UPPER CANADA RAILWAY SOCIETY 2 * UCRS Newsletter • July 1992 UPPER CANADA RAILWAY SOCIETY EDITOR IN THIS MONTH'S NEWSLETTER Pat Scrimgeour Watching Trains Across Canada 3 (Some of our favourite places CONTRIBUTING EDITORS to sit and wait, and wait) John Carter, Art Clowes, Scott Haskill, Montreal—Toronto High-Speed Trains 4 Don McQueen, Sean Robitaille, History • Timing • Distance Number 513 - July 1992 Gray Scrimgeour, Chris Spinney, Motive Power and Rolling Stock 10 John Thompson, Gord Webster The Kincardine Connection 11 UPPER CANADA RAILWAY SOCIETY The Ferrophiliac Column 13 RO. BOX 122, STATION A EDITORIAL ADVISOR In Transit 15 TORONTO, ONTARIO M5W 1A2 Stuart I. Westland Transcontinental — Railway News 16 NOTICES CALENDAR NEW ADDRESSES FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Sunday, August 16 — Streetcar tour to commemorate the 100th Western Canada railway news — Gray Scrimgeoui; #570—188 anniversary of electric streetcar operation in Toronto. A six-hour Douglas Street; yictoria, B.C. V8V 2P1. tiip using a rebuilt PCC cap leaving from RusseU Carhouse on Queen Street East at 10:00 a.m. The ticket price is $22.00. For The Ferrophiliac Column — Art Clowes, 1625 ouest, boul. de information, caU Jeffrey Kay at 416 782-9252 or Jan Gregor at Maisoiuieuve, Suite 1600, Montreal (Quebec) H3H 2N4. 416 961-6605. To order tickets, send a cheque or money order Also, contributions can now be sent to Pat Scrimgeour by to Toronto Transportation Society P.O. Box 5187, Station A, CompuServe electronic mad at address 70613,362. Toronto, Ontario M5W 1N5. READERS' EXCHANGE Friday, August 21 - UCRS Toronto meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the Ray Bryson writes that he has a McClary van heater and CHP Heritage Centre.
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