Timeline Canadian Masonic History
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Timeline Canadian Masonic History 1717 Jun 24, 1717 - Toronto, having been presented to the church by the owner, Mr. J. Ross Robertson . The other chairs are all connected with Canadian history. THE MASONIC CHAJR. On the 24th June, 1717, the festival erf St. John the Baptist, the brethren of four of the old Masonic Lodges of England, met at the "Goose and Grid iron Ale House," in London Yard, on the north side of St. Paul s Church yard, London, and formed the original Grand Lodge of England. 1733 1733 - Nevertheless, the bulk of Barry's translation focuses on Masonry's history in the United States and Canada. Masons in the United States solicited permission to form a Lodge in Boston in 1733 and Viscount Montague, Grand Master of Masons in England, granted them their diploma. That Grand Lodge in Boston, in turn, granted concessions for Lodges in New England, Canada, and the Caribbean. 1738 1738 - The Masonic Square and Compass Benjamin Franklin joined the Fraternity, there were already several Lodges in the Colonies, and in Canada the first Lodge was established in 1738. Today, Masonic Lodges are found in almost every community throughout North America , and in large cities there are usually several Lodges. A Mason can travel to almost any country in the world and find a Masonic Lodge where he will be welcomed as a “Brother.” What Do Freemasons Do? 1738 - He mentioned a Masonic gathering in Connecticut that was addressed by Cardinal I Cushing of Boston and Mr. Wolkenberg said that in his area the Masons and the - hts already had bowling land pinochle tournaments. I According to the Catholic Almanac Freemasonry was condemned in 1738 by Pope i Clement XII. Catholics are excommunicated for belonging to the organization, the Almanac says. According to the K. of C. headquarters, the organization has 1250000 members in the ... Jun 1738 - cele bration next June of the 200th anniversary of "the first Masonic -lodge in Canada, founded at Anna polis Royal, in June, 1738 Invitations have been sent to the three grand lodges of the British Isles, the eight grand lodges in Canada, the two district grand lodges .in Newfoundland, and the 49 lodges in the United States. Many acceptances have already been received. In Halifax Masons met ~to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the initiation into Masonry in the ... 1749 1749 - The first Lodge was formed in Canada in 1749, the same year Ben Franklin was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania. (8 - Cerza, pg 49) There are currently 51 Masonic Grand Jurisdictions in the United States and 9 in Canada. Often a country has but one Grand Lodge. Such is usually the case in Europe and most of Central and South America. 1759 Dec 1759 - The early work of Masonry in Canada, as we know, was under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Quebec, although west of the Ottawa that body was only directly concerned in the work of a few lodges. From that festival day in December of 1759, when the soldier Masons met in the barrack-room within the Citadel at Quebec, and inaugurated the first Provincial Grand Lodge, down to the present time, the Craft in our sister province has maintained an unbroken interest in ... 1780 1780 - The oldest Masonic document in Upper Canada is the certificate of Bro. Joseph Clement, dated Sept., AD 1780, issued by Lodge, No. 156, in the 8th Regt. of Foot. The impression of the seal is so indistinct that it is impossible to trace the design, but it is not unlikely that it was similar to that given in the history of that lodge, page 258. The Provincial Grand Lodge of 1792-1822 had a seal, of which.an example may be seen on the warrant of the Provincial ... 1784 1784 - Sir William Campbell quite possibly owned a decanter with Masonic symbols such as these, as records show that he had a direct association with Freemasonry in early Canada. In 1784 a petition was made to Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia for the formation of a Masonic charter (Temple Lodge, No.7, Manchester, or Chedabucto), and Campbell was listed as a Knight Templar. The fact that he held this position further indicates that he had previous experience in Masonry. 1791 Feb 1791 - This was the first building erected for Craft purposes in Central Canada. The first Masonic hall in Upper Canada was erected in Niagara in 1791-2 and was known as Freemasons' Hall." The committee decided that the structure should be of moderate dimensions, just large enough to suit the comfort of the Craft. Bros . Cottier, J. George, G. Barker, M. Pickering, A. Perkins, P. Davy and M. Goodwin were named as the committee. The land for the building was a gift of Bro . 1792 1792 - Lord Rawdon had served with distinction in the American War; BO also had Governor Simcoe and William Jarvis, Secretary of the Province of Upper Canada, under Simcoe, This Mr. Jarvis was appointed Grand Master of the Masons in Upper Canada in 1792. He doubtless assisted Mr. Simcoe in selecting the county and township names, not forgetting to honor his Masonic friends. 1794 Jul 1794 - The Masonic work of Bro. Phelps is closely interwoven with the early history of the province of Upper Canada. He was the first Grand Secretary of the first Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada, the first Master of Barton lodge, at Hamilton, and was identified with Masonic work throughout the entire Niagara district. The following notice, which appeared in The Upper Canada Gazette of roth July, 1794, proves that he possessed good business ability ... 1797 1797 - Elijah Crocker Woodman, a farmer and lumberman by occupation, was born in Maine in 1797. The Canadian government had passed a law forbidding the importation of slaves. But it was legislation that many America Freemasons (esp. plantation slave-owners) were violently opposed to. Calling themselves "liberators" American extremists and Masonic mercenaries launched an armed uprising against the Canadian government. 1807 1807 - After the death of Prince Hall in 1807, the colored Masonic grand lodges changed their names in his honor and many succeeding lodges have adopted it.As time went along, Prince Hall Grand and subordinate lodges of colored Masons were chartered and organized throughout the United States, Canada and other countries, all of them springing from African Lodge No. 459.Id. at 48-49 (citations omitted). 1808 Jan 27, 1808 - in the churchyard of St. lames' cathedral. In the .. Upper Canada Gazette or American Orade" of January 27th, 1808, there is the following record relative to the death of Samuel D. Cozens, whose certificate is given: .. Departed this life. on the 29th ult., Mr. Samuel D. Cozens. one of the first inhabitants of this town (York). His remains were interred with Masonic honors «n the 3 1 st." The following is a co_py of a letter, written by Benjamin Cozens. a cousin ... 1811 1811 - The deceased became a member of the order of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of New Brunswick, in the year 1811, and at the time of his death was one of the oldest Masons in Canada; he was an honorary member of St Andrews Lodge, Eglington, and was buried by the craft with Masonic honours. The St Andrew's and York Lodges being present. The church funeral service by the Rev. J. Learoyd, Wesleyan minister of the Yonge Street South Circuit, and the usual impressive and ... 1819 Jul 22, 1819 - and in the full vigour of his great usefulness. Our late Frater was born in Bristol, England, on the 22nd July, 1819, and in his thirtieth year removed to Canada and settled at Hamilton as his subsequent residence. The various oiiicon he so long and honorably held in the Masonic body are matters of history in the Canadian Craft, and will be recorded by many a sorrowing hand. 1820 1820 - The first Masonic Lodge in Upper Canada was created here in 1820, as well as the third Orange Lodge in Canada in the same year. 1821 Mar 1821 - A very large capital, or credit, or indeed both, is necessary, and consequently ... March 1821, William McGillivray, Simon McGillivray and Edward Ellice signed an ... [ digital.library.mcgill.ca ]. Masonry,Grand Lodge,traditions,history, lodges,Masonic,student,Canada,History of Freemasonry,Masonic History,movement, masons,speculative Masonry,Upper Canada,Freemasonry,underground,England, centuries,AF & AM,Grand Lodge of England. 1822 Jan 1822 - dated ,yst January, 1822, is a certificate for the delegate to the Grand Masonic Convention of that year as follows: " Bellville, January 31 st. 1822. This may certify that our worthy Brother, Asa Yeomans, is duly elected to represent Bellville Lodge, No. 17, in the Grand Convention of the Province of Upper Canada to be holden in the Town of Kingston, on Monday the nth Day of February next in conformity to a summons rec'd from our Brother, the Grand Secretary of ... 1824 1824 - "44 Thomas Dalton, in an attack on CA Hagerman in 1824, alleged that Hagerman had become a Mason "with the end of being elected a Member of Parliament," implying that he expected the support of other Masons.43 John Ross Robertson in his History of Freemasonry in Canada told the story of how WL Mackenzie was refused membership in a Toronto lodge. 1826 Sep 1826 - On the night of September 1826, men came to the jail and paid the debt, requesting the release of Morgan. When he came out of the building, he was seized by two men, hurried to a carriage, and quickly driven from the town. It was later proved that his abductors were Masons, that relays of horses were furnished by Masons along the route, that he was taken across the Canadian border and then back to old Fort Niagara.