Masonic Token, Jan
MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VoLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., JAN. 15, 1912. Nq. 19. McLaid, m; Samuel T Heal, sw; Charles M Crescent, 78, Pembroke, Alex Robinson, Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., Lunt, jw; Fred H Savage, sec. Dennysville, m; A Burton Coggins, sw; William R. Allan, Dennysville, jw; Eugene No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine Bethel, 97, Bethel. Clarence W Hall, S Wilbur, West Pembroke, sec. m; Melville D Sturtevant, sw; Clarence K Twelve cts. per year in advance. Fox, jw; Fred B Merrill, sec. Temple, 86, Westbrook. Arthur L Prior, m; John B Winslow, sw; Roscoe C Booth, Established March, 1867. - - 45th Year. Hiram, 180, South Portland. Clarence jw; Oliver A Cobb, sec. E Turner, m; David E Moulton, sw; Wm. Hancock, 4, Castine. Sewall Perkins, Advertisements 84.00 per inch, or $3.00 for A Sayford, jw; Josiah F Cobb, sec. m; Warren P Hooper, sw; Walter C Brown, half an inch for one year. Day Spring, 107, West Newfield. Chas. jw; Charles H Hooper, sec. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, T Goodrich, m; Albert J Shepard, sw; or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in Oliver F Hammond, jw; Luther E Sanborn, Harmony, 38, Gorham. Edgar F Cars good standing. Maplewood, sec. well, m; Stephen E Patrick, sw; Frederick R Summersides, jw; Charles E Cobb, sec. Moses Webster, 145, Vinal Haven. Leon '■'be ( liri.liiias Bells’ Mission. W Sanborn, m; Uimer B Dyer, sw; Her Atlantic, 81, Portland. Howard B Chand bert W Fifield, jw; Freeman L Roberts, ler, in; Fanning J Burbank, sw; William S sec.
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