Portland Daily Press: July 15,1871
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PORTLAND Established June 23, 1862. Vot. ip, PORTLAND, SATURDAY TO INSU RANCE. LET._ _ BUSINESS D published every day (Sundays exoepted) V DIRECTORY ~BOND& To Let. Portland Publishing DAILY “TTs. Co., Desirable Honse ol len rooms. Enquire ol C. O. Advertising Agency. fS5»^«ssnwi5“ & PRESS. street. UTIC^ At 109 Exchange A BAKER, 37 VYilmot E. W. LOCK. —-j-£ cu- U4i Mi,l,Ile Street, Advebtuf- New Orleans, Mobile and Resolved, That said committee be Street, Portland in In Maine Texas author- Jyl2-<ltf ■■R! ID8erJe<l pajcrs anil through- PORTLAND. ized to invite the Historical Terms—Eight Dollars a country at the lowes rates. Society of the Year in advanc * _ut publisher’s other kindred M11 tual ¥ liHui •ance Railroad Company -- Country, associations, students TO Comp’y> of and men of Agricnltiiral A Are history, Letters, to take The Maine State Frees Implements Weeds. building a tmuk line, in part JLJET. (ORGAOTZ1 ED IN 1842.) SAWYER* eonncciing New Orleans SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1871. such celebration, with authority to invite WOODFORD, No. Ill) Exchange St. with Mobile on the and 2^1 -- * east, giving Published t Congress Street opposite Lincoln Park. SI Wall -- contributions in (heform of addressesor writ- I?. every Thursday Morning St., corner o f William, New York. ,pn $2.50 a if Historical year; paid in advance, at $2.00 Auctioneer. THE ONLY [Reported for the papers. Documents, books, ot the pleasentest and best Insure* Against Marine i nd Inland Risks RAILROAD CONNECTION Daily Pres*} maps, year. located houses in Navigation ^°* ^ plans, wor|fg 0f Art, curiosities, <fec.! the city, now Dr. Congress St. Auction Sales of ONE occupied by «elcliell will he And will issue Policies mal every between tbe loinier and the Proceeding* the Maine Historical tin. t,lp the vacated and to :ing Loss payable in Evening. Private Sales during the day. city great and most pro- nh?.u V"? history, geographical and Rates ce Advertising.—One inch of space ready occupy alout the 20th, and can England. ciefy. be seen State ot Texgs on the the .features of the of of a any day previous until Irom 10 A M west, tolal riis. , State, especially length column, constitutes “square.” <® engaged taneeductive from 7 o'clock P M, by calling on Agencies tor Mobile to Houston 475 ANNUAL MEETING JULY 1870. Serve 10 record its and $1.50 per daily first week. 75 cent , Hewing Machine** being miles. 14, markmirk n!"C^its history square 1, 176 Its for is Horn the progress for or TAYLOR, Commercial st. Assets the of its I 'olicies are more ihan 158 Middlti St over H All Co“P“»y composed of [Extracts records of the Annua! the last 50 per week after; three insertions, less, $1.00 Kent $50 month. Security W.B.DYER, H. Hay’s. strong Northern eap- Mce'tng.) years. per jyl2dtt $13,000,000.00 Kings oi Machines lor *’h" On motion 'of other day after first week, 5 j -— sale and to lot. /(spatting. have Steady On motion of Mr. Hon. jos. continuing every , \ expended nearly TEN Poor, Williamson: cents. The Profit, of the Company rvvert to tl « and nre divided niiBiiiHlly, a pan • tl,eir f,w« That a RMnrfd, „ funds in Voted, committee be appointed to Half square, three insertions or less,75 oents Good Rent! the Premium* terminated the in Bakers. theton-iruelionoi tue hue. consider and during year, certificate* far which are idumcd, bearing W. They have built about report such measure* as may be one week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. CONVENIENT for small O.OOBB, No. 12 Pearl Street needful family, within ereat until redeemed. M°bn,! a»d to increase the funds ol the Special one third additional. VERYthree minutes’ walk ol Wt9,w“r,1i secured by Society, Notices, Ctfv Hall. Kent 8150. urchrw’ enlarge its library and ami head of to W. H. H. MooHE,2d Vice-Prest. secur,,,e9and “ade provision lor the museum, make the Under $2.00 Apply W.1I.JERK1S. John D. Jones, President. h same more “Amusements,” pe J. D. Hewlett.3d Booksellers and Stationers. {horn, and accessible, and also upon the three insertions or less je29tf Real Estate Broker. Vici'-Preet. Charles Vice-President. e<inipmeut of the 108 miles con- ques- claralion square per week; $1.50 Dennis, Mb .Hno tion ol so the ot J. U.Chafe HOYT, FOGG & 92 Street. „C'TIaS changing by-laws as to u'low an American Advertisements inserted in the Main] Ajrf Secretary. BREED, Middle d,,‘fi011; 'el,ine but «« miles to Independence. built increase iu the number of its members. State Press” has a ^ I (which large circulatioi \ Furnished Room to Let, JOHN W. MTJJH That Messrs. oted, That said committee he ol GEB, Correspondent, Voted, Poor, C. J. Oilman in every part the State) for $1.00 t 1TH or without Book-Binders. To by the and that per squar \\i board. Also Boarders wanted. Complete the Entire Uoa<l Gem E. B Jackson, 8. P. Benson and John President, he for first insertion, and 50 cents H A corner Center and Office, 166 Fore Portland. WM. committee anJiounMsidd per square fo np'y Free st. No. 32. Street, A.QinNCY, Room 11 Printer's Exchange, it is believed that no other railroad O Fisk constitute said committee. through the each insertion. Jun3tttf March 13, 1871 dlm-eodllm&wGw No. Ill Exchange Street. corporation iu newspapers cmc subsequent tbe has ever That the he has not time to fill said all country made so large an Voted, President be authorized and committee. Address communications to ■MALL & No. Plum expenditure SHACKFORD, 3S Street. Irom its own means requested to call a of the To Let. before offering any ol itssecuri- meeting society for Arrangements were made for a PORTLAND PUBLISHING consultation at field day at CO. ties to the public. such time and place as said No-126 Commercial st., corner of Central REAL Bonnet committee Pema<juid, and the committee ST£?Ew ESTATE. and Hat may request, to consider the various appointed at hJ bar I; possession given July tit. 1871. Apply _WANTED. Bleacliery. The Company now offer tor gale the to H. E. No. y them Pre,,en,ed »»d«r the Augusta last winker for this J. E. RANDALL & CO. UNDERWOOD, 810J Congress Street. going °vote fore- purpose were au- BUSINESS CARDST jun30tf 8. SAWYER & 131 thorized WANTED. For Sale. CO., Bleachers, Middle street. to fill vacancies and add to their desirable Per Cent. To Let. Residence of Mr. F. A. Poor, Eight Mortgage Bonds maine historical number. Said committee were No 60 Pleasant Street, consisting ot a Large Carpenters and Builders. society. empowered w. neat and desirable No. 88 with from one to five hundred dollars two with all the mod- upon (be Louisiana Annual to the at tenement, (3ART1ES mTHEstory dwelling House, WHITNEY * Pearl division of 226} miles Irom New represent society the Popham cele- L.KEIEEK, A I eajral, wishing to invest in a sate and reliable ern MEANS, st, opposite the Park. Meeting, July 13th, 1871. Springs’. small lairily without children improvements, a two story audition. Stable and Orleans to the business, which will bear a Sabine River. This will be The Committee of the bration on the 29th ot mA jun22tf thorough investigation, carriage House, all well arranged and in First laie pr bably Maine Historical August. _preler, d,_ will find it to their interest to call the most Fresco immediately or order. Lot contains over 12800 let t. Has a Front- House. valvable poition ot the wr.ole as It wil. Alter Painter. lddress sq. Dye line, at the Annual disposing of a great of minor age oi 160 leet on be the Meeting in variety To Rent. Pleasant Street. This property ladies only rail communication by which the enor Society^appointed BECK FORD <fc will be sold ^•.®TyP^®8>Iu,liaSt., Cloaks cleansed or July to consider and the TfAIIYK. Nice new HAYWARD, Low and on liberal terms, for partic- dyed for ope 1870, report such meas- matters, meeting adjourned without PORTLAND, tenement in the Western part of the Adams Portland. dollar. roons productions of Texas can reach the Souther* day. ciiy. Will be let House, ulars inquire ot ures as be A only to a email neat family. metropolis. may needful to iucrease the funds Offloe at'Schumacher Bros, 6 Peering Block ■1»°® 17 ftM. O. PALMER, _jyli»3t JOHN O. PROCTER, 93 Street. Dentists. is this of the its Clippings. _fian22-d3w Exchange DBS. So important road considered to Louisiana, Society, enlarge library and mu- Wanted. EVANS * STROUT, 8 Con, A CARD—In former customers To be Let. Clapp Block, that the Slate has made liberal seum, and make the same “Long and successful thanking my ami A SM ART JOSIAH very grants in aid ol more reign’*—-The deluge. friends for the patronage have beslowcd intelligent young mam. to act as News HEALD, No. 10S Middle Street. the accessible, they upon conv.nient stable, with two a cX on the FOJB SwIIjE ! enterprise, by direct by endorsement and also A constant me lor the last I stalls, good Agent train. App^y at once to DB. W. R. donations, upon the question of so gleaner—The old man’s corns. fifteen years, have the pleasure In AVERYbay lott ami room tor at JOHNSON, No, 13J, Free Street. ol its changing carriages G R CfUSH U,M & bonds, and by subscriptions to the stock ol recommending to them Mr. W. L. KEtLER lorn CO., PACKARD * the the as to allow Othallo was not a No, t3 NEW HIGH ST.