Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 1

Annual report 2008 entreculturas Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 2

con- 1 Letter from the director 2 In a few words

4 About us

8 Our work in the South tents 20 ...and in the North

50 Good practices, in the North and in the South

54 Accountability

62 Projects in the South 2008

80 Our gratitude

Edition: Entreculturas. Traslation: Luisa Miranda. C/ Pablo Aranda 3, 28006. Tel. 91 590 26 72. Fax: 91 590 26 73. E-mail: [email protected] Página web: Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 1

___1 letter from the director Dear friends It is my pleasure to have the chance to thank you again for your loyal support which has enabled us to meet the challenges we had set for the year 2008 as shown in this annual report.

This past year, during my trips to visit the projects we carry out and to accompany our fellow workers in the South, I have heard many dramatic stories but at the same time I have met incredible human teams, working with an admirable dedication and in some places at a considerable risk. This is the case of Colombia, where I was able to share a few days with the Jesuit Refugee Service for Latin America and the Caribbean. I had the chance to witness their dedication to accompany, serve and defend a deeply wounded population, both the refugees in Venezuela and the internally displaced in Bogota and Buenaventura in Colombia. They work with what has been a key tool for us this year: advocacy. Thus, during 2008 we have hosted and co-organized the “Ignatian Advocacy Workshop” where Jesuits from 22 countries world wide, met in to articulate a common advocacy strategy. The Jesuits get ready for advocacy because we cannot change the world if we do not change the political and financial power structures. In this line of action, we have contributed to the elaboration of the New Directors Plan of Spanish Cooperation with the report, ”The Official Aid for Education 2005-2006, in Spotlight.”

I would also like to point out how Fe y Alegría´s work in Chad, with our full support, is making progress. I have witnessed in the fieldground the enthusiasm of each one of Fe y Alegría´s team. A multicultural and multinational team that is slowly gaining the population’s trust in its effort and commitment with an education that will enable their children to grow as responsible citizens engaged in their communities´ development. The schools I have visited are schools that change the world. This is our new slogan for this year.

We have to open our eyes in order to see our reality that challenges each one of us and that, when acted upon, can be changed.

To keep our eyes and heart open to a reality that questions us, to understand the deep causes which are underneath the origins of poverty and inequality, to work in favour of justice and to act, are the only ways to change reality and change the world. Agustín Alonso SJ, Entreculturas Director Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 2


Our work in the South =

We firmly believe in the transforming capacity of education. We firmly believe in the transforming capacity of education. Hence, we support initiatives that promote the education for the less favoured in Latin America, Africa and Asia. We not only carry out specific projects but we also accompany education programmes and procedures. Education and community promotion are complementary and they should advance together to achieve full civic, labour and social inclusion, participation and democratic behaviour. in Building classrooms, educating teachers, supporting radio based education programmes, labour skill

training centres or promoting education in refugee camps are among the activities we carry out. ✃

Our work in Spain = a few A change of conscience in the North is the key to end the unfair international relations. We carry out campaigns on education, communication and research to make the Spanish society aware that education is essential for development. We also work on public advocacy in order to make governments meet their international commitments for a world with more justice. In 2004, we were named representatives of the Development NGOs in the Development Council together with four other organisations. Our work in Spain is possible thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of hundreds of volunteers who make this objective a

worthy cause of self engagement. ✃

The power of education =

So that education may be transforming, the person should learn how to be, how to know, how to live with and how

to change. At Entreculturas, we work so that everyone may have this kind of education. ✃

Whom we work with in the South =

Our main counterparts in America and Africa are the popular education movement Fe y Alegría and the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). But we are more than counterparts. Entreculturas is a member of these two networks with decades of proved work with the less favoured populations. Fe y Alegría is present in 19 countries with 1.200.000 students and is a relevant voice in the international scene. On the other hand, the JRS promotes education in the very difficult environment of the refugee camps and displaced populations as a consequence of the many armed conflicts, unstable political

situations and natural catastrophes that take place nowadays. It also defends their rights in national and international spheres. ✃ Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 3


Networking =

We believe that full human liberation for the most vulnerable people and for us all is based on the development of solidarity communities. We work in close collaboration with Alboan and other Spanish Development NGOs. We belong to the Xavier Network (Jesuit European NGOs Network). We support joint Campaigns with the Spanish DNGO Coordinator, regional and local coordinators and with the REDES Platform

which we currently preside. We are members of the Global Campaign for Education and the Spanish Coalition to stop the Use of Child Soldiers. ✃

Accountability =

All our accounts are audited by an external audit firm on an annual basis which is included in this report. The audit for the year 2008 has been done by BDO Audiberia. In order to ensure our good practices, we submit to the evaluation of the Follow Up Commission of the Code of Conduct of the CONGDE, of which our Deputy Director is a member and the Fundación Lealtad analyzes the degree of transparency we have.

For the year 2008, this Foundation’s report has established once again that we comply with all the required maximums. Finally, all donor institutions control the final destination of their contributions and make their own evaluation of our joint projects. ✃

Some numbers =

A solid social base is crucial for planning activities both in the North and in the South. During 2008, a 50% of our funds has been raised by our contributors and there are increasingly more people who support our work in a continuous way, convinced that the real commitment for development cannot be the result of responding by impulses to concrete actions. The other donations received come from public entities such as the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) through the support to programmes and agreements and other

institutions such as the municipalities and regional governments. 92,8% of total funds received has been used for projects in the South and for development aid education and social awareness education in the North. ✃

Join our project =

If you think it is worthwhile to help us so that all people may discover and promote their capacities, we encourage you to join Entreculturas as a member, giving a donation, enrolling in our volunteer programmes or participating in the campaigns we promote either individually or collectively. Another very useful way of collaborating is to be well informed on our reality, the causes of unequal situations and injustice and communicating

that access to education abolishes unequal situations and transforms vulnerable realities. ✃ ✃ words

Go ahead, contact us in or in the following telephone number 902 444 844. Memoria Inglés2008ok:Maquetación118/06/098:38Página4 favour ofjustice. structures andactaschange agentsfortheSouthin the Northernpopulation soastoenablethemchange Our engagementalsoleads ustoraiseawarenessamong excluded populationsof LatinAmerica,AfricaandAsia. This iswhywesupporteducationprojectsamong the social changeandinterculturaldialogue. education isakeytoolfordevelopment,transformation, the Jesuits.ItisborninSouthandbelieves that Entreculturas about is aDevelopmentNGOpromotedby us Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 5


A national network

Entreculturas is present in 27 Spanish cities thanks to hundreds of volunteers who work to transform reality with their commitment with the South and their daily attitude in life.

These volunteers try to bring the South and Entreculturas´ work close to society. Volunteers who know that their objective is beyond the work they carry out. They know that their goal is to achieve a fairer world in which all people may fully develop their potentials. Volunteers convinced that they cannot remain indifferent and that they must be part of society’s transformation.

An international network

Entreculturas is a member of two international networks with roots in the South.

Fe y Alegría is an institution, which since 1955, aims for education to reach the less favoured populations in all Latin America . It works to educate in all dimensions promoting a free and responsible individual; an education striving for change, from and with the communities, to build a fairer, fraternal, democratic and participating society. Today, the schools of Fe y Alegría are in popular areas of 20 countries. In 2008, Uruguay has joined this Movement. Entreculturas is part of the Federation, since its foundation, as a full member.

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) accompanies serves and defends the refugee’s and displaced people’s rights, worldwide for the past 25 years. To accomplish this, it carries out children and adult education programmes, social services and counselling, pastoral and medical care. The JRS mission is directed to all those who have been forced to abandon their homes because of conflicts, human disasters or the violation of human rights. Today the JRS works in 50 countries. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 6

___6 organization

Advisory Board chart Deputy Director Secretariat

International cooperation Awareness Raising Training and Delegations

Programmes in Africa Education for Delegations Development Programmes in Central America and the Caribbean Communication, Human Resources Programmes in South America members and donors  Co-financing Training Evaluation and quality Volunteer work

A Coruña, Alicante, Almería, Asturias, Cantabria, Burgos, Córdoba, Elche, Extremadura, Granada, Huelva, La Palma, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, La Rioja, León, Madrid, Málaga, Murcia, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla, Tenerife, Toledo, Valencia, Valladolid, Vigo, . Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 7


Board of Directors

President: Treasurer: Secretary: Trustees: Mayte Petisco Entreculturas delegate in Salamanca Studies and Institutional Relations Internal Management “Being part of Entreculturas makes me feel lucky and I can say that I have learnt a lot during these years. On one hand I have shared my time with many extraordinary people: delegation volunteers, the Head Office team, members of other NGOs, etc. who teach me how to work each day to improve things in this world. On the other hand, the contact with the South, sometimes directly with visits and testimonies, other times indirectly, but always present and from a positive look, helps me appreciate   Studies and Administration those small or big actions that help change many people’s lives”. Advocacy

Institutional Programmes Relations and development

Info Technology Memoria Inglés2008ok:Maquetación118/06/098:38Página8

that nobodyseemsready toacknowledge. established bytherich countries andthisissomething during thelastyearsdue totheunfairrelations make usthinkthatthose ravageshavebeenproduced people cancausesuch ravages.” Butit shouldalso to whatextentthegreedinessandselfishness ofcertain “this crisisenablesustodiscoverwithastonishment, with whomwework.AccordingtoJoséJuanRomero, that stronglyaffectsthemostvulnerablepopulations 2008 hasbeenayearmarkedbytheworldcrisis, acrisis our work Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 9

___9 in the South 2008 has also been a year in which borders were tightened at the cost of breaching the populations´ human and social rights. Populations that claim legitimately for a place in which to look for a future or to seek asylum in order to leave behind hunger, violence, war or extreme religious or political positions.

In this situation, Entreculturas continues to be committed with a Cooperation based on dialogue and joint work with all actors involved; with stable alliances between North and South organizations and the voice of the beneficiaries in the framework of mutual collaboration; with a specific and priority option for excluded people and populations; with the aim to overcome the causes of poverty. Our work should promote advocacy and international public action. All of this from the starting point of the excluded, aiming to develop their potentials as critical and capable citizens.

Alistair Davis Entreculturas expatriate in South Sudan

“I have a lot to learn from the Jesuit Refugee Service and I hope to be able to also offer them something in return. The opportunity to work side by side in the field with the beneficiaries is a very special experience. I don’t want to pretend to be the answer to poverty, but I do want to be part of a process of transformation and hope, giving opportunities and possibilities to the most excluded persons”. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 10

___10 our work in the South

Commitment with a transforming education in Latin America

The global crisis is also affecting Fe y Alegria´s youth and children. A great number of them depend on the monthly savings sent by their families working abroad. These savings are diminished by the crisis. On the other hand, the unstable world situation is affecting family reunions since parents are not sure that they can offer their chil- dren a future in the country they have migrated to. The absence of parental references will mark the development of these generations.

Fe y Alegría Chart 2006 The challenge of Fe y Alegría is therefore great. It is essential to con- Students and participants tinue working for a quality education, involving families and commu- nity members in school tasks; working to transform communities and articulate them socially. This is why the International Federation Countries Formal Part time Alternative Teacher Community TOTAL Schools Personnel School and Radio Non Formal Training Promotion and continues to promote the Movement’s expansion. 2008 has seen the Education based Education Development launch of a new Fe y Alegría: Uruguay. Education Services Fe y Alegría has also taken an important step in 2008. This past year Argentina 5.398 - 941 268 - 6.607 36 343 has seen the beginning of the Campaign “Commitment with Educa- Bolivia 159.353 10.585 93.804 1.811 - 265.553 655 9.666 tion”, by which, Fe y Alegría with the support of Entreculturas, tries Brazil 1.923 - 4.570 622 22.831 29.946 71 674 to have a voice in public institutions and politics, joining all the Latin Chile 5.653 - 692 - - 6.345 18 423 American voices of the social networks that defend a quality transfor- Colombia 68.849 - 124.288 2.297 36.075 231.509 207 3.307 ming education as a key tool for personal and social development. Dominican Republic 25.439 - 7.710 419 14.061 47.629 47 852 Ecuador 25.474 17.878 12.514 2.026 11.360 69.252 206 2.541 El Salvador 8.267 128 5.810 205 - 14.410 18 387 Guatemala 11.012 - 231 331 2.804 14.378 54 592 Haiti 247 - - - - 247 316 Honduras 1.188 698 654 53 - 2.593 4123 Nicaragua 8.992 - 17.251 374 29.662 56.279 70 510 Panama 112 - 633 55 8.411 9.211 10 73 Paraguay 8.940 5.094 2.840 913 14.286 32.073 152 1.002 Peru 73.960 579 52.641 2.715 60.718 190.613 184 3.474 Venezuela 108.239 44.428 77.383 3.201 70.142 303.393 1.043 12.342

Totals 512.799 79.390 401.962 15.290 270.350 1.279.791 2.775 36.309 Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 11


Taking steps towards building an education system in Africa

On one of his visits to Africa, Dani Villanueva referred to what could be one of the JRS´ important lines of work in 2008: the shift from education in emergency situa- tions to the support in the reconstruction of the education system in the countries of return. “JRS work in Adjumani (north of Uganda) and NImule (South Sudan) is impressive in itself but it is more so if viewed overall; the JRS has been with the Sudanese people that sought refuge for years in Uganda and now that the improvement of the conflict situation allows them to return to their country, the JRS is again waiting for them in Sudan, welcoming them and accompanying them now in the recons- truction of their own country”.

In South Sudan one can see how the community works to rebuild its context and return to normal life; how teachers, on many occasions without a stable salary, continue to educate Sudanese children; how girls slowly join education programmes and women start to work as teachers. The JRS, with the support of Entreculturas, is helping to strengthen this process not only in South Sudan but also, during these past months, in Ivory Coast and the Central African Republic.

As part of our close collaboration, we have expanded our efforts to support the institutional strengthening of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Africa. This year we have started to support the strengthening -- our work in the South programme that the JRS is carrying out in the four African regions it operates.

Lastly, we would like to point out the JRS´ firm commitment with poli- tical advocacy. In 2008, all regional JRS offices in Africa had the ad- vocacy heads connected to an international network with a common action strategy. Entreculturas closely accompanies and supports this line of action as part of the institutional strengthening and with specific programmes in Eastern and Southern Africa. This advocacy work becomes extremely necessary in a continent that in 2008 has seen regional instabilities and outbursts of violence in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Zimbabwe or Kenya, many of them spurred by economic and political interests. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 12

___12 our work in the South

How we work

We work in Latin America, Africa and Asia with organizations with deep local roots. We work in network, encouraging participation among the people and Fe y Alegría and the Jesuit Refugee Service in alliance with organizations, promoting the international dimension of our work to respond to the current challenges of a global world.

Entreculturas´ field work is carried out with programmes, projects and activities. The programmes are mainly with our strategic partners, focused on education and on many occasions are carried out at a regional level, in various countries. The- se programmes take into account other Entreculturas lines of action such as advo- cacy, education for development or voluntary work. The projects address objec- tives with specific results and the actions are very concrete interventions.

Entreculturas provides human, technical and financial support for this work.

“There are other nations, other non geographical but human communities that claim our assistance: the poor, the margi- nalized, and the excluded”.

Adolfo Nicolas SJ, Father General of the Society of Jesus Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 13

Poverty Entreculturas 2008 (Fight against poverty paying attention to the causes)

Gender (Equality and equity promotion)

Cooperation for Development Universal education Supported Improvement of life quality Job training and social promotion and community development

lines of Institutional Strengthening Developing capacities in our local partners to generate structural and sustainable change -- our work in the South

action Humanitarian Aid Response to the demands of our local partners in emergencies

Participation (Sharing goods and resources, solutions and decisions) Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 14

___14 our work in the South

in 2008

…… In addition to the Institutional Strengthening programmes and contributions, this year we have supported 154 projects and actions.

…… Besides the work carried out with Fe y Alegría and the Jesuit Refugee Service, we support another 82 local partners.

…… Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Tchad, Peru, Kenya, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Haiti, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have been visited by Entreculturas in order to accompany our local partners in their project development process.

…… Entreculturas and Alboan allocate 100.000 euros per year to the Institutional Strengthening of the Jesuit Refugee Service. This will continue for three years to help the consolidation of the JRS Africa so as to improve its capacity.

…… A year after the earthquake that hit Peru, we travelled to the country to see the evolution of the work we supported a year ago. Progress has been made, but there is still a lot to do in the country.

…… We have answered the requests received from our local partners in the following humanitarian crises: the armed conflict in North Kivu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the hurricanes in Haiti, the torrential rains in Bolivia due to “la Niña” and the Nargis hurricane in Myanmar.

…… Reinforcement of the South Sudan Programme to strengthen the education system, with an Entreculturas expatriate in the field working with the Jesuit Refugee Service.

…… Two long duration Entreculturas International volunteers travel to Tchad to work in the setting up of the first Fe y Alegría in the African continent. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 15


Entreculturas staff member

“Hope is continuously at the centre of our work after visiting projects in Rwanda, Uganda and Sudan”.

S.O.S. The Democratic

Republic of Congo: -- our work in the South a never ending war

Entreculturas sent an urgent appeal to assist the Congolese population that is “School is more important than ever in conflict situations. It is not only useful to going through a dramatic situation. People with names, faces, dreams, with fear for learn how to read and write, socialize in a human group, integrate in society etc. It their loved ones... people who are more than numbers that increase statistics. is a place where the wounds of war can be healed, where some dignity and hope can be restored”, said Juanjo Aguado SJ from Goma. In the beginning, the JRS focused on emergency aid for those who had lost all their belongings and for the host families. Priority was given to women, children and The activity supported by Entreculturas also distributed food among students and other vulnerable groups. Wheat, beans, potatoes and similar were distributed in teachers of the 16 primary schools, all of which the JRS was assisting before the addition to clothing. Medicines were given out in four health centres where staff outburst of violence, and three secondary schools. The food benefited 230 tea- was also helped. chers and helped them return to their work. Distribution was carried out in coordi- nation with Parishes and the beneficiary school directors. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 16

___16 our work in the South

Latin American regional projects evolution

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL

Regional projects 13.446 € 208.935 € 328.446 € 1.015.717 € 838.872 € 1.854.589 €

Cooperation Evolution in Central America and the Caribbean

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL

Costa Rica 22.660 € 20.680 € 43.340 € Dominican Republic 652.146 € 2.277.500 € 964.422 € 1.083.010 € 896.485 € 5.873.563 € El Salvador 480.708 € 589.340 € 849.533 € 416.062 € 986.290 € 3.321.933 € Guatemala 401.711 € 644.535 € 625.623€ 453.415 € 605.295 € 2.730.579 € Haiti 25.000 € 205.469 € 81.000€ 120.000 € 226.013 € 657.482 € Honduras 273.486 € 342.001 € 237.836 € 121.200 € 158.583 € 1.133.106 € Mexico 500 € 11.441 € 23.000 € 10.000 € 44.941 € Nicaragua 399.241 € 735.544 € 551.912 € 482.852 € 407.864 € 2.577.413 € Panama 182.184 € 212.492 € 214.312 € 105.983 € 114.992 € 829.963 € Total 2.414.976 € 5.018.322 € 3.547.638 € 2.815.183 € 3.416.202 € 17.212.320 €

Latin American education is still of unequal access and poor quality. This is why in 2008 we have started an ambitious programme to improve basic education in Latin America for the next four years in Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, More and better Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Argentina. The AECID co finances this programme. basic education in America Latina There are two main lines of work. On one hand, increasing access and continuity of basic education, helping to facilitate more years of school atten- dance, reducing absenteeism and expulsion rates, and promoting early education, flexibility, integration and reinsertion. On the other hand we will work on quality improvement with formation and management processes both for teachers and directors. We will also promote the participation of education communities in schools.

It is an ambitious challenge: over 27.000 children, youth and adults to enrol or continue their education and over 17.000 teachers, directors and community education members (parents and children) to improve their teaching, management and participation. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 17


Percentage by region in 2008 Cooperation Evolution in the Southern Region of Latin America

18,23% Africa 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL Asia 1,18% Argentina 130.284 € 180.639 € 595.270 € 316.345 € 213.959 € 1.436.497 € Brazil 505.557 € 272.616 € 657.009 € 290.919 € 409.031 € 2.135.132 € Chile 20.000 € 9.817 € 143.061 € 97.667 € 127.652 € 398.197 € Paraguay 329.073 € 723.787 € 811.424 € 920.175 € 457.338 € 3.241.797 € Uruguay 13.664 € 7.814 € 10.000 € 31.478 € Total 998.578 € 1.194.673 € 2.206.764 € 1.625.105 € 1.217.980 € 7.243.100 €

80,59% Latin America Cooperation Evolution in the Andes Region of Latin America

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL

Bolivia 1.205.321 € 1.073.310 € 1.489.587 € 1.139.221 € 2.873.597 € 7.781.036 € Colombia 286.719 € 570.170 € 475.571 € 378.409 € 845.695 € 2.556.564 € Ecuador 644.307 € 728.328 € 649.819 € 1.054.300 € 1.436.506 € 4.513.260 € Peru 2.093.412 € 1.849.210 € 3.380.932 € 3.812.267 € 3.507.932 € 14.643.753 € Venezuela 513.062 € 594.611 € 849.385 € 412.263 € 374.616 € 2.743.937 € -- our work in the South Total 4.742.821 € 4.815.629 € 6.845.294 € 6.796.460 € 9.038.346 € 32.238.550 €

In Bolivia, access and continuity until secondary school, is still a privilege. Poverty, in more than 60% of Bolivian homes, and the need Improving the to generate income since an early age are the main reasons for interruption and school abandon. This situation worsens in the rural and Amazon laboral insertion areas where the dispersion of the population makes access to the scant education offer, very difficult. In addition the school syllabuses are inade- in Bolivia quate to the needs and culture of the target population.

In order to help improve this situation, the Generalitat Valenciana has granted Entreculturas and Intermon Oxfam, 1.589.000 euros to strengthen the Bolivia Fe y Alegría Technical Network distribute along 26 municipalities throughout the country. The activities will be focused on promoting the work of the 50 education units that make up this network and another seven will be added. Likewise a new education centre will be built in Cobija where there is no technical edu- cation offer. These centres are set up to train young and adult population to acquire basic skills and enable them to join the local labour force. For this purpose, it is necessary to raise both teaching and learning quality and this requires innovating efforts and updating education. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 18

___18 our work in the South

Protection and Cooperation Evolution in Africa education for youth in Goma 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL

Regional projects 50.000 € 50.000 € Angola 1.700 € 106.333 € 30.440 € 126.938 € 97.079 € 362.490 € Burkina Faso 29.753 € 20.000 € 49.753 € The Democratic Republic of Congo is living a complex con- Burundi 37.869 € 72.865 € 107.300 € 75.538 € 489.662 € 783.234 € flict. There are multiple challenges: a territory that due to its dimen- Cameroon 15.244 € 37.155 € 30.000 € 182.178 € 264.577 € sions escapes government control, suffers decades of bad gover- Central African Republic 111.503 € 111.503 € nance, a lack of democratic culture, millions dead in the past ten DR of Congo 261.681 € 350.926 € 307.240 € 586.216 € 295.619 € 1.801.682 € years, a lack of sovereignty over its mining products, the increase Ethiopia 48.900 € 40.000€ 88.900 € of light weapons, the impunity of war criminals, etc. Ivory Coast 3.000 € 15.000 € 35.000 € 53.000 € Kenya 66.038 € 84.893 € 151.069 € 186.950 € 147.486 € 636.436 € The region of North Kivu has been one of the worst hit by the figh- Liberia 26.700 € 30.000 € 419.918 € 120.233 € 35.182 € 632.033 € ting between the Congolese armed forces and dissident groups and Malawi 22.222 € 238.889 € 261.111 € militias. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humani- € 29.000 € tarian Affairs estimated in December 2007 around a million and a Morocco 29.000 half internally displaced persons (IDP) in the four Eastern Provinces. Mozambique 11.500 € 8.000 € 22.222 € 4.000 € 45.722 € Out of this total, almost half a million comes from the North Kivu Rwanda 44.551 € 296.189 € 97.062 € 547.817 € 82.000 € 1.067.619 € Province. Senegal 17.391 € 17.391 € South Africa 17.391 € 30.000 € 30.000 € Traditionally, the majority of the IDP found refuge in community fami- Sudan 167.157 € 26.477 € 107.000 € 915.797 € 1.013.990 € 2.230.421 € lies. However, this massive displacement has overcome the capa- Tanzania 41.258 € 43.437 € 98.672 € 70.000 € 82.500 € 335.867 € city of the host families and camps for displaced people have had Tchad 20.000 € 55.000 € 196.724 € 271.724 € to be set up. The most populated camps are in Goma, with appro- Togo 11.374 € 15.000 € 26.374 € ximately 65.000 displaced and in Rutshuru, with around 25.000 peo- Uganda 546.162 € 24.797 € 570.959 € ple. Entreculturas is helping out in Goma where the Jesuit Refugee Zambia 10.000 € 10.000 € 30.000 € 30.000 € 80.000 € Service works to improve access to education and protection of the Zimbabwe 3.000 € 66.136 € 69.136 € non schooled youth. For this purpose, four centres of non formal education or Formation and Protection Centres have been set up Total 688.454 € 1.095.351 € 1.443.831 € 3.358.552 € 3.232.745 € 9.818.932 € in order to improve the opportunities of 2.160 youth from the camps and the host communities. In addition work will be carried out re- garding the promotion of women’s rights. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 19


Education in Africa for refugee, displaced and returned population

Entreculturas supports the JRS in this programme which seeks to promote the training skills of those people who are victims of war conflicts, improving their education and their social and labour opportunities. Following JRS policy, the refugees will participate in the programme and work will be carried out closely with the local institutions.

The work will take place in four different locations. In Burundi the local capacities to ensure food for the returned will be promoted, reinforcing the host community. In Sudan quality education is promoted in primary and secondary schools in KajoKeji, Lobone and Yei. In Malawi work is undertaken to improve the formal education for the refugees of the Dzaleka camp and the urban refugees of Lilongwe. Last of all in the Central African Republic they are working to reinforce teaching skills in the primary schools atten- ded by the internally displaced and other children affected by the conflict in the North Eastern part of the country.

The programme also works for the JRS institutional strengthening of the organization development in order to generate structural and sustainable changes for the future. It also contemplates the promotion of gender equity and equality favouring women participation in development processes, ensuring their participation, access and benefits.

This programme will benefit around 30.000 people. -- our work in the South

Cooperation Evolution in Asia

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOTAL

Cambodia 7.500 € 7.500 € 7.500 € 15.500 € 38.000 € India 12.000 € 10.000 € 22.000 € Indonesia 140.005 € 922.027 € 49.890 € 1.111.922 € Lebanon 121.000 € 121.000 € Myanmar 195.272 € 195.272 € Philippine Islands 5.000 € 5.000 € Sri Lanka 0 9.333 € 8.400 € 17.733 € Vietnam 6.000 € 10.500 € 16.500 € Total 156.838 € 947.527 € 186.790 € 25.500 € 210.772 € 1.527.427 € Memoria Inglés2008ok:Maquetación118/06/098:38Página20

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Entreculturas with the education community

in 2008 Education for Development in the school syllabus • We presented the text book Education for Citizenship in secondary cycle. Over 164 It is essential for the school syllabus to take into account an integral perspective of schools work with our text, edited by Anaya, reaching over 5.500 students. the human being in order to learn to change. For this purpose we try to participate in all related initiatives. • We worked for the text of Education for Citizenship in primary school.

• We distributed didactic materials for the campaign “Is it the same?” in over 600 schools in Spain. Didactical tools for the education community • We launched the D Days didactic proposal. Entreculturas carries out education campaigns in order to enable teachers to address, with their students, issues such as exclusion, equality or justice. Printed and on line • Elaboration and distribution of the school calendars 2008-2009. materials, videos with didactic guides and school calendars are some of the tools offered to teachers. • Launching of the Entreculturas Education Service catalogue.

• Carrying out Solidarity and Entreculturas Weeks in schools throughout Spain. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 23


Cantabria Delegation “Last year, the Cantabria Delegation saw the need to set up an “education team” to establish closer contact with the teachers of the schools with which we work. We were aware that the quality in the relationship was more important than the amount of schools we contacted. We saw that direct contact with the teachers improved

and increased our activities. -- ...and in the North

Team work experience was very gratifying. Each one contributed D Days according to their capacity, some studying materials, others reporting them, hands to write or handle the mail; feet or cars to send them, but above all, a smile and the goodwill to make things D Days materials help teachers to work in their schools the celebration of signifi- work”. cant international days related to education in values. They include activities for each school cycle.

November 20: International Children’s Rights Day.

January 30: International Day for Non Violence and Peace.

March 8: International Women’s Day.

June 5: World Environment Day. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 24

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in 2008 Setting up encounters and exchange spaces on Education for Development in universities and schools. • Entreculturas participates in the 2nd Latin American Congress for Education Information Technologies and Development “Creating learning networks” in Caracas, Venezuela, organized by Fe y Alegría. Its goal: to advance building school networks in impoverished contexts with the new technologies.

• Launching of “Classrooms that change the world: network education for solidarity and justice” periodic publication with information for teachers on different issues such as education in values, citizenship and global solidarity with a look at the different generations of Education for Development.

• We participate in the education portal Educared and we are starting to work in a new Education Web.

• Entreculturas reports on our commitment with the Information and Communication Technologies at the “Cooperation for Development 2.0: First Information and Communication Technologies for Development Cooperation International Encounter” held in Gijón with the presence of almost 200 experts from 20 countries.

• Participation in courses for teachers in Granada and Castellón.

• Presentation of the report “Gender Analysis in the Official Aid for Development” Gender formation for the education community and the cooperation to the government.. world • Organization of the First Seminar on Women Political Participation at the office of “Move for equality. It’s fair” is a campaign focused on awareness raising and advocacy the European Parliament in Spain. The conclusions are used for setting up an advocacy in the North that points out women’s situation in the South and fights to improve their agenda in view of the revision of the Beijing Action Platform Goals and the Millennium quality of life and defend their rights, demanding the need to make the international Development Goals. agreements signed by our governments effective. We carry out this campaign jointly • Publication of the second guide for the campaign. It is focused on co-education. with Action Aid and Intered. Within the campaign, Entreculturas is in charge of teacher training, non formal educators, university students and volunteers. • Carrying out 18 training courses in the framework of this campaign in the following cities : Alicante, Asturias, Elche, Valencia, Zaragoza, León and Madrid. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 25


The new technologies,

an education challenge -- ...and in the North

"The participation of teachers in this Congress has been one of the most relevant and significant highlights. The Congress has shown how the teachers of these schools, the majority of them unaware of the new technologies a few years ago, innovate continuously in their classrooms with the new technology, produce advan- ced multi-media materials and are capable of taking maximum advantage of a computer, although in many schools internet is not yet available” says Carolina Moreno, one of the Entreculturas attending members at the Congress.

Thanks to the Fe y Alegría Information Technology Programme that we support with the collaboration of the Accenture Foundation since the beginning of 2008, teachers have a portal in which they can work with other teachers ( and an e-learning platform with access to the best on line formation.

Jorge Cela, Fe y Alegría International Federation Coordinator, points out that “the new information and communication technologies have given new wings to our dreams and we can now weave them in an international network which we would never have imagined without them”. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 26

___26 ...and in the North

in 2008 Promoting citizen networks in the education world • La Rioja joins de Youth Solidarity Network. The network is already working in the We have made significant progress in our efforts to promote networks in the education Communities of Valencia, Andalucía, Madrid, Castilla y León, La Rioja, la Xunta community such as the Entreculturas Solidarity Youth Network where we encourage Gallega and the Principado de Asturias. There are already more than 2.000 students students to be education development agents in their schools. and more than 150 teachers in 120 schools, participating.

This positive experience leads us to promote networks among the education • The Youth Solidarity Network is selected for its presentation at the “Good community (teachers, families, students); people committed with a transforming Practices for Education Development Encounter” held in Cordoba. education who share experiences, concerns, knowledge and who see themselves as • The Programme’s evaluation carried out by IDEA is very positive, according to the change agents participating as active citizens. And of course with the South. The will to students and teachers. share these processes with the South is essential since we cannot understand a global world without the vision of people who are positioned at both sides of the main breach: • Solidarity Youth Video. Student and teacher’s optimistic vision on the meaning inequality. We think that promoting these networks and alliances between organizations of networking to achieve a fairer world. The video is accompanied by a guide with and citizens of the North and South contributes to cancel this breach and to build a didactic activities in order to support teacher’s work on solidarity, encounter and global and cosmopolitan civil society. participation values with the students.

• We have carried out the first experiences of networking among students both from Spain and Fe y Alegría in the development of school projects. We also support on line learning communities directed to Spanish and Fe y Alegría teachers through International Fe y Alegría Federation’s Mundo Escolar Portal.

• Hundreds of activities organized by the youth are carried out in their schools, communities, regions...

• The students are active in each network’s blogs.

• Network teacher training in La Rioja and Galicia. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 27


The youth promote: Youth Network – D Day on Children’s Rights both at schools and outdoor activities. Coordinator in Galicia – Family Days at schools. “The North, our North, appears to be a world upside down that – Musical activities such as the solidarity of the Philharmonic has become insensitive to the realities of poverty and injustice. Orchestra. But appearances are misleading when we discover, with surprise, the great number of change movements throughout the – Participation in advocacy and awareness raising campaigns such as the planet. Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, the Global Week for Education or Donate your Mobile Campaign. Sometimes these movements are very close to us. The Entreculturas Youth Network is an example. A network full of -- ...and in the North – D Day on Peace, collecting signatures, organizing children plays etc. positive energy directed to transform the lives of boys and girls who are changing their reality, our reality and that of many other – Participation in NGO Forums. people, who, although they live far away, are not less close to us. With this network, we have taken a firm step towards the – Local voluntary work in charity dining halls, old age residences, immigrant revolution for social justice. To work side by side with them, groups and helping in local organizations such as the Food Bank. encouraging them to believe, to grow, to speak out, to change, also changes us. It is a fascinating work!” – Awareness raising activities such as solidarity carnivals, gymkhanas, mock news programmes.

– Workshops on cultural identity, gender violence, the right to migrate...

And much more... Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 28

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Our voice in national and international policies

in 2008 Follow up of public policies in Cooperation, Development and Education • Publication of the report “The Official Aid for Development on Education, in Entreculturas elaborates reports to promote reflection on how to work for change with Spotlight. 2005-2006”, an analysis of the Spanish Official Aid for Development on cooperation and education policies in Latin America. Education as a contribution to the new Directors Plan for Spanish Cooperation. The presentation was held at the Casa de America in Madrid.

Advocacy support and promotion

The Society of Jesus firmly believes in the need to influence decision makers in order • Entreculturas promotes, together with other Jesuit organizations, the Ignatian to generate a true impact in the development and welfare of people and impoverished Advocacy Workshop where representatives of Jesuit Institutions from 22 countries countries. Therefore in 2008, it has taken an important step promoting and coordinating of every continent have set the bases to improve coordination and efficiency. advocacy work carried out by the different organizations that work with base communities. Entreculturas is one of these organizations.

Participation in Advocacy Campaigns

With campaigns, we aim to mobilize citizenship to raise its voice and demand political representatives to engage in the solution of unfair realities that prevent people’s development. We work with different profile social organizations, since we think that joint work is an opportunity. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 29


Extremadura Delegation Volunteer

“I once read the sentence” Dream with a fairer world in peace and wake The Official Aid for Development up every morning to achieve it”. My name is Sonia Fernandez, I’m a 27 in Spotlight. 2005-2006 year old mathematician and for over a year, an Entreculturas volunteer. I am convinced that our dream can come true. And you?” This report jointly worked with Alboan and ETEA, aims to help impro- ve the quality of Spanish cooperation on education since we are convinced that education plays a priority role in the development of impoverished countries.

We put forth recommendations so that Spanish cooperation may improve not only in quantity but also in quality. For example the need that the AECID and the Autonomic Communities have for human resources specialized in education and education policies; the need for collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the specialized staff of the NGOs. We also point out the need to advance signifi- cantly in the coordination of the different territorial actors especially The Jesuits get ready between the central administration and the Autonomic Communities -- ...and in the North for advocacy and to increase efforts to meet international agreements and impro- ve planning.

Representatives of Jesuit Institutions from Seven international networks have been There are still challenges to meet, although we value positively a num- 22 countries all over the world, met in El Es- created, coordinated by the Social Justice ber of new working procedures, such as agreements with DNGOs, corial, Spain, to promote the Society of Je- Secretariat, each of them focused on a spe- the external debt swap for education or the Spanish participation in sus´ advocacy work, establish a common cific issue: Migrations, Peace and Human the Fast Track Initiative. identity with all those organizations that work Rights, Education, Aid for Development, Al- on advocacy, exchange experiences and ternative Ways for Development, Environ- All these recommendations seek to influence the New Directors Plan plan joint actions at international level. The ment, Fundamentalism and last of all for Spanish Cooperation. commitment with advocacy lies on the con- Gender. viction that we need to influence decision You may see the report in our web. makers in order to guarantee a true impact Entreculturas will lead the Aid for Deve- in the development and welfare of people lopment group. and impoverished countries. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:38 Página 30

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in 2008 * Commitment with Education The campaign “Commitment with Education” stems from the Programme of Public • International launching of the Campaign at Santo Domingo. Action of the International Fe y Alegría Federation that Entreculturas coordinates. By public action we mean all those activities directed to promote awareness on the • Elaboration of “Six proposals for Dialogue and Action” to propose reflections and importance of quality education as a common good, a fundamental right and a decisive dialogue with other organizations, governments, education communities and society in tool to overcome poverty and exclusion; to generate human development through general so as to stimulate a different approach to education policies. participation, dialogue and consensus processes that may promote social agreements. • Publication of “Proposals to promote dialogue and education change in Latin America and the Caribbean”, on the issues that have become a priority for any educational change in Latin America and the Caribbean.

• Together with the Latin American Association for Radio based Education (ALER), we agreed to develop a radio campaign on the ALER campaign subject, with a potential audience over 41 million people.

• Elaboration of the Didactic Guide for children, youth and adults as a pedagogical campaign tool.

• We organize the Second International Encounter of the Leaders of the Public Action Programme of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría.

• Entreculturas participated in the opening of the Fourth Ibero-American Forum previous to the Heads of State summit in El Salvador s a member of the Executive Board of the Federation’s Public Action Programme.

** Global Campaign for Education (GCE) • Entreculturas has coordinated the Spanish Coalition for the Global Campaign for This campaign seeks to ensure compliance of the international community Education. commitments of the 2000 Dakar Summit to guarantee basic quality education for all. It is present in 125 countries. The Spanish coalition, coordinated by Entreculturas, is • We contributed to achieve that 8% of the Official Aid for Development be allocated made up of Ayuda en Acción, Educación sin Fronteras and Intermón Oxfam. to Basic Education. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 31


Commitments with Education Entreculturas at the Fourth Education concerns all of society and where the voices of the impoverished and excluded majorities should be heard. Ibero-American Civic Forum

Six proposals for dialogue and action: In the days previous to the Heads of State Summit in El Salvador, NGOs and social organizations met 1. Access processes and results in fairness conditions. at the Fourth Ibero-American Civic Forum in order to define the key points to present to the political lea- 2. Integral and inclusive quality education. ders. Our Entreculturas colleague, Lucia Rodriguez, took part in the opening session as Executive 3. Continuous life long education. Coordinator of the International Fe y Alegría Federation’s Public Action Programme. 4. Strengthening teacher training. 5. Sufficient public financing. At its conclusion, the Forum presented a Declaration of the main commitments that civil society 6. Education management for fairness and quality. demands the Heads of State with a special emphasis to ratify the Ibero-American Convention on Youth Rights. This Convention lays out specific rights for young people between 15-24 years old and recog- nises them as strategic actors in development. The Ibero-American youth organizations have done a significant work in defence of the more than 150 million youth of the region. -- ...and in the North

An important step forward: 8% of the Official Aid for Development to finance Basic Education

The Spanish Coalition for the Global Campaign for Education, of which Entreculturas is a member, closes 2008 achieving the engagement of the Cooperation State Secretary, Soraya Rodriguez, to allocate 8% of the Official Aid for Development to basic education.

Boys and girls showed her the work carried out this year in Spain during the Global Action Week for Education and presented its objectives for 2009. Soraya signed the agreement in front of the students and two representatives of the Congress and Senate Cooperation Commissions. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 32

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in 2008

• Participation in the Third Assembly of the World Campaign for Education in Sao Paulo, Brazil together with coalitions from more than 85 countries and 31 international organizations with the slogan: Education for All at Risk, Take Action Now! We also participated at the London and meetings.

• Presentation in Japan of the report “Fast Track Initiative. Spain, Honduras and Mozambique” in which the difficulties of efficient support in the national education plans of the countries in the South were pointed out.

• Success of the Global Action Week for Education in Spain under the slogan “Let us overcome exclusion. Quality in education” Over 100.000 students of all the Spanish Autonomic Communities, including Ceuta and Melilla, participated and 100 political representatives signed the engagement.

• Organization of a Day Session in La Caixa to visualize the implication and consequences of women and girl’s participation in armed conflicts. China Keitetsi, COALICIÓN ESPAÑOLA PARA ACABAR CON who was a girl soldier from 8 to 18 years old, shared her terrible experience with LA UTILIZACIÓN DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS SOLDADOS attendants.

• Publication and Presentation of the Global Report 2008. *** The Spanish Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers This coalition tries to raise awareness and mobilize the Spanish population, so that the • The Vigo, A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela Delegations focus their reality of these children may stay alive in political agendas, with identity investigations of Delegation Project on the work we carry out in the Democratic Republic of Congo to these children and demanding responsibilities. The Spanish Coalition is made up of demobilize and reinsert child soldiers. Entreculturas, Alboan, the JRS, Amnesty International, Fundacion el Compromiso and Save the Children. • The Burgos Delegation carries out an education workshop focused on the reality of child soldiers.

• In the streets of León a signature collection is organized. Memoria Inglés2008ok:Maquetación118/06/098:39Página33 tell us… from theSouth Our friends Mauricio Pflueger Masawe Muguiro Fratern Jeyaraj García Xavier Frido Paco countries andthedevelopment ofsomanypopulations”. fosters distrustandcompetitiveness, whichisintheendwhathinderscooperation among communication, alackofunderstanding. Thislackofcommunicationandunderstanding essential fordevelopment.Ithinkthatagreatpartoftoday’s problemsisduetoalackof Director forRadio Marañón inPeru. to studyandworksomewhere”. that hecouldgotoschoolanotherplace.Nowis happybecausehehasthechance distinguish iftheyhavebeenchildrenforcedtokill, callthemmurderers.We manage education andthatwashismainaimnow. We acceptedhim,butpeopledonot Once hearrivedtoAdjumani,cameourofficeasking forsupport,asking Army) witnessedkillings,committedmurdersandsaw how theLRAkilledhisfriends. JRS CoordinatorforEastAfrica. the trentofthings,evenwhenyougotorefugeecamps”. when youworkwithalotofpeople,theyarehopeful,andreallyworkingagainst Madagascar. Responsible oftheSocialActionSocietyJesusinAfrica and society”. many civilsocietygroupshavearisen.Theyfighttodefendhumanrights,develop hopefultoseehowinthepast10community voicestopoliticallevels.Itisvery years, influence them,thisiswhywethinkthattrainingleadersimportantsotheymaybring action oftheJesuitsinSouthAsia."We don'twanttogetintopolitics,we JESA director(JesuitinSocialAction-Asia), so thattheywillimpactonpublicpolicies”. different issues,withrecommendations.Thesereportsaredirectedtobaseorganizations to contributeendviolenceinColombia."Ourgoalisproduceshortreportson Director fortheCentrodeInvestigaciónyEducaciónPopular(CINEP) “One ofthethingsIwouldliketoemphasizeisthattherealotlife “A studentabductedbytheLRA(Lord'sResistance "I havebecomeawarethatcommunicationis Institution thatcoordinatesthesocial that tries

-- ...and in the North -- Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 34

___34 ...and in the North

in 2008 **** Zero Poverty With the Zero Poverty Campaign, the member organizations of the CONGDE join the • Entreculturas joins the different activities promoted in the Week against Poverty. Global Call for Action against Poverty to pressure politicians to meet the Millennium Development Goals. • Participation in the Zero Poverty Campaign Group of the Spanish NGO Coordinator. • The Málaga Delegation participates in the Fourth Encounter on the Zero Poverty International Cooperation Campaign.

• We supported the "Anna Pata, Anna Yan Campaign” (Our Land, Our Mother), ***** Other campaigns of interest in favour of the Raposa Serra Do Sol Brazilian natives, by collecting signatures, In addition to the previous campaigns, Entreculturas has joined other campaigns that supporting the native’s political advocacy tour and the tour of Luis Ventura and Ester are related to the communities we support. Tello who have lived for six years in the area. They toured Almería, Málaga, Sevilla, Tenerife and Madrid. La Palma also participates in favour of the natives with signature collections. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 35


Entreculturas in coordination — Volunteer Platforms in La Rioja and A Coruña and the Municipality of and social San Sebastián de los Reyes. participation — Municipal Cooperation Commissions of Alicante, Málaga, León, Burgos and San Sebastián de los Reyes.

spaces — Board of Governors of the DNGO Autonomic Coordinators of Valencia, Galicia, Cantabria, La Rioja, Salamanca, Valladolid Castilla y León and Alicante.

— Work groups of the DNGO Autonomic Coordinator of Toledo, Galicia, Asturias, Málaga, Extremadura, Andalucía, Valencia, Burgos, León, Galicia and Cantabria.

— Regional Cooperation Councils in Galicia. -- ...and in the North — Local Development Cooperation Councils in Elche, Valladolid and León.

— Local DNGO Federations: Federación Aragonesa de Solidaridad, Red de Entidades para el Desarrollo Solidario de Extremadura, Federación de ONGD de Sevilla (FONGD), Red Social Galicia Sur y Federación de ONGD de Madrid (FONGDCAM).

— Others: Social Action Commission of the Jesuit Province of Aragón, Cooperation Council of the Valladolid University, Autonomic DNGO Coordinator of the Alianza Riojana and CAL (Local Apostolic Coordinator). Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 36

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Awareness Raising and Advocacy in the business world in 2008

Ethical reflection in business firms • We have informed Spain’s main business schools on the work carried out during 2008 in the framework of the “Reflection Forum on Ethics and Values in the Business We try to influence, through dialogue, business firms´ policies so that they may have World”. ESADE, IESE, EOI, ICADE, EBEN, are some of the visited business schools. a positive impact on the eradication o poverty, environment preservation and • We collaborated with the Supervisory Committees of the Ethical Investment Funds achieving a fairer society. It is therefore important to establish long term and far of InverCaixa and Banco Santander. reaching relationships. • We supported the work of the Argentina and Chile Fe y Alegrías with local enterprises.

• We joined the Ethical Bank movement, FIARE, taking steps towards a European Ethical Bank.

• More than 80.000 employees have had access to our On-Line Training Course of Awareness Raising Activities Corporate Volunteer work. • This is the fourth year running that BBVA employees join our Solidarity Euro. We want our work to impact specially in improving the perception and sensibility of During this time they have raised 400.000 euros. This experience has been followed business enterprises regarding the impact their activities and decisions can have on the by Aviva and Mckinsey with whom we have been working for several years. less favoured populations. These activities are directed both to directors, stakeholders, employees, clients and suppliers. • We designed and offered different proposals adaptable to the needs of each firm, such as “Business for Education”, for the medium size and small enterprises, “Reduce your impact” directed to encourage rational energy use and environmental respect, “Suggestion Box” to encourage solidarity innovation among employees, “Salary Round up Programmes” directed to the employees, etc. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 37


Aertec Cooperation works with Entreculturas Aertec staff member

“For the past five years, I have been working in Aertec, an engineering firm specialized in airports and aeronautic industry. I realized that my colleagues were concerned with solidarity issues. Aertec Cooperation started two years ago, with a group of 14 people and with management support. -- ...and in the North

We had no experience on cooperation for development so we asked Entreculturas for help. They gave us the course “You can be a volunteer”. We then launched the Euro Solidarity campaign: We asked fellow workers to donate one euro monthly. Aertec would match the employees´ donation and donate it to the programme ”Corporations for Education”. As of today, 82 employees have signed up which represents about one half of our payroll.” Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 38

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in 2008 Supporting Development • Over 500 business firms worked with us. Business firms help Entreculturas by financing projects in the South, offering knowledge and experience to improve our management, donating equipment or helping with our • The Donate your Mobile Campaign entered its fourth year. Almost 1.900 business campaigns. firms participated in this campaign throughout Spain.

• 114 entities used Entreculturas Christmas Cards with the message for the need of a quality education for all.

• The business world continued to support the Fe y Alegría International Federation New look for our Donate your Information Technology Programme. We would like to underline the importance of the Mobile Campaign donation of computers and the development of Mundo Escolar by Accenture and SM and Educared´s concession of education programmes.

• Participation in RENFE´s initiative “A train of values for a better world”.

Entreculturas and RENFE build a train of values

With "A train of values for a better world” RENFE, in collaboration with 12 NGOs and international agencies has started a solidarity train to promote twelve cooperation projects in 2009.

There are various ways to help: Buying an electric train with 12 solidarity wagons, buying row zero tickets for football, bas- ket ball, hand ball or rugby matches, sending an SMS with the word VALUES to 5354 or making a donation. This money, together with the 10.000 donated by RENFE, is equally distributed among the 12 NGOs that participate in the initiative. Entreculturas will give the money for education in the African refugee camps. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 39

Our friends

from the South Fernando Director of Fe y Alegría Colombia, tries to work for peace from the classrooms. “Fe y Mendoza Alegría´s challenge is to continue its impact in teacher training as a direct way to improve tell us… the quality education of our schools, to maintain respect for human values beyond formal education in the classrooms and to strengthen those Community Centres that are slowly contributing for peace among the population.”

Juan Carlos Young Peruvian Jesuit working in the recently created Fe y Alegría Tchad team. Pallardel “It is time to stop seeing cooperation with the South only like a way to help the other... Cooperation is also about growing as people, acquiring new perspectives, letting one be changed by the other”.

Alfredo JRS Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. “Now, in Venezuela we are working Infante as usual in national advocacy, accompanying organizations that work with refugees. We assist applicants for refuge through a series of programmes in community integration, micro

credits, legal advice, women empowerment, child recruiting prevention... At a national level -- ...and in the North we try to establish new dialogue platforms”.

Paco Coordinator for the Project “Educativo-Laboral Puente Belice”, in Guatemala, Iznardo directed to the youth so that they will avoid violence and strengthen their self esteem by contributing to the development of their communities.” This works like a chain of favours, the boys and girls from the project also work in their communities spreading values and a necessary culture for peace. This is how we achieve full implication”.

Luis Deputy Director for Hogar de Cristo, a reference of social articulation and women Távara empowerment for development in Ecuador. “We have seen that if we give a woman the opportunity to have a house, she will take care of it and pay for it every month, (12 dollars a month). If we give her a micro credit, we know that she will attend the skill course and will change her life once she knows how to run a small business. A woman is a true “development agent”. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 40

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Social Awareness Raising

in 2008 We move for change • We launched a new publicity campaign: Schools that change the world. We try to raise awareness and mobilize the population in favour of social justice. • We produced an audio visual report 2007 to give a greater diffusion to our activities.

• Through the digital platform ”tell everyone” hundreds of people from all over the world have demanded through messages, photographs and drawings, the need for a quality education for all.

• 25 Delegations have a Delegation Project to raise awareness on the unfair realities.

• We travelled to Brazil to get a close look at the realities of the native populations and the itinerant team we support.

• We participated in the tour of the singer “El Canto del Loco” in Almería, Asturias, Málaga, Burgos and Cantabria, showing our work.

• Music can bring solidarity close to the population. Valencia organized a gospel concert, “Voices for Hope”.

• Almost all the Parishes in Spain joined our Solidarity Sunday.

• Entreculturas and SED, (Solidarity, Education and Development) held the Thirteenth Solidarity March in León. More than three hundred people attended. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 41

What do we mean by quality? We could say with Rosa Mª Torres that a good education is “friendly and respectful with the needs of those who learn, capable of helping them to identify and develop their own talents, to think well and communicate with appropriateness, to work in groups, to develop empathy, generosity, honesty, individual effort and dignity in work, to visualize and build a different world. A good education, in whatever country, culture or social class, teaches how to learn and how to learn with gusto”.

The Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first century felt that education throughout life is based upon four pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. We think that given the current context of globalization and interdependence, it would be essential to add a fifth: learning to change. A quality education should enforce its transforming capacity, teaching citizens to exercise their rights, duties and responsibilities within their own community in order to contribute to the common good. -- ...and in the North Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be and learning to change. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 42

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in 2008

• At present, Entreculturas has 8 itinerant photographic exhibits. This year they have been in different Spanish cities. Our photo exhibit “Linked Lives” in the Allariz Cultural Library is part of Integratex, an Inditex group shop, completely adapted with advanced access facilities.

• Participation in the Expo Zaragoza 2008, a good platform to transmit to the population the importance of education.

Formation and Reflection • Tour of Mario Serrano, Director of the Santo Domingo Jesuit Migrant and Together with our activities we are also engaged in internal and external formation and Refugee Service and the Montalvo Centre for Social studies in Dominican Republic, throughout Spain, explaining the need of citizen involvement to transform society. reflection. He visited A Coruña, Cordoba, Sevilla and Burgos.

• Mauricio García brought close to the people of Malaga, Salamanca, Zaragoza and León the work that the Centre of Popular Investigation and Education (CINEP) carries out in order to contribute to cease violence in Colombia and to raise community voices among the political decision makers.

• Rosa Mújica, Director of the Peruvian Institute of Human Rights and Peace, brought her education message for peace to Sevilla and Cantabria.

• Ferdinand Muhjirwa, Director of the Centre of Studies for Social Action of the Democratic Republic of Congo, talked about the exploitation of natural resources in his country by the multinationals and its impact in the communities. He visited Almería and Valladolid. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 43


Ferdinand Muhjirwa, -- ...and in the North Director of the Centre of Studies for Social Action (Centre d’Études pour l’Action Sociale, CEPAS). "It is shameful to see how economic interests prevail over the defence of human rights… If people were educated it would make a great difference”. Our publicity on Solidarity Legacy. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 44

___44 ...and in the North

in 2008

• Mario Torres, communication director of the ACLO Foundation in Bolivia, visited Valencia, Las Palmas and Tenerife.

• Participation in courses at the universities of Valladolid, Alicante, León, Burgos, Málaga, Santiago de Compostela, Zaragoza, Murcia, Toledo, Madrid, Sevilla and other institutions such as ETEA or Unesco Etxea.

• The A Coruña Delegation held its Seventh Conference Cycle on the situation of refugees in the African continent.

• The Burgos Delegation presented Entreculturas to the Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchú.

• We were present in the media in the following international days: International Literacy Day, School Day for Peace and Non Violence, Women’s Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, World Refugee Day and World Environment Day.

• We joined the Solidarity Legacy campaign, an initiative to encourage the idea that Increase of our social base when individuals write their will they may take into account as possible recipients NGOs with which they specially identify. Entreculturas produces campaigns to achieve citizen engagement with activities related • Launching of the following campaigns: Forgotten Crises, Back to School and to the populations we support. the Christmas campaigns focused on the crises in the Great Lakes, Africa, the reconstruction of South Sudan, for all children to attend school and the Democratic Republic of Congo emergency. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 45


Alberto Ortega Entreculturas Donor Entreculturas Donor

“My name is Ana Maria and I have been a “Dear Grandparents, member of Entreculturas for the past four I want to invite you years. I have been asked to say what I did to my First Communion for my 80th birthday and I am very happy and I don’t want you with the decision I made. I asked my family to give me things and friends that instead of giving me I don’t need. I would like presents, they gave the money to money for children -- ...and in the North Entreculturas education projects. They who are not lucky enough asked me why and I answered that I liked to go to school Entreculturas´ work.”. and have no books to learn. Thank you for helping. A big kiss ”.

Alberto Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 46

___46 ...and in the North

People, the main value for transformation

The human team of Entreculturas is one of our great strengths, so one of our main objectives is to develop and improve the capacities, responsibilities and engagement of the people involved. We promote volunteer work understood as a life experience and social participation, as a transforming tool in the local and global realities in which we work.

in 2008

Volunteer work, a lifestyle • More than 400 volunteers worked to achieve a quality education for all.

* Volunteer Work in Spain. Entreculturas´ work is possible thanks to many people who • We welcomed and participated in the International Xavier network Encounter give their time and energies trying to be transforming agents also in the “North”, working on International Volunteers. on different activities at our head office or delegations such as participating in awareness raising and advocacy campaigns, producing education materials for schools, assisting • Two international VOLPA volunteers have returned from their experience in Albania our members and collaborating business firms, etc. and Burundi, ten are still abroad and twelve are about to go abroad after finishing their training period.

* International Long Duration Volunteer Programme, VOLPA. This volunteer • Participation in the International Volunteer Day in Galicia and in the International programme invites all those who want to have an experience in the South to join a Volunteer Day in Noia. development programme for one or two years. It is made up of three phases: a previous training programme, an experience in the South and a post volunteer phase upon return. Entreculturas seeks to contribute to transform the volunteer’s origin society into a more solidarity community in the process of building a fairer world. This is why it offers the returning volunteers, adequate cannels in which to work as awareness raising agents in their own environment. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 47


VOLPA volunteer in Honduras Xavier Network, consolidating international volunteers “I very much liked the VOLPA training programme because it The Xavier network Encounter on International Volunteers addressed the volun- focused on personal growth and the importance of sharing. I learnt teer work of each of the European organizations linked to the Society of Jesus a lot about myself and I learnt to look at the South. Upon my return -- ...and in the North that work for International Cooperation Development. I wanted to get more involved and I asked the Delegation if I could be a member of their team. They gladly accepted me and I am now One of the main conclusions has been that our volunteer programmes engage working on raising awareness and mobilization” in the transformation of the person, both in the training and accompaniment pro- cesses. On the other hand, we are talking about volunteers with strong commit- ments who work in border zones with complex situations.

The Xavier Network is made up by Magis (Italy), Gonzalo da Silveira y Leigos para o Desenvolvimiento (Portugal), Jesuitenmission (Germany) and Al- boan and Entreculturas (Spain). Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 48

___48 ...and in the North

in 2008 Training for human and professional development • We assumed again the challenge of the Entreculturas Formation Plan in order to At Entreculturas we encourage a style of work committed with the mission and based on update its contents and foster its implementation in its weaker lines, focusing specially values of justice and solidarity. We believe that the capacity and responsibility of the on the needs raised by the various teams and regional delegations in light of the future Entreculturas team is one of our great strengths and we want to accompany them with overall strategic plan. continuous formation processes. • We invested approximately more than 450 hours in formation for staff and volunteers, organizing discussions, conferences, training sessions, encounters and seminars on the context and reality of our work.

• The selected the workshop “getting close to the South” in its “Guide for Good Practices and Innovation” in the volunteer work area, as an example of successful formation experiences carried out by organizations working with volunteers. We elaborated an itinerant exhibit on the workshop in Madrid, Sevilla, A Coruña, Valencia and Zaragoza.

• We held the First National Encounter of trainer’s training in order to have a shared view on this issue with the delegations and establish common working methods and criteria.

• We welcomed more than 30 students who had chosen Entreculturas to carry out their university training practices.

• We started together with Fe y Alegría, Peru, the first edition of the Programme “Learning Trips” as a way for Entreculturas members to learn “in situ”.

• We held the Eighth National Encounter with the slogan “New Borders, New Scenarios for Solidarity” to discuss Entreculturas´ place and role in its work for a fairer world.

• Ecuador and Venezuela were the destinations of seven participants in the programme “Experience in the South”. This experience aims to bring people at the head office and delegations close to the South, with a field experience in the different projects Sign up! carried out by our strategic partners, (Fe y Alegría and the JRS).

[email protected] • Promotion of gender formation in all our volunteers. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 49


This year we have made a new design for our printed bulletin Publication and materials

Printed bulletin

Term publication with information on the South and Entreculturas projects and activities. In 2008 numbers 29, 30, 31 and 32 were published.

Electronic bulletin

Monthly publication in Spanish and English that seeks to have constant communication with our members and the whole of society.

You may sign up in [email protected]

“Move for an equal education”

The second information guide of the campaign”Move for equality. It’s fair” promotes

reflection on how we are and analyzes the family role, our games, schools media, our -- ...and in the North leisure and work. The guide promotes co-education so that all people will have an equal education in values, behaviours, rules and expectations regardless gender.

Education Services: Education for solidarity and justice

This catalogue shows the different proposals, resources and services that Entreculturas offers to the education community since we believe in social co-responsibility in educating people to carry out a responsible citizenship world wide.

Entreculturas has different materials to spread its message:

Shirts, calendars, badges and bookmarks. Memoria Inglés2008ok:Maquetación118/06/098:39Página50

good practices Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 51

___51 in the North and in the South Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 52

___52 good practices

in 2008 The value of transparency

Transparency is a key tool in order to gain society’s trust. In Entreculturas we submit • Fundación Lealtad has confirmed, one more year, that we comply with all our management to external controls such as the evaluations of Fundación Lealtad and transparency principles, sub principles and good practices in our management the Supervisory Committee of the Conduct Code of the Spanish DNGO Coordinator. process. The complete report may be found at Likewise we encourage our members, donors, collaborators and volunteers to take active part in the life of our organization. For this purpose, we establish communication • Luis Arancibia, Entreculturas Deputy Director, is a member of the Supervisory channels at different levels. Committee of the Conduct Code of the Spanish DNGO Coordinator.

Evaluation, a key tool for the improvement of management processes • Evaluation of the first three year period of the Fe y Alegría Institutional Strengthening Programme that we carry out jointly with Alboan. To evaluate our activities both in the South and in the North and their impact in society helps us to reflect on how we carry out better projects and how we can improve the • Extension of the application of the guide for permanent evaluation that we carry out quality of the education process at schools, so that education may become a true tool of with Fe y Alegría Bolivia in the 24 rural “Casas del Saber” (Yachay Wasi). transformation.

Facing new Challenges • Supervision of the programme “Debt Swap for Education” in Ecuador. The complex North-South relations demand a permanent reflection on issues that have a considerable impact on population development. Entreculturas has discussion spaces • Migration issues are transversal to all Entreculturas activities. for gender, co-development, migrations, external debt… Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 53


Fundación Lealtad is a non profit institution which evaluates NGOs on the basis of transparency in the use of its resources and good management practices. -- good practices Three years of Fe y Alegría Institutional Strengthening: a time to evaluate

During 2008 we have made an evaluation of the Fe y Alegría Institutional Strengthening Programme. The goal of this pro- gramme is to promote development capacities to generate structural and sustainable institutional changes that will improve its quality education.

It has been very positively valued that the evaluation is focused on results rather than activities.

The results of the evaluation point out the need to continue supporting the strengthening of the following areas: Management (Human Resources, Quality, Administration, Projects, Department and Regional Coordination…) Strategic Planning, Financial Sustainability and Public Action, pointing out the need to promote local communication cabinets. Memoria Inglés2008ok:Maquetación118/06/098:39Página54

accountability Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 55

___55 the right and the obligation to know Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 56

___56 accountability

Source of funds

Total revenues During 2008, total revenues have amounted to 23.154.546 euros, which implies an increase of 14% over the (euros) previous year.

2007 volume of activity 20.351.650 Regarding the distribution of revenues by source, Entreculturas maintains form 2004 a balanced distribution with equal 2008 volume of activity 23.154.546 share from public and private sources. We would like to underline the significant increase in revenues from regional autho- rities and municipalities which in 2008 have exceeded six million euros. Change in absolute terms 2.802.896 Change in percentage terms 14% Finally it is worth mentioning that out of the 5.221.298 euros from state sources, the bulk comes from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation which in 2008 assigned a total of 4.891.499 euros for our projects.

The evolution of revenues is shown in the following chart

Source of funds (euros) 2% Financial and extraordinary revenues Emergencies 1% 2008 2007 2006 2005

23% Central Central Government 5.221.298 4.482.064 4.857.424 4.813.487 Government Local and regional governmentes 6.270.792 4.774.200 3.691.168 4.174.971 European Union 0 12.944 41.924 332.595 Total funds from public entities 11.492.090 9.269.208 8.590.516 9.321.053 47% Members and donors 10.857.594 10.109.645 9.862.201 7.197.375 Members and Donors Emergencies 319.607 659.508 2.543 920.586 Financial and extraordinary revenues 485.255 313.289 285.885 771.151 27% Total funds from private entities 11.662.456 11.082.442 10.150.629 8.889.112 Local and Total 23.154.546 20.351.650 18.741.145 18.210.165 regional governmentes Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 57


Use of funds

Proportion of public and private revenues (2005-2008) Total funds allocated to cooperation in 2008 have amounted to 19.804.787 euros, which represent 85,6% of total Evolution chart revenues. Convinced that we should impact on the causes of world inequality, Entreculturas maintains its policy of increasing funds for awareness raising and public advocacy activities, as it has been doing since 2000. Total funds allocated for this purpose in 16.000.000 2008 has amounted to 1.665.561 euros. 14.000.000 Funds dedicated to management expenses, 1.679.505 euros, have represented 7, 2 % of total expenses which allows us to keep 12.000.000 an efficient and at the same time austere management. 10.000.000




2.000.000 -- accountability 0 Fund raising 2,2% 5% Administration 2005 2006 2007 2008 Awareness raising Total public funds 7,2% Total private funds

Use of funds 2008 (euros)

Total Total private public Cooperation 19.804.787 revenues revenues Awareness raising 1.665.561 Total Mission 21.470.348 Fund raising 511.123 2005 49% 51% Administration 1.168.382 2006 54% 46% Total Management 1.679.505 2007 55% 45% Total 23.149.853 85,6% Cooperation 2008 50% 50% Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 58

___58 accountability

(in euros) The accounts shown in this report include the results of Fundación Entreculturas. These annual accounts and Consolidated Balance Sheet audit reports are available at the head office of Entreculturas.


Net intangible assets 150.345 Net Worth 3.446.236 Software applications 150.345 Designated Funds 6.010 Reserves 3.435.533 Tangible Assets 298.481 Current Year Income 4.693 Land and buildings 56.395 Technical Equipment and other fixed assets 242.086 Advanced Payments Received 13.246.469 Accrued Donations Pending Designation 10.922.869 Long term financial investments 2.300.503 Fixed Asset Donations Received 140.411 Third party loans 2.300.503 Subsidies Received for use in Spain 2.183.189 LOG TERM CREDITORS 222.773

Long term debt 222.773 Other financial liabilities 222.773 CURRENT LIABILITIES 14.307.874 CURRENT ASSETS 28.474.023 Short term provisions 280 Account receivables 12.934.396 Trading account receivables 20.685 Due to Beneficiaries 13.973.543 Debtors 6.017.560 Accruals personnel expenses 7.989 Suppliers 334.051 Tax recoverable 4.088 Suppliers 103.074 Due from offial bodies 6.884.074 Creditors 128.191 Accrued but not yet paid personnel expenses 1.835 Short term financial investments 983.104 Due to Public Entities 100.951 Financial assets 959.970 Derivatives 23.134

Cash and other liquid assets 14.556.523 Liquid assets 14.556.523 TOTAL ASSETS 31.223.352 TOTAL NET WORTH AND LIABILITIES 31.223.352 Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 59


Consolidated Income Statement (in euros) TOTAL REVENUES 23.154.546 TOTAL EXPENSES -23.149.853 NET SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 4.693 ORDINARY RESULTS

Ordinary revenues 22.602.652 Committed giving 2.317.120 (*) The total amount of 18.959.199 euros in aid to Fund raising promotion 13.019 projects is made up 16.617.779 euros sent to Revenues from sponsorsips 2.743.391 cooperation projects (page 79), 297.967 euros sent Contributions from oficial institutions 17.533.922 from the interests of the accounts and 2.043.453 euros Reimbursements -4.800 sent to the social work of the Society of Jesus in the Revenues from services provided 56.452 South. Project costs -18.963.172 Project Related Donations (*) -18.959.199 Expenses for external support and managment board -3.973 Personnel expenses -2.243.229 Salaries -1.758.686

Social Security -484.543 -- accountability Other operating expenses -1.762.888 External services -1.761.926 Taxes -962 Depreciation of fixed assets -132.173 Net gains and losses on asset disposals -10.999 Extraordinary revenues 14.210 Extraordinary expenses -25.209 OPERATING RESULTS -453.357

Financial income 326.926 Marked to market value of tradable assets 134.923 Foreign Exchange net gains -3.799 Positive foreign exchange differences 14.583 Negative foreign exchange differences -18.382 FINANCIAL RESULTS 458.050 NET SURPLUS 4.693 Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 60

___60 accountability

Auditor’s Report

Management transparency is an obligation with all the people and institutions that support our work and with society in general.

The 2008 annual accounts have been audited by BDO Audiberia. The audit reports are favourable on all items. We consider that these reports guarantee that the accounts are a true reflec- tion of the economic situation of Entreculturas.

The financial and audit reports are available for all those interested at the Head Office of Entreculturas, at Pablo Aranda 3, Madrid. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 61

___61 Our gratitude to all Entreculturas members and donors reasons for joining Entreculturas

If you5 become a member we will have a greater capacity to influence, a greater capacity for transformation. We want to influence in 1 generating changes in the North, in the lifestyle of the people, in their values, in their relationship with others, in their vision of the South.

If you become a member we will be more representative. To know who we 2 are and to value us, society takes into account the number of members in our organization.

If you become a member, our advocacy work will be more -- accountability We need legitimate. The number of members behind our demands is relevant YOU! 3 to public institutions. If you become a member we can influence in cooperation policies and achieve that public policies will take into account the real needs of the 4 less favoured.

But, most of all, if you become a member 5 We will be more independent. Your support, your name and your financial contribution, as small as it may be, makes us INDEPENDENT. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 62


projects in the South 2008

Reader´s Guide

The goal of each of the following actions is to transform reality. These actions are possible thanks to the effort of committed teachers willing to improve their pro- fessional skills; to families involved in the education of their children and in their community’s development; to our local partners who work together with some of the most vulnerable people of the planet and to our members, donors and volunteers who work to achieve a fairer world.

We offer a reader’s guide to understand the different types of activities shown in the following and amounts to 486.586 euros. This Programme is carried out by Fe y Alegría. On the other pages. hand, the “Education Programme for refugees, displaced and returned population 2008- 09” is carried out in Malawi, Burundi, Sudan and Central Africa Republic. This programme 1) Projects, Programmes and Agreements. These are shown in each country where amounts to 2.500.000 euros. Entreculturas has managed funds during 2008. In those financed for the first time, information is offered on the total cost, and the donors. 2) Institutional Strengthening refers to the funds allocated to strengthen the institutions we work with in order to develop their capacities in management, organization, planning and For those financed in previous years, information is given only on the amount managed during sustainable financing, among others. 2008. Information on these projects may be found on the first year of financial support. During 2008 we have continued with the collaboration agreement for the Fe y Alegría insti- In addition to the agreements of previous years with the contributions of the AECID and In- tutional strengthening 2006-2008 and we have started a similar programme to strengthen ditex, during 2008, we have started two new programmes. The first one, “Technical and the Jesuit Refugee Service in Africa. Vocational Education Programme for Job Training”, is directed to the youth in Central America Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 63


Argentina Bolivia Brazil -- projects Chile Cambodia Colombia India Dominican Republic Indonesia Ecuador Myanmar El Salvador Philippine Islands Guatemala Islands Thailand Haiti Angola Vietnam Honduras Burkina Faso Mexico Burundi Rwanda Nicaragua Cameroon Panama South Africa C. African Republic Sudan Paraguay DR of Congo Peru Ethiopia Tanzania Tchad Uruguay Ivory Coast Venezuela Kenya Togo Liberia Uganda Malawi Zambia Morocco Zimbabwe Mozambique Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 64


Inditex: 110.717 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Argentina Total: 110.717 euros 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2010. Latin America Local Partner: Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados y Migrantes Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.113 euros (*) 6. Support to the 3rd Trans-national Encounter of the Jesuit Migrant Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 13.113 euros (*) Service. 08/VR/147 Total: 13.113 euros REGIONAL PROJECTS IN LATIN AMERICA Amount managed by Entreculturas: 6.318 euros 2. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- Supported projects, programmes and agreements Entreculturas: 6.318 euros gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. Total: 6.318 euros Local Partner: Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría Amount managed by Entreculturas: 166.076 euros 7. Support to the JRMS Encounters. 08/VR/191 Inditex: 166.076 euros 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America Total: 166.076 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.011 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 218.748 euros Entreculturas: 9.011 euros 3. Libraries to improve reading comprehension. 07/AR/251 AECID: 218.748 euros Total: 9.011 euros Total: 218.748 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Local Partner: CEPAL Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 15.000 euros 2. Technical Education Agreement for South America 2007-2010. Total: 15.000 euros 8. Social Centres Networks. 09/VR/204 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 49.093 euros Local Partner: Compañía de Jesús-Provincia Argentina AECID: 49.093 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.100 euros Total: 49.093 euros Entreculturas: 13.100 euros 4. Scholarship for education investigation and public action. Total: 13.100 euros 09/AR/205 3. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. Institutional Strengthening Amount managed by Entreculturas: 1.883 euros Entreculturas: 1.883 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 116.254 euros 1. Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría. Total: 1.883 euros Inditex: 116.254 euros Total: 116.254 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 46.000 euros (**) Institutional Strengthening Total: 46.000 euros 4. Information Technology and support to the Federation’s Pro- 1. Fe y Alegría Argentina. 08/AR/169 gramme. 04/FE/232 2. Fe y Alegría Oficina Centroamericana. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 31.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 315.631 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 31.000 euros (**) Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 31.000 euros Fundación Accenture Internacional: 310.611 euros Total: 31.000 euros Total: 31.000 euros FUNDACION BIP-BIP: 1.020 euros Entreculturas: 4.000 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for regional projects Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Argentina: Total: 315.631 euros in Latin America: 838.872 euros. 213.959 euros.

Local Partner: Oficina Centroamericana de Fe y Alegría y Fe y (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Alegría Haití titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- funds. vious years (see previous annual reports). 5. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. ARGENTINA BOLIVIA

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 110.717 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Supported projects, programmes and agreements Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 65


Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Bolivia Amount managed by Entreculturas: 22.556 euros (*) Local Partner: Centro Cuarto Intermedio Rodamco Europe-Unibait: 22.556 euros (*) 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America. 12. Political Training in intercultural citizenships. 08/BO/145 8. Improvement of the infrastructures of the Humberto Portocarrero Amount managed by Entreculturas: 449.089 euros Institute. 07/BO/254 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros AECID: 449.089 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Total: 449.089 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 46.632 euros Total: 10.000 euros TowerBrook Capital Partners Foundation: 10.205 euros 2. Technical Education Agreement for South America 2007-2010. Mckinsey: 8.948 euros Institutional Strengthening Colegio San José, Valladolid: 12.479 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 108.946 euros Banco Urquijo: 15.000 euros 1. Fe y Alegría Bolivia. 08/BO/170 AECID: 108.946 euros Total: 46.632 euros Total: 108.946 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 46.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 46.000 euros 3. Niño Emergency. 08/BO/122 9. Strengthening of the Technical Education Network. 06/BO/202 Total: 46.000 euros

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 30.272 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 1.319.200 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Bolivia: Socios y Donantes: 272 euros Generalitat Valenciana: 1.271.200 euros 2.873.597 euros. Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 15.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 48.000 euros (*) Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Other contributions: 2.371.000 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Total: 30.272 euros Local Partner: 270.800 euros Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Others: 2.100.200 euros vious years (see previous annual reports). 4. Study on the influences of migrations in school. 08/BO/136 Total: 3.690.200 euros BRAZIL Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.346 euros Local Partner: Fundación Acción Cultural Loyola (ACLO) C. Autónoma de Madrid: 11.746 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements

Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 600 euros 10. Radio- based Basic Education. 08/BO/004 -- projects Other contributions: 8.254 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Brasil Locales: 8.254 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 208.474 euros Total: 20.600 euros C. Auto. de Castilla la Mancha: 201.094 euros 1. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- Entreculturas: 7.380 euros gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. 5. Sustainability for Yachay Wasis in La Paz. 08/BO/187 Other contributions: 39.759 euros Local Partner: 7.749 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 165.396 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 20.000 euros SEDUCA (Municipios): 32.010 euros Inditex: 165.396 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 20.000 euros Total: 248.233 euros Total: 165.396 euros Total: 20.000 euros 11. Improvement of Basic Education for children and youth. 2. Education Development Community Centre. 08/BR/212 6. Teacher Training Centre in Santa Cruz. 07/BO/074 08/BO/158 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 147.500 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 171.232 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 451.406 euros Fundación Mapfre: 147.500 euros Xunta de Galicia: 158.932 euros Generalitat Valenciana: 429.182 euros Total: 147.500 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 12.300 euros Entreculturas: 22.224 euros Other contributions: 10.933 euros Other contributions: 221.587 euros Local Partner: CIMI, CPT, SARES, Filias del Sagrado Corazón y Local Partner: 10.933 euros Local Partner: 51.610 euros otras Total: 182.165 euros Beneficiarios: 80.847 euros Others: 89.130 euros 3. Amazonia Programme. Itinerant Team. 08/BR/007, 08/BR/008, 7. Inprovements in Yachay Wasis in Chuquisaca. 07/BO/222 Total: 672.993 euros 06/BR/155 Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 66


Amount managed by Entreculturas: 33.773 euros 2. Quality Education Programme. 09/CL/005 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 65.273 euros Delegación Tenerife: 4.390 euros (*) AECID: 34.299 euros Delegación La Palma: 5.383 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 27.362 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 30.974 euros Entreculturas: 24.000 euros BBVA: 13.681 euros Total: 65.273 euros Total: 33.773 euros Empleados BBVA: 13.681 euros Other contributions: 75.835 euros 3. Increase and improvement of the education conditions in Cali. Local Partner: Provincia Jesuítica Amazónica Local Partner: 24.916 euros 08/CO/026 Others: 50.919 euros 4. Belem Pre-Forum. 08/BR/244 Total: 103.197 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 21.703 euros Ayuntamiento de Oviedo: 20.669 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros 3. Extensión of secondary schooling. 08/CL/238 Entreculturas: 1.033 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Other contributions: 5.562 euros Total: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Local Partner: 5.562 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 5.000 euros Total: 27.265 euros Institutional Strengthening Total: 5.000 euros 4. Community Development in Manizales. 07/CO/078 1. Fe y Alegría Brasil. 08/BR/168, 06/BR/185 y 08/BR/188 4. Infrastructure Enlargement at San Ignacio Loyola School. 08/CL/239 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 326.440 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 85.345 euros Ayuntamiento de Madrid: 300.000 euros Delegación de Málaga: 29.210 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Entreculturas: 26.440 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 56.135 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 5.000 euros Other contributions: 90.292 euros Total: 85.345 euros Total: 5.000 euros Aportes locales: 90.292 euros Total: 416.732 euros 2. Jesuit Amazonia Province. 08/BR/231 Institutional Strengthening 5. Support to the cultural expression Centres in Bogota. 07/CO/312 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 6.000 euros 1. Fe y Alegría Chile. 08/CL/173 Entreculturas: 6.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 91.316 euros Total: 6.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 31.000 euros Gobierno de la Rioja: 85.400 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 17.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 5.916 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Brazil: 409.031 Entreculturas: 14.000 euros Other contributions: 46.205 euros euros. Total: 31.000 euros Local Partner: 12.966 euros Others: 33.239 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Chile: 127.652 Total: 137.521 euros Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- euros. vious years (see previous annual reports). 6. Enlargement of the Madre Siffredi School in Cali. 06/CO/197 COLOMBIA CHILE Amount managed by Entreculturas: 85.206 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements BBVA: 42.603 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Empleados BBVA: 42.603 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Colombia Total: 85.206 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Chile 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. 7. Building of a second floor in the Development Centre of Cali. 1. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- 04/CO/102 gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 196.280 euros AECID: 196.280 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.492 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 59.290 euros Total: 196.280 euros Unión Fenosa: 5.492 euros (*) Inditex: 59.290 euros Total: 59.290 euros 2. Technical Education Agreement for South America 2007-2010. Local Partner: Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados Colombia Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 67


8. Jesuit Refugee Service Political Advocacy. 08/CO/152 2. Intercultural formation in schools. 08/DO/032 Entreculturas: 2.521 euros Other contributions: 12.830 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 377.556 euros Local Partner: 12.830 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros C. Autónoma de Madrid: 327.547 euros Total: 55.351 euros Total: 10.000 euros Entreculturas: 50.009 euros Other contributions: 164.390 euros Local Partner: Solidaridad Fronteriza 9. Humanitarian Aid and Prevention in Magdalena Medio. 07/CO/085 Others: 164.390 euros Total: 541.946 euros 8. Empowerment of the Haitian and Dominican population. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 49.477 euros 04/DO/128 Generalitat Valenciana: 46.631 euros 3. Xenophobia in the Dominican Republic. 03/DO/004 Entreculturas: 2.846 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 22.467 euros (*) Other contributions: 51.257 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 7.491 euros (*) Entreculturas (Tarjetas de Navidad): 22.467 euros (*) Local Partner: 8.421 euros Delegación de Murcia: 3.491 euros (*) Others: 42.836 euros Delegación de Zaragoza: 4.000 euros (*) Local Partner: Radio Santamaría Total: 100.734 euros Local Partner: CES. Padre Juan Montalvo. Centro Bono 9. Teacher Training. 06/DO/081 Institutional Strengthening 4. Organiztion´s participation in emergencies. 08/DO/031 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 11.111 euros (*) 1. Fe y Alegría Colombia. Delegación de Valencia: 8.111 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 37.500 euros Delegación de Alicante: 3.000 euros (*) Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 46.000 euros (**) euros Colegio Nacional de Ingenieros ICAI: 37.500 euros Total: 46.000 euros Other contributions: 1.600 euros Institutional Strengthening Aporte local: 1.600 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Colombia: Total: 39.100 euros 1. Fe y Alegría Dominican Republic. 08/DO/166 y 08/DO/249 845.695 euros. Local Partner: Hospital Materno Infantil Amount managed by Entreculturas: 64.000 euros

(*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 25.000 euros -- projects Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- 5. Education to prevent maternal and infant deaths. 08/DO/048 Entreculturas: 39.000 euros vious years (see previous annual reports). Total: 64.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.000 euros (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- Entreculturas: 12.000 euros 2. CES. 08/DO/258 titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of Total: 12.000 euros funds. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Local Partner: Cefasa Entreculturas: 9.000 euros DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Total: 9.000 euros 6. Migrant Defence Promotion. 08/DO/033 Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Dominican Supported projects, programmes and agreements Republic: 896.485 euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 25.838 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría República Dominicana Diputación de Alicante: 25.338 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas: 500 euros Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. Other contributions: 6.085 euros vious years (see previous annual reports). Local Partner: 6.085 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 328.070 euros Total: 31.923 euros ECUADOR AECID: 328.070 euros Total: 328.070 euros 7. Accompaniment of base organizations. 08/DO/165 Supported projects, programmes and agreements

Local Partner: Servicio Jesuita a Refugiados y Migrantes Amount managed by Entreculturas: 42.521 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Ecuador Ayto. de Alicante: 40.000 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 68


1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. 7. Training for Productive Enterprises. 07/EC/146 Institutional Strengthening

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 429.606 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 19.871 euros (*) 1. Fe y Alegría Ecuador. 08/EC/167 AECID: 429.606 euros Colegio Inmaculada SJ. Alicante: 9.000 (*) Total: 429.606 euros Delegación de Zaragoza: 10.871euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 39.000 euros Entreculturas: 39.000 euros 2. Technical Education Agreement for South America 2007-2010. 8. Promotion of Family Human Development. 07/EC/278 Total: 39.000 euros

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 45.829 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 23.903 euros 2. Strengthening of the Development Office. 08/EC/256 AECID: 45.829 euros Ayto. de Valladolid: 22.265 euros Total: 45.829 euros Entreculturas: 1.638 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 3.304 euros Other contributions: 36.748 euros Entreculturas: 3.304 euros 3. Strengthening of Integral Formation Processes. Local Partner: 36.081euros Total: 3.304 euros 08/EC/240 Beneficiarios: 667 euros Total: 60.651 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Ecuador: Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros 1.436.506 euros. Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 10.000 euros Local Partner: IRFEYAL Total: 10.000 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by 9. Strengthening of Education Services IRFEYAL. 08/EC/081 Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- 4. Education Coverage in the Ecuatorian Coast. 07/EC/144 vious years (see previous annual reports). Amount managed by Entreculturas: 31.333 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 407.179 euros Ayto. de Santander: 30.000 euros EL SALVADOR Generalitat Valenciana: 391.813 euros Entreculturas: 1.333 euros Entreculturas: 15.366 euros Other contributions: 8.725 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Other contributions: 32.053 euros Local Partner: 8.725 euros Public contributions: 32.053 euros Total: 40.058 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría El Salvador Total: 439.232 euros Local Partner: Fundación Río Manta 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. 5. Improvement of Quality Education in Fe y Alegría Schools. 06/EC/242 10. A right to health care, education and participation. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 218.133 euros 08/EC/076 AECID: 218.133 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 299.536 euros Total: 218.133 euros Comité Binacional Programa Canje de Deuda: 299.536 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 48.815 euros Other contributions: 127.354 euros Ayto de Málaga: 16.666 euros 2. Programme for alternative education and social promotion of high Local Partner: 127.354 euros Diputación de Valladolid: 25.000 euros risk population in Zacamil. 08/SV/050 Total: 426.890 euros Delegación de Córdoba: 7.149 euros Other contributions: 30.368 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 71.089 euros Local Partner: Corporación Viviendas del Hogar de Cristo Beneficiarios: 6.914 euros Junta de Castilla y León: 68.355 euros Local Partner: 23.454 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 2.734 euros 6. Housing support for rain victims. 08/EC/123 Total: 79.183 euros Other contributions: 16.649 euros Local Partner: 16.649 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 98.000 euros Local Partner: Centro del Muchacho Trabajador Total: 87.738 euros Junta de Castilla y León: 88.000 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros 11. Programme for Teacher Enrolment and re-formulation. 07/EC/148 3. Increase of secondary school in Acajutl. 08/SV/219 Other contributions: 93.813 euros Local Partner: 6.009 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 147.500 euros Beneficiarios: 87.804 euros Caja Burgos: 10.000 euros (*) Fundación Mapfre: 147.500 euros Total: 191.813 euros Other contributions: 37.078 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 69


Local Partner: 37.078 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 4.696 euros Ayto. de Elche: 67.000 euros Total: 184.578 euros Entreculturas: 4.696 euros Caja Madrid: 81.000 euros Total: 4.696 euros Entreculturas: 6.068 euros 4. Strengthening of Three Professional Training Centres in El Sal- Other contributions: 287.685 euros vador. 06/SV/093 4. Pro-búsqueda. 08/SV/253 Local Partner: 145.787 euros Otros aportes: 141.898 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 313.833 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Total: 441.753 euros C. Auto. de Castilla la Mancha: 302.667 Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 11.166 euros Total: 10.000 euros Local Partner: Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación radiofónica Other contributions: 91.427 euros (IGER) Local Partner: 91.427 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for El Salvador: Total: 405.260 euros 986.290 euros. 5. Promotion of a culture for peace, tolerance and participation. 08/GT/096 Local Partner: Fundación de Educación Popular CIAZO (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of Amount managed by Entreculturas: 28.026 euros 5. Learning difficulties and local development. 08/SV/054 funds. Ayto. de Zaragoza: 26.421 euros Entreculturas: 1.605 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 196.960 euros GUATEMALA Other contributions: 11.413 euros C. Autónoma de Cantabria: 189.840 euros Aporte local: 11.413 euros Entreculturas: 7.120 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Total: 39.439 euros Other contributions: 46.007 euros Local Partner: 46.007 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Local Partner: Puente de Paz Total: 242.967 euros 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. 6. Women Empowerment in Puente de Paz. 08/GT/189 Local Partner: Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas", UCA Amount managed by Entreculturas: 350.143 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.500 euros

AECID: 350.143 euros Entreculturas: 13.500 euros -- projects 6. Pastoral Theology Schools (ETP). 08/SV/057 Total: 350.143 euros Total: 13.500 euros

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 23.079 euros Local Partner: Pastoral Social del Ixcán Local Partner: Parroquia de la Natividad de la Virgen María Entreculturas: 23.079 euros Total: 23.079 euros 2. Emergency in Ixcán. 08/GT/243 7. Increase of educational coverage. 09/GT/024

Institutional Strengthening Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros 1. Fe y Alegría El Salvador. Total: 10.000 euros Total: 10.000 euros

Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 31.000 euros (**) 3. Youth Leadership in Ixcán. 08/GT/255, 06/GT/108 Institutional Strengthening Total: 31.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 30.558 euros 1. Fe y Alegría Guatemala. 2. Ciazo. 08/SV/246 Entreculturas: 30.558 euros Total: 30.558 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 39.000 euros (**) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 1.000 euros Total: 39.000 euros Entreculturas: 1.000 euros Local Partner: CIAS Total: 1.000 euros 2. CIAS. 08/GT/245 4. Education Project in Puente Belice. 07/GT/111, 08/GT/093 3. Jesuit Service for Development. 08/SV/248 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 154.068 euros Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 70


Total: 9.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 15.000 euros Entreculturas: 1.231 euros Total: 15.000 euros Other contributions: 1.231 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Guatemala: Local Partner: 1.231 euros 606.295 euros. Local Partner: Solidaridad Fronteriza Total: 26.544 euros

(**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- 6. Emergency in Haiti 2008. 08/HT/197 Local Partner: Parroquia Santiago del Yoro titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of funds. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 83.672 euros 4. Teacher at Home. 06/HN/088 Socios y donantes: 68.672 euros HAITI Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 3.220 euros (*) Total: 83.672 euros Freshfields: 3.220 euros (*) Supported projects, programmes and agreements Institutional Strengthening Institutional Strengthening Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Haití 1. Fe y Alegría Haití. 08/HT/172 1. Fe y Alegría Honduras. 1. Elaboration of syllabus materials 08/HT/038 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 39.0000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 31.000 euros (**) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 21.510 euros Entreculturas: 39.0000 euros Total: 31.000 euros Diputación de Sevilla: 20.000 euros Total: 39.0000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 1.510 euros 2. ERIC. 08/HN/247 Other contributions: 5.376 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Haiti: 226.013 Others aportes: 5.376 euros euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Total: 26.886 euros Entreculturas: 9.000 euros HONDURAS Total: 9.000 euros 2. Donation for the schools of Bedoux y Balán. 08/HT/040 Supported projects, programmes and agreements Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Honduras: Amount managed by Entreculturas: 11.831 euros 158.583 euros. Ayto. de Murcia: 11.831 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Honduras Other contributions: 6.600 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Local Partner: 6.600 euros 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Total: 18.431 euros vious years (see previous annual reports). Amount managed by Entreculturas: 67.172 euros 3. Classroom Construction in Balán and Ouanaminthe. AECID: 67.172 euros (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- 08/HT/043 Total: 67.172 euros titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of funds. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 50.000 euros 2. Technical and Vocational Education Programme 2008-2011. Fundación Mª. Francisca de Roviralta: 50.000 euros NICARAGUA Total: 50.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 57.098 euros Xunta de Galicia: 57.098 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements 4. Teacher Training. 08/HT/241 Total: 57.098 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Nicaragua Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Local Partner: Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 5.000 euros (ERIC) 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. Total: 5.000 euros 3. Non formal education for youth at risk. 08/HN/069 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 204.504 euros 5. Teacher’s salaries. 08/HT/252 AECID: 204.504 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 25.313 euros Total: 204.504 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Diputación de Burgos: 24.082 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 71


2. Technical and Vocational Education Programme for a better la- titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of 2. Technical Education Agreement for South America 2007-2010. bour opportunities 2008-2011. funds. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 52.289 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 145.647 euros PANAMA AECID: 52.289 euros Xunta de Galicia: 133.498 euros Total: 52.289 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 8.596 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Entreculturas: 3.553 euros 3. “Protected Environment”. 08/PY/106 Total: 145.647 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Panamá Amount managed by Entreculturas: 33.199 euros Local Partner: Comunidades Eclesiales de Base (CEBs) 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. Diputación de Málaga: 30.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 3.199 euros 3. Street children promotion. 06/NI/270 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 74.992 euros Other contributions: 7.460 euros AECID: 74.992 euros Local Partner: 7.460 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 28.713 euros Total: 74.992 euros Total: 40.659 euros Diputación de Huelva: 14.054 euros Local Partner: JRS-Panamá Fondo de Pymes para Nicaragua: 5.989 euros 4. Permanent Teacher Training and social promotion. 08/PY/242 Caja Navarra: 7.725 euros 2. Local integration of Colombian migrants and refugees. Entreculturas: 945 euros 07/PA/288 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 20.000 euros Other contributions: 5.846 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 20.000 euros Local Partner: 5.846 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 40.000 euros Total: 34.559 euros Entreculturas: 40.000 euros Local Partner: Centro de Estudios Paraguayos Antonio Guasch Total: 40.000 euros (CEPAG) Local Partner: Instituto de Acción Social Juan XXIII Uca Institutional Strengthening 5. Nourishment Security. 08/PY/104 4. Basic Education Strengthening in Ciudad Darío. 08/NI/085 1. Fe y Alegría Panamá. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros

Entreculturas: 15.000 euros -- projects Amount managed by Entreculturas: 20.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 31.000 euros (**) Total: 15.000 euros Entreculturas: 20.000 euros Total: 31.000 euros Total: 20.000 euros Institutional Strengthening Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Panama: Institutional Strengthening 114.992 euros. 1. Fe y Alegría Paraguay. 08/PY/171

1. Fe y Alegría Nicaragua. (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- Amount managed by Entreculturas: 39.000 euros titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of Entreculturas: 39.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 39.000 euros (**) funds. Total: 39.000 euros Total: 39.000 euros PARAGUAY Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Paraguay: 2. Instituto de Acción Social Juan XXII. 08/NI/257 457.338 euros. Supported projects, programmes and agreements Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.000 euros PERU Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Paraguay Total: 9.000 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Nicaragua: Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Perú 457.338 euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 297.849 euros AECID: 297.849 euros 1. Basic Education Agreement for Latin America 2006-2009. (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- Total: 297.849 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 72


Amount managed by Entreculturas: 436.288 euros Local Partner: Oficina de Desarrollo del SJ Perú y Fe y Alegría Local Partner: 8.674 euros AECID: 436.288 euros Perú Total: 77.065 euros Total: 436.288 euros 7. Support to the reconstruction of Pueblo Nuevo. 07/PE/241 Local Partner: Instituto Fe y Cultura 2. Technical Education Agreement for South America 2007-2010. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 271.268 euros 12. Phase III, Lay Formation. 08/PE/120 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 125.499 euros Inditex: 268.817 euros AECID: 125.499 euros Socios y donantes: 2.451 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.068 euros Total: 125.499 euros Total: 271.268 euros Entreculturas: 13.068 euros Total: 13.068 euros 3. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- 8. Reconstruction of Chincha School. 07/PE/273 gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. Local Partner: CEOPILO Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.593 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 47.950 euros (*) Regata Clipper: 9.593 euros (*) 13. Citizen Education in Moquegua. 08/PE/138 Inditex: 47.950 euros (*) Total: 47.950 euros (*) Local Partner: Ccaijo Amount managed by Entreculturas: 70.582 euros Ayto. de Burgos: 66.512 euros 4. Quality Superior Technical Institute for excluded sectors of Lima. 9. Agro- pecuarian development in Quispicanchi. Entreculturas: 4.070 euros 07/PE/005 05/PE/105 Other contributions: 12.455 euros Local Partner: 11.405 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 209.708 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 79.300 euros Beneficiarios: 1.050 euros Fundación Almenara: 209.708 euros Fundación Mª Francisca de Roviralta: 78.300 euros Total: 83.037 euros Other contributions: 278.291 euros BNP Paribas: 1.000 euros (*) Others MED: 278.291 euros Local Partner: Encuentros-Casa de la Juventud Total: 487.999 euros Local Partner: IPEDEHP-Instituto Peruano de Educación en Dere- chos Humanos y la Paz 14. Young enterpreneurs. 07/PE/004 5. Quality Education in San Clemente. 07/PE/317 10. Classroom Reconstruction in Ica. 07/PE/274 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 314.809 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 888.065 euros Junta de Andalucía: 295.296 euros Generalitat Valenciana: 381.381 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 312.076 euros Entrecuturas: 19.513 euros Inditex: 268.817 euros Junta de Andalucía: 258.582 euros Other contributions: 71.871 euros Endesa S.A: 203.853 euros Merril Lynch: 5.490 euros Local Partner: 71.871 euros Grupo Lar: 12.000 euros Ayto. de Valladolid: 20.736 euros Total: 386.680 euros Fundación Altamira: 12.000 euros Entreculturas: 27.268 euros Entreculturas: 10.014 euros Other contributions: 11.158 euros Local Partner: Vicaría de Medio Ambiente (VIMA) Other contributions: 54.500 euros Local Partner: 11.158 euros Otros aportes: 54.500 euros Total: 323.234 euros 15. Environmental Education Networks. 09/PE/151 Total: 942.565 euros Local Partner: Saipe Amount managed by Entreculturas: 16.000 euros Local Partner: Oficina de Desarrollo del SJ Perú Entreculturas: 16.000 euros 11. Sustainble Forest Management for Wood Transformation. Total: 16.000 euros 6. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- 08/PE/022 gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. Institutional Strengthening Amount managed by Entreculturas: 68.391euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 698.878 euros Xunta de Galicia: 62.090 euros 1. Fe y Alegría Perú. 08/PE/233 Inditex: 698.878 euros Asovino, Sociedad Cooerativa: 789 euros Total: 698.878 euros Entreculturas: 5.513 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Other contributions: 8.674 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 46.000 euros (**) Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 73


Entreculturas: 5.000 euros 3. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- Local Partner: JRS-África Austral Total: 5.000 euros gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. 1. Construction and Rehabilitation of Schools. 06/AO/139 Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Peru: Amount managed by Entreculturas: 314.510 euros 3.507.932 euros. Inditex: 314.510 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.100 euros (*) Total: 314.510 euros Colegio San Estanislao de Kostka. SJ-Málaga: 10.100 euros (*) (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Institutional Strengthening Local Partner: Hnas. Misioneras S. Carlos Borromeo vious years (see previous annual reports). Scalabrinianas 1. Fe y Alegría Venezuela. (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- 2. Girl Participation and Promotion in Angola. 08/AO/001 titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 46.000 euros (**) funds. Total: 46.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 97.079 euros Principado de Asturias: 90.459 euros URUGUAY Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Venezuela: Entreculturas: 6.620 euros 374.616 euros. Other contributions: 22.320 euros Institutional Strengthening Aportes locales: 22.320 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Total: 119.399 euros 1. Fe y Alegría Uruguay. 08/UY/251 Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- vious years (see previous annual reports). Local Partner: Leigos para o Desenvolvimento Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Entreculturas-Alboan Agreement: 10.000 euros (**) This amount is not included in the total managed by Entreculturas in ins- 3. Education, health and social promotion in Benguela. 06/AO/163 Total: 10.000 euros titutional strengthening, since Alboan is responsible for the management of funds. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 25.000 euros (*) Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Uruguay: 10.000 Delegación de Asturias: 25.000 euros (*) euros.

Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Angola: 97.079 -- projects VENEZUELA Africa euros. Supported projects, programmes and agreements (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Venezuela REGIONAL PROJECTS vious years (see previous annual reports).

1. Strengthening Education Networks and Social Promotion Pro- Institutional Strengthening BURKINA FASO gramme for Latin America 2007-2009. 1. JRS Internacional Office. Supported projects, programmes and agreements Amount managed by Entreculturas: 119.380 euros Inditex: 60.106 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 50.000 euros Local Partner: ASVS Inditex: 59.274 euros (*) Entreculturas. 50.000 euros Total: 119.380 euros Total: 50.000 euros 1. Accompaniment of AIDS patients and the Health Centre Sandog. 06/BF/158 2. Plant your Roots Campaign. 05/VE/234 Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for regional pro- jects: 50.000 euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.465 euros (*) Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Aviva: 5.465 euros (*) ANGOLA Total: 10.000 euros

Local Partner: Centro Gumilla Supported projects, programmes and agreements Local Partner: Centro Cultural Círculo de Reflexión (CERCLE) Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 74


2. Support to the school year 2008-09 of CERCLE. 08/BF/186 6. Support to school construction and housing facilities for teachers. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros 08/BI/013 Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Total: 15.000 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.000 euros Total: 10.000 euros Entreculturas: 12.000 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Burundi: Total: 12.000 euros 489.662 euros. Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Burkina Faso: 20.000 euros. Local Partner: Bureau National de L´enseignement Catholique-BNEC (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- BURUNDI 7. School Directors Encounter. 08/BI/143 vious years (see previous annual reports).

Supported projects, programmes and agreements Amount managed by Entreculturas: 14.000 euros CAMEROON Entreculturas: 14.000 euros Local Partner: JRS-Grandes Lagos Total: 14.000 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements

1. Education Programme in Africa for the Refugee, Displaced and 8. Education for Peace Project. 05/BI/175 Local Partner: Congregación de Jesús-María Returned Population. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 16.000 euros 1. Creating a new secondary school. 07/CM/226 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 361.662 euros Entreculturas: 16.000 euros Inditex: 361.662 euros Total: 16.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 167.178 euros Total: 361.662 euros Gobierno de Aragón: 161.088 euros Local Partner: Association Pour la Defense Des Droits de la Entreculturas: 6.090 euros 2. Emergency aid for desplaced Mutumba Kabezi. 08/BI/178 Femme Other contributions: 93.449 euros Local Partner: 93.449 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 7.000 euros 9. Adult Literacy Progamme in Bujumbura. 05/BI/176 Total: 260.627 euros Entreculturas: 7.000 euros Total: 7.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 21.921 euros (*) Local Partner: Foyer de L`esperance Delegación de Cantabria: 21.921 euros (*) 3. Protection of the Burundi’s refugee population. 08/BI/179 2. Re-insertion of minors from the prison of Yaoundé. 08/CM/254 Local Partner: Bureau National de L´enseignement Catholique-BNEC Amount managed by Entreculturas: 20.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Entreculturas: 20.000 euros 10. Christian Education for human values. 09/BI/077 Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Total: 20.000 euros Total: 15.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 20.000 euros 4. Assitance and opoverty reduction of the Buterere population. Entreculturas: 20.000 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Cameroon: 08/BI/180 Total: 20.000 euros 182.178 euros.

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 11.000 euros Local Partner: Misioneros de África (Padres Blancos) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Entreculturas: 11.000 euros 11. Construction of a secondary school in Tenga. 09/BI/192 Total: 11.000 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.000 euros 5. AIDS prevention campaign in Bujumbura. 04/BI/160 Local Partner: JRS-África del Oeste Entreculturas: 13.000 euros Total: 13.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 18.931 euros (*) 1. Education Programme for refugee, displaced and returned popu- Delegación de Valladolid: 18.931 euros (*) lation 2008-2009. Local Partner: Association des Pères Jésuites Local Partner: Association des Pères Jésuites Amount managed by Entreculturas: 111.503 euros 12. School support to the primary school of Nyabiyorwa. 09/BI/081 Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 75


Inditex: 111.503 euros Local Partner: Misioneras Claretianas 11. Support to the office reconstruction after the earthquake in Total: 111.503 euros Bukayu. 08/CD/149 6. Support to primary education in Bandungu. 07/CD/159 Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Central African Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Republic: 111.503 euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Entreculturas: 15.000 euros Total: 10.000 euros DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Total: 15.000 euros Local Partner: Parroquia Cristo Rey em Kisangani Supported projects, programmes and agreements Local Partner: Consejo Pedagógico/Parroquia de LAybo (Mahagi) 12. School support for AIDS orphans. 05/CD/042 Local Partner: JRS-Grandes Lagos 7. Support for the purchase of school books. 08/CD/010 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 25.338 euros (*) 1. Education support for youth in DRC. 08/CD/139 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 8.000 euros Dona tu Móvil: 20.333 euros (*) Entreculturas: 8.000 euros Santander Central Hispano: 5.005 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 114.025 euros Total: 8.000 euros Fundación La Caixa: 101.925 euros Local Partner: M.E.D.H (Casa de Enseñanza en Derechos Entreculturas: 12.100 euros Local Partner: OCIPE (Oficina Jesuita Europea) Humanos) Other contributions: 13.371 euros Otros cofinanciadores: 13.371 euros 8. Peace Promotion in DRC. 08/CD/014 13. Support to re-insertion of ex child soldiers. 07/CD/264 Total: 127.396 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 2.190 euros (*) 2. Emergency at the Eastern part of the D.R. Congo in November 08. Entreculturas: 9.000 euros Residencia Colegio San Ignacio Alcalá de Henares: 2.190 euros (*) 08/CD/237 Total: 9.000 euros Santander Central Hispano: 5.005 euros (*)

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 67.932 euros Local Partner: Inades Formación Congo Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Democratic Socios y donantes: 52.932 euros Republic of Congo: 295.619 euros.

Entreculturas: 15.000 euros 9. Consolidation of fishing-agricultural organizations. -- projects Total: 67.932 euros 08/CD/018 (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- 3. Re-insertion of girl soldiers in Fizi Baraka. 06/CD/252 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 7.746 euros vious years (see previous annual reports). Diputación de Toledo: 7.338 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros (*) Entreculturas: 408 euros euros ETHIOPIA Delegación de Vigo: 15.000 euros (*) Other contributions: 2.206 euros Local Partner: 1.640 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements 4. Re-education of child soldiers in Uvira. 05/CD/181 Beneficiarios: 566 euros Total: 9.952 euros Local Partner: Vicariato de Soddo Hosanna Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.850 euros Entreculturas: 5.850 euros Local Partner: Comisión Diocesana “Justicia y Paz” 1. Support to the Infant Schools of the Vicariate. 07/ET/177 Total: 5.850 euros 10. Protection of Human Rights by legal training. 08/CD/117 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 40.000 euros Local Partner: Kitwit sans SIDA Socios y donantes: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 25.066 euros Jp Morgan: 5.571 euros 5. Education support for VIH/SIDA. 06/CD/227 Ayto. de S.S. de los Reyes: 24.000 euros Entreculturas: 24.429 euros Entreculturas: 1.066 euros Total: 40.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 33.000 euros Other contributions: 1.600 euros Dona tu Móvil: 33.000 euros Local Partner: 1.600 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Ethiopia: Total: 33.000 euros Total: 26.666 euros 40.000 euros. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 76


KENYA Amount managed by Entreculturas: 8.000 euros Escuela de Ingenieros Agrícolas de Valladolid: 4.200 euros Entreculturas: 8.000 euros Empresas por la Educación: 25.023 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Total: 8.000 euros Entreculturas: 5.777 euros Total: 35.000 euros Local Partner: JRS-África del Este Local Partner: Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology Local Partner: Fundación Amigó 1. Support to he Internally Displaced of Kitale. 08/KE/067 7. Encourage youth participation in peace programmes. 08/KE/129 2. Skill training for youth. 08/CI/009 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 230 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.676 euros Socios y donantes: 230 euros (*) Entreculturas: 12.676 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 16.666 euros (*) Total: 12.676 euros Fundacion Creatia: 16.666 euros (*) 2. Regional Advocacy Programme. 07/KE/257 8. Water wells and complementary works in Riara. 08/KE/226 Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Ivory Coast: Amount managed by Entreculturas: 20.000 euros 35.000 euros. Entreculturas: 20.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Total: 20.000 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Total: 10.000 euros Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- 3. Scholarship Programme in Kenya 2007-2008. 06/KE/235 vious years (see previous annual reports). Institutional Strengthening Amount managed by Entreculturas: 42.810 euros LIBERIA Fundación Javier Oriol Miranda: 21.000 euros 1. Ajan Network. 04/KE/022 Fundación La Caixa: 11.111 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Fundación Privada Renta Corporación: 5.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 11.111 euros (*) Regata Clipper: 5.698 euros Comunidad Matrimonios Ntra. Sra. Nazaret y Pilar: 11.111 euros (*) Local Partner: JRS- África del Oeste Total: 42.810 euros Total: 11.111 euros 1. School construction in the district of Lofa. 08/LI/027 Local Partner: Parroquia San José Obrero de Nairobi 2. JESAM-Secretariado de Justicia Social. 07/KE/170 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 35.182 euros 4. Support to the Upendo informal school in Nairobi. 07/KE/115 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 2.000 euros BNP Paribas: 1.000 euros Entreculturas: 2.000 euros Entrecullturas: 34.182 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 40.000 euros Total: 2.000 euros Total: 35.182 euros Socios y donates: 10.000 euros Instituto Elche: 2.599 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Kenya: 147.486 2. Education Programme in Bomi, Lofa y Nimba. 05/LI/219 Entreculturas: 27.401 euros euros. Total: 40.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.348 euros (*) (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Delegación de Burgos: 13.348 euros (*) Local Partner: Red Ajan Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- vious years (see previous annual reports). 3. Professional training in IDP Bong camps. 04/LI/050 5. Strengthening of the Ajan Network. 08/KE/023 IVORY COAST Amount managed by Entreculturas: 17.175 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.000 euros Delegación de León: 7.213 euros (*) Entreculturas: 12.000 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Delegación de Logroño: 9.962 euros (*) Total: 12.000 euros Local Partner: JRS-África del Oeste Local Partner: Sisters of the Holy Rosary Local Partner: The Jesuit Hakimani Centre 1. Support of Primary Education in Madinani. 08/CI/024 4. Adult Literacy Project. 07/LI/259 6. Support of he Programme Ambassadors for Peace. 08/KE/146 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 35.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 16.667 euros (*) Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 77


Delegación de Madrid: 16.667 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 57.000 euros Total: 274.058 euros Fundación Javier Oriol Miranda: 12.000 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Liberia: 35.182 Entreculturas: 45.000 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Sudan: euros. Total: 57.000 euros 1.013.990 euros.

(*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by 2. Logistic support of the education programme of Gihembe. TANZANIA Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- 08/RW/181 vious years (see previous annual reports). Supported projects, programmes and agreements Amount managed by Entreculturas: 25.000 euros MALAWI Entreculturas: 25.000 euros Local Partner: JRS-África del Este Total: 25.000 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements 1. Defence of the Human Rights of the refugees-Radio Kwizera. 3. Secondary and non formal education for refugees. 07/RW/237 06/TZ/018. Local Partner: JRS-África del Sur Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.319 euros (*) Amount managed by Entreculturas: 82.500 euros 1. Education Programme for refugee, displaced and returned popu- Banco Santander Hispano: 5.319 euros (*) Fundación Mª. Francisca de Roviralta: 50.000 euros lation 2008-2009. Entrecuturas: 32.500 euros 4. Support to education of refugees 2007-2008. 06/RW/236 Total: 82.500 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 238.889 euros Inditex: 238.889 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 3.400 euros (*) Local Partner: Parroquia Jesuita de Dodoma Total: 238.889 euros Socios y donantes: 3.400 euros * 2. Support to school in Dodoma. 06/TZ/226 Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Malawi: Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Rwanda: 238.889 euros. 82.000 euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros (*) Delegación de Córdoba: 10.000 euros (*) MOROCCO (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by

Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Tanzania: -- projects vious years (see previous annual reports). Supported projects, programmes and agreements 82.500 euros. SUDAN 1. Improvement of women, children and migrants situation in Casa- (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by blanca. 08/MA/176 Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Supported projects, programmes and agreements vious years (see previous annual reports). Amount managed by Entreculturas: 29.000 euros Entreculturas: 29.000 euros Local Partner: JRS-África del Este TCHAD Total: 29.000 euros 1. South Sudan Agreement 2007-2010. Supported projects, programmes and agreements Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Morocco: 29.000 euros. Amount managed by Entreculturas: 739.932 euros Local Partner: Fe y Alegría Chad AECID: 716.142 euros RWANDA Cofis: 16.000 euros 1. Support to the creation of Fe y Alegría in Tchad. 08/TD/002 Morgan Stanley S.V., S.A.U.: 7.790 euros Total: 739.932 euros Supported projects, programmes and agreements Amount managed by Entreculturas: 141.724 euros Fe y Alegría Venezuela: 20.000 euros 2. Education Programme for refugee, displaced and returned popu- Local Partner: JRS-Grandes Lagos Fe y Alegría Colombia: 2.826 euros lation 2008-2009. Socios y Donantes: 80.000 euros 1. Secondary school scholarships 08–09. 08/RW/160 Entreculturas: 38.898 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 274.058 euros Other contributions: 149.000 euros Inditex: 274.058 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 78


Otros donantes: 149.000 euros UGANDA Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Zambia: Total: 290.724 euros 30.000 euros. Supported projects, programmes and agreements Local Partner: CEFOD ZIMBABWE Local Partner: JRS-África del Este 2. Construction of a protection wall in the compound. 08/TD/159 Supported projects, programmes and agreements 1. Refugee Education in Adjumani / Moyo. 05/UG/047 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Local Partner: SJR-África Austral Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.333 euros (*) Total: 10.000 euros Delegación de Sevilla: 5.875 euros (*) 1. Support to the refugee camp of Tongogara and to the Transit Cen- Socios y donantes: 6.459 euros (*) tre of Harare. 08/ZW/006 3. Support to the monthly edition of the magazine. 07/TD/179 Local Partner: Escuela Infantil Watoto Wazuri Amount managed by Entreculturas: 66.136 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 30.000 euros C. Auto. de Castilla la Mancha: 58.585 euros Entreculturas: 30.000 euros 2. Support to the nursery school. 07/UG/160 Entreculturas: 7.551 euros Other contributions: 35.536 euros Local Partner: INADES Amount managed by Entreculturas: 11.297 euros Others: 35.536 euros Entreculturas: 11.297 euros Total: 101.672 euros 4. Emergency call for financing the INADES office. 08/TD/142 Total: 11.297 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Zimbabwe: Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Local Partner: Hermanas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús 66.136 euros. Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Total: 5.000 euros 3. Support to the primary school for blind children. 07/UG/315

5. Promotion of the feminine association in Torrock. 08/TD/185 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 13.500 euros Entreculturas: 13.500 euros Asia Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Total: 13.500 euros Entreculturas: 10.000 euros Total: 10.000 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Uganda: CAMBODIA 24.797 euros. Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Tchad: 196.724 Supported projects, programmes and agreements euros. (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Local Partner: Prefectura de Batambang TOGO vious years (see previous annual reports). 1. Teacher training Programme in Batambang. 07/KH/157 Supported projects, programmes and agreements ZAMBIA Amount managed by Entreculturas: 16.667 euros (*) Local Partner: Communauté Saint Ignace Supported projects, programmes and agreements Delegación de Madrid: 16.667 euros (*) Total: 16.667 euros 1. Support to cultural and sports activites. 08/TG/025 Local Partner: JRS-África Austral Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Cambodia: 0 Amount managed by Entreculturas: 15.000 euros euros. Entreculturas: 15.000 euros 1. Regional Advocacy Programme. 06/ZM/020 Total: 15.000 euros Amount managed by Entreculturas: 30.000 euros (*) These amounts are not included in the total managed in the country by Entreculturas since these funds have been covered by Entreculturas in pre- Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Togo: 15.000 Entreculturas: 30.000 euros vious years (see previous annual reports). euros. Total: 30.000 euros Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 79


MYANMAR Total: 12.000 euros

Supported projects, programmes and agreements Europe Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Albania: 12.000 euros. Local Partner: Compañía de Jesús Birmania ALBANIA

1. Support to the Birmania crisis victims. 08/MY/153 Supported projects, programmes and agreements Total amount managed Local Partner: Escuela Media Superior Pjeter Meshkalla Amount managed by Entreculturas: 195.272 euros by Entreculturas for projects 18.016.913 euros Socios y donantes: 195.272 euros 1. Support for school scholarships for the school year 2007-2008. Total: 195.272 euros 07/AL/252 Sent to countries 16.617.779 euros Management expences 1.399.134 euros Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Myanmar: Amount managed by Entreculturas: 12.000 euros 195.272 euros. Entreculturas: 12.000 euros PHILIPPINE ISLANDS

Supported projects, programmes and agreements

Local Partner: Milamdec Foundation Inc.

1. Support to micro business formation. 08/FI/194

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Entreculturas: 5.000 euros Total: 5.000 euros -- projects

Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Philippine Islands: 5.000 euros.


Supported projects, programmes and agreements

Local Partner: Vietnam Service

1. Education support for vulnerable groups. 05/VT/223

Amount managed by Entreculturas: 10.500 euros Delegación de Valladolid: 325 euros Entreculturas: 10.175 euros Total: 10.500 euros

Total amount managed by Entreculturas in 2008 for Vietnam: 10.500 euros. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 80


de, Huerta de la Retamosa S.L., Iarriccio Artes Gráficas, Idea, Industria de Diseño Textil S.A., INESE, Infova, JMCainzos & Asociados, Jp Mor- gan, La Caixa, Laboratorio Clínico Castilla, Librería Geyla, Licorera Albel- dense, S.L., Lola’s Mujer, Luque (aceite ecológico), Macabi Sport, Map- our gratitude fre, Martínez Somalo Embutidos y Jamones, Mazapanes de Soto Segura S.A., Mckinsey, Memifel S.L., Merril Lynch, Minipimer Creatividad, Mor- gan Stanley, MRW, Mundicamino S.L., Nmas1, Notaría de Dña. Carmen Boulet Alonso y D. José Amérigo Cruz, OHL Obrascon Huarte Lain, Ol- To all volunteers, members, donors, volunteers and NGOs, Málaga, Murcia, Oviedo, Patronato de Turismo de la Costa del Sol, San vasoft, OPC Ibérica, OpenBank, Orga, Pan Recor, Papelería Cristina, who, with their support and effort, enable us to give firm steps Cristóbal de La Laguna, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Santander, Torrela- Pastas Gallo, Protelase, Pueblo Inglés, Red Canaria de Escuelas Soli- for social change. To the institutions related to the Society of vega, Valladolid y Zaragoza; Concellos de A Coruña, Sada y Santiago de darias, Regalos Cortés, Renfe, Rico Adrados, Rioglass S.A., S.G.I.I.C., Jesus: Fe y Cultura Centres; schools and universities, parents Compostela; Delegación Territorial de Pesca de A Coruña. Santillana, Serinco Restauración, SIMEC, Telefónica, Toguimar S.L., Tu- and alumni; parishes and residences, pastoral centres and Ig-, Unión Fenosa, Unión Tostadora S.A., Unipapel, Uría y natian groups, alumni, who with their support and confiden- To business firms and entities for supporting our projects and Menéndez, Vinagrerías Riojanas S.A. y Vodafone. ce, make us feel that we are together in the task of working divulging our work and message. for Justice, Solidarity and Hope. To business firms that have supported our campaigns such as Academia de Baile “Mayte”, ADIF, AERTEC, Al Aire Viajes, Alcampo, “Donate your mobile” or the distribution of Christmas Cards. To the associations, professional schools and foundations S.A., Alemany Escalona & Escalante Abogados, Anaya, Anekis Turyo- who have trusted in our work. cio, Aracnosoft, Arsys, Artegraf, Asovino Sociedad Cooperativa, Aspa- To schools and institutes that have joined us in the challen- nias, Banca March, Banco Caminos, Banco Popular, Banco Sabadell, ge of creating Solidarity Youth Networks. Acenoma, Cámara de Comercio de Burgos, Cámara Oficial de Comer- Banco Santander, Banco Urquijo, Banesto, Bankinter, BBVA, BDO Audi- cio e Industria, Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, beria, Bering y Asociados, Biodess Burgos S.L., BNP, Bodegas AGE To the schools who have collaborated with the Action Week Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores de Burgos, Filmoteca Regional de Mur- S.A., Bodegas Campillo S.A., Bodegas Delgado, Bodegas Escudero in the Global Campaign for Education and have worked with cia Francisco Rabal, Fundación Accenture España, Fundación Accen- S.A., Bodegas LAN S.A., Bodegas Ontañón S.A., Bolymer Comercial, their students the need to demand an education for all. ture Internacional, Fundación ALCIL, Fundación Altamira, Fundación Ca- Botse 63, Caixa Catalunya, Caixa Galicia, Caja Burgos, Caja Círculo, jamurcia, Fundación Caixa de Galicia, Fundación Creatia, Fundación El Caja Duero, Caja Laboral Popular, Caja Madrid, Caja Navarra, Cajamar, To nurseries, schools, education centres, institutes and uni- Monte, Fundación Empresa y Sociedad, Fundación Gil Gayarre, Funda- Cajasol, Carlín, Caser S.A., Cátedra UNESCO, CENIT Solar, Cerámica versities that contribute to raising awareness among the youth ción Ignacio Larramendi, Fundación ICO, Fundación Javier Oriol Miran- Hnos. del Río Ruiz, Cerámica Hnos. Pedraza Elcinto, Cervezas Alham- by divulging our education materials. da, Fundación La Caixa, Fundación Lealtad, Fundación Mapfre, Funda- bra, Charo Román modas, Cibersolidaridad, CIISA, Club de Leones de ción Mondarruego, Fundación Pastrana, Fundación Privada Renta Cor- La Palma, Cofis Compagnie, Comercial Rodamco, Consultores de Im- To parishes, churches and religious congregations who work poración y Fundación Roviralta. puestos, COOAAT Burgos, Cophel, Papelería Técnica S.L., Copistería with us. Cano, Coro Aldebarán, Correos y Telégrafos, Cortefiel, Covap, CSA To the agencies and official institutions for endorsing, with Centro R. Servicios Avanzados, Daabio, DDB Madrid, Desmasa, Di- To the media for helping us transmit the importance of Qua- their support, the quality of our work. moba, Dulces el Avión S.A., Ediciones Edima, El Corte Inglés, El Fuerte lity Education for All. de Madrid, Embutidos Palacios S.A., En Clave de Música, Endesa, Eri- Ministerio de Educación; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacio- ka Floristería, Espectáculos Mimar, Farmacia Óptica Carmen García To our suppliers for their professional work and commitment. nal para el Desarrollo; Comunidades Autónomas de Castilla la Mancha, Echeveste, Farmacia Petra Rodríguez Galán, Farmacia Ruiz Seiquer, Flo- Cantabria, Madrid y de la Región de Murcia; Juntas de Andalucía y Cas- res Santa Marta, Fremap, Freshfields, Fun & Basics, Gadisa, Galletas Ar- To the NGOs we work with and carry out joint campaigns, tilla y León; Generalitat Valenciana; Gobierno de Aragón y de La Rioja; luy, Garrilight S.L., Gesprofit S.A., Gómez Acebo y Pombo, Grupo Accen- promoting networking for justice. Principado de Asturias; Xunta de Galicia; Diputaciones de Alicante, Bur- ture, Grupo AVIVA, Grupo Control, Grupo Inmobiliario, Grupo Lar, Grupo gos, Huelva, Málaga, Sevilla, Toledo y Valladolid; Ayuntamientos de Ali- MMK, Grupo Orona, Grupo SM, Grupo Telefónica, Himafesa S.L., His- To the institutions in the South welcome our international vo- cante, Burgos, Cabezón de la Sal, Camargo, Elche, Logroño, Madrid, pania Europa S.A., Hora de Viajar, Hospital Sierrallana, Hotel Cisne Ver- lunteers. Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 81


A CORUÑA: C/ Fonseca 8. 15004 A Coruña GRANADA: C/ Elvira 65.18010 Granada SALAMANCA: Paseo San Antonio 14-40. Tfno: 981 216 858. [email protected] Tfno: 958 27 50 34. [email protected] 37003 Salamanca Tfno: 923 125 000. [email protected] ALICANTE: C/ Gravina 4, 1º. 03002 Alicante HUELVA: C/ Fernando El Católico 2. 21003 Huelva Tfno: 965 208 029. [email protected] Tfno: 959 240 120. [email protected] SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: Rúa Virxe da Cerca, 31. 15703 Santiago de Compostela ALMERIA: C/ Padre Luque 11, 2º. 04001 Almería LA PALMA: C/ El Pilar 8, 2º-4. Tfno: 981 581409. [email protected] Tfno: 950 272 437. [email protected] 38700 Santa Cruz de La Palma. Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tfno: 922 411 833. [email protected] SEVILLA: Avda. Eduardo Dato 20 B, Portal A. 41018 Sevilla ASTURIAS: C/ Doctor Casal 9, 3º. 33001 Oviedo Tfno: 954 635 170. [email protected] Tfno: 985 205 183. [email protected] LA RIOJA: C/ Huesca 39. 26002 Logroño Tfno: 941 287 489. [email protected] TENERIFE: C/ Marcos Redondo 8. 38208. BURGOS: C/ Molinillo 3. 09002 Burgos La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tfno: 947 251 883. [email protected] LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA: Tfno: 922 252 678. [email protected] C/ Dr. Chil 15. 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria CANTABRIA: C/ San José 15. 39003 Santander Tfno: 928 334 154. [email protected] TOLEDO: C/ Alfonso XII 1. 45080 Toledo Tfno: 942 213 450. [email protected] Tfno: 925 258 772. [email protected] LEÓN: Gran Vía de San Marcos 10 bis. 24001 León CÓRDOBA: Avda. Gran Capitán 5 accesorio. Tfno: 987 234 514. [email protected] VALENCIA: Gran Vía Fernando el Católico 78. 14008 Córdoba 46008 Valencia Tfno: 957 497 057. [email protected] MADRID: C/ Maldonado 1A, 1º. 28006 Madrid Tfno: 963 913 990. [email protected] Tfno: 91 577 18 17. [email protected] ELCHE: C/ Capita Gaspar Ortiz 40-entresuelo. VALLADOLID: C/ Ruíz Hernández 10. 47002 Valladolid 03201 Elche (Alicante) MÁLAGA: Avda./ Juan Sebastián Elcano 185. Tfno: 983 393 907. [email protected] Tfno: 966 09 32 03. [email protected] Recinto Colegio San Estanislao. 29017 Málaga Tfno: 952 202 356. [email protected] VIGO: C/ Velázquez Moreno 9, 2º. 36201 Vigo EXTREMADURA: C/ Solano Figueroa 20. Tfno: 986 224 990. [email protected] 06008 Badajoz MURCIA: Pza. Sto. Domingo 2, 2 (junto al Arco). Tfno: 924 24 85 12. [email protected] 30008 Murcia ZARAGOZA: Paseo de la Constitución 6. 50008 Zaragoza Tfno: 968 223 122. [email protected] Tfno: 976 217 217. [email protected] Memoria Inglés 2008 ok:Maquetación 1 18/06/09 8:39 Página 82