ISSN 10637710, Acoustical Physics, 2009, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 232–239. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009.


Virtual Pitch Extraction from Structures by AbsolutePitch Musicians1 IHui Hsieh and Kourosh Saberi Department of Cognitive Sciences and The Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of California, Irvine, CA 926975100 USA email: [email protected] Received September 9, 2007

Abstract—The ability of absolutepitch (AP) musicians to identify or produce virtual pitch from harmonic structures without feedback or an external acoustic referent was examined in three experiments. Stimuli con sisted of pure tones, missingfundamental harmonic complexes, or piano notes highpass filtered to remove their fundamental and lower . Results of Experiment I showed that relative to control (nonAP) musicians, AP subjects easily (>90%) identified pitch of harmonic complexes in a 12alternative forcedchoice task. Increasing harmonic order (i.e., lowest harmonic number in the complex), however, resulted in a monotonic decline in performance. Results suggest that AP musicians use two pitch cues from harmonic structures: 1) spectral spacing between harmonic components, and 2) octaverelated cues to note identification in individually resolved harmonics. Results of Experiment II showed that highpass filtered piano notes are identified by AP subjects at better than 75% accuracy even when the note’s energy is confined to the 4th and higher harmonics. Identification of highpass piano notes also appears to be better than that expected from pure or complex tones, possibly due to contributions from familiar timbre cues to note identity. Results of Experiment III showed that AP subjects can adjust the spectral spacing between harmonics of a missingfundamental complex to accurately match the expected spacing from a target musical note. Impli cations of these findings for mechanisms of AP encoding are discussed. PACS numbers: 43.66.Fe, 43.66.Hg, 43.75.Cd DOI: 10.1134/S1063771009020134

INTRODUCTION higherorder linguistic processes in facilitating the Virtual pitch, also known as periodicity or residue retrieval and labeling of pitch from memory [26–28]. pitch refers to the perception of a pitch associated with No prior study has investigated the ability of AP musi the of a missingfundamental cians to process virtual pitch. This is an important complex presumed to exclusively involve synthesis question because involvement of a centrally mediated through higherorder computational processes [1–10, cognitive mechanism in AP processing which invokes for reviews see 11, 12]. The salience of virtual pitch a hypothesized conditional association between pitch depends on several factors including the number of and linguistic representations may affect identification harmonics, harmonic order, spectral region and rela of a centrally generated pitch (i.e., virtual pitch) differ tive phase across harmonic components [13–15]. As ently than that of pitch with a peripheral origin2 (e.g., such, virtual pitch has often been used to test compet pure tones, narrowband noise, fundamental frequency ing models of pitch encoding including temporal or of complex sounds). autocorrelation models [9, 16], power spectrum mod els (i.e., peripheral place coding; [17, 18]), and tem We address here the question of whether virtual platematching or patternrecognition models [1, 7, pitch can be identified or produced by AP musicians as 9, 10, 13]. easily as pitch extracted from lowfrequency cues at the fundamental frequency. Specifically, we examine (AP) refers to the rare ability of some musicians in identifying the pitch of a musical 2 By centrally synthesized pitch we mean a pitch whose final neu note from longterm memory without an acoustic ref ral computations are carried out beyond the initial stages of erent ([19–24]; for reviews see [25, 26]). Theories of auditory processing. The virtual pitch of a harmonic complex AP encoding, supported by psychophysical and neu must be calculated at cortical stages that combine information (either temporal or spectral) from tonotopically organized ear roimaging evidence, have proposed an intrinsic asso lier stages in the auditory tract. In contrast, the pitch of pure ciation between stored pitch representations and tones or narrowband noise does not require synthesis across sep arate frequency bands and may be represented as having a tono 1 The text was submitted by the authors in English. topic peripheral origin.

232 VIRTUAL PITCH EXTRACTION FROM HARMONIC STRUCTURES 233 in three experiments the ability of AP and control notes were at least 2 octaves + 1 semitone apart. A musicians to identify the pitch of musical notes com 600ms burst of white Gaussian noise was presented posed either of missingfundamental harmonic com 600ms after termination of each stimulus, followed by plex tones, or piano notes highpass filtered to elimi 1200ms of silence during which subjects responded. nate their fundamental and lower harmonics. In addi The noise was introduced to reduce iconic (sensory) tion, we examine AP ability as virtualpitch salience is trace memory cues. Subjects were asked to identify systematically degraded by increasing the harmonic each note by selecting 1 of 12 note labels on GUI order (i.e., the lowest harmonic number in the stimu (graphical user interface) pushbuttons. Subjects were lus) and decreasing the number of harmonics to as few not provided reference stimuli, practice trials, or feed as two. We also address the question of whether error back at any time during screening or experiments. patterns associated with virtual pitch production are Participants received 1 point for correct identifica significantly different than those for identification, tion and 0.5 point for identification within a semitone given the recent evidence that perception and produc (e.g., C vs. C#; [see ref. 23]). To qualify as AP, we tion of absolute pitch may utilize fundamentally dif required a minimum score of 45 points (90%) for ferent access mechanisms to pitch memory [28–30]. piano notes and 40 (80%) for pure tones (maximum = 50 points). Averaged scores across 5 AP subjects were 48.8 (σ = 1.26) for piano notes and 43.8 (σ = 2.36) for GENERAL METHODS pure tones. NonAP subjects had average scores of Subjects. Ten trained musicians (5 AP and 5 non 17.0 (σ = 5.79) and 13.2 (σ =2.93) for piano and pure AP) participated in the study. Seven of the subjects tones, respectively (chance performance = 8.3 points). were undergraduate piano performance or composi The slightly abovechance performance by nonAP tion/drama majors in the Music Department at the musicians is consistent with previous studies [23, 26, University of California, Irvine. The other 3 were non 33]. Restricting scoring to exact identification, AP music majors but were highly trained pianists with over subjects had an average score of 48.0 (σ = 1.87) or 96% 10 years of experience. AP and nonAP groups had for piano notes and 40.0 (σ = 4.62) or 80% for pure average ages of 22 (range 19–27) and 19.2 (range 18– tones. NonAP subjects scored 13.8 (σ = 6.97) or 21) years, and had begun formal music training at 5 27.6% for piano notes and 7.2 (σ = 3.42) or 14.4% for (range 4–6) and 5.8 (range 4–8) years of age, respec pure tones (chance performance = 4.1 points or tively. AP and nonAP subjects had an average of 14 8.3%). and 13.2 years experience playing their primary instru ment. While subjects typically were trained in more than one instrument, piano was the primary instru EXPERIMENT I: IDENTIFICATION ment of all 10 subjects. Subjects were recruited either OF THE PITCH OF MISSINGFUNDAMENTAL through flyers posted around the Music Department HARMONIC COMPLEXES AS A FUNCTION or verbally at music performance classes. Subjects gave OF THE NUMBER OF HARMONICS their written informedconsent to participate. All pro Stimuli. Stimuli consisted of zerophase missing tocol were approved by the UC Irvine Institutional fundamental harmonic complex tones (Eq. (1)) with Review Board. the fundamental frequency (F0) selected from the Screening for AP. Subjects were screened for range of C2 to B6 (65.4–1975.5 Hz) equivalent to the AP ability using protocol similar to those described by range of puretone used in the screening Baharloo et al. [23]. Stimuli consisted of 50 pure tones task and similar to the range used in other studies. Spe and 50 piano notes presented in two blocks of 50 trials cifically, the harmonic complex was of the form: each. A predetermined criterion of 90% accuracy for n+1 identifying piano notes and 80% for pure tones was X ()tkFtWkF=πsin() 2 ( ) ( ),(1) used to qualify a subject as AP [23, 31, 32]. Pure tones ∑ 00 were 1s in duration with 100ms risedecay ramps. k=2 Piano notes were digitally recorded from a 9foot where W is the frequencydependent weighting func Steinway grand piano at UCI’s Music Department. tion derived from equal loudness contours (ELC) to Notes were recorded at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz match harmonic components for loudness, and n is using a 0.5inch microphone (Brüel & Kjær Model the highest harmonic number in the complex. 4189), a conditioning amplifier (Nexus, Brüel & On each trial F0 was selected randomly with the Kjær), and a 16bit AtoD converter (Creative Sound constraint that on successive trials notes would differ Blaster Audigy 2ZS). Stimuli were presented diotically by at least 2 octaves + 1 semitone [23]. Eight different at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz through Bose head missingfundamental conditions were examined phones (model QCZ, TriPort) in a doublewalled steel which differed from each other in their harmonic acoustically isolated chamber (Industrial Acoustics structure. The eight types of complex tones were com Company). On each trial a musical note was ran posed of: 1) first five harmonics, 2) first 4 harmonics, domly selected from C2 to B6 (65.4 to 1975.5 Hz; 3) first 3 harmonics, 4) first 2 harmonics, and 5) the A4 = 440.0 Hz) with the constraint that two successive first harmonic alone (these conditions are referred to


100 ′ feedback were provided at any point during the exper 3 iment. Participants completed the various experimen 80 tal conditions and their corresponding control condi tions (lowpass noise) in a randomized order. Data 2 60 AP were scored in terms of identification accuracy follow NonAP ing the protocol described earlier. Lowpass Noise 40 Results. Percent correct performances for the first 1 five conditions are shown in the top panel of Fig. 1 for Percent correct 20 both AP (filled symbols) and nonAP subjects (open 0 Index of detectability (d symbols).3 Dashed lines next to each set of symbols F15 F14 F13 F12 F1 PT represent performance in the control lowpassnoise 100 condition. Chance performance is shown by the dashed horizontal line at the bottom of each panel. 80 Performance for puretone stimuli from the screening task are also shown for comparison (PT). Error bars 60 are +/–1 standard deviation. Mean percent correct across all harmonic conditions was 89.4 (σ = 4.8) for 40 AP (No Noise) AP subjects and 19 (3.0) for nonAP subjects. For Lowpass Noise comparison, on the right ordinate of the top panel, we Percent correct 20 Chance show d' values (index of detectability) derived from 0 equations provided by Elliott [34] for a 12alternative F15 F25 F35 F45 PT forcedchoice task. Clearly, AP subjects significantly Harmonic condition outperformed nonAP subjects, although there is no significant effect of harmonic condition. AP subjects Fig. 1. Pitch identification performance by AP and non also generally performed slightly better in most of the AP subjects. Stimuli were missingfundamental harmonic harmonic conditions than the puretone condition. complexes. Top panel: PT= pure tone; F1–5 = complex The addition of lowpass filtered noise had no signifi tone consisting of first 5 harmonics; F1–4 = first 4 harmon cant effect on performance. ics; etc. Bottom panel shows effects of changing harmonic order (lowest harmonic # in the complex): F1–5 = complex Multiple cues from harmonic structures. Restrict tone consisting of first 5 harmonics; F2–5 = harmonic ing pitch cues to a note’s harmonic structure excludes numbers 2 to 5; etc. Data are averaged from 5 AP musi energy at the fundamental frequency of that note. cians. Dashed horizontal lines at bottom of each panel However, this harmonic structure contains both a indicate chance performance. Error bars are +/–1 stan dard deviation. pitch cue derived from the relationship among har monics, as well as a pitch cue derived from individual components. The first and third harmonics of a target as F1–5, F1–4, F1–3, F1–2, and F1, respectively). Condi note have an octave relationship with the target fre tions 6 to 8 consisted of increasing harmonic order and quency. Although these components are heard in the presence of other components with their own resolved included: 6) harmonics 2 to 5 (F2–5), 7) harmonics 3 to pitches, octaverelated cues derived from resolved 5 (F3–5), and 8) harmonics 4 and 5 (F4–5). To examine the potential use of nonlinear intermodulation distor harmonics do contributed to note identification, tions at the fundamental frequency, we ran a control hence the slightly better performance in the harmonic condition with addition of lowpass filtered noise conditions (which contain both virtual and octave related cues) relative to the puretone condition. (60 dB SL) with a cutoff frequency halfway between F0 Effects of harmonic order. Bottom panel of Fig. 1 and F1 [14]. All stimuli were 1000 ms in duration with linear rise/decay ramps of 100 ms. shows the effects of increasing harmonic order from 1 to 4 (conditions 1, 6–8). Data were collected only Procedure. The experiment was run in a block from AP subjects since nonAP subjects could not per design with each of 8 conditions fixed within a run. form the task even when all five harmonics were Each run consisted of 50 trials in which a randomly present. AP subjects clearly perform considerably selected note (harmonic complex) was presented on above chance in all harmonicorder conditions, each trial, followed by a 600ms white Gaussian noise though there is a clear decline in performance when burst, followed by 1200 ms of silence. During the th th 1800 ms ISI, participants responded by selecting from the stimulus contains only the 4 and 5 harmonics. 12 musicalnote labels (listed in both Western and Nonetheless, even in this condition, subjects score above 60%. The decline in performance with increas Solfeggio notations, i.e., La# (A#)) arranged in 2 rows of 6 GUI pushbuttons on the monitor. Each trial was ing harmonic order may as discussed in the previous initiated by pressing a ‘Start’ button on the screen. 3 Scores shown are based on exact identification of a musical Subjects were required to respond immediately after note, with no additional points given for correct identification to presentation of each note. Neither reference tones nor within a semitone as described for the screening task.

ACOUSTICAL PHYSICS Vol. 55 No. 2 2009 VIRTUAL PITCH EXTRACTION FROM HARMONIC STRUCTURES 235 section be partially accounted for by the dualpitch cue in harmonic structures. Note, for example, that the stimulus containing only the 4th and 5th harmonics 250 excludes octaverelated cues. 200 Error patterns. Figure 2 shows error patterns asso 150 AP ciated with all 8 stimulus conditions (no noise). Top 100 and middle panels show data from conditions 1 to 5 for 50

AP and nonAP subjects respectively, and bottom Frequency count panel shows effects of increasing harmonic order 0 (conditions 1, 6, 7 and 8 for AP subjects). When AP 0 subjects do make errors, these are generally as small as S 1 em 2 a semitone. The error distribution for nonAP subjects it 3 one 4 F1 has a high variance and is monotonic decreasing with er 5 F12 ro F13 n distance from target note. r 6 F14 itio F15 nd c co oni arm EXPERIMENT II: IDENTIFICATION H OF THE PITCH OF HIGHPASS FILTERED NonAP PIANO NOTES 250 Previous studies have reported that AP subjects 200 often perform better when identifying the pitch of 150 musical instruments compared to pure tones, presum 100 ably because of the rich harmonic structures of the lat 50 ter stimuli which provides both octave and timbre cues Frequency count to musicalnote identity. In Experiment II, we mea 0 0 sured AP identification of piano notes highpass fil 1 tered to remove their fundamental frequency and S 2 em 3 lower harmonics. it on 4 F1 er 5 F12 Stimuli & Procedures. Stimuli were filtered ver ro 6 F F13 on r F 14 diti sions of the digitally recorded piano notes used in the 15 con nic screening procedure. Four stimulus conditions were rmo examined defined by how the piano notes were fil Ha tered. The four conditions were: 1) removing the fun 250 damental frequency F0, 2) removing F0 and the first AP harmonic, 3) removing F0, F1, and F2, and 4) removing 200 F0, F1, F2, and F3. These conditions are referred to as 150 F1–n, F2–n, F3–n, and F4–n respectively. Stimuli were dig itally filtered in Matlab by Fast Fourier Transforming 100 (FFT) each waveform, removing the fundamental 50 and/or lower harmonics, and inverse transforming to Frequency count 0 the time domain. To preserve the original timbre of the 0 remaining harmonics, no ELC weighting was applied 1 S to the stimuli. In a control condition, lowpass noise em 2 it 3 with a cutoff frequency halfway between the funda on 4 e e mental and the lowest harmonic (e.g., F in condition 2) rr 5 F45 2 or 6 F35 ion F25 dit was added to each filtered piano note. Stimuli were F15 con nic normalized to equal r.m.s. by dividing each waveform rmo by its standard deviation. This was necessary since Ha highpass filtering piano note resulted in low intensities nearing the audibility threshold. The same 10 subjects participated in Experiment II, and all procedures were Fig. 2. Distribution of errors in identifying the musical identical to those used in Experiment I. pitch of missingfundamental complex tones. Deviations from the target note are shown in semitone units (0semi Results. Figure 3 shows results of this experiment. tone represents exact identification, i.e., no error). Each AP subjects performed at 89.6, 83.6, 81.6, and 73.6% panel shows data combined from 5 subjects. Top and accuracy in the four stimulus conditions respectively middle panels show data from conditions 1 to 5 from AP ( , , , and ). NonAP subjects per and nonAP subjects respectively (i.e., data from top F1–n F2–n F3–n F4–n panel of Fig. 1). Bottom panel shows data from condi formed at 20.0, 16.0, 11.5, and 16.0% in the 4 condi tions 1, and 5 to 8 from AP subjects (i.e., data from bot tions. As was the case for Experiment I, addition of tom panel of Fig. 1).


th )

100 ′ (>5 ) in piano notes as well as timbre cues. Fourier 3 analysis of the recorded piano notes showed that for 80 notes in the lower and middle octaves, partials above th 2 the 5 harmonic contain considerable energy, which 60 AP at times is substantially greater than that of the NonAP note’s fundamental frequency. Conversely, piano Lowpass noise 40 notes from the highest octaves had very weak har 1 monic structures, with most of the stimulus energy Percent correct 20 confined to F0. 0 Index of detectability (d F1n F2n F3n F4n Unfiltered Harmonic condition (Piano notes) EXPERIMENT III: PITCH PRODUCTION BY ADJUSTING THE SPECTRAL SPACING OF HARMONIC COMPONENTS Fig. 3. Identification of the pitch of highpass filtered piano notes by AP and nonAP subjects. Abscissa shows stimulus Stimuli. Stimuli consisted of either pure tones or conditions with F1–n corresponding to piano notes whose missingfundamental 5harmonic complex tones. fundamental frequency (F0) has been filtered out, F2–n Subjects adjusted an unlabeled GUI slider on the corresponding to a piano note with the fundamental and first harmonic filtered out, etc. Data are averaged from monitor to change the stimulus frequency (i.e., the 5AP and 5 nonAP musicians. Dashed horizontal line puretone frequency or the missing F0 of a harmonic indicates chance performance. Error bars are +/–1 stan complex). Changing the frequency of the missing F0 dard deviation. changes both the spectral spacing and absolute fre quency of all components. The range of frequencies that could be selected using the slider depended on the lowpass masking noise did not significantly affect per target note frequency which itself was randomly cho formance (dashed lines). Distribution of error patterns sen on each trial. This range was kept constant at 3/4 from this experiment are shown in Fig. 4. of an octave, but randomly positioned on each trial with respect to the target note frequency. For example, Performance of AP subjects slightly declines as the if the target note was 440 Hz (A), the slider could be lower harmonics are filtered out. Nonetheless, even in adjusted in a 3/4 octave range around that frequency, the poorest condition (F4n) they perform significantly with the 440 Hz point positioned at any location along above chance (>70%; chance = 8.3%). This level of the slider scale (left edge, right edge, or any point in performance is better than that for the 2tone har between). We chose a 3/4 octave range, instead of a full monic condition (F4–5) from experiment I, possibly octave, to avoid edgeeffects which may increase false because of both the presence of higher harmonics alarm responses. The octave from which a target note

AP NonAP 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100

Frequency count 50 Frequency count 50 0 0 0 0 1 1 S S em 2 em 2 it it on 3 on 3 e e 4 e e 4 rro 5 rro 5 r F4n ion r F4n ion 6 F F3n dit 6 F F3n dit F 2n con F 2n con 1n ote 1n ote d n d n ere ere Filt Filt

Fig. 4. Error distributions for filtered piano note stimuli. Data are combined from 5 AP (left panel) and 5 nonAP subjects (right panel). Correct pitch identification corresponds to a semitone error of zero.

ACOUSTICAL PHYSICS Vol. 55 No. 2 2009 VIRTUAL PITCH EXTRACTION FROM HARMONIC STRUCTURES 237 was chosen was randomly selected from the 2nd to the Missing F0 Pure tones 6th octaves for the puretone stimuli, and due to sys 6 Complex tones tem limitations, from the 2nd to the 5th octaves for АР the harmonic complexes. Stimuli were 1000 ms in 5 NonAP duration with 100 ms risedecay ramps. Procedure. The same 10 subjects participated in 4 Experiment III. At the beginning of each trial, one of the 12 notes was randomly selected without replace 3 ment and displayed as text on the screen (i.e., Do(C), Do#(C#), Re, …, Si(B)). Subjects then immediately 2 adjusted the GUI slider to find the pitch associated with the target note and pressed a GUI pushbutton 1 after each adjustment to hear the stimulus. Subjects had either 5 or 30 s to make their adjustments on a Deviation from target (semitone) 0 5s 30s 5s 30s trial, after which the stimulus could no longer be Adjustment interval played for that trial. We selected both a short and a long response period to determine the degree to which Fig. 5. Average deviations from targetnote frequency in a pitchproduction ability is automatic and effortless, pitchproduction task. Subjects were given either 30 s or 5 s especially for AP subjects. Subjects were allowed to to make their final adjustment on a given trial. Left panel play a given note as many times as they wished during shows results for the missingfundamental harmonic the adjustment period. Typically, they made 4 to 6 complex condition and right panel for the puretone con adjustments during the 5 s response interval and sev dition. Error bars are +/–1 standard deviation. eral more during the 30 s interval, though most sub jects (even nonAP subjects) did not use the full 30s as the harmonic condition (t(4) = 3.917, p < .05). Fur they were satisfied with their final adjustment prior to thermore, AP subjects produce slightly lower error the end of the interval. When a final adjustment was made on a trial, the subject pressed a separate push rates in the harmonic condition than in the puretone button to record the result. The slider was reset to the condition. When nonAP subjects are given only 5 s to middle position at the beginning of each trial. produce pitch, they are less accurate in producing vir The experiment was run in a block design in which tual pitch than puretone pitch, possibly indicating the the stimulus type (pure or complex tone) and adjust role of more timeconsuming highorder computa ment interval (5 or 30s) were fixed within a run. A total tional or cognitive processes in generation of virtual of 10 adjustment sessions were run for each of 12 notes, pitch. This is not evident for AP subjects, given their each adjustment interval, and each stimulus type. rapid pitchcoding ability and possibly because of their There were no practice trials allowed and no feedback already low error rates (i.e., a floor effect). Conversely, given at any point during the experiment. Performance when given 30 s, these same nonAP subjects are more accuracy was computed as the average standard devia tions in semitone units between the final and target accurate in producing virtual pitch than puretone frequency. pitch, suggesting that their poorer performance in the Results. Figure 5 shows results of this experiment. 5 s harmoniccomplex condition is not due to a gener Left panel shows results for the missingfundamental ally less salient pitch cue. condition, and right panel for pure tones. The ordinate It was unclear a priori whether subjects would dis represents average deviation of the slideradjusted fre quencies from standard frequency (i.e., |useradjusted play response bias. For instance, nonAP subjects frequency minus target frequency|). Data are shown may have produced a small standard deviation of for AP and nonAP subjects, as well as for the 5 and responses but large bias if they consistently adjusted 30 s conditions. For the 30sinterval puretone condi the frequency of the stimulus to a specific but wrong tion, AP subjects had an average error of 0.51 semi frequency. An analysis of response bias however tones, and nonAP subjects showed an average error of showed that nonAP subjects made random nonsys 2.87 semitones. For the 5 sinterval puretone condi tematic errors resulting in a nearzero bias for both tion, average errors were 0.55 and 3.07 semitones for puretone and missingfundamental conditions. AP and nonAP subjects respectively. Results are sim The AP group had a nearzero bias, i.e., a constant ilar for missingfundamental complex tones. Average errors for AP subjects were 0.41 and 0.48 semitones for error CE = –0.11 semitones for pure tones, and the 30 and 5 s conditions respectively. For the nonAP CE = –0.18 semitones for harmonic stimuli. The group, these averages were 1.99 and 3.94 semitones for nonAP group also showed no bias, with CE = 0.14 the 30 and 5 s conditions. semitones for pure tones, and 0.16 for harmonic tones. It is clear that nonAP subjects perform signifi Individualsubject analysis confirmed these results cantly better when given additional time, but only in (the largest CE for any subject was 0.53 semitones).


DISCUSSION plex tones while more salient than that of pure tones, requires longer processing times as expected from a Two previous studies have examined pitch identifi higherorder process. Informal observations of AP and cation by AP subjects using stimuli that do not require nonAP subjects in the slideradjustment task showed activity at the point on the basilar membrane which that AP subjects usually completed their final adjust would respond maximally to a pure tone of similar ment on a trial well within 5 seconds, even when they pitch. Fujisaki and Kashino [35] reported that iterated were allowed 30s for adjustment. AP subjects also did rippled noise, a broadband sound consisting of frozen not require any practice to become familiarized with noise iteratively delayed and added to itself, produces slider step adjustments, and appeared to determine a timebased pitch that is accurately identified by AP their final adjustment rapidly and effortlessly, report musicians. IRN stimuli, however, contain weak spec ing that it was a fairly easy task [see also refs. 38–40 for tral cues at F0 and its harmonics. While Fujisaki and temporal and other cognitive constraints on AP pro Kashino did highpass filter their stimuli above 1kHz, cessing]. This was in contrast to nonAP individuals their task involved note identification up to funda who usually experimented with playing sounds along mental frequencies of nearly 2 kHz, and thus, spectral the entire range of frequencies allowed by the slider energy at F0 confounded their stimuli on a subset of scale when given sufficient time, suggesting that they trials. Ross et al. [36] used a different type of stimulus may have been attempting to use relativepitch cues, commonly referred to as Hugginspitch stimuli which though such cues could not have been used to deter consist of diotic broadband noise with an interaurally mine the target frequency in this task. phaseshifted narrowband segment. This stimulus Our results with highpass filtered piano sounds are produces a weak pitch corresponding to the center fre consistent with those for complex tones, and show that quency of the narrowband noise [37]. Ross et al. overtones of a piano note itself contain sufficient reported that AP subjects can accurately adjust the information for pitch identification by AP subjects. spectral position of the narrowband noise to match the One interesting prediction from previous reports is pitch of an acoustic referent presented a few seconds that whitekey notes (e.g., C, D) and notes associated earlier. However, given the presence of a referent with major keys (e.g., C, G) are more easily and rap sound, it is highly likely that their AP subjects used rel idly identified by AP subjects than blackkey notes ative pitch (RP) cues, hence confounding interpreta (e.g., C#, D#), presumably because piano students tion of their findings. The current study is the first to commonly start learning whitekey pitches first [31, examine the ability of AP musicians to extract pitch 41, 42], and because whitekey notes occur more fre from harmonic structures with a , quently in musical repertoires in general resulting in a which either exclusively contain virtual pitch cues strengthening of memory for such notes. To examine (e.g., F4–5) or both virtual and octaverelated cues to this idea, we analyzed error patterns from our subjects, pitch identity. who all had reported piano as their primary instru Several novel findings emerged from our study. ment, to determine if response accuracy for pitches First, AP subjects have no difficulty identifying the associated with blackkey notes significantly differed centrally synthesized virtual pitch of harmonic struc from that for whitekey notes. Contrary to previous tures, though not as easily as that of pure tones or har reports we did not find a significant difference for monics complexes containing both virtual and octave either AP or nonAP subjects. related cues (Fig. 2). Second, AP musicians can iden In summary, AP subjects can identify and produce tify the pitch of harmonic structures containing the pitch derived from harmonics of a musical note as eas first 3 to 5 components more easily than that of pure ily as, and in some cases, more accurately than the tones (Fig. 1). Third, time restriction had a selective pitch associated with pure tones. AP subjects are effect on producing the pitch of pure versus missing slightly more accurate in identifying the pitch of high fundamental complex tones. AP subjects had no diffi pass filtered piano notes than that of complex tones culty matching to a target pitch either the pitch of a possibly due to contribution of familiar timbre cues, as missingfundamental complex or the pitch of pure well as presence of higher harmonic components. tones. However, nonAP subjects, which perform Reducing the number of harmonics in a complex from poorly but above chance in pitch production tasks, 5 to 1 only slightly affected AP performance but showed a more complicated pattern of performance. increasing harmonic order from 1 to 4 reduced identi When adjusting the pitch of pure tones to a target note, fication scores by approximately 25%. NonAP sub time restriction (5 and 30 s) had no effect on perfor jects were more accurate in producing pitch from har mance of nonAP subjects. When adjusting the pitch monics of a musical note than from pure tones, pro of complex tones, however, the 5 s condition produced vided they were given sufficient time (30 s). However, performance poorer than that for the 5 s puretone when time was restricted to 5 s, they were less accurate condition. Conversely, these subjects performed better in the harmonic condition, possibly due to involve in the 30 s complextone condition than the corre ment of central mechanisms in synthesis of virtual sponding 30 s puretone condition. These findings pitch. We observed no effect of time restriction on suggest that the pitch of missingfundamental com AP subjects. Finally, the findings from the current

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