Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

DISTRICT GOALS  Ensure all students have access to high-quality services and supports enabling them to set and reach high goals for learning to ensure the needs of all student populations are met. Focus will continue on: -STEAM -Technology -Increasing enrollment in AP courses -Expanding electives -Close review of special education student performance  Explore all possible options, with input from the community, to provide the space that is needed to ensure students and staff with a safe and secure learning environment.  Engage families and communities in support of all students. BOARD GOALS  Create a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility that includes the school community, its families, and the Borough.

The Middlesex Board of Education and District Administration remind all participants that we are all working together in the best interest of each and every child attending the Middlesex Borough Public Schools.

The Mission of our school district is to engage in a partnership with our community to provide the knowledge and skills for all students to achieve academically and to develop confidence in their ability to work through challenges, to be compassionate and respectful of themselves and others, and to be committed to overall excellence in a diverse world.

All attendees are reminded that any verbal, written, or physical conduct that is demeaning or inflammatory toward any other while engaged in a school activity will not be tolerated. Each person is requested to take personal responsibility for conducting him/herself respectfully during all school functions.


A. A regular meeting of the Middlesex Board of Education was held on June 10, 2019, 2019, at 7:00 PM in the MHS Library/Media Center at the Middlesex High School, 300 John F. Kennedy Drive, Middlesex NJ. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mrs. DiNizio, President who read the following statement:

The Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed and acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Board Secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted on the bulletin board located in the hallway outside of the administrative offices, and notice was provided to the Courier News, the Home News Tribune, and the Middlesex Borough Clerk.

Roll Call Mr. Coyle Present Mr. Oliver Present Mrs. Giardina Present Mrs. San Phillips Absent (Arrived 7:40 PM) Mr. Giovanni Present Mrs. Schueler Present Mrs. Harrity Present Mrs. DiNizio, President Present Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Present

Also Present: Dr. Linda A. Madison, Superintendent Mrs. Michele Loree, Business Administrator/Board Secretary


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM



A. Presentations Jack Napoli, Eagle Scout Candidate Eagle Scout Project: “Blue Jay Community Memorial Garden” at Middlesex High School, Doorway #6. In an effort to give back to the community, he plans to create a peaceful place for students, staff, and community members to reflect and remember those they have lost, and dedicate a specific place in their memory.

1. Retirements: Earlier this evening a reception was held to honor the following retiring educators retiring June 30, 2019. The Middlesex Board of Education wishes them a long and healthy retirement and best wishes as they begin new adventures!

Balog, Angela, Assistant Business Administrator, 21 years of service Donato, Audrey, Secretary, 20 years of service Fulton, Susan, Teacher, 23 years of service Gugliotti, Gianna, Teacher Assistant, 25 years of service LaSacco, Sheryll, Teacher, 22 years of service Madison, Dr. Linda, Superintendent, 6 years of service O’Brien, Linda, Teacher, 28 years of service Spang, Dr. Kathleen, Teacher, 35 years of service

2. Recognition of Nasya McCants, Grade 9, receiving 1st place for her photo titled “My Brother” at the prestigious 12th annual Congressional Arts Competition, hosted by Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman. Nasya’s work will travel down to Washington D.C. where it will hand in the rotunda of the U.S. Capital Building for a full year. Additional young artists who participated in this show are Carly Santucci (Grade 12), Sarah Pundock (Grade 12), Josephine Basch (Grade 12), Han Doan (Grade 11) and Christina Mai (Grade 11), who all deserve credit for their amazing creativity and artistic skill representing the best of what Middlesex has to offer.

3. Recognition of High School students Angie Benitez, Christopher Cuadros, Karla Gomez Matos, Michell Vergara receiving Bi-literacy Certificates.

Mrs. San Phillips arrived at 7:40 PM.

B. Announcements Board of Education President, Mrs. DiNizio reported on the following:  Announced the following Spot Light Nomination:  Kristen Ryan, 7th and 8th grade Learning and Language Disabled teacher at Mauger School. Recognized by: Robin C. Johnson, LSW, ACSW, C-SSWS - Social Worker, Child Study Team


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Ms. Ryan regularly goes above and beyond to address the unique needs of her special education students. She is creative and innovative in looking at the individual needs of each of her students and goes out of her way to identify plans to increase not only academic, but also social, emotional and behavioral goals. Ms. Ryan understands the value in providing inclusion opportunities for her students who are self-contained. She frequently creates reverse inclusion opportunities with general education teachers’ classes and has her students participate in inclusion social skills opportunities as well. Ms. Ryan continually challenges herself to increase her knowledge across a variety of areas to better assist her students. She has taken courses on Orton Gillingham multisensory reading instruction, ELL services and her background as an EMT proves as an invaluable support to our more medically fragile students. Ms. Ryan is an exceptional teacher which is why I believe she deserves the “spotlight.”

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Madison reported on the following:

o VEM 8th Grade Formal Dance was held June 7, 2019.

Business Administrator, Mrs. Loree reported on the following: o Introduced Mrs. Annette Giordano, the new Assistant Business Administrator who will be replacing Mrs. Angela Balog. Mrs. Giordano is coming to us with 16 years’ experience as an Assistant in another public school and 16 years of auditing experience.

Board Student Representative, Mr. Giron reported on the following: o ESL Multicultural Community Night will be June 11, 2019 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at the Mauger School in the cafeteria. o Final Exams will start on Friday, June 14, 2019. o Senior picnic will be on Monday, June 17, 2019. o MHS Graduation will be on Wednesday, June 19, 2019. Liaison Reports:

o NJSBA Delegate, Dr. John Hrevnack reported that the Delegate Assembly met on May 18, 2019 and that this is the 10th year that there has not been a dues increase. The resolution that he spoke about on school funding failed by a great margin.

o NJSBA Legislative Chairperson, Mrs. Schueler reported that an update was sent regarding the Legislative Committee and the two items that passed in the assembly that NJSBA is opposing. A-3395 would constrain school district’s authority to subcontract various services and A-3664 would establish tenure-like protections for district support staff. Perhaps the committees that meet between this meeting and the next can discuss if we are interested in passing the proposed resolutions as a group to also oppose them.

o Middlesex County SBA, Mrs. Schueler reported that the Somerset County meeting will be on Thursday, June 13, 2019 and the topic of discussion will be on school start times. In addition, the NJSBA is doing a Summer Leadership Series: Leading Digit Transformation in your district. The schedule is July 16th – Vision; August 1st – Planning; and August 14 –



o Borough Mayor/Council Liaison, Mr. Coyle announced that the next Council meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, June 11, 2019.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

o Borough Alliance Committee, Mrs. San Phillips commented that the Alliance meeting was postponed. However, two scholarships were presented at Senior Awards Night.

Other: o Mrs. Harrity reported that she and Mr. Giovanni attended the Somerset County School Board meeting and were disappointed as only 1 of the 3 legislators showed up at the meeting. Hunterdon, Salem, and Sussex counties may be piloting a consolidation of schools within each county.

C. Motion to Approve Board Meeting Minutes

Special Public Meeting May 6, 2019 Executive Session May 6, 2019 Regular Public Meeting May 13, 2019 Executive Session May 13, 2019 Special Public Meeting May 20, 2019

Motion: Dr. Hrevnack Second: Mr. Oliver

Motion Carried: Mr. Coyle Yes, Abstain May 13 & 20 Mr. Oliver Yes Executive Sessions Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes, Abstain Mr. Giovanni Yes Mrs. Schueler Yes, Abstain May 13 & 20 Executive Sessions Mrs. Harrity Yes Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes


Board President opened the public comment portion of the meeting. Board President, Mrs. DiNizio read:

“Comments at this time are limited to agenda items only. Please come to the podium and put your name, address, email address, and subject of comment into the record book and direct your comments/questions to the Board President. You may speak on two separate topics for up to 3 minutes each.”

Name: Mr. Bob DeLude, MEA President Comment: Mr. DeLude commented on the following:  Regarding negotiations, has the Board of Education looked at the guides that the Middlesex Education Association submitted?  Have any of abolished positions resulted in an employee losing their job?  Was there a memorandum of understanding regarding the Teacher Assistants and the $16 wage and was anyone told they had to ride the bus?  Regarding the Insight Agreement, would the Board look into an alternate substitute service?  What is the per diem rate for custodians?

Board President, Mrs. DiNizio closed the meeting to public comments


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

A. APPROVAL OF ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Be it resolved to approve the annual organization motions and appointments listed below for the July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 school year; items 1 through 30.

1. BYLAWS, POLICIES AND REGULATIONS Readopt all Bylaws, Policies & Regulations as contained in the Middlesex Board of Education Official Policy Manual.

2. CURRICULUM, PROGRAMS, AND TEXTBOOKS Readopt the established curriculum evaluation cycle and all curricula, programs and textbooks, aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards which define what all students should know and be able to do by the end of their public school education (N.J.A.C. 6A), as well as, those curricula specified in N.J.S.A. 18A.

3. BOARD SECRETARY Appoint Michele Loree as Board Secretary.

4. TREASURER OF SCHOOL MONIES Appoint John Kayser as Treasurer of School Monies.

5. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER Appoint Scott Walsh and Dr. Remi Christofferson as Affirmative Action Officers for personnel and students.


7. SPECIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT DISABILITIES SERVICES RESOURCE Appoint Suzanne Ivans as the Special Services Department Disabilities Services Resource as per requirements of NJSA 18A:46-7.2

8. INDOOR AIR QUALITY COORDINATOR Appoint Raymond Mulvey as the Indoor Air Quality Coordinator.

9. RIGHT TO KNOW AND ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT (AHERA) CONTACT Appoint Raymond Mulvey as the designated person for Right to Know and Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

10. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR (IPMC) Appoint Raymond Mulvey as the Integrated Pest Management Coordinator.

11. PUBLIC AGENCY COMPLIANCE OFFICER Appoint Michele Loree Business Administrator/Board Secretary, as the Public Agency Compliance Officer as required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et. seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27 and that appropriate notification be provided to the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, Affirmative Action Office.

12. SUBSTANCE AWARENESS COUNSELOR Appoint Stacy Ulmer as the Substance Awareness Counselor.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

13. DISTRICT ABC/ANTI-BULLYING COORDINATOR Appoint Stacy Ulmer as the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator

14. SCHOOL SAFETY SPECIALIST Appoint Richard Gianchiglia as the School Safety Specialist

15. DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL STABILITY LIAISON Appoint Mathew Benderoth as the District Stability Liaison

16. MCKINNEY-VENTO HOMELESS EDUCATION LIAISON Appoint Mathew Benderoth as the District Homeless Liaison

17. TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR/LEA NJSLA IT CONTACT Appoint Sheila Connelly as the Technology Director/LEA NJSLA IT Contact

18. NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Appoint George Regas as the Network Administrator

19. STATE TESTING COORDINATOR Appoint Jennifer Powers as the State Testing Coordinator/NJSLA Coordinator

20. QUALIFIED PURCHASING AGENT WHEREAS, the Middlesex Board of Education has appointed Michele Loree Qualified Purchasing Agent for the 2019 – 2020 school year pursuant to N.J.S.A.40A:11-9(b) to take advantage of a higher bid threshold pursuant to N.J.S.A.40A:11-3(a) and 18A:18A-3(a),

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Middlesex Board of Education authorizes their maximum bid threshold be $40,000, and as a result of the change in the bid threshold, the 15% threshold for the informal receipt of quotations threshold per N.J.S.A. 40A:11-6.1(a) and 18A:18A- 37(a) be $6,000.

21. DESIGNATION AND APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS BE IT RESOLVED that the Middlesex Borough Board of Education enters into professional services contracts, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5 a (1), with the following: a. BOARD ATTORNEY Appoint the legal firm of Sciarrillo, Cornell, Merlino, McKeever & Osborne, Westfield, NJ as Board Attorney at an hourly rate of $165 per hour for a term of one (1) year, commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon appointment of a successor. The contract amount is not to exceed $120,000/year. b. SPECIAL COUNSEL Appoint David Blank of the law firm Scarinci Hollenbeck, Lyndhurst, NJ as Special Counsel for procurement and construction contracts for a term of one (1) year, commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon appointment of a successor. The contract amount is not to exceed $15,000/year.

Hourly Rate Schedule: Partners, Counsel & Associates $160 per hour Law Clerks and Paralegals $110 per hour c. SPECIAL EDUCATION COUNSEL


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Appoint Rita Barone, Esquire of the firm Purcell, Mulcahy, Hawkins, Flanagan & Lawless, LLC, Somerville NJ, to provide Special Education Counsel for a term of one (1) year, commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon appointment of a successor. The contract amount is not to exceed $15,000.

Hourly Rate Schedule: Attorney $160 per hour Associate Attorney $145 per hour Paralegals $ 75 per hour d. AUDITORS Appoint Suplee, Clooney & Company, Westfield NJ, as Board Auditors for a term of one (1) year, commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor. The fee for the audit of General, Special Revenue, Enterprise, Student Activity, Trust and Agency Funds and all other funds and account groups under the auspices of the Board of Education for the fiscal year of 2019 – 2020 is not to exceed $30,400. e. ARCHITECT OF RECORD Appoint Parette Somjen Architects LLC, Rockaway NJ, as the Architect of Record for a term of one (1) year commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor, contract amount not to exceed $20,000.

Hourly Rate Schedule: Principal: Licensed Architect $164.00 per hour Directors $154.00 per hour Senior Associates $154.00 per hour Associates $143.00 per hour Senior Project Architect/ Engineer/Interior Designer $143.00 per hour Project Architect/Engineer/Interior Designer $122.00 per hour Contract Administration $107.00 per hour Senior Assistant Project Managers $102.00 per hour Assistant Project Manager $ 88.00 per hour Job Captain $ 80.00 per hour Architectural Interns $ 62-$79 per hour Administrative Assistants $ 52.00 per hour f. CHIEF SCHOOL MEDICAL EXAMINER Appoint Green Brook Family Medicine, Green Brook, NJ, as Chief Medical Examiner at a fee of $4,700 for a term of one (1) year commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor. Additional services will be billed in accordance with the proposal letter dated March 13, 2019. The services to be rendered by the above, Dr. Frank, shall be in compliance with the laws of New Jersey. g. School Physician for Attendance at Home Football Games Appoint Dr. Thomas J. Lardner, Somerville, NJ as School Physician for attendance at all home football games at a fee of $1,300 for regular season games and $300 for post season games per the signed agreement dated April16, 2019. h. FINANCIAL ADVISOR Appoint Phoenix Advisors, LLC, Bordentown, NJ to provide financial advisory services for a term of one (1) year commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Continuing Disclosure Fee $ 1,000 i. BOND COUNSEL Appoint Wilentz, Goldman and Spitzer, Woodbridge, NJ as Bond Counsel services for a term of one (1) year commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor.

Fee Schedule: Unsuccessful Referendum $ 500.00 Successful Referendum $ 1,000.00 Bond Issuance $ 5,000.00 plus $1.10 per thousand ($20,000 min) ST Bond Anticipation Notes $ .60 per thousand ($2,500 min) Lease Purchase Financing $10,000.00 plus $1.10 per thousand Refunding Bond Issuance $10,000.00 plus $1.10 per thousand Hourly Rate $150.00 per hour 22. INSURANCE BROKER OF RECORD Appoint CBIZ Insurance Service, Inc., dba CBIZ Centric, New Providence, NJ as Broker of Record for property and casualty and student accident insurance term of one (1) year commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor.

23. HEALTH BENEFIT CONSULTANT/BROKER OF RECORD Appoint Brown & Brown Benefit Advisors as Health Benefit Advisors/Broker of Record for a term of one (1) year commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon the appointment of a successor.

24. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS Designate The Courier News and The Home News Tribune as the official newspapers of record for the purpose of notification of meetings in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, and the Courier News and the Star Ledger be used for other notices and advertisements.

25. OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES Designate the following banks as the official depositories for the school district’s funds and that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary be authorized to invest funds of the District with the designated depository and be reported to the Board of Education on the monthly Board Secretary’s report: TD Bank NA:

Middlesex Board of Education Current Account 7858362119 Authorized signers: Board President, Board Vice President, Business Administrator, Custodian of School Money, Superintendent (3 signatures required) Middlesex Board of Education Payroll Agency Account 7858361798 Authorized signers: Custodian of School Money, Business Administrator (1 signature required)

Middlesex Board of Education Net Payroll Account 7858362226 Authorized signers: Custodian of School Money, Business Administrator (1 signature required)

Middlesex Board of Education Unemployment Trust Account 7858361806 Authorized signers: Custodian of School Money, Business Administrator (1 signature required)

Middlesex Board of Education Capital Projects Account 7857071091 Authorized signers: Board President, Board Vice President, Business Administrator, Custodian of School Money, Superintendent (3 signatures required)


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Middlesex Board of Education Capital Reserve Account 7858362218 Authorized signers: Board President, Board Vice President, Business Administrator, Custodian of School Money, Superintendent (3 signatures required)

Middlesex Board of Education Flex Spending Account 7858361814 Authorized signers: Custodian of School Money, Business Administrator (1 signature required)

Middlesex Board of Education Cafeteria Account 7867987062 Authorized signers: Board President, Board Vice President, Business Administrator, Custodian of School Money, Superintendent (3 signatures required)

Middlesex Board of Education Petty Cash 7868341046 Authorized signers: Business Administrator, Superintendent (1 signature required)

Middlesex Board of Education Community School 4261686500 Authorized signers: Board President, Board Vice President, Business Administrator, Custodian of School Money, Superintendent (3 signatures required)

Middlesex Board of Education High School Athletic Fund 7868341053 Authorized signers: Athletic Director, Business Administrator, Principal (2 signatures required)

Middlesex Board of Education High School Activity Fund 7867987070 Authorized signers: Principal, Assistant Principal, Business Administrator (2 signatures required)

Middlesex Board of Education Mauger Activity Fund 7867987088 Authorized signers: Principal, Assistant Principal, Business Administrator (2 signatures required)

Middlesex Board of Education MHS Scholarship Fund 4308909071 Authorized signers: Principal, Director of Guidance (1 signature required)

Equipment Escrow Lease 76-0247-01-5 Authorized Signer: Business Administrator (1 required signature)

Wells Fargo Bank: James & Lena Didato Scholarship Fund 2000013303721 Investment Account 5630-7743 Authorized signers: High School Principal, District Guidance Director (1 required signature)

26. 403(b) and 457(b) COMPANIES Approve the below list of companies to provide voluntary tax sheltered annuities and investments in accordance with the IRS regulations 403(b) and 457(b) to all employees of the Middlesex Board of Education:

AXA Equitable Lincoln Investment Planning Lincoln Financial MetLife AIG Valic

27. ESTABLISH PETTY CASH Approve to establish a petty cash fund in the amount of $1,000 for the 2019 – 2020 school year, with the maximum check amount of $100. The Board Secretary is custodian of the account.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

28. TRANSFER OF FUNDS In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 authorize the Chief School Administrator to approve necessary budget transfers between board meetings, transfers to be reported and ratified by the Board at a subsequent meeting.

29. STUDENT ACTIVITY FUNDS Approve the list of activities deposited in the student activity funds for the Middlesex High School and the Von E. Mauger School as detailed on exhibits attached. It is the policy of the Board that these activities shall be on a self-sustaining basis and the general organization fund shall be the responsibility of the building principal. (Attachments)

30. CERTIFICATION OF COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN BOARD EMPLOYEES Pursuant to P.L.2007, c.53 (N.J.S.A. 18A:17-14.4) designate the Michele Loree, Business Administrator/Board Secretary and the Assistant Business Administrator to certify to the N.J. Department of Treasury that all documentation prepared for income tax purposes complies fully with the requirements of the federal and state laws and regulations.

Motion: Mr. Coyle Second: Mr. Giovanni

Motion Carried: Mr. Coyle Yes Mr. Oliver Yes Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes Mr. Giovanni Yes - No 21a Mrs. Schueler Yes Mrs. Harrity Yes - No 21a; Abstain 21f Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes


A. Report of the Personnel Committee Chair – Sharon San Phillips Mrs. San Phillips reported that the next meeting is scheduled for June 17, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

B. Resolution for approval on June 10, 2019 as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools:


WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Schools has recommended to abolish and create position(s) because of changes in the district; and WHEREAS, the Middlesex Board of Education agrees with the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following position(s) be abolished and created for the 2019 – 2020 school year:

ABOLISH Abolish one 1.0 FTE Secretarial position in the Special Services Department 7/1/2019 Abolish one 1.0 FTE Maintenance staff position 7/1/2019 Abolish one 1.0 FTE Mathematics teacher position at Middlesex High School 9/1/2019 Abolish one 1.0 FTE Teacher of Students with Disabilities/Resource Room teacher position at Middlesex High School 9/1/2019


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Abolish one .5 FTE ASI/Math teacher position at Parker School 9/1/2019 Abolish one .6 FTE ASI Teacher at Von E. Mauger School 9/1/2019 Abolish one 1.0 FTE MD Teacher at Middlesex High School 9/1/2019 Abolish one 1.0 FTE MD Job Coach/Teacher Assistant at Middlesex High School 9/1/2019 Abolish two (2) Salaried One to One Aide/MD positions at Middlesex High School 9/1/2019

CREATE: Create one 1.0 FTE Grade 1 teacher position at Watchung School 9/1/2019 Create one 1.0 FTE Grade 4 teacher position at Von E. Mauger School 9/1/2019 Create one 1.0 FTE Teacher of Students with Disabilities/Resource Room teacher position at Watchung School 9/1/2019 Create one 1.0 FTE Teacher of Students with Disabilities/Multiple Disabilities teacher position at Hazelwood School 9/1/2019 Create one 1.0 FTE Spanish teacher position as .2 FTE at Hazelwood, .2 FTE Parker, .2 FTE Watchung, and .4 FTE Grade 4 & 5 Von E. Mauger School 9/1/2019

2. Approve the attached Personnel Schedules:

Appointments Contractual – Certificated Staff Schedule A Appointments of Salaried Aides Schedule B N/A Hourly Employees Schedule C Substitutes Schedule D N/A Extra Contracts / Stipends Schedule E Leaves of Absence Schedule F End of Service Schedule G Staff Transfers Schedule H Salary Guide Adjustments Schedule I Academic Stipends Schedule J Middlesex Community School Appointments Schedule K

3. Authorize Superintendent of Schools to Offer Employment Contracts Authorize Dr. Linda A. Madison, Superintendent of Schools, to enter into employment contracts with candidates for personnel vacancies until June 30, 2019. Dr. Madison will consult with the Board President and Personnel Committee Chairperson before offering individual employment contracts between scheduled board meetings. This process will be used only when necessary during the period.

4. Approve the Teacher Leaders for the 2019 – 2020 school year as follows: English/Language Arts – Janice Walsh Social Studies – Paul Vernaci Science – Diane Gitler Mathematics/Computer Science – Jessica Bodenschatz World Language – Kenneth Perez Visual and Performing Arts – James Adams Health/Physical Education – Gary Brenner Special Education – Kristen Berkowitz


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

5. Approve the Teacher Leader extra contract stipend of $2,500 each for the 2019 – 2020 school year.

6. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding – Summer Hours MEA Secretaries Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Middlesex Board of Education and the Middlesex Education Association regarding summer hours for MEA secretaries. (Attachment)

7. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding – Weight Room Supervisors Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Middlesex Board of Education and the Middlesex Education Association regarding stipend positions for Weight Room Supervisors. (Attachment)

8. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding – Multi-Media Club Advisor Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Middlesex Board of Education and the Middlesex Education Association regarding the stipend position for Multi-Media Club Advisor. (Attachment)

9. Approve Revised Job Description - Assistant Business Administrator Approve the revisions to the job description of Assistant Business Administrator to require a School Business Administrator Certificate or Certificate of Eligibility in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9b 12.7. (Attachment)

10. Approve Withholding of Increment Approve the attached Resolutions as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools to withhold the 2019 – 2020 adjustment increment for employee #1609. (Attachment)

11. Approve Withholding of Increment Approve the attached Resolutions as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools to withhold the 2019 – 2020 adjustment increment for employee #0930. (Attachment)

12. Approve Withholding of Increment Approve the attached Resolutions as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools to withhold the 2019 – 2020 adjustment increment for employee #1764. (Attachment)

13. Approve Substitutes to Work in Various Capacities 2019 – 2020 School Year Approve currently employed substitute part-time hourly aides to substitute as listed below. This approval is contingent upon the request of a building principal or school administrator and agreement by the approved employee, and to meet the needs of daily school coverage; Current Position: Substitute as: Substitute Secretary Substitute Hourly Aide* Substitute Hourly Aide Substitute Secretary*

* Board approved hourly pay rate

14. Approve all district Teachers Assistants to receive an hourly rate of $16/hour to provide bus supervision outside their contracted hours (7 hours 20 minutes/day) as needed for the 2019 – 2020 school year.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

15. Approve the acknowledgement of certificated staff, who have completed coursework which will result in a salary guide adjustment once the contract between Middlesex Board of Education and Middlesex Education Association is ratified as follows:

Heiba, Lauren From: MA To: MA+30 Effective: September 1, 2019

16. Approve the following Extracurricular Job Descriptions: Weight Room Supervisor – Summer Weight Room Supervisor – Fall Weight Room Supervisor – Winter Weight Room Supervisor – Spring

17. Approve Kristin Spies as the mentor for Hala Steffen, as required by the New Jersey Department of Education for the period May 13, 2019 – June 19, 2019.

18. Approve the payment of $200 from Hala Steffen, “Mentee” for 6 weeks (May 13th – June 19, 2019) mentoring to be paid to Kristin Spies, “Mentor” for 6 of the 30 week NJ DOE mandated mentoring program for the 2018 – 2019 school year.

Motion: Mrs. San Phillips Second: Dr. Hrevnack

Motion Carried: Mr. Coyle Yes, Abstain Schedule K Mr. Oliver Yes Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes Mr. Giovanni Yes Mrs. Schueler Yes Mrs. Harrity Yes Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes


A. Report of the Education Committee Chair – Brandon Giovanni Mr. Giovanni reported that the committee did not meet on June 3, 2019; however, all non- committee members were made aware of the information. B. Resolutions for approval on June 10, 2019 as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools:

1. Approve the attached Education Schedules:

Home Instruction Schedule A N/A Tuition Out of District Placement Schedule B Tuition Students Received Schedule C N/A Curriculum Approval Schedule D Textbook / Programs / Resources Approval Schedule E N/A Professional Development Schedule F Student Teacher Placement / Internships Schedule G Drills / Out of School Suspensions Schedule H

2. Approve the Travel and Related Expenses schedule for various district staff to attend conferences and workshops for the 2018 – 2019 school year. (Attachment)

3. Approve the Travel and Related Expenses schedule for various district staff to attend conferences and workshops for the 2019 – 2020 school year. (Attachment)


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

4. Approve Field Trips/Class Trips for the 2018 – 2019 School Year. (Attachment)

5. Approve Field Trips/Class Trips for the 2019 – 2020 School Year. (Attachment) 6. Approve the Middlesex Borough School District #3140, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey as provided for in Chapter 172 Laws 1979 (N.J.S.A.18a:11-3. et.seq.) herewith enrolls Middlesex High School for the 2019-2020 school year as a member of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association to participate in the approved interschool athletic program sponsored by the NJSIAA. The cost of participation is $2,150. Budget account #11-401-100-890.

7. Approve the following Clubs and Volunteer Club Advisors/Coaches for the 2019 – 2020 School Year: Teacher Club Tiiu Kutt Girls Who Code Carnes, Jonathan Football Coach Bollin, Christian Football Coach Rehl, Mark VEM Wrestling Coach Vernaci, Paul Italian Heritage Club Clark, Kelly Film Study Club Dow, Wallace Film Study Club Appello, Patrick Wrestling Coach Dispenziere, Vincent Wrestling Coach Lombardi, Richard Track & Field Coach Hayes, Michael VEM Girls Basketball Coach Anagnostos, Nicole Yoga Club Best, Charleigh VEM Track Coach Cuffari, Gemma Culinary Club Smith, Sara Softball Coach Petrie, George Baseball Coach Heisch, Tyler Baseball Coach 8. Approve the submission of the Comprehensive Equity Plan to the Middlesex County Department of Education Office for years 2019 – 2020, 2020 – 2021, and 2021 – 2022. (Attachment)

9. Bernard’s Ice Hockey Team Approve the Bernard’s Ice Hockey Team comprised of students from Somerset Hills, Somerville, and Middlesex School Districts for the 2019 – 2020 and 2020 – 2021 school years. Each district will contribute equally, not to exceed $1,000 per student. Somerset Hills will be the lead school.

10. Approve the submission of the 2019 – 2020 ESEA Grant Application Allocations as follows: Title I-A $286,798 Title II-A $ 64,104 Title III $ 20,038 Title III-Immigrant $ 5,298 Title IV $ 16,473 Total Allocation $392,711

11. Approve 100%of the following Staff Members salaries to the 2019 – 2020 ESEA Grant, Title I: Name Salary Hanntz, Jessica $54,114 Pine, Jeanette $73,844


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Valente-Kimmick, Loretta $58,614

12. Approve the Middlesex High School Student Volunteers for the “Summer Lit CAMP” as follows: Julianna Arocho – Student Leader Andrea Torres – Student Leader Jennifer Aguilar Taylor Anthony Samantha Callejas Sally Chacón Danielle Cisneros Marissa Clark Natalie Garcia Karla Gómez Matos Ashley Knuth Khang Le Taylor Martin Abegail Nuniz Eric (Skylar) Ribigan Valeria Rosas Pinto Adam Shaban Marisa Todd Hannah Tran Hien Tran Alma Velasquez Eva Warren Emily Zegarra

13. Approve the listed vendors to provide services as needed to support the Special Services Department for the 2019-2020 school year:

Approve Adam Krass Consulting, L.L.C. for Specialized Assistive Technology Services (for augmented devices) and fees as follows:

Assistive Technology Evaluations (learning supports, physical access) $1,100 Combined Assistive Technology

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluation $2,200

Assistive Technology Services (training, setup, integration support $150/hour

AAC Services (training, setup, speech and language support provided $200/hour by licensed speech language pathologist)

Assistive Technology Workshops/Professional Development Training

A. Half Day $700 B. Full Day $1,200

Behavior Therapy Associates, Dr. Debra Salzman $320 per hour

Center for Behavioral Health MD PA, Dr. Rajeswari Muthuswamy for Psychiatric services and testing: $525 Evaluation at her office $600 Evaluation at school

Gold Psychological Services $750 per Evaluation $210/hour per Forensic Evaluation

Learning Tree Multicultural/Multilingual Evaluation and Consulting, Inc. $800 per Evaluation $120/hour CST Conference $120/hour translator


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Occupational Therapy Consultants, Inc. to provide occupational therapy services to students with disabilities for the July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

Approve an Occupational Therapy contract with Jennifer Wagner and Rebecca Carlson, Occupational Therapist, July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 at an estimated cost of $60,000. (Account #11-000-216-320) $ 86 per hour $375 per evaluation

Technology for Education and Communication Consulting, Inc. Speech and Language Evaluation $550/evaluation Augmentative Communication Evaluation Onsite $900/evaluation Onsite and home visit $975/evaluation Augmentative Communication Evaluation with Insurance Funding $975/evaluation Assistive Technology Evaluation $850/evaluation Assistive Technology/Augmentative Communication Consult $125/hour Speech Consult/Speech Therapy $100/hour Assistive Technology/AAC General Training $150/hour iPad Trainings half day $750 iPad Trainings Full Day $1,000 14. Approve the Extended School Year (ESY) schedule as follows: Four Week Program (20 Days): July 6, 2020 – July 31, 2020 Six Week Program (30 Days): July 6, 2020 – August 14, 2020

15. Receipt of HIB Incident and Investigation Report(s) The Board of Education confirms the receipt of confidential information regarding the following HIB Investigations(s) and Reports(s) that have been reported since the last Board meeting:

BOARD REVIEW Investigation School Student ID # Case # Date of Incident Received by HIB Incident Investigated CSA Determination High School 21597676 200105 3/29/2019 4/5/2019 5/20/2019 Unfounded Mauger 2330041 200966 4/17/2019 4/18/2019 5/23/2019 Unfounded Mauger 2340027 200968 4/17/2019 4/18/2019 5/23/2019 Unfounded Mauger 2545122 201761 5/10/2019 5/13/2019 5/29/2019 Unfounded Mauger 2544304 201763 5/10/2019 5/13/2019 5/29/2019 Unfounded Mauger 2340030 201375 4/11/2019 5/13/2019 5/31/2019 Unfounded Hazelwood None Parker None Watchung 3179709 203857 5/29/2019 5/30/2019 6/10/2019 Unfounded

Motion: Mr. Giovanni Second: Mrs. Harrity

Motion carried: Mr. Coyle Yes, Mr. Oliver Yes Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes Mr. Giovanni Yes Mrs. Schueler Yes Mrs. Harrity Yes Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes

16. Affirm, Modify or Reject HIB Incident and Investigation Reports(s)


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Whereas, pursuant to Board Policy and the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17(b)(6)(c), at its meeting on May 13, 2019, the Superintendent reported the following HIB Incident and Investigation Report(s) to the Board; and Whereas, the parents and/or guardians of the students who are parties to the investigation received information about the investigation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17(b)(6)(d); Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board affirms the decision of the Superintendent concerning the following HIB Incident and Investigation Reports(s) for the reasons conveyed to the Board.

AFFIRM, MODIFY OR REJECT Case # Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. HIB Coyle Giardina Giovanni Harrity Hrevnack Oliver San Schueler DiNizio Determination Phillips Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirmed 199992 Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirmed 200097 Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirmed 201129 Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirmed 201145 Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirm Affirmed 200595


A. Report of the Policy & Public Relations Committee Chair – Dr. John Hrevnack

Dr. Hrevnack reported that the meeting will need to be rescheduled.

B. Resolutions for approval on June 10, 2019 as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools:

1. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Policies: (Attachments) P 3283 Electronic Communications Between Teaching Staff Members and Students (Mandate) P 4283 Electronic Communications Between Support Staff Members and Students (Mandate)

Motion: Dr. Hrevnack Second: Mr. Oliver

Motion carried: Mr. Coyle Yes Mr. Oliver Yes Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes Mr. Giovanni Yes Mrs. Schueler Yes Mrs. Harrity Yes Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes


A. Report of the Facilities and Finance Committee Chair – Sharon Schueler Mrs. Schueler reported that the next meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2019 at 6:30 PM. to review the strategic capital plan with the Architects.

B. Resolutions for approval on June 10, 2019 as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools: 1. Bills list for June 10, 2019 in the amount of $2,906,549.88 (Attachment) 17

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2. Budget transfers for April 2019 (Attachment)

3. Board Secretary’s report April 2019 (Attachment)

4. Treasurer’s report April 2019 (Attachment)

5. Pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:23-2.11(c)3, I, Michele Loree, Business Administrator, certify that as of June 10, 2019, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:22-8.1 and 18A:22-8.2, and N.J.A.C.6A:23-2.11(a).

6. Pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:23-2.11(c)4, we each certify that as of June 10, 2019 after review of the secretary’s monthly report (appropriations sections) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C.6A:23-2.11(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

7. Approve 2019 – 2020 District Tax Levy Schedule Approve the 2019-2020 district tax levy schedule and authorize submission to the Middlesex Borough Chief Financial Officer. (Attachment)

8. New Jersey Cooperative Bid Program – Supplies Approve district membership in the New Jersey Cooperative Bid Program with Educational Data Services, Inc. in conjunction with the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey for the 2019 – 2020 school year in the amount of $4,460.00. Also approve the vendors for purchases for the 2019 – 2020 school year as approved through the Educational Data Services public bids, records on file in the Business Office.

9. New Jersey Cooperative Bid Program – Skilled Trades Bids Approve district membership in the New Jersey Cooperative Bid Program with Educational Data Services, Inc. for the 2019-2020 school year in the amount of $2,000 and approve use of the vendors for the time and materials maintenance bids for all vendors awarded for the period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020 records on file in the Business Office.

10. Approve 2019 – 2020 Tuition Rates Approve the 2019 – 2020 tuition rates for non-resident students in regular and special education programs in accordance with Board policy #6150 and N.J.A.C. 6A:23-3.1 as follows: Kindergarten $ 14,153 Grades 1-5 $ 14,436 Grades 6-8 $ 14,533 Grades 9-12 $ 15,691 Autistic $ 46,385 Learning & Language Disabled $ 24,468 Preschool Disabilities Full-time $ 18,212 Multiple Disabilities $ 36,964 Extended School Year – Autistic $ 6,958 Extended School Year – LLD $ 3,670 Extended School Year – PSD $ 2,732 Extended School Year – MD $ 5,545


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Related Services: Occupational Therapy $45 per 30-minute session Physical Therapy $45 per 30-minute session Speech Correction Services $45 per 30-minute session Counseling Services $45 per 30-minute session

11. Approve Contract Renewal – Insight Workforce Solutions WHEREAS, following the advertisement for substitute educational staffing services (“Services”), the Middlesex Board of Education (“Board”) awarded a contract for the Services to Insight Workforce Solutions, LLC (“Insight”) for the period of November 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017; and

WHEREAS, the RFP and contract permit the contract to be extended; and

WHEREAS, the Board and Insight wish to extend the contract for a third additional year; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that Insight is providing the Services in an effective and efficient manner; and

WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the contract will remain the same;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby extends the contract with Insight for a one (1) year period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 upon the same terms and conditions currently in effect; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby authorizes its Special Counsel for Construction and Procurement to prepare the contract amendment.

12. Approve Amendment to Board Attorney Agreement Approve an amendment to the contract with the Board Attorney Sciarrillo, Cornell, Merlino & Obsorne Westfield, NJ to an amount not to exceed $150,000. The contract was previously anticipated to not exceed $110,000. The reason for the increase is related to the costs union contract negotiations, grievances, unfair practice charges filed by the Middlesex Education Association, and pending litigation on personnel matters.

13. Approve Food Service Management Contract BE IT RESOLVED, that the Middlesex Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and the School Business Administrator, hereby award and approve the Food Service Management Company contract with Maschio’s Food Services, Inc., Chester, NJ for the 2019-20 school year pursuant to the proposal received on May 29, 2019. The administrative management fee for the 2019-2020 school year shall be $25,000 payable in ten (10) monthly installments of $2,500.00 per month commencing on September 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2020. Maschio’s Food Service guarantees a return to the Middlesex Board of Education in the amount of $50,000. In the event the actual bottom line of the operational report (total revenue from all sources less program costs, including the management fee) is below this amount, Maschio’s shall be responsible for any shortfall.

14. School Lunch/Breakfast Prices Approve the below listed prices for the school nutrition programs for the 2019-2020 school year. The lunch prices reflect a .10 cent increase at all schools on paid lunches as required by the Federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Lunch: Middlesex High School $ 3.15 Von E. Mauger School $ 3.05 Elementary Schools $ 2.90 Adult Lunches $ 3.65 Reduced Price – All Schools $ .40 Breakfast: All Schools $ 1.25 Adult Breakfast $ 1.75 Reduced Price – All Schools $ .30

15. Accept Donation of Flower’s from Biondi’s Accept a donation of flowers from Biondi’s, Middlesex NJ, estimated valued at $51, and give a special thank you to Middlesex resident Clare Levourne for helping develop the various butterfly waystations we are trying cultivate around the schools. Clare graciously reached out to the district to offer her support and assistance. Thank you so much for the volunteer hours and for Biondi’s generous donation.

16. Approve Cancellation of Stale Dated Checks Approve cancellation of the below listed stale dated check and deposit the funds into the general fund of the district as miscellaneous revenue with the exception of the Middlesex High School- School and Von E. Mauger Middle School Activity Accounts which will be credited to the activity the check was drawn on: Account Check # Date Amount Agency Account 3334 04/07/18 $ 23.43 Agency Account 3335 04/07/18 $ 3.00 Current Account 024198 04/25/18 $ 10.54 Current Account 024380 06/11/18 $ 700.00 Current Account 024478 06/25/18 $ 500.00 Current Account 024618 06/25/18 $ 421.20 Current Account 024719 06/29/18 $ 149.97 Current Account 025070 09/24/18 $ 21.71 Current Account 025179 10/15/18 $ 18.60 Current Account 025262 10/15/18 $ 10.85

Athletic Account 15841 01/22/18 $ 80.00 HS Activity Account: Softball 13249 02/27/18 $ 630.00 Softball 13415 06/06/18 $ 26.00 Track 13419 06/06/18 $ 30.45 VEM Activity Account: Student Council 10709 05/01/18 $ 25.00

17. Approve 2019 – 2020 Insurance Policy Renewals Approve the 2019-2020 insurance policy renewals through the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group Program Educational and Risk Insurance Consortium North (ERIC North) as 20

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recommended by the Insurance Broker, CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc., dba CBIZ Centric, new for 2019-2020 is pollution coverage including mold remediation:

Errors & Omissions $ 77,227 Property 63,083 Electronic Data Processing 4,428 Auto (Liability) 22,855 Auto (Physical Damage) 1,126 Boiler & Machinery 4,318 General Liability 46,000 Workers’ Compensation 203,451 Supplemental Indemnity 8.070 Crime 2,406 Bonds 1,376 Student Accident 46,775 Pollution 6,932

Total $ 488 ,027

18. Approve Purchase of Chromebooks Approve the purchase of 340 Lenovo 100e Chromebooks (1st Gen) from SHI.com in Somerset, NJ for a total cost of $100,918.80. This purchase is being made through the NJSBA TEC program #E-8801-ACES-CPS. This purchase is made to support the district's 1:1 Chromebook initiative in Grades 6-8 for the 2019-2020 school year and will be distributed as needed. (Budget Account #11-190-100-610)

19. Approve Contract with SKY ELECTRIC, LLC for installation and repair of lighting fixtures Middlesex High School Gymnasium Approve proposal from SKY ELECTRIC, LLC, Nutley, NJ in the amount of $2,800.00 for the installation and repair of (18) failed high bay lighting fixtures in the MHS Gym. (2018-19 Budget Account # 11-000-261-420)

MHS Gym Lighting Repair Signal Electric $3,750.00 Tatbit Electric $3,300.00

20. Approve Contract with Alpha Environmental for Abatement Services Approve contract with Alpha Environmental (Trenton, NJ) in the amount of $20,000.00 for the abatements service in the MHS Central offices. (2019-20 Budget Account # 11-000-261-420) Additional quotes received: Cream Ridge Environmental $26,500.00 Guardian Inc. $22,000.00

21. Approve Contract with Direct Flooring for Installation of Flooring Approve contract with Direct Flooring; Flemington, NJ in the amount of $18,046.69 for the installation of new flooring, carpet tiles in the Middlesex High School Central Offices. (This


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM contract is awarded under the ESCNJ Coop bid # 14/15-79. (2019-20 Budget Account # 11-000- 261-420)

22. Approve Pest Control Management Services Approve Stank Environmental, LLC, Matawan, NJ to provide Pest Control Services and IPM Law Management for the 2019-2020 school years at an annual cost of $5,400.00. The agreement includes IPM Policy Management, monthly monitoring, applications of baits and chemicals as needed. Extra service calls (for pests covered) $75.00, and Bees/Stinging insects Treatments $195.00 (Account # 11-000-262-420)

23. Approve Contract with SQUARE FEET LLC, Approve contract with SQUARE FEET LLC, Woodland Park, NJ in the amount of $9,487.50 for the replacement of (2) damaged double door sets on the northern side of the MHS Gymnasium. (2019- 20 Budget Account # 11-000-261-420) Additional Quotes for MHS Gym Doors Replacements Falak Construction Inc. $10,750.00 RIS Construction $12,750.00

24. Approve Unit Ventilators and Temperature Control Services Agreement WHEREAS, the Middlesex Board of Education (“Board”) solicited competitive quotations pursuant to a request for quotations (“RFQ”) for a district classroom unit ventilators and temperature control services agreement (“Services”); and

WHEREAS, the Board received two quotations for the Services, both below the Board’s bid threshold; and

WHEREAS, the lowest quotation, from Johnson Controls, Inc. (“JCI”), in the amount of $31,232.00 for one- year, contained terms and conditions contrary to the RFQ and unacceptable to the Board, including without limitation, liability limitation provisions, an arbitration provision, and payment provisions requiring pre- payment for services; and

WHEREAS, the second lowest quotation, from Honeywell International, Inc. (“Honeywell”), in the amount of $38,960.00, contained no terms and conditions contrary to the RFQ; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-37, a board of education may, for all contracts less than the bid threshold but 15 percent or more of that amount, after soliciting at least two competitive quotations, if practicable, award a contract to a vendor whose response is most advantageous, price and other factors considered; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the Honeywell quote, which is consistent with the RFQ, is most advantageous to the Board when compared against JCI’s quotation and the conditions attached thereto.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above recitals are incorporated herein by reference; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-37, the Board hereby awards a contract for the Services to Honeywell International, Inc., in the amount of $38,960.00 on the basis that Honeywell’s quotation is most advantageous to the Board, price and other factors considered; and


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board’s construction counsel is authorized to prepare the contract for the Services and forward same to Honeywell for execution; and

BE IT FURTER RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator is authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the Board.

25. Building Use-Middlesex Recreation Summer Playground Approve the use of the Middlesex High School Gymnasium by the Middlesex Recreation for Summer Playground during inclement weather; Monday thru Friday 8:45am-12:15pm starting July 1, 2019 through August 9, 2019.

26. AppliTrack Software Approve the expenditure to implement AppliTrack software to assist with onboarding documentation and the support, solicitation and screening of all documents related to the hiring process. Cost of implementation and support is $13,530.00.

Motion: Mrs. Schueler Second: Mr. Coyle

Motion Carried: Mr. Coyle Yes Mr. Oliver Yes Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes Mr. Giovanni Yes Mrs. Schueler Yes Mrs. Harrity Yes Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes


Early Dismissal Days June 14, 17, 18, 19 VEM Promotion June 18, 2019 MHS Gymnasium 7:00 PM MHS Graduation June 19, 2019 Football Field 6:30 PM IX. NEW BUSINESS

Dr. Hrevnack thanked Dr. Madison for her years of service to the Middlesex Board of Education.

Mrs. Harrity thanked Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Erchick, Mrs. Gehrke, and Mrs. Heiba for their efforts with Barnes and Nobel.

Mr. Coyle reported the Middlesex Borough is approving a resolution to prohibit left turns onto Route 28 from Von E. Mauger School between the hours of 7:00 – 9:00 AM and 2:00 – 4:00 PM.


Board President opened the public comment portion of the meeting. Board President, Mrs. DiNizio read:

“Comments at this time are open to any topic. Please come to the podium and put your name, address, email address, and subject of comment into the record book and direct your comments/questions to the Board President. You may speak on two separate topics for up to 3 minutes each.”


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Name: Mrs. Mattox Address: 333 Edgeworth Street Comment: During the 3rd grade PARCC testing in Room 7, the classrooms were over 90 degrees and students could not concentrate. Also, at a PTO meeting we were told that an ASI teacher is going back to 3rd grade next year leaving one (1) ASI teacher. I want to make sure that all childrenget the help that they deserve.

Name: Karen Lobby Address: 101 4th Street Comment: The class of ’69 is having their 50th reunion in October and would like to tour the High School and maybe the Elementary Schools. In addition, I feel the students are being put at a disadvantage with only one (1) ASI teacher.

Board President, Mrs. DiNizio closed the meeting to public comments.


Approve an Executive Session pursuant to Chapter 231, PL 1975, also known as the Open Public Meetings Act, authorizing a public body to meet in executive private session under certain limited circumstances, and said law requires the Board adopt a resolution at a public meeting before it can meet in such an executive or private session,

A. The Middlesex Board of Education hereby determines that it may be necessary to meet in Executive Session on June 10, 2019 to discuss matters involving:

1. MEA Level 3 Grievance Hearings GR#’s 18-19:10,11,12 & 13 2. Personnel 3. Legal Matters 4. Negotiations

B. And that the matters discussed will be made public if and when confidentiality is no longer required.

Motion: Mrs. DiNizio Second: Mrs. Schueler

Motion Carried: Mr. Coyle Yes, Mr. Oliver Yes Mrs. Giardina Yes Mrs. San Phillips Yes Mr. Giovanni Yes Mrs. Schueler Yes Mrs. Harrity Yes Mrs. DiNizio, President Yes Dr. Hrevnack, Vice-President Yes XII. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION______Time: 9:39 PM__

The Board has been in executive session for the past 1 hour and 5 minutes for the purpose of discussing various matters. The matters that were discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as possible once the reason for nondisclosure no longer exist.


Motion: Mr. Oliver Second: Mrs. Giardina

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mrs. DiNizio adjourned the meeting at 9:39 PM.


Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Mrs. Michele Loree Business Administrator/Board Secretary


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Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule A

Appointments Contractual Level/Step Effective Last Name First Name Position Building Amount Date **Aviles Joel Custodian MHS $38,199 7/1/2019 – Job Code 9600 Step 1 6/30/2020 **Devincentz Ashley Family and Consumer HS $53,414 9/1/2019 – (S. Fulton) Science Teacher MA, Step 4 6/30/2020 Job Code #1706G Certification #1705 **Giordano-Bisci Annette Assistant Business District $90,000 7/1/2019 – (A. Balog) Administrator 6/30/2020 **Ionata Catherine Teacher ESL HS $58,014 9/1/2019 – (.5 created 5/13/19) Job Code #1485G MA+30, Step 7 6/30/2020 Certification #1475 **Lynn Paul Amelia School Nurse HS $58,954 9/1/2019 – Job Code #3114G BA, Step 11 6/30/2020 Certification #3000 **Welch Eric Teacher/LLD WG $47,094 9/1/2019 – (J. Jeanette) Job Code #2485S BA, Step 2 6/30/2020 Certification #2475 **Quintero Jose Custodian WG $152.91/per Per diem (T. Smith) Job Code 9600 diem 6/25/2019 – 6/30/2019 **Quintero Jose Custodian WG $39,699 7/1/2019 – (T. Smith) Job Code 9600 Step 4 6/30/2020 *Fingerprints approved through NJ DOE Criminal History Review Unit **Pending approval of NJ DOE Criminal History Review Unit Emergent Hire ***Based on the 2014-2017 MEA agreement until completion of a successor agreement between the Middlesex Education Association and the Middlesex Board of Education.

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule C

Hourly Employees

Last Name First Name Position Bldg. Rate Hours/Week Eff. Date 20 hrs./week 7/1/2019 – Kyryczenko Margaret IT Intern District $10/hour Not to exceed 6/30/2020 120 hours 20 hrs./week 7/1/2019 – Mulvey Samuel IT Intern District $10/hour Not to exceed 6/30/2020 120 hours Hourly Aide Not to exceed 9/1/2019 – *White Ashley with Bus District $14/hour 22hours/week 6/30/2020 Duties *Fingerprints approved through NJ DOE Criminal History Review Unit **Pending approval of NJ DOE Criminal History Review Unit *** All MBOE staff holding NJ Standard, CEAS, or CE Certificate are approved as Home Instructors Emergent Hire

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Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule E Page 1 of 3

Extra Contracts / Stipends

Name Stipend Amount Effective Date Nastasi, Justin HS Baseball Head Coach $5,780 Iannetti, Blaze HS Baseball J.V. Assistant Coach $4,580 Burton, Thomas HS Baseball Varsity Assistant Coach $4,045 Harper, Kevin HS Basketball (Girls) Head Coach $6,400 Best, Charleigh HS Basketball (Girls) J.V. Assistant Coach $4,580 Hintelmann, Thomas HS Basketball (Girls) Varsity Assistant Coach $4,045 Chismar, Christopher HS Bowling Coach $2,380 Girvan, Courtney HS Cheerleading (Football) Advisor $3,900 Maynard, Janice HS Winter Cheerleading Advisor (1 of 2) $3,590 Girvan, Courtney HS Competitive Cheerleading Advisor $3,590 Lewis, Darren HS Cross Country Head Coach $5,190 MacMath, Thomas HS Cross Country Assistant Coach $3,980 Jankowicz, Peter HS Football Head Coach $6,860 2019 – 2020 Brenner, Gary HS Football J.V. Assistant Coach (1 of 2) $4,970 School Year Perry, James HS Football J.V. Assistant Coach (2 of 2) $4,970 Chismar, Christopher HS Football Varsity Assistant Coach (1 of 2) $4,510 Dougherty, Robert HS Football Varsity Assistant Coach (2 of 2) $4,510 Heiba, Lauren HS Golf Coach $5,190 Halpern, Eric HS Soccer (Boys) Head Coach $5,790 Bustamante, Eduardo HS Soccer (Boys) J.V. Assistant Coach $4,580 Swain, Jason HS Soccer (Boys) Varsity Assistant Coach $4,045 Morris, Tim HS Soccer (Girls) Head Coach $5,790 Valente, Rosalie HS Soccer (Girls) J.V. Assistant Coach $4,580 D’Orio,Derek HS Soccer (Girls) Varsity Assistant Coach $4,045 Chismar, Christopher HS Softball Head Coach $5,790 Schmitt, Jim HS Softball J.V. Assistant Coach $4,580 Boyd, Ryan HS Softball Varsity Assistant Coach $4,045 Hottensen, William HS Tennis Boys Head (Spring) Coach $5,190 Hottensen, William HS Tennis Girls Head (Fall) Coach $5,190 Figel, Heidi HS Tennis J.V. Assistant (Girls) Coach $4,010 Jankowicz, Peter HS Track Head (Boys) Coach $5,790 Perry, James HS Track Assistant (Boys) Coach $4,580 Chismar, Mary HS Track Head (Girls) Coach $5,790 *Fingerprints pending approval from NJDOE Criminal History Review Unit

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Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule E Page 2 of 3

Extra Contracts / Stipends

Name Stipend Amount Effective Date MacMath, Thomas HS Track Assistant (Girls) Coach $4,580 Boyd, Ryan HS Wrestling Head Coach $6,400 Peterson, Jeff HS Wrestling J.V. Assistant Coach $4,580 Jankowicz, Peter HS Weight Room Supervisor - Summer $2,980 Murray, Keith VM Interscholastic Basketball (Boys) Coach $2,570 Kady, Jason VM Interscholastic Basketball (Girls) Coach $2,570 Burton, Thomas VM Interscholastic Cross Country Coach $2,260 Bollin, Christian VM Interscholastic Wrestling Coach $2,570 Ianetti, Blaze VM Interscholastic Soccer (Boys) Coach $2,260 Danneberger, Matthew VM Interscholastic Soccer (Girls) Coach $2,260 Dow III, Wallace HS Anime Club Advisor $1,220 Ziomek, Melissa HS Class Advisor – Sophomore $1,220 Perez, Kenneth HS Class Advisor – Freshman $1,220

Swartz, James HS Detention Morning Monitor $1,220

Brenner, Gary HS Detention Saturday Monitor (1 of 2) $1,220 2019 – 2020 Chismar, Christopher HS Detention Saturday Monitor (2 of 2) $1,220 School Year Gitler, Diane HS Environmental Club Advisor $1,220 Jackson, Velia HS Fashion Club Advisor (Shared) $610 Anagnostos, Nicole HS Fashion Club Advisor (Shared) $610 Johnson, Jesse HS Gay Straight Alliance Club Advisor $1,220 Vitali, Vera HS Math League Club Advisor $1,220 Anagnostos, Nicole HS Model UN Club Advisor $1,840 Anagnostos, Nicole HS National Honor Society Advisor (Shared) $640 Parisi, Christopher HS National Honor Society Advisor (Shared) $640 Ziomek, Melissa HS Attendance Policy Coordinator $1,200 Heulitt, Cameron District Theater Technician Assistant $1,840 Gitler, Diane HS Academic Team Advisor $1,840 Vernaci, Paul HS Amnesty International Advisor $1,840 Brown, Rachel HS Musical Choreographer $1,840 Inciong, Vincent HS Pep Band Director $1,840 Ziomek, Melissa HS PRIDE Team Advisor $1,840 Siegrist, Sally HS Varsity Singers Choreographer $1,840 Adams, James HS Varsity Singers Director $1,840 Vernaci, Paul HS Class Advisor – Junior $2,200

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Extra Contracts / Stipends

Name Stipend Amount Effective Date Siegrist, Sally HS Fall Drama Director $2,200 Jackson, Velia HS Future Business Leaders Advisor $2,200 (FBLA) Inciong, Vincent HS Instrumental Music Director $2,200 Swartz, James HS Key Club Advisor $2,200 Inciong, Vincent HS Musical Pit Band Director $2,200 Goldstein, Jared HS Student Council Advisor $2,200 Clark, Kelly HS Visual Arts Enrichment Advisor $2,200 Adams, James HS Vocal Music Director $2,200 Madison, Christopher HS Musical Vocal Coach $1,840 Burton, Thomas HS Class Advisor – Senior $3,190 Siegrist, Sally HS Musical Production Director $3,270 Adams, James District Theater Technician $4,100 Jernigan, Jennifer HS Yearbook Advisor (Shared) $2,150

Heiba, Lauren HS Yearbook Advisor (Shared) $2,150

Moreland, Regina VM Detention Morning Monitor (Shared) $ 610 2019 – 2020 SY Murray, Keith VM Detention Morning Monitor (Shared) $ 610 Pellerin, Karen VM Art Workshop Advisor-Upper $1,840 Nicholas, Nicole VM Art Workshop Advisor-Lower $1,840 Krunkosky, Joseph VM Band Advisor-Upper $1,840 Blumenthal, Karen VM Band Advisor-Lower $1,840 Lynch, Brian VM Drama Workshop Advisor-Upper $1,840 Lynch, Brian VM Drama Workshop Advisor-Lower $1,840 St. Clair, Andrew VM Environmental Club-Upper $1,870 Nicholas, Nicole VM Musical Choreographer-Upper $1,850 Wise, Leslie VM Technology Club-Upper $1,850 Wise, Leslie VM Technology Club-Lower $1,850 Blumenthal, Karen VM Vocal Music-Upper $1,850 Coupland, Ronald VM Vocal Music-Lower $1,850 Chismar, Mary VM Student Council-Lower & Upper $1,850 Coupland, Ronald VM Production Music Director $1,850 Nicholas, Nicole VM Yearbook Advisor-Upper $2,200 Lynch, Brian VM Production Director-Lower & Upper $3,270

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule F

Leaves of Absences

Name Position School Category Effective Spies, Kristin Teacher VM Medical Leave 9/3/2019 – 9/20/19* NJFLA & FMLA 9/23/19 – 12/31/19 Return: 1/1/2020 Stacy, Teacher PR Medical Leave 9/11/2019 – 11/6/2019* Macchiarelli NJFLA & FMLA 11/7/19 – 2/28/2020 Return: 3/2/2020 Cuffari, Gema Teacher HS Unpaid Contractual 5/24/19 – 6/30/19 Leave (Article 18.4) (extended from 5/23/19) Return: 9/1/2019 Palazzo, Nicole Teacher VM Unpaid Contractual 5/13/19 -5/31/19 Leave (Article 18.4) Return: 9/1/2019 Trower, Bonnie Nurse VM Medical 5/29/2019 – 6/30/19* Return: 7/1/2019 Kortbawi, Cheryl Salaried Aide VM Unpaid Medical Leave 4/29/2019 – 5/31/2019 Return: 6/3/2019 *Dates to be adjusted based upon recovery

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule G

End of Service

Name Position School Category Last Day DeFillippis, Rita Lunch Recess Aide Only* VM Termination 5/15/2019 Desai, Manjari ESY Only* HZ Rescind 6/6/2019 Reilly, Kathleen 1:1 Aide ESY HZ Rescind 5/14/2019 Smith, Tracey Resignation WG Resignation 5/31/2019 (previously Board Approved 5/13/2019) Velez, Liz Marie Resignation HZ Resignation 5/30/2019 Dinger, Mary ESY only* HZ Rescind 6/10/2019 *Holds another MBOE position

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Personnel IV. B. 2 Schedule H Page 1 of 2

Staff Transfers

Effective Name Position From To Date Palazzo, Nicole Teacher VM 1.0 FTE Spanish 9/1/2019 – (L. Chouequet) .4 FTE Spanish .2 FTE HZ 6/30/2020 Job Code 1550G .2 FTE PR .6 FTE ASI .2 FTE WG Job Code 1001G .4 FTE VM Gr. 4 & 5 Job Code 1550G Gianchiglia, Lori Teacher VM ASI VM Grade 4 9/1/2019 – (Created 6/10/19) 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 1001G Job Code 1001G Sherlock, Jennifer Teacher HZ ASI HZ Resource Room 9/1/2019 – (L. O’Brien) 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 1001G Job Code 2406S Kelly, Mary Teacher WG ASI WG Grade 3 9/1/2019 – 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 1001G Job Code 1001G Gauthier, Raquel ESL Teacher HZ .3 FTE HZ .5 FTE 9/1/2019 – HS .7 FTE VM .5 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 1485G Job Code 1485G Girvan, Courtney Teacher VM Grade 4 VM Grade 5 ELA 9/1/2019 – 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Parolise, Christine Teacher VM Grade 5 ELA VM Grade 4 9/1/2019 – 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Stio, Danielle Teacher VM .9 FTE VM Resource Room 9/1/2019 – WG .1 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 2406S Job Code 2406S Anders, Emily Teacher HZ 1.0 FTE HZ 1.0 FTE 9/1/2019 – Primary Autistic MD 6/30/2020 Job Code 1001S Job Code 1001S Iannetti, Blaze Teacher Assistant MHS MD / HZ Teacher Assistant 9/1/2019 – Job Coach 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 1.0 FTE Rudawski, Teacher Assistant PreK Disability/TA MD/TA 9/1/2019 – Cathleen 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020

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Staff Transfers

Effective Name Position From To Date Casey, Bonnie Teacher PR 1.0 Grade 3 PR Grade 1 9/1/2019 – (Gr. 1 vacancy) 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 1001G Job Code 1001G Sillib, Lauren Teacher WG Grade 2 WG Grade 1 9/1/2019 – 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 1001G Job Code 1001G Jeanette, Jennifer Teacher WG/LLD WG/Resource Room 9/1/2019 – (created 6/10/19) 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Job Code 2485S Job Code 2485S Beauregard, Julia Teacher HZ MD HZ Primary Autistic 9/1/2019 – 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 6/30/2020 Ambrosio, Teresa Salaried Aide HS 1:1 Aide HS Classroom Aide 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 Reynaga, Dyana Salaried Aide HS 1:1 Aide HZ / MD 9/1/2019 – (L. Velez) Classroom Aide 6/30/2020 Cann, Jessica Teacher HZ .2 FTE VM 1.0 FTE 9/1/2019 – WG .2 FTE Literacy 6/30/2020 VM .6 FTE Interventionist Literacy Job Code 1106 Interventionist Job Code 1106 Juarbe, Monica Salaried Aide WG Salaried PR 9/1/2019 – Classroom Aide Lunchroom/Recess 6/30/2020 LLD $11/hour Level A Job Code 9151G Job Code 9151S

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule I

Salary Adjustments

Name From To Effective HZ Salaried HZ Salaried Anonuevo, Lilian 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 Classroom Aide Classroom Aide Preschool Disability Level A Level C $11,120 $13,120 + $1,000 Specialized Duties $14,120 Total HZ Salaried HZ Salaried Brador, Nurys 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 Classroom Aide Classroom Aide Primary Autistic $15,926 $15,926 + $1,000 Specialized Duties $16,926 Total HZ Salaried HZ Salaried Conahan, 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 Classroom Aide Classroom Aide Maddalena $11,408 $11,408 Primary Autistic + $1,000 Specialized Duties $12,408 Total HZ Salaried HZ Salaried Demelew, 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 Classroom Aide Classroom Aide Addisalem Preschool Disability $14,302 $14,302 + 1,000 Specialized Duties $15,302 Total $51,494 $51,494 MA, Step 2 Candio, Nirva 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 MA, Step 2 + $9,000 extra teaching assignment (pensionable) HS French Class $71,444 $71,444 MA, Step 14 Wise, Leslie 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 MA, Step 14 $7,000 Library Media Coordinator $7,000 Library + $4,500 extra teaching Media assignment (pensionable) Coordinator Gifted & Talented Class (shared) $80,954 $80,954 MA+30, Step 16 Wood, Laurie 9/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 MA+30, Step 16 + $4,500 extra teaching assignment (pensionable) Gifted &Talented Class (shared) *Based on the 2014-2017 MEA agreement until completion of a successor agreement between the Middlesex Education Association and the Middlesex Board of Education.

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Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule J Page 1 of 4

Academic Stipends (ESY, SWIM, Curriculum Writing, Honorariums)

Length Name Category Rate of Time Funding Any BOE Employee Football Game Ticket $60/game Taker Any BOE Employee Ticket Taker $40/game Any BOE Employee Football Game Security $80/game Any BOE Employee All other Sports Security $40/game Any BOE Employee Football Announcer $80/game Any BOE Employee Football Chain Holder 2019 – 2020 SY budget 3 people/game Varsity Football $50 JV Football $25 Wrestling Quad Assistant $25 Any BOE Employee Scoreboard Operator Varsity Events $40 JV Basketball $40 JV Wrestling $10/ for every 4

matches Middle School Event $40 Bihuniak, Ola $30/hour 2.5 hours / 11-000-221-104-xxx-DT-002 Gauthier, Raquel Facilitate District PAC per session / (050, 065, 070, 085,090) Hottensen, Katherine meetings 2019/20 sy per person Rosenberg, Laura (includes prep time) Albanese, Laura SiOP Trainer for $30/hour 3 hours’ prep 11-000-223-104-xxx-DT-000 Moreland, Regina Sheltered Instruction time per (050,065,070, 085, 090) Training session, each person. Not to exceed 3 sessions Moreland, Regina Program Facilitator $30/hour Not to exceed 11-000-223-104-xxx-DT-000 Mentoring Program for 20 hours (050, 065, 070, 085, 090) 2019 – 2020 SY Includes 1 day during the New Teacher Orientation; 8/28 or 8/29/2019 Anonuevo, Lilian $14/hour Brador, Nurys Undergo additional $14/hour 40 hours each 11-000-223-104-090-DT-000 Conahan, Maddalena training hours $14/hour Demelew, Addisalem $14/hour

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Academic Stipends (ESY, SWIM, Curriculum Writing, Honorariums) Length Name Category Rate of Time Funding Approve all district certificated staff to work as substitute teachers, as needed, for the Summer Programs Summer Work Kauffman, Leslie Guidance HZ/PR/WG $40/hour Not to exceed 10 hours Cuffie, Alexandra Guidance VM $40/hour Not to exceed Lapotasky, Leslie Guidance VM $40/hour 126 hours Morris, Timothy Guidance VM $40/hour 19/20 SY Budget Morris, Timothy Guidance VM Upper $40/hour Not to exceed School Scheduling 25 hours Blumetti, Karen Guidance MHS $40/hour Not to Exceed Schmitt, James Guidance MHS $40/hour 135 hours Shehu, Gina Guidance MHS $40/hour Ulmer, Stacy Guidance MHS $40/hour Not to exceed 5 hours

Adams, James $30/hour 6 hours Berkowitz, Kristen $30/hour 6 hours Bodenschatz, $30/hour 6 hours Jessica Teacher Leader Brenner, Gary Summer Work $30/hour 6 hours 19/20 SY Budget Gitler, Diane $30/hour 6 hours Perez, Kenneth $30/hour 6 hours Walsh, Janice $30/hour 6 hours Vernaci, Paul $30/hour 6 hours

Bloom, Tammy Summer Work $30/hour Not to exceed 11-000-219-104-085-SS-909 25 hours Trower, Bonnie Athletic Physicals $40/hour 60 hours 11-000-213-100-050-DT-909 11-000-213-100-085-DT-909 Forys, April Athletic Physicals $40/hour 10 hours 11-000-213-100-085-DT-909 Heiba, Lauren Chromebook Work $40/hour 18 hours 19/20 SY HS budget Arroyo, Sherene Chromebook Work $16/hour 18 hours 19/20 SY HS budget Heiba, Lauren Summer Work $40/hour 20 hours 19/20 SY HS budget Phillips, Mary Summer Work $16/hour Not to exceed 20 hours 19/20 SY PR budget Erchick, Anne Summer Work $16/hour Not to exceed 20 hours 19/20 SY WG budget Wise, Leslie Library Summer Work $40/hour 40 hours VM 19/20 school budget Desai, Manjari Library Summer Work $16/hour 20 hours VM 19/20 school budget

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Academic Stipends (ESY, Curriculum Writing, Honorariums) Length Name Category Rate of Time Funding Summer Work Logue, Michelle New Teacher Technology $30/hour Not to exceed 11-000-223-104-xxx-DT-000 Orientation 20 hours (050, 065, 070, 085, 090) Logue, Michelle Summer Work for $40/hour Not to exceed 11-000-221-104-050-DT-002 C & I 180 hours (050, 065, 070, 085, 090) Gehrke, Joyce Library Summer Work $16/hour Not to exceed HZ 19/20 school budget 20 hours Wise, Leslie Chromebook Distribution $40/hour 18 hours VM 19/20 school budget Desai, Manjari Chromebook Distribution $16/hour 18 hours VM 19/20 school budget ESY Staff Aide/ 7/1/2019 - 11-213-100-106-065-SS-909 Marianne Frazer Hazelwood RR B $14 hr. 7/26/2019 Aide/ 7/1/2019 - 11-216-100-106-065-SS-909* Amy Curtis Hazelwood MD B $14 hr. 8/9/2019 Aide/ 7/1/2019 - 11-204-100-106-065-SS-909 Lisa Zamora Hazelwood LLD B $14 hr. 7/26/2019 Aide/ 7/1/2019 - 11-214-100-106-065-SS-909 Norma Alba Hazelwood Autistic $14 hr. 8/9/2019 Hazelwood Preschool Aide/ 7/1/2019 - 11-216-100-106-065-SS-909 Eileen Prasnal Disabled C $14 hr. 8/9/2019 7/1/2019 - 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909; Barbara Burton Bus Aide $14 hr. 8/9/2019 050, 085, 065 7/1/2019 - 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909; Nicolas Bayachek Bus Aide $14 hr. 8/9/2019 050, 085, 065 $16 hr. 7/1/2019 - 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909; Jennifer Johnson Bus Aide Sub. (TA rate) 8/9/2019 050, 085, 065 7/1/2019 - 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909; Ashley White Bus Aide Sub. $14 hr. 8/9/2019 050, 085, 065 7/1/2019 - 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909; Deborah Soper Bus Aide $14 hr. 8/9/2019 050, 085, 065 7/1/2019 – 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909 Muldowney, Anne Bus Aide Sub. $14 hr. 8/9/19 050, 085, 065 Donna Anthony Bus Aide (for OOD) $14 hr. 7/1/ - 8/9/2019 11-000-270-107-085-DT-909 11-000-270-107-xxx-DT-909; Demelew, Addisalem Bus Aide $14 hr. 7/1 - 8/9/2019 050, 085, 065 Rivillas, Maria Hazelwood MD B Aide $14 hr. 7/1 – 8/9/2019 11-216-100-106-065-SS-909 Michele Hourahan* Aide $14 hr. 7/ - 8/9/2019 School budget *MBOE ESY 2019 employee pending approval of NJDOE CHRU & Employee History

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Academic Stipends (ESY, Curriculum Writing, Honorariums)

Length Name Category Rate of Time Funding ESY PROGAM – All MBOE approved employees may substitute for the ESY Program. Teacher/Nurse/SLP/ Child Study Team Members $40/hour; Teacher Assistants $16/hour, Classroom Aide/$14 hour.

Teaching Staff = 5.0 hours per day (includes prep period) All Other Staff = 4.5 hours per day (includes 0.25 pre/post students) ESY Staff $14 hr.; not to 11-204-100-106-050-SS-909 exceed 60 7/1/2019 - 11-204-100-106-085-SS-909 Barbara Burton SEMI Aide Activities hours 8/31/2019 11-204-100-106-065-SS-909 11-000-219-104-050-SS-909 11-000-219-104-065-SS-909 11-000-219-104-070-SS-909 Child Study Team, CST/$40 hr., as 7/1/2019 - 11-000-219-104-085-SS-909 Teachers IEP Services needed 8/31/2019 11-000-219-104-090-SS-909

Contracted Rate 11-000-219-104-050-SS-909 as per MEA 7/1/2019 - 11-000-219-104-065-SS-909 Child Study Team Evaluation contract 8/31/2019 11-000-219-104-085-SS-909

11-000-219-104-050-SS-909; CST/$40 hr., up 11-000-219-104-065-SS-909; to six hours per 11-000-219-104-070-SS-909; ESY Teacher ESY site 7/1/2019 - 11-000-219-104-085-SS-909; Coordinators ESY Services coordinator 8/9/2019 11-000-219-104-090-SS-909;

ESY Substitute Qualified District Services/ 7/1/2019 – Staff ESY Program ESY Rates 8/9/2019 ESY Employee Budget Codes * Non - MBOE Employee fingerprints approved through NJDOE Criminal History Review Unit ** Non – MBOE Employee pending approval of NJDOE Criminal History Review Unit and Employment History statute P.L. 2018 C. 5 *** New MBOE Employee pending approval of NJDOE Criminal History Review Unit and Employment History statute P.L. 2018 C. 5

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Personnel IV.B.2 Schedule K

Middlesex Community School – Summer Camp 2019

Employee / Adult* Employee / Hourly Effective Program Position Student Rate of Pay Date *Adamski, Rosalie Summer Camp Supervisor $17.00 (after hours of ESY) Amazopoulos, Carly Summer Camp Aide $10.00 Amazopoulos, Zoe Summer Camp Aide $10.00 *Avallone, Kristin Summer Camp Supervisor $17.00 (after hours of ESY)

*Brown, Karen Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00

Basch, Josephine Summer Camp Senior Aide $11.00 Burr, Kristina Summer Camp Aide $10.00 *Burr, Lauren Summer Camp Senior Aide $11.00 Caruso, Olivia Summer Camp Senior Aide $10.00 *Ciesla, Lori Summer Camp Sub. Supervisor $15.00

(after office hours) *Coyle, Brooke Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00 Dailey, Ethan Summer Camp Senior Aide $11.00 *Devine, Natalie Summer Camp Senior Aide $11.00 *DiMura, Susan Summer Camp Sub. Supervisor $15.00 6/24/2019 – *Ferris, Melissa Summer Camp Lead Supervisor $17.00 *Giuliano, Tina Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00 8/23/2019 Imbriaco, Mary Summer Camp Aide $10.00 *Kasallis, Virginia Summer Camp Sub. Supervisor $15.00 *Lamason, Beverly Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00

*Lissy, Leonora Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00 *Littlejohn, Jacqueline Summer Camp Principal $40.00 *Mazza, Doreen Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00 *Murray, Eileen Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00 *Nicholas, Nicole Summer Camp Supervisor $17 .00 (after hours of ESY) Potts, Taylor Summer Camp Aide $10.00 *Santucci, Carly Summer Camp Senior Aide $11.00 *Santucci, Cole Summer Camp Senior Aide $11.00 *Sucheski, Rosanne Summer Camp Supervisor $15.00 Todd, Marisa Summer Camp Aide $10.00 Warren, Nithish Summer Camp Aide $10.00 *Fingerprint information has been approved through the NJDOE Criminal History Review Unit. ** Fingerprint information is pending approval of NJDOE Criminal History Review Unit

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Education V. B.1 Schedule B

Tuition Out of District Placement

180 Day ESY ID# School / Program Start Date Days Tuition Tuition 2040064 Montgomery Academy 7/1/2018 – 6/23/2020 204 $65,261 $7,251 1730020 Midland School 7/8/2019 – 6/15/2020 214 $65,258.60 $10,879 2140029 Hampton Academy School 9/5/2019 – 6/17/2020 180 $50,490 No ESY 2574130 Piscataway Regional Day 7/1/2019 – 6/19/2020 214 $43,200 $4,263 School 1715061 Piscataway Regional 9/4/2019 – 6/19/2020 185 $43,200 No ESY 2430022 Future Foundations 7/1/2019 – 6/19/2020 214 $53,460 $4,872 1940050 Pal Program/Pathways to 9/4/2019 – 6/19/2020 185 $42,840 No ESY Adult Living 2954059 Rutgers Day School 7/8/2019 – 6/19/2020 219 $82,320 No ESY 3053625 Honor Ridge Academy 7/1/2019 – 6/19/2020 213 $87,943.44 ESY Included 2135062 Shepard Prep H.S. 9/3/2019 – 6/19/2020 183 $54,658.44 No ESY 2567557 Somerset Elementary 9/5/2019 – 6/23/2020 180 $58,860 No ESY Academy 2567557 Somerset Elementary 9/5/2019 – 6/23/2020 180 1:1 Aide No ESY Academy School Year only $38,796

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Education V. B. 1. Schedule D

Curriculum Approval

Course Grade/s

US History I CP HS


Literacy (revisions) 5

Reading 6

Reading 7

Reading 8

Introduction to Computer Science HS

Health/Physical Education K

Health/Physical Education 1

Health/Physical Education 2

Health/Physical Education 3

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Education V.B.1 Schedule F

Professional Development

Vendor Staff Development Workshops 1427 Fourteenth Street Lakewood, NJ 08701 Date/s June 13, 2019 Purpose Social Studies Staff Development (Mauger) Program Social Studies Development Training Total Cost $1,500 Account/s 20-271-200-300-050-GT-121 20-271-200-300-085-GT-121

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Education V.B.1 Schedule G

Student Teacher Placements Internships / Externships

Name / School Teacher /Instructor Time / Class

O’Brien, Sean Rosenberg, Laura Clinical Field experience in Rutgers Graduate School of Parker Elementary School an ESL classroom for Fall Education semester starting 9/3/2019

Middlesex Public Schools – MHS Library/Media Center BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2019 7:00 PM

Education V.B.1 Schedule H

Drills / Out of School Suspensions

Fire / Emergency Drills – MAY 2019

School Fire Drill Emergency Drill High School 5/30/2019 5/31/2019 Evacuation

Mauger 5/29/2019 5/16/2019 Shelter In Place

Hazelwood 5/8/2019 5/30/2019 Lockdown

Parker 5/29/2019 5/3/2019 On-Site Evacuation

Watchung 5/31/2019 5/16/2019 Shelter In Place

Out of School Suspensions – MAY 2019 School Date Grade M/F Date(s) # Suspensions Suspended to Date

High School 3/29/2019 9 F 4/1-6/19/2019 1 5/1/2019 12 F 5/1/2019 2 5/1/2019 12 SUSPEF 5/1, 2, 3, 6, 7/2019 2 5/8/2019 12 NDEDM 5/9, 10, 13, 14/2019 1 5/29/2019 9 M 5/30, 31/2019 3 5/29/2019 9 M 5/30/2019 2

Mauger 5/6/2019 5 M 5/6/2019 1 5/22/2019 5 M 5/22,23/2019 1 5/22/2019 7 M 5/22,23,29,30,31/2019 6

Hazelwood 5/3/2019 K M 5/3/2019 2 5/9/2019 K M 5/9/2019 3

Parker NONE Watchung NONE