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FOR THE ATTENTION OF ALL PARISH COUNCILLORS You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Hirst Courtney & West Bank Parish Council on Monday 28th June 2021 at 7.00pm. The meeting will take place at The Sloop Inn, .

In accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press may attend the meeting.

Could you please wear a Facemask when entering the premises.

S. Rockliff Clerk to Hirst Courtney & West Bank Parish Council.


21. Apologies for Absence 21.1 To receive apologies for absence. 21.2 To consider the reasons for absence. 22. Declarations of Interest To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting. 23. Minutes of the Meeting of the Council To confirm that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the be signed as a correct record. (Pages 3-8, attached ). 24. Questions from the Public. To receive questions from the public. 25. Clerk’s Report for On-going Matters To receive the Clerk’s Report and consider the recommendations. (Page 9 ) 26. Correspondence Received. To receive the list of correspondence and consider the recommendations. (Page 10) 27. Planning Matters. 27.1 To receive notifications of decisions. 27.2 To consider planning applications submitted to the council. 28. Finance Matters. 28.1 To receive Bank Statement Number 450 28.2 To note income received (page 11 ) Page 2 of 11

28.3 To consider the list of payments made or to be made. (page 11 ) 28.4 To consider the current account status once the above payments have been made. (page 11 ). 29. Parish Matters. 30. Date & Time of Next Meeting:

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Draft Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held at Carlton Village Hall. Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7.00pm


Councillors: Cllr R. Wagstaff (chairman), Cllr I. Forbes (vice-chairman), Cllr J. Barratt, Cllr G. Burbidge, Cllr A. McGuigan. In Attendance: Mrs S. Rockliff, Proper Officer/ Clerk Members of the Public: four The Chairman of the Council opened the meeting at 7.00pm. 1. Election of Chairman. It was proposed that Cllr Wagstaff be the Chairman of the Council for the year 2021- 2022. A vote was held. Resolved, that: Cllr Wagstaff be the Chairman of the Council for the year 2021-2022.

2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Wagstaff signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk.

3. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Stephenson. Resolved, that: i) Cllr Stephenson’s absence be accepted; and ii) the reason for the absence be approved.

4. Election of Vice-Chairman. It was proposed that Cllr Forbes be the Vice- Chairman of the Council for the year 2021-2022. A vote was held. Resolved, that: Cllr Forbes be the Vice-Chairman of the Council for the year 2021-2022. Page 4 of 11

5. Co-option of a Councillor. 5.1 The two candidates for co-option, Mr D. Howsam and Mrs L. Howsam, each introduced themselves to the Council and explained why they wished to be considered for co- option. 5.2 It was proposed to exclude members of the public and press, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, from the meeting because the candidates for co-option were to be considered.

Resolved, that:

members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting.

Members of the public left the meeting.

5.3 Councillors considered the merits of each of the applicants.

Members of the public were invited back into the meeting.

5.4 It was proposed that a vote be held by show of hands to elect a person to the Council.

Resolved, that:

i) Mrs Lisa Howsam be elected to the Council

ii) Cllr Howsam signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office

iii) Cllr Howsam to complete ‘Off to a Flying Start’ training from the YLCA.

6. Policies and Procedures.

6.1 Councillors reviewed the Council’s Code of Conduct.

6.2 Councillors reviewed the Council’s Standing Orders.

6.3 Councillors reviewed the Council’s Financial Regulations.

Resolved, that:

The Code of Conduct, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be adopted by the Council.

7. Appointment of Committees.

7.1 Councillors considered membership of the Finance Committee.

7.2 Councillors considered membership of the Recruitment Committee.

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Resolved, that:

i) Cllrs Wagstaff, Stephenson, Forbes and Barratt be the members of the Finance Committee; and ii) Cllrs Wagstaff, McGuigan and Stephenson be the members of the Recruitment Committee.

8. Appointment of Representatives for YLCA Branch Meetings with Voting Rights.

Councillors considered representation.

Resolved, that:

Cllrs Howsam and Barratt should be the representatives for YLCA Branch Meetings with Voting Rights.

9. Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 26th April 2021.

Councillors considered the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 26th April 2021.

Resolved, that:

The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 26th April 2021 be approved.

10. Questions from the Public.

There were no questions from the public.

11. Clerk’s Report.

Councillors considered the Clerk’s Report and recommendations to Council:

Recommendations to Council: a) Council meet with Sign Factors to look at proposed locations for the village signs. b) Council consider whether to approve the additional cost of the village noticeboards. Resolved, that: i) The Clerk’s report be received; ii) A meeting would be arranged with Sign Factors to look at proposed locations for the village signs; and Page 6 of 11

iii) The Council would not have the letters on the noticeboards painted due to the additional cost involved.

12. Correspondence Received. Councillors received the List of Correspondence (previously circulated by email) and Recommendations to Council. Councillors noted that there had been a positive response from many parish councils following the request for advice on the Community Emergency Response Plan via the YLCA. Cllr Forbes reported that there was a person at NYCC responsible for Community Emergency Response Planning and that a meeting was to be held with NYCC on the 19th May. Resolved, that: i) the correspondence be received; and ii) Cllr Forbes to report back to Cllr Burbidge and the Council about the meeting with NYCC.

13. Internal Auditor’s Report. Councillors considered the Internal Auditor’s Written Report (previously circulated by email). Resolved, that: The Internal Auditor’s Report be received.

14. Internal Audit Report for 2020/21. Councillors considered the Internal Audit Report of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2020/21. Resolved, that: the Internal Audit Report of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2020/21 be received.

15. Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21. Councillors considered the statements for the Annual Governance Statement. Resolved, that: i) The Council had fulfilled each of the eight applicable statements for the Annual Governance Statement; and ii) The Annual Governance Statement be approved.

16. Accounting Statements. 16.1 Councillors considered Section 2- Accounting Statements 2020-21 of the AGAR (previously circulated by email). 16.2 Councillors considered the Bank Reconciliation (previously circulated by email). Page 7 of 11

16.3 Councillors considered the Explanation of Variances and Reserves (previously circulated by email). Resolved, that: i) Section 2- Accounting Statements 2020-21 of the AGAR be approved; ii) the Bank Reconciliation be approved; and iii) the Explanation of Variances and Reserves be approved.

17. Accounts and Audit Regulations. Councillors considered the publication of documents required by Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.

Resolved, that:

i) the documents required would be published.

ii) the dates for the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return would be Monday 14th June to Friday 23rd July 2021.

18. Finance Matters. 18.1 Councillors received the Bank Statement for April 2021 (previously circulated by email). 18.2 Councillors noted the income received since the last meeting, including the first instalment of the Precept from District Council. 18.3 Councillors considered the list of payments outstanding and those made by the clerk under delegated authority.

Hirst Courtney Parish Council Income Received and Payments to be Approved Bank Statement No 449, Closing Balance Income Received & Credited on Bank Statement Payments Made & Debited on Bank Statement 10/05/2021 to be Noted to be approved Invoices to be Approved PC Receipt Payment PC Inv Date No: Details Amount Date Method Details Amount Date No: Details Amount SDC Precept first zoom, May A.Stephenson, £18,102.00 30/04/2021 1 instalment £4,560.86 06/04/2021 card invoice 6 £14.39 21/04/2021 7 web hosting £12.00 01/05/2021 9 E-on May £181.15 03/05/2021 10 AGM 2 of 7 £140.37

Total Invoices to be Approved Total Income including clerk's salary May, Received: £4,560.86 Total Payments, £14.39 (invoice 8) £511.01 Reconciled Bank Balance to Carry Forward: £17,605.38

Resolved, that: i) the bank statement be noted; ii) the income received, including the precept, be noted iii) the list of payments outstanding and those made by the clerk under delegated authority be approved. Page 8 of 11

19. Parish Matters 19.1 A councillor reported that the gate post for the Millennium Garden had rotted. Could the tenant replace and invoice the Council? 19.2 A councillor suggested that a village litter pick be organised. Resolved, that: i) the tenant of the Millennium Garden could replace the gate post and invoice the Council. ii) the clerk would contact SDC to arrange a litter pick.

20. Date, Time and Venue for the Next Meeting. Councillors considered the date, time and venue for the next meeting. Councillors agreed that the canteen at West Bank was a suitable venue and meetings could be held there. Resolved, that: i) Cllr Burbidge to find out if W.S. Bentley’s canteen could be used on the 28th June; but ii) If the canteen could not be used, the meeting would be held at Carlton Village Hall.

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Agenda Item 25: Clerk’s Report To: Hirst Courtney & West Bank Parish Council From: Clerk to the Council Date: 22nd June 2021 Clerk’s Report on Matters since the Parish Council Meeting held on the 18th May 2021 1. Village Name Signs A meeting is to be held with Sign Factors to agree locations for the West Bank village signs. 2. Selby Hydroponics. Contacted SDC Planning when the soil was being removed from the site. They replied to say that the removal was being done at the request of SDC after NYCC had inspected it and found there to be no contaminated materials in it. SDC are due to inspect the site again once the soil has all been taken away. 3. AGAR The AGAR has been submitted by post to PKF Littlejohn LLP for the external audit. The AGAR documents have been published on the website. 4. Noticeboards. The order for the noticeboards has been confirmed. Delivery will be in August to Cllr Burbidge’s address. Recommendations to Council: Councillors receive the Clerk’s Report for June. Page 10 of 11

Agenda Item 26: Correspondence Received. To: Hirst Courtney & West Bank Parish Council From: Clerk to the Council Date: 22nd June 2021 List of Correspondence Received since the Parish Council Meeting held on the 18th May 2021 1. Council: a. Communications – History of Selby objects b. Communications – new anti-littering posters c. Rough Sleeper estimate for 17th June 2021. Responded with a nil return. 2. YLCA admin: a. Vacancies for PC clerks b. Training bulletin c. White Rose updates d. Discussion forums for clerks and councillors e. Chief Executives Bulletin f. Law & Governance Bulletin g. Councillors’ Login update h. Plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, 2nd June 2022 3. Rural Services Network Bulletin 4. Reception, Community House: regular updates 5. NYCC: Safer Streets Fund. Regarding security updates for farms in the parish. Forwarded on to the Chairman as requested by NYCC.

Recommendation: That the council receive the list of correspondence.

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Agenda Item 28: Finance Matters

Hirst Courtney Parish Council Income Received and Payments to be Approved Bank Statement No 450, Closing Income Received & Credited on Bank Payments Made & Debited on Bank Statement Balance Statement to be Noted to be approved Invoices to be Approved PC Receipt Payment PC Inv £17,588.30 Date No: Details Amount Date Method Details Amount Date No: Details Amount Invoice 18 Internal Post Office Audit 02/06/2021 card large stamp £2.69 19/05/2021 11 Services £300.00 A. Stephenson, 21/05/2021 12 web hosting £12.00 31/05/2021 13 Sign Factors £173.14 04/07/2021 14 AGM 3 0f 7 £140.37 Wel Medical 17/06/2021 15 Defib pads £43.20 A. Stephenson, 21/06/2021 16 web hosting £12.00 01/06/2021 19 E-on, energy £187.18

Total Invoices to be Approved Total Income including clerk's salary June, Received: £0.00 Total Payments, £2.69 (invoice 17) £1,045.38 Reconciled Bank Balance to Carry Forward: £16,542.92