Annual Report of the Arabian Mission Year 1935
RABIA No. 174 JANUARY-FEBRUARY-MARCH 1936 “BELLUMS" ON ASHAR CREEK IN FRONT OF MISSION PROPERTY Annual Report of the Arabian Mission _ for the Year 1935 E d ite d b y M r s . P a u l W . .H a r r is o n Yale Divinity Library i New Haven, Conn. i i The Arabian Mission REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA A n l 25 East 22nd Street, New York City Officers of the Board of'Foreign M issions Rev. Edward Dawson, D. D., President F. M. Potter, L. H. D., Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer Rev. L. J. Shafer, Litt. D., Associate Secretary Rev. W. J. Van Kersen, D. D., District Secretary MISSIONARIES Rev. James Cantine Stone Ridge, N. Y. Emeritus Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer Princeton, N. J. Retired Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Bamy Kuwait, via Iraq Evangelistic Work Rev. James E. Moerdyk Amarah, Iraq Evangelistic Work Rev. and Mrs. J. Van Ess Basrah, Iraq Educ. and Evan. Work Miss J. A. Scardefield 25 E. 22nd St., N. Y. C. Emeritus Miss Fanny Lutton Amarah, Iraq Emeritus Rev. and Mrs. D. Dykstra 174 W. 15th St., Holland, Mich. On Furlough Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea Kuwait, via Iraq Med. and Evan. Work Rev. and Mrs. G. J . Pennings Muscat, Arabia Evangelistic Work Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Harrison Muscat, Arabia Med. and Evan. Work Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Van Peursem Bahrain, Pers, Gulf Evan, and Med. Work *Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms Baghdad, Iraq Educational Work Miss Sarah L. Hosmon, M. D.
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