2011. “Nested aplanats for practical maximum-performance solar concentration,” Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 15, pp. 2836-2838. CV Daniel Feuermann page 9

64. Heylal Mashaal, Alex Goldstein, Daniel Feuermann, and Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2012. “First direct measurement of the spatial coherence of sunlight,” Optics Express, 37, No 17, 3516-3518. 65. Benjamin C.Y. Chan , Xiaolin Wang, Lionel K.W. Lam, Jeffrey M. Gordon, Daniel Feuermann, Colin L. Raston, Hui Tong Chua, 2012.

“Light-driven high-temperature continuous-flow synthesis of TiO2 nano-anatase,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212 (2012) 195–199. 66. Brontvein, O., Stroppa, D., Popovitz-Biro, R., Albu-Yaron, A., Levy, M., Feuermann, D., Houben, L., Tenne, R., Gordon, J., 2012. "New high-temperature Pb-catalyzed synthesis of inorganic nanotubes," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134 (39), pp 16379–16386. 67. Halasah, S., Pearlmutter, D., and Feuermann, D., 2013. “Field installation versus local integration of photovoltaic systems and their effect on energy evaluation metrics,” Energy Policy 52(2013)462–471. 68. Hai-bo Lu, Benjamin C Y Chan, Xiaolin Wang, Hui Tong Chua, Colin L Raston, Ana Albu- Yaron, Moshe Levy, Ronit Popowitz-Biro, Reshef Tenne, Daniel Feuermann and Jeffrey M Gordon, 2013. “High-yield synthesis of silicon carbide nanowires by solar and lamp ablation,” Nanotechnology 24 (2013) 335603 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/24/33/335603. 69. Avi Braun, Eugene A. Katz, Daniel Feuermann, Brendan M. Kayes and Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2013. “Photovoltaic performance enhancement by external recycling of photon emission,” Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 1499–1503.

(e) Published scientific reports and technical papers 1. D. Feuermann, 1974. "Bestimmung der Strahlenbelastung in der Umgebung eines Kernkraftwerkes," (Determination of radiation in the environment of a nuclear reactor). Eidgenössisches Inst. für Reaktorforschung, Technische Mitteilung TM-PH-494. 2. K. Behringer, D. Feuermann, L. J. Kostic and W. Seifritz, 1974. "Correlation analysis of the environmental influences on the radioactive Argon releases from the plume of the reactor Diorit." Eidgenössisches Institute fur Reaktorforschung, Technische Mitteilung Fass-Wur74/TM-PH-516, 9 pages. 3-6. J. Tiran, D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and Y. Zarmi, 1983/84. "Energy control strategies for passive solar buildings," Reports to the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure; Applied Solar Calculations Unit, Jacob Blaustein Institute for desert Research, Sede Boker; ASCU-83/16, ASCU-83/23, ASCU-84/4, ASCU-84/9. 7. D. Feuermann, 1986. "Measurement of envelope heat transfer coefficients in multifamily buildings," PU/CEES #210, August 1986, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, Princeton N.J. 8. D. Feuermann and W. Kempton, 1987. "ARCHIVE: Software for Management of Field Data," PU/CEES #216, June 1987, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, Princeton N.J. 9. D. Feuermann, H. Taylor and S. Englander, 1988. "Non-Intrusive Pipe Flow Measurement by Cross Correlation of Temperature Fluctuations," PU/CEES Working Paper No. 90, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, Princeton N.J. CV Daniel Feuermann page 10

10. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson and A. Zemel, 1989. "Data reliability at the Ben-Gurion Solar Electricity Technologies Test Site," Final Report, Ministry of Energy contract 87-1-90, ASCU report 89/03, February 1989. 11. D. Faiman and D. Feuermann, 1989. "Transmissivity and diffusivity measurements on some plastic samples for Poleg Plastic Industries, Kibbutz Gevim," ASCU report 89/13, July, 1989. 12. D. Feuermann, and J. M. Gordon, 1989. "Analysis and evaluation of the PAZ solar thermal system at the Ben-Gurion Sede Boker test center for solar electricity generating technologies," First interim Report, Ministry of Energy contract (BGU 88169101), ASCU report 89/16, September 1989. 13. D. Feuermann, and J. M. Gordon, 1989. "Analysis and evaluation of the PAZ solar thermal system at the Ben-Gurion Sede Boker test center for solar electricity generating technologies," Second interim Report, Ministry of Energy contract (# BGU 88169101), ASCU report 89/21, December 1989. 14. D. Feuermann, and J. M. Gordon, 1990. "Analysis and evaluation of the PAZ solar thermal system at the Ben-Gurion Sede Boker test center for solar electricity generating technologies," Final Report, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (contract # BGU 88169101), Publication No. RD-13-90, July 1990. 15. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel, 1989. "Data processing for the Negev solar radiation survey and experimental evaluation of the Multipyranometer method for the determination of direct solar radiation", interim report, Ministry of Energy contract 89-1-101, ASCU report 89/20, October 1989. 16. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel, 1990. "Data processing for the Negev meteorological data base, and experimental validation of the Multipyranometer method for measuring beam and diffuse solar radiation components," Final report, Ministry of Energy contract 89-101, publication No. RD-14-90, July 1990. 17. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel, 1991. "Data processing for the Negev Radiation Survey," First interim report Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure contract No. 90-05-027/90-1-101, May 1991. 18. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel, 1992. "Data processing for the Negev Radiation Survey. Second year," Final report on the third year of research, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, contract No. 90-1-101, 1992. 19. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel, 1993. "Data processing for the Negev Radiation Survey. Third year," Final report on the third year of research, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, contract No. 91-1-101/91-05-042, 1993. 20. D. Feuermann, S. Levi, and J. Gale, 1993. "Construction of two simulation models for the engineering and economic evaluation of green- houses with liquid radiation filters," First interim report, Ministry of Science and Technology, Contract No. 260 7290. 21. D. Feuermann, 1993. "Experimental Evaluation of the PAZ solar thermal collector at the Ben-Gurion Test Center for Solar Electricity Generating Technologies.", Final Report, September 1993, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. 22. Y. Zarmi S. Biryukov, D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, S. Soenbuchner, and A. Zemel, (Desert Research Institute, Sede Boker) and M. Levi (Weizman Institute, Rehovot) 1993. "An Investigation of the spatial/temporal correlations of fluctuations in solar radiation." Final Report, September 1993, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. 23. J. Gale, R. Kopel, and D. Feuermann, 1993. CV Daniel Feuermann page 11

"Feasibility study of a liquid radiation heat exchanger for retrofitting greenhouses as partially closed systems", Final report, Moriah Fund. 24. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and A. Zemel (Desert Research Institute, Sede Boker), and M. Epstein, and M. Levi (Weizman Institute, Rehovot), 1993. "Experimental test of a Multipyranometer system in a cloudy environment," Final Report, RD- 13-94 May 1994, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. 25. D. Feuermann, S. Levi, and J. Gale, 1994. "Simulation and partial validation of a Liquid Radiation Filter Greenhouse Model." Final report, research grant # 2607-2-90, Israel Ministry of Science and the arts. 26. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, A. Zemel, M. Levy and M. Epstein, 1994. "Experimental test of a multipyranometer system in a cloudy environment, (in Hebrew) Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure Report No. RD-13-94, May 1994. 27. Y. Zarmi, H.-G. Beyer, S. Biryukov, D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and A. Zemel, 1995. "An Investigation of the spatial/temporal correlations of fluctuations in solar radiation." Final Report for 1994, January 1995, RD-18/95, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. 28. J. Gale, R. Kopel, M. Zeroni, S. Levi, D. Feuermann, 1995. "Development of Liquid Radiation Filter retrofit Systems for Greenhouses, with Applications to the Arava and to Coastal Deserts," Rashi Foundation. 29. The Standards Institute of Israel. 1995. “Thermal insulation of buildings: Residential buildings”, Standard 1045 part 1, revised (in Hebrew). 30. The Standards Institute of Israel. 1996. “Thermal insulation of buildings: Schools and Kindergartens”, Standard 1045 part 2, revised (in Hebrew). 31. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel, 1996. "Data processing for the Negev Radiation Survey. Fifth year," Final report on the fifth year of research, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, contract No. 94-11-038, September 1996, part 1 and 2. 32. The Standards Institute of Israel. 1998. “Thermal insulation of buildings: Office Buildings,” Standard 1045 part 3, (in Hebrew). 33. The Standards Institute of Israel. 2000. “Thermal insulation of buildings: Hospitals,” Standard 1045 part 5, (in Hebrew). 34. D. Feuermann and J. M. Gordon. 2000. “The Altura Foundation Research Project. Solar surgery: creating affordable fiber-optic medical procedures with sunlight in lieu of lasers,” first and second interim reports. 35. D. Feuermann and J. M. Gordon. 2001. “Experimental realization of solar fiber-optic mini-dishes” Final Technical Report, RD-24-2001, Ministry of National Infrastructures, Division of Research and Development. 36. D. Feuermann and J.M. Gordon 2003. “Solar photonics for nanotechnology,” A research program supported by the Altura Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Technical report for the period 1 April through 31 December 2003, submitted to the Altura foundation. 37. D. Feuermann and J.M. Gordon 2004. “Solar photonics for nanotechnology,” A research program supported by the Altura Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Technical report for the period 1 January through 31 December 2004, submitted to the Altura foundation. 38. D. Feuermann and J. M. Gordon. 2005. CV Daniel Feuermann page 12

“Solar Photonics for Nanotechnology,” A research program supported by the Altura Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Technical and final report for 2005. (g) Classified articles and reports 1. J. Gale, M. Zeroni, D. Feuermann, S. Levi, and R. Kopel, 1993. "Feasibility study for a liquid radiation filter greenhouse (LRFG) at the White-Rose Ltd. farm in Benjamina, Israel." A confidential report to Advanced Agro Enterprises Ltd., Ontario, Canada. 2. J. Gale, M. Zeroni, D. Feuermann, S. Levi, and R. Kopel, 1993. "Technical specifications, training and servicing and price-quotation for a liquid radiation filter greenhouse at the White-Rose farm in Benjamina, Israel." A confidential report to Advanced Agro Enterprises Ltd., Ontario, Canada. 3. J. Gale, M. Zeroni, D. Feuermann, S. Levi, and R. Kopel, 1993. "Feasibility study and price-quotation for a liquid radiation filter greenhouse (LRFG) at Kibbutz Dafna, Israel". A confidential report to Kibbutz Dafna, Israel (Hebrew). 4. Green-Tec Ltd. (Israel), 1994. "A feasibility study of a liquid radiation filter greenhouse at the B. C. Site, Canada. Final confidential report to the Git-Wet Eco-Nursery Co. (Canada). 5. D. Feuermann and J. Gordon, 1996. "First confidential progress report to AG Associates, Israel." 6. D. Feuermann and J. Gordon, 1996. "Analysis of the Smartlight Lightbox and evaluation of potential improvements", confidential report to Smartlight Ltd., Haifa, Israel. 7. D. Feuermann and J. Gordon, 1998. "Development of optical device for infrared detection system", confidential report to Oridion Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel. 8. D. Feuermann and J. Gordon, 1998. "First-generation luminaire designs for the Orbotech defect detection system", confidential report to Orobotech Ltd., Javne, Israel. 9. D. Feuermann and J. Gordon, 1999. "Illumination system for Ledi-Lite’s proposed panels.” confidential report to Ledi-Lite Ltd., Ofakim, Israel. 10a. D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 2003. “Input-output relations for simulation and climate control.” D3.1 confidential report to GR Elettronica, Italy. 10b. D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 2003. “Identification of control algorithm for climate control.” D3.2 confidential report to GR Elettronica, Italy. 10c. D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 2003. “Simulation and validation.” D3.3 confidential report to GR Elettronica, Italy. 11. D. Feuermann. 2007. “Technical evaluation of DiSP miniature parabolic solar concentrator for combined heat and power production.” Confidential report to DiSP company, Israel.

● Lectures and presentations at meetings and invited seminars

(b) Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings 1. K. Behringer, D. Feuermann, L. Kostic and W. Seifritz, 1974. CV Daniel Feuermann page 13

"Correlation analysis of the environmental influences on the radioactive Argon releases from the plume of the reactor Diorit," Gemeinsame Strahlenschutztagung des Deutschen Fachausschusses Strahlenschutz und des Eidg. Instituts fur Reaktorforschung am 20. 9. 1974, Würenlingen, Switzerland. 2. D. Feuermann and D. Jacobson, 1979. "Evaluation of a Sodium heat pipe/thermal energy storage unit utilizing LiF-MgF2-Kf phase change material," AAIA 14th Thermophysics Conference, June 4-6, 1979, Orlando Florida. 3. D. Feuermann, 1981. "f-chart versus reality: an Israeli case study," ISES Annual Conference on Research and Application of Solar Energy in Israel, Beer-Sheva, February 24-25, 1981. 4. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and Y. Zarmi, 1984. "The typical meteorological day (TMD): A new method for predicting the performance of solar energy systems," 2nd Iberian Solar Energy Congress, Iberian Section of ISES, Lisboa, Portugal, October, 8-12, 1984. 5. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon and Y. Zarmi, 1986. "Evaluation of two recently developed analytical models for the prediction of passive solar building performance," 11th National Passive Solar Conference, June 7-11, 1986, Boulder, Co. USA. 6. W. Kempton, D. Feuermann and A. E. McGarity, 1987. "Air Conditioner User Behavior in a Master-Metered Apartment Building," 4th Annual Symposium on Improving Building Energy Efficiency in Hot and Humid Climates, September 15-16, 1987, Houston, Texas. 7. A. E. McGarity, D. Feuermann, W. Kempton, and L. Norford, 1987. "Influence of Air Conditioner Operation on Electricity Use and Peak Demand," 4th Annual Symposium on Improving Building Energy Efficiency in Hot and Humid Climates, September 15-16, 1987, Houston, Texas. 8. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, A. Zemel, 1988. "A multipyranometer method for measuring the solar radiation components: First results," The 3rd Sede Boker Symposium on Solar electricity Production, 6-7 March, 1988, Proceedings pp. 155-158. 9. D. Faiman and D. Feuermann, 1988. "The Sede Boker Passive Solar Adobe House," PLEA 88, Energy and Buildings for Temperate Climates, Porto, Portugal, 27-31 July, 1988, E de Olivera Fernandes and Simos Yannas editors, Pergamon Press, pp. 823-828. 10. Harrje, DT, DL Bohac and D Feuermann, 1988. Extended testing of a multifamily building using constant concentration and PFT methods. Proceedings of the 9th AIVC Conference. Ghent, Belgium: pp 193-212, International Energy Agency Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center, 1988. 11. W. Kempton, A. E. McGarity, and D. Feuermann, 1988. "Peak power demand in an apartment building: a case study of air conditioner use," The 2nd international congress and exhibition on energy, June 5-11, 1988, Tiberias, Israel. Energy 88 Abstracts, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, p. 35. 12. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 1988. "The rotating prism wall: Mathematical model, its validation, and optimization predictions," The 2nd international congress and exhibition on energy, June 5-11, 1988, Tiberias, Israel. Energy 88 Abstracts, Ministry of Energy and Infrastr., p. 48. 13. D. Feuermann and J. Tiran, 1988. "Long-term performance of on-line optimally controlled back-up heating systems in solar buildings - predicted by a repetitive day method," The 22nd Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Beer Sheva, June 27-28, 1988, Program and Abstracts, part 6.2.3. CV Daniel Feuermann page 14

14. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 1988. "A mathematical model for optimizing the design of a rotating prism wall," The 22nd Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Beer Sheva, June 27-28, 1988, Program and Abstracts, part 5.2.3. 15. D. Feuermann, H. E. Taylor, and S. Englander, 1988. "Non-intrusive pipe flow measurement by cross correlation of temperature variations," Proceed- ings of the 1988 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Vol. 2, p. 62-73, Sa. Cruz, California, August 28 - September 3, 1988. 16. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, A. Zemel, 1988. "A multipyranometer method for measuring the solar radiation components: First results," Int. Conference, Alternative Energy Sources Today and for 21st Century, Brioni, Jugoslavia, 5-8 October, 1988; J. Pazanin editor, Tehnicki fakultet Rijeka publisher. 17. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and M. Huleihil, 1988. "A mathematical model for optimizing the design of a rotating prism wall," Int. Conference, Alternative Energy Sources Today and for 21st Century, Brioni, Jugoslavia, 5-8 October, 1988; J. Pazanin editor, Tehnicki fakultet Rijeka publisher. 18. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson and A. Zemel, 1989. "A multipyranometer method for determining beam and diffuse radiation components", In: Clean and safe energy forever. Proceedings of the 1989 Congress of the Int. Solar Energy Society, Kobe, Japan, September 4-8, 1989. Eds. T. Horigome et. al., pp. 2112-2116. 19. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann and M. Huleihil, 1989. "A mathematical model for optimizing the design of a Rotating Prism Wall", Congress of the Int. Solar Energy Society, Kobe, Japan, September 4-8, 1989. 20. D. Feuermann, 1989. "Experimental evaluation of effective envelope heat transfer coefficients in multifamily buildings", XXI. ICHMT Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer in Building Materials and Structures, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, September 4-8, 1989. In: Heat transfer in building materials and structures. Eds. J. B. Chaddock and B. Todorovic. Hemisphere Publishing Corp, New York, 1990. 21. D. Feuermann and J. M. Gordon, 1991. "Analysis of a two-stage, linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator", In: Solar Energy for the 21st Century. Eds. C. B. Wynn. Pergamon Press. Proceedings of the 1991 Congress of the Int. Solar Energy Society, Denver, Colorado, August 19-23, 1991. 22. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson and A. Zemel, 1991. "A multipyranometer installation for obtaining the Irradiance on inclined planes", In: Solar Energy for the 21st Century. Eds. C. B. Wynn. Pergamon Press. Proceedings of the 1991 Con- gress of the Int. Solar Energy Society, Denver, Colorado, August 19-23, 1991. 23. D. Feuermann and W. Hawthorne, 1991. "On the potential and effectiveness of passive night ventilation cooling", In: Solar Energy for the 21st Century. Eds. C. B. Wynn. Pergamon Press. Proceedings of the 1991 Congress of the Int. Solar Energy Society, Denver, Colorado, August 19-23, 1991. 24. D. Feuermann and A. Zemel, 1991. "Validation of models for global irradiance on inclined planes", Proceedings of the Fourth Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production 1-2 October 1991, Ed. D. Faiman. 25. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, and A. Zemel, 1992. "Accurate field calibrations", presented at the annual meeting of the Israeli Section of ISES, April 12, 1992. 26. D. Feuermann and A. Zemel, 1993. CV Daniel Feuermann page 15

"Multiple time constants of pyrheliometers and how to correct for them when measuring rapid changes in direct beam insolation," Proceedings of the Fifth Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production 15-17 February,1993, Ed. D. Faiman. 27. D. Feuermann, S. Seonbuchner, and A. Zemel, 1994. "Space time correlations among radiation fluctuations observed at different points in a large solar field." Int. Conference on Comparative assessments of solar power technologies, Jerusalem, Israel, February 14-18, 1994. 28. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson and A.Zemel, 1994. "The multipyranometer: An alternative to the pyrheliometer for insolation surveys in remote regions." Int. Conference on Comparative assessments of solar power technologies, Jerusalem, Israel, February 14-18, 1994. 29. D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson and A. Zemel, 1994. "An instrument for generating the long-term direct-beam insolation data bases required for concentrator photovoltaic power station design," Proceedings 12th European Photovoltaic solar Energy Cong., Amsterdam, 11-15 April, 1994, ed. R. Hill et al (Stephens & Assocs., Felmersham, 1994) pp. 1667-1670. 30. D. Feuermann, and J. Gale, 1995. "External cooling of a Liquid Radiation Filter Greenhouse: Simulation, Validation and Preliminary sensitivity study. Greenhouse Cooling Workshop. Technion, Haifa, Israel. 22 May 1995. 31. D. Feuermann and A. Novoplansky, 1996. "Turning low solar heat gain windows into energy savers in winter," 21st National Passive Solar Conference, Asheville, NC, April 13-18, 1996, Proceedings, ed. R. Campbell-Howe and B. Wilkins-Crowder, pp. 219-24. 32. Y. Fang, D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1997. "Maximum-performance fiber-optic irradiation with nonimaging designs," in Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3139. Nonimaging Optics: Maximum efficiency light transfer IV. 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, Ca., R. Winston ed., pp. 9-17. 33. D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, and H. Ries, 1997. "Near-maximum solar concentration with imaging designs." Proceedings of the Eighth Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 3-5 November, 1997, ed. D. Faiman. 34. J. Gale, D. Feuermann, S. Levi, and R. Kopel, 1998. "Liquid radiation filter greenhouses: Advantages and adaptations to different climates." The 1998 ASAE annual international meeting, July 12-15, 1998, Orlando, Florida. 35. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1999. "Solar surgery: remote fiber optic irradiation with highly concentrated sunlight in lieu of lasers.” Solar world congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 4-9, 1999. Book of abstracts, p. 98. 36. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1999. "Solar fiber-optic mini-dishes: A new approach to the efficient collection of sunlight.” Solar world congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 4-9, 1999. Book of abstracts, p. 99. 37. D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, and H. Ries, 1999. "Complementary cassegrain concentrators for high-flux solar applications.” Solar world congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 4-9, 1999. Book of abstracts, p. 101. 38. S. Hassid, D. Feuermann, A. Roitgur, and D. Sergovich, 1999. "The Israeli insulation standard for offices,” Solar world congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 4-9, 1999. Book of abstracts, p. 117. 39. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 1999. CV Daniel Feuermann page 16

"High-concentration collection and remote delivery of sunlight with fiber-optic mini-dishes.” Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3781. Nonimaging Optics: Maximum efficiency light transfer V. 21- 22 July 1999, Denver, Co., R. Winston ed., pp. 47-57. 40. D. Feuermann, and J.M. Gordon, 2001. "High-concentration photovoltaic designs based on miniature parabolic dishes.” Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4446. Nonimaging Optics: Maximum efficiency light transfer VI. 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, Ca., R. Winston ed., pp. 43-51. 41. D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, M. Huleihil, 2001. "High-concentration photovoltaic designs based on miniature parabolic dishes.” Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4446. Nonimaging Optics: Maximum efficiency light transfer VI. 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, Ca., R. Winston ed., pp. 65-75. 42. M. Huleihil, D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, 2002. "A simple method to measure the tracking accuracy of a two-axis solar tracker”. The 11th Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 1-2 October, 2002, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 43. J.M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, and E. A. Katz, 2003. “A new approach to nanomaterial synthesis with solar photonics”. ISES solar world congress 2003; June 14-19, Goeteborg, Sweden. 44. D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, and G.M. Gordon, 2003. “An indoor real-sun solar ‘simulator’ with controllable flux delivery up to 10,000 suns”. ISES solar world congress 2003; June 14-19, Goeteborg, Sweden. 45. J.M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, and M. Huleihil, 2003. “Experimental realization of solar fiber-optic mini-dish concentrators: measurements and field experience”. ISES solar world congress 2003; June 14-19, Goeteborg, Sweden. 46. M. Huleihil, and D. Feuermann, 2003. “A simple method to measure the tracking accuracy of a two-axis solar tracker”. ISES solar world congress 2003; June 14-19, Goeteborg, Sweden. 47. J.M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, 2003. “Laser surgery without lasers using highly concentrated sunlight”. ISES solar world congress 2003; June 14-19, Goeteborg, Sweden. 48. Jian Sun, Tomer Israeli, T. Agami Reddy, Kevin Scoles, Jeffrey M. Gordon, and Daniel Feuermann, 2004. “Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of Passive Heat Sinks for Miniature High-Flux Photovoltaic Concentrators”, ASME conference, July 9-14, 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA. 49. J. M. Gordon, and D. Feuermann, 2004. “Tailored imaging optics for concentration and illumination at the thermodynamic limit,” in Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination Systems, R. Winston and J. R. Koshel, eds., Proc. SPIE 5529, 130–139 (2004). 50. J. M. Gordon, E. A. Katz, D. Feuermann, and M. Huleihil, 2004. “Toward practical ultra-high-flux photovoltaic concentration,” in Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination Systems, R. Winston and J. R. Koshel, eds., Proc. SPIE 5529, 227–239 (2004). 51. E.A. Katz, J.M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, M. Huleihil, S. Meyer, and V. Melnichak, 2004. “High Concentration with Miniature Parabolic Dishes and Fiber Optics: an Experimental th Photovoltaic Study,” Technical Digest of the14P P International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, January 27-30, 2004, Bangkok, Thailand, V. 1, p. 433-434. 52. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Ruthy Shaco-Levy, Daniel Feuermann, Mahmoud Huleihil, Solly Mizrahi, 2005. CV Daniel Feuermann page 17

“Delayed tissue death probed with sunlight surgery,” Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XVI, edited by Steven L. Jacques, William P. Roach, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5695 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005) pp 270-277. 53. E.A. Katz, J.M. Gordon, W. Tassew and D. Feuermann, 2005. Ultra-high concentration effects in multi-junction solar cells. In: Proc. of the 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 6 - 10, 2005. 54. J.M. Gordon1,2,3, E.A. Katz ,W. Tassew and D. Feuermann Ultra-High Concentration Effects in Multi-Junction Solar Cells, International Conference on Solar Concentrators for the Generation of Electricity or Hydrogen, Scottsdale Arizona, May 1-5, 2005. 55. D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon, S. Horne, G. Conley and R. Winston, 2005. “Realization of compact, passively cooled high-flux photovoltaic prototypes,” in: Nonimaging Optics and Efficient Illumination Systems, R. Winston and J. R. Koshel, eds., Proc. SPIE 5942 (2005). 56. E.A. Katz, J.M. Gordon, W. Tassew and D. Feuermann, 2006. th “Probing concentrator solar cell performance at high flux with localized irradiation,” IEEE 4P P World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, 2006. 57. Ana Albu-Yaron1, Talmon Arad, Moshe Levy, Ronit Popovitz-Biro, Reshef Tenne, Jeffrey M. Gordon, Daniel Feuermann, Eugene A. Katz, Martin Jansen and Claus Mühle, 2006.

“Fullerene-like CsR2RO nano-particles generated by concentrated sunlight,” San Diego SPIE, USA, 2006. 58. D. Feuermann, 2006.(invited lecture) “Toward Ultra-high Flux Photovoltaic Concentration,” 25th Israel Vacuum Society, Annual Conference and Technical Workshop, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 19, 2006. 59. Daniel Feuermann, Jeffrey M. Gordon1 and Tuck Wah Ng, 2006. ”Near-field compact dielectric optics,” SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2006. 60. A. Kribus and D. Feuermann, 2007. “Triple-Layer Mirrors for Solar Concentrators,” Israeli Section of ISES, Tel Aviv, 4 June 2007. 61. Asher Malul, Doron Nakar, Daniel Feuermann and Jeffrey M. Gordon. 2007. ”Light recycling characteristics of ultra-bright lamps.” Nonimaging optics and efficient illumination systems IV, 26-27 August 2007, SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2007. 62. Doron Nakar, Asher Malul, Daniel Feuermann and Jeffrey M. Gordon. 2007. “Radiometric characterization of ultra-bright xenon short-arc discharge lamps for novel applications.” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems IV, 26-27 August 2007, SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2007. 63. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Eugene A. Katz, Daniel Feuermann, Ana Albu-Yaron, Moshe Levy, Reshef Tenne, 2008, “Novel inorganic nanomaterials generated with highly concentrated sunlight,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems V, 10-11 August 2008, SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2008. 64. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Daniel Feuermann, Pete Young, 2008. “Maximum-performance solar concentration with unfolded aplanatic optics,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems V, 10-11 August 2008, SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2008. 65. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Daniel Feuermann, 2008. “High-irradiance reactor design and performance near the étendue limit with practical unfolded optics,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems V, 10-11 August 2008, SPIE, San Diego, USA, 2008. 66. JM Gordon, D. Feuermann, and P. Young, 2008. th “Photovoltaic concentrators with unfolded aplanatic optics,” The 15P P Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 27-29 October, 2008, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. CV Daniel Feuermann page 18

67. D. Feuermann. 2009. (invited lecture) “Optics for High-Flux Photovoltaic Concentrators,” Optics Engineering conference, Afeka, Tel Aviv, 3rd September 2009. 68. JM Gordon, D. Feuermann, P. Young. 2009. “Unfolded aplanatic optics for high concentration photovoltaics,” 2nd International Workshop on Concentrating Photovoltaic Power Plants: Optical design and Grid connection, Darmstadt, Germany, 9-10 March, 2009. 69. Jeffrey M. Gordon, Daniel Feuermann, 2009. “Aplanatic optics for radiative transfer at the thermodynamic limit: generalizing and categorizing the full spectrum of solutions,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems VI, 2-4 August 2009, SPIE, San Diego, USA. 70. N. Ostroumov, J. M. Gordon and D. Feuermann, 2010. “Full Landscape of Aplanatic Optics for Solar Concentration near the Thermodynamic Limit,” The 16th Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 14-16 February, 2010, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 71. D. Babai, D. Feuermann and J. M. Gordon, 2010. “An Ultra-High Irradiance Solar Furnace for Solar Cell Characterization and Nanomaterial Synthesis,” The 16th Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 14-16 February, 2010, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 72. Dotan Babai, Daniel Feuermann, Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2010. “An ultrahigh irradiance solar furnace for solar cell characterization,” High and Low Concentrator Systems for Solar Electric Applications V, 3-4 August 2010, SPIE, San Diego, USA. 73. D. Feuermann, 2011. “Aplanatic optics at the service of radiative transfer,” 13th Meeting on Optical Engineering and Science in Israel, Tel Aviv, March 9-10, 2011. 74. A. Goldstein, D. Feuermann, G. D. Conley and J. M. Gordon, 2011. “Nested aplanats for practical maximum-performance solar concentration,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems VIII, August 2011, SPIE, San Diego, USA. 75. Suleiman A. Halasah, David Pearlmutter and Daniel Feuermann, 2011. “Impact of Cell Technology, Installation Types and Scales on Energy Evaluation Metrics of PV Systems,” Solar World Congress, September 2011, Kassel, Germany. 76. A. Goldstein, D. Feuermann, G. D. Conley and J. M. Gordon, 2011. “Nested Aplanatic Optics,” Solar World Congress, September 2011, Kassel, Germany. 77. Heylal Mashaal, Alex Goldstein, Daniel Feuermann, Jeffrey M. Gordon, 2012. “First-ever direct measurement of the spatial coherence of sunlight,“ Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems IX, August 2012, SPIE, San Diego, USA. 78. S. Halasah, D. Pearlmutter, and D. Feuermann, “Effect of Field or Roof Installations of PV Systems on Energy Evaluation Metrics,” 32nd Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv, Israel, 17-18 October 2012, co-located with the Israeli Sustainable Energy Society Annual Meeting. 79. Eran Maimon, Abraham Kribus, Yuri Flitsanov, Oleg Shkolnik, Daniel Feuermann, Camille Zwicker, Liraz Larush, Daniel Mandler, Shlomo Magdassi, “Wet-chemistry based selective coatings for concentrating solar power,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems X, August 2013, SPIE, San Diego, USA. 80. Avi Braun, Eugene Katz, Daniel Feuermann, Brendan M. Kayes, Jeffrey M. Gordon, „Angular restriction of photon emission for ultra-efficient photovoltaics,” Nonimaging optics and efficient ilumination systems X, August 2013, SPIE, San Diego, USA. CV Daniel Feuermann page 19

(c) Presentations at informal international seminars and workshops 1993. J. Gale, M. Zeroni, S. Levi, R. Kopel, and D. Feuermann. "Liquid Radiation Filter (LRF) cladding for controlling greenhouse temperatures." International Workshop on Cooling Systems for Greenhouses, Agritech, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 2-6, 1993. 1994. MED-Campus Project No. 3. Training course on renewable energy sources and their practical applications in the Mediterranean region, Malta, 29 August - 9 September 1994. Passive solar heating. 1996. D. Feuermann, R. Kopel, S. Levi, and J. Gale. "Heating and cooling performance of a liquid radiation filter greenhouse (LRFG): simulation, validation and sensitivity study", International Workshop, Greenhouse Technologies for Mild Climates, Agritech, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 12-15, 1996. 1999. J.Gale, D. Feuermann, R. Kopel, and D. Sivan. “Liquid radiation filter greenhouses (LRFG): A problem in engineering, plant physiology and economics.” Conference and British-Israeli workshop on greenhouse technologies, Agritech, Haifa, September 6-7, 1999. 2010. D. Feuermann. “Observations on the design, implementation, and performance of low-energy public buildings,” US ISRAEL Workshop on Sustainable Buildings, Material and Energy; Technion, Haifa, Israel, 12-13 July, 2010.

(d) Seminar presentations at universities and institutions 1983. Solar Energy Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA. 1983. School of Architecture, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA. 1985. Hunter College, New York, USA. 1986a. Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, USA. 1986b. Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, USA. 1986c. Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, USA. 1987. Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University, Israel. 1989. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 1995. The Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 1997. The Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus, Israel. 1997. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 1999. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 2005. Desert Research Institutes, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 2006. Department of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. 2006. Porter School for Environmental Studies, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. 2007. Department of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. 2008. Deartment of Mechanical Engineering. University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 2010. Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Keturah, Israel. 2010. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. 2012. Department of Architectural Engineering. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. CV Daniel Feuermann page 20

2012. Department of Electrical Engineering. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA.

● Patents 2002. D. Feuermann, J.M. Gordon, M. Priwler and H. Ries. "System and method for high intensity irradiation", US and PCT patent 6336738, Jan. 8, 2002 2007. O. Korech, J.M. Gordon, E. Katz, D. Feuermann, and N. Eisenberg, “Dielectric micro- concentrators for efficiency enhancement in concentrator solar cells,” patent pending. 2007. Tuck Wah Ng, J.M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, and D. Nakar. „An Optical Fiber Irradiation System and a Method of Coupling Light Into An Optical fiber Irradiation System.” WO 2007/013862 2008. JM gordon, D. Feuermann, P. Young, “Unfolded aplanatic optics for maximum performance solar concentration,” patent pending. ● Research Grants 1. 1983. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. J. Tiran (PI), D. Feuermann, J. M. Gordon, and Y. Zarmi. "Energy control strategies for passively solar heated buildings," One year. Total amount $10,000. 2. 1987. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Faiman (PI), D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, T. A. Reddy, A. Zemel. "Radiation survey of the Negev." Three years. Total amount: $96,000. 3. 1987. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Faiman (PI), D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, A. Zemel. "Data reliability at the Ben-Gurion Sede Boker Test Center for solar electricity generating technologies," One year. Total amount: $27,000. 4. 1989. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Faiman (PI), D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel. "Data processing for the Negev solar radiation survey and experimental evaluation of the Multipyranometer method for the determination of direct solar radiation," One year. Total amount: $23,000. 5. 1989. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Feuermann (PI) and J. M. Gordon (PI). "Analysis and evaluation of the PAZ solar thermal system at the Ben-Gurion Sede Boker test center for solar electricity generating technologies," One Year. Total amount $33,000. 6. 1991. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Faiman (PI), D. Feuermann, P. Ibbetson, and A. Zemel. "Data processing for the Negev solar radiation survey," One year. Total amount: $20,000. 7. 1992. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Faiman (PI), D. Feuermann, A. Zemel (Ben-Gurion University), and M. Levi and M. Epstein, (Weizman Institute). "Experimental test of a multipyranometer system in a cloudy environment," One year. Total Amount: $30,000. 8. 1992. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. D. Feuermann (PI). "Experimental Evaluation of the PAZ Solar Thermal Collector at the Ben-Gurion Test Center for Solar Electricity Generating Technologies," Total Amount: $50,000. 9. 1992. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. Y. Zarmi (PI), S. Biryukov, D. Faiman, D. Feuermann, A. Zemel, (Ben-Gurion University), and M. Levi, (Weizman Institute). "Investigation of the spatial/temporal correlations of fluctuations in solar radiation," One year. Total Amount: $55,000. 10. 1993. Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure, Jerusalem, Israel. S. Biryukov, D. Faiman (PI), D. Feuermann (PI), A. Zemel (PI). “Investigation of the spatial/temporal correlations of fluctu- ations in solar radiation," One year. Total Amount: $25,000. 11. 1994-7. Rashi Foundation. J. Gale (PI), R. Kopel, M. Zeroni, S. Levi, D. Feuermann. "Development of Liquid Radiation Filter retrofit Systems for Greenhouses, with Applications to the Arava and to Coastal Deserts," Three years. Total Amount: $300,000. CV Daniel Feuermann page 21

12. 1999. ICA-Israel. S. Levi (PI), D. Feuermann, J. Gale. “Pilot test on non-mechanical shading in greenhouses,” One year. Total Amount: $22,000. 13. 2000. Ministry of National Infrastructure. D. Feuermann (PI), J. Gordon (PI). “Experimental realization of solar fiber-optic mini-dishes,” One year. Total Amount: $62,000. 14. 2000. Altura foundation. D. Feuermann (PI), J. Gordon (PI). “Solar surgery: creating affordable fiber-optic medical procedures with sunlight in lieu of lasers,” Three years. Total Amount $105,000. 15. 2001-3. US Department of Energy. T. A. Reddy (PI), K. Scoles, B. Eisenstein, Drexel University, J. M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, Ben-Gurion University. “Modular Photovoltaic Power Systems using Solar Fiber-Optic Mini-Dish Concentrators,” Three years. Total Amount: $646,000. 16. 2001-5. Altura foundation. D. Feuermann (PI), J. Gordon (PI). “Solar photonics for nanotechnology,” Five years. Total Amount: $190,000. 17. 2001-4. European Community. 5th Framework Program CRAFT. Maniero Elettronica s.a.s., Italy, coordinator; Argyriou s.a.,Greece; Geoquip services, UK; Siberline s.a., Spain; Ato b.v., Holland. Biomass Technology group, bv - The Netherlands. D. Feuermann (PI for Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Israel); Universita degli studi di Padova – Italy. “Greenhouse Integrated System,” Three years. Total amount: $1,700,000. (of which $120,000 for BGU.) 18. 2004-5. Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore. T.W. Ng (PI), H.T. Chua, K.C. Ng, J.M. Gordon, D. Feuermann, S. Mizrahi, R. Shaco-Levy. “Affordable and effectual minimally- invasive photo-thermal surgical device,” Two years. Total sum: S$300,000. 19. 2007-10. Israel Ministry of Science and Technology. Joint research: Weizmann Institute and BGU. Gordon, J.M. and R. Tenne (PIs). D. Feuermann, E. Katz, M. Levy, A. Albu-Yaron., „New synthetic pathways for inorganic nanomaterials by concentrated noncoherent light.” Three years. Total amount: 800,000 NIS. 20. 2008-10. SolFocus Inc, Mountain View, CA, USA. Gordon, J.M. and D. Feuermann (PIs). “Photovoltaic concentrators.” Two years. Total amoutn: US$150,000. 21. 2008-12. SolFocus Inc, Mountain View, CA, USA. Gordon, J.M. and D. Feuermann (PIs). “High-concentration photovoltaics.” Five years. Total amount US$116,000. 22. 2011-13. Israel Ministry of Science and Technology. Joint research: Hebrew University (PIs: D. Mandler and S Magdassi), Tel-Aviv University (PIs A. Kribus and B. Steinberg), and Ben- Gurion University (PI: D. Feuermann). “Photothermal Coatings Based on Functional Nanomaterials for the Efficient Conversion of Solar Energy.” Three years. Total amount NIS1,900,000.

CV Daniel Feuermann page 22

● Synopsis of research (references in brackets refer to above listed journal papers) Solar energy system analysis Doctoral research during the years 1981-85 focused primarily on the analysis of the long-term performance of solar energy systems, including passively solar heated buildings and active solar collector systems for industrial hot water applications [2, 3, 5, 6, and 11]. Rather than employing detailed computer simulations, which need hourly meteorological data that are often not available, analytical models requiring only average monthly meteorological data were successfully employed. Building energy diagnostics Postdoctoral studies at Princeton University related to the field of energy in buildings. Collaborations at Princeton resulted in studies of in-situ measurements for diagnostics of building energy systems such as the measurement of heat transfer coefficients of building envelopes [8, 9] and the non-intrusive flow measurement [16] in water distribution pipes. The flow measurement is based on cross-correlation of space-separated temperature signals on the pipe’s surface avoiding the need of intrusive installation of flow-meters. Accuracies of 10% were achieved. A study of room air-conditioner usage showed how summer peak loads (a major concern to the utility companies) are created [13]. Analysis of experimental data highlighted the effect of human behavior on the development of peak power demand. As power demand grows with ambient temperatures, residents in residential buildings exacerbate the increase in demand due to the different thresholds (or thermostat settings) individual tenants preferred. This range was found to be from 24 to 28ºC, resulting in a significant fraction of installed power producing capacity being used very infrequently with implications on the return on its investment. Solar radiation and enclosures For the performance prediction of solar energy systems, much effort is invested in obtaining reliable solar radiation data, with direct beam radiation being one of the more difficult data set to record reliably. A multi-pyranometer [14, 18] was devised that produces global, diffuse and direct beam radiation without moving parts within reasonable accuracies. Related to this, new calibration methods were studied [17, 19]. Over extended periods (months), we could show that relative calibrations, based on normal incidence measurements, could be provided at substantially higher accuracy and more reliably than with conventional horizontal setups. The interdisciplinary nature of the Jacob Blaustein Institute encouraged collaboration with other groups such as the Closed System Agriculture group that investigated a new type of greenhouse. Crop yield in greenhouses can be increased by fertilizing the plants with carbon dioxide. Quadrupling the carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse atmosphere (compared to ambient air) can increase crop yield by 30 to 150%. The input of CO2 is only possible when the greenhouse is closed, a requirement which is difficult to achieve without it overheating, particularly in summer. Shading is insufficient and reduces the level of light available for plant growth. The innovation here was the removal of by the plant unutilized near infrared solar radiation by means of a liquid radiation filter (LRF) [21]. The LRF flows in a double-layered roof of the greenhouse and acts like a solar collector. The collected heat can be stored and redirected at night back to the greenhouse when heating is required or simply rejected to ambient air via a cooling tower. A simulation was developed to predict the performance of the LRF Greenhouse for studying both the short-term (hourly) and long-term performance, indicating the number of hours per day the greenhouse could be maintained closed and fertilized with CO2. A comparatively simple model without adjustable parameters, based on the main physical phenomena occurring in the greenhouse, sufficed to predict the greenhouse performance with very good accuracy [21, 27]. This research found a natural continuation in a fruitful collaboration with a European consortium of universities and industries in Italy [Greenhouse Integrated System, please see under grants 2001-2003].

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Radiative transfer of energy Non-imaging optics The involvement in the field of non-imaging optics came about when researching concentration of solar radiation, either for achieving high temperature or for reducing absorber area, in particular for photovoltaic systems. Rather than maintaining an image as conventional lenses and mirrors do, non-imaging optics destroys the image of the radiation source in favor of reaching higher concentration. This field of optics, started in the 1960s, has many applications beyond the field of solar energy. Research in this area resulted in a number of advances: remote irradiation of a target with a fiber [22, 31], a general analysis of maximum power remote irradiation [23] (which resulted in a patent), and methods for designing non-imaging concentrators and illuminators for a large range of absorber shapes [25]. The latter work shows a simple way to predict an upper bound of the performance of axi-symmetric concentrators based on two- dimensional edge-ray designs when target and source have different shapes (giving rise to a loss due to skewness mismatch). Fiber optics Research in this field has found applications in medical optics, such as in ‘solar surgery’ [26] – a notion that quickly captured the imagination of the scientific community and the media with reports appearing on CNN, in New Scientist, Physics Today, among others, and in all the major Israeli newspapers. The method of concentrating sunlight 10,000-fold and transporting it through fibers has been suggested for the large-scale collection of solar radiation [29]. Of particular interest here is the performance of optical fibers used for transporting concentrated sunlight. It appears that light leakage from such fibers had not fully been appreciated by producers, nor had it been researched in great detail. We developed analytical models describing the leakage that was observed experimentally [33]. Though technically feasible [34], the high costs of quality fibers, capable of transmitting the broad spectrum of sunlight without large losses, prohibits the deployment in power production applications; however, for niche applications such as fiber-optic surgery, or characterization of photovoltaic cells, discussed further below, incoherent light transport in fibers is of significantly practical value. ‘Solar surgery’ attracted private research funds and has been realized experimentally [35, 36]. A prototype has been built and clinical trials on live rats have been shown to successfully imitate laser surgery at potentially much lower costs. This work, performed in collaboration with a medical team from Soroka Hospital, Beer Sheva, was published in “Nature” [37], triggering once more high interest from both scientists and the media. Concentrators for Photovoltaics At the turn of the millennium, the parallel development of high fuel prices and high efficiency solar cells re-ignited the interest in power production via concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems. Miniaturization of the solar collection units permits low-cost mass-production of optics with significant advantages in passive heat rejection, receiver positioning, and support structures [32]. With the development of solar cells capable of operating under a thousand-fold concentrated sunlight, the mini-dish approach [32] presents a particularly well-suited option in that its smallness permits passively cooled cells, avoiding expensive active cooling systems, common to centralized power generation, with its parasitic power needs and delicate controls (a failure to cool leads to the destruction of the cells). An experimental realization exploring this option was funded by the US Department of Energy [43], and commercial interest let to the development of practical constraint-driven solutions to CPV systems. To wit, we developed several devices for SolFocus Inc., which patented systems have been installed, are operating at specifications, and are in production at a level of tens of megawatts [41, 56, and 59]. These designs employ dual mirrors based on aplanatic optics, originally used in microscope and telescope designs with very low radiation collection efficiency (image fidelity being of paramount importance there). It is apparently the first time that such optics have been analyzed for and used in high-efficiency, high-concentration of radiation near the thermodynamic limit. CV Daniel Feuermann page 24

Near-field aplanatic optics An outgrowth of solar fiber-optic surgery was the use of Xenon-arc discharge lamps instead of the sun as a light source. Coupling the intense plasma discharge region of the lamp into a fiber required a new kind of near-field optic that was invented, using aplanatic designs [45, 46, 47]. With the Soroka hospital medical team, the feasibility of the method was demonstrated [51]. Methods to study the non-uniform plasma region of the lamp were also developed [54], and we studied theoretically and experimentally the possibility of ‘recycling’ light to enhance collection efficiency from the plasma region of the lamp [53]. A second, different, type of near-field optic was designed for a high-intensity reactor produced with a plasma-arc discharge lamp [57] for the production of inorganic fullerenes. This reactor serves as an alternative to the solar-driven photo- thermal synthesis of inorganic nano-materials (described further below). Characterization of photovoltaic cells Optics, tracking and alignment in a photovoltaic module comprised of multiple concentrator units cause non-uniform illumination of the cells. Experimental techniques developed using above mentioned fiber-optic mini-dishes (concentrating sunlight up to 10,000 times outside the laboratory into a fiber and then into the lab) permitted probing of the cells under varying intensities and flux distributions in a controlled indoor environment. The work resulted in the discovery of hitherto unrecognized phenomena [38, 42, 44, 49], such as the capability of the latest concentrator cells to maintain their high efficiency at high concentration ratios, even at highly non-uniform illumination. This recognition affected the design of new optics for CPV where the emphasis could now be placed on small accurate optics that produces a focus tighter than the size of the cell, and, in return, permitting lax tracking tolerances [56]. This is of immense practical importance for the manufacturers in their effort to reduce tracking, alignment, module stiffness, and support structure costs. Ultra-high irradiance furnace Another application of the fiber-optic mini-dish scheme permitted the study of synthesizing inorganic fullerenes at very high temperatures, in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute, funded by the Ministry of Science. The precursor material is irradiated with intense radiation emerging from the tip of the fiber (using a similar system to that for studying solar cells). We were able to produce the high temperatures, in excess of 2000ºK, necessary to enable the formation of novel inorganic fullerenes such as Cs2O nanoparticles [50], singular MoS2, SiO2 and Si nanostructures [55], and WS2 and MoS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles [58]. The fiber-based system, though achieving solar concentration ratios of 10,000, is limited in power. Further, radiation diverges at the fiber tip and limits the intensity achievable at the precurser material. In response, a solar furnace was designed and constructed, increasing the total available power by an order of magnitude while using converging optics with which concentrations of 20,000 suns were achieved. The converging rays permit higher intensities on the target (located behind the quartz glass of ampoules containing the precursor material). This research is in progress and has already produced higher yield of novel materials which are in the process of being analyzed. In addition, the furnace also permits the study of larger, up to 100mm2, solar cells at high concentration; something that was not possible with the low power of the fiber-optic mini-dish. In connection with the solar furnace, a unique flash, solar-based, ‘simulator’ has been designed and constructed to enable the study of solar cells under extreme flux levels. It permits the irradiation of the cells for periods of milli-seconds, short enough to prevent significant heating, but long enough to measure the current-voltage behavior of the cells, an important metric for characterizing them. The advantage over standard lamp-based solar simulators is (i) the capability of measuring at extreme flux levels and (ii) having a nearly perfect solar spectrum, something that is difficult to achieve with artificial light, but important for the spectrally sensitive solar cells. Research will continue in the forseeable future in these two directions: solar- based photo-thermal synthesis of inorganic fullerenes, and the study of high-concentration, high- efficient solar cells. CV Daniel Feuermann page 25

● Present academic activities Research in progress Modeling and experimental evaluation of selective coated absorbers at high temperatures (500ºC). In collaboration with A. Kribus () and with D. Mandler and S. Magdassi (Hebrew University). Application of imaging and non-imaging optics to illumination and irradiation problems. With J. M. Gordon. High-concentration photovoltaic power production based on imaging and non-imaging optics. With J.M. Gordon. Characterization and testing of high-concentration photovoltaic cells. With J.M. Gordon, E. Katz, and students. High-concentration, high temperature (>2000ºK) solar furnace for nanomaterial synthesis, with J.M. Gordon, E. Katz (Ben-Gurion University), and R. Tenne and M. Levi (Weizmann Institute of Science). ● Additional Information Serves on promotion committees. Referee for research proposals (national and international). MSc. Thesis evaluator of BGU students: Olivier Georlet (1996), Kathi Pearlmutter (2001), W. Yang (2001), Pabitra Shakya (2002), Indra B. Karki (2003). Tal Rahima (2004). Omer Korech (2007), Ori Roval, Tel Aviv University, (2007). Anat Razon (2009), Natalia Oustrumov (2010), Dotan Babai (2010), L. Levi (2011), U. Strowbach (2011). PhD. proposal evaluation and examiner: M. Arenson, Tel Aviv University, (2007). PhD. Evaluator. H. Y. Tan; Monash University, Australia (2010). Instructs highschool students in physics of solar cookers at the Sede Boker Environmental High School (and helps build and test these solar cookers too). Languages: German, English, Hebrew.