The Panama Canal Treaty: and When the Trea 5 That
TheDaily Campus er No. 49 Southern Methodist Unive'rsity, ballas, Texas Wednesday, November 30, 1977 63rd Year __Senate amends - .previous motion i. The senate reinstated Senator Buck by Eric Paulson Smith after he missed four senate meetings. A senator can be expelled from the senate for missing more than During the last meeting of the sem- three senate meetings. _ ester, the Student Senate amended a Smith told the senate missed one 14 vmotion passed during last week's meet- meeting because of illness and another ast, wken tteing. because of a job interview. Last week the senate voted to allocate A consciousness-raising workshop on $300 to the tutoring program from the. minority concerns will be Feb. 18 from ;1 senate contingency fund if Panhellenic noon to 4 p.m. and Intrafraternity Council (IFC) also Senator Bob Callaway withdrew his allocate 5300 each. motion to move the senate meetings The senate stipulated yesterday that from Tuesday afternoons to Wednesday IFC and Panhellenic allocate S300 out- afternoons for the spring semester. side what the two groups have allocated Callaway, who wasn't at the meeting, this semester. The senate voted to did not give any reasons for withdraw-: exclude rush fines. ing the motion. phaiWsh I*jm IFC gives a portion of the rush fines - The Student Senate, in its meeting yesterday, amended a motion involving the tutoring program. collected to the tutoring program. W The amendment stipulated that the funds contributed to the program by Interfraternity Council and Last week the senate also stipulated O S WO Panhellenic should not come from rush fine monies, that the tutoring program not request any more money until spring appropria- directory tions time and that the tutoring pro- Restraints, rew ards draigram charge:: a minimum: 1of per ::hour m - pe personal fdent Senate", 1977-78, is now avail= shouldn't be any stipulations attached able to all students and faculty in the to it(the allocation)," said Merrimon Governance Officeinthe student econom y, Bentsen says of the tutoring pro -center.
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