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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 50, No. 25. Philadelphia, February 29, 1908. Price, Five Cents. THOS.GRAYSEC. JOED£LEHANTY,OF. 0, HARA . Q. F ()J f SRORTIIVQ FEBRUARY 29, 1908 Gravey, Cedar Bapids, la., and Morris Danihy, Ro sign of base ball spring, in the shape of chester, N. Y. passes for the season of 1908. The Lake Shore League has adopted a 1908 cham "A violet by a mossy stone, PULLIAM PLANS pionship schedule, season opening May 3 and closing "Half hidden from the eye; October 4. "A single star, when only cms The Roanoke Club, of the Virginia League, has "Is shining In the sty," signed southpaw pitcher Martin Staley, late of Evansville. were not half as sweet as these early hya INVOLVE NO RADICAL CHANGES The Memphis Club has signed catcher Dan cinths of the national game. Mr. Murphy O©Leary, of the champion Rock Island, I.-I.-I. possesses the happy fa.culty of doing the League, Club. right thing at the right time. Your cor IN ANYTHING. Will Kelly, of East St. Louis, has signed as respondent©s appreciative acknowledgments catcher with the Birmingham, Ala., team, in the are hereby tendered for the courtesies of the Southern League. West Side park; also apologies to the poet if President Carpenter, of the Iri-Stite League, has The Erratic Pitcher Makes His he isn©t quoted just right above. Excepting Will Recommend Bat Two Changes signed John Mullen, the star umpire ot tho 19<J. a little miscellaneous gossip about players P. 0. M.
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