7 24 rainfall, .01. SUGAR. 17. S. WEATHER BUREAU, October Last hours' 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.95c; Per Ton, $79.00. ' Temperature, Max. 83; Min, 75. Weather, fair. 88 Analysis Beets, 9s. 9d,; Per Ton. $80,80. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1856. 3X tcj VOL. XLVL, NO- - 7852. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ALLACH WILL WIRELESS MESSAGE MAKES HALF TURNED DOWN THE CIRCUIT OF THE GLOBE GOVERNOR FREAR moati, 0 i ca a Manila Talked With Sydney, Nova Scotia, Across nequM. Refusal to Petition Expected Today Healer Eleven Thousand Miles of Land nd Ua-i-d Has Already Offered His Services, to and Sea. ey Japanese Emperor. (Associated Press Cablegram.) J. Lor Wallach Is to be turned down least the wing headed by. Fred Weed, SYDNEY, Nova Scotia, October 8. A wireless message, origi- Jay Governor Frear. Such Is the state are going to shanghai the leader into their camp him as i nating in Manila, Philippine Islands, was received it b made yesterday by those who and have their by the operator ment stalking campaign. horse for the It g inside and know at the-bi- wireless station here yesterday. J claim to be in the is also darkly whispered that the Re- the decision to which the Governor has publicans are willing now to take up ALASKA TO POINT LOMA, come. Xo intimation to this effect has the healer and back him in his de- mands, rather than allow his halo to Sbeen given out from the Robin's Eggr SAN DIEGO, Cal., October 7 The President, in Alas- be shared only by the opposition. steamer Blue chamber, but that Wallach and Wallach himself professes to be out kan waters, has gotten into wireless communication with Point Loma, rn petitioner who presented his claims the of all politics In the matter entirely, a distance of 2200 miles. to the Governor will be told within a his prove .'.-:;- AND ft sole ambition being to to an ': ::.. :.' day or two that their matt ii vt expectant "vorld the fact that he 13 ''' Yesterday was a day of records in wireless telegraphy, although the mes- his jurisdiction, being up to the not the fraud he has been dubbed. of sage of the later date so far outracks the earlier one as to make it com- Board of Health,' Is the report from MARCONI, THE DISCOVERER OP PRACTICAL WIRELESS paratively insignificant. When Point Loma caught the message winged through supposedly good sources. The fact, IS TELEGRAPHY. the air from the steamer President in Alaskan waters, two thousand two hun- HSDII M ; .5 too,, that the petition asks that a com- dred miles away, the fact was heralded as a great triumph. But from Manila, " in the Orient, to the little city on North coast . in mittee of laymen should pick out the the Atlantic Canada, is ''I . E.1 STUMBLE nearly eleven thousand miles, nearly as far apart as any two points of the cases to be treated will probably be globe can be situated. w cited as another .reason why the peti SUNDAY BASEBALL MEN DON'T ret M 10 Such a record equals the greatest prophecies of Marconi, the discoverer should be down. ,In .speaking of the fact that one of tion turned of the applied principles of wireless telegraphy. In 1903 Marconi installed his It is quite likely that the answer the afternoon papers had announced rT apparatus for transatlantic work and announced that he would instal apparatus of the Governor will be given to the his name as a candidate for the offlc GATE LIKE t cl AID mlSi SPEED LIMIT for sending six thousand miles, from Italy to Argentina,,. His announcement petitioners today, in order to have it of Collector of Customs, 1 even at that late date were taken with a grain of salt ? over with and the boards cleared for of the Territory A. I C. Atkinson Ten years ago Marconi was astonishing the world by sending messages in the meeting of the Board of Health vigorously denied any intention of England eighteen miles. It was not until 1899 that he managed to flash a mes- tomorrow afternoon.. , seeking the office. He said: Ministerial Union Takes Strong Go on Record as Opposed to sage across the English Channel, and the world at large ' was not convinced . ca Such a turn of events has been pro- -' "Talk of this kind Is foolish. I am Ground Against Any Fixed Rate No New of Marconi's triumph until during maneuvers of the Channel fleet in, col-noun- the the vided for" by Wallach, who will an-- not a candidate for the office of ce very shortly that he has placed lector, and; if you will look at the Latter. Law Required. August, 1899, the ships communicated with each other afc a distance of forty his services at the disposal of the petition asking for the retention of E. miles. In America his first success was in sending messages fronv Naversink - .Mikado of Japan.'""It Is expected" by R. Stackable in- - office, -- you will find highlands to Ponce, a very short distance but far enough to convince the " American Navy authorities of the practicability of, his system. , r3 liis friends that; such an announce-- my signature, and it is specially heav-ine- nt At the meeting of the Ministerial The members of the Automobile . ';-,;''.- . Union held yesterday morning Club do ordi- ; . will create a furor among the ily underscored." ; . strong not think much of the I " native Hawaiians here and strengthen ground was taken against the pro- nance being put through by the Board posal of the baseball enthusiasts to of Supervisors putting a speed I Jiim. Hope slipping fi'om their grasp limit ONE HUNDRED BOXERS will be the more eagerly pursued. Even THE MEETING have Sunday games during the visit of eight miles an hour on cars within Sjefore the interview Wallach had with Bill of the Coast nine here. The objection the city limits. In fact, nhe automo- p the Governor, and before the petition' OF taken is not to Sunday games per se, bile owners and drivers do not think FORFEIT THEIR LIVES of the Home Rulers Was drawn up, 1 cues such as those of the Kalanianaole, the much of any speed-lim- it law, and went Riverside on a. letter had been sent (to Consul Gen- - j . , . and the Kakaako leagues, record at. their meeting last night eral Saito in which his good offices The annual meeting of the churches where no charge is made and where! to that effect. To stop heedless driv NANCHOWFU, China, October 8. Twenty rioter were sen- - the games are purely for sport and ing of a machine the Territorial were requested in bringing the hea'- of Oahu will be held at Waikane, on under tenced to imprisonment as punishment 'for their outbreak against er-- s claims before the Japanese gov- - the other side of this island, beginning recreation. The objection is to Sun- law regarding heedless and reckless day games gate driving Is propose, the authorities at Cananfu and one hundred Boxers, who had been I; rnment. next Friday. The meeting will con- - where the receipts are what they and a The letter was very much along the tinue over Sunday. 1 the principal motive and Incentive. petition to the Supervisors, asking taken prisoners by the Imperial troops, were put to death. line of claims made so often by Wal-- Arrangements have been made to The Rev.' A. C. McKeever of the them to cut out all speed limits or at church, Rev. David of old lach. That he has a leprosy cure which the delegates from the Ha-h- e Christian Crane least let the ordinance alone will among ANGLO-AMERICA- N PROJECT ADOPTED. Anti-Saloo- the Methodist church, Rev. be circulated automobilists is wilUng to demonstrate to the waiian Board and the n and Frank the Scudder of Japanese were of city presented to Su- eatlsfaction of medical science; that League and other similar organiza-a- ll the work the and the he wants is a chance to prove him- - Hons, at the Koolau residence of I elected to membership. The following pervisors at their next meeting. self, which he will be ready to L. McCandless. Among those who go officers for the year wvere elected: There were present at the meeting HAGUE, October 8. The Anglo-Americ- an project for lola after THE terms for a sale of vi. remedies. from here' will be Rev. O. H. Gulick, President, Rev. David Crane; secre- of the Auto Club last night, in the talk . John Cl Woollev. Theodore Richards tary. Rev. Frank Scudder; chairman obligatory arbitration has been adopted at the Peace Conference. up rooms, D. ... jcH Wajlach has by no means given and John M. Martln. of program Rev, A. C. Promotion Committee J. t - the committee, hopes of being given a chance to try f-- - McKeever. Kennedy, H. P. Wood, W. N. Patten, pie hypo salve here, .however. ' J. A. McCandless, R. Perkins, W. H. ; CRUISERS ON TARGET PRACTISE CRUISE. on liis little and WILL NOT RETURN THIS WAY. and" petition Balrd, S. R. George "R. Car- SAN FEAirCISCO, October 7. The cruisers Charleston and St. Louis and Prior td his application A private letter hag been received home via Honolulu, and desires to no- Jordan, ter, have, sailed Magadalena Bay target he discussed the possibility of being from Congressman John M. Eeynolds tify his many friends here whom he Dr. Herbert and Alexander the gunboats Perry and Preble for for express-- , Young, proxy.
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