Clinical Significance of CD81 Expression by Clonal Plasma Cells

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Clinical Significance of CD81 Expression by Clonal Plasma Cells Leukemia (2012) 26, 1862 --1869 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0887-6924/12 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Clinical significance of CD81 expression by clonal plasma cells in high-risk smoldering and symptomatic multiple myeloma patients B Paiva1,2, N-C Gutie´ rrez1,2, X Chen2, M-B Vı´driales1,2, M-A´ Montalba´n3, L Rosin˜ol4, A Oriol5, J Martı´nez-Lo´ pez3, M-V Mateos1,2, LLo´ pez-Corral1,2,EDı´az-Rodrı´guez2, J-J Pe´ rez1,2, E Ferna´ndez-Redondo3, F de Arriba6, L Palomera7, E Bengoechea8, M-J Terol9, RdePaz10, A Martin11, J Herna´ndez12, A Orfao2,13, J-J Lahuerta3, J Blade´ 4, A Pandiella2 and J-F San Miguel1,2 on behalf of the GEM (Grupo Espan˜ ol de Mieloma)/PETHEMA (Programa para el Estudio de la Terape´ utica en Hemopatı´as Malignas) cooperative study groups The presence of CD19 in myelomatous plasma cells (MM-PCs) correlates with adverse prognosis in multiple myeloma (MM). Although CD19 expression is upregulated by CD81, this marker has been poorly investigated and its prognostic value in MM remains unknown. We have analyzed CD81 expression by multiparameter flow cytometry in MM-PCs from 230 MM patients at diagnosis included in the Grupo Espan˜ol de Mieloma (GEM)05465years trial as well as 56 high-risk smoldering MM (SMM). CD81 expression was detected in 45% (103/230) MM patients, and the detection of CD81 þ MM-PC was an independent prognostic factor for progression-free (hazard ratio ¼ 1.9; P ¼ 0.003) and overall survival (hazard ratio ¼ 2.0; P ¼ 0.02); this adverse impact was validated in an additional series of 325 transplant-candidate MM patients included in the GEM05 o65 years trial. Moreover, CD81 þ SMM (n ¼ 34/56, 57%) patients had a shorter time to progression to MM (P ¼ 0.02). Overall, our results show that CD81 may have a relevant role in MM pathogenesis and represent a novel adverse prognostic marker in myeloma. Leukemia (2012) 26, 1862--1869; doi:10.1038/leu.2012.42 Keywords: multiple myeloma; plasma cells; CD81; flow cytometry; phenotype; survival INTRODUCTION PATIENTS AND METHODS Increasing knowledge of the biology of multiple myeloma (MM) Patients has unraveled significant associations between specific genetic and The study included 230 newly diagnosed, symptomatic, elderly MM 1--4 molecular subgroups and patients’ outcome. Updated information patients treated according to the Spanish GEM05465years protocol 5 6,7 has been recently published confirming previous observations on (NCT00443235: two arms of six cycles of bortezomib/melphalan/pre- the potential prognostic impact of the immunophenotypic charac- dnisone or bortezomib/thalidomide/prednisone, followed by maintenance teristics of bone marrow (BM) myelomatous plasma cells (MM-PCs) in with either bortezomib/thalidomide or bortezomib/prednisone for up to 3 þ MM patients. Of note, detection of CD19 MM-PC by multiparameter years),16 A validation set based on 325 newly diagnosed, symptomatic, flow cytometry (MFC) in MM at diagnosis correlates with an adverse transplant candidates MM patients enrolled in the Spanish GEM05o65- 5 outcome, although its clinical value is somehow hampered by the years trial (NCT00461747: randomized to receive induction with VBMCP/ þ 5 low frequency (4%) of CD19 MM cases. CD19 is physically VBAD plus bortezomib, or thalidomide/dexamethasone, or bortezomib/ 8--12 associated with CD225, CD21 and regulated by CD81, a thalidomide/dexamethason followed by high-dose therapy/autologous 13,14 tetraspanin widely expressed on B cells including mature PCs, stem cell transplantation) was used. MM patients’ response was assessed which is involved in the regulation of cell growth, motility, using the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplant criteria.17 8 --11,15 signaling and BM homing. However, immunophenotypic Additionally, we have analyzed a total of 56 SMM patients newly studies of CD81 expression in patients with myeloma diagnosed according to the International Myeloma Working Group 13,14 are scanty, and its potential prognostic value remains criteria18 and with high-risk of progression to symptomatic disease, based unknown. Here, we report on the results of a prospective analysis on the presence of at least two of the three following criteria: BM PC about the prognostic impact of the expression of CD81 in MM-PCs infiltration X10%; high M-component (immunoglobulin GX30 g/l or by MFC at diagnosis in symptomatic and high-risk smoldering immunoglobulin AX20 g/l or B--J protein41 g/24 h); or X95% MM-PCs/ MM (SMM). BMPCs plus immune paresis. The median follow-up was 32 and 22 months 1Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain; 2Servicio de Hematologı´a, Centro de Investigacio´n del Ca´ncer (CIC, IBMCC USAL- CSIC), Salamanca, Spain; 3Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain; 4Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Clı´nic, IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain; 5Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain; 6Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Morales Meseguer, Murcia, Spain; 7Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza, Spain; 8Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital de Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain; 9Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Clı´nico de Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 10Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain; 11Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Virgen de la Concha, Zamora, Spain; 12Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital General de Segovia, Segovia, Spain and 13Servicio General de Citometrı´a and Department of Medicine, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. Correspondence: Professor J-F San Miguel, Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Paseo de San Vicente 58-182, 37007 Salamanca, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Received 19 September 2011; revised 17 January 2012; accepted 1 February 2012; accepted article preview online 15 February 2012; advance online publication, 9 March 2012 CD81 expression in myeloma B Paiva et al 1863 for the MM and SMM series, respectively. All control and patient samples double-step data acquisition procedure and the CellQUEST PRO software were collected after informed consent was obtained from each individual, (BDB).5,19 according to the local ethical committees and the Helsinki Declaration. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis MFC immunophenotypic studies Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed at baseline in immuno- Erythrocyte-lysed whole-BM samples were stained using a direct magnetic-enriched PCs from 211 of the 230 elderly MM patients. Patients 5,19 immunofluorescence technique previously described in detail, with harboring a t(4;14), t(14;16) and/or del(17p) were classified with high-risk three four-color monoclonal antibody combinations---(fluorescein isothio- disease and all other cases as standard-risk, according to the International cyanate/phycoerythrin/PerCP-Cy5.5/antigen-presenting cell). CD38/CD56/ Myeloma Working Group guidelines.21 CD19/CD45, CD38/CD27/CD45/CD28 and b2-microglobulin/CD81/CD38/ CD117 aimed at the identification, quantification and characterization of MM-PCs, including CD81 surface expression. DNA PC content was assessed mRNA gene expressing profiling (GEP) by MFC according to standard methods,20 through simultaneous staining To investigate a potential correlation between both the CD81 surface for MM-PCs and DNA with CD38/CD138 (fluorescein isothiocyanate) and protein (MFC) and the genomic mRNA expressions, we used a data set of propidium iodide, respectively. Acquisition was performed in a FACSCa- GEP (full data available at GEO, GSE16558) that we had previously gener- libur flow cytometer (BD Biosciences (BDB), San Jose, CA, USA) with a ated on a subset of 23 of the 230 MM patients and in 6 healthy adults.22 1E5 1E5 1E4 1E4 Heterogeneous CD81-/+ 1E3 1E3 expression on MM-PC CD81 CD81 0 0 -1E3 0 1E31E4 1E5 0 1E31E4 1E5 CD19 CD19 1E5 1E5 1E4 1E4 Homogeneous CD81+ 1E3 1E3 expression on MM-PC CD81 CD81 1E2 0 0 -1E2 0 1E31E4 1E5 0 1E31E4 1E5 CD19 CD19 1E5 1E5 1E4 1E4 CD81- expression on MM-PC 1E3 CD81 CD81 1E3 0 0 0 1E31E4 1E5 -1E20 1E2 1E31E4 1E5 CD19 CD19 1E5 1E5 1E4 1E4 Patterns of CD81 expression 1E3 1E3 on normal PC CD81 CD81 1E2 1E2 0 0 -1E20 1E2 1E3 1E4 1E5 0 1E31E4 1E5 CD19 CD19 Figure 1. Bivariate dot plot histograms illustrating the patterns of CD81 vs CD19 expression in MM-PCs and normal PCs. Illustrative examples of CD81 heterogeneous (from negative to positive, À/ þ ; a, b), homogeneous positive (c, d) and negative (e, f) patterns of expression are shown. In (g, h), the pattern of CD81 expression on normal PCs from healthy adults is represented. In all bivariate dot plots, BMPCs are represented in black dots, mature B cells in dark-grey dots and B-cell precursors in light-grey dots. & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited Leukemia (2012) 1862 --1869 CD81 expression in myeloma B Paiva et al 1864 Expression values for each probe set were calculated using the RMAExpress program that uses the Robust Multi-Array Average algorithm.22 Cell culture and western blotting MM cell lines (RPMI-8226, RPMI-LR5, NCI-H929, OPM-2, JJN3, MM1S, MM1R, MM144, U266, U266-DOX4, U266-LR7, SJR and MGG) were grown at 37 1C in a humidified atmosphere in the presence of 5% CO2 --95% air in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. MM cell lines were prepared for protein analysis in non-reducing conditions following standard procedures.23 For immunoprecipitation and western blot analyses, an anti-CD81 antibody was purchased from BDB. Statistical analyses The Mann--Whitney U and Pearson correlation tests were used to estimate the statistical significance of differences between groups of cases and correlations between variables, respectively. Time to progression, progres- sion-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) distribution curves were plotted using the Kaplan--Meier method; the log-rank test was used to estimate the statistical significance of differences observed between curves.
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