
Title Morphological Study on the Inhibitory Effect of Dioxide on Growth and Development of Brown Algae

Author(s) Wang, Xiao Yang

Citation 北海道大學理學部海藻研究所歐文報告, 9(1), 33-91

Issue Date 1993-03

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/48108

Type bulletin (article)

File Information 9(1)_33-91.pdf

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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP Morphological Study oR the Inhibitory Effect of Germanium Dioxide on Grewth and Development of Brown Algaei)



Germanium dioxide (Ge02) has been generally used in unialgal cultures of various seaweeds as an agent for eliminating . The concentration which would control growth while allowing other algae to grew norrnally was suggested to be l-10 mg Ge02/l (LEwiN 1966). In fact, many studies on the inhibitory effect of Ge02 on various algae and other organisms have been done from very early. Especially, the toxicity ef gerrnanium (Ge) has been recognized at very low concentrations in many diatoms (WERNER 1966, 1967a, LEwm 1966, TATEwAKi and MizuNo 1979), and Ge is generally recognized as a specific inhibitor of diatoms because no inhibitory effects at low doses were found in Chlorophyta (WERNER 1966, 1967b, LEwiN 1966), Rhodophyta (LEwiN 1966, KiRiTA 1970), Cyanophyta (LEwlN 1966), various fungi, bacteria (LEwiN 1966, WERNER 1967b) and protozoa (LEwiN 1966). However, since McLAcHLAN et al. (1971) reported the inhibition by Ge02 at concentrations of 5 mg/l in their culture experiment of four I}etczts species, many species of brown algae have been found to be affected at Iow germanium concentrations (HopKIN and KAIN 1978, TATEwAKI and MIzuNo 1979, MARm{AM and HAGMEIER 1982). In their studies, TATEwAI