Rapid Food Security Assessment in Baghdad Governorate
February 2015 Rapid Food Security Assessment in Baghdad Governorate Prepared by: M&E Unit, Relief International 0 Acknowledgment This report was written under the generous donation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the FAO Project “Increase food availability among conflict-affected vulnerable rural households and support continuous assessment and monitoring of the food security situation” (OSRO/IRQ/401/CHA). FAO, RI and WFP are thankful to the households surveyed for participating in this assessment, to the brave field monitors who conducted this survey in difficult and insecure areas, and FAO and WFP for its technical support. The report was completed under the technical supervision and contribution of Hadi Fathallah, Food Security Officer at FAO Iraq, Ayman Ramisis, Head of Programs at RI, and Venkat Dheeravath, VAM Officer at WFP Iraq. At FAO, special thanks goes to Fadel El Zubi, Country Representative, Paul Schluncke, Emergency Coordinator, Nakd Khamis, Senior Agronomist, Mohamed AwDahir, Regional Food Systems Economist, and the rest of FAO Iraq team. At WFP, special thanks goes to Jane Pearce, Country Representative & Country Director and Venkat Dheeravath, VAM Officer and Tareq Abdulhaj, the rest of the WFP Iraq and Regional team. At RI, special thanks goes to Fadi Hanna, Assessment Officer, and the rest of the team. 1 Table of Content 1. BACKGROUND 1 1.1 CONTEXT 2 1.2 OBJECTIVES 3 1.3 METHODOLOGY 3 1.3.1 RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING OF FIELD STAFF 3 1.3.2 DATA COLLECTION TOOLS 4 1.4 POPULATION AND SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 4 1.5 LIMITATIONS AND CHALLENGES 6 2. KEY FINDINGS 6 2.1 DEMOGRAPHICS 6 2.2 KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS 9 2.2.1 INCOME LEVEL 9 2.2.2 EXPENDITURE 11 2.3 FOOD SECURITY STATUS 12 2.3.1 ACCESS TO FOOD ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
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