(Iowa City, Iowa), 1968-10-18
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Section 17 Hit -- FORECAST A lubltltutlon for tho controvorslol SH. tion 11 of tho Code of Student Life II beln, pUlhed by lomo CSL membon. See .tory owon on Plge 3. ~ ' oil Serving the University of Iowa and the People 0, Iowa City Established in 1868 10 cent. a cop, A.ssoclated Pre" Leued WIre and Wirepboto Ion City, Iowa 52240-Friday. October 18,1968 . Students Jailed, Suspended After Seizing Cornell· Hall By CHERYL ARVIDSON board, This board was organized only this and more black instructors and a black Late Thursday afternoon, most of Cor MOUNT VERNON - Thirty-three year. adviser. neU's stUdents were still wondering what B.for. Thursday, about the only thin, Clasles wera dllrupted all clay It Co .... had happened. persons were arrested here Thursday that Cornell College In Mount Vernon and n.lI. Most of th. .tudentl co"'.... ated Although th.re wal g.neral .ympathy and charged with unlawful assembly Columbl. University in New York City outside Old Sem to ... whit wa. happen with the d.mands of the black studenh, after they seized the administration had In common was the "c" in their Ing. The afternoon w.s taken up by • many on campus Wtre r.ferrlng to the names. building at Cornell College and held faculty meeting th.. lilted more than ev.nt as "Infantlle," "totally unnHee But Thursday morning, Cornell and Col th.... hours. Stud.ntl .110 mit durl", wry" and "usa't... " the building for more than live hours. umbia became soul brothers. the afternoon. The common object at both schools was Bob Bannick, editor of the CorneUian, "We wanted to shock the campus be the administration building, the common More than 200 stUdents met during the student newspaper. said, "I have my cause Cornell is pretty damn complacent accomplishment was takeover. afternoon to discuss their actions following doubts as to whether they (the black stu and racist," Doyle Raglon, a black student The reason given for the seizure, was the the takeover. At this meeting. two petitions dents l pushed very hard to have their de who led the group of demonstrators, said need for the administration to meet six de were drafted. One concerned the validity mands met through normal channels." afterwards. mands from the school's black population. of the goals of the students involved in the Bannick added that the college did of· The 33 persons, all but three of tbem The black students' demands included the takeover, while the other requested that no fer courses in black history, literature students at Cornell, entered Old Sem Hall establishment of a black activities center; further action be taken against the stu and art and was starting a "free univer at 5 a.m. Thursday. The students left a black library with works by black auth dents . sity" course in black culture. peacefully after school administrators call ors and black periodicals ; an assembly The demonstrators were a mixed lot. He said Stumpf was very responsive to ed in Linn County sheriff deputies and hall, lecture hall and an area reserved for Only 12 of the students who entered Old highway patrol officers. students' needs and that since Stumpf had social functions; more black speakers and Sem were black. The president and the taken over as college president, "there has At about 10:30 a.m., the group in Old entertainers; black curriculm areas, with vice president of the student body were Sem were given the option of leaving the been a complete change of attitudes, from emphasis on art, literature and history; among those arrested. the top down ." h~1I or being remov.d. Th.y left the hall and wera taken by bus to the city jail, "The students were trying lor a typical charged and released. The students were student·adminlstration standoff, but we released on their own recOlnlzanc., and don't have a typical administration." the three non·students were freed on $15 Another member of the n.wlpaper staff bond each. Consulting 1.ld Stumpf was not well liked by the About 35 law officiers were on campus. u.s. students, m.lnly because h. g.ve philo. All were armed with billy clubs and riot lophlcal anlw.rs to Ilmpl. qU.ltlonl. helmets, and some had chemical crowd Stumpf "galls I*Ipl.," the stud.nt, ••Id. controllers. Bannick said the black demands had not Late Thursday afternoon, Cornell Pres. been voiced before the takeover. The de The Bride-to-Be Steps Out Samuel Stumpf announced a faculty deci On Bombing Halt mands didn't go through the usual chan sion to suspend all students involved in the nels - student government, the newspaper Mr •. Jacqueline Kenntdy and her two chlldrtn, John and Caroline, leave their Fifth takeover "pending judicial determination the South Vietnamese chief. or the administration. Avenu. apartment In New York Thursday afternoon for an undisclosed destination of their cases by Cornell College." WASHINGTON IN! - The United states lOOn after it was announced that the, widow of the late President Kennedy would pushed ahead with bombing halt consul· In Hanoi, the oHicl.1 North VI"na", Two black students who had helped plan The judicial determination may come ese newspaper Nhan Dan attacked what , marry Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Ona5lis. - AP Wirephoto from a new student and faculty judiciary tations with its allies Thursday despite the takeover said the students considered . resistance from Saigon and a denunciation it t.rmed "thi, a/TOlant clemar.d" by the takeover as the fasted way to make from Hanoi. President Johnson for reciprocity from their demands known. But the White House and State Depart North Vietnam In ",tum f1Ir endln, the The academic fate or the students ar ment kept tight silence on the latest de· air attack •. rested is debatable. Stumpf, in a press con velopments in President Johnson's effort Johnson himseU made no reference to ference alter the faculty meeting, appeared lor a major peace move before he leaves the diplomatic situation while publicly be very nervous and refused to answer any Mrs. Kennedy to Marry office in January. stowing a Presidential Unit Citation on questions concerning how the faculty deci In Paris, allied diplomats said Thurs the 5th Marine Regiment for extraordin· sion was reached. Students, however, were day ni,ht the United States has offered ary heroism in Vietnam. speculating that the 30 students who were to ItOp all bombing of North Vietnam Other informants said the chief execu arrested would probably be taken orE AU! and has given the North Vietnam'5e a tive was awaiting a response from Hanoi pension as soon as the judiciary board met. choice of actions to assure Washington to the latest U.S. proposal, preswnably The building takeov.r was the second Greek Shipping Magnate that they would not take advantage of delivered through tile U.S,·North Vietnam Incident in the week to disrupt Cornell', the mov •. ese talks in Paris. usually quiet, ros.rv.d Methodist cam· , . NEW YORK IN! - Jacqueline Kennedy, trieia Kennedy, the former Mrs. Peter the northwestern coast of Greece. Onas The sources gave no details of the ac Details of the U.S. oH.r h.ve not pus. whose marriage to the nation's 35th pres Lawford. sis bought the small island six years tions but said they need not. be annoUnc been made public. But Johnlon's avow. ident was ended by an assassin's bullet, Also in the parLy were Mrs. Kennedy's ago. ed in advance by Hanoi as lonG as they ed policy, reaHirmed by the Whitt Monday, during a religion class, one flew off to Greece Thursday night to mother, Mrs. Hugh D. Auchinc1oss, and the A rash of unconfirmed reports on the materialize. House Wednesday, is to halt the bomb student totally disrobed. The disrobing, ac marry one of the world's richest men, latter's husband, stepfather of the former impending wedding was climaxed in mid The U.S. offer also was made contin ing if this would quickly produce s.rlous cording to several Cornell students, took shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. He first lady. afternoon, with the formal announcement gent on firm acceptance by Hanoi of the peace negotiatiCHls and "Hanoi would place to illustrate the concept of "being" is 23 year her senior. The big Boeing 707 jetliner was con by Mrs. Auchincloss, then in Washington. Saigon government as a party to any ul not tak. advantage of our restr.lnt." and was not regarded as offensive to the A few hours after the wedding plans verted to a charter flight on short notice, "My daughter, Mrs. John F. Kenn.dy, As Bunker conferred with Thieu for the students in the classroom. causing 90 regular passengers to be timate peace negotiations, the sources were announced. Mrs. Kennedy and her is planning to marry Mr. Aristotle Onas· said, second day in a row, a senior Sou t h Then on Tuesday, during a coUoquim two children boarded an Olympic Airways "bumped" to a later flight, the airline sis," Mrs. Auehincloss said. discussion on moral philosophy, five per· said. The proposal was reported to h a v e Vietnamese political leader said his pres chartered jet at Kennedy Airport. ident had made plain that : sons disrobed . The student who had dis· The plane took off with 11 passengers The statement was relayed through Mrs. been formulated after confidential talks • The S,aigon regime opposes a bomb· robed on Monday was among tho who The plane then took off for the Pelop and 11 crew members. The ail line said it Kennedy's press secretary, Nancy Tucker in Paris b.tween U.S.