
SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION *++++++'1-1"1 1'1' It n~ OOLLBGIS ' ~'I' 1"1"1"1-1'1"1' 1,1"1"1-+* are at pr~nt thirty-three BY atlonal college f.raternltles T~~ P.A.!Pr.H ~~D9.W.~N with a total membership A total of 1060 active and Volume 8 iOWA CITY, IOWA, WEDNtsDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1909 Number 174 chapters with 800 chap­ is found. The sororities are in number with a member- UNIVERSITY DINNER TODAY: 000. There are 285 active WEAVER IS TOAST~lASTER. chapters. The profes­ fROLIC A SUCCtSS: MANY RtSI6NA liONS VARSIlY IS YIC10R: U .Al'nl't.IAA number about 50, found in both professional l. A'S. lit MtDICS Governor Carron and Regent Murph)' ACCtPTtO BY BOARD H ltd Hawk y Alumni BfATS ALUMNI 210 1 institutions of techol- Speakers. t'\t l' r FOUR THOUSAND PEOPLE WERE NEW DEAN OF WOMEN NOT AP- PIT ' IIEIt ' PRESENT The annual alumni uulverslty din- POINTED YESTEItDA1'. Ir. W. O. Flnkbln of ner will be served in the Methodist L. A. '7 , L. ' 0, was I Good Stunts Put On-:Races Hotly church parlors today at 12 : 30 P. M. Board of Regt'nts In 1"1.. 1 Ion Po,. d nt ot lb nlv rllty at Iowa Alum- Contested--Great Entere8t Flnlsbed the Tranlillcuon of Tickets tor the dinner may be se- nl A 10 I tlon at tb annual m tlnl ManJtestOO Year' 8u In "",u hoal cured at the alumni headquarters.

nt, III an aIr \llh l rd a! m !'Dlo for ol n aDd b n lb nt a t lb ol • ratloll

ed. buJld, to build." That Is the Noblest Arrlving at the grounds the senior Art of all the Cratts"-Longtello71. L. A. aggregation gave a paraphrase Toast, "The Promise of the Fll- of the witch scene from Macbeth in ture"-D. D. Murphy, '87. "To busl- whi ch olel note books, themes and Th ness that we love we rise betimes and Classification In General Subj cta, other rell(,1! of university days were Flnkbln , D MaI n go to It with deJlght"- Shakespeare. Summer School tor Library Trlllning. fed to the flames. fra. W. Toast, "Women of the University" Adolph Rlngeon, L. A. 'OS , ot Following the witch f!cene the med­ Julia E. Rogers, 'S2 . "The eternal Ridgeway, Assistant in Animal BIoI- les organized a clinic In which one feminine that doth draw us on"- ogy. Clarke, a victim of Iowa City board­ r Dr 8 ntatJ v, CharI Goethe. Donald B. Davidson, of Davenport, lug houses was the patient. Dr. "Cy" Moln a; ommltt on staU I LI c , J . Toast, "The graduates: An educat- Undergraduate Asistant In Animal Strong performed the operation ably W. Rich, A. 11. Gal, and Mra. 13. F. ed citizenship," Governor B. 1'\ Car- BIology. assIsted by some score ot muscular Shambaugh; ExecuUve Commltl • roll. Greetings ot the class ot 1909. Roscoe D. Taylor, L. A. '11, Iowa medics who were required to hold the Mrs H C Hor ck C W W "We have some salt ot youth In us" City, Undergraduate Assistant In An- . .. a, . . patient as the anesthetic was ad- d Urs C E o---h ' ta -Shakespeare. Imal Biology. an ...... """ or, r ry ball r p lla, can­ ministered and were later kept busy Response for class ot 1905-Realtr tor two year.. lUll lUra Troth, lo"'a John B. Oregg, L. A. '12, of Ba- the rl bt ard n. handing Instruments to the operator. City; Treasurer. O. H. Brain rd, Ottesen, 1S09, "Towering In tbe con- warden, Storekewer lu Animal BI­ bl lot. wlCh The more delicate parts of the oper- Iowa City. fldence of twentY-Gne"-Johnson. ology. tbe alumni and caulb!. hi 014 t am ation were performed with a short Toast, "Ten years of Hawkeye," F. C. Bro'jrn, Instructor In Phy,lcs. I' 8word and handsaw while the rougher Womea ()ganllllbel' Mea mat , Poyn r, In ,0001, fublon. Pres. Geo. E. MacLean. "It 18 greatly lIax LucilJesh, A,sl.tatlt Inetructor 81pll1ratlons were made by means of . 1D the HllIor clua of ODe bundred ColJln, w nt bInd tb bat for lb. wise to talk of our past hours and in Physics. and afty .tudenu In the CoUe,e of nr,ltl and he held up O'Br1 II .. a garden rake, a spade and a pair aak them what report they' bore to YOU Dr. Marlow A. Shaw, Alllilrtant pel' orderw. of blacksmith tongl. A woeful ltate LoberaJ Alta metl YOUllI women heaven."-Young. ProfeBBor at Engl1sh. of atralra was found to exist In the wlll receive Iheepaklnl wh.Jl oall IU- lo"a ltaTted th COUOUD, P Charlotte Louise ReIChmann, B. A. The raUo ill tlI. tllJrd whea a tempOruy la patlent'8 anatomy. After many dis­ Recept.lOD for 8tudflllta t1 meD are (J'&duatea. Chicago '00, Inltructor 11l German. b~'" the _-" by Yelil r aDd a wild b T lIy eased portions of the body had been Student members of the Young ._ ...... - MilS Reichmann has ~n Profenor olld Bueman Carberry ltarteclthlDP cleverly removed and Aung to the People'8 Religious Union of the Uul- of German 11l Upper Iowa Ullheralty 'Wl'01l, unUI two rna were recUtere4. waiting crowd the ope~ator announc- tarlan church "ho craduate from the slnee 1908, ~d h.. dOD. eeT8n1 ed that a live parasite was the cause Uulverslty thll year were given a re- JOaI Bille Tlaompeoll, 1.. A. '07, BedltaJ and HemmJa",., were th years at graduate work, two yean two TUIlnerw to mak. tile .... ata4. ot the trouble and pull~d forth a full ceptioll by Dr. Loring following the was married I&It eyelllill at I oclClCk of which were In Berlin alld Heidel- III the et,latb lDAla, "Ul the Ill.. good, useful, and '[own rabbit. Following tllJs dlscov­ regular Sunday evening meeting. to Mr. Fred Stayus, L. '00, at the ef! the patient recovered rapidly and Pre:;byterian church. Both are real- chinery wOTkiDI lmootlllJ. Brrut. elpresaed hlmlelf as ,reatly beneflt­ &0& to 0bIeaI0. GUlta., J. Neuman, B. A. Wartburg dente of Iowa Cltl aDd are weU the Ihort . who had bee. cuttllll t8il. Mr. Ralph Root who has been an '07 , AulltaDt IDatrlletor ID Genoall. k.llown In UIlI.,entty IOdal drdee. olr hlta with ltartllll, oae baad ato~. instructor In the mathematical d~ Mr. Neuman hu been a Il'aduate ete, bobbled a grounder olr Cuber- l The first of the field events was Amon, thoee from out of the clll partment of the unlvenity for the student In the UIlI.,enttr of BerUD ry'l baL Y r, with a do or 41. the tub racee. This wu won by the In altelldanee were: Mra. Gearse last ftve yean, leaves tomorrow for slnee hll (radution from Wart- expreuion, aJammed the ball hard MediCI, Wesley ftnlshlng an eU)' ftrst BroWD and daqbter, Eve111l, Olue- ChIca,o where he will purlue gradu- bur,. and Carberry aeored the JOD t&1ly. followed by Strong. The tubs proved land, Ohio; ROia ThomPlOD, Sbaclalr- ate work In the unlveralty. too small to carry the contestantl (Continued OD Pace Four.) vlI1e. 0.; All.. Thompeoa, Xauaa la the Jaat. .-loD Kirk led olr willa Mr. Root who received hll m.... City; lin. A. C. Pahonl and daup- a hit. bat w.. caapt. by CoUlM' 10 the ruling 'Was made that. every ======look alike. tel'. decree Irom Iowa 1< Monday Dian was to get there with hll tUb. 1,,1"1'1 1'1 I I I I 1I11 1++++ tera, lIarperite and Belen, Vinton; atrolll rilht arm at aecoad baae. hall done emclent work In hlB depart­ The result cauled conalderable amus~ + Todar" ~ + u4 IIJas Gertrude lIatlon, CIlJc:&&o. ment. TIle aeon: lDent. + 9 A. M.-Commencement. ad- + ABRBPOA. RlIa IIabe Good R4ICOI'd Medics and Liberal Arts tied for 81UDJDe1' 8euioD Nest Week. + dreu, Harry Pratt. JuclJOn, + lIc:Greror, Sb a 0 1 2 • • Gradaatlq from the UDlvenitr of honora in the greale pole contest. A With splendid Indications of an In- + prealdent of the uIlIvenlt7 of + Yealer, .. 4 0 1 0 1 I Iowa In 1907 Philipp B. R1ts. for- Kl" well oiled pole extended over the wat. creased attendance the lummer 18. '+ Chlca,o. (Armol'1). + rA, c- 4011110 Ud 2 Th 1%'.10 P. II.-U-.-nt••• L merlyof thl' city, after a year with BumeatoD. lb. 4 0 0 • • 0 er an d th e con t ea t an t was to reac h 810n 11' I11 atart mon ay, June 1. e + aI.", OJ AU"' + " ith si d (Ueth-..... + a firl& ot COrpo1'&tiOD la1r7erw ill ~~ Poneel', P. 400040 th e uag at the end 'W out u ng hi. term lasts unUI July 11. + umnl Inner. - ","",' a 0 1 0 0 0 handl In the crOlllng. L.L church). tha,e, 110., paaI8d the Iowa ltate bar Voe., rt. o + Storey, d. 2 0 0 200 8eIdor Bop Ticket.. ... ' 4 P. lI.-PreI1dent'l ree8p.. examlnaUona lut week, and ID eepo. Cobb, It. In the p1ll0w race honors went to + a 000 0 0 Tickets for the senior hop this UOD. (Prel&dut'. hoaee). tember be wUl become the head or Carberry, 2b. Ingham of the Liberal Am. He and + + 310 • 1 2 Deeml, of th' Medic. were utride evening may be obtained from any + 8 P. M.-Beaior bop. ( ....- + the commerclal departmeut ot the Total 30 1 4 S4 ., 4 line of new member of the commlt.tee or at the + 01'1). + new Indulltri&l hlch IChooi at Eaat -,;",;;..------(Oontlnued on Pace Four.) door of the &rmol'1 before the part)'. I 1_1"1,1 I I IIII III 1.++++ Waterloo. Iowa. (CoDtlDlled oa ..... Iou) I...... U just arrived \ , - SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION

THE DAILY IOWAN ++-1"1"1' 1"1"1,,1"1"11'+++++++ VOLUME !:S NUMBER 174 "ALUMNUS" POPULAR: Make Your Dates + + BUSINES~ EI ry l1Iornlng except Ra!lIrdayp so at> not to conflict with the bIg + DIRECTORY + . SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION c.luJ Mondays. Of tbe Videttt::-Raport· + + er the fortieth Yl'l\r and of the S U PUBLlSHfD BY ALUMNI ++ +++++++++++.;.+++++ GET ACQUA INTED PICNIO 1. Quill the seventeenth year. four Issues during the acaden 1\10 'THLY 1\IAGAZrNE HAS ENJOY­ Physicians EdllOr-ln-Chltlt tor all the colleges at ot 1903-4, which made It of a HERBERT 1\1. HARWOOD En PRO. PEI10l'S GHOWTH. Desk Editors un. ClIAHLES S. GHAXT hundred and eighteen page Monday ...... Lloyd G. Norman Physician and Surl!;eo u. Founded in FilII of 1003.-Hhtol'Y of high standard which the e( Tuesday...... Frank F. Swan Brighton Beach Park Ollice 171h lJuhu(Jlltl Sl. Wednesday .... P. E. Van Nostrand It'! Bcginning.-An l')l-to-dute Hesldtlnce 229 Sum wit Sl. ,chief set to r his magazine 1 Thursday ...... Leon Smith Publlclltion. SEPTE MBER 23th, 1000. Doth Phones popular with the alumni and · Saturday ...... G. 1(. TllOwpsuu Associate Editors ed to fill the lon g felt want. lJR. J. G. MUELLER It C. Langland P. N. Haugutelln (By Merton L. Ferson.) eod of th e year . It had pal ' R. C. Puckett . Physician and Surgeon The Iowa Alumnus, which was publication and Its success Karl D. Loos Paul S. Colller 10!)¥., ll. Dubuque St. Both 'Phonel FJdltorlal Writers started as recently as the fall of The Right Grocery assured. H. P. Smith Chester A. Corey Women's Editors 1903, has become a well established 111 S. Clinton I DRS. llEAN & BOn,ER '-'j The letters received from Practice limited to Diseases the India Goodman Meta Raney and highly creditable periodical ot compli menting the magazine Grace WOud Fannie Kocb IS Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Reporters which the alumni ot the university Both phones log Its continuance were ene George A. Rice Walter S. CardeIJ would now regard as Indlspenslble. I The .' Right Place F. L. W VE, 1\1. D. aod emphatic, but on", Whl: "Of all that Is good, Iowa aaords For some time before its publication the monotony was pubIlshe the best." to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHING CO., began, the alumni felt the need of Throat. June number, 1904, and I Publishers (Incorporated) oome so rt of a periodical which would Buy Staple and Fancy Office with J . P. 1>1 ullin, M. D. here for the same pu r pose.1 RO BERT B. PIKE . . . Business Mgr. The African Lion keep them In touch with each other Groceries DR. DONOVAN worthless old tbing Is sent to Address all communications to THE DAILY IOWAN, Iowa City, Ia and with their Alma Mater. After Physician and Snrgeon year, I shall send it back at Dennis Teefy, Mgr. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose Throat 1 Entered as second-class mall mat- graduation the tendency Is for the and Chest. expense. It is not worth real ter, November 12,1903, at the post- office at Iowa City, Iowa, under the members of the class to separate and Office 117¥., S. Dubuque St. Hou" It does not go far as klndlll 9-12 a. m., 2-5 p. m. Sunday 9-11 my name, or make your act o~ Congress of Marcil. 3, 1879. when they become engaged In the and Mr. ROOBevelt now occupy so Both phones. Per Year, paid before Nov. 16, $2.26 \'arlous pursuits to torget the bonds I much space in the ,Papers that I REIClIARDT worth Its space on my she l v ~ Per Year, paid after Nov. 16, $2.76 created by their association In COl-I had to read up on hons. Dentists At the Alumni business mJ Per Semester ...... ' .. $1.26 I find t t he differen.ce between THE Per Month ...... 40 lege and their common Interests 1904, tbe Alumni Bureau of Per Single Copy ...... 0006 . a jungle lion and a society lion is CONFECTIONER IlH. JOHN VOSS, lJ. lJ. !I. tlon was organized, whose Otlice-23 East Washington Street, The Alumnus has done a great that the former doesn 't know how ~ Both Phones deal not only In preserving this bond to put on .h is clothes, while the Palmetto Cq.ocolates Our"Speci- 2 20 ~ K College St. , among other things was to (Under Name of Iowa City Citizen) latter has to k now or employ a I alty, All Candies Home-made. Both phones. Iowa City, Iowa. the Iowa Alumnus. The mag of friend ship between alumni but also valet. • I Ice Cream made in All Shapes turned over to the newly cr COMME CEMENT. in strengthening the loyalty of these It helps a lot to h ave one of our I and furn ished for Parties and Qflteopatbs Commencement Is the time of alumni to the University. combination cases or dresser I Receptions. reau by Messrs. Plum an with a subscription list of home coming for the alumni. There The first definite move In launch- tr.u nks, and as for -ups-tbe II All Latest Drinks DRS. WASHBURN & WASHUURN k lOd we have all ready for you to Is no other time so auspicious. It Is Ing the periodical was a meeting at on are so much better than B. E. Washburn, D. O. hundred paid up subscribers Evelyn S. Washburn, D. O. the. period when the renewal of rela- the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rich Iany you can buy for the price any- from all Incumbrances. The Office and residence, 102 S. Linn St., managers of this bureau co tions Is best effected. It awakens tile attended by Miss ~ate B. Rogers, N.I whtere tyelse' inthquality, fit anid cobr- Iowa City, Iowa. Both 'Phones. I rec s l e, a t you w ll e James G. Berryhill, W. O. old Interest and loyally for Alma '62, Prof. H. G. Plum, L. A. '94, John astonished if you are not already a B, A. WICKHAM Mater. G. Bowman, L. A. '99, Percival Hunt,l convert to Coast & Son's duds. Real Estate Carl F. Kuehnle, Benj. F. S It is not mere sentIment to say L. A. '00, and M. L. Ferson, L. A. '00.1 Silk and opera and all the! architect and Builder and J. J. McConnell. rest. SALE AND RENT:-Large list or · During the summer of that the alumnus Is carried closer to There was a consensus of opinion that I am the Office Boy and this is T.lAng DIs t ance Ph one...,. 21 [. city residences, vacant lots, and his college days. There Is no doubt an alumni journal should be started, Ithe Coast store. ~ Al umni Register was Johnson Co. Phone 746. farms. Also ptocks of merchan· 1 that the spirit of an outgoing class but the Alumni Assoclallon was not mainly under the dlrectlo dl8e. , is not catching. No wan can breathe organized in such a way, nor Indeed IOWA CITY, IOWA H. G. Plum. This register deeply of the atmosphere now pre- had it signified a desire to assume the to all the subscribers of the vadlng Iowa without feeling the sig- financial responsibility of publishing , Ce M~ RENO I and a.lthough it 1s now ou MuggS:f, with 11 0", Washington St. I nificances of the purposes and ideals such a magazine. It was decided that It was found to be a very u IIcaUon. During the comi of his Alma Mater. Messrs. Plum and Ferson should on The Iowa Electric Try the Dally Iowan want col­ But the need of the alumni to be umn for results. new register will be pubU here il! not merely personal. He unites Repairing Co. talnlng the names of th 206 SO. DUBUQUE ST. the Iowa of yesterday with the Iowa grouped by (1) classes, (2) (3) alJJhabetical list of all of today. He is a living example of We buy and sell the v.alue of Iowa training. He is an This new register will be SEOOND lIAND CLOTmNG A Nl> Inspira.tion to .those who are about subscribers. . to follow him. In the fall of 1904 the First class work guaranteed a.t reat!­ Commencement without the alumni "TREMONT" was made monthly by the onable prices. would lose half its meaning. They are editor-in-ehlef; Mrs. Kate B. Rogers, The style of the seasoa agers with H. G. Plum as a part of Iowa just as much as the N. '62, Alum ni editor; John G. Bow­ MASONIO NOTIOE seniors a.re. !fhe love that the alumni man, L. A.. '99, and Percival Hunt, L. ARiROW Iowa Ott)" Lodle No. f, A, F. & A. I\l. show, for Iowa makes It Impressive. A. '00, University editors; M. L. Fer­ W. M., R. L. Dunlap. COLLAR It make.s one feel that he is a part son, L. A. '00, and H. G. Plum, L. A. LOST:- Plain band gold ring. ., "at. nch -. lor IS ... Secy., Bruce Moore. Cluett, Pubod, a: Compu,. ~ of a real university. It seems to bi nd '94, publishers; M. L. Ferson, busi- Leave care of Iowan. 6-17 Regular Meetin(, third Monday at o~ e closer to Alma Mater. ness manager and L. W. Dutcher, as- LOST :-Plaln gold bracelet. Leave 7:30 P. M. No, Iowa warmly welcomes her slstant buslnell8 mana!,er. care of Iowan. Reward. 6-17 Special, Thursday evening, June alumni. Their return makes com- Since the ma!'aziJ1e was started so FOR RENT:-Room for the sum- Eb 17, 7: 30 p. m., work in Third Degree. m&ncement one grand reunion wherel late In the year as December, only mer. Enquire at this office. 6-16 ======they learn over the aims and ideals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ Th of. the university. The seniors In turn learn what It means to remain an Iowan and live in the world at large. The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Commencement now is surely a Wants live, capable men to sell its popular policies in Iowa. The pay great week for Iowa University. The is liberal, the work interesting and affords an excellent opportu~ity to •40 TRAINS Cony returning alumni give her the sweet assurance of a loyalty that Is perpet­ Make Money During Vacation ·DAILY and HOURLY SO g Interested In the lateet newI' It'•• ual. It promises well tor Greater For information regarding your home ~itory write to step Iowa. Between Btock of YOUII( men'. Oxfordl. n., H. L. WILLIAMS, General Agent are a master's work in which .. wdfa Room ... and 41 Wlaltaker BaUdlatr '. Iowa in New OrpalgHOD OIDAR IAPIDS Davenport, Iowa take the greatest pride and are pJao. lowa'a College of Dentistry is one '. Inl before the public with enthu'" -AND­ of the charter members of the Dental astlc praise and fullest guarant" .. ~~~~~~~======~=== Faculties' Association of Amertcan lOW A a I T Y" being by tar the bellt U .60 and ".0' Unl"ersltles, organized at PhiladeJ.. Sabins' Educational Exchange man's Olford In Iowa City and .. aver phJa June 5. Michigan, Harvard, HENRY SABIN FOUNDED 1893 ELBRIDGE H. SABIN Via ' rood as any other In the world for their Pennsylvania, CaUfornla and Iowa Finds positions for University graduates and University trained teachers the price. in Iowa and all of the other northwestern states, inclnding Wr.shington the are members. The purpose. are to , and Oregon. Calls frequently indicate a preference for University of INTIRURBAN promote unJform curriculum. and Iowa men and women. For information address equal I I.A:ILWAY At MORTON'S ralae the 8t~ndardll 'ot teachln,. Henry Sabin, Manhattan Building, Des Moines, Iowa Oor. OliDtoD aDd WubIqt.oa I&. jt wi ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ideal .. The ODI, Geaulae PJatiaum + + SPBOIAL RA.T1118 + + Replu 'Made In the at, + + TO ALL 8BN1088 + t+++++++++++ TOWNSEND~S STUDIO ++++++++++++

... """"""...... ALUMNI EDITION

11-1-'+-1-+-10+-1-+-10+++ + + , S~ DIRECTORY + + SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION. j.}ooi-+-C!-I-·io+oIo·:-oiooi<~ ++ four Issues during the academic year edltO~Therem~nd&~fue~ftr·I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of 1903-4, which made it of only one mained about· the same except that I hundred and eighteen pages. The E. C. Barrett, L. A. '06, became Uni- W. A. Preaident clnn and SUT~eon. ny. 1. A. ·LA, AlIt. Oubier high standard which the edltor-In­ versity editor. Since that time the 1 7 ~ Du bUljl1e St. l nce 229 Summit Sl. chief set for his magazine made it magazine has gone on much the same M. 1. MOON. Vice President GEORGE L. r ALl[, Ouhier popular with the alumnl and It seem­ year atter year, but continually grow· \

J. G. MUELLER ed to fiJI the long felt want. At the Ing In size and In the number of sub- clan and Surgeon end of the year .It had paid for Its scrlbers. ubuque St. Both 'Phonee publication and Its success seemed Pro!. Plum con~lnued as edltor-In- .. assured. I chief for two years or until June, Johnson County Savings Bank I The letters received from alumni 1906. During 1906-7, H. G. Walker, I ted to Diseases of the complimenting the magazine and urg- L. '06, became secretary of the board Noso and Throat. , Ing Its continuance were encouraging of managers and managing editor of lOW A CIT Y, lOW A and emphatic, but ODt! which brokf- tbe alumnus, he being succeeded In the Eye, Ear, Noae and the monotony was published In thtl tbe summer of 1907 by M. L. Ferson Throat. June number, 1&04, and Is quoted who still holds that position. J. P. Mullin, M. D. here for the same purpose. "If the I The magazine has been especlaJly CAPITAL $125,000.00 SURPLUS $120,000.00 worthless old thing Is sent to me next fortunate In bavlng for alumni ed!- year, I shall send It back at your own tors, Mrs. Kate B. Rogers, who acted Statement at the Close of Buaineu, February 20th, 1909. 1 expense. It is not worth reading and as such for the first five years of Its It does not go tar as kindling. Erase Ilfe, and Mrs. E. W. Rockwood, who I RESOURCES LIABILITIES my name, or make your magazine has been alumni editor during the I I worth Its space on my shelves." past year. Naturally this department Loa.ns and Dia~unta .. $1,763,097.94 Capital Stock ...... 126,000.00 At the Alumni business m.eatIng In of the magazine Is of mest Interest to I 1904, the Alumni Bureau of Informa- its readers, and these two who have I Overdrafti ...... 17,841.42 Surplus ...... 120,000.00 tion was organized, whose function been alumni editors have mad the I U. S. Bonds at par ..... 20,500.00 Undivided Profit. " " " 16,834.87 among other things was to continue most of their opportunity. It Is this ' Iowa City, Iowa. the Iowa Alumnus. The magazine was department which largely accounb Banking House ...... 20,000.00 DEPOSITS ...... $1,935,649.46 turned over to the newly created Bu- for the popularity of the magazine. Real Estate ...... 21,600.00 reau by Messrs. Plum and Ferson Those who 1ave been connected Furniture a.nd Fixtures. 1,500.00 & WASH8URN with a subscription list of about five with the magazine and not herein be­ hundred paid up subscribers, and free fore mentioned are George Banta, L. Due from Banks...... 263,808.39 from all incumbrances. The board of A. '06, and E. C. Robbins, L. A. '10. managers of this bureau consisted of I The board of managers at present Cash on Ha.nd ...... 94,136.58

James G. Berryhill, W. O. Finkbine, cons ittS so. J J . M c Conne, II L .. A '76 , Carl F. Kuehnle, Benj. F. Shambaugh Carl F. Kuehnle, L. A. '81; L. '82, Total ...... $2,202,484.33 Total ...... $2 202,484.33 ]fat of and J. J. McConnell. IEuclid Sanders, L. A. '74; L. '76, W. vacant lots, and During the summer of 1904 the O. Finkbine, L. A. '78; L. '80, and W. Alumnl Register was published T Sh h d L A '83 n .n Ftocks of merchan· I ' ep er, " . •••• •• • ••• mainly u. nder the direction of Pro!. I A vo I ume 0f th e magazI ne now con- or a laborat r H. G. Plum. This register was sent talns about three hundred pages and OKOBOJI LABORATORY to all the subscribers of the Alumnus, it compares favorably with any sim­ ~ RENO and although it is now out of date, IJIT~D BY ALUMNI dertaklng wa made by the alumol Dy tb t rm. of tb 11 0 ~ Washington St. lIar publ1cation In the middle west. It I twas f oun d t 0 e a very use u I pu - SUPPO1\ L organization through the a(,uon or b f b I IIcaUou. During the coming year a Ihas been the aim of the board to pub- PROFESSOR l\IACBJUDE BA KEJ) Its x cullve commllt e who b am Iowan want col· , new register will be publfshed con-II1Sh as good a magazine as was possl- BY LOCAL GRADUATE . lint rested In th Id at Prot or Macbride to IItabllllh 10m kind of talnlng the names of the alumni ble with the money at their disposal grouped by (1) classes, (2) 10Calitles,I trom subscriptions and advertising. Novel Insotution Started at IMe Ok. a school In connecUon wllh lh uni­ (3) alphabetical list of all graduated./ N h oOOJi Prodact of Alamnt Enter- Iverslty at Lake OkobojI. Aft r mucb o attempt as been made to make a This new register wlll be sent to all pri8e. deliberation it wal d Ided to pur· profit on the magazine. With the sup- subscribers. ___ Icha e the E. B. Smith property on attend d to by ttl nd In Jowa In the fall of 1904 the magazine port It Is receiving It seems likely to The history of the Okoboji Lake- lIlIIer's Bay at th w t xtr mlty who took lbJ opportunity ot m tlnl{ I "TREMONT" was made monthly by the board man. become even stronger In the Juture side Laboratory founded by the alum- of West Okoboji Jake. The money th n ro ty of tb alumni h If ay. I style of the seasoIl agers with H. G. Plum as managing than It has been In the past. ni of tbe university under the dirac- was advanced by c rtain alumni wbo N t'f Inatrum nll alld apparat ~~~~~~~~~_ ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iptfuemalt~ln~lbeband'~pro~ from th unJ, r t1 and ARiROW Macbride. are now heln, Inltalled. Aa to lb : :': :; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :.. COLLAR I This locaUon was found to be de- work I ., eeota eacb -. for IS .... slrable (or t!:3 Rudy o( lb natunl P ..body" Compu'...... sclencell for several r uon.. It occu­ pies a position of remarkable intere.t (rom aU view polnll, ,eolt'8phlcal, may b EbEorrRICITY hlltorlca] and aclentillc. Geo,raphlcal· Iy Lake Okoboji constitutes a part of lIupportln, and II The Silent, Forceful Agent in the famous Wisconsin topography of Inorthwestern Iowa. All th lIOJ'I'Ound· Commercial Pursuits ling lakes are glacial, traces of the emcJent m 11. wbo bu oa dlsUncl- latest ,ladal innalon of Iowa. Th Ion III fue Icl ntlllc world. 1llCld.Lo& Electricity is recognized as one of the greatest Iregion Is very rich III laulla ud luch m ~ as Prof. acbrld. Prof. conveniences of modern times. Its application ~ is 1I0ra for OOtanlcal reaet.rcb, richer CalYlo, Prof. Wyll , Prof. BbJm k, that In runnln, struma. Prof. Kay ud Prof. Balley.f oe so general that to eliminate it would be a backward Geologically the region II of the IlD- College. It'•• est, especially illteresUng to all IItU' TIl., step that would mean an enormous loss to the dena of gladal phenomena. work fa which .. welfare of the world. to be enrolled 11 aIm greatest pride and are p\aoo The Il'ouads them.l,es Included ed and Ilia hljbly probable that ..uy the public with entbu'" The people of Iowa are fully aware of five acree of land. partly eonred. wtlll 11 and fullest guaranl" .. aty treell with a frontage of five hundred far the beRt U.liO and ".01 the conveniences and advantages of electricity, and feet on the lake ebore. A bOUie, sev­ In Iowa City aad II a very large per cent are now using it for lighting eral smaller bulldinp, & power plut 80 promote Inl r-eollegtale (rind­ their homes, as well as assisting in other ways in and an Ice house were already there. sbJp, be Id atartln& a n 11' Impet The real estate was then taken In In aclenWic r areb, ud be.Ln~ lh the work of the house. As a power it has no charge by a stock compuy incorpol'. social headQ.uartera of an UllIT mtJ equal --always ready t will pull all you can load, do at Dell Moines. Among the ill. people who may be llpending the IUm- it with tlispatch, is clean and ecOnomical - • The corponftors were Meaara. W. O. Fink- mer at Lake OkobojI...... ,.... &.'...... and J. B. Weaver, Jr•• of Des ++++++++ ideal power • . r + Moines and Hon. EIl.n. Suders .f ALL BBNIOBIJ + city, who are at present backed WUlIam ll. Loomis of La Gru~ •• +++++++++ by tbe aulmnl assocIation flnanclng m., editor of tbe La Grange CltlseIl propoBltlon. The amounl of tatl- ud a form editor of the Vldelte

tock 'Was, nollarge but It was nf- Reporter, 11'81 a ,"Iilor ill 10". ClfT BooSt to cover the pureb8le price of yesterday. He gnduated In the cl'" /

Page' SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITIm p John W. Cogswell, Assiatan Obstetrics-College of Homeot iedicine.

W. L. Fulton, Inst~ ·r-tor ill (Contrnued trom Poge One.) aerlptlve Geometry and Drawing , AU of these resignations an, cUnations are elfecti ve at the 01 the current year, excepting Earle's which is effective August Various minor repairs. and Board of Regents. A. G. Worthing, Instructor in Phys· v:ovements in the University 1 Resignations and Declinations. Ics. jIJgs an'l about the campus we: thorlze~. Total 29 2 3 27 11 1 tions. It was round on 'addlng up ory and Practice. cHnations were accepted: Prosthetic Dentistry. Srore ~innin~: p~n~ th~ ~e U~rnl Ar~ and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 R H E Medics had tied for honors and there· I I Alumni 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-1 4 4 ~t Iowa 0-0-2-0-0-0-0-0-x-2 3 1 fore the names of both classes will 0 woe d By An AI umnl· tJ OC k emO' pany ' Summary: Bases on balls, off Poy- be engraved upon the Regents' Cup. M&~dO'Brl~2. S~uck~~~ D~H~ryJ.PrentiMw~h~~u~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O'Brien 12, by Poyneer 10. Passed balls, Kirk 1, Collins 1. Wild pitch- of the exercises expressed himseJt es, O'Brien 1. Umpire, Purcell. At- as very well pleased with the way the tendance 200 . Stolen bases, Bechtel I, McGuire 1, McGregor 2, Carberry different classes had entered into the 1. spirit of the day and made it a suc- cess. The Elder Daughter of the Univer­ Ha fROLIC A SUCCfSS : sity served a picnic supper on the grounds to the old alumni. It is plan­ L. A'S. Tlf MfDlCS ned for next year to have Frolic Day th (Continued trom Page One.) take up the entire day. Lunch wlll the greased pole each man armed be served on the grounds. The pleas­ with a plllow. Ingham persistently ant manner in which the first eVEl'Ilt knocked his opponent onto the under of the sort passed argues well for v side of the pole but had great dif- the day in the future. ficulty in dislodging him from that position. The obstacle race was run in MANY RfSI6NATIONS I, three heats, the finals were won by AC(-=PTr:D BY BOARD Mark CatJ1n for the Laws. John Huff l L finished a strong second for the L. (Continued from Page One.) A. S. A feature of one of the heats ______was when Rolfe Whitnall stuck in Abram O. Thomas, M. S. Iowa '09, the suspended barrell. The barre II of WJlIlamsburg, Assistant Instruct­ collapsed holding him fast ana it re- or in Geology. quired vigorous efforts on the part of S. B. Goodenow, M. '09, of Battlc State University of Iowa's New Lakeside Labol'atory at OkobojI. Io",a . , W eall Belong to the Same Class-The Best Ever .

. . This Is Your Urgent Invitation Don't Pass The Door - Firs The objeot of this ad is to reach just as We do not ask a long visit-·not necessar­ many as possible of the visiting alumni and ily longer than you could profitably spend PETER A. DE' friends of the university with an invitation ,. looking at our display wiadows--but we do GEORG~: W. B~ that they visit this store while here. We have , ., want you to get through the door. Glance lived for fifty-one years directly under the ,'(,"·',·,',W/._ ·'·U ,I down the long line of sho,Y cases which hold vision of the greatest educational institution our hundreds of ; look over the assort­ in Iowa, and we believe that the interior of ments of colors in the neckwear dep8rt- ~ Capit this store reflects, to a great extent, the ment Then around on the other iide are tastes of the men of this school. No business our hat cases, just running over with the SUrpl1 man is greater than his customers' tastes, but latest things whidt the Stetson and Knapp­ we have done our best throufh all these Felt factories have done. and the big de-, years to come up to the tastes 0 the univers­ partment for the little men, the members ity men and so we want you to see what thIs of the cl~s of 1915, if you please, and • IS. outing garments. . ) Farm~

c' , . PETER. A. DEY I '., A Welcome to all Alumni ,. "I No· Price But Peace Make Your Dates Here tyou can aet the aradudee". com.m.ence- w~ carry the ..me d"l of clodwtl fOl Capital, " 'meat rIIt from ·... men we ihra,. did-the beet Surplus IECIAL ALUMNI EDITION SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION.

with no deflDlt E. Gordon, Acting Assist­ John W. Cogswell, Assistant In ALUMNI of work. The of Civil Engineering. Obst~trics-College of Homeopathic Asson AT ION Medicine. maintained by the AssocJatlon BOrne manag m nt th Hospital and prin- w. L. Fulton, Inst~ ·rtor In r~- NOW WfLL OR6ANlZfO little time before that, but not until gr atly Iner aeriptlve Geometry and Drawing. ALUMNI BUREAU OF I~OlUfA- 1903 was It completely reorganiz d and I, on a p yin, tlnanelal b I . nJ . , Caretaker Ranney All of these resignations and de- During the TION ESTARLISHEU with a new board ot managers, wblch clloations are e/fectlve at the close -- now oontrols tho publlcaUon. Th or the current year, excepting Miss Bur au ot Jnrormation WII ry, Instructor in Chem- "AJuumus" ControUed by Association F.arJe's which is effective August 1. composition of the managerial board lIahed with h dQuart r In 10 . -Also Published Alwnnl Various minor repairs and im~ at present Is as tollpwl: M. L. Fer- Instructor in Pbys· Registers ~:o vements in the University build- Bon, '00, editor; Mrs. E. W. Rock- j I1gs an1 about the campus wet' au- Until six years ago the Alumni wood, '92, AlumnI editor; E. C. Rob- a board of mana, ra a rolla ,: J. on a IOlJd roun tl D. It 1 D Demonstrator of J. McConnell, '76, Carl F. Kuehn! • poaed to or ani a Joint t thorize~. Association was loosely organized. bIns, '10, University editor, and E. ~e======~====-~ ~- ·8~L'8~E~M~~'7.,~~,~a_WI~~'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;~~~ ·76,W. Q ~nkhln. ·7, L' O,W. ar"' 5 u. ~I W T. Sh pherd, ' 3. r ta· This bur au hal dono much In pro­ moting and unifying th Int r sta ot

to tbe varioul n "'Ipaper, ot tb oJD • Pr at te regarding unlv ralty lIfalr ,Ind 12 nt. ao has Iwakened a Ir at r IntH t W. D. Ev n , Hamp OD, In th progr 81 of th In.tlt~t1on . Pr 112 nt.

Have You Considered Id nt. . K. the Convenience of a O. H, Drain rd. 10 .. a It,. T Water System 10iD • Al ommltt :-F. . .n· t'laud 1I0rark. II nrr In the Home Pineapple Week FEE .. E Will Be Continued IoW"a City Water Company One More Week A.rl tho". w1,0 have bou,"t 0.".plneJ at thl.r aI. #tow tMJI are "alU/icd. t Ever "Occident" Flour Is the Flour for thO!e who apPreciate ~e best bread. Do not be mi led when others tell you they have a flour that i as good as • 'Occident. 1/ There is nothinl that will equal "Occident" and you can soon be convinced ITIO fN6IN[(RS 200 SIRI SPECIAL ALUMNI EDITION GRADUATES ARt

way 12 41 8 8 2 0 .195 ROUSING HOl\lECOlU}N(j MfOAl TO BfCHTll: Hook 12 41 5 3 3 4 .122 HELD LAST YEJU Team average, .927. TlAM AVlRA6lS .255 Fieldbag Enthusillsm of Al)plied SoleI PO A E Pct. Special Banking nl Evidenced in Mllny " GOOD "SWATl'lNG" BY KIRK'S Value Their Degl'Ct l\ffiN Bechtel 1!-3b 8 4 0 1000 Co11ius, rf 7 5 0 1000 The engineers, who nOl Four Men Over .SOO--Fieldbag Aver. Thompson, cf 3 3 0 1000 Facilities for Students about two hundred al~mnl age .927-Bechtel Bas Perfect Hemmingway, Ib 128 3 2 .99 3 five of whom are alumni ( Record in FIeld McGuire, cf-2b 18 15 1 .971 live years, are an enthus Hook, c 96 22 5 .959 loyal lot of men. A letter t, In spIte ot a slump In the last tew Burrell p 6 16 1 .955 from one of the older mel pmes, Bechtel finished the season Kohl, 3b 14 11 2 .926 been asked for a small ser with the fine batting average of .333, McGregor, rt-ct 9 1 1 .9 09 college, contains this statt and thereby won the Kirk medal, of- Hanlon, p 8 12 3 .. 869 it is not already plain to ; fered by the coach for the hardest Stewart, 2b 9 9 3 .857 understand that my time; bitting on this year's varsity. - O'Brien, p 2 13 3 .833 are always at the commanl taln Stewart has the best average, Bryant, ss 13 15 6 .824 your department." but his injury prevented him trom Team average, 927. participating in two-thirds of the Last year, through the games, which was one of the con­ Mr. J. G. Spielman, ex 'S ditions attached to the giving of the neer's homecoming was hE medal. The little leader was going TfACHIN6 POSITIONS though the summer time at a .389 clip when he was hurt. The fOR 1909 6RADUAT~S the busiest of all times ( same rule held In the case of ColHns, for engineers, sixty-three I who hit .366 in three games, and SPLENDID PROSPECTS FOR TIDS gineers and their ladies, I Thompson, who got .315 in four and YEAR'S CLASS. the homecoming banquet a two-thirds games. their old associations and t The team as a whole batted .255, l\(any Seniors Have A.1rea.dy Secured experiences since leaVIng a remarkably good average for a col­ Locatious tor Their Llle Work Mater. It was an enjoyal lege aggregation. The fielding -The List. ~ spiring occasion and it is record was .927, with Bechtel again make the homecoming a I' Fine teaching positions have al- We have installed a card ledger system for keeping students' and transient ac­ the real leader. He did not make a men cement event once in 'eady been secured by members of the counts and stand ready to give you prompt, courteous and efficient service. sUp In ten games, in part of which he The o'ld men value the senior class of the University of Iowa. was in left field and in the rest at grees. Seven returned fOl In the latest class to be added to the thlrd base. Thompson and Collins IOWA CITY STATE BANK fessional degrees last yeE alumni wlll be found many pro spec- a]so have perfect averages for the tive professors and instructors and Cor. Colle"e and Clinton Streets games In which they played. The the good locations secured shows the ...... _ •••••••••••_ ...... 1••••••••• ___ •••••••• ()fficial averages follow: Batting efficiency of the University of Iowa I!!!!!~======~======~====~======~ school education. Baughman, Ocheydan, LaUn; Li9bie Caroline SchichtI, Audubon, English; Bentley, Sanborn, English, Latin; Games ab h I' sb sh pc. - The 1909 graduates will be scatter- Hruska, Decorah, Latin; Harry P. Fred W. Johansen, Audubon, Prln- Jas. O. Perrine, Normal, Cedar Falls, Stewart 5% 18 7 6 6 6 .389 ed far and wide. Many are located in Smith, Audubon, Supt.; Ida Hoebel, cipal; A. Bess Clark, Bellevue, Prin- Physics; John Buchholz, Normal, Colllns 3 11 4 2 0 1 .366 Conway, Ark., Science; Ina Scherre- colleges and universities but the ma- Fairfield, German; Ellen Filean, At- cipal; Minnie Platt, Willow City, S. Thompson 4 2-3 19 6 1 1 1 ,315 beck, Pomeroy, Principal; Beth Port- Bechtel - 10 36 12 4 8 5 .333 jority w!l1 teach in high schools and alissa, grade; Elsie Kahler, Reinbeck, D., English; Edna Benson, Brooklyn, lock, Manning, Science; Sara Talbott, McGuire 12 45 13 6 7 3 .289 grade schools. 1 8th grade; Vernice Keerney, Osage, English, German; .ueuel H. Sylvester, Bedford, Latin; Elvero Pierson, Inde- Following is the list with the name, Grammar; Elmer Godown, Esther- Penn. College, Education; Sadie Hol- pendence, Science; Jeanette Grissel, O'Brien 5 21 6 4 0 1 ,285 6 4 3 .261 place and subject In the their order vllle, Science; Walter Hayer, Falr- iday, Waverly, English; Jessie C. Grundy Center, English. Bryant 12 46 11 3 0 2 .231 gIven: Josephine Berry , Monticello, field, Chemistry, Physics; Florence Richter, Decorah, Supt.; Henrietta lJurre)) 8 2-3 26 6 Homck Will Speak. AT Xohl 10 41 9 10 7 3 .220 mathematics; Lottie Thedens, Ham- Mingus, West Liberty, Latin; Etta Schrup, Denison, German; Mary L. At the meeting of the Iowa State burg, Latin, German; Nellie Matt- Smith, Wellman, Science; Elsie Cer- Woods, Denison, Science; Lena Gree- .cGregor 12 H 9 7 6 6 .205 BaT Association, which will be held A Hanlon 22-3 10 2 0 0 0 .200 hews, Newell, LaUn; Nellie Fisher, ney, Manning, Latin, German; Carroll nan, Bancroft (Parochial l{. S.>. at Marshalltown on June 24-25, Prof. ~ Muscatine, German, Botany; Julia KIrk, SImpson College, Athletics; English; Neva PrIor, Mapleton, Lat- "Bemmlng- H. Claude Horack of the College of \ In; Frances Crawford, Denison, Eng- Law wlil read a paper on "Tenden· , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~~~ li~; F~renooWalle~ Charl~ Cit~ cl~~L~~E~~tio~" History; Wm. L. Carberry, Moline, Dean J. H. WIgmore of Northwest­ Ill., Science; Chas. L. Simmers, Uni- ern University Law College wlll gi,e verslty ot Wisconsin, Ass't. in Edu- the alumni address. Judge Bolinger Big Profits Without a cation; Bertha Wllliams, Hawarden, who is president of the State Bar JJ. Mathematics; Louis L. Hill, Monona, sociatlon Is an alumnus of both the Supt.; Lydia Heery, Eagle Grove, Hls- College of Liberal Arts and the Col­ T" Invested Inquire of tory; Ora King, Bellevue, Latin; H. lege of Law of the State UnlveraItJ , Hale Smith, Harlan, History; Glen. ot Iowa. S1 ql s: == Have o

I You Ever Noticed 1 What a Comfortable, Conrmial Place The Athens Cigar Store is to meet your friends? If not, it is time vou came 1 IOWA CIT¥", I@WA in to ret acquainted. . FIRST OF ALL-We give you the most courteous treat­ ment; whether your needs .re large or small, you will receive the same attention. Laraest Jewelry Factory ID the ' U Ited State•• ma. actarlD'J complete line of Gold FroDt ~nd Gol~ fillitd Jewelry. THEN - We carry the most complete line of cigars, pipes, smoking and chewing tobaceos-In other words, we aim SOUVENl to keep just what you want .and ke~p it in the best coo­ All doods dqaraJtt~ed ••, 0 ....1U,y./ ~or~n.4 :.d, ..~.~r ~" . ditiod. CASES, ~ the ~w plDa off : . " Your Money Back If t SatJ.fled." \ t f. . ,;. ..J _, .. ' "1.1 ~r· ) in ! • . ETC., A\iAIN· we. lay, cOllie in and get acquainted. I merit. of oar plaD. UMORRC t . "Mack'§" Place " f


year nine professional degrees Willi fNGINffRS 200 STRONG: be granted. These degrees are ~ow I, - ECIAL ALUMNI EDITION given for the same qualifications that 6RADUATfS ARf LOYAL admit a college graduate to one of GEO. W. KOONTZ, President W. E. SHRADER, Vice-Pres. WAS the national engineering societies. RO USING HOl\IEOOl\UNG J. E. SWITZER, Calhier J-l1!lLD LAST YEAR The enthusiasm of the alumni Is alw evidenced by the establishment Enthusiasm of Applied 8C1ience AJum- of the Thomas J. Cox prize ill engl- g n11!lvidenced ill l\luuy Ways- neering, by Mr. Arthur J. Cox, C. E., I Value Theil' DCgl'eeS '91, LL. B., '95. This is the largest ents The engineers, who now number prize offered in the university and is Citizens' Savings about two hundred all.\mni, seventy- awarded annually to the author of five of whom are alumni of the last the best thesis submitted for th,e bac- I five years, are an enthusiastic and calaureate degree in engineering. The I [rust loyal lot of men. A letter to the dean theses submitted are professional pa- I and Co. from one of the older men who has pel'S of high merit, In almo&t every \ been asked for a small service to the case the design of an important struc­ BANKERS college, contains this statement: "If ture. water supply system, or sewer I it is not already plain to you, please system, o~ a design for a power plant, understand that my time and energy electric light system or electric rall­ Capital $50,000.00 are always at the command of you or road. These theses submitted to the your department." old graduates for examination have Last year, through the efforts of brought many words of commenda­ MI'. J. G. Spielman, ex '87, an engi- tion and congratulation for the high neer's homecoming was held, and al- grade of professional work now done Do a General Banking Business though the summer time Is usually in the college. the busiest of all times of the year Sell Drafts on Foreign Countries for engineers. sixty-three persons, en­ gineers and their ladies, gathered at Randall Purrish Hel'e Loan Money on Real Estate the homecoming banquet and renewed One of the" commencement visitors their old aSSOCiations and told of their is Randall Parish, the celebrated experiences since leavtng tne Alma author and journalist. Mr. Parrish Mater. It was an enjoyable and in- Is one of the best known of Iowa's ~ spiring occasion and it is proposed to alumni. He graduated from the col- 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET, IOWA CITY transient ac­ make the homecoming a regular colb.- lege of law in '79. He has written service. mencement event once In five years. many widely read novels, two of his The old men value their Iowa de- best known works are "The Lady of grees. Seven returned for their pro- the North," and "When Wilderness NK fessional degrees last year, and this Was King."

Sanborn, English, Latin; Normal, Cedar Falls,

Ark., Science; Ina Scherre­ , Principal; Beth Port­ Science; Sara Talhott, AT MORRISONS' JE'WELRY

Uon, which will be held A on June 24-25, Prof. ~ We always have been the LEADER of all the NEW things in Horack of tile College ot \ VERSITY JEWELRY and Souvenir Articles of the Better Qualities

. H. Wi~more of Northwelt­ but this spring we .,are showing more Novelties th~n e\,er before. Law College will gill! address. Judge Bolinger resldelnt of the State Bar M- is an alumnus of both the Liberal Arts and the Col­ Twenty.five different styles of , EatiteJy new desi&ns in "IOWA tt at the State University "IOWA" Pins Sari Pins SOc Sterling Silver and Gold Filled qualities . . 2Sc, SOC, 7Sc Pins To Same in Solid Gold . $2, $2,50, $3 SOLD . CoD. Pins $2.00 One dozen different styles ' of ONLY S. U. L Souvenir Tra)s "IOWA Hat Pins" Undoubtedly the best selling Souvenir Article in the city. Can be used f~ In Sterling Silver and Card Tray. Ash Tray. Pin Tray, dr. Filled qualities BY $9.00 a doz., ~.~ for 6, each 75c

The Athens Cigar Two dozen different styles of US .' it is time you came s. U. L Sou... SterIiaa Siln.. "IOWA Fobs" TeaBelb Swell new sbapes, odd colors. MOlt of our designs are exdDlive .... A fine little useful article. Makes a etc., . 250, SOc, 75c up to 15 courteous treat­ can be purchased nowhere else daiDty lift I $1.00 smaD, you wiD

line of cigars, pipes, words, we aiJD it in the best coo· SPECIAL ALUMNI ED!TION

• relation of Pioneer Ideals to the State ament." University in his Phi Beta Kappa ad- The third YETrfER'S BIG STORE dress last night In the auditorium. were played this morning and Is displaJing a varied assortment of exclusive styles in He deilned~ioneer.iideals as the con- suited as follows: Miss Alice Mueller Is enjoying a que&t of the wilderness winning a Third round-Van der Zee a visit from her mother. Fine Handkerchiefs for the Graduates and basis for social growth, as the ex- ed Bond 6-0, 6-0; Miss Beth Brainerd of Iowa City is Bride-to-be ploration of new fields, the dJscovery tea ted 1\1oon 6-2, 6-2; John T. pledged, to the Pi B~ta Phi sorority. Gur lines are amply equipped to supply almost any demand. of new trutijs and as the spirit 01 defeated Harwood by default; ~ Mr. J. ,-M. Junkin, '79, and his wife An abundance of dainty patterns is shown in fine Embroid­ the individualist, seeking to improve defeated John W. Bailey 6-3, 6-3. ered and Lace Edge. Also hundreds of other pretty styles. and daughter, Dorothy, of Red Oak his condition by SE'izll\g the OPPol'l.tlni- Semi-finals-John T. Bailey defee are commencement visitors. ties which nature freely spread out ed Brant 6-0, 6-0; Van der Zee de­ Mr. Henry G. McClain '03, and his before him. The Individualist gather- feated Sharrard 6-3, 6-2 . bride are visiting his parents in this ed wealth In great masees until the PRESIDENT OF IOWA ALUMNI eUr. [~~J Ideal of democracy was born from the . POSSESSES SPLENDID REOO) Miss Anne Harwood of Evaston, fear that It would pass away. Continuing this thought the speak- TIt, Is the guest of MJss Helen Irene Gilchrist, toget~er witll Mrs. assistant chief engineer of the Colo- Mr. James ,B. Weaver, Jr., th Swisher, L. A. '09. Eggert of Charles City and Mra. Den- rado snd Southern railroad A din- er said, "The pioneer Js turning to year's president of the Alumni legislation to preserve democracy, Mrs. F. W. Bailey, formerly Mise son of Union, Iowa. Th ~ senior nel' was given Monday night by Mrs. sociation of the State University now that democracy is n9 WllkJnson of the University HOSPItal, Theta PhJ's are the Misses Louise Charles H. Dayton at he. home on longer Iowa Is a man of prominence in 11s visiting old friends In this city. Beucher and Edna Benson of the Summit ' street and yesterday other sate guarded by free lands." 1state. He has established an l He then emphasized the work ot lent reputation as a lawyer durl Miss Katherine Buzbaum, L. A. '08, UolJ.~ge of Liberal Arts and ?ollsr, .l1a- social functions wllre hel" by the ' Is visiting In the city. She has been bel Eggert or the College of Law. tlass. the State University in pre&eTvlng Ihis practice in Des Moines, his pre . teachJng In the WashJngton (Ia.) these Ideals, saying In part, "The t h • j The cIa''! of 1899 h£':", Its reunion Ien ome. bigh school the past year. State University may become the most M W bAt at tbE; Jt. ;rames hotel fl!8terday r. eaver was orn ugus J Rev. J. A. Walburn of Colfax II Alumni In 0Iaaa i{t'untoll!t. effective agent In preserving those 1861, at Bloomfield, Iowa. morD.1ng, enjoying a breakfast. In the city to visit his daughter, In- accordance with t1.o annual CIIS- pioneer Ideals of enduring worth. It tended the common schools and 1s extending Its activities to amellor­ Helen, a member of the Liberal Arts tom of the classes for every five uated trom the Southern Iowa craduating class. yenrs back have gatherer! for com· SeDlor Hop Tonight. ate the lot ~f the average man by Im- mal and Scientific School located lIrs. C. H. Stephens, '58, of Omaba mencement this year. The class of Arra1)gemen.f,1r have been co~- proving agriculture ,and Industrial his home town. Atter his grad! ls attending commencement and vis- '7':)18 the first that Is able to ~ather plet~il fOf' We annual senior hqp Iprocesse ! ; by furnlehlng experts and Ition lie clerked In a general etore . I.ting friends and relatives. Mrs. its forces together this 'year nn4 a tonight In the university armory and, I training leaders It gives the oppor- ord er t 0 earn s u m cie n t f un d s t 0 p Ste(lhens was a member of the first dinner was held last night. Three of Cha1rman Carl Kiger has announc~d ItunJty for the ablest to rise. It safe himself through the university. 1I0rmal class to graduate from the t'le four living members ot the l~n- special efforts will be made to Induce Iguards democracy by Inculcating love He entered the law department . other member of the class JIVing. !!ineerlng class of 1884 returned for alumni to attend the social funCtion., of service to the state and by ed,,- the State University In the faU

The following visitors for com- their twenty-fifth reunion. They are The gallery will be open as UB- I catLng society to other types of ex-) 1881 and completed tbe one yea "IIencement are guests at the Sigma Gharleli H. Clarke of Dt:!I.Molnes, All- ual for thoBe wishing to tb,e ceUence than the accumulation of course, graduating with the class Alpha Epsilon house: Walter Myers, "alom Gale ot Mason CHy and Ed- dancers. A charge of twenty-five ! great w,ealth. However, Its work Is 1882. He Immediately went to. wor MuscatIne; Mrs. Pierce and daugh- ward }j'. Vincent of ejlnver. The other cents Is made to spectators. The pat-! menanced by Its very 8uccess in con- In the omce of Barcroft and Gat! ter, Edna, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. n1llmbers of this clas91n tho englneer- ronnesses this -evening are: Mrs. G. vlncing all interests that it is an attorneys at Des Moines, which .French, Humbolt, Iowa; Mrs. Roll- ing dl'partment were the late Prof. . E. MacLean, M~s . . Mabel M. Volland, 1nlluentlal force In modern Ilfe, for entered as a law clerk. In80n, Hampton, Iowa; Graham Charles S. Magowan of Iowa City Mrs: S. Hi Bush and. MI8s Gregory. this arouses al1 classes to try to con- The tol1owlng year, after the 111 B"fley, Clarion. and Mr. Constant L. Gillis o.f Spo-: ,'~ trol and shape its activities in the firm had been dissolved, Weaver" ;88 Gertrude Branson enter- liane, Washington. Mr. vJ:lrke Is ABLE ADDRESS BY TURNER: Interest of their particular class. If taken Into partnership by Col. Gat' tafoM the Theta Pbi Sorority yestel'- pnb:Isher of the Iowa S;ate Register I' TELLS OF PIONEER IDEALS. this danger can be avoided the Statl' and the firm of Gatch and Wea, , day morning at a farewell breakfast. and Farmer, Mr. Gale is a banlcel' University has a great future in the was organized. In 1885 Judge Vi The guests of honor were Mrs. C. F. and Mr. GUlis, a broker. Mr Vincent I Professor Frederick Turner ot the American democracy." lIam Connor became a member

Ansley, Mrs. Sterns Coldren and Miss alone is In engineering worl{, being University of Wisconsin outlined the the firm and this firm continued \l

til the death ot Col. Gatch in ~8' Since Judge Connor's death In 19t Mr. Weaver has continued In I practice alone. BAILEY OUP IS PRESENTED T.O Mr. Weaver Is for the present y{ ~ --- We Want VAN DEB ZEE. president of the Des Moines Golt L Country Club and president ot 1 Every Young Man John T. Bailey '90 of Albin, Okla., Iowa Branch of the American Natl" I J' won the annual commencement ten- al Red Cross Society. He la alsi In Iowa City ---- nis tournament by .defeatlng Jacob member of the Prairie Club, dile -to investigate our offering of stunning Van der Zee, a member of the unlver- the most prominent literary clubs sltl faculty. The final match was fast the 8tate and held its presidency t, new summer 8uita that we secured at and Interesting, Balley winning the rears ago. ndical price conce88ions from leadine first two sets by a sCOfe of 6-4; 610. Mr. Weaver has l1eld .many po., .akers in America- The cup for which thl! tournament tlons of trust and honor. He 18 0) , ~You really cannot appreciate what the was played was offered by Mr. Bailey, ot the best known lawyera In 1 • values .re until you see these prments the winner. However it was announc- state, having alw~ys enjoyed a s.j for yourself- ed previously th!'t the Becond man cessful practice. He hal been a II ' would receive the prise ahould Bal- al friend and supporter of hlB air Snappy and •'up-to-the-miuute" .ui~ for meD aDd youa( men-all the popular colora au4 fabrics iu suJt& worth , ley win, and Van der Zee will take mater and an enthuaiastlc memlJ the cup. to $22, and these are at your disposal" 514.7:> of the Alumni AllsoclatJon. In this year's tournament twenty- In Mr. Weaver the Alumni As , Another lot contains suits worth up to ,IS and ,18 and one men were entered. Thll 18 an In- elation has an excellent pre81de your abaolute choice at 59.90 crease over last year and the tourna- and during hJ8 admlnlltraUon t ment throughout wall of a higher AS80ciation has Increued materia SPECIAL SHOWING OF V.\CATION Clas8 than the 1908 event. More Inter- and enjoyed a proBperou. year. eat was taken not only by the players CLOTHES FOR THE LITTLE FELLOWS but by the ItudentB, alumni and fac- LUI5T:-Small brown pune In 11 ' Por the boys' "acation. you'U want good strong serviceable ulty. The cup will be offered again park yesterday. Finder pleale Ie' , . olothes-we hive them worth up to ~ and your next year at commencement time. at Iowan omce. choice of these at 51.65 "I wall much pleaBed," Bald Mr. FOR RmNT:-Modera furnl8b ' Bailey, "with the Improvement IhOWD room for lummer. No. f E",t Pr. ADClther lot contains the best makers' product worth ;r over last year'8 tennla. The avera,e til street. to I6-Your choice at 53.6:> was much better and there were more LOST:-A Itrla, of coral beall ,I . aftJ Individual players of ablllty. The In­ FInder return to thl. omce. Rewarr , .b. creased Intere8t In ten nil at the unl­ 6-16. SBVEN STORms: Dubuque, ! Chicago, Dell Molnel, lVerslty II ITatifylnr to me and 1 LOST:-At clty park, lower p, Freeport, Cedar Rapldl, hope It wlll conUnue. Next year I of ,old watcll fob, Includln, chI! Dayton, Iowa City. expect to be back If P0811ble and I with monog~am E. W. K. am hopln, for an even larger tOllrn- thJ. omce.

Alarge line of new f suitings just arrived lJ