Woodbridge Area
THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY V TOP COVERAGE Leader-PreH and Leader Shopper xtm —top circulation coverage in Woodbridge area. Serving Woodjuulge Township, Cartorct and Edison BntsTM) •• 2nd Cla«s Mull At P o WoodhrltU*. N. J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, October 2, 1968 On TEN CENTS Many More Units Old Lc'in Pennsy Station Is Haven For WOODBKIOGE — Daniel Pascoe, senior planner in the Township's Planning Depart menl, has accepted the position Appear in Parade; [of Director of Planning and De ivelopment for Haverhill, Massa- Railroad Hobbyists chusetts. "Although we are sorry to co him go, we will wish Dan ;ood luck in his new position," >aid Mayor Ralph P. Barone today. "We are proud lo see our staff people move up into ex- Ceremonies Oct. 13ecutive positioas, as this indic- iates that their experience in : t ~ Woodbridge has been well-noted . ' . ~ , . iby other communities which oh honorary educational fraternity, viously hold our municipal and Kappa Phi Kappa, national government in high regard." E\p°i*i Overflow Crowd professional fraternity, He had Mr. Pascoe will leave the iNoted several articles published in edrTownship's employ on Friday, ucalional and school publica- October 6, 1968. He has been For United States Day tions. 'with the Planning Department Dr. Lozo is survived hisisince Julyy., 1966 and has.worked By RUTH WOLK help defray the cost of prizes ividow. Elsie Eidam Lozo; Educator I'iree on the Community Renewal ,,,,.,,..„..._„„ .. and feeding of the military sons, John W. of Way-Prorgam. the Master Plan, and WOODBRIDGE — Sunday, unjts mart, Pa., Keith G.
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