Boston University Paris Cultural & Linguistic Program SUMMER 2019 Contact Information Elisabeth Montfort-Siewert
[email protected] Hanadi Sobh
[email protected] Boston University Activities We organize and finance a certain number of student outings. Students may attend any or all of these activities for FREE! Signing up for each desired activity is required. Saturday May 25 th Versailles 2:00-6:00pm Tuesday June 4th Musée du vin 6:45-8:30 pm Tuesday June 11th Restaurant 7:30-9:30pm Wednesday June 19 th One Man Show 7:30-9:15pm Monday June 24th Comédie française 8:00-11:00pm Thursday July 11th Farewell Dinner 6:45-9:00pm Cultural Passport You can attend activities on your own and be reimbursed through the BU Cultural Passport up to 100€. Please remember that there are some limits and exceptions, so make sure to check out the BU Paris website for details Suggestions Cinema & Music Dance & Sport One Wo/Man Gastronomie Other Theatre Shows Ciné-balade with Juliette We love green Festival Chicago, comédie musicale Sebastian Marx ,The Eatwith : Exclusive Le jardin Dubois, 14€ electro pop music (with english subtitles), french language explained culinary events d’acclimatation : june 1st – june 2th Théâtre Mogador, until by an American, La hosted by passionate amusement park (check th Sunday, june 30 , 39 € nouvelle Scène, Friday, chefs at homes, website for prices) ?lang=en https://www.chicagolemusical. Saturday, 9:30pm, in english rooftops and garden https://www.jardindaccl com/ 11 € terraces https://www.eatwith.