Methodological Handbook on MSP in the Adriatic Sea Shape Final Conference Dissemination of Shape Results February 2013, Bologna, IT

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Methodological Handbook on MSP in the Adriatic Sea Shape Final Conference Dissemination of Shape Results February 2013, Bologna, IT Shape Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between coast and sea. The three year Shape project (2011-2014) involved 13 partners from six Adriatic Sea countries and was co-funded by the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme of the European Union. It aimed at contributing to the development of a multilevel and cross-sector governance system, based on an holistic approach and integrated management of natural resources, risk prevention and conflicts resolution among uses and users of the Adriatic coast and sea. Project activities promoted the application and the successful implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic region. The present handbook is intended as a methodological and practical guide aiming to support the future evolution of the MSP approach in the Adriatic Region. In this view it mainly addresses institutional officals, planners and experts on MSP issues, illustrating what they can do to further disseminate and concretely implement MSP in an Adriatic cross-border perspective. METHODOLOGICAL HANDBOOK ON MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE ADRIATIC SEA METHODOLOGICAL HANDBOOK ON MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE ADRIATIC SEA EXTERNAL EXPERT: THETIS SPA Shape partners Authors MILIA OMAGNA EGION ENERAL IRECTION FOR E R R - G D EMILIANO RAMIERI (THETIS) ENVIRONMENT AND FOR SOIL AND COAST PROTECTION, ITALY ELISA ANDREOLI (THETIS) (SHAPE PROJECT LEADER, WP1 AND WP2 COORDINATOR) ANGIOLA FANELLI (THETIS) ENETO EGION ROGETTO ENEZIA EPARTMENT TALY V R - P V D , I GIOVANNI ARTICO (VENETO REGION) (WP4 COORDINATOR) ROBERTO BERTAGGIA (VENETO REGION) PRIORITY ACTIONS PROGRAMME - REGIONAL ACTIVITY CENTRE, UNEP-MAP (WP3 COORDINATOR) Contributors SHAPE PARTNERS REGIONAL AGENCY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OF MOLISE, ITALY ECAT TIRANA - ENVIRONMENTAL CENTRE FOR ADMINISTRATION Layout & design AND TECHNOLOGY, ALBANIA CLAUDIA OMBRELLI (THETIS) MINISTRY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL PLANNING, Cover photo BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA SUNSET IN VENICE LAGOON - PHOTO BY THETIS Photographic material INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICAL PLANNING REGION OF ISTRIA, CROATIA SHAPE PARTNERS, THETIS REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE KOPER, SLOVENIA (WP5 COORDINATOR) PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FOR COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT, Suggested reference ONTENEGRO M RAMIERI E., E. ANDREOLI, A. FANELLI, G. ARTICO AND R. BERTAGGIA, 2014. METHODOLOGICAL HANDBOOK ON MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING IN ABRUZZO REGION - MARITIME WORKS AND MARINE WATER QUALITY SERVICE, ITALY THE ADRIATIC SEA. FINAL REPORT OF SHAPE PROJECT WP4 “SHIPPING TOWARDS MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING”, ISSUING DATE: 10TH FEBRUARY REGIONAL AGENCY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2014. PRINTED BY VENETO REGION OF FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA, ITALY MARCHE REGION - COASTAL DEFENCE DEPARTMENT, ITALY Disclaimer: this publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Veneto Region and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Pro- gramme Authorities.Furthermore this publication does not necessarilly reflect the views of the partners involved PUGLIA REGION - MEDITERRANEAN DEPARTMENT, ITALY in Shape. 1. INTRODUCTION 6 2. POLICY CONTEXT 14 3. MSP IN THE ADRIATIC 20 4. A COMMON VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF THE ADRIATIC SEA 26 5. APPROACHES AND PRINCIPLES FOR MSP IN THE ADRIATIC SEA 32 6. MSP STEP-BY-STEP IN THE ADRIATIC SEA 42 7. LINKS WITH MSFD 60 ANNEXES 64 Introduction The Adriatic Sea The Adriatic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea with a surface the basin, while the eastern part of the coast (mainly area of about 138,600 km2 and a volume of 33,000 km3; in Croatia) is characterised by an irregular bottom that its shape can be approximated to a rectangle extending increases sharply in the offshore direction and a high north-northwest, about 800 km long and 200 km wide number of islands and islets (in particular along the Istria (Gacic et al., 2001). Adriatic oceanographic properties and Dalmatia coasts) (Gacic et al., 2001). are influenced by geographic, orographic and bathymetric The eastern side is also characterised by the close characteristics of the basin as well as by interactions proximity of the Dinaric Alps, while in the western side with the rest of the Mediterranean Sea. To this regard, the main orographic reliefs (the Apennine) are more with total annual average reaching about 5,700 m3/s distant from the coast. North-western coastal areas also river inputs play a significant role, in particular in the includes large wetlands (as the Po delta and Venice north-western part of the basin where Po river accounts lagoon) of high ecological relevance. for about the 28% (1,585 m3/s) of the total annual river The Adriatic Sea, one of the most valuable inland seas contribution and where other relevant rivers flow (e.g. of the world, is strategic for the wellbeing and prosperity Adige and Brenta). The second most relevant freshwater of all the countries facing this basin, as also stressed inflow comes from the Albanian rivers, however having by the EC Maritime Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian a weak influence on the circulation in the region (Gacic Seas (EC COM(2012) 713) and the on-going initiative et al., 2001). The Strait of Otranto (72 km wide and 780 drafting the overarching EU Strategy for the Adriatic and m deep) ensures the connection with the rest of the Ionian Region - EUSAIR. Mediterranean, thus enabling water exchanges and This marine region has a relevant ecologic, economic influencing the circulation pattern between the Ionian and social value, as route for maritime transport, food and the Adriatic Seas. and energy source, site for residence and recreation, The Adriatic Sea bathymetry is also characterised by destination for coastal and marine tourism, relevant important transversal and longitudinal differences. The site for nature protection and biodiversity preservation, North Adriatic sub-basin (extending between Venice- climate regulator, area for cross-border cooperation, Trieste and Ancona-Zadar lines) rarely exceeds the depth site for innovative ad cross-border research, etc. of 100 metres and its north-western part is particularly However its coastal and marine areas are experiencing shallow. The depth firstly increases slowly southward increasing pressures due to growing human activities; and then sharply reaches about 270 m of the Middle these often come into conflict with each other and with Adriatic Pit (also called Jabuka Pit or Pomo Depression). needs of habitats and landscapes protection. Human Further to the south, the seabed rises to the Palagruza uses compete each other for vital space and natural Sill (about 170 m) that separates the Middle Adriatic Pit resources, threatening some of the most sensitive and from the much deeper South Adriatic Pit (and the Middle precious habitats of the Adriatic Sea. Global challenges Adriatic sub-basin from the South Adriatic sub-basin). as climate change and the related sea level rise could in This pit marks the deepest part of the Adriatic Sea with a future strongly affect Adriatic coastal and marine areas, maximum depth over 1200 m. Further south the seabed exacerbating current problems with effects often going rises again to the Otranto Sill (about 780 m). beyond national or regional boundaries. The Adriatic Sea is bordered by six coastal states; three are EU countries (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia), one is a EU candidate country (Montenegro) and the other two are EU potential candidates (Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Italian coasts are relatively smooth and regular, in particular in the north-western part of Benthic communities of Northern Adriatic rocky outcrops (tegnue) - photo by Thetis 6 7 WP1 Project Management and Coordination The Shape project WP3 WP4 Integrated Coastal Zone Management Shipping towards Maritime Spatial Planning The increasing attention on issues related to the policies, national and local frameworks, and aiming maritime and coastal development has led the to promote coordination with other similar initiatives international communities to create specific approaches within the EU context. for the management and planning of these spaces, • WP3 - Integrated Coastal Zone Management; as in particular Integrated Coastal Zone Management bringing regional partners together for successful (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), strongly cross-national and cross-sectoral cooperation within supported by the European Union and Mediterranean the ICZM framework, referring in particular to the WP5 transnational organizations such as UNEP-MAP. UNEP-MAP Protocol on ICZM in the Mediterranean. Within Land and Sea Shape “Shaping an holistic Approach to Protect the • WP4 - Shipping towards Maritime Spatial Planning; Adriatic Environment between coast and sea” is a project aiming to support MSP evolution in the Adriatic basin co-funded by the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation through the creation of an ad hoc methodology for Programme of the European Union, involving thirteen maritime planning and testing of MSP at the regional WP2 partners representing the Italian Adriatic regions, and local scale by common data processing, Communication and Dissemination countries of the eastern Adriatic border and the UNEP- mapping and pilot actions. MAP Priority Actions Programme - Regional Activity • WP5 - Within land and sea; promoting integration Centre (PAP/RAC). between ICZM
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