REID, L.E.M., PRETSCH, U., JONES, M.C., LONE, N.I., WEIR, C.J. and MORRISON, Z. 2018. The acute medical unit model: a characterisation based upon the National Health Service Scotland. PLoS ONE [online], 13(10), article ID e0204010. Available from: The acute medical unit model: a characterisation based upon the National Health Service Scotland. REID, L.E.M., PRETSCH, U., JONES, M.C., LONE, N.I., WEIR, C.J. and MORRISON, Z. 2018 This document was downloaded from RESEARCH ARTICLE The acute medical unit model: A characterisation based upon the National Health Service in Scotland 1,2,3 2 2 3 Lindsay E. M. ReidID *, Ursula Pretsch , Michael C. Jones , Nazir I. Lone , Christopher J. Weir3,4, Zoe Morrison5 1 Development and Delivery Department, Ko Awatea Health Systems Innovation and Improvement, Auckland, New Zealand, 2 Quality, Research and Standards, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, a1111111111 Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3 Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of a1111111111 Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit; University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, a1111111111 United Kingdom, 5 Business School, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom a1111111111 *
[email protected] a1111111111 Abstract OPEN ACCESS Background Citation: Reid LEM, Pretsch U, Jones MC, Lone NI, Weir CJ, Morrison Z (2018) The acute medical unit Acute medical units (AMUs) receive the majority of acute medical patients presenting to model: A characterisation based upon the National hospital as an emergency in the United Kingdom (UK) and in other international settings.