Xkelastf Nday of the Mills?Factory Salepromisesß Are Bargains
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.... 1" * ?? \u25a0 _ ? v -y*r: *&\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? \ _ v - ... ' . ' r ; v % * 10 TTAJR-RTRBTTBO STAR-INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 25. 1915. XkeLastF nday of the MillS?Factory SalePromisesß are Bargains V No Friday Specials Women's Hose Women's Shoes Colored Dress Goods White Crepe Swiss Insertion Basement Specials Sent C. 0. D. or Mail or 10c an( * t an cotton $2.00 gun metal calf and 75c Shepherd checks. Spe- 15c plisse crepe for under- Swiss Embroidery Inser- 10c combination can open- hose fashioned feet. Special patent leather button shoes; cial Friday only, yard, wear; ; 45* 29 inches wide; fine tion, Ito 2V 2 inches; values ers. Bach, 7* 'Phone Orders Filled. Friday only, 6* full toe lasts; heavy stitched 75c grey Panama, 50 inches neat crinkle; needs no iron- to Special Friday , 12M>c. 0 s *ee il butcheri i ts Dives, Pomerov & Stewart soles. Special Friday only, wide. Special Friday only, ing. Special Friday only. only, yard 5* , ? . \u25a0 U & 50c £»" & 98c aluminum skillets. Spe- ? m Dives. Pomerov Stewart, striped granite cloth; Dives. Pomerov Stewart Street Floor. Bath Towels *> navy csal >" street Floor. , inches Wide; and Street Floor. 69* . bla, k S ec,al Vritoj on\y 25c bleached Turkish bath M w , \ - P $T.75 umbrella stands. and hem- yard towels, large size _ 37*4* _ _ Special, ! $1.49 25c tan silk lisle half hose. serge; navy; ????????? med readv for use; in all 89c in 50 Boys' Raincoats, 87* , ~. ~ , , Special Friday only. Special Friday only,12 V,* Women S Shoes Special Friday white. inches wide. Cowboy Suits Boys'rubberized Special, *. *.. n e raincoats, T. .?4M 15e ' $3 50 patent colt button >' 69 < sizes 8 Stre°e t F°loo?. ; Boys' SI.OO cowboy Outfits, 6, and 10 years, $1.50 75c floral cut glass vases »\u25a0 Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. and lace medium long *I.OO Roxana crepe; in all Special glass shoes; including shirt, pants, lariat vaJ ue. Friday only, nP( .iH the new shades. Special Fri- i \ascs^ Street Floor. vamp lasts ; Goodvear welted jjat pistol and neckerchief' 87* 8 ' * Stewart "D ' Damask Napkins Inf.n, s M2 t<2 . fine ribbed "«-JT IS Si.f Fri° cot to n a nd wl hos ?; P ink 50c all linen damask nan- . }Y dav onlv. vard. .......95* 24,24 Lowney Cook kins *1.50 ..vv B 54inches Men's Cordnroy Books sjjuar., .rge, ? , ? infants' Shoes Trousers More than uro reeipe, street Pl.or. T Men's tr Dive., Pom,r»7 k SMwart. »ljoo tan «oat skin button (ljio silk 40 inches 40 inches SDecia'l'pri' $2.00 and 12.50 cor. Stmt Flow. Doi.lin: wide! shoes; lasts; day ? wide toe hand wide; all new sprint-shades. only, yard, » S", « , turnsoles; wedge heels, sizes ........85*./ sizesif in30 to 42;S cuff bot- formerly *I.A,.SV Special Fri-i^' Special Friday' only vard, t '»»»'an; fnday Corset Specials Ito 8. Special Friday only ''94* SP«"" day only .19* Sed Spreads Conti. eorse» «. d.yonly.y.rd .85* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, , 8 t&oO light weight satin wjh 89c black serge o4 inches Secon Floor, Rear-3 Elevators. Friday only, yard, __ a oul'» Street Floor. cial 1 cial Fridav- onlv 98* Marseilles bed spreads; full 69* wide; all wool. Special Fri- ?????? ??? size patterns. 500 embroidery trimmed ur Does. Pomeroy & Stewart. day only yaril i and assorted * 75< Special Friday only, 51.39 brassieres. Special Friday Street Floor. Wompn'* ' 1 8 ??? 1 t®"Dives, Pomeroy 35< I & Women's Handker- i Stewart ' ' ' p Sheeting and Muslin I an wool, opeciairri- I ?? & I slß.dO coats in F ts-Dives, Pomerov Stewart widlfan^'S^dar^wme, cheviot, Zib- ~214 yards wide. SpecialJ'Yi- White Remnants 75c crepe. Plain hemstitched black Canton handker- navv black and hrnwn s n( .. " day only, yard, 22<* chiefs and Remnants of voiles, fancy Special Friday only, yard, handkerchiefs cial onlv <BO "SO I with one corner embroidered, Fridav Toweling 10c unbleached muslin; 39 crepes and values 10c - Pnfflnc. lawns; , L' ClUCed inches wide Specia i Friday to 15c a yard. Special Fri- ltly S ?-' ed; fl!r " 1 "', V 0<) aiR POats in 7c brown linen finish tow- $2.00 black broadcloth; 54 . - ,!]f] and loc. Special« Im-i-: $1^ J eling; 17 inches wide; for Ruffles of lawn or embroul- only, yard, 7< day only, yard 5< inches wide. Special Friday l-Vfcc novelty cloths and corduroy. iajon >, $ kitchen use. Special Friday erv: *s*Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tn Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, only, yard, $1.69 Special Friday only,. .$3.75 Fancy Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, s<* Regular 50c kind. Special Street Floor. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, colored border hand- 1 kerchiefs, and Second Floor?Three Elevators. Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart Friday only, 25^ . Btreet Floor ' wide narrow values to Street Floor. Regular SI.OO kind. Spe- hems; 10c. Special cial Friday only, 50* Silks Reduced English & & Nainsook ? stVwarti/ives, romeroy oiii TIT ? Retr.ilar 412 kinH Stewart SllK X ;ial $1.25 crepe de chine; color 15c tine grade English nain- Linings Street Floor. WaiStS Friday only SI 50 " Huck Towels mahogany only 40 inches sook for underwear and chil- rr Dives* & 50c striped Venetian; 32 $1.98, $2.25, $2.98 and $3.50 Pomer'ov Btewart s eejal Friday only. dren s dresses. Special Fri- 12Voc red border huck tow- Second Floor? Three Elevators. f" P inches wide, in tan and grey. ???_____?silk shirtwaists of chiffon, 18x36 toche,. day only, yard elj Special ??\u25a0???«* Special Wy only, yard tuh silks and crepes. Specia Pnday 4 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Ur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Corsetv*uiDCt CoverWVCr EmbroidXilllDrOia- only, for 25<? 19* i? S1 r,,, ? ????? ft y only, w Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart, Street Floor. Street Floor. 35c black satine; 36 inches ery Street Floor. **" Diveßl Pomer °y & Stewart. Women's Nightgowns L?wide, permanent finish. Spe- Cambric corset cover em Friday only, yard, Second Floor-Three Elevators. Muslin gowns in high or V- cial broidery and flouncing, 17 ?~~" ? "^???_ shaped neck; bunch tucked Broche Satin English Longcloth 40c black mercerized satine, inches wide; values to 15c. ~~~~~~^" ?~????? . .. .. , , ~. 36 Special Friday Men's«ICU s Underwearuuuerwwr yoke. Specialv FridavJ only,.. , . co v in inches wide. Special Fri- only, yard, SI.OO broche satin, in leath- 89c English longcloth; 10 dav * onlv' vard SI.OO er brown; yards to piece, 32 ' DreSS Skirts and $1.25 natural v . , 36 inches wide. the inches Pomeroy wool shirts and drawers: nainsook gowns; low Special Friday only, yard, wide. Special Friday only, Pomeroy & Stewart & Stewart Women's and misses'ss,so, °eck Fr'd»>' s "«" a,,?. IW bmken lines; oone eXohang. ' ?»« 49* V?wjo an(i skil ?' ed eC ftl Fri,la V SP ' " Biv.., roy » , . .' . r«»e e a ch ' 49V: ree oor Second Floor?Three Elevators. ' « « . _ serge and m «... poplin, broadcloth. " Stewart - Satin taffeta ribbon, 1 to Marabou and Marabou _ and ' n , , WbitP Vnilp SIO.OO and $12.50 skirts in White Voile inches wide, in blue, pink, Ostrich _?_ o Crepe and Tub Silk n/o Cape and Muff sets, m] ;? Jn j ApronsA u^adia A,ioth,»i, popli 1 plain yellow, green, cardinal and formerly $15.00 to $27.50. SIOO floral crepe-mahog- 25c white voile; chif- Special Friday only, Women's Bungalow aprons in blue onlv fon 40 inches for white; values to 10c. Special Special Friday only, $4.98 $5.00 Underwear anv 40 indies wide finish; wide; 6?* 6 ng tT m' Frida y ard 5 < & 7 } waists and dresses. Special V «"Dives, Pomeroy . White wool ribbed vests , Special Fridav only yard ' Stewart 'J* mlDg J***"-bpeclal ffiPnfcy « Pomeroy & Second Moor-Threer" Elevators. and broken Of " Friday only, yard, 15* Dives, Stewart street Floor. SrawersT lines 39* " 75c and SI.OO qualities; none 89c tub silk; plain shades o Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. ??????_ exchanged. Special Friday Children's Hats of niaise, 36 inches wide. Spe- ? Street Floor. \u25a0 only ' each sls, °° $20,0 ° Children's corduroy hats or yard,..4B* t0 SuitS ci£ p & Lambswool Scarfs «\u25a0 Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. bonnets, and vai- Dlves' o?"oy stewart $1.50 $1.95 Oliver Twist Suits, , , Women's and Misses', street Floor. Special Street Floor. Women s lambswool scarfs, ues. Fridav only, Men's Neckwear «1 Qe S5«p**.w00 25-k Jpl-.sfD fringed ends; different col- 25c wide-end silk ?????? and knit- Boys' corduroy and blue ors; formerly 98c and $1.25, Poplin serge and gabardine trDives p n- & EWAR :ed four-in-hand ties. Special serge suits, Special Friday 0n1y,...79* suits in sizes 16 and 18; ,__ T N T a n i. Oliver Twist in col- Children S Lamb Lined Coats friday only, 16*, 3 green, navy, Underwear ' for 45* brown, blue and grey ; sizes fcrDives, Pomerov & Stewart ors and mahog- -75c and SI.OO white wool $4.95 corduroy and mole wDives, Pomeroy & Stewart 2% to 8 years, $2.50 and $2.95 Street Floor. any; regular $15.00 to $20.00 ??? ?? Men's store. values. Special for Fri- union suits, none exchanged. skin lamb pelt lined coats. Special Friday only, ________________ garments. Special Friday only, Special Friday only, $3.79 ~~~? \u25a0?? $1.95 day only, $5.00 ...49* Boys' Shoes """"??^???? corduroy lamb lined trDives, Pomeroy & Stewart fcfl"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart d,i -tk i ir l $5.50 8m " F""* ?at«. Special Friday | Second Floor, Rear? 3 Elevators. Shadow Lace Edges, $20.00 and $25.00 Suits shoes; flUl 'toe lasts; stolid Men's Suspenders | | 5* leather soles, sizes Ito SY?, o i Special Friday only, f rnrr lirnv inches values o $1.49 ' lamb c pitched colored leather wide; Pillow Cases skin nelt lin d ats" Oliver Twist Suits, Speeial FriSa'y only'si.VS matched end.