Saltford Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan
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Bath and North East Somerset Council Development Management Saltford Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan April 2018 Contents 1 Saltford Conservation Area 3 7 Issues 20 Introduction Summary of issues Context 8 Management Proposals 21 Summary of key characteristics Issues and recommendations Summary of recommendations Landscape setting Conservation area designation Traffic, pedestrian movement and parking Community involvement Control of new development 2 Landscape Setting 5 Buildings Valley of the River Avon Possible enhancements Topography and geology 9 Monitoring and Review 23 Relationship with the surroundings Appendices 24 3 Archaeology and historic development 6 1 National and local planning policy 4 Spatial analysis 8 2 Further reading Layout and street pattern 3 Glossary Open space, trees and landscape 4 Contact Details Focal points, focal buildings, views and vistas All maps are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Boundary treatments Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Public realm Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 5 Buildings of the conservation area 12 Licence number 100023334 Local character Listed buildings Positive buildings/undesignated heritage assets Building types Building styles, materials and colours 6 Character Areas 15 Beech Road/upper High Street Upper High Street Queen Square The Batch Lower High Street/former railway embankment The Shallows The Brass Mills 1 Saltford Conservation Area Introduction (in the form of the management C18 to early C20 Saltford was an proposals) important part of the local brass The historic core of Saltford was industry. identified by the local planning Following review, the boundary of authority as being of special the conservation area includes the Modern Saltford owes much of its architectural and historic interest War Memorial on High Street, land growth to the river and railways. Its and first designated as a to the east of The Shallows population grew from just over 200 conservation area in April 1977. It including part of the former railway to 3000 between 1801 and 1971. was redesignated in April 2018. The embankment and road bridge, and Today its inhabitants still work in the boundary today covers 12.11 the complete garden of 71 High village, Bath, Keynsham and also hectares and is shown on the Street. No 2 Homefield Close is a Bristol. Conservation Area Character modern bungalow which was Appraisal Map. There are thirty removed from the conservation Summary of key characteristics seven entries on the National area. Heritage List for England (listed This character appraisal concludes buildings) within the existing Context that the key positive characteristics conservation area boundary. of the conservation area are: Saltford is located in the west part Under the Town and Country of Bath and North East Somerset • Well preserved historic village Planning legislation the Council has Council, east of Bristol and west of astride ancient road and river a duty to preserve and enhance the Bath. It is in the Green Belt and its routes in the valley of the River character and appearance of historic core is a designated Avon, with Saltford Manor and conservation areas in exercising its conservation area, now surrounded the Parish Church of St Mary at planning powers, and to periodically to the south and westt by mainly Queen Square as the focus of the re-appraise its boundaries. This C19 and C20 housing development. medieval settlement, and a focal provides a consistent and sound Bath Road (the A4) and the Great point in the conservation area basis on which planning and other Western Railway both pass to the • Large proportion of historic applications are determined in the west. To the north and east it abuts buildings, predominantly in area. open countryside which includes residential use. Also the parish the edge of the Cotswold Area of church, the church hall and a As part of this process local Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) public house planning authorities are encouraged and the River Avon. • The exceptionally attractive rural to carry out character appraisals of river valley landscape setting and its conservation areas. An appraisal The conservation area covers the topography, with long vistas out identifies features which contribute historic core of Saltford between of the village to the north toward the special interest and Isambard Brunel’s Great Western encompassing the river and the character of the area and those that Railway to the south and the former Cotswold hills beyond detract from it. This enables local Midland Railway and River Avon to • The riverside setting with its residents to participate in identifying the north. It includes the High traditional appeal of associated features which are of particular Street, Queen Square, The Batch visitor and recreational uses and value to them and to the special and The Shallows. A series of activities character of their area, and provides buildings front High Street, from The a base upon which to develop Tunnel House at the south end to management proposals for the former Midland Railway Bridge preservation and enhancement. in the north. Buildings and open space front onto The Shallows as This document therefore seeks to: far as the historic Old Brass Mill to the south. • Define the special interest of the Saltford Conservation Area and Historically the economy of the area identify the issues which threaten was originally based on agriculture the special qualities of the and many of the buildings within the conservation area (in the form of conservation area were once farm the ‘character appraisal’) buildings. These humbler buildings are interspersed by grander • Provide guidelines to prevent properties, some with large gardens harm and achieve enhancement enclosed by walls. From the early 3 • Important views of the historic • Surviving natural stone kerbs suggested approach set out by core from the surrounding should be retained and whenever Historic England. countryside possible concrete kerbs should • Survival of the early street pattern be replaced with natural stone Conservation area designation lined with distinct stone boundary • Improved visitor signage and introduces controls over: walls, and vernacular and more local information should be * the way owners can alter or prestigious historic buildings considered develop their properties. These • Character largely unaffected by • Consideration of potential future include the requirement in modern street furniture or enhancement opportunities legislation and highway development should be made as and when national planning policies to • Consistent use of local building funding becomes available preserve and/or enhance and for materials, primarily clay pantiles, local planning authorities to pay blue lias stone, lime based Conservation area designation special attention to the desirability mortars and some natural slate of preserving or enhancing the and render Conservation areas are designated character or appearance of the area • Boundaries typically enclosed by under the provisions of Section 69 in their local planning policies. stone walls and/or hedging and of the Planning (Listed Buildings * demolition of most unlisted planting and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, buildings/structures • The physical and visual presence which places a statutory duty on * works to trees of the former Midland Railway local planning authorities to * types of advertisements that can line, now a popular cycle and determine which parts of their area be displayed with ‘deemed consent’ pedestrian route are areas of special architectural or * types and size of development • Verdant mature trees and historic interest. A conservation area which can be carried out without greenery is defined as: ‘…an area of special the need for planning permission • Important green open space by architectural or historic interest, the (permitted development rights) the river reinforcing the rural character or appearance of which it qualities of the conservation area is desirable to preserve or enhance’. Community involvement Summary of recommendations The quality and interest of the area Public support and involvement is as a whole, rather than individual essential to the successful In summary the management buildings, is the main consideration management of conservation areas. proposals make the following when designating such areas. This document was initially drafted recommendations: following a meeting with Designation also provides the basis representatives from Saltford Parish • The setting of the conservation for applying national and local Council and the local Ward area should be protected policies designed to preserve or Councillors in May 2016, when the • Important key views within, from enhance all aspects of character or extent of the extent of the and towards the conservation appearance that define the special conservation area boundary was area should be protected interest of a conservation area. discussed together with some of the • Potential traffic management main problems and issues which measures on High Street should Section 71 of the Act requires the face the local community. be considered local planning authority to publish • Any new development should proposals for the preservation and After this meeting a first draft was preserve or enhance the existing enhancement of conservation areas agreed with the Parish Council for built