Genderbending ready, gesell, go! MIkE Gesell rETUrnS aS LOCAL DRAG KING TROUPE I.C. KINGS WIll Iowa HEads Into THE BIG PERFORM AT A BENEFIT FOR THE DOMESTIC TEn tournaMEnT. SPOrTS VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROGRAM. 80 HOURS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 THursday, MarcH 14, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ UI police numbers robust Regents OK housing The UI will sign a private contract to replace Hawkeye Court and Drive apartments, a move that will raise rent. By stacey Murray
[email protected] Affordable housing at the Hawk- eye Court and Hawkeye Drive apart- ments likely won’t be quite as afford- able next year. The state Board of Regents passed its first contract with a private con- struction firm Wednesday, charging Dallas-based Balfour Beatty Campus Solutions with the task of replacing the aging apartments. The replace- ment, however, will increase rent. The apartment buildings, first oc- cupied in the 1960s, primarily ac- commodate graduate students, inter- national students, and students with families. “It’s something that pains me, but this is our best option now,” UI Vice UI police Officer Eddie Cardenas scans the monitor in his squad car on Wednesday. Cardenas, one of the newest additions to the force, has been employed by the President for Student Life Tom Rock- department since Dec. 1, 2012. (The Daily Iowan/Sarah Sebetka) lin said. “I started this process saying we need to make it affordable, but it The University of Iowa has 45 sworn state-certified police officers, more than other state schools.