PORTLAND Established June 23, 1862. Vot. ip, PORTLAND, SATURDAY

TO INSU RANCE. LET._ _ BUSINESS D published every day (Sundays exoepted) V DIRECTORY ~BOND& To Let. Portland Publishing DAILY “TTs. Co., Desirable Honse ol len rooms. Enquire ol C. O. Advertising Agency. fS5»^«ssnwi5“ & PRESS. street. UTIC^ At 109 Exchange A BAKER, 37 VYilmot E. W. LOCK. —-j-£ cu- U4i Mi,l,Ile Street, Advebtuf- New Orleans, Mobile and Resolved, That said committee be Street, Portland in In Maine Texas author- Jyl2- of and men of Agricnltiiral A Are history, Letters, to take The Maine State Frees Implements Weeds. building a tmuk line, in part JLJET. (ORGAOTZ1 ED IN 1842.) SAWYER* eonncciing New Orleans SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1871. such celebration, with authority to invite WOODFORD, No. Ill) Exchange St. with Mobile on the and 2^1 -- * east, giving Published t Congress Street opposite Lincoln Park. SI Wall -- contributions in (heform of addressesor writ- I?. every Thursday Morning St., corner o f William, New York. ,pn $2.50 a if Historical year; paid in advance, at $2.00 Auctioneer. THE ONLY [Reported for the papers. Documents, books, ot the pleasentest and best Insure* Against Marine i nd Inland Risks RAILROAD CONNECTION Daily Pres*} maps, year. located houses in Navigation ^°* ^ plans, wor|fg 0f Art, curiosities, Iu,liaSt., Cloaks cleansed or July to consider and the TfAIIYK. Nice new HAYWARD, Low and on liberal terms, for partic- dyed for ope 1870, report such meas- matters, meeting adjourned without PORTLAND, tenement in the Western part of the Adams Portland. dollar. roons productions of Texas can reach the Souther* day. ciiy. Will be let House, ulars inquire ot ures as be A only to a email neat family. metropolis. may needful to iucrease the funds Offloe at'Schumacher Bros, 6 Peering Block ■1»°® 17 ftM. O. PALMER, _jyli»3t JOHN O. PROCTER, 93 Street. Dentists. is this of the its Clippings. _fian22-d3w Exchange DBS. So important road considered to Louisiana, Society, enlarge library and mu- Wanted. EVANS * STROUT, 8 Con, A CARD—In former customers To be Let. Clapp Block, that the Slate has made liberal seum, and make the same “Long and successful thanking my ami A SM ART JOSIAH very grants in aid ol more reign’*—-The deluge. friends for the patronage have beslowcd intelligent young mam. to act as News HEALD, No. 10S Middle Street. the accessible, they upon conv.nient stable, with two a cX on the FOJB SwIIjE ! enterprise, by direct by endorsement and also A constant me lor the last I stalls, good Agent train. App^y at once to DB. W. R. donations, upon the question of so gleaner—The old man’s corns. fifteen years, have the pleasure In AVERYbay lott ami room tor at JOHNSON, No, 13J, Free Street. ol its changing carriages G R CfUSH U,M & bonds, and by subscriptions to the stock ol recommending to them Mr. W. L. KEtLER lorn CO., PACKARD * the the as to allow Othallo was not a No, t3 NEW HIGH ST. .iy 12 3t Grand Trunk HARDY, Fluent Block, Corner Con- by-laws an increase In the lawyer, although be was continuance nt the same, leeling confident that he Kent low. Depet. anil Company, amounting iu all to over eight million jyl4*lw The gress Exchange Sts. of of Venice. is able to please all who may give him a call in bis two Story Brick House with Freuch iollars. number Jits members; a-tawny general Roof 72 having considered line. CHAS. J. SCHUMACHER. No. Park street, with modern improve- An leads a Wanted! Furniture—Wholesale and The Bonds now offered arc of two the matter referred to oyster placid life untlll it JyHdtl To Let, m ments. Lot contains about 7000 square leet of Retail. classes: them, respectfully ask gets A 8»o1 remittance. public address one at Mar 10-dtf 'onwtipHliou, Dffifirui appetite. property tor. year least, or a suitable lankiness, slinkiness, and an ironed-down-ln- Nausea, For particulars of J. H. LAMSON, 152 Middle St., cor Cross. in PHOTOGRAPHER, ] Claialeuce, Headache, Torpidity of the inquire Subscriptions will he received in Portland, period, advance of the time of its the-back 1 my!1d,wtf CHA RLES by delivery. expression.” Room to .iver, Jauadice, 1 nflamiuntion of the Kid- BARTLETT, Wilton. The committee are No9152 Middle Let. WM. E. also of the that Street, Febrile disturbances of the hth- Plumbers. WOOD, ESQ., 87 St. opinion Alluding to the slurs PLEASANT Front Chamber and side room, to ! iey*,C-out, Exchange the library and museum of “present-taking” 1 », and of the Pine Suburban Residence for Sale. JAMES 91 Federal the society with the ME. A let, with Board, on Danforth St., Lear State. Derangements digestive MILLER, Street. Every des- Hessrs, SWAM 4k all against Grant, Chicago Post say: “If PORTLAND, € conomy. of Water BARRETT, Bankers. its curiosities, in addition to its Enquire at 29 Free st. mr7dtt The subscriber offers for sale his cription Fixtures arranged and set up in books, President Grant takes what is or best lOO middle St only given Copying and enlarging done to order In its modern-built residence situated on the manner. Jobbing promptly attended to. pamphlets, manuscripts and should if primary effect, refrigerant, laxative, D. m. maps, belongs to him, he does for which To be Let. _L the eminence overlooking Wood- PAVSOM, Broker,3fl Excksagest. possible be made more accessible to the something All the new styles, Berlins, MedaMion. £ or pub- Democratic administrations furnish no Rembraots, perient purgative, as may be desired and fhnPa Corner, Westbrook. It con- Plasterer, Stucco Infotmation and lor prece- the Porcelain, or Mezzotint card, and the retouched No 6! Exchange st.. recently occupied ItljgMHiqjJf Worker, *c. concerning tile Company and the lic, this purpose be removed to some by 1 tains 12 good-sized rooms, with an P. dent.” card by which new process we ge» rid of freckles, STOREDresser & Ayer,and fitted lor a first ceording to tbe aud in its FEENEY, Cor. Cumberland and Franklin Sts. Soad, and phamplets and lull de- suitable room or in thoroughly (lose; secondary, excellent cellar, is supplied with an abundance ol containing map rooms, charge of a respon- moles, wrinkles, and all imperfections of the skin class bookstore. alls oi the sible in and corrobora- hard and soft water, and it is in a good state of re- enterprise, can be obtained ol the under- party, case buch room can be Call and judge lor yourselves. W. H. FESSENDEN, Iterative, stimulating, tonic, Real Estate procur- pair. There is a large stable on the The Agents. or of the ed without to MW&F 1m 59 st. t ivs of the entire vital premises. lined any Company’s advertised agents. expense the society. Proposals lor Two Steam HTMotto-Good work at Moderate Pric- _jylO Exchange functiotis. grounds embrace two acres, laid JOHN O- PRO 93 Light- handsomely out, TER, No., xehmge Street. It has been intimated to us that the efto Aim to Please. may20 and on which is a fine vegetable the O city House Tenders. To Especially commended to travelers, mili- garden, vegeta* GEO. R. DA\’Ih, No. 301$ Congress street. government of Let, hies to be sold with the house. W. B. Portland, would, in view of Tnuirr and Stores on Pearl and t and naval Shattuck, the DvparlMit, ) Street Cum- ary officers, and all others exposed This is one of the finest locations in tbe ol Banker, great importance of the labors of the so- the vicinity Htlver Smith — — Office V Light-IJouie Board, COBB A HOOSKSberlanu Terrace by Portland—within five minutes' and Cold aud Sliver AND } RAY, 1 a to sudden walk of the horse- ciety and the value of its tender Washington City, July 10, 1871. »J. L. FARMER. atmospheric vicissitudes, chaog- cajs, and a line view of Plater, financial collections, ) sep27-1y_ afloiding the city, harbor, Agent, If. O., if. $ T. B. B. the use of a suite * s ot ocean, and the Ce., of rooms iu their new SEALED PROPOSALS will be re- at diet aud water, and to malarial influeu- surrounding country. Price $9000 M. No. 22 near City Attorneys I^aw, PEARSON, Temple St., Congress,I No. 23 Hall ceived at this Office until one o'clock P. on To be One-third of the purchase remain on Nassau Street, New York. building, the use of a lecture SEPARATE M., Let, es. money may All kinds Sitrer and Plated Ware donating Ibe28lh of Office, 119 1-9 Exchange Street, It has been put to the extreme test of mortgage if desired. Possession of Repaired. maj31d &w22 3m loom as wanted, Friday, July Inst., tor furnishing the ma- whole or part ot the block ol Brick Stores on given immediately, to the uses of and to timl ot rpHE of SAM’L history, terial* labor all kinds necessary toionetruct, Branch Offices at and X Portland Pier. I se at the Isthmus of as a inquire JORDAN, ESQ. the service of the Maine Saccarappa Windham, Me. Panama, protec- P. 8. A Sliver und Plated Ware. Historical Society,— complete, and equip two steam Light-house at the Merchants National grove containing twe acres adjoining on until Tenders, Apply Bank. 1 the itself should be able in mrcnroance with the and JOHN C. COBB. F. M. RAY. ion against the deadly miasms of that di- the south, also an acre of tillage land on the north, ABNER LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. society to erect drawings specifications. jyl8t! a Firtt. Fot a side-wheel 1j7 leet ---- ■ will he sold with the it proper suitable to Steamer, ap8-3m r aud premises, desired. aug25-tf building contain iu libra- late, with triumphant success, as shown where lung, ‘16 leet greatest breadth of beam, and 8 leet t To Let, Schools. ^boTdsT ry, statuary and other works of art and dep'hot hold. JULES CH. i y in our a of L. MOEAZA1N, testimony possession. ENGLISH and FRENCH »t. gallery pictures needful to illustrate the Second. Foi a Propeller Steamer, 138 feet FRONT CHAMBER with SCHOOL, 430Congre«» FROM PARIS, board, 241 Congress Prescribed history of our State and long, .’5 feet 8 inches greatest breadth of 11 A Streef. Also table by Physicians. country could be se- beam, board. July 7-tt Geo. R. Davis & F ° R L 3E3 leet 3 inches depth of bold, and ot about 300 tons Teacher ot the French ENDORSED Co.’s Stair Builder. cured. Language, R. _S_A burden by old measurement. F. LIBBY, 174 Union Street, up atairr. It is Late Master ot Modern Languages in the Provin- TO LET. l y testimonials of Eminent Scientific Men, it State of Maine 6’s also said that the corporation of Bow- The printed specifications, plans, and drawing* ot cial ullMtin. each ot these with Training School, High and Grammar Schools. doin College, will tender to ths the vessels, forms of bid and guar, St. N. B. nd many prominent men, who from Teas, dec. Bath 6’s. society be hail on to this Office: the John, I FLUENT speak Coffees, Spices, City use of to the amee.may application Relerences: BLOCK, a .e Iiniia rooms, equal wanU of the socie- L. H. Office. Gen. J. M. Brown, J. W.Symonds, 0FFICES n extended experience. to Loan III J.nMMmo oo, & IU2& 164Congressata St. liouis Engineer’s Baltimore, Md.; L. H. In- Esq. $20,000 county 7’s ty, and possible access to, and the use of, the spector’s Office, Philadelphia; Wil- Either or in Suits. former OO. Cnstom.house, from one p. m. to three o’clock r. m at 58 Single Price 15 cent*; price |1 Portland & books ot the mington, Del.; L. B. No. Apply We are prepared to loan money in sum. Watches, Jewelry, ftr, Rochester R. R. 7 >s large valuable college library. Inspector’s Office, 18, Spring Street, or in writing P. 0 Box 2059. These offices are the most desirable in the city Sold all and at wholesale in Thnan propositions Broadway,N Y.; L. B. Inspector’s Office, Boston, by druggists, from SlOfl to any amount desired, on first J, AMBROSE MERRILL, No. 139, Middle street. Portland & K. R. are submitted to the so- BP“ M. Morazain will return to Portland about being pleasantly situated and heated by steam. Ogdensbur? for its and also at the L. H. Inspector’s Office, Portland, xst'Mi iuuiu aim J Messrs. F. & class J.W. * H. H cor ciety action, without recommenda- Sept. 1st. «isu, uesKs lurnisueu 11 uestreu. 'ortland, by W. Phillips Co., mortgages in Portland, ('ape Eliza- .MODUFFEE, Middle & Union sts. Gold 6’s any Me. tion or of bach •eplOdly mar9dLt W. Perkins & W. W. & beth, Westbrook, or Decring. Parties de- expression opinion on our part, vessel innst be bid lor separately, stating the Co., Whipple Co., European & N. American R. R. of notice sum lor which the vessel wheel sirous ot can tbougli worthy us as of the (side orfpropelter) building also be accomm- by proof will be furnished To net. 1 1. H. Hay, G. H. Knight & Co., and the Gold 6’s growing taste in the of com; lete, and the time when It odated with loans. NEW study history. will be delivered In a complete and stale SWEAT & trout chamber with board, at ilauufacturers. FIRM. The limits of our satisfactory COOMBS, central Kail road of State embrace the mcst to the authorised officer or ot the 50 8PRINU 8TREKT. GEO. K. DAVIS A CO., Iowa Gold 7’s agent Light-house a aa_ n v NICE interesting portion of the continent of Board. Bldilets, wlo are will state *1 w Real Estate Sc Brokers. West North shipnuilders, aiiu cuimsnurs ui jyll H. T. CUMMINGS & Mortgage Wisconsin R. R. Gold 7’s America in their bids the name ot the or who dhwiucjs naw, CO„ sei>24tt C.W.ENGLTSH & CO. iu its geographical aspecU, aDd has party partiea Northern are to build the eDgines, boilers, Ac.; and bidders 413 CONGBE88 ST. Pacific R. R. Gold 7-30’* been the theatre of the most To Let. prominent events who are engine builders, &c„ will state In their 121 Middle St, Portland, Me- (Successors to PRAY & SMITH,) that marked the No. 65 Park street,to let tor a term of jun28tf Me. A First-Class Private Hotel For early history of the conntry. bids the name ot the party or parties who are to L. A. Portland, Rival and D. M. SWEAT. W. COOM BS years, Las recently been put in thorough re- Lease. 297 CONGRESS STREET, WANTED nationalities and races struggled for do- c nstruct the hull, Ac,; tach party bid- water and Furnace. Iiu- PORTLAND, is u> lurnlsh evidence ol my3d3mo pair. Gas, Sebago fTlHE minion in the formative ot ding required sitisfactory te elegant block, recently occupied the State ot Maine Bonds. period American Lis to execute the in a man- possession given. Inquire of PROPOSALS by Will have from this a ability work satisfactory £1100^6 ioc;tieu oil date carefully selected as- within its R. O. CONANT, uuwuuiuu, ixuuhii)' \>ungre» history, borders, which witnessed ner, according to I be terms ot the advertisement, HOLMAN’S and sortment ol Bank stocks. the first jnn23 133 Commercial St. street, every way arranged tor the purpose ad- shedding of blood in the great specifications, and drawings, (should the contract he SEALED will be received tbe or lor a strug- Proposals by Special vertised; genteel boarding bouse. It con- -BT- gle for dominion. awarded to him,) within the time named In his pg*r ^ Committee of construction on the new Ferry tains thirty rooms, ot an suit ot General Insurance consisting elegant H. P The influence of postil. Agency, sanding at Fciry Village, Cape Elizabeth, until parlors and dining rooms, convenient kitchen Laces, M, AY SON, Maine in the pan- Ribbons, Hosiery, shaping Each bid must be accompanied by a written guar- the 15th at two o'clock for the dinner billiard “le Central Block, Lewiston, Me. laturday, inst, PM, tries, closets, hall, and the other BANKER AND BROKER C country will, as we antee, signed by the bidder and competent surety, labor and viz: rooms so tts to be used DRESS believe be alike insurance effected in the New tiros ti rain ollowing material, arranged singly or in sniis. TRIMMINGS, conspicuous in tbe (ceitified to be sucb some officer the CT’“Fire leading Ribbons, cu. or some hun- future. by known,CD Proposals per yd. ton, lor three Water closets on every fl< or. Tne whole establish- juG 32 on all kinds of ol Exchange St., Portland. The results which have come to Treasury in tbe sum ot ten thooaaud England companies, property Ired ei more cubic small and medium s ized ment has been in pass, are due Department.) yards perfect orde. aud in most favorable terms. iii all co’ois ana also and placed provided to the uwiiiuB, if iu,uw,j lum me «,cii» vi uic widths, French boiled plain to be delivered on the site ot the new Fer- with all modern mainly advantages ol the nov21 jrouiing, improvements. The block Is beau- Buttons, geographical of such bid the contract will be entered L>. HORACE HOLMAN, Proprietor. Ribbons, all at astonishing prices at LATNERH. at at «uch Gloves, Handkerchiefs, of our necessary y landing, Cape Elizabeth, points,in such tifully fiescoed thronghoogbt, and for the purpose STONE position State, apparent to tbe early into within tun duyb after notice is given by the manner and to such depth and width for some two is to in & Board that the bid advertised, superior anything the State. PARASOLS, CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS, DOWNER, navigators and discoverers, as to the modem has been accepted. W. H. CLIFFORD, Lwo hundred feet in length as may be deemed suf- Apply to GEO. K. OAV18 Or (JO., statesman and The party or parties to whom the contracts are Gros to geographer. Grain Dress Silks Hcieut raise the bottom and prepare the bed lor a JeS7eod2w Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. awarded will be required to enter into contract with- breakwater wall. Rubber Tbe publication this of the Counsellor at proposed Goods, by Society great in ten days trom the date ot the notification that his Law, Also proposals per cu. yd. lor some thirteen hun- A three story brick tesideDCe on Pearl rear work ot Dr. Kohl the or their bid has been with a bond and sat- in colors and also, Ti tannine Street, JET FANCY GOODS AND upon early discovery accented, black; Silks, Satins, Ired yds. best quality Block Stone trom Casco Bay. Congress. Twelve rooms, hard and solt water ORNAMENTS, for the fhithlul execution ANI) SOLICITOR O ATENTS, at Gas, BANKERS, of the North East Coast North isfactory security attached, Ac., very JLATHHERS. of America, Ac., cheap telivered on the site above named and layed in a ana everything in complete order. Rent ot the work contracted for. and as for the Has remove to $500 per S8 State is of great economical security Bieakwater Wall. The same to be large, beavy annum. Ladies’ Street, Boston. importance, for it is whole ot the stipulated advance to be jy7 Furnishing Goods, calculated to payments No. 80 Middle Street, done, laid in tbo main transversely, and closely impress upon all a knowledge of made as the work progresses. with small st*-ne. The wall is to be double We have the houses the unrivalled The works will be carried on under the Real Malta Laces packed following and tene- Ot every description. Also IN facilities of Maine for a leading personal BOYD BLOCK. au24 and with stone to no case less than DEALERS of ot laced, coped |two ments for rent:— part iu the commercial and affairs of supervision agents the Board, ana all la- teet wide one and one bait teet rise and six feet Berlin and political cititles must be afiorde 1 them for the ma- in all widths, also imitation Blond and by Zeyhyn, Patterns, Filarelies, American and and the inspecting C. J. Guipure, in Hammond House Foreign Specie Coupons, continent terials and the workmanship Such ot either SCHUMACHER. Diiches® Lace, positively less then importers prices length. (so-called) on Congress parts Proposals will be received lor the wall either with and a few Stylish Hals BUVANDSELI, A feeling of state to show it- as are not ill accordance with the drawings and spe- at LATNERR. street; 14 rooms with all modern improve- pride begins FRESCO PAINTER jr without ilie coping. Also tor the coping alone. City, State. County and jUnited|5tates Bonds. self within the State of Maine, shared afake cifications will be rejected, and must be made good Plans and specifications of the work may be Beeu ments. far Children. the contractor or contractors. AGENTS FOR at this time men of all and we con- by ftice at the Store of Messrs. A. G. Schlotter and forwarded to tbe office ol Pickett & SAFE OF by parties, A of the and of each tea. Drug proposals Honse on Pearl may9tl copy plans specifications Kid Gloves at street, near ID Cedar and fidently that the men ot beck & Co., Henley Ferry Village. Cumberland; Burlington, Bapids, Minnesota hope young Maiue, sel bid lor must be enclosed with the bid as evidence C. E.Staples, Esq., Engineer in charge maybe rooms; gas and Sebsgo lor First Mortgage B. R. Bonds. 7 par cent in Oold. satisfied and contented with at as to the object of tbe proposal. SIOII for ti e million, in all shades and sizes best water; $300. opportunities CoiifircHiiNt,, Portland, IMe.,. styles consulted will* plans &c, at No24 Exchange street, A New Place for Northern Pacific B. R. Bonds, 7 3-10 in Gold, will here TUe Board reserves the to reject pro- superior Makes lor Ladies, Gents, Misses and chil- House on Wilinot street; 12 New Work. home, contribute their exertions in right any Jan 12-dtf One door above Brown, Portland, on Wednesday, 12th inst, tiom 2 to 6 rooms; $300 per and the U. S. Funded Loan. posal itur any reasons it may deem sufficient. dren and cheaper than any other store in this city, the carrying lorward of our State to a still o’clock P M. year. FOB Payments will be made as the work progresses at LATNER8. ALSO, SAFE, more brilliant The Committee reserve the right to reject any or k. McDonald, future. Of the influences that satisfactorily, as in the printed specifica- SHERIDAN & GRIFFITHS, A Hotel 30 on European and NoriH American Firss Mort- *etgtor£h all bids. private containing rooms, control the movements of tions of each vessel. a on Fore at toot of gage R. It. Bonds, G per cent in at 90 and in- business, nothing Silk R. S. street. lately opened place st., Gold, Bids will be the and at the Pongee Parasols SMART, Congress Plum st, where he will furnish terest. tends more to raise men and com- opened pub k-\y op day plasterers; CHAS. HAS Steam, Gas, effectually hour above-named in this advertisement. HANNAFORD, House corner Cumberland and and Water at low Will also liis in CYRUS Pearl streets Pipe prices. give We munity, the commercial scale and in social must be sealed, and endorsed PIjATN and ornamental also cambric and alpaca paiasols, black and colored, COLE, when at. draw Exchange an Han I All bids carefully 11 rooms services needed reasoable rates. Francisco, than a lined and uulined. Also silk col- Committve ot Construction. and all modern St. An and and life, becoming pride in their own iand “Proposals tor Building a Side-wheel Light-house Fringes, Gimps improvements. Mr McDonald Is a good workman and no stranger Montreal, ha, Halifax, Buy ored Cape Elizabeth, July 7th, 1871. to 15 and Sell on Commission Stocks and and home and Tender.*' or for Building a Propeller *TUOOO & MASTIC WORKERS Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Corselts, Collars, Fans. jy8 A new tenement on Lincoln of six to his profession. We would cheerfully place him Bonus in Bos- history. “Proposals Ac., all at at street, ton and New York. Light-House Tender,” as the case may be. ana theu Ac., popular prioes before the public as one worthy of their patronage. Inquiries by mail promptly For the purpose of out the recom- VO. e SOOTH ST., PORTLAND, UK. Farm tor Sale. rooms. answered. carrying be place'! in another envelope, and ad and je27-d2w*A CUSTOMER. mendations herein the committee tbelresell attention to allktndsot Jobhin A new Special attention to received proposed, delivered in person, or «eut through mail,pre- Prompt paid Situated in North Yarmouth near tenement on Preble street; packages by express. Board, b our line. apr22dtf Sebago ma,2G eod 13w beg leave to propose amendments to paid. to the Cbaiiman ot tl\e Light-House LAT Walnut Hill, one mile from the water and rooms chapters tinted City Liquor Agency. .. newly p and I and _ NERS, church, 1-4 mile from tbe post- papered. II, and submit a code of By-laws ot the Washington City. LIQUORS sold at tLis are of W. B. SHUBBJCfc, C£osnpai), H. office. store, and school also Bent $175 per year. Agency bought Maine Historical iu a new dralt. 7/. HOOPER, house; iylst-eod2w Mr. Eaton Shaw, the State IF YOU TO Society d3tmw2w Y. Braitcli, near the on the Maine Ccn- ALL Agent. WANT FIT A JylS depot The can rest assured that these Conlains about 75 acres of land, public liquors are This was so far as to of quality and the State Dr. report accepted bring UPHOLSTERED 335 superior pasturage supplied with abundance of wa- good Assayer, Goodale, Congress Street, MANHOOD: certifies that they are pure and su'lable lor Me U- Difficult tbe matter belore the and sufficient wood on tbe tor use Foot! Society. Long Portland Me ter, premises tamily cinal use. Nor. 31 to 75 tons in tavorable forfeited, destroyed by the Court Palmer’s, 132 Middle St Parlob Suits, Spbino Bede hay yielding Just in a sealed as the law bers without limitation of on the Loukues, and is excellent also tor Foi published, envelope, Price, fix requires. numbers, seasons, dairy purposes. cento. WM. Where you can get a wide or lull or slim Mattresses, further intoimation apply to the subscriber, 8ENTER, ) Committee nairow, terms proposed, tbe unanimous recommenda- A W. H. SI MON l on Boot, just the width and length that will he ea«yand T EDWARD BEALS. Walnut Hill, LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREAT- TON, City Li- Patent NTS. M. and the rare ot a Bed En F. KING. graceful, wearing tion ol the dfcDonaugh Leungea, MEN i\ and Radical Cure of or j quor Agc*y enjoy luxury per Standing Committee and an unan- ot all and No. Yarmouth, Maine Spermatorrhea Sem- feet ameled Chair*, Arc. Aquapelle Tents, sizes, water-proof inal Weakness, Sexual fitting hoot._ ap28tf mildew proof, tor sale and to let. jy 12 TT&Stt W1W involuntory Emissions, De- jel4-6m__3 imous vote of the Society, by ballot. kinds of bility, and Impediments to Marriage gy*All Repairing neatly done. Furni HORSE generally For Sale. ■re boxed and matted. AQUAPELLE COVERS! Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Lost. Hon. James W. Bradbury of mov- oc25-’ti&T,TAstt Mental and Fto; Augusta, and The ©at. FOR SALE T Physical incapacity, from Sel t iu largest, the handsomest, the best matched Insurance Water-proof ventiiatiug. |best thing resulting WALLET, containing $173.00 bill, ol tbe fol- ed to limit the number to 125. Hon. B. C. Co., Abuse, &c.t by Robt. J. Culverwell, M. D., author of lowing denominations: THEand the best working pair of oxen in York or WILLIAM A. AQUAPELLE HAY CAP8! the “Green A EVANS, Book,** &c. 5 $20 Cumberland CountieB, six years old, tor sale. Prlee Baiiey of Batb, moved to make the number and bills.$100.00 Water-proot—Cheap Light. VALUABLE ‘•A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers.” 7 $10 do 70,00 *350 00. B. C. JORDAN. HP»=» Din... A 150. Mr. Scwall of Wiscasset moved 2.oo Bar Mill June 9.1571. fun9tf to limit Sent under seal, in a plain to ad- CINCINNATI; OHIO, COUNSELLOR AT LAW Order. rai:-1.__ m_■ « envelope, any 1JB $1 do VIZ:— Lost. Removed lo Cahoon Block, 16 8 Undivided about 000 Acres the committee, out the limitation as xiuhr9, «, Rang?, Lalt, say 11, uinine TonicBitters between Elm and tbe head ot Park Near Hall. strikiug »an»cs, iravniiig nags 16 Range 000 evening City 7, 8, ou a 13 to numbers.' Mr. Benson and Mr. The above ou Fish River. The best Aromatic Tonic ie LAST Congress street, package containing ®“Kooms 5 and 6. je23 tf Gilman of Cedar Trunk, for Packing. Concrete Pavement 2 with done in 13—The whole about use FOR yards Alpacca, trimmings up wrapping Barrows of 13, Range Township, say paper marked O. M. & E P. Biooks. The finder Brunswick, Judge Brunswick, 22,000 Acres Multiple Cane, to Order. wm ue rewarded the same at •* 15—East half, about 11,000 Jaundice aud suitably by leaving $25 Reward ! and Mr. of in $1,202,847.01 12, say Dy.pep.ia, GEO. R. DAVIS. Bradbury Augusta, spoke favor 12, 13—Undivided halt, say about 11,000 Nervous Debility, 105 federal Sheridan & Griffiths jj4iitr 403 Congress street. REWARD of will be of limitation. ht., Galley, The last named three lots are on the Allagash Riv *25 paid for the detection PORTLAND. And all from a A ol any one any cut er. diseases arising stealing flower, vase, flower, me FIRE AND or iuuuuus iur MARINE. lor and OR The above will be sold either in one or two lots ti Disordered Liver or Stomach. ALVAH LITTLE- Found* plaut, any decoration whatever lrom Evergreen g^Orders Repairing Covering solicit'* DERM LEFT AT the suit that is, the Fish River Lands in out FIELD, Proprietor, Boston,Mass. Sold by all Drug- PLACE where Gentlemen can have their Gar- amending report upon the table were Boxes ot all kinds made to order. purchase• s, H. N. lot and the Allagash River Lands in one lot. gists. •uy18tts&w3m A ments or Cleanesed and Pressed to look JOSE, ) py“Agents tor Noah’s Patent Paste. Dyed J. voted down by a small The motion For lurther to like at Foaler’s S. PALMER, [ Trustees*. majority. J. Ij. Brackett 21 or particulars apply new, Dye House, FRED UNION 6 SOUTH Sts. ROBERT RANKIN & CO 24 Uni .u Street, FOX, J to limit the- number to 200 was also voted Warren J. H. Campbell,' 9 *itt St. New Brunswick, vvpm uiriBiup IMIIIUC* Office 315 next door to Mechanic's Hall. 1e Sparrow, Agent. ay28isdit Geo. John, Congress st, down. The amendment of Mr. ol Bath _ Lord._ Saint John, N. B., July 8, 1871. Jy 13 lm undersigned have this day formed a Copart- jy *0 Bailey promptly attended to. _eodlw THEnership, under the name aud style ot HART& For Sale. to fix the number of merabeis at 110 was at the old stand ot H. B & H. M. H ART. »pl»3m CO., aud, valuable Heal Estate known as the 72 St. M. * “North JET. BREWER, Atlantic & St Lawrence Railroad will continue to the business ot the old then adopted. Exchange prosecute Hard and White Pine Timber THEWayne Scythe Work,,” situated at North Im firm in the ot Wool and Wool Skins and Jyll purchase On hand and sawed to dimensions. Wayne, Maine, 16 miles Irom Augusia, and six from On motion of $1000 ANNUAL MEETING sale ot Tinned and Mr. Poor, the repot t was No. 90, Middle Street, Reward. Sheep Skins, varionsly finished, the Railroad. Said property consists ot a very sale will be to meet the old triends and customers HARD PINE stockholders of the Atlantic Sc St, Lawrenc pleased PLANK, and reliable water privilege ot Horn lour to six hun- laid upon the table, until the next annual Executor’s Sale. of Leather Beltings. Rui Rcwar. office, 196 Fore Street, Portland, on Tuesday Jul y occasion for artificial teeth, No. 56 !■ xcliauge St. No is too geo. Capitalist o barstow, By W? L. D. M. 18th 1871 at 3 o’clock m. for the It should not be that Nitrons Oxide Mich, and lamented death of Dr. J. O. Kohl, a cor- Attorney, SWEAT, p. ioflowing pnrpoi forgotten We manufacture tne goods represented, and lor Jyl4 3w Executors. Portland, January 28tb, 1871 jn30tt Clo ses, viz: is administered tor teeth, with the hts Cleaning, Dyeine and Repairing. daily extracting this season have confidence in the assertion that we No Farmer is too member of the and the 1st, To choose a and Five Dire< satisfaction Poor, responding society, Clerk, Treasurer greatest by can furnish a better article than can be tors for the D. D. purchased His- to the corner ot ensuing year. O. P. MCA LASTED, S., tor same No Mechanic is author of volume T, of the Documentary removed Fore and Exchange 2d To the money at any other establishment in too Poor transact any other business that may ill y 74 Free Street, near Congress Square. nasstreets, over B. F. Fogg’s slioe store, where with leg Portland, the city. With the very best facilities tor transact- to an Earth is read Kev. Dr. come l>elore said mr8 new eow 1&15 buy Closet, which a substitute tor tho of Maine, by Packard, FISHERfflEm! increased he will be able to meeting. our we shall endeavor to well tory accommodations, UE0‘ E* ing bnsiness, produce water-closet or common privy,and places within the ^ B- JACKSON, Clerk. made ordered to be re- NATHAN goog» I will sell at a reasonable next Thursday, August 31, at tl e vain advertised has a mean 8“'d ot price. For further partlc- hist day ot term, every remedy, simple ed boots, and cost about as ♦arvl- riage, Carryall or Saddle. and adjuster accounts, a ulats ot of to his fellow- only half That a committee of 21 members ■filTj- am £r*e«u inquire same and hour. _ __ which he will send free & 14 and 16 Resolved, no use tor him. place ! sell-cure, HENRY TAYLOR CO„ Exchang the owner haring BOOK-KEEPER,office ot Joseph H. Webster,line. Agt.,l68jw 1,1 SAMUEL HARRIS, President. sufferers. H. TUTTIdE 78 much. hi. G. fault, 8t*,e au20dtl CHAS. G, GOODING- Address, |J. Nassau-gt., PALMER. treat, Portland, Agent for the State ot MaineJ be appointed to take all necessary measures at JOHN TOBIN’S Stable, No.12 te t. I tun'591 aug II Hew York. dc24-im ,W , Yarmouth, July 10,1871. jylO «, o d lw* Brunswick, June 157,1871. June 17-d3w 1, oc3eodty to secure an appropriate observance of the July II, 1871. Case. to a senti- Baltimore Poisoning .-cbr Of its tendency to degenerate SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL roe new fialdog Diploma, bui't bv J%tncs Me- j The Baltimore American gives full parlicu- NOTICES. t> u^al at Hodgdon*s Mill*. as been brans't to ttds as an nui- ratal exhibition, rt lor her outfit. She registers 76 tons, new unmitigated 1 ars oi the following case iu that city, which DAILY PRESS. the common school ■asure. and is commanded bv < apt A H Plnkham, " |:™ nee As for institutes, rccasions great excitement in that vicinity. Fishing Tackle S whom she Is owned, together with other parties at has been referred to, he he- Home Securities III sothbav. :* PORTLAND. bose influence Cliis ca.-e is iu oi.e of the most aristocratic -and- more evil than -- that nine-tenths taught h >ved varts of the city, and in a home distinguished CLOSING sTleT l>OtlK«Tfe« POHTM. the Few will question first statement were OF THE Goods PENSACOLA—Ar As- JULY 15, 1871. S' lod.” [or its culture, while the victims personal SEASON, Sporting 3d, brig Charlotte, West, SATURDAY, is the ex- In at ^ nwaU. it the oilier allegation reckless and one a henelactor. The variety •_b j.in frieuds particulars Ar 6«b, sch Nellie ttuwcis, Staikpole, Apalachicola BALI eme. aro taken from tlr& American. (MORE—Ar llth.oarque Daring, McDonald. For (iovetnor: J. B. 69 fet. 1 ortlHini. “Times of can he had by THE CONFIDING GUESTS. LUCAS’, Exchange PH 1 Refreshing” LADKI.PHI A—Ar lltb,sch* Everglade, Dow,9 or Mr.Kugeoa DRESS GOODS! anjior. iuiclie3 mouth On 21, d individuals every by ap- Saturday afternoon,Jane OF THE- Ar SIDNEY PKRHAlfl, in ill'- house ol Alex. 12th. *4 in* Den Connor, Partridge, Port Spain; icatiou to Vau Ness, e'erk banking Fine r pl Dr. Charles Callis of Boston, of Baltimore and Machinists’ Tools, laHiot, Anieshury. Gardiner. OF PARIS. Brown & Soos,corner Cld 1 th. fob Joh itliout of Mrs V [-al-bar- Tnial Pish. Turner. Portsmouth. money and without price. People's vei t streets, called ai the house 11 Drill., Reamer*, DM mb ,,yr.jUtf k p three coirs w Ij s* Herrlrnan. Nichols, Belfast, I; ton, No. 2(33 North Eutaw street, Die*. r ri\t I a nine Butler. Nlckersaw It (nations for the monthly are, however, pub- o! the EUROPEAN AND Herew-Plale*, Tap., Bangor. Giving Up. Biddle street. Ho was a irieud 8bip Jsor w*s observer from 'imi .k Small, Im Liverpoo* via is to the most careless jj sbed in its columns aud to Dr. financial for Mrs. W bar- Machine Emery Wheel*. 1,1 1,1 It obvibus go support family, aud also agent Nckw>, kr ir«iTSfS? 8b,e put repair. She left 600 tons even t en the if vestment ol her *"■' i8 «<>■>*. that the will not make £ .’s work of faith and labor ol love. ton aud attended to NORTH AMERICAN 1 , W V.?!??-"1 i,oki,’>! Democracy entered the lions, he At No. 69 Street. 121,1 S1 hs Bred Turn- can\a. > in money. .Shortly a tier he HOSIERY. Exchange li'mi i, t „Ar Spofford, In the The need a new in the matter m a Su':‘>. R<*». do lor S*- effort approaching of departure lew drops M,i ??“?' nail, ordinary drank a glass ol beer, pouting B. I.VC’AM. .<0PMrV J?1 ll,t Un; that the new a Gents’Hose from 8 cts to 50 cts. Children's Hose from 7 c to 30 cts. 3. R»vm,. Marou, do lor certain f ol In short time he RAILWAY GO. ■ i’kTJ1do this Slqte. It Is already 0 practical religious enterprise urged by of the tincture gentian. I1"?®'1 Vinalhaveu; Mora, was initiated taken aud Dr. S G. Cnew was sum- .awlev. Rockpon Alit.i? movement which only g leakers at the Congregatioualist Stale Oon- was ill, Ladies’ Hose from lO cts to 75 Misses’ Hose all Ingalls, Ingalls. ,Vu»- political to attend him. (Dr Chew declines cts, grades! nas-h. NB. An|ha»9aanr, rm ,f ,1 such moned fTIHEK.&N. A. KAILWAY is Warron, Karigor; a tew weeks ago with gteelul anticipa- j irence is made in some of the infoi nut on alibis completed from i larris, Iricbols, bardiner; kuti, S Pin significant oivit the press any stage to M. Corsets, llodgdon. g A Bangor, Maine, John. New Brunswick, a Corsets, ill to be t ons will ptove conspicuous , rendered. Prof. Barbour reported of tlm case.) distance oi 2f2 miles,—with the exception of 58 Cld 12th, barque II VV sports and was to bed in Itosevelt, Herriiuan, Havan s is tried. taki u to his home, put Mrs. mil* s between Winn, Me., and the line of Clark. first State where it Its failure in t hat less than one boundary REAL 8 ah Calvin, Newburyport hut twenty churches, Wharton’s lmuse, whore lie icm iiued .ill the the State at Vanrinkwater, Pensacola. 12. For church edifices, debts, them and the Uni ed States,will over tin's Trunk jun22sueoiJtt biti been so little harmonious as at present.— TWO SICK MFN pass Blonde and real Thread Lace Edgings, Real and Imitation Guipuie Laces, Cotton Fringes, and Ar 13tb. sch Onward, Bunker, Pictou. have labored dur- line.which is \VITU«»U I’ 1:0 ?I PETITION. Frogs rtiirty seven missionaries Gimps for Pique and Linen Suits. Buttons utlaatf» ar y other luhrieart three to Hve tiiutH Waterville Classical Institute. poisoned. General’s by the badness Piovinoas. Delaware, era in it was to be ex- Fullerton, KllHworih; Hariiet Fuller,Wil- great political history, in-law bis suspicions. A pest-mot lem exami- J o compete th»- toad, ami to equip it as tally as ts O. lie BAILKV, Agent for Maiue. ard Portland. Waterville, July 14,1871. was the contents of the stomach 1-age business and tuts imnied ate inciease that immediately after it was framed nation made, present 4S Exchange Street. BUIS rOL—Ar lltb, ub L M Knowles. Clements, lo the Editor the Press: and ol tartar emetic consequent upon its completion, requires,—the Com- COGIA Mach'as of analyzed, twenty grains Dealer ,in (Juus, ami Goods. the of Conservative sympa- pany has issued it? Bonds fo the amount of Two HASSAN’S, Fishing Snorting rfed newspapers discovered. Iu the meantime a circumstauce 24 NEW BEDFORD—Sid 13th, sch Trade In- The exercises of the Classical of secured a May sn-TT&S Wind, other in to anniversary Mr. Vau Ne.-s Millions Dollar*, by graham, Rock land. thies would rival eacii eagerness oecuried iu the room in which XAA 1IWS.I Jlw _w of which Mr. J. H. Hansou is Prin- BOSTON— \r 13th, barque S A Bla'sdetl. Institute, was that seemed to give the key to the and I’ll do Good.”— Dlx Sawder, support and delend it. Perfect con- lying ■ itit; “Boy Me, you Iquique; a< I s Win H Prentice. Iron- Mobbe explain, are thia week the attention of and lo demonstrate a doubt (niTCii LANGLEY’S ROOT AM) HERB Henry, cipal, occupying mystery, beyond FIRST & ONLY BITTER'S. No Merritt, Philadelphia; Cyrus Fos«et\ Hanting, do; cert of action was to be anticipated.— he bad been Dr. Chew had MORTGAGE the ftieuda of education here. The entire days that poisoued. -AND- Mary J Waid, Lord, Hoboken; Wm Rue, pre *ev, “milk ON ITS KNTIPE K04D AXIS PROP- good roots ami herbs, such a^* But instead of this harmony and we preserioed punches” for bis patient, healthy Sarsaparilla, New York: Luella. Hodgkins, Ellsworth : Fanny zeal, of Wednesday and Thursday were occupied in ERTY Frtafl WINN to •vlid Yellow which were prepared in the house aud brought VAXCEBORO’ Oherrv, Dock, Prickly Ash, Thorough- Barney, CaMes, Vinalhaven Peucinian. Turner, have been to find that not one a Second on the entire road and Mandrake. so com- surprised examining the various classes. The faculty o to his bed-room made. He drank the (besides Mortgage 6 Street. wort, Rhubarb, Dandelion, &e., bancor. ready from to 56 miles. This Temple pounded as to reach tin* tonntaiiH ot disease, and ab- Democratic has to equipments Bangor Winn, Old 13th. brig A J Ross, Wyman, Surinam; sch journal formally endorsed, who are the trustees of the first one aud it appeared be all right, noth- cure Colby Uuiversity, portion cost some $2 300,0 0, and the only Jien there- solutely all Humors, Liver and bilious Diseas- Albert Treat, Sawyer. Calais" ing unusual being detected iu the taste. Wheu on is a to the ot tor es, and explained and advocated the platform. That Classical Institute, expressed themselves very mortgage city Bangor $1,000,000) _PORTLAND._ Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Cosl hreness, Scrotula Ar 14th sch Dolphin. Rsienau, Machias. the next one was brought iu Mrs. Van Ness, —and. in addition thereto, by a FT KMT AXIS ail difficulties arising from a diseased stomach oi im- Cld sch K II lias been received in si- the 11th. Colsaa, Gray, Portland. ifl8nstrosity profound highly gratified by examinations, particu- who was in attendance on her sick husband, OXliY MORTGAGE on pure blood. Twenty y*ars ot unrivalled success h is Insure with the Great them to be the best lence. No is heard from larly iu French, Latin and Greek, Tie class while pouring the fluid from one glass to an- proved medicine in the world. E; Fair Dealer. Ellsworth; Rob- applause any quar- GEO. 0. GOODWIN & CO.. and all Remlck, Ec!l|j«t, some was Boston, Drug- bins. Bangor. of men for entrance to the col- other, by inexplicable impulse ter. The Argus devotes itself to the young prepared Acres of Land! gists. fcb24eod1t»w Sid 13th. that ought to have become obsolete on tbe Connected with the Institute are two Washington by semi-annually yeirs, 6. ABUSES OF THE NA TURAL FUNCTIONS. literary are ot great value. thereon. Ar at < allao 14th ult, barque Oneeo, Haskell, San THE ARREST. ot the day the was and to sustained the young Thus, besides the mortgage Railway, its this lorm ot Policy is calculated to relieve ihe mindp of some lest the 7. TREATMENT AND CURE. Francisco; 29tb, Kit Carson. Spencer, Pori Gamble. decalogue promulgated, societies, respectively by which is Policy-holders provision they Mrs. Wharton .was arrested ou Monday eve- equipments, &c., alone ample security lor have made lor their families should l»e lost through unsafe investments or other uncertainties incidental Price 50 cents bv mad. Address the Dr. Bid 14th, ship Gen ChamberlalD, Morse, at its new bete ladies and Last a author, Guauape. square away noir, Superin- gentlemen. evening large w the Bonds, there arc timber and tarm lands to the to trusts. Andrew to loid ning, but ho made the affidavit of informa- contingent CUKTIS. & Trillion! place. Boston. Chartered—ship Johudon, for Ger- audieuce assembled in the church to amount ot such deferred will share iu the or dividends ot mnnv at 63s. tendent Johnson. The Maine Standard, Baptist tion is not known outside ot official circles. .At! payments equitably profits the Company, which hith- imH-s'iioiiy JaatS er t» have been very large. SM tin Buenos Ayres April 11, ship Nevada, Gilky, the brevet State of the Democ- listen to the oration before theso societies, by Out of consideration for her health she wTas not Callao. even, paper 400 Acres to each Bond All persons contemplating insurance aie invited to look into the advantages ottered by this great company, taken to jail, but was made a prisoner iu her In a Rev. Prot. Galusha Anderson, 1). D., of New- beiore insuring elsewh re. port May 29, barques Lord Olaren Ion, Laven- racy, puts but trifling part oi its customary own four officers detailed to house, being guard also to ensure the thereof. No belter investment can be made tbau in a with this great An- der, and Samuel B llaie, Matthews, for N, w York; ton Centre, Mass. The oration was a forcible pledged payment Policy company,—Dividends vigor into tbe support of what it sincerely tbe li >use and preveut any one from leaving. The Bonds are tor $1000 each, due March 1, 1899, nually. br*" Clara J Adams, McFadden, lor New York, (cld.l and of the sonnd views of and others. The Biddeford logical presentation John H. Thomas, E.^q and I. Neviti Steele, bear interest at disdaiua. Democrat, having W. ». Ar at Montevideo W D the speaker in reference to the theem of Utility Esq have been retained as her counsel. Mr. LITTLE, Ma> 28, br*g Andrews, Per- committed itself to opposition to the surren- Thomas was in consultation with her kins, Pernambuco in Education. Dr. Anderson referred in during General Maine and New In Mav Juan F opening the SIX PER CENT. PER Agent for Hampshire. port 31, barques Pearson, Oliver; der of “Lee’s left in advance of the night. ANNUM, dun2_' off is Fishing Tackle, S E wing” to the two theories of education which liavo Sporting Goods, Spring. Small, for New York; orig Jennie A THE HOUSEHOLD. Cheney. Arey. fordo. Convention, does not are to be guilty of the PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN prevailed among thinking men since theitime On the day that Mr. Van Ness aud General And Cutlery ! Shi tin Rio Janeiro May 13, ship War Hawk, Wil- of too liams. (from for San glaaing inconsistency suddenly chang- of Locke, the utilitarian and the Ketcham came to Mrs. Wharton’s bouse her Liverpool) Francisco; 8tb, brig .disciplinary. Sign of the ••GOLDEN KIFLE." Chimborazo, Cole. Pensacola; llib. its The Machias consisted ot herselt and two colored ship Pleiades, ing ground. Union is very The material tendencies ot our nation causes family GOLD COIN, Ba lard. Callao: brig Hermann for Galveston. a RA cook and Her on- T R women, (a chambermaid.) r 0 s. 48 efrTg Street. 48 In Kith sensibly devoting its energies to exciting in the most utilitarian theory to And great favor Exchange port ult, brig Gambia. Gilkey, tor Hamp- ly daughter, Miss Nellie Wharton, was absent 1Tree U. 8. Patented by D. W. C. Sanford. ton Roads. Mg. Its readers a natur- on a from Taxation. proper understanding of the im- here, and the intensity of American life visit to the eouutry aud did not return G. L. BAILEY. Ar at Aspinwall 24tli ult, barque Fumy Lewis, scientific and warranted a leads us to deem those studies absurd until the day Geu. Ketcham died. The rumor March 1 and Constructed on the most perfect principles to l»e the best Refrigerator yet! in- Lewis, Boston. portance of railroad through (he coast ally Coupons payable September 1, in New and that the was Bonds troduced, and gives universal satisiaction. Call see them beicre purchasing anv where will Sid fro Port 22d sch Gin Patt- cauuot daughter also under arrest ap- York. regis'ere I if desired, Coupons made other, you Spain ult, Connor, towns of Eastern while the editor of which he directly aud profitably used see that will convince you ot its Styles, sizes and to suit all. Maine, pears to have had its origin in the fact that paysIde (£G each) in London, England, it preferred proofs superiority. piices The World is in Arms. ridge, Philadelphia. Manufactured and lor sale by J. F. Cotton between Cross and Cotton near In 25tb L L in one’s calling. Hence many institutions of there was a around 8INKINGFVND- All proceeds ol sales of land MERRILL, Avenue, streets, port ult, brig Wadsworth, Shacktord, the Anson Advocate still employs his ready guard the house, which Burnham & Co’s Ice House. York lew as well as ol timber and other (herefrom Leavitt, mav2dtt for New days. learning have made haste to conform their pre- had supervision over the movements of tbe products Against the new-coloriug preparations. Science & defending his personal reputation are, by the Trustees, to be in vested in these Bonds i At St John, PR 27tli ult, sch Endly Curtis, Bar- peq family. She was absent at the time the tor Baltimore, scribed course of study to the demands of this poison they can be bought at oar or otherwise ir condemns them, They are virtually doad. Mean- bour, ldg the attacks of his was less; against foes. As for the taken, and did not return uutil the ou United State or Ar at Cieuluegos 29th ult, barque Orchil la. Savage, materialistic A more sou nil meth- day States, Municipal Securities. Am while, tendency. which one of New York. Brunswick and one or two other the victims breathed his last. on July 1, 1879, and annually thereafter until thes< Telegraph od Sterling Exchange, C!d at Caibarien 26tn ult seeks to unfold and develope not merely the Those peisons most familiar with all the cir- Bonds become due or are all paid, the E. & N. A barque Henry Buck, COAL—COAL! York; Ant tor Democratic do their little Co. is bound to the a sun Cristadoro’s Excelsior Hair Nichols, New brigs lies, do; auxiliaries, they abilities of the hut liis cumstances of the case do not in aDy way con- Railway pay to Trustees Dye Thestrup, money-getting youth, nion< to one 3*Mh. Centaur, Stanley, lor Philadelphia; 1st inst, best $o tbe of the trans- nect the daughter with the crime. Neither of of y equal per cent, of the amount o Bills on Bros. & magnify importance whole {intellectual nature, believing that the Bonds outstanding. Such amouuts, and all imeres Baring Co., proved by time and sanctioned by practical chemists, Aneelin, Leighton. Boston the colored women were arrested, aud there Sid im Havana 2d insr. Sund- farce, but heeds them. Tbe rec-ivedon securities, belonging to the Hiukini SAMUEL ROUNDS k has become the standard article ot it* class barque rordenas, parent nobody highest cultivation of the whole man is the fore it is that no SONS, through- New probable suspicion attaches Fund are to be invested a* above stated, and tbes< berg. York; 6th, J B Bindley, Nichols, (or New “new is dead in Maine. surest foundation for to either of them. AT THEIR OLD STAND, out (lie length and breath of tbeland. It is poisonle s York. departure” excellence in any particu- accumulations arc solely lor the purpose of addition- Onion Bank of London, 36 Commercial head Franklin in its certain to the re- In port 8th, brig R B Gove, tor New lar The materialistic GEN. KETCHAM A CREDITOR. ally providing tor the redemption of these Bonds St, Wharf, rapid operations, produce Hnrkness, calling. theory beholds in AND THE- York; and others. Tbe of The Sinking Fund constitutes a third great elemen wish to call the attention ot the public to their very quired s :ade of color, and has nc equal among hair readiness the Democratic to the advancement of and an It is said thot Mrs. Wharton was iudebted to Sid im Matauzas 5th. Alfuratta, for press knowledge scieuce ot securiig and strength, ar.d adds to the safety o f choice, ami extensive in part of the brig Wallace, Gen. Ketcham mock, consisting dyes, cither in the United States or Europe. To Philadelphia; Cib, Cascatelie, Simmons. New York. endorse and support any measure that ema- end to he in and would for money borrowed, and tint these Bonds following well known, standard Tonis, wrought education, Provincial Bank of Ireland and soften the hair after use Sid im Cavdenas 30th lie held her note for and tbeie are The Trustees are Hon. HANNIBaL HAMLIN, o 1 beautify dying, ult, brigs Mechanic, Dyer, nates from iu officials and have the learn $2000; per- Loaf Lehigh. Haze I ton, Novih ot leaders is public in the quickest way how sons Bangor, and J. EDGAR Sugar Harleigh, Aud all itm IIrancher*. Hatteras; 1st, barque Navasota. Bunker, amply who discover in this fact (if it be a fact] Me, THOMSON, Esq. CRISTADORO’S HAIR PRESERVATIVE, R ol Pa. Johns, Hickory, Diamond, do: brig S Hu-sell, Chftbid, d<>; s* h Ethan Allen, illustrated their almost unanimous en- to make the most moDey. The the inducement to the un- Pluladelubia, by broader, truly alleged crime; but For sale in suniB to as Blake. Philadelphia; 4th, sch Snare, The Trustees are authorized to receive me Bond Franklin, &e., suit, l»y essiug. Chattanooga, of utilitarian , view of education ns au less accompanied by circumstan- North of Hatteras dorsement tbe order that Mayor Hall as- proposes explanatory at Par anil Accrued IntercMt in payment fo jUn21eodlm w 275,27 ces the to be for From the freest burning led ash to the hardest Sid im 3d inst, baroue the elevation of the aud the material theory appears worthless, the any ol the lands at their appraised value. J. B. BROWN & SONS, Sagua Ynmurl, Johnson, sumes the of. The that end, race, reason Lehighs. New York; B North ot Hat- responsibility press that to take away the life ol the credi- These very desirable securities tor sa'*c at brig inginne, Austin. are In selecting our stock we have been very careful, jel3-sntt 97 St. tcras: do. claims to be the fint to denounce the blessings accompanying it but the shining tor would not necessarily destroy the evideuce Kxchange Madonna, Jordan, in. and excluded ail that has not been well tested and ROLLINS & At Grand Tunc 30th u’t. brig Herrimau, dust of the balance. of indebtedness, or relieve the debtor from its ADAMS, Ali.ertl, of a ?Q and A rued Interest in Currency. pi oven first class, purchasing for New York 5th inst. fringement popular liberty, with few ex- It is rumored The reformers or deformers of educational payment. that Mrs. Wharton stood forth to C. *: Bn- .dl The Ageuts in the State all the ceptions, defend and advocate went to Washington after Gen. Ketcham’s marketable securities receiv only representing SPOKEN, processes clamor for utility. Here only it is to ©d a* m , Pee of to the prices, BONDS. from Colombo tor New York, (has 11 elephan's lot get out of the shameful render and or expense purchaser TISE a position only seeks to leaves two three children. He was con- *• PRICES nttlo under Howe’# develop mau’s whole nature, and fit Pamph > i ifarther particulars concernin; ; Sto and Fall River Line circus.) them of nected with the conn. <; i -.s n-.i Mav 9. lat 35 24 9, Ion 20 24 Hosea objects greater contempt. him for the duties of a man aud Quartermas'er’s Department the business, with Maps, showini jington E, barque Rich, citizen. Man- for from Batavia lor 42 many years, but was lately put on the re- the locatin'* a .t d-of this road, sent free on ap First Class Coals. Belfast Amsterdam, days out. kind are City, 6’s June 10. lat 30 18 31 08 employed about multifarious ends in tired list. It is said that he was a man ot un- plication N, Ion W, ship Geu Me Lei The New York World says that Therefore parties dealing with us are sure to gut Bafli STEAM EHS, Ian. from San Francisco for Cork. “through- life. No man’s manhood should be sunk iu impeachable aud while a City 6’s integrity, disbursing / I I.IS MERRILL, first class coalas WE keep no other* Our Coals June 25,1st 50 20, Ion 19, Prineton, trom Liv- out its whole existence the officer iu the was the terror ship Republican party his or and army of all rascals were at the Cincinnati City 7 3-10 e profession trade, any system ignor- ) of purchased pool lo: New York. who meditated a raid on the rti.a(i|:ai mnit the Company forth* k*n vw* a ■■ nr a ir has but treasur}\ »« 11 1 'III uuuuuu IUI been nothing organized hatred of tbe ing his manhood deserves execration. Dexter 6’s m~A bo ■ ju iv/miBi r~ a. ruij) mine, Sale of Lowest Cash Prices! ^ New York. CAtlfliamv o tnlno n*i J -I .a M FOUR DEATHS IN THE FAMILY. Bouda, Thought or and to & N, A. K. R. Gold 6’s lat 40 Ion 09 30. II reason, language express and will be s dd as as can be European July 10, 37, brig A Curtis, bound About four years since Col. Edw. BANGOR, MAINE, cheap they afforded, East. Of the must ever form the Wharton, and satisfaction coarse, then, says Philadelphia Press, thought, foundation of true U. 8. a guaranteed. H Portland * Oird. R. R. Gold 6’s A., cousin of Mrs. Wharton’s husband, Ott TO July 10. lat 40 41, Ion 68 64, brig Geo E Dale, from education. To We consider the a favorable time to iu Great Southern Mail the three amendments to the secure strength of reason, accompanied by his 18 years of present put Atchinsou, & Santa Fe Route, Baugor tor Philadelphia. constitution, daughter, age. winter sto and would invite all Topeka a visit to tks, respectfully who lat 37 43 Ion 73 N from which are but the of the and accuBtom the mind to carry ou unaided paid Major Wharton’s house in Bal- K. July 10, N, .30, brig Slower®, triumph Republican SWAN A BARRETT l are about to purchase, to give us a call. R. Gold 7’s Porto Rico timore, and while there was token suddenly ill lor-. are but I process ot abstract thought, are peculiarly the party’s principles, organized legalize and died; in a few days his daughter followed Bankers and MAUIUEL ROUNDS & MOIVM. Central Iowa R. R. Gold 7’s lu Brokers}, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, hatred of the southern states prerogatives. the Greek and Latin lang- him to the Not after this ie29-sn 3fi Commercial si. west and statesmen, grave. long Major too Middle 1p*»_ Wisconsin R. It. Gold 7’s wu»t«u Liuircif wan taken Street....Portlnnd, uages are found whatever ILom u «i' l.< I.at,, witii me typnoid NEW ADVERTISEMENTS and what becomes of the “new Portland & AND- departure”? fever. He passed the and was B3P*On completion 1872)ot 60 miles of Railroa* i Rochestsr K. It. terseness and strength, which must serves as crisis, supposed (in EXCHANGE now building, between St. John, N. B, and Halifax Currency 7*s models and of N. there will be an uubroken line ot Railwa ; —os—»■ Col. William McCandless is the Dem- master-pieces literary express- set in, and he died in a few hours. He had S, LAZE SHOBE & MICHIGAN 7 per cant. 1st. Gold Bonds from Halifax to all the chief cities of the Unite* FOR SALK BY S0U1HEBN taortgagd ion. Science acquaints us with certain class- eaten and his it ocratic candidate for in Penn- oysters, physicians thought and a> two or three ol ocean travel cai auditor-general that the unfortunate States, days ! Scotland and Ireland! tamed the es of facts. Metaphysics applies these facts to possible symptoms were be and about 36 hours* time fron England, by and is often of the avoided, saved, SWAM & BAIL ROADS. sylvania, spoken by party occasioned thereby. About a year siuce Major New in to or Iiom b BARRETT, the study of the mind itself. The advantages York, going coming Europe, as the soldiers’ candidate. The following let- H. VV. Wharton, Jr., Mrs. Wharton’s sou, who rail to or from Halifax,-— a large business in pas Drafts on Hand Cedar of a liberal discipline of this sort are many, and had from the and came to his singers, mails and freight will thereby be added t Bankers Burlington, Rapids from the resigned army, & TICKET* TO ALL POINT* ter Colonel dated the traffic over the E. & N. A. —- Brokers, July 30,1864, entitled it to be called utilitarjan. ft mother’s house to make preparations for a trip Railway. AND- truly t.t& s lOO IfStddlc citreet. & Minnesota R. R. Co. ■hows kind of a soldier to died His was Julyl3-sueod2in v^bat he was at that tbe wastx of time and of California, very suddenly. life prevents strength for Immediate Government Bonds taken in at time: insured for S20.000, and it is said that his Ready Delivery! exchange South and W est FKKfc OF l. S. TAX. those who would rash into the learned highest market rates. mv 29 8Dtf profess- mother was the lawful heir to the inoucy. Consumption, IN SUM'S TO SUIT! No. 620 Walnut St., Philadelphia. ion before their minds have been These four deaths occurring within four On a Completed road in profitable operatiou duly strength- years Via ; Boston nr New York. in the have furnished material lor a ITS CUBE AND ITS PREVENTIVE, Sir,—I have the honor to acknowledge the ened. It gives more liberal views to those who family WML. E. FIRST great variety of speculations, and there are WOO», MORTGAGE At 90 aud IntercMi receipt 61 a communication from the Secre- otherwise would hound |the horizon of their By J. H. SCHENCK, M. D. -also- those who to the — tary of dated the 21st pretend recognize deadly act ALSO War, inst., informing interest their owj call- of the in each of them. 67 Exchange St. me of by particular poisoner Tickets via No- to my promotion to the of for Clews & IV.. V. Portland & Rochester Conway White Mountains position brig- can Many a human being has passed for whose Agent Henry Co., 8 Per Cent. 1st Gold Bonds adier of ing. By ordinary diligence a student MBS. E. G. WHARTON. away, death Mortgage general volunteers. This appoint- there was no other reason than the neglect of known fjuuezf-ir sn OVER such a view of of truth OF THE ment 1 decline to accept. In order that get the whole system Mrs. E. G. Wharton, the accused, is an ex- and Indisputably proved means of cure. Those near and my dear to family and friends are the dreamless HAJliHUAW t’O. motives for so ts will an undue of his ceedingly intelligent and well-bred sleeping | doing may be clearly under- prevent exaggeration lady, per- slumber into which, had they calmly adopted WM. WIRT Portland & Ogdonsburg R. R. haps 4o or 60 of of rather slender VIRGIN, stood, I will state that when those who ad- >wn special work. The value of contact with years age, 8elma & Gulf Railroad Co. acd has the ot DR. JOSEPH U. SCHENCK’S SIMPLE Has opened a minister this build, appearance being in deli- A and government readopt the original educated in teachers and in the New very lies'rable Route. GUARANTEED BY OP mind, living cate health. She is said to to a Pnila- TREATMENT, j THE STATE ALABAMA intention of this war for the belong PER CENT. prosecuting re- printed traces of tbe minds of the is of social LAW OFFICE BONDS great past delphia family high position, and has and availed themselves of his efficacious OV COMPLETED ROAD, storation of the with hun- in wonderfully 7 Time Union, I, together her 84 1-9 MIDDLE KW* ami other iniormallon >f great value.' To know how we have person all the graces that mark the ac- medicines, they would not have fallen. ST., Portland. Tables, Maps, .all dreds ot officers and thousands of men—.at, acquir- At 95 and Intercut. complished woman. It is that fur- Dr. Schenck has in his own case proven that where- jun27*ulai furnished on either letter id so rich a from the is a probable Interest cheerfully application by present out of service—will be found heritage past worthy ther ever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by his medi- Payable April and October, free After thorough we recommend ready developments will be made in the case in cines and or person. investigation these and to lesire. Time in thus the his directions for their use, is quickened into of Oorerninent Tax! Bond® to inVFgsor®. h» boih sate and willing return. Until such time I con- enveloped perfecting a day or two. healthful vigor. profitable. PamphUls and particular® furnished on sider thtipott of honor to be the private sta- li8ciplineoi the intellectual man is not In this statement there is nothing presumptuous. I- o. o. i, Denominations Office No. 1 Exchange Street. application wasted, To the faith of $200, $500, $1000, The Coit Excursionists.—We may expect the invalid is made no representation tion. my moro than discipline of an army before that is not a thousand times substantiated The subscriber offers these. Bonds to July 14-tt8N FUNK* CLEWS .£ to by living and bis customers CoM see the Coit from visible works. The of the cure Dr. The Odd Fellows will make and the William McCandless. or au athlete for the excursionists, Worcester, theory by Schenck’s their annual public believing them a eale and well pay- lattle, training prize. medicines is as as it is Its SnF^Tbe of in our on simple unfailing. philosophy ing security. Coupon* the Central Railroad JI'J Wall New To L. U. S. A. Mass., city the ‘25th inst. The com- no Mtrect, lark, Brig-Gen. Thomas, Acjt-Gen. Such of make a out of the requires argument. It is self assuring, self-con- lor Company of Iowa First Seven per. years study, joy Price the present 95 and accrued interest. Mortgage -OR The pany will number about aud their means vincing. cent. Gold Bonds due July 1871, will be Pennsylvania people, in view of this of the Much he 325, The Seaweed ■«# CJoTfrnmenl Bonds 15ih, paid Irudgery professions. may Tonic and Mandrake Pills are the first two taken in exchange on and alter that date, free or United States Govern- TOWER, GIDDKNS & TOKKKY. will not of transportatiou will be the steamer New weapons with which the citadel of the is fact, probably call McCandless to malady assailed at the market rales. ment tax. on at the office of A BREWRSTER, SWEET A CO.. any orgotten, though perhaps many graduates Two-thirds of the cases of liighewt presentation L. Hatch Boston, consumption originate in dys- 32 Pine New General lor New of honor” but leave Brunswick, Capt. Pike, of the International and a EXCURSION st. Yoih. Agents Kuglaud “post him to the lave the credit of much that pepsia lbnctionally disordered liver. With this enjoy forgetting they -and- HORAt’K that vessel been chartered for tho condition the bronchial tubes sympathize with tha H. ABBOTT. Treas. •‘These Bond® are offered «or tlie present at 90, and sweets of retirement. lever the of mind Line, having HI. June 1871. knew, yet strength acquir- stomach. They respond to the morbilic action of tha P.4TSOW, Baltimore, Md, 29tli, jyl2sn2w accrue I interest at 8 per cent, currency from July 1 ed remains occasion. The plan is leave Boston on the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and tha BANKER AND to date of remittance.'* indestructible. Allowance for fail- with all its BROKER, of the 25'h and arrive in setting in, distressing symptoms, of ire is made in all walks of 'ife. In morning here the af- Clam Dissolution, W. K. Wood, Portland. IBeUiian New*. | our age Bake, 32 H*W. ternoon, and remain several hours. will CONSUMPTION. Exchange St., Portland. RANDALL retires from the firm of JOHN Pamoa, Portland. The Church of this .here is a constant demand for trained They aplsntl Swa«« A I’ortlnud. Plymouth city will, for men, The Mandrake Pills are of • RANDALL A CO this day July lOfh 1871 Karrrir, a aud band and composed one of Nature’s At LITTLE CUE BE A JW. Vila v f,. llo a whose minds can with the bring military quadrille pro- noblest G UE, The business will l»e conducted under the same name «*prnc«r. Iuh few weeks, the hot have grapple problems of gifts—the Pedophlllum Peltatum. They possess all ItroH. during weather, the CTaiue as Pogg Ac Hafro. Bouton. mr pose a hop at City- llall. We suggest that blood-searching, alterative properties of calomel, hut Steamanip heretofore, their civilization. Learning now goes abroad 18tli Company, • Mlrnd \ PrrMiuo, Heufoii. second preaching in the instead unlike calomel, they Tuesday. July Steamers JOHN RANDALL & CO evening some sort of be tendered Dirigo and Franconia,will touch at Hill f to-morrow’s and the In Reliable and Harmless Prepara- 'pHE Hariuinzton Winslow. new, patient. all the dignity of regained vigor, l Railroad are letter._ Stale IMrsvt **. forth this notice Company hereby notified that the A steps to enjoy the manhood or womanhood that was by Baptist exchange says that] a limited tion known to Science l annual meeting ol said Company will be held at the Field at GIVEN UP DIRI). office ol H. M. number of llaj Pemaquid. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. AS LOST. JOS. a. POOR & Pavsoii, No 32 Exchange Street, Port- pulpit be had from Manufactured B. F. BACKLi BRO, on supplies may 1ENEROUSACTION OF The second the only by Y, Dover,1 jnne 26-sntf land, Tuesday, the (25tb) twenty litth, THE CITIZENS OF BRIS- Jost is the thing is, patients must stay In a warm N. and sold all dayot Newton trescoing Hampshire street M. E. room, until it H., by Druggists. myllsnttm July, A, D. t-71, at (3) three o’clock in the atternoon Theological Iusitute, during the TOL. they get well; is almost impossible to pre- In 8, Mr. Benjamin B. aged 64 church in Auburn. vent taking cold when the are Dayton, July Jose, to act upon the articles, viz: lungs diseased, but it must Portland months. tallowtug Summer be or a cure Shooting Club. year* 6 To h-»r the ol vacation, extending from about the Bristol, Jnly 13th, 1871. Among the of prevented cannot be effected. Fresh air and I. K. KlIUBAliL. 1st, remits Hie Directors and graduates Amherst this week, riding out, in this An of In Santord, July iMr. Henry Perkins, aged 70 and act middle of June to '<> the Editor the especially section of the country in the adjourned meeting the Portland Shooting Treasurer, to thereon. the ltli of of Press: is Geo. F. ol West Minot. fall and winter are ,e lH years. September by Sawyer season, all wrong. Physicians who SlANUl'ACTlIHKtt OF ^ at their rooms, Thursday evening, 2nd, To choose (5) live Directors lor the recommend that course lose In Anson. Mrs. wife ol E. I.. But- ensuing Rev. H.Y. As soon as it was known that the their patients, If their lungs July 13th, at 7j o’clock. All are July 7, Mary J., addressing Baker, Maine CUMBERLAND COUNTY. are requested tu he year. Hebron, Maine. badly diseased; and because are in the house as ler, aged 63 years. yet, they present businrss ot will come beiore 3d, To see what action tho Stockholders will take Rev. Mr. Worth listorical had elected to be The Bridgtou News gives an aceonnt of the they must not sit down must importance In Mrs. baptized five youug persons Society Pemaquid quiet: they walk about the the Hallowell, July 11, Nancy Wentworih, in relation to their of the room as much and as fast as and meeting. leasing railroad—modifying the at he scone of their annnal robbing town treasury two or three tho strength will bear, to get Carriages Sleighs, Per Order aged 83 years. Kennebunk last field-day, Mr. Wil- R. B. KING, J [•resent lease. Selling their railroad, nr con-oil Village aud times Sect’y------fating Sabbath, gave iccently, of small sums of money. A ■lyll SN ■■■■<■ the with the iam as iratoh Xfttu u»*K',lte'and ls the great polntto DRPAKXIHE OF STKA11 I any. iical committee of the in issued detected in the person of a man rain OL'KAfV Kits Rev. Dr. B, V. Dexter lias Society Bristol, “young be- KP"Special attention given to in all!it? 4th, To see if the will is*ue bonds In ad- supplied the one of euro repairing NAME. Company pul- .call for a of all longing to ot the first of after such evidence of its REMOVAL,. WHERE FROM. DESTINATION. dition to those hereto tore meeting those citizens who families, ample m the worst possibility dc2lsntt authorized, or scrip in or- of the Church in IllPiiBd sllwl Pnimiiiur lamolv tlw. c cases, ami moral certainty in brauches._ pit Baptist Ellsworth for sinful. Dr. alfothers is LaEayette.New York. .Havre July 15 der to consummate an arrangement with the Maine rere willing to take an active in receiv- Schenck's personal statement to the Messrs. t.h#» na«t. thrAP ftahhotho __ part the Faculty“tuny Gallison & have removed trim No. York. 15 community, which have of ills own cure was in these ■ Colby Algeria.New .Liverpool July Central Railroad — possibly, may modest words 11 Company. r>“ *»vw|/i,uau,rj anil Giay to 69 spring where with and York. 15 ng entertaining the Maine Historical been somewhat shaken of late his Many years ago I was in the last of Insure street, enlarged Britania.New .Glasgow Ju«y JOB. ILSLKY, Sol by apparent Btages consumn- Against more will a and measures are taken to t on: confined to mv ami at one convenient quarters, they keep supply ot London — New York. .Liverpool-July 15 Clerk ot the Leeds & be!ng extend to iety at the time of their reckless expenditure of money at the bed, time my ol City Farmington R. R.<;o. contemplated visit in livery thought that I couldnot live a physicians choice Provisions and and Ocean York.. him an etc.” week: then llWea Family Groceries, hope Queen.New Aspinwall.. .July 15 Portland, July 14, 1871. invitation to assume the next. stables, He acknowledged haying visit- to retain their numerous former jylSid (pastorate of tugust oi.andobtained thnnro customers, and so- Nestorian.Quet>c<*.Liverpool.July 15 ed the box four once parations which I now offer licit the the times, taking $70 66 and to the public, and ttev made ACCIDENTS ! patronage ol their new neighborhood. Citv ot Mexico.New York.. Hav A VCruz .Inly 17 Chnrcb, In answer to Mr. Hackelton’scall a a cure of mo. It meeting another time $6 00 Twice he took perfect seemed to mo that I SM Jy3» SN Java.New York.. I 19 *2. A. O’BBION, nothing.— them penetrate whole _lui iverpool July The American ras held at Bristol The News my system. They soon ripened the Baptist Historical Society is Mills, which was produc- says alter a careful consideration of mat er in and THE recent Railroad Iowa.New York. .Glasgow July 19 —WITH— my lungs, 1 would spit up more than Accideuts and Mur- the case in all its the of offensive matter Intot M. Minnesota.New York. .Liverpool Inly 19 desirous to preserve a souvenir of ive of the following arrangements. hearings town officers vot- yellow every morning for a derous Assaults should admonish WM. every Bap- As soon as longtime every one to bo PAINE, 20 ed to pi osecute the offender to the full extent of that began to subside, my cough, fever nah?« Corinthian.Quebec.Glasgow.-Inly PRESTON & tist minister, in the of a or Mr. Hackelton explained the of the and night sweats all began to leave insured against Accidents. MoroCastle.New York..Havana.Jul\ 20 SPRUANCE, CO, shape sermon, objects the but that the officer whose was me, and law, duly it became so great that it was with myamlme of nominated difficulty that I cun ,l FRESCO PA II Scandinavian.Quebec.Liverpool.July 22 skeleton a with aeetingand Col. James supposed tube to sign the warrant to Policies or Tickets from One sermon, the date and writ- Erskine, refused Raj to TER, Siberia.New York. .Liverpool! Inly 22 Commission David do so, being ou terms Merchants, er s signature. These will be ’resident; Ohamberlaiu, Secretary; triendl.v with the family A Year! Residence, No. 30 Myrtle Street, Mernmac.New York. .Kio Janeiro July 23 neatly bound, of the accused and preferring to make the Hammonia.New York. in a series of Lifted Cushman, Geo. W. good Insuring against Accidents ot ALL KI.NDS wheth- .Hamburg July 25 of volumes, with an Treasurer; Ellis, loss to the town rather to * 7 Chamber Commerce. index to each. than be instrument- was er nr h« MAINE.* Ottawa.Quebec.Glasgow_ 27 " only ninety-seven pounds; my present wpi/m Irnvplii'cr r,tWmi.o PORTLAND, July lollector. .Mr. on the For the sake of Chamberlain, being al in causing the offender lo be No hundred and H^Order slate at Hawes Sc Caspian.Quet ec.Liverpool... ..July 29 uniformity, should be pnuislied. twenty-fl've (226)’ Pomlds, lSid ffif ^eors!*“ 1 Cragin’s Music store. rmrAtto, n.i,. they have enjoyed health.” l,w? ma.v1 «n3in on ical committee, declined to act as warrant, therefore, was and the uninterrupted W. It. LIITIiB A- CO., written paper of the size of what Secretary, issued, young l)r. Sohenek has discontinued his is called man was allowed to on his professional Will especial attention to the purchase and ud Owen St. C. O’Brieu was go way rejoicing. New York and Boston. He or 41*1-!* iHiniaiure giro “sermon It chosen in his his soS, lir J H SuhJn Exchange Street, Aliunnnc.July 1.1. Grain and Provisions paper.” would add to the still continue to see shipment ot Flour, for East- greatly teail. OXFORD COUNTY. Jr., patients at their office viCfl AGENTS FOR THE £un rises.4.36 I Moon North Sixth street, RAILWAY PASSENGER CROQUET AND RING rises.2.35 \ VI ern account. fy!3 d6m interest of these if Philadelphia, every Saturday twin a TOSS, Sun Sets.7.34 volumes, each author A The on A. M. to 3 1> M. Those 9 | High water. 9.30 AM committee was then formed of Register says Monday morning, the who wish a tWoughS,^™ ASSURANCE CO., ot Hartford,Conn. his gentlemen tion with the wUl would send likeness to.be in front 10th inst., Mr. Henry Maxim of Sunnier had IteBpirometer be charged $5 Juue30. SN d3w placed nutually pledged to meet the ot declares the exact condition Base Balls and REMOVAL. expense the his barn and pirometor of tho' and Bats, of his discourse. house, out-buildings eutircly de- can learn lumS and to patients readily whether they are elebratiou, leave nothing undone which stroyed by fire, together with about ten tons curable ”r FANCY CIOODtl ANY* NOTIONS, VTAKIJSr Jt] NEWS. TV O T has Rev. G. A. Tewks jury, late has ras to of The fire was to directions for the I O B3 ! A. BOWEN removed his Fancy Goods ofithis city necessary render it a .as fol- hay. supposed have caught ..The taking medicines are adapted to r|1 success, the even of a ch 1 al 1 Store, from No 3 a aws: from from the The Intelligence d. follow these rtir.S.i store FIREWORKS, WHOLESALE. Millinery Free street Block completed brief history of the Church ol sparks chimney. house and kind Nature wiU do Cigar that wan advertised for sale at 229 FORT to had been the rest, cxe^iing thS to or PORTLAND lately thoroughly repaired, and tlio cases the Mandrake Pills sorn^ THECongress street, has removal back to t lie old the of which William are to bo taken In CVTTEB, BYBE d> No. 327 Pilgrimage, Plymouth, he is now Hackelton, Wm. P. Ford. John barn was almost, been doses ; the three medicines JncreaSd stand on Exchange street, where I will still m uin- Co., CougrrM Nireet, dears new, having built only need no other accompaniment, 14. Owen St C. G. It. than the ample Instructions jacture the choicest brands ot M CHAIJNCT St., Friday. July pastor. It goes back to and is the O’Brien, Fossett, a few years. The buildings were insured lor that accompany them uw* cigars. I will iuvlte BOSTON. where he will hereafter bj pleased to meet Scrooby tobert Wm. create Of all customers and triends in ap20sn3m all his Hanley, Jr.. Boyd, Arnold Blau- aud the for appetite. returning health Is most my general to call and ARRIVED. dd customers. first of caretul $1500 hay $100. welcome hunger the jylffdlw investigations. Kulus Sewall, y, J. H. Varney, Isaiah Josiah symptom. When It comes, as It will com?iff examine my goods and get posted on Hie prices. I Steamer Linda, Sulis. Yarmouth. NS, wlili I«s- L-wis, Hus. the at once be of clerk of the on, J. H. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. despairing good cheer. Good blood have all brands ot Imported Cigars, and line brands eenjters and mdse to .lolin Porieous. Goudy, Stinson Weeks, John Has- once tho the Congregationlists church.Edge- The says follow*#, cough loosens, night sweat is abated ot Smoking Tobacco. c New Kurland, Field, Boston lor Last* mgs, H. N. Francis Whig Thursday night but twenty- “1C W,h oftUe8e KEMOJA Steamer City marshal's Notice. oom as in his iossett, Wheeler, Wm “orbid symptoms are I want two first class NB. 84th year a similar Alvin A. five miles ot track laying remained to he done for?vcr0rt gone Cigar Makers—no poor ones Tin- office o( Aaarmor of |K>rt and St ,lohn. ot the prepared 1, Clarke, Fossett, Dennis K. Ilai- wanted. E. Internal Be ve- Hunt. Pieteu 181 ton. coal to O pursuance City Ordinance owners ot on the Dr Sclienck’s are PONCE, No. SO Exchange St. Kate, (Bri form old F & North American medicines of Bri* records and ?y, Benj. Brigbtman, James W. European Railway. constantly kept In ten. nae for the Int collection district IN licensed hackney-carriages will cause them to journals. Erskine, thousands of families. As a laxative or purgative has bcea *' pamphle^ t. C. C. The of Mr. tui Jjl-tf_ __ >e presented to the City Marshal's Office for Rev. Henry P. Moore Weston, Roboins, Cyrus Fossett, Or- buildings Witliee, on (Vntie Mandrake Pills are a standard removed from No. 59 jjr'o'san Carlos, Blanchard. Philadelphia 680 tons Inspec- a in preparation: while the Exchange to * Co. ion on theliitb at ton formerly pastor ille H. Geo. Road, ill were burned on the Pulmonic Syrup, as a cure of coughs and street, to Randall, McAllister Vessel to ,1 S Saturday inst, o’clock in the this and also in Clarke, Johnston, Geo. Cox Coriutia, night of colds mavlJJ froat roouis on second coal 'orenoon. OH city the 11th. regarded as a prophylacterlc floor of the new A Co. AHLKS.CLAHK, Portsmouth is ohu A. 8. C. A. Particulars not learoed. against consumptionv In1 an^ Winslow L.nounc- Russell, Bailey, Cushman’ of Us forms. un> ///./#/ / USlwtU ! Custom House- on u ed to in the Tore street. 1nn2isiitt Sch Geo McKeane. (Hr) Brundage, Pictou—150 Jy'5 City Marshal. participate Biennial oseph Erviue, Robert Hanly, Charles P. Tib- SOMERSET COUNTY. Price of the Pulmonic and H Starr. celebraiioi f Syrup Seaweed Tonic, *1 60 I am tons caal, to Geo 1 E Sam’l A river a or *7 60 a half prepared |to sell the North church Portsmouth etts, J. Bradley, W. Johnson, driver named Joe last bottle, dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 centi Sell Clara, Clark, St Andrews, NB—-R R sleepers to July iyth Redman, a box. I or sale all and “ House a“ C. Huston, Thomas Horace on a ef hy druggists dealers. For Barrett. to Rent. 20th. renry Herbert, Monday afternoon, wager $10, perlorm- C. GOODWIN Sale Cbas & CO., Agents, Boston. White Oak Z Thorndike, loC A of Mouara Welt, Arihur Sprowl, Henry Blaney, ed the very daring feat of riding a log from the _GEO. Timber I Sch Snow, Rondout,—cement (!S“V .Corner at and 8t Lawrence sts., Mr. H. J. toll down B Morse A Co. Iff rooms, hath and haru Arnold, just graduated at Andov- Llexamler Yatis, Judsou Tarr, Samuel bridge through the swift water to AND SHIP KNEES OF ALL ENG INE AND BOTIFR Fn- tMjj| room, fninacc gas, KINDS, SECOND-HANDgme live horse Sch Paragon. Hickey, Gloucester, to load tor East- HUL and *or;,“r’First National Me. Sch Room 12 Fluent Block. Savary readers of Alden Wil- and dexterity and as he was and Oak In Hank, Bid.delori', Helen Mullen. Machias tor Boston. am h Partridue, Paul, though entirely Honest, Knees Portland, at the lowest cash Applyjo^the Sch Mar, jyl5 ST&T i»3w the Christian at home on Ids 76 ot aud Register that lie keeps at Ells- J. PaSe>JA- Fossett> log, dashing through the boil- prices. Sch Diploma, (new, tons) Pinkkam, trom f. waters witli I** worth a ministers’ “half NorwSJ*’Marius ing only his nick-pole to sieady apSsnti TAYLOR, 170 Comni’l Wi. Boothbay. way house on the Industrious Sch J W Atwood, (ot ProVincetown) trom a cruive. committee was himself. Several times the log be Man Maine Central It. It. j ihoseu* e£eont,iV8 plunged Young On the ot the 14th, lost collision new line to Mt. Desert via Belfast. as1S|oMow8n- neath the but still its rider Desirous Batchelors Hair | morning bowsprit by Advances. C R’ Wul’ water, clung bait employment in some honorable business in I»ye. with schr Cornelia. Storage 3I.Hce, C Robbin?HD1S Hanley> Hair On and Grove H,,ury He jamped up from his log several this City or vicinily. Has had some This superb Dve is the best in the after June 16tb, Freight will be received at Empire Camp-Meeting will begin at is Herbert Huston, Thom- upright. experience in world-per- to let in first bonded warehouses on and rode the Retail business lectly harmless, reliable ami Ins no he CLEA RED. Storage East J be times, turned backwards and per- Grocery Apply either person, amaneous; dis- Kennebec Depot lor Bangor and all * tations on and close then .. no Wharf and In Poland, Aug. 22d, the 29th. meetiuK adjourned i0,_’ to show his ally or by letter to W. H. apolntment; ridiculous tints or disagreeable odor Jrowns Whart and Merchants Port- natter in formed other teats dexterity. HOB&S bis line, up to six o’clock P. M. Barque Sarah, (new,ot Portland, 558 tons) Tibbetts the hands of men Jyl2* SN 3t National Traders 'I he genuine Wfm, A. Batchelor’s Hair Dye produc- , York Danlorth and Com- Rev. S. Hayward of South Berwick is re- able aud“KtU ° r B ilik. Buenos Ayres—R Lewis & Co. ami Sugar fo’s buildings uined to have it The says Mr. J. H. es IMMEDIATELY a Black or L. L. Ass’t properly carried out Skowliegau Reporter splendid Natural LINCOLN, Supt~ j Ifrig E C Redman. the Mirror to was crushed the Brown, leaves the hair Redman, Gardiner—Ryan & ner ial Streets. ported by have said at Bath Mr. Partridge, has givon the Tilton, whose foot by cars, is, James clean, solt, beantifni doea June 16-d tf sn Da*is. free uVc 01 F,, Jr., not contain a oftete 1 as above. [rounds to the we are to doing Dr. particle ofleadorauy injurious com- j Advances made on property that “he regarded the school committee for thn event glad say, nicely. Steyeus, wants to be an angel; hut if you want to all Sc'.b Mary Louisa, Simpson. St Jobu. NB—John Sunday concert,7 teel like » pound. Sold by Druggists. Cento. J B. BROWN Si his that be will soon use Fifty Portions. Apply to SONS, < attending physician, says LATHAM'S CATHARTIC EX- Factory, 16 BOND *.* be S THEET N IV One bottle of the Celebrated Blood Sch St 97 Street. up again. TRACT. SN SN D&W 1Y «.‘Y. Purifier, LA- i Albert, tBr) Nickerson. Andrews, NB—T H Exchange jyll riIAM’8 CATHARTIC 8N Weston and Thos EXTRACT. j A Co, Lynch A Co. )yl5 an Massachusetts Man Driven from Mis A S'i’EP Forward.—The 1st. Congregatiot al A pork, 175bd1sand bars Iron, 50 boxes cheese 400 I j window 1 2 home of sissippi —The North Adauis Transeript say, No flor IJinc barge weights, organ, pcs marble, 15 chests tea I ENTERTAINMENTS. I FBEBS. meeting now Detrii g, 85 su THE Westbrook, BY boxes 50 craies sewing machines, 120 coils ! ENTERTAINMENTS sou of John o [waahinoton. TEIEGRAPI soon ;m that Harrison Hanley, 14.— An order will lb 1 old landmark of a hundred years, wltc so Hanley Washington, July cordage bids, beer, 10 ball dodo, 17 tes lard, 1 village, is on his way home from Missis issued from ihe War Department, aonoum- bh-‘. creche.y. 9crates do, 7 horses, 7 carriages. doors have been for some time closed by a that TO THE DAILY PRESS. J»c SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1871. ing that no inoie lor the discharge For Canada and up country—111 bales tnanilla, l l First ,1- sippi, being driven out by theKuKlux.- applications mach 280 Parish & perish vote against Unitarian and Uuiversi ot private' soldiers will be entertained, as tbo sewing tie, empty boxes, 27 bales woo‘, 12 Park Street was sick with casks oil, 18 bb!s. do, l organ. 1 cask soda 40 bxs isfc bou 3e Young Hauley fever, hut wa army has been meu iu accor- ash, Unitarian preachers, have been and tbe reduced to 30,00 1 84 to Societies and opened, called in the aud foreign. dance with spices, horse, pkgs order. Sunday is through t ,e up night ordered to leave tbi the recent act of Congress. CITY AND VICINl 'Y being reuovated and repaired Schools Stale instantly. He had expended some $15( The Coflou Frospeeifi* v«rs Mieck kik Mesey in»rlie4. perseverance of the ladies. unremitting in ! FKANi'Ki The Will unite In an Free Notices must be sent in followii lg planting, his crops were up and in a fint July returns do not materially change New Yobk, July 14.— Horning.—Stock s esdy Religious' as At a recent Parish meeting the the Pari* Matter*. cotton crop prospects in Jute, and quiet. Gold dull 111£ (at 111 r. Governments early as Friday[noon. condition, hut he had to leave all bedsidi reported were passed: this, The severe dud aud heavy State bonds quier. resolutions unanimously Paris, July 14.—It is announced that tl ie rain storms have continued to ob- very be ai 4 his trunks, so fierce were the He wa, Money easy at 3 per cent. tbe Parish Committee brigands. members of the all be trie! t 3- cultivation and check the growih in the New Resolved, That Commune will ^lruct AdverliMemenU Te-Ua*. to take immediate mea s- from Massachusetts and that was upon the coi>t. In Tie follow mg are the forenoon quotations of South- are enough foi gether. Arrests of Communist* coniine. Tl ie m **'? gulf Louisiana, hereby requested o. tl Miss ern States securities: a supply !e them. editorials in the ,o isspp:,4.labama and Fiorid t average lower EXCURSION urea to permanent journals are d< voted proeure mainly in Tennessee. Gs,. 71 AUCTION COLUMN. settlement ot a pastor oxer tl is___. the >. condition than anti pulpit aud the discussion of the approaching muuipal ele atla*trepnt. Georgia G's. (6 TO l"QOT OF R«al Estate. ...If. O. The lexas remain the the Virginia Bailey & Co. Spriugfield Republican says it takes al tons. averages same aud an Gs, new. 73 serx’ices of a Virginia Mount That until the perm Eiplokiou huiI boat of Life. improvement in Carolina, Tennessee and Ar- Missouri 6s. P8 Independence_F. O. Bailey & Co. ^Resolved, sorts of people to make the and ont have been so the up world, Kansas. With reduction of 14 pent supply procured, pul[ [Special to N. Y. per esnt. in Louisiana Gs, neiv.62$ Sebago Lake! KNTKKTA1NMKNT COLUMN. to nil is of the qneerest sorts be fount World.]*—The magazin of tho shall re-opi-ued preachers of| religioi looking may of Fort Vincennes fearf acreage, the continuance present rela- Alabama 8s...... f8 Excursion... .First Parish exploded causing a 80 Society and Park st. denominations without regard to sect. near Mount l’leasaut, Ohio. The traveler it loss of life. tively Jow condition, and season as long of Georgia Gs. N a th Carolina old.46 TUESDAY, July 18th. Annual Celebration.... Brotherhood. 1870 there should he gathered 3,200,000 6s, Aged that vicinity will seo at work in the field, French Wcwi. bales, new...27 hay or about as as With a North Carolina 0’s, P. "J Bamum’s Great Periodicals.—Harper’s Magazine and tl much 1869. season of A ot Cottee him Ice Traveling Museum. a number of men. whose attire London, July 14.—Riotous demonstratioi 18 South Carolina Gs. old. 74 varirty Awnseni'jDii, Water consists of average length with an will for have been received and a ,e art 2,900,000 hales; early South Carolina new. 58 be provided. SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. Galaxy August shirt aud a ; reported at Nice agaiust the French a Irost 6s, skirt, very closely resembling and a very unfavorable season for picking Parlies will carry I heir «'Wii lurch. who were a mob wil \"u New — Fishing Tackle aud Goods.... J. B. Lucas for sale at tbe book aud periodical stores of woman’s petticoat, if his curiosity leads bin thorities, assaulted by 2,700,000 bales. The of York, July 14 Evening.—Gold opened at ^*tr«>hinent8 tor Bile at th* L ike. Sporting prevalence lusects, 112 and firmer to stop and ask lie will learn thai cries of ‘Death to the Freuch.” with advanced and closed at 114| ® 112j, a ap^-ia! wil' leave iho loot ot Machinists Fine Tools.J. B. Lucas. Messrs. & and H.L. E c questions, other unpiopitious circumstances would the train Exchange al, Hailey Noyes, Davis, The Freuch is wil rales paid for carrying being 1 @ 2 per c^nt. and atK.iftA m P K at 8.30. they wear this costume because Christ aud hii government negotiating reduce the to bales and tor p.T.BARNuryrs and die & depot Regular NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. Sliort & Harmon in the probably crop 2,500,000 borrowing 2 I-1G percent. The clearances were trum.H at 7.:io ehauge Street; Luring, because Germans lor the restoration ol 400 railrot dj a a m HMd t P A/. disciples did, they find it cool and easy steady improvement ot the plant for (50 SGD G ;g,000. lor to- Card.... A. O’Brion. cars seized days Engagements specie shipment Returning r, ,5 r M E. Augustus under Falmouth lloti and because the notion that it is shamelul f«,i during the war. with the morrow Robinson, 1, largest and most tavorable packii g amouut to $G75,t00. GREAT thB round for sale at I P Bowen. men to dress '!r trip 50c; Removal_T. A. also at the school music and j] like women is all bosh. They Great Explosion*, season, the to Money easy at 2 3 per cent. Sterling W. book, periodic might carry aggregate up 3,500,- @ Exchange R I >t, O'Neal J a time men dull at • ? &2* Co ?- Rolineen'a, Marshal's Notice. anticipate when both and women The 000 11U|@ ill. s, and on City store of E. C. No. 3G Center strei powder works ol St. Maur exploded t< bales, train. Jjrl«-4td Andrews, *> dross as Governments were dull and House to Kent... .John T. Hull. they please. with a succession of tremendous deton: !• ( ukoui Efeceipt*. steady. j and day Ihe are the afternoon of at tbe book and periodical depot of Messi s. .... following quotations Gov- Storage Advance-.J. B. Brown & Sons. tious which shook the entire city. .The wile I- The custom receipts lor the week ending ernment securities: TRAVELLING Fessenden Laucaster Hall. Items. est Annual Meeting-Jos. Ilsley. Bros., excitement prevailed till the cause and 1< June 30th were as follows;-New York $1,866,- Curren -y Aged Brotherhood’s united «•„.114} & Mrs. Clement U Vollaiidigham is now with cality of the disaster became kuowu. A lar«j e 505. Boston State*coupon 0’a, mm.115 Railroad Bonds— Henry Olewes Co. Philadelphia $1 752,219, $453,922, United The Portland Blidge will be closed f ir her son, at the residence of a a number of women and cliildreu were kille 1 Baltimore Total Mnte.5-20’ii 1862. 114! MUSI UM, brother-in-law, $196,248. $4,268,964. United States 5-20’s iu Md. She is and wounded. wet e 1864 .in} Kelicion. Notices. travel for two or three days. physician, Cumberland, said Mauy of the victims Truiiiuouy of Treasurer of Georgia* United States Annual still to be iu a state of mental burned under the aud firemen and mil '* r.-ito’8'm«5...nv Celebration, deplorable aud ruins, United The usual religious notices ot services a Dr. of in States 5-20's, 1865, new I to! Sunday are at Augier, Treasurer Georgia, his bodily health, usually seeming scarcely aware tary work removing the rubbish to rei United States Will take i la> e on the Second Parish, High State statements before the Ku-Klux Committee to- 5-20’s, 1867, new. to! Street, Street, Bt niNCEIiLANEOlH NOTICES*. of the presence of triends. cue them. United States5-'!0’», 1868... Caravan. Lawrence Street, First aud GREAT BRITAIN. day, presented facts and figures against Gov. United States Menagerie, Baptist Plymouth Cheering words come to us iu the 10-lOs., Wednescay. duly Moutgom- Bullock. political or partiziu coupon.",-il«| l*th, 1871. Churches have been hut the Cary Concert—at the City Hall, Portlam ■ The Tames *ai the Riot. Disavowing ‘’,e withdrawn, services ery (Ala.) State Journal. It “Reason he suotattons""tor Union Ta- AT FOOT OK says: views, said the Gov. had violated the plain AND are continued in the churches at the usual hours for tbe benefit of tli e and are cJc^clidtTesf on Friday evening, July 21, justice gradually returning to our pent ,. London, July 14.—The Times makes th a letter of law ^ | in mauy instances, ihe Union Pacific 1st ao. the Sabbath their love lor New York including more. by their respective pastors. Maine General pie; the Union of our forefathers riot a text lor an article upon tn a of e Union Hospital. issuing New State boud& and his ffort to Pacific stock.. ] 091 Preble corner Preble and is beiug rekindled, and soou the will come condition ol affairs iu which conclude s Union Chapel, Cumberland Those tickets to the concei day Ireland, conceal the amount, and his disposition of Pacific land grants.rji persons holding when the our as follow*: sts. Sunday Schoo at 2 p M. Preaching at 3 pm. hearts of young men will leap “If Irish feuds areas implacabl 3 them. Union Pacific income bonds.... *.*. uof Hippodrome! Conference at 7 1-2. will ho passed over the Portland & RocbosU r with at the America as Central Pacific, meeting joy sight ol the old flag kissing the they are iu Ireland and more san WitueS3 said that he kuew nothing of the bonds...!!!!! St Luke’s Services Railroad free of fare from Gorham or sti gentle breezes of heaven.” guiuary, Irishmeu must ask themselves whetl: Stock at close was dull Pond, Cathedral.-Sunday at 10} any KuKlux except irom rumor and re- and firm, except lor Lake Sebago newspaper a. nr., 3„ud 7} p. m., Services at 8 a. and er the Irish nation is not more r Shore, which tell eft' about 4 eeni. The Daily m, tiou between that and e It was a somewhat awkward hut successful responsible fc ports, never iu bis seen per Rock Island Largest an- murder, and in some eases Illinois Ceutral.. * Woodfobd’s Market square, a very fine pair of f.'inil per pound; gilt-edged at 27 Assembly. Administrator’s Sal* Coeneb,—Preaching at brick cents. be ore trial. Cleveland & Pittsburg...j ] .118 school honse Kcv For Tbe arsenal at Rio Janeiro virtue ota from Sunday evening, by J. E. Fuller- Horses,&c. particulars see auction column has been totalis There no Chicago & North 72 license the Judg “On Saturday next Nova Scotians will have is such tiling as a general distur- Western.!..!!! I destroyed by fire. Loss exceeds Chicago •& North Western 90} BY shall sail at public sale, at the au another £800,000 bance and never has been. ot the ne- preferred.! Wonders New Redeabsal.—The usual Saturday cveuini reminder of their no) tieal humiliation Many Chicago Rock Slariling F. O. Bailey & Co, No 18 Exchange stre Jerusalem Church.— Public Services THE DOMINION. and some of Island.....108 win be Un that the law the asximila- groes the whites are adjicted to & Fort ou Saturday, July 15th, 1871, the tollow held as usual Sunday meriting at loi a day authorizing Pittsburg Wayne...i 99} m, rehearsal at this » Plymouth Church, evening tion of our For Ike Treaiy. stealing, and licentiousness and this has cans- property: Sunday Scho.tl at 12 o’clock, in the veslry. currency to that of Canada comes j will commence at into ed disturbance and violence in fi^om every Quarter ot the 1 Cook Free Street Baptist eight o’clock. Chants, etc force”—is the agonized wail of a New Toronto, July 14.—Ex-Governor KcDou ! some localities. Domestic markets. Stove and Pipe. Church.—Preaching Globe I 1 in tbe morning; the Pastor. All interested in an Glasgow newspaper. gall, late Minister of Public Works in Sii late New York, Grindstone, SermotPby Sunday- Congregational singing resting Testimony. July 14.—Colton firmer and more ac- 2 Beds and School alter service Johu A. Macdonald's but now | sales 4987 Bedding, morning Sundry school con- invited. A Virgiuia paper is puzzled to know wheth- government, ic A. It. of tive; bales; Middling up'auds 21. Flour_ 2 cert in (he at 7 cordially I Judge Wright Georgia, who was sales 7300 Bedsteads, 3 Rockers, eyeDing 1-2 o’clock. er opposition, has come out in a letter to his cou bbls; State and Western and 10 whiskey should he spelled with an e. Spell- examined yesterday before the Ku Kiux Com- quiet cents 6 Office Ch'tfrs, I Extension Table, — stituents in ol 390@ ,ound Second Univeksalist Society, Putnam’s A Full assortment of ed it is a bad lor most support the treaty of Washing L°^er\Starc 63°i boop Ohio 5 60 @ 1 Sofa. 1 Paper Hangings any way spell people, I rnittee, said: “If the people of the South can 4 90 Southern Bureau, Hall. India St. Sunday School a* 10.10 a. m ton. He takes the that it VYe3tern @6 80; 6 00 @ 9 00.— Window and it would not he bad to all the letters ground having beet ! be made to believe that the Wheat and 1 Chest ot Drawers, with contents, bv Rev. J. H. ol Shades, Screens, etc., for sale by drop notified people of the North heavy about lc lower; sales 128,900 bush; Preaching Amies, Lewiston at 3 and so rid of the in by two high i No. 1 at 1 1 Straw Carpet, and 7 1-2 m. get word, hope the thing contracting parties, will never retrace their on Spring 45; No. I do 1 42, afloat. Corn firm- p. »8tf Devens & 13Free St. has tbe force of law no steps neg;o suffrage Lot Croc Glass Co., itself would follow. that further legislatioi and will er; sales 136.000 bush.; common Mixed Western kery, and Tin Ware, The Reiorm School S. S. will is perpetuate their efforts to make the 7lc} 1 1 be beld Sunday P. necessary to give it effect and that Cana.li @71|. Oats without decided sales Will Looking Glass, Rug, M. Coach leaves State Experience has at the inebriate black man dominate the white I would change; 31,000 Exhibit Old Toed Slreet at 2 o’clock I very One in Fifteen.—One man in fiftcet proved asy- iF she reverse race, bush.; Ohio at 68 @ 70c; Western 65 Chest with coutents, every lum at cannot, would, ‘the policy ol till not @ 664c. Pork 1 Teacher is requested to he piesent or to a Media, Ponu., that staud for the of the South new mess 14 Bed-Screw, 1 Crow Bar. provide insured thirty-eight per Empire, unless she is to it. Hi security people lower; 75 @15 00; prime 1200 @ 13 00, substitute. by the Tkavkleks Insurance Com- ceut. of the cau prepared quit if should ever patients ho perfectly aud abso- tbiuks the they have a chance to Iree tbein- Lard firmer at 9] @ 11c. Butter Ohio 10 2t JACOB B. guaraulee of peace aud the open dull; @ PEAVEY, St. Paul’s corner and Loenat pany, ol Hartford, (Accident Dep.utllieut, lutely cured, and yet the will do I selves fiom such a state of hut there State 18 @ 29c. Whiskey steady; Western tree 944c. AT Adm’r Estate ot Gowen. Church, Congress Legislature iug of the St. which involves thi things, 0 Gyrus st—Morning service at lo on Lawrence, ueed be no fearof Rice easier with full Carolina 8 Portland, July 5th, Sunday 10$ o’clock a. m. has been a claim for nun-fatal or nothing help this reformative work. further rebellion. The Soutb- supply; @ 8}c. Su- 1871, Jy6-td paid latil improvement ot its both j in A»terhoon at. 3 oVlock. Tois is a tree cbureli with navigation by Coun- eru believed that the gar fair request; Muscovado 9 @ 91c; fair to good Look out tor counterfeit $10 bills on the Far- is merit ol people present state of tree seats, and all are welcome. injury, disbursing nearly^ $700 per day for tries, the^reat the treaty. j refining 9|@9j>c. Coftee firm; Rio 13@153. Mo- Pair of Hones at mers’ and Manufacturers’ National things grows out ot excitements and auimosi- Family Auction. Y. M. U. Bank of lasses fairly active; muscovado 16 @ 44c. Naval Association. Mechanics’ Building, Cor- every day o( the Company’s existence. New ties eugered by war and have an faith be sold at Auction ou Saturday, July lfifeh. ner and Poughkeepsie, York. There are a large | abiding Stores—Spirits Turpentine scarce aud firm at 53 @ at Longiesa casco streets,-Free Reading Maine. in the return of reason which time will WILL 12 M, in Market Square, a pair ot Blaok Room—Social jylO-lw number of these in circulation, and so well ex- serve 53}c. Rosin duiet aud firm at 3 10 @ 3 12. Petroleum 8 Religious Meetings Wedue.day act to Horses, years old, 16 hands high, and sold* liar no ecuted ns lo baffle Farther Loro of Credit ! produce and that the calm sense of the conn- —crude 14|c; refined Tallow at 9 Saturday evenings at 7} o’clock. and auglit hut the closest scru- by BRtb. 25}c. heavy @ 9|c. lault, the owaer having no use tor them. These Young people liUT few are aware worn will be excited to to strangers invited people that their ! try bring about a state ol Liverpool drooping. Corn 7}<1; Wheat horses were especially tiny. Bath, July '.4.—On tho question of a furth- bought by H. J. Libby, Esq., about two feeling and which else will ^Freights and First Second Advent 313 out plated-waie, such as Tea Sets, Ice Pitch- Presideu er j fraternity nothing years ago have been used as family horses un- Church, 1-2 Con- Grant delights to have Sherman loan in aid of the Knox ever r 8243,000 & Lincoln ! produce and to which the present mao- 14.—Flour Wheat declined til the presei.t time. gress st; Eld N 0 Twombly trom Stratford Centre, Steel with him at the Branch. The H¥.CA».0' quiet. ers, Castors, Knives, Folks, Spoons,&c crowd oi usually can I @ No. 2at 1 Can be seen at N H. will preach to-morrow. Seats Iree. Railroad, by this city, to-day, the vote was 30C igemeut never contribute. l}c; 13} @ 113§. Corn active; No. 2 PORTLAND, the stable ot J. W. Robinson, office-seekers are Mixed can he replated so as to look or a.- impor'.uuate so afraid of old closed at 52}c—during afternoon was dull at Green st, any time previous to sale. Bethel Church, 97 Fore Street.—Services Sab- nearly quite yeas to 61 nays. The work on this road will 52c. Billy Tecumselb that they into un- Oats quiet and stronger; No. 2 at 47c. K.O. BAILIV 4tr CO., Aaetrb. bath a. at m. ai 3 good as for fry m half to two-thirds the relapse Rye m., 10.30o’clock; p. and 7} o’clock. new, wonted and now be pushed with the ARIZONA. quiet and declined 2 @ No. 2 62 63c. 13 td Communion sei vice Ibe fir-t modesty gentleness. utmost vigor and its 3c; @ Barley Jy Sunday p. m. ol each o.i and will wear quiet. Hi*h mixed wines price new, equal to the hes! While to .Indian steady at 93c. Provioions month. Also, meetings on Monday an 1 the family of Mrs. James S. Salter of completion Koekland soon accomplished. slaughter. mess at 14 ‘25 V. O. Thursday wares in quiet; pork @ 14 37}. Lard at 10} @ Bf LBt * CO., A—ilemew. evenings at 7} o’clock. All Iroin ihe sea and laud are the market at when done A, N. wete Boat least, by Portsmouth, H., at tea Tuesday even- Capsized and Less of Life. Chicago, July 13,—The Prescott (Arizona) 10}c. Hogs fair and declined 5 @ 10c; quoted at 4 00 cordially invited. 4 H. at Lancaster Hall. He a ing,some scoundrel fired tw..shots from a Miner of June 24th the @ 75. Atwood, does pistol A small sail boat was capsized in the rivei gives following partic- Williston Chapel, corner ot May and Dantorth Sae through a window, doing some to inr- ulars of the ol 5t> Freights quiet am) steady. Tuesday, July 25th. job, and warrants it to wear. Give him damage slaughter Apache Indians at VALUABLE Btreets. Sabbath School at 1.30 P. M. All are opposite this city last and bbls. cordi- niture, etc. Had Mrs. Sailor been in her ac- evening, sunk. a point near Tonto Creek, in that It .Receipts—1,000 flour, 11,000 bush, wheat, 167,- ally invited. Seats tree. »n early trial and be convinced. Tbore Territory: hush. corn 10,000 bush, 6000 bush. jyl4tf customed seat she would have been killed. were one or two persons seen to down will be recollected that the cause of the oats, rye._ Mission go slaugh- bush, barley, 10.040 hogs. Chapel, Deering’s Bridge.—Sunday Ihe N. Y. with ter was the of Bowen 1 Mrs. Manchester’s saccess iu her Tribune’s special her, though who were cannbt be as- killing & Co.’s iierdsmen 'Shipments—5000 bbls. living three at 10 a. 2 Si 8 m. School every Sunday at 1} P. M. All are very cordi- system Washington they flour, 1,000 bush, wheat, Entertainments, nj., p. REAL ES rATE correspoodeut, to the and the capture of the herd the •02,000 bush, ally invited to attend. of treatment of diseases attracts the attention relerriug Pleasantou- certained. by Appaches. corn, 27,000 bush, oats, 2000 bush. rye. Bontwell “Ail from The Indians had no sooner obtained 2000 bush, barley, 6000 bogs. West Congregational at difficulty,says: reports possession Church.—Preaching of persous suffering from disease all over the Long Branch received ot that herd thau a messenger was H.-Flour jBY AUCTION. 3 o’clock P. M.,by the Pastor, Rev. W. F, here, though vague in NEW If WICK. disptched Toledo, July dull. Wheat dull and de- Ober, their seem to the news of the :liued I No. 2 at P. M. Sabbath country. All her in the most nature, to indicate that the Presi- eoDvey outrage to the peo- ;a> 2c; Whit. Wabash 1351; Amber Prayer Meeting 7} School at 10j patients speak Decision again.! Erie very desirable lot ol land with the O’clock A M. if he has not will soon King ple of Prescott. On of the news a Michigan 135; No. 1 Amber Illinois 1 @131; building* terms of tho benefit dent, already, very give receipt par- 3oJ rituated on the flattering they receive.— Gen N bw York, 14.—Tbe of No. 1 red do 1 29. Corn steady and in moderate de- THREE Thethereon, south-weeterly corner Newbury Street Pleasanton to understand that his July decisiou of Judge ty eleven citizens started in pursuit of the GREAT SHOWS of and Church,—Preaching at 3p.m of resig- in b^b m|xed iow do Yellow Spring Emery street,, containiug over 19,000 Diseases years standing are made to nation would be Blatchford the U. S. Court a or On at ft7}; 58}c; and 7} p. m. Sabbath School at the close ol the alter- yie'd acceptable.” day two savages. arriving Agna Trio they were hlte Oats tqnare feet. The house ie two well and piuce in reference to quiet; No. 1 58 @ 159c; Michigan elory, noon service. All are invited. Jnder her treatment and her recover the Euglish shares of the by a party of five citizens of that val- thoroughly built of has all the patients Hon. Charles Francis Adams is now em- Erie joined wood, modern Im- railway stock it should he and the whole force of sixteen men [n Three Second Union Society-No Sun- Alien all other remedies have failed. The al- his whole time in the explained wa? ley, started Freights steady Colossal Tents, for only provement*. preaching ploying preparation of to ihe effect that these Tne stable is day. Sunday School at o’clock a. m. ihe and 30,000 shares having on the trail. After proceeding 55 miles conveniently arranged for two hones 10} licted should no biography works of his and de- they Cincinnati, July 14—Pork dull and with lose time in consulting her, at lather, been while in the of the met a detachment of l.> nominal; good carnage room. Mocnteort Street A. M.E. Church.—Ro7 sires to lie let alone so far as custody court, de the 3d Cavalry, under 00 is asked. Lard—Full prices but no de- p. political matters the a«ked, Tbe above will be offered at auction on L. Stanford. -he United States Hotel. She remains till tiie pnvedot ol Lieut. Charles M. which was mand. Bulk meats dull and the nrea- Preaching at 10} a. in. and 3 p. m. Sab- are concerned. privilege being registered bv Mortou, likewise nominal; shoulders, 5j}c; ises ou the officers ot the rlear bath Cehool Coucert at 8 p. m. all are invited, !0th of company, must have tha't in pursuit of Indians. The citizens joined the rib sides 7j{—some ask 7}c tor latter. Bacou in July. The wheat in lair One Price of Tuesday next, July Allen crop East Tennesso is almost a privilege restored iu this force under demaud, but lower, the rates being to Admission, 18th, Mission Chapel—Locust at.—Sabbath them; failing Jay Lieut. Mortoa, and the chiefly At three hut the aDd Gould must journey lover shoulders sid. s o’clock P M. Terms made known at sale. School at Sabbath If ol our failure, corn, hay peach crops are make good the thereof was resumed with fresh After contracts; 6Jc; 8} @ 8}. Live Prayer Meeting 2.15; School at 3 fcy any readers are ever detained equivalent vigor. proceed- dull and Any Information desired can be bad P- M. S. S. fine. on the Hogs drooping, at 4 25@ 4 50. Caitle heavy by calling on Concert at 7}. Praver Meeting remarkably by placing registry list 30 000 shares ing 25 miles the party went into at a late tbe n Boston over and desire a and camp it 2 @ 5 00. Tobacco in fair demand and market is auctioneers. JylSdtd every Friday evening at 7}. All are invited. night, quiet A of eleven thereby providing an hour in the cordially meeting persons lias undertaken adequate privilege of reg- evening. arm. Whiskey in good demand. Seats Iree. 'oinloiuable we would rtcom- to istry for all the shares lodging-place, defiue the political positiou ot the temper- represented by the cer- On the morning of the 8th they again took Viz. 50 P. O. BAILEY * Chestnut St. Charleston, July U.-Cotton quiet; Middling Cents, CO.|Aucltaaeera, Church—No ance tificates issued to the service in the nend them to stop at the Parks House, 187 people ot Pennsylvania anl to inaugurate receive. up ihe trail, which they followed lor twenty- uplands 20}e. church. Sunday School and prayer meeting as a third and at 1 Washington St. It is on party. The Irish Democrats. miles, o’clock p. in. came with a usual. conducted the Euro- up Savannah, July 14.—Cotton in no Mount at Auction. ranoheria which demand; CHILDREN UNDER 9 25 CENTS Independence An Ohio inventor claims to have devised a The General Committee of Irish they quickly surrounded, kill- Middling uplands 20c. YEARS, Plymouth Church.—Rev. D. Moore will lean plan, and as a dining resort for business Democratic 21 of the Jnlv 20th, at 12 m.|at Merchants Henry lor iror Union held a this ing inmates Being satisfied that preajti at this church at 10 1-2 a. process converting into steel of so li- meetiug evening, when sev- Mobile July 14.—Cotton THURSDAY,Exchange, we shall sell Mount id,aud 7 1-2 p. m. sien it is iarge'y patronized. The we there were numerous Indians dull; Middling uplands Independence, charges, quid a quality that it cau be cast into threads eral members made ct in the neighbor- fOc. Doors Black Strap,) situated about 9 miles from Portland. speeches ndemning Gov. and open at 9 A M, I and 7 o’clock, P M. ,hink, are reasonable. and Hoffman for hood, determined that they should have The consists ot about 16 seres ot very ready-sharpened edged toots, all at one allowing the Orange parade. n’kw Oar eanr, July U.-Cotton property fine til- municipal Conn. the least possible time to for battle or dull; Middling lage land, together with tbe monument process. The Kiol. prepare lplands 20} a 20}c. thereon, Call at 152 and to effect a the command moved known to tbe public as Black Strap Monument, the judge morris presiding, Lothrop’s, Exchange street, The New York retret, quickly Natiou says: Mr. Boutweil There is little additional to the late forward riew from which cannot be in New your Screens. tf has riot.— in search ot another ranoheria. This surpassed Eng- Friday,—John get Fly held enormous power over the mar- Were it not for the land. There is a road to the Sheridan paid $50 and costs under money wounded i n the they discovered on the Fereign KBarlcefa* good carriage monn- ket ever since ho took hospitals following day after nent. a search and seizure office, aud the absence aud delapidated condition of the store London, 14.—11.00 A. M.—Consols To properly manage and manipulate this process. of all windows crossing the Nivide, between Verde and Tonto July at 93} for Gigantic Jyf“ Was (he loo ? suspicion o( abuse ot it is a at the where noney and account. ] Firing Early certaiuly locality the disturbance took Creek. A tight at once ensued in which 23 In- Enterprise, requires the actual services ot strong testimony to his character. we should Brief It is said that an effort will be made to show place, have little evidence of the ter dians were killed. Prom this fol- American securities—U. S 5-20a 18C2, 92}; do 1865. Postponed Government Joltings. nble place they do Shortly after the close of the war the War scenes through which the has lowed the trail >ld, 92}; 1867, 91}; do 10-40’s 91}. undersigned will otter tor sale at W. W. at South 1 hat the firing of the upon th6 crowd city passed. principal three miles when they Brown, Paris, has a fine troops sent a A number ol the 14—11 on the in Yo Department train ot wagons to Arling- large wounded have beeu re- discovered three Indians mounted on two Liverpool, July A. M.—Cotton strong; THEtion, premiees Cornish, restaurant at the railroad ras loo early—that the rioters had not made ton for moved from the jales 15,000 Maine, on tbe tlthdavof Jnlv 1871. at station, where fifteen the furniture belonging to Gen. E. E. public hospitals to their horses. Two of these were shot dead and the bales; Middling uplands8|<1; Orleans 9} homes. Cases fi}93d; receipts ot the week. bales, ot which a. to., a tract ot land a< qwired by ttie Uiuiea states uuuuiee sic lur ufficient demonstrations of violence to bo met Lee, which was removed to Va that remain under care of the third wounded. The 25,000 given ureaainsr or umner anti Alexandria, supply of provisions be- II 000 were from John late additional aud still hospital are those American; sales ot the week were 127,000 Jameson, Paymaster U. rith such a return of Ih- remains there, uutouebed. It filled surgeons which afe to seri- ing nearly exhausted, aud the distance from of S. A. and tables are spread for sixty. summary musketry. ous to bear Dales, which 8.000 were for exi»ort and 38,000 lor containing eigbty-six acres, b ing the farm eighteen wagons. removal and per sous who have no the and of 6 Camp McDowell, nearest military post, nn- ‘peculation; stock 660.000 bales, of which are homestead said Jameson. The Universalist at pector Walliug, who will be a good witness homes or are 392,000 Society Harpswell bav- unable to pay for medical attend- warns oi 00 it was actual Terms: One-third Cash, balance in one and two Johu Sherman, a fruit dealer, was arrested miles, decided to abandon American; export 10,000 bales. c n this is of the nevertheless ance. Corn 31s 6d. Pork 52s 6d. years wirh interest, note and ing improved, painted and carpeted their point, opinion iu South Boston on a further pursuit and return at once. Laid 51s. mortgage. place Friday requisition from * F. r Coroners and Harrison have a further particulars at this office or of ot took of it * liat the firing would have been a Gov. Perliam. He was wanted in Bath for ob- Young made Liverpool, July 14—1.30 P. M.—Cotton firm; enquire worship, possession again last necessity list of dead bodies at Orleans Nathan Webb, U. S. Attorney, Portland, Maine. a Morgue and will com- 9} @ 9}d. The stock ot cotton afloat is ritbiu ten minutes at the latest. Showers of taiuing quantity of peanuts under ialse pre- 486,- The above sale has been postponed to Sunday. mence hold»og inquests on next. Six METEOROLOGICAL. X)0 bales; American 93,000 bales* Tuesday, tences. Tueseay Wheat 108 July 20th, at 10 o'clock a, m ou the premise*. Mr. of the ^ ricks and stones were thrown Irom the house- more wounded men died to Report from the Signal Office. 4d @ 10s 7d, for spring. The receipts ot Wyman, proprietor Saccarappa day, making fifty- wheat lor KVERE1T. C. BAN el The New York Commercial says the five in all. The wouucied three days are 27,500 quarters; American ELD, tub * ops and while pistol shots were be- history reported number Washington, July 14-7.30 p. m Solicitor ot the manufactory, proposes to open a salesroom windows, of wooden pavements in that is “the tale —Synopsis 17,500. Laid 60s 6d. Treasury. city 107. Most of the dead bodies at tbe Morane of the weather for past 24 hoars The barom- Washington, D. C. jyl2 in Portland. s inning to come thicker moment. The of a Paris. 14.— every stupendous imposition, con- have been identified and are so July Bullion in ihe Bank of France ingeniously** others eter has risen somewhat at the trivpil unri siip.ppssIiiIIv rapidly Pacific and has increased since last At a of the voters of 1 lob seemed to be gaining courage and strength that should not be 7,000,000 frs, week. legal meeting Gorham, decomposing they identified Rocky Mountain stations, and still more so Rentes 551. 50c. it will EXTIRE STOCK held John C. s nd it would soon have been absolutely neces- Rev. Charles D. Barrows, a native of Maine, tn-Uay be too late. Recorder Hackett iu from Ohio to Missouri aud northward. The yesterday, Card, Esq., was elect- Court London, .lnlv 14—4 an p m was ordained pastor of the Kirk St. Church of of General Sessions to-day liberated area of lowest pressnre has risen from OF A- ed Town to fill a * ary to commence firing. Lake )3j lor money amt account. Clerk, vacancy. Loweil, Thursday. The sermon was Rev. Francis Keil of rioters on a thousand dollar Huron its remarked by eastward, extending influence At Yale Commencement Rev. Mr. Gen. Lloyd Aspinwall last night J. M. Manning of Boston; Rev. S. H. Merrill hail. Peter McCaffrey of Conuect’mif, who southward to A A“tric?n secnrltles-United States 5-20’s 1862,921: Hincks, Virginia. falling barometer to 1865, old. do 1887 do 10-40’s a a it was of offered the was his sons iu was 92j; 91J; 91J. Marble pastor of the State street Church in this city, conversation with friend, that hard- Portland, concluding prayer. visiting this city shot du- has to-day prevailed in the Middle aud East- Worker, the on Bacon—Cumberland cut middles * worth while to consider the whether The New Senate baB ring riot Wednesday in two places.— ern States with fresh winds from South and 32s. of the class of ’66, announced a contribution y question Hampshire disagreed— AT C to 6 —wilh the One ball passed entirely through his groin aud East. winds have 14,—4.30 P. M.—Cotton closed AUCTION. 1 a or House in the removal of cer- Southwesterly continued I^IVEP,I,,^L’ Jul,y from his class ol as a fund >r uot the troops fired minute two too $5000 to bo applied tain sheriffs of counties. The another through his right arm. from North Caroliua to and 9® 9,d; d“ Orleans 9Jd; oon rather than a minute or two too and House, after Mississippi, The Three Mammoth Pavillions AN Ass at 10 a. we shall sell at the discretion of the late, »le8,15”oM,iUafesaPlaml9 Tuesday, 1st, m., corporation much oppositiou, passed the bill au Trouble Apprehended Sunday. threatening weather with accasional VJ at the No. 3 Preble thj in lad they waited longer they might have been making light JU'y 14 —United Stales shop st., entire stock of lor rains has prevailed this afternoon on the coast 5-20’s 1862 baid in Capt. Seliridge, U. S. N., of the Darien sur- minute too late. appropriation $lli,000 tho Agricultural Trouble is appreheuded on Sunday at the ■losed a?96JRT’ shop, consisting part ot College. fuueral of soldiers in the same region. Heavy local rains fell Cover veying expedition, is on his way home to this The Times says that wheu it was ascertained killed in the riot, it is re- Nearly Three Acres t 7 monuments, during the night in Kansas and and Buaian St lack i. 1st. 75 I'ableU and >y the police and military authorities that a Ohio is the only State, so lar as we are in- ported that regimeuts joining the proeessiou Nebraska, Grave Stones, city. lighter raius on the lower Lake. Hales at 16 arge aud determined mob bad gathered in 8th formed, which can boast a without a have been ordered te load with hall. A funer- Clearing up Uie Brokers’ Board July 14, mantles, Richard county weather has the 35 Grant White, the distinguished near the rum Sucli al of of the rioters will be held on the prevailed during day north of Eastern Railroad Shells, ivenue, Orange headquarters, with shop. is the happy condition of eight Sixes. 1SI4. 99* Granite same Ohio and Missouri river. Union 1‘acifle R R Posts, Fr# e stone,Jke. Shakspearian critic, is expected to visit Port- ,n apparent purpose of attackiug the prnces- Noble county in that Commonwealth. With- day. sixes. sit Also the Probabilities—The Bates Buildings No 3 and 43 Freb‘e st., Horse, a Policeman who was barometer will Masuiurturing Company. 113 land lon, Brig. Geu. Variau was sent there with in year past every whiskey shop has been Grady, disgraced and probably wagon and Harness. The above stock must be dol- shortly. rise on the Lakes with clear weather from Peppered Manuiacturing Company. 670 rbe Great Museum Collection! lie tith, 7th, 9tb, 22d and 8itli regiments. On closed, anil as a result vice aud disorder have dismissed from service, Wednesday, for cow- ed without any reserve. The sea-side hotels near Portland are all well Michigan to and Eastern Raluoan.. igl iis arrival at the scene of threatened hostilities been diminished. ardice, publishes a card this Kentucky eastward. The .K* ®: BAILEV Me Auctioneers. largely evening staling area of lowest Boston and Maine R R Co., filled this season. that he was barometer will probably move rights. 4J I here were indications that men on the roots At tbe last disgusted with the brutal conduct Michigan Central mbraces an infinitessimal of and _Jjll td_ meetiug of tbe California Acade- eastward to Bay cf morn- Rameau. 120{ ! variety Living Mr. Eben the of has '• nd in the windows of certain buildings on the of of the police aud took off his own shield aud Fundy by Saturday Representative Curiosities from the realms ot nature Leach, Register Deeds, my Sciences, tbe desert ship was declared to ing. Fresh winds are * near westerly probabia for ind ot curious and manufactures HENRY TA YE OR ast side of tile avenue, 26th street, were be a the committee to in- resigned. art; interesting & CO. just prepared a very simple aud ingenious in- myth by appointed Funeral of the Kiolero. Saturday ,on the Atlantic coast and Lakes. BUSINESS NOTICES. ind relics ol all marvellous human preparing to fire upon the Orangemen. Gen. tbe matter. nations; phenom* dex to all vestigate Partially cloudy weather with >na; strange ireaks of Mammotb Giants over Auction & tbe records in the office, by which Parian detached the of the 7th The funerals of a number of the rioters southwesterly nature; Commission right wing reg- took winds will t leet and Dwarfs ‘-5 Mr. Greeley says “soap is a sign of civiliza probably prevail in the Southern P- T. high Lilliputian only inches high reference can be made to any deed in a minute i ment, under the lead of Capt. Moore’s com- place to-day, and several were Barnum. ind than tion.” Solt we the Boston accompanied by States. Dapgeious winds are not waighing onlv 15 lbs., four timet smaller and sent it forward on the west sidewalk soap, presume, says the of anticipated. To without over a whole of index pany, lodges Hiherniausjiu full regalia. Crowds the Public of Maine : he famous Gen. Tom. Thumb! Fac similes otihe MERCHANTS, running library Times. Storms, merely local, are not considered. 14& o act as flankers and stationary guards. The of people gathered ou the sidewalks to view Cardiff «*iant, Siamese Twins, and Powers G*eek 16 Exchange Si., Partisan Ha. books, as heretofore. Two Richards Having announced the intention ol I prders of the General were that if the sus are in tbe field in Illinois for this significaut pageaut. Several of the taking Have; Wonderful Mechanical and Automaton Fig Mr. Taylor olleni hi, services in th. ule ol al We hear that vior INDIANA. my great show as far as ires of the Bell Ziuave, S kind, ol several gentlemen are are pro- jected men threw stones or other missiles or Congressman, Logan, pronounced—Rich- wounded rioters are in dying dying condition, traveling East Bangor, Ringers, Dying eeping MEKCHANDISEand REAL ESTATE. . ard Yates aud Richard seems Reaulv. Staffing Birds.Trnmnewr. Magic Drummer Public or Private sale. the name of Miss Irish as candidate for ired on the procession, the men ol the 7th Oglesby. and more names will soon be added to the Methodist Convention. t proper that 1 should state reasons posing my nustcat Rabbits. Cats and Bears—in tact HEN RT irere at once to fire death roll. One case Monkeys, TATLOK St OO. upon them. It is that tbe three to end is Iowa lor a 1 Register of Probate at the next election. Miss reported Republican pa- likely latally City, July 14.—The Methodist Episco- change of programme. The daily expen- m nracing many thousands ot curious and inteoreat- JnnlStf Auctioneer,. Gen. Varna cautioned this flauk- that of John a especially pers at Concord, N. H.,the Monitor, Demo- DiHon, boy aged 15, whose right pal State Convention adjourned last tes of ng team tv9 never seen before under canvas. Irish has been for some iu the and was night. my great combination years office, ng party that they were to avoid, it possible, crat aud will be united. shoulder toru and lacerated were being twenty-five Statesman, frightfully by Resolutions passed recommending the U. 1C. is we hear. on women or children. “If those men a bullet as he was the hundred dollars, it is found on examination HUNT, thoroughly competent firing The Springfield Republican tbiuks that sick watching procession General Conference, the maintenance ol three aso violence,” said the General, “use your near his home. It is the ol the au- lhat of the small 1 Yesterday gave us something like dog-day beds are excellent places for meditation aud opinion great metropolitan organs and to reward other many towns where we should rhe Great Menagerie and Caravan and aiin well.” Capt. Smith moved his thorities that the number of wouuiled who Oonmussioa Morohunt and Anotloneer weather. pieces expressed the hope that the New Hampshire denominational papers to local support, olso lo he obliged to slop do not contain inhabitants jompany to the spot designated, and there re- have been cared for by friends is greater than aid the Republicans will profit by their present afflic- German work by electing Bishops who at \T O. 310 Conflict* .st., will sell Gen. H. G. ol this is in Ant- arained. “As the moved in front ol the number enough fifty cents to cover my expenses, ,re with the choicest and rarest collection of every evening Thomas, city, procession tion. already reported. speak German. replete i-1 large assortinuht urf Slaple and Goods. ol and Three more Several living Wild the more ot Fancy Ihe right wing the 7th, several stones rioters were committed to bridges also are impassable for some of Beasts, among prominent Goods wul be sold the in lots to sol werp. A mliei made prison rhich are beautiful during day jther missiles were hurled Horn the st College has Horace Greeley this to await act Birds troui the tropics; at opposite moruiog the on of the ILLINOIS. chariots. I am plumed wholesale prices. t^asJh advancsd on m The City Marshal invites owners of hackney a LL I) and the adds grand my largest therefore compelled Iso, Reptiles, Camels, Lions, buildings, wheu eight or ten of the 7th men Springfield Republican jury. Elephants, Tigers, imrehasersloscriptions ol goods. Consignments uqt limited. oue to commence our return jeopards, Bears, Cassowaries, carriages to call on him at 10 o’clock this fore- ibeir muskets and fired. At the same of the best honors the college has evergiv- Mow Flab was W Hurricane. trip alter reaching Kangaroos. Ostriches, February 11, 1KG8. dtt jlevated ounded •?a South Ta ou. But a Lions, Seals, Ma'a*au and American moment several missiles wrere thrown from the what figure Mr. Greeley would 14.—A that town as far as noon. The Post this eveuing, to the con- Chicago, July hurricane visited St. Waterville, being East it ►ira. Palatine anil Mountain Llamas, make if he tho letlers in his own alluding Rocky Sheep. sidewalk crowd and a few pistol shots were appended ■Tosepb, Missouri aud seems for us ’ink Albino George S. Gower, of the Providence Jour- tradictory reports Col. Fisk’s viciuity last night. prudent to go with so large a eyed Deer, Apes. Monkeys, Bibbona, fired. Tire 9th was in a column hand writing. concerning Houses were unrooted Baut THE regiment by movements Fisk was and blown down in Cynocepbalu*, Baby Elephants, Biby Camels, is at the Falmouth Mrs. John \. Wednesday,says:—“Col. combination of exhibitions. fcc. nal, Hotel; companies, when in some inexplicable manner At Amherst Rev. George Harris, of Au- at the of the 9th every part of tbe city. Four or five persous jr., armory regiment most of the The Andrew and daughter are at the Atlantic the tneu op. ned fire to the right aud left.— burn, mado the presentation speech ou tbe oc- that at the of were killed by lightning and falling public’s obedient seivant, forenoon; request Gov. Hoffman timbers, In conrection w th the Grand Combination ot Mu- POPULAR EXOURSIONS of Scarcely ha t the volley been fired than the casion of bestowing the ’66 Class upon he weut to the and many persons were The loss on P. T. Barnum. House; Rev. Rufus P. Cutler, Charleston, Cup stop Jersey ferries; returning injured. *um anu JMensgerie. Caravan and Hippodrome, ground held by the 9tli was deserted by them tbe first boy of whom a member of the class about 2 o'clock Col. property caunot fall below' $290,000. S. is at No. 74 Park aud ou the reg- Fisk was marching at the Portland, July 13,1871. viil be exhibited FREE TO ALL PATRONS, 1871. Fcr the Season ol C., street; and the men rushed lor shelter to the side- was the father. 1871. head of his regiment in his shiit sleeves flour- Will ister at the Falmouth Hotel aie Rev. Dr. walks aud houses, thereby makiug it impossi- exhibit at Brunswick, Thursday, July Rev. George McGreery, recently assistant ishing a large sable when the first crackle ol MASSACHUSETTS, of T. J. aud of ble for the wing ol the 7th to maintain its for- 26th. j ane Taylor, Canada, Hoppin family, priest of the Cathode Church at Greenfield, musketry was heard in from. lole on Ibe Beer mation. The 84th also opened and became Simultaneously Question. Daii (/ astel lo’s 4i£ms.c‘'mmenciBg 7th*_■ Providence, Dr. and Mrs. Green, ot Toronto, tire, appeared belore the police court of with that volley there seemed to come a whole Gardiner, July 27th. as much demoralized as the 9th. Springfield, Boston, July 14 —The recent vote in Massa- dSSsESS. BY THE Mass.. Thursday, for drnukenness and was fin- shower ol stones aud bricks at the and and Peter Thatcher, of Boston. men 9ili, chusetts on the of malt Augusta, July 28th. That the of the 9th and 84th regiments of the men declared question selling liquors ed $7.35, in default of which he was committed many that rifle shots were shows the Grand Mr. A. the gentleman who so nar- acted hastily and in a military following result:—Total number of Waterville, July 29th. Trunk Roundy, iil-advisedly to jail. He didn’t get behind the grates, but fired at them from windows and roofs. At any Railway. sense in their muskets the word cities gild towns, 340; prohibiting the sale was at his o* using without was rate a in by 31st. rowly escaped assassination, place “committed” nevertheless, the turnkey in- Prior, private the company, is now of Lewiston, July jyl4-3t Portland to of command Irom tbeir officers, there can be vote No, 61; by not voting, 242; by a tie Cbicagi and return, all rail, rood business sisting on doing his duty in measuring the lying almost dead in a house near the scene of Nov. yesterday. no question Still is is quite eyideut that the vote, 2; total number of towns where the sale If You Consult until 1st. *36 00 prisoner aud making the record of his commit- firing, had his leg shattered a Portland to Chicago or Milwankie aud Assistant of the Treasury these completely by is prohibited, 305; places where the sale is Our return, Secretary Hartley scattering volley given by regiments, ment. hall which must have been per- leading medical men, will tell via Sarula un The policeman who accompanied the fired almoststraighl mined vote of they you steamers, good il Nov. lat,... 34.00 will of his vacation in Maine. proving so deadly in its general checked | by Yes, 30; towns pot h. ard Portland to Detroit spend part efl'ec’, penniless priest to the prison office was allow- down, as it entered just Velow the knee and that for the cure of Heartburn, and return, good lor 30 the beligerent tendency of the mob and proba- j from, 5. Dyspepsia, A seizure of liquors was made at J. Robin- ed to go wilh him to the parsonage of Saint passed through in a liue towards the foot. Ai of the days. 26.0* saved many as in a lew minutes more Acidity Stomach, Cpstiveness,Head- Portland to Kalla and bly lives, across the aud soon re- the fire ran the line of the 84th Niagara retnrn, good (or corner of Cumberland and Preble streets- would have Michael’s, way, they op regimenl KENTUCKY. 30 son’s, Ihe melee become general and dcs turned with the towards the head of the 9th ache, Depression of Spirits, Flatulency, Lan- days. 2806 money'. the latter wheeled Portland to Montreal and for 20 perate. The 6th regiment also fired on thi Rid Stvludliug Couceru Stopped, and return, good yesterday. and Col. Fisk aud officers stood to the foi guor, Vertigo, Enervated Digestive Or- days. 1BJ0 incited thereto an assault oi right U. S. Constellation aud ol crowd, being by the first Covington, 14.—All the to ships Saratoga, TGLEtiHAPH IT IS TO*. company had knelt ready to fire; tliej July wheels, books, gans, there is no remedy that can compete with Portland Montreal and return, via Quebec, one of tbeir officers. Tiie 22d regiment di.-tin &e., ol lotteries in in good tor 20 day*. 17.60 tbe practice squadron, are to visit this discharged their pieces without receiving auj operation Covington Atwood’s expected guisbed itself by uot filing a shot, as the mei Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthouv paid a visit were seized to Quinine Tonic Bitters. Portland to Quebec ami return, lor 30 orders, and the second company followed theii day by the authorities, who good harbor shortly. received no orders tbeir officers. Thi- of condolence to Mrs. Fair Thursday. i that days. 16.00 fronj example. The mob surrounded Fisk aud ai claimed their charters had expired by _J... _i 1_ .e A Brief Portland to Gorham and lor 21 Rev. D. Moore will at conduct elicited a few words of earnest praisi The of coal in New York are lie raised .Way return, good Henry preach Ply- daily receipts his sabre they fell upon him, and in days. son Irom Gen. Varian That the men of the 7tl now tons. are The who Of ridding yourself of bladder and mouth Church to morrow at 101-2 A. M. and 16,000 few minutes afterward lie was picked up iu thi Kentucky they illegal. parties kidney, remand to tsrompton Kalla and return. 12.00 were authorized to fire ou the occa distinctly A. A. Feruald has been elerted of gutter with his right ankle dislocated. A control them were arrested. glandular disease, mental and physical debili- Portland to Sherbrook and return... lt.M 7 12 P. M. No alternoon service. sioti shows the in them Mayor Portland confidence reposed b; N. first it was he was _ to Island Pond aud return. 8.00 Portsmouth, II., vice J. B. Adams, i'ucapa- thought struck by a speu ; | ty, and complaiuts peculiar to the or- Messrs. F. O. & Co. will sell to-day the General. urinary Portland to Niagara Kalis and return, via Bos- Bailey tiafed by hall. An hour later he was removed in dis Weather M. insanity. Report—July 14,-19 P. gans in either sex, diabetes, rheuma- tou. New York, Sound Steamers, that well known pair of black horses owned guise ths where a close coach wa gravel, leturning A special to the Boston Journal tlia At the Virginia Educational Convention a by rear, War Department, Signal Service U. S. Army, Di- by Torouto, Montreal and White Mountains. says 1| tism and female is to of by H. J. are ani- resolution of to the of Gene- vi.iouot Telegrams and Reports tor the benefit ot' irregularities, partake MAMMOTH all rail. 28.00 Libby, Esq. They splendid Mayor Hull has been interviewed by a person respect memory dock ral late of where he took a boat tor Hook Commerce. Smolander’s Extract of Bucbu. Do. do returning via Mail Steamers.. 33.00 mals and are worth a large sum ol money. Lee, President Washington College, Sandy Koy&l al friend in relation to the riots. Mayor Hal Col. Fisk seems to have acted with M Tickets via Sarn ia Steamers— was bravery q» Minor one of the most unanimously adopted. Portland to or Waite, prominent said that he the disturbances aui ' and only relinquish his command wiieu over Try Throat and Healer, tf. Chicago Milwaukee, thst-class, anticipated A tenement house ou Ntwark Briggs’ Lung horse dealers in New died in Boston Avenue, New powered and disabled. | g I jj- including State Koomau i Meals. 19.00 England, determined to them 111 s was burned prevent hy counseling York, Friday morning. Twelve Pluce 1 » S Briggs’Allavantor cures TICKETS at lowest rates to St. Louie. St. 76. Mr. Waite will be remem- Fisk’s Sponsor*. Catarrh. tf. Chicago, Thursday, aged Orangemen not to He lelt assure' I families lost all their furniture, e o Paul, Omaha, Calilornia, and all points Weet,by parade. ol PQa o g bered by of our older citizens as tlie Lieut. Col. Bruiue, of the 9th de p Get Corn and CIRCUS! either New York, Boston or Montreal. many pro- that the sad events of showed tlia t S. Brumberger, who says lie was Jefferson regiment, ~ a § *- Briggs’ Buuion Remedies Wednesday nies that Col. Fisk did not the 0 © oi raavis command regi S Pallman’e Rama and prietor me temple street stable in tins city , private secretary auring me rebellion, « S Browing 8toeping his apprehensions were correct,and ho felt tlia aud asserts that he did his full t observation. « Atrophy was arrested in San Francisco for meat, duty Arrested.—Fellows Compound Car* years and a horseman Thursday 1 m H ™ thirty-five ago; thorough bad not the blood of the slain or the wound preserve the public aud was foremost ii 2 trains on he peaco <« Syrup of of the are run on all the Express the Grand forgery. the t 'E fi Hypophosphites.—Wasting he was too. Many anecdotes are told of him fray. Lieut. Col. Braine also slates tha 6 in a and distinct which is Trunk Railway. ed on liis head. J. It. a tissues ol the is separate tent, represented Hawley, Taylor, II. J. Ray there was no t body arrested, the mnscles 50 con- and in his business, illustrating his keenness in Bayard dissatisfaction iu the regimen Boston.29.79 79 W Fair by of the best performers in the world, and w> For further Iniormatian Tickets apply at any The Mayor abstained from eonimentimr nr mond, Charles A. D. and oth- with Col. Ulilfln firm aril] tlm uoruoa rairniu as to be where ol the ticket offices m New at th* jr., Fisk. Clouilv ■■ ducted chaste and red Dana, Croly Charleston .S.C..29.98 82 SW --r —- absolutely tied, principal England, trade and love for practical joking. er distinguished have started on a 29 33 73 SK there will not be permitted a teatur », look, Depot in Poitland, or at on Gov. Hoflfuiau’s proclamation, except b journalists, Cheyenne,W.T. Clomly by using Fellows* Compound Syrup of Hy- solitaiy Hie lakes to ar.d over 03 70 SE Clear word or ges’ure in any wi th that I). H. BLANCHARD’S, oppo. Preble House, F. O. Bailey & Co. have advertised to sell that lie it ill-advised under lb B journey through Duluth CALIFORNIA. Chicago.39 way iucomparlible stating thought 75 SE Fair POPHOSPHITES. and which have always! char- No. 282 Congress street, Me. the Northern r’acitic railroaid to the Red river. Victims Cleveland.29.95 decency respectability Portland, on Thursday next. This is a circumstauces. afa Swindle. L ike acterized Mr. Barn urn’s amusement pe*» tor WM. Eastern Blackstrap (Hill) City, Fla..50.02 81 W Clear Aphonia Cured.— Fellows’ enterpri KLOWER8, Agent, It is rumored today that Hall ha 1 The morocco manufacturers are disgu ted at Compound iVin lovt ttllrfv t'QQru Me famous spot and well known to all residents of Mayor San Francisco, July 15.—Steamer Colors Mobile.30 06 76 SIT Fair )unel2drt Bangor, the o! the — consulted with Gov. Hoffman on i proposition Massachusetts shoe mak- do from Panama arrived with more des Mt. WashingtonSO 13 50 NW Cloudy Syrup of Hypophosphites. or Portland for the views from its Monday to-day Apbouia, fine afforded reference to the and that th > ers to icpcal the duty on morocco aud serge, New Loudon...2985 80 Calm Fog Orange parade, titute victims ot Lower California swiudle Loss of Voice, is remtdied in a short time, no and have a committee ot twelve to New Orleans....30.10 80 Calm Clear top. Governor agreed at once with the Mayor, tha t appointed There are about including several womer 50, New Ifork.29.86 73 S Clear matter whether the cause be trow imfl-amma- The Three Great it would be better to forbid it. The i t it in Washington when Congress meets. still on Shows GLASS Mayor, present remaining the Peninsula. Norfolk.29 86 76 W Fair Sad afternoon about 1 tiou of the lining membrane, from cold or Accident.—Yesterday seems, informed the Governor that peace coul An injunction having been issued against Lynch Law. Crnaha.29.99 67 Calm Clear ! 3.30 a lad uatned Willie be secured the Orangeme l the over the St. Croix at 75 NW Fair from nervous derangement. o’clock, Dunham, aged only by persuading bridge Hudson, Minn., Gso. was banished of Vit Pitt.burg.29.99 —FOR— not to or all o Kjrk by vigilants Portland.29.76 05 S L to schooner of march, liy preventing parade* the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad Co. ■ Cloudy 15, belonging Tauniscott, Deer giuia City, Nevada, having returned was bang San Francisco. .29.96 56 SW Fair _jylO-dlw&wlt the 12tb. have made arraugemenls to build a bridge at at Custom House ed the committee last 30.00 79 Fair Briggs’ Pile Isle, lying wharf, attempted A lias been assured a t by night. Savannah. S Remedies are a success, tf. reporter by prominen Stillwater and connect with the Western Wis- Clear to leave the Wasbingion. 29 87 75 Calm FRUIT vessel the m'n ol that the Governor onl JARS. by climbing up magnate Tammany I consin railroad. One Prioe of LOUISIANA. Wilmington... .29 93 67 Calm Clear Only Admission t0 reach the it dead low changed bis mind when be found the whol B riKK'bg wharf, being China, from New York, arrived Barometer corrected lor temperature and elevation pubi c dead set against Kelso’s and the Steamship Press. water at tbe time. He liad one foot order, in London Republican The Mnson’s Improved put upon he followed the set Governor \ yesterday. example by Rat New 14.—The Republic* “ the capsill, and tried to swing himself ashore, dolph of New store and stable of E P. Plum- Orleans, July *■ OilMKKC IA Sa, Are the -AND Jersey. Dwelling, State Press Convention ad sine die th postivefy a social mer of were liurued journed but failed anil fell distance ol twelve feet, The intimate political and relations ei Medway, Mass Thursday I- CURRANTS ibe meai Hall morning. A resolution endorsing Oem the rail of the vessel. His was isting between Huffman and led the lalti r night. Loss $3000; insured $2000. 0 Fruit striking liip ures advocated by the State Admiuistraiio Foreign Export*. Jure, to become a scapegoat for the former, and i o A lettfr from Gen. that his broken tbe fall and bis cheek laid the Spinner reports was 20 to 14. Resolutions were adop ft. lum- hnvr* been thoroughly tested by open keep the secret to himself. rejected BUENOS AYRES. Bark Sai ah—337.899 Ever Seen on and are at creMnt Hr- health is but he has nut advocate the l_ c Largest Earth, whole of the Dr Gordou gradually improving, ed plcJgiug newspapers to prii her, 9725 pickets, 19,950 broom baudles, 1 arriage. WANTED S length jaw-bone. accomplished ot interest rela- Gei any thing public e.iples of the Chicago platform, eudorsing ST. JOHN, NB. Sch Louise-1300 bbls. was called and reduced the fracture and dress- The Boston Times tivetothe new Mary says the Springfield R loan. Grant’s course in the past aud fevoring his n flour, 100 do oatmeal. ed the wound, and the little fellow was made publican answcis the query of the Portlai d The President will also themselves I not return to Washington nomination. They pledge ? ST. ANDREWS, NB. Sch Albert-405 bbls. flour, 100 Bu&hels Currants An 1 remain absolutely Press relative to where a lair is ,o until after Ceutri 1 Ripe KENDALL & as comfortable as possible, and tenderly eared bay crop his .eturn from California unless assist heartily the Republican Sta'e 15 do meal, 15 do pork, 4 do sugar. WHITNEY. lie found this by saying: "In this vicit l- matters of in their efforts to all factions 1 To be delivered at the Wine in U. lor bis The vessel will sail for yeor importance demand it. Committee ally Foreign Import*. Factory Windham. Portland, July dlmols by ship-mates. ty, hay turns out an average and otln will advocate r yield, The Connecticut House of disquiet iu the party. They Sch Geo McKean—150 tons to and take him crons are rf Rspresentatives | PICTOU.NS. coal, home day along. looking well.” Wi'l that satisfy? 100 to and in the administr to Without a Parallel in the voted, 80, for an of hall a treoehment economy George H. Starr. Also, 100 Bushels History Portland Gas there is the same kind ot inform i" appropriation Ligrbt Company* not, morejof million to bui'd a State House in Hartford, A tion of State government. Brig Kale—181 tons coal, to order. tion at band. At Wine Store ot DAVID HOOPER, corner of Mid. ot motion to divide the sum between Hartford ST. NB. Sch Clara—3343 rairoad annual meeting the stockholders ol the Burglary.—The house of Chas. C. P. Paine ANDREWS, die and Exchange ateets, tor which -OF THE Portland Gas will be held at We should like to such intel i- and New Haven was to C. E. Barrel. Portland, THE Light Company, get gratifyiug lost, and Hartford will OHIO. Bleepers, the office ol the No. 88 No. 10 Maple street, was entered by burglars become the sole Company, Exchange street, from our own State. From all ot capital of the State. The re- Highest Cash Prices will be Paid. on th« Ina(«*t gence parts aud Loss nf Lilc. Portland, Wednesday, 19th, on and some and solution has now passed both branches of the Explssios 3 to act the articles, Friday night, clothing the Aroostook count Receipt* by Railroad* and Steamboat** ar o’clock, p. in., upon following State, except perhaps 5' 14.—Last oboi W. S. MAINS. To receive aud act the report of tne Presi- money stolen. A family in the Legislature. Cleveland, July evening WORLD. 1st, upon neighborhood, the most reliable estimates set the at n ot Lai e Grand Trunk cans dent ami Treasurer. To ciioose Directms for the crop The National Bank of 10.30 a switch engine belonging to the Railway—199 milk, 500 July 11,1871. d&w 1 w 2d, Valley St. Louis was bb's. oth r business that on the previous night,were alarmed by some one while stam |- flour, CO cars lumber, 1 do paper, 3 do spoo ensuing year. 3d, To do any over two-fifths. New hey is in Lew s- authoriz-'d to commence business with a Shore railway compauy exploded selling capi- wood slabs, 1 do shingles, 5 do 1 do may legally come betore the meeting. making an attempt on their house. Tbe rogues tal of on the track neat the passenger depot, ki! ]. clapboards, Removal. ton for $30. The price of new hay la9t ye lr $2.TO,000. ing shooks, 2 do staves, 1 do wool, 1 car sewing EDWARD H. DAVKIS, President. made off on brakeman and another pe machines, & PULLEN’S Law office la removed to finding that they were discovered. Postmaster General has made ing the fireman, 1 do seed, 3 do barn, 3 do |5 do 1 do July 13tb, 1871. td was not over ®Tbe tempora- e basswood, corn, No 100 Savinga Bank 815. son. The was standing on the fran 1 d » 3 BONNEY Exchange at., opposite tbe same was re- to lnve the mail engineer beef, oats, do sundries; Shipment East—100 Friday night operation ry arrangements service per- n work the side of the boiler at the time bbls. flour, 1 car vinegar, 2 do sundries, billding. L,le> Wilt ten $50 but tbe thieves were formed where cont aitors have failed to corn- by 13, 1871. Jy»« r,J^'^’F-,?arnum’8 by himaell, House for Sale. peated frightened away |U the but to he was on y July pages, 3a full page steel Muslin It is now safe to say that the grape crop are of these all in the explosion, straDge say Maine Central Railway-51 cases mdse. 9 lw_ engravirgs, tfuvtrait, of CUv a ply. There forty routes, gnt, reduced within a few rods by the dog. Tbero is evidently gang of California is out of from souri and will live. The engine is pcs 250 bdls 21 bdls 37 from $3.50 to $1 30, aud a 50 cent a Two-Story House, burg-s danger any South. severely injured, castings, dowels, scythes, pkgs Urket twelve tinished rooms, Seosgo a close I sundries. Found. presented to the purchaser ! The Book can J\ Hall, containing lata about, aud people ought to use all precau- and the product of wine in that State in 18 complete wreck. A car standing y to has been don« be had of the on on the ot water and Price $2500. -Apply It is denied that any damage was blown and a wooden *0 sleeve agent thu grounds, day ga**. Estate A__ them. i will not fall short of 8,000,000 gallons, while j. to pieces, building Steamer John Brooks from Boston—24 cases VALUABLE button, eanjbe had at Beau Exhibition. WM. H. JERRIS, Real Agent. tion against Duluth the so-called tidal wave. 123 reach or to by feet from the was mdse, 15 bales domestics, 5 coils lead 100 bblB. A Bros. Commercial street. [ may 9,000,000, possibly 10,000,000. ) engine destroyed. pipe, j,14 3t jy!5 18 20 21 22 24 Jyl3 dlw* e* I — _ .1 ai nn Ilia "■I-!" 111 1 "1 -M HI1 I SELECTED STORY. MEDICAL. HOTELS. _ RAILROADS ge — ■ ■— ^MISCELLANEOUS. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. The Farmer’s Beals9 Portland Rochester Eastern Story. Hotel, Climates for Invalids & Steamboat Line For Peaks9 Island. NORWAY. Railroad. A new, carefully prepared, and reliable guide to IXLdXJi ATjL THR all who need a ot way. Peak’. I’ve seen you sit on the fence, sit writing On ihe Grand Trunk change air, climate, rcenerv, or I.land Mimmboat fmpaor (Soulh Paris sta- who with to Bud while aie On and after July 12,1871, and until in that little book. 1 his mind to roo oiu master that be- tion. Carnages hum ihe ihe most healthlul p'ac- jAaagLSwsp thought perhaps you evening House at everv3 es l’or health or homes. 'w»further notice, trains will run as fol- NTBAJHEB be A folks he was dismissed: how he had seen me tram. By Ledyard Bill. Piiee lows: might writing poetry. good many fore Si 25 by mail. Bo ik sellara have it. Send for de- out of the CKO E. BEAI,. Passenger trains leave Portland ft come downihere ot a summer, and make |>oet- climb window, and so dressed him- sctipiive book circular. WOOD & HOLBROOK, 15 daily,(Sunday ex- u x pbe mm, Proprietor and intermediate Stations, at about the and l he moon. self in clothes like and made his Laigbl St., New York. jun21tlw .',nI Springvale r> sheep Peggy mine, plans June-‘7 2m 8.00 A. M, 1.45 P.M. steamer* Cambridge and Katahdin; a'so steamer • throw apt, a. n. outii. leads ’em out to me in (lie paper, and ihe to suspicion upon me. Leave Portland tor Saco River and intermediate City ol Richmond, lor stories, too, sir. Do jou wiite stories? Ves? .ily Peggy brought the good news first, stations 6.15P. M, 1 L*3ftve Saco River tor Mt. Desert and Ellswnrtli, Well, that’s a If I had it, 1 Ihink brought it into and threw herself Portland and intermediate gift. my cell, stations at 5.30 A. M. could make out one about what has happen into out Augusta House! Touching at Harbor, (Long Is- weeping my arms, crying “you’ic Leave Springvale for Portland and intermediate Casiine, Sabbaday land) Buck’* Deer Sedgwick, Brook- ed to me. Peggy says it couM be done. free, darling; free and clear, thank heaven.” stations at 8.24 A. M.and 4.00 P. M. Harbor, Isle, out ot line, Hodgdon’s Landing Desert). Nowit is all nothing did not tor master a'ler a Stages connect as follows: (Mr. plain sailing, l'liey hang'Maik, Returning, will leave Ellsworth at 6 o’clock a. m. tin but I was’ut always a well-to- while At Gorham tor West Gorham, Standi*h, and No. common; got better, and in the end quite well. Limingtou, on Mondays, Wed need ays'and Fridays, touchiug at do iaimer. I was a (aimer’s boy a Daily. all the above Ouce But they puuished him for the robhiry, and At Buxton Centre for West named landings,and arriving in Beftast a stout and Buxton, Bonny Eagle in season to connect hand—.with nothing but heait, for he had of the same kind and Limington, daily. with Sanford’s Line lor Boston, something done and Maine Central limbs and heallh. At Cen. Warcrborougb for Limerick, Newtielo, Railroad lor Burnham, Kendall’s aiioug good before ever he came to master’s. Mill*. WatervilJe. Portland and Boston. Ihe when Ihe stars were in ParsoosQchl and Ossipee, Tuesday* and Angusta, Many’s night, As lor the old man, when he was well he Thursdays Tourists, and traveller* will find the out to the Saturdays, returning alternate days. gtnerallv, the sky, 1 used to go great pastuie was for the be had made At Center scenery on Ibis route the most in New all sorry chaige against Waterhorough tor Limerick, Paisons- beautifully I lie where the sheep browsed day, and sit and tleld, England, and being inland all the way willavoid Ihe Fop ... me he had believed me Shortening; takes lessfo <: 11;!0 yvo daily. 1 had no words (though honestly L: At unpleasantness of seasick ties*. think thoughts lor, and make a Springvale tor Santcri Corner,E. Lebanon (Lit- guilty, as I well knew), that be made me ways reliable; full weigh*; best lies'. C] tle River A stage will connect at Hodgdon's iieauliful pictures for myself in niv mind— Falls;, So. Lebanon, b.. Rochester and Landing (Mt. present of a little farm, and stocked it lot me. COLD MEDAL r*s! Rochester Desert) lor Bar Harbor and South West Harbor on noi fine ones, sir. This is what f see the SALEEATCO. arrival And he gave the wile Peggy her outfit; and The Universal choico of Freight train will leave Portland for Rochester and olienest: A little and a the bos* l,...*-; intermediate Freights taken at Reduced Rates. cottage wide fire- here as as the iu " stations at 5 A.M. we are, happy sheep the -*. wives i-.t stands jy7-dlw* GEO. G. such as they had in a Amofica; without a rivalH I,f>ave Rochester lor Porliand and intermediate WELLS, Agent at Beliast. place, my day, dressei meadow or the bees iu the hive hard For Purifying the Blood. Peak’s and a row of delf yonder, for and stations 12.15 P. M. Cushing’s with upon it, four chairs and a purity, liealthfulncss, economy fine os Islands, by. And when we hear talk of hooks and liCave Ceii« re Waterhorougb with Car table of When I had A cure lor Dyspepsia, Indi- cookery. Depot 112 Liberty St., New York, '"i Passenger pine. these I wa3 to to if positive Constipation, State Maine. attached at 2. 50 P.M. tor Portland and interme- HONDAY JUNE plays, Peggy says me—“Jack, they only gestion. Bilious Cowp amts, and all diseases St., Augusta, 12th, many Peggy Grey. But when I should have diate, btat ions on the arrival ot from knew our story they’d make one of it, I’m having their or gin in an impute state stages Limerick, them, and she her white Large am] First-Clas* in all its Most Newfleld, Parsonfleld an J Ossipee. Running as follows, until lurtber notice: wedding gown aud and as a ot the Blood. appointments. sure;’’ they say you’re writer, why Arrangements have been c the house linen, neither of us knew. desirably located. Quiet and comfortable, made to rry Freights Ob' MAIL STEAMEUti Leave Custom House Wbart, foot ot Pearl st, for I tell it to you, sir. SOLD BY ALL pt*f*ons on the Eastern Railroad her DRUGGISTS. from all dust and contusion ando?wii!ly A. S. Hinds, LG. Gilson, Knnnons, Chap- What ia it t RONTON Returning, leave Cushing's Island for Portland at years we were and F. Recently Refitted and Improved Through- PorlUnd.Jul?10.187,.'1HOS-QD1NBY’ 9.30 A and 2.30 wailing man, W. Phillips & Co., John W. Perkins & Co, —FOB- M. P M. hoping, and were hot much nearer than at out. It is a sure and fur all diseases ol the MEDICAL^_ Wholesale Agents. perfect remedy Leave Cushing's at nrst. Sometimes I Portland & R, r. Island, touching Peak's Island felt downhearted. Some- May 6-dlv Batb Rooms and Telegraph Office in the Building, LIVER AND SPLEEN, ENLARGEMENT OR Ogdensburg QUEEI7MTOWN AND I.IVI KPOOI, 11.15 A M, and 5.15 P.M. times her letters were a bit sad. And as ObSI RUCTION OF URINARY. just I^^Charges moderate. INTESTINES, of Time! SSP“Tiekets down and back 25 els. Children un- I g OR ARDOMINAL POV- Change sat in the meadow I knew she sat before the MOLANDERS DK. J, B. UTERINE, ORGANS, ALEPPO, duly 8. der 12 years ol age, ball price. H. BAKER, PROPRIETOR. ERTY OIIA WANTOF INTERMIT- and after Monday, July loth and until further Saturday, je7dtl kitchen fire in the house BLOOD, SAMARIA. Saturday, 15. where she lived at CAM UM V07ND AT HI* TENT OR REMITTENT FEVERS. INFLAM- ONnotice trains will run as follows: duly service. ma?l£d3m SIBERIA, Satur:ay, .July 22. Simple toiks we but we had MATION OF THE LIVER. M. were, DROPSY, SLUG- A. P. M. P.M. P.M. MALTA. Aug. I. THOMASTOy, WALDO HO HO dt aud she felt EXTRACT GISH CIRi ULATION OF Leave Tuesday. hearts, as deeply as greater folks PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS THE BLOOD. ABS- Portland, 7.30 1.30* 5 30 4.00f TRIPOLI, Tuesday, Aug. 8. CESSES. TUMORS, A. M. P. xaight. S~o. Cumberland JAUNDICE, SCROFULA, M. P. M A. M. TARIFA, Saturday, Aug. 12. 172 Street, Cran ford House DYSPEPSIA. AGUE FEVER OR THEIR Leave Centre 6.00 12.30* DAMAR1SCOTTA. the was a f Conway, 3.25 3 20t My master, farmer, close man. he can be consulted privately, and wit CONCOMITANTS Cabin. .*80 Gold. BUCHU *Ex press. He squeezed as much work out ol his hands WHBKkfithe utmost confidence by the afflicted, »i Steerage.*3C Curiency NIMMER tour* and from 8 A. M. to 0 P. Afi. Dr. Wells having become aware ot the extraor- tFreight. ARRANGEMENT. as But it was a and he daily, White Mountain ftotch. 0^pK»senger* embark at the Canard wharf, East possible. steady place, Dr. addresses those a ho are under th* dinary medicinal properties ol the South American all he so I suffering SAMUEL J. ANDERSON, Boston. The paid promised; staid, never think- Bffllotma of whether from Plant, called steamer CIIAS HOUOH- The great Diuretic private diseases, arising President. Alden ing what trouble would oonneotion or the terrible vice of self-abuse* jylOdtt_ TON, Capt. Winchenbach. staying bring to me Impure Better fitted and conditioned than before. This will leave trouble that uever Compound, his entire time to that particular branch of Master, Atlantic Wharf would have come but for Devoting famous Mouniain resort is now open for the seasou. PROM NEW YORK toot ot India St the medical he feels warranted in GUAk- JURUBEBA, Boston & Pori land every Mark Hulker. A profession, junl7 3m FRENCH, COX & CO. Maine R. R. at 7 fellow he Is a rernedv for all diseases o'tbe Uri- a Con* is in, whether of On -'Tuesday, o'clock A. M.. |0r good-for-nothing gore, quick iVfRBiKe HP.u, lOBf Bent a special commission to that country to procure WEDNESDAYS, On Thursdays an,I Sal- 'J at St was—a to the rest in or a bomaston, touching George. disgrace ot us. and be nary Organs, existing either male female, standing or recently eontrocie l, entirely removing tti it in its native iound its wonder- as billow.: imlays, as follows: Kid- purity,ami having Every Thursday, at 6 o’clrck A. for W ddobo- cheated the master and left his Irritation, Inflammation or Ulceration of tbe of disease from Cne system, and making a per1* ful curative to even Summer 12 If M.v work undone. dregs properties exceed the anticipa- Arrangement, Jnne, 1871. SCOTIA.July ALGERIA.July l»oro, touching at and Bound Point So after hours neys and Bladder, Stone in bladder. Grave), Diabe- fleet and permanent ouae. tions formed ics lias 19 Boothbay ami master set me at his and Pavilion Hotel! by greet reputation, concluded •IAVA.July ABYSSINIA.Inlv2i every Saturday, at 7 A. M., lor stint, tes.Reddisb Sediment Jookinj like brick dust.Deposit He would call the attention of Iht afflicted to U* to ofter it to the 26 Damarisc*tl, Wharf, Boston. Tuesday* you go,” said he. “You’vt tions in the science ot Soul and OR IN PORTLAND TO at 12 ter SMOLANDER’S EXT. BUCHUi put up in ■teens weapon, the Mercury. Charming Psychol- at 11.10 for New the Saturdays m., *or NORFOLK worked and have a how to exert this York, South and Ihe West: the T. IHeGOWAK. to-day, right to bed 1 a bottle ot a and a ogic Fascination; wonderful power MSSRSbancBAL TIMORK. your large at less 9.15 A M __ superior quality, Stave lleiuisssts. over men or train connects with the 3PM at but at dawn than other in UNION animals at will. It Springfled Steamships:— night, you go.” price any tbe market Al who heTs HOTEL\ instantaneously, Rout*1 and Sound Steamers tor New York and the committed an excess ot any Ind1 teaches bow to become Trance or “William I marched out of the Price, $1; 6 bottles, $5. Sold by all Drug- Mesmerism, Writ- South. Ihe 3.30 M ILawrence.*' room with words ] ha (her It be the solitary vice of youth, or the ting- ing Mediums, P train with the 9 P M train for gists and Dealers iu Med Hue Divination, Spiritualism, Alchemy, New York via For Nova '*George Appold." never should have and everywhere, eg rebuke of misplaced conll ence in matures NO. 12 TEMPLE STREET 9 ot snore Line or Springfield line. Scotia used, up to my garret 18 years Philosophy omens, and Dreams, Brigham Young’s Halifax, “William Kennedy.’ my t.t,s&w3m sbb* fob as Aimers in and threw myself on the bed. But 1 did not season. Harem, Guide to Marriage, &c. This is the only Freight Trains between Portland and Boston WKEKLY “McClellan,” Cant. Tbs Pains and and Lassitude and NervosJ iHniuo, LINK. mean to to be Aohes, Portland, bookinthe English language professing to teach this daily. fteigb! torwarileil Irom Norfolk stay turned out At miduighl that to V,rt|ortOo* Prostration may lollow Impure Coition, occult power, aud is of immense advantage to the ^Passenger station hi Boston, Hayinarket Square. Steamer ot I rose made * by Lady the lotke softly, up a bundle, and climbed are the Barometer to the whole American Plan. Regular Far e Merchant in the Fast Express. Winter A rra Sale of Government eystem. aFd selling goods, Lawyer in gaining the ti|feni<-it t. PreighHorwarded ftrom Norfotk to Peter out of a window. I cut Property Do not wait for the consummation that is sure to fat ?t',rl!leEa,r0I,ea?Si.50 pei 75 and 50 cents. confidence tOn and tburo an I my hands with the day. Lodging ot Jurois, the Ppysician in healing the Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays only. Htchmond,by river or tall: and o do not wai* for by the Va. k Tenn of a broken and low; Unsightly Ulcers, for I.. B. P. ZITKOV. sick; to Lovers, in securing ihe affections ot the op- W. MERRITT, Sup’t, itr /.jnr to un it, glass pane, blood dropped P« S* Custom Disabled >-p4lltf poinlK Virginia. Ti nv- .iee, Ala House, Portland, He., Limbs, for Loss of Beauty _By posite sex, and all riches or Pri-e PAYSON TUCKER, Agent. Bostou The bama and down my clothes. But I was too seeking happinp>s. Steamship UAH tleoraia; and over the Seat oat A Ho upon augrv [Office of and Complexion. mail, in 353 Commercial street, Portland. LOTTA will note It. It .ad to feel the and I Superintendent, by cloth, $1.25; paper covers, $>t. Agents !*;»?•• Gait** Whai to all points In North and S,mth < arotina pain; bound up the wound Mew Many VkauasSi Ulan Ve. Iffy |g Whit wanted lor this Private Medical Per- June 24. dtl July 10. 1871. book, Works, Wry NATIKIVU, * °hi" 11 to Wa8?4w Railway Co.,lor Windsor, Troro, New Glasgow au I rlnefasBengei acco >odatiom*. did, the thought following youth,—treated scientifically and a perfeot onre war' N. S. me to property ot the United Stages, at Me. -AND- °ictou, Pare including Berth un.i Meal, to Nori struck make my way and see Portland, ranted or no charge made. June will >lk*12.au to-, 1st. The Post Office on Thursday, Is), Two Remarkable Remedies! Returning leave Pryor's Wharf, Jlaliiax, ex tune 48 hour.; to Baltimore Spacious Building Federal a day passes bnt we are cons cited *15, time 65 hour,. Peggy. It would be a comfort to what- between Hardly by one cl dry Tuesday, at 4 P.M. Norfolk, 48 hour.. To me, Exchange aDd Market streets, standing on more men wltb the above (The Ocean Houso will be open, 13(Sundav 9 Baltimore 65 hour ever came. So I turned young disease, some o Flagg’s Instant Feliet Cabin passage, with State Room. $7.W trot further information my steps in that di land leased to the United Slates by w. H. Fessen- are as weak and Jexeepted)!orthe season. Portsmouth R. apply to whom emaciated as though they hat Portland, Saeo,& R, Meals extra. E. * and on until den, Esq Attorney for the “Deering Heirs.” This and SAMPSON, A gen rection, kept nightfall. Then the consumption, by thelrfriends are supposed ti J. P. and For mrtner to L. Juneitt bui’dieg was framed in sections with view to future CHAMBERLAIN, Flagg’s Cough Killer SUMMER particulars apply KILLING! 54 Centra/ H'/iar Horton. faint and weary, I down under some | have It. All snob cases yield to the proper end onli ARRANGEMENT. Atlantic or lay removal and measures 90 teet lineal on Instant Relief used externally Wharf, hushes and Exchange st, Correct eonrse of and In a short time an °ay30-dtl Proprietor. Flagg’s alwaysI fell treatment, ~ oct28tl JOHN asleep. 62 feet on Federal and 104 feet on Market st. anu em- In cures Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheuma- PORTKOUS, Agent. Out ot that 1 made to rsloloe psrfoot health. Commencing Mnndnr, luseMih, 4871. IVcw 1 tine of sleep was aroused by a sboul b' aces steam beating apparatus throughout, as well tism, Lame Back, Earache, Sere Tbioat, Sprains, Steamers and a clutch of as g*s and marble floor tile in ves- Burns. Ac Ac. U.^ed1 stroug bands. stood I plumbing fitting, Chillblains.Cu’s, Biuis-es, 1 Men HIMls-Ateg Man, FAIRFIELD HOUSE7 Internally will Passenger trains leave Portland FALL HIV EH LINE♦ about me. tibule, extra sash for double window®, post office positively cure Diarrhoea. Dysen- ni'.'iumif-l doily, One shouted my name. They There are many men ot tne age of who an Portsmouth and I For New boxes, standing and top cases, counters, desks aDd thirty — AT- tery, Cramp Colic,Cholera Morbus aDd Bloody blux, W^e^gfor Boston, (Sundays York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, WasI held me fast and bound me. troubled with too frequent evacuations from the a excepted)*!.00 a. m„ 16 15 a. m «9 15 a. 13.30 d. & Boston tables Proposals may be made for the building blad| in short time. Also certain cure for Fever and|1 in., ington, and all the ^j^^Yanuouth I often accompanied a or bum m., 13.45 p. m., *6.00 p. m. principal points struggled, but it wa3 no use. j alone or to include fixtures, or tor the latter or any der, by slight smarting Ague in 1 to 3 days Get a bottle and see whst the South Number; and the s iENDALli’8 Leave Boston lor Portland at West, and were part ot the same from the it lng sensation, weakening system In men' MILI.8, Pamphlet round the bottle Price 50 t7.30 a. m., 18 40 a. 8outb-West, against my single strength. separate building; being says. cents and1 Via STEAMSHIP CO. understood tbat ihe site must nsrtbe patient cannot account for. On BT BANBALL bottle. m., 112,15 p. m., t3.00 p. m 16 00 p. m. *8.06 p. in. Taiaiea, Fall River and New part. be cleared on or before examining ANDREWS, $1.00 per A 1 robbe,s? I’ve tbe 30tli "t the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often to Biddetord tor P01 Hand at 7 30 a. m., returning at Deck "LiNDA,” W E. Soule nothin! \ August next, at which time tbe present .ate of the Gardiner Hotel, tLe Maine Hotel at n ,n t_ Flagg’s Cough Killer beats everything lor Cabin, $5,00; $4,00. Baggage cbecke d mTh2 ?J*jUMhiP Com- worth the HE. y°"’TI and sometimes small of semen or ai 5.20 p. m. mander.wiH leave Gaits taking,” said, at wbef lease will expire. found, particles and the sitedy cure oi through and transferred in N Y free oJ Wharf, Portland, lor Yar- last; and, or the nscotta, Columbian House, Bath" Cough.-, Bronchitis, Asthma, Portsmoatli lor charge. N. 1 saw 2nd. The two bumen will appear, color will be of a thin milk' ; Portland 110.00 a m.. 110,40 a m., New York trains leave the Old month, 8., every Saturday, ar e p. m., leave Yar- standing still, faces I knew about me- Workshops on Market and Silver Whooping Cough. Croup. Spilt lug ot Blood, and all1 Colony ami Nex mouth tor leh hue, again changing to a dark and tnrbld is conuected with tl ,e 12 30 p. m. t5.30 p. m. 18.C0 p. m. *10 00 m. Portland at 4 those ot the farm hands at streets, on land owned by the Citv ot Portland, appear diseases or the Throat, Chest and Lungs. p. port Railway Depot, corner of South and Kneelau every Thursday p.m., con- my old master’s ance. There are many men who die of this ^AgoodLiveryStshle mr!4dlt The 6.00 p.m. t ains Iroin Portland and 1 necting at Yarmouth with Steamer 'M measuring 71x27 teet and 59x27 teet. each two stories difficulty The tnai velous cures which have resulted from us- Boston streets,daily, (Sundays excepted,)as follows: at 4.3 a, Starr' Jack Ignorant of the cause, which is the run via Eastern R. R., andI P ^ ,0r ,wel1- Malone,”said one in blight; together wiih the Stone Sheds near the ing the above remedies have astonished the people; Monday’s. Wednesday’s M, arriving in Fall River 40 minute? in advance •' “« *» If ne did an ill SBOONIl STAGE OF SEMINAL WBAKBBSS. Friday’s,and via Boston and Maine R. R. the “erme’ltrm.r,He°f speak word at he was a same; and the blacksmith shop on Vine st. Sepa- generally, and the physicians in particular. Full|1 Tuesday’s, regular Steamboat Train, which leave? Bostc last, I oan warrant a perfect cure in such Thursday’s and good man in the rate proposals may be made lor each cases, and I directions and instructions in German ai d Saturday’s. at 5 30 P M, connecting at Fall River with tl • main, and you’d worked loi building. and | English trains each - 3d. full healthy restoration of the urinary organa. ESTABLISHED |w«i 9 round each ! Freight way daily, (Sundays excepted, ) new and steamer* him three The surplus Marble from the New Post Office bottle; and sold by druggists every where9 magnificent Providence. Cat * years. You have answerec 1 Persons who cannot consult *Pullman sleeping car train, B. le Propiietor and Manet’r, relial fa ai,*»4 PORTKOUS, Agent, was too lien of their diseases, and tbe appropriate remedial §Mail train, boats on the horrible. We didn’t think it o’ or perfect slate. 200 lineal feet of Ladders; 1 Der- 88 Maiden Lane. New York. So and, built expressly tor speed, safe y Portland, Maine. you will be forwarded lrnrned ately. Practical tExpress. and aP24_ Jack—we didn’t think it.” rick Mast 38 teetlong; 2 Spars 60 teet long, and a To whom all orders should be sent. je22$4w comfort. This line connects with all the Sout qua of watch-tackle double and 2All correspondence strictly confidential an-wll F. CHASE. ern Boats and Railroad Lines from “Murdered!” I .tiry Blocks, s’liglc. If New York gob cried, “is old master mur- Rids to be rendered lor each be returned, desired. Supt. P. S. & P. K. B. West and and Smuttier item. ■ South, convenient to the Calitorn dered? separately Add roes: DB. J. if. Jnno 26-tt IS Arrangement Why lay it to me. I swear I never Communications should be endorsed HUGHES, Steamers. “Proposals 172 C umbel land 8 hurt him!” tor public sealed aud addressed to the SI., Portland, HOME O’CLOCK. «T# "hippo* this wi h Iferev and property,” Bend a Stamp for circular, Freight.’* Line, Freight. ... “If he is not undersigned, l»y whom the right is reserved to reject juy Cf4w Its new and extensive depht accommodations in Be quite dead itys none of youi Maine any or all bids if found lor the interest olGovernment Central Railroad ton, and lame pier in New York, lor tl fault,” cried another man. Mlectie Medical .< ntirmary A (exclusively “Don’t perjure so to do. *CQ7R MONTH—Expenses paid—Male or Ke business oil he Line), is supplied with facilities I : INSIDE LINE TO BAWftOR. look at the 9 TO THB / O male Agents—Horse and outfit SUMMER yourself; blood on your clothe* J. H. COCHRANE, LADIHH, furnished ARRANGEMENT, freight and passenger business which cannot be su The blood from Sup’t U. S. Custom Me. DB. HUGHE8 invites all wb Saco Novelty Co.,Saco, Me. passed. Freight alw taken at low rates ami Thwr my hand was in blots ant I House, Portland, particularly Ladles, ON and alter next, 1871 pas- ays lb f.' Trip. Per Week! d lw used a medical to call at his No. 1 juy6t4iv JuneStb, warded with c smears all over vest. I feel jyll adviser, rooms, EVIDENCJ EAddrcts* •S^^SBsscnger trains will leave Portland. dispatch. my my heart turi Preble Street, which wll find for thel (Grand Naw York Train they arranged Trunk Depot)dt 730 1-ewislon anil Auburn Express leaves Boston at 1.30 p first sick when I think of it. especial accommodation. IS NO HUMBUG! nr A.M,(or arrive Trip o/ the Season! and on arrival ol trains from ! M; goods in New York next about “Master will clear Dr. H.’g Electlc CENTS Boston, at 1 P. M., tot morning I said. Highest Premium licnovattng Medicines are nnrlvai THIS By sending OO with age * A M. leaving New York roaches u “ me,” color Bangor, Dexter, skowhegan, Be'tast, and all tnter- Freight Boston “He it was led In efficacy and superior virtue (n regulating ai height, of eyes and hair, you will receive re- the following day at 9.45 A M. says you,” said one of the men turn by mediate stations on tbe line via Lewiston. THKSTKAMEBJ Pemale Irregularities. Their aotlon is am mail, a correct picture ot ye.ur lu’ure husbam * For berths and At least he nodded speclfle Falmodth Hotel, From tbe Portland & Kennebec trains tor tickets, staterooms, apply at tl yes when we asked bin Sertain of prodneing relief m a short time. or wife, wirb name and date cl marriage. Address8 depot office at No 3 Old CITV OP did W1‘ Bath, Augusta, and all intermediate stations, will, oompany’s State House, corner S RICHMOND, If you it.” & Melodeons ! LADIES will find it invaluable In all casus of ob W. FOX, P, O. Drawer, No, 24 FultonvilJe, N. Y. and State Organs a. Con. Ftre Kxt’r, S,I'l.",aMUuM23' leave at 6.15 A. M., and 5.15 P. M., and for Skowhe- Washington streets,and at Old Colonv au “Then the old master was •tractions after ell other remedies have been tried li juy614 Railroad corner OAPT. not in 3 — ■ ■ Newport Depot, of South Km* right hi »"■— ■ ■ gan, , and t DENNISON, vein. It is —- Bangor, Dexter, Belfast, anil all , purely vegetable, containing i| eUectual at a Are iu Farmington, land Boston. mind,” I said. “He’d never be nothing Hon» intermediate at 12.45 P. M.. and the : streets, Will leave Railroad against me.’ the least injurious to the health, and mav be tike f IhtS AehM8 "f[\very 3- Teachers or stations, nigbt Steamers Wharf, lost 01 State Street everv Students express with Pullman leave New York excel " After that I heard the whole. sun pencei sarety ac au times. e discovered, having ’K Sleeping 'Jar attached (nr daily, (Sundays MONDAY,(WEDNESDAY.ml ? RI DAY Master hat undoubterffy^ee'n'mi’ftir Wauling Emp oyment. at Iron. $5" to 41 Oil nsi 6d)from Piei 30 *orih ErettUnra two and The j-oom in Bangor and all intermeciate at 1. A. Hirer, loot of Chamb< at 10 o or on arrival ot G the men and WM. P. Sent to an part of the with full direction! three houis. whic n month, should address stations, 00 M.. clock, o’ch ck P. M. Ex urea** paid dismissed MaTk. He hat HASTINGS, country, ^ween ZIEGLER & MeCURDY, or on arrival of train §t. at 5.00 P IVI. ^ br addressing DR. HUGHES. caught is on the lourih rfoor and when from Boston. Tram from Boston, •nly said “ah I am tired ot ?*® Jiit)22t4w274 Main St.. SprlHgfleld. Mast 3 trains Grand v*o. bhivkbick, Fassenger ami Freight right, work,” ant MANUFACTURER OF anl 1£C5ti;~™ Depot) and at 12. 35 P. M. (Portland i Ken-! rea,,V7 admitted, Corns, Bunions, lngroi Bangor »2S0 grandfa also a chapter on venereal infection, and the mean nebec ing Nails and other uier. No. 2, Iron Extinguisher, with Rate & Pinkham at Depot) connect at Bangor with train thrum-h ailments of the feet are a soar a CYRUS Ueneral of cure, the most work on th< S04? STURDIVANT, Agent, being comprehensive tachment. °lOGius to same annoyance in vain cut ai Portland June 1st 1871. $50.0 I tlt inun. Mold * Maitawamkeag night. you scrape, d They found around of course subject ever 150 by Oi-uccUt Junldtl nothing me, yet published, comprising pages.— No. 2, with Bate & PiDkhai EDWIN every changing atmosphere a ----- hut the Mailed free to address for 25 cents. Copper Extingiisher, nmlDculer* In 1‘ERFt MER1V^\ NOYES, Snpt. still.mi8*'IshK,’ send they quarrel and my cut hand made tin ■ any Address, attachment.$55.0 jj ^ L1MC0LN- their piercing darts forth like flashes case hard & Melodeons. Portia,, HghtDing in sharp, and against me. The master, dying ai Organs Dr. Jourtlain’8 Consulting Office, Charges. 7 i, May 25. piercing, unrelenting i»ai ! 1 received the highest premium at the New M greater degree than of] they thought him, had been able to al Eng- SI Hancack * I reel, Bouton, Our Customers who have the Extinguisher withou t THEA-NBCTAB crrfa.,f«in*rn,ent^ speak Mnd nod State Fair in 1869. I also have the exclu- aflections. Dr. J. Briggs, the well-known Chin Oo. odd and said that to Jinlidlyr the attachment can ha*e it applied at a cost of $5.00 !*»•*»«: Las I International^ Steamship times; the best of liis sive right to use the Wilcox Patent Bellows and Black Tea wllb podist produced sate and reliable remedies. A Green Tea GRAND TRUUK RAILWAY leviator Calais knowledge and belief, I was tbe assailant. It Tremolo, which is pronounced by judges to be Ibe | flavor. and Curative. Sold by Druggists. Eastport, and Warranted to suit •F St.John, wns dark to be but in the best in use. All instruments manufactured by me » all tastes. CANADA. sure, struggle be Hies/cell’s Salve American Consolidated Fin I For sale DIfJilY, WINDSOR felt that tbe are fully warranted. Price list sent by mail. Will Magic everywhere, and tor AND HALIFAX man wore a cap, and I was the sale wholesale sell lo pay by instalments. CURBS I I only by the Alteration ot Trains. Extinguisher Co., only hand who had auy but a Great Atlantic A Pacific thing straw hat. N* 15 C heitnit Me. Summer Besides he came Irom St., Pertlnud, OS WATER ST., Bouton, Mara. TEA CO Arrangement. the inner passage and dc15eodly Tetter 1 Tetter ! I down the stairs Tetter P.0 box 55(6. 8 Cburch-st.,N.Y. SUMMER APILES, and ARRANGEMENT. very common PILES,there did not break in through ITCH! for affection, being but fei Throe a ITCH! ITCH! ®r»Seud Tbea Nectar Oir- persons who are not troubled wilh TRIPSPER door or as a would cular. them at some pc WEEK. window, burglar have Scald Henry Taylor, f noa ot their life. dnn#» And T mac ikn ___ Portland Erysipelas, Head, Ringworms, Ulcers, Rains, Agent On and alter The disease exists in smal tumor Company, Salt Chill juy4t4w ratBlffSBro Mondav, Jane 5, 1871, in tie rectum Rheum, Blaine, Scalds, Pimples, Biotehesj 14 trains or about the anus, which are dividet ■On of the household. So I Annual Meeting. Frosted Inflamed Exchange Street. will run as lollows: those anr r1 B. & c meeting From Montreal Island by Druggists. R: ilway for Woodstock and weary time, and the one Afifents Wanted tor the Pond, Gorham South Paris Hooiton. Connecting at drop of comfort in it JACOB McLELLAN, Clerk. PRICES RED anil at 8.15 A Sr John with steamer lor came UCED1 Lewiston, M. Frtderickton and with from those letters. I had Portland, July 10.1871. Cannot steamer had five from Money It, ^ueb®"’ Uor,ia,H and ar Empress tor Digbv and Annapolis, thence e o d Buy Bangor her the end jyl td 2 ran to wdcd,at of on** came this; SEASON PRICES FOR 1871: History of the War in 50iMHl0ntre*1, by Windsor and Halifax With E. & N. A. 1 never hide Accomodation from South at7 20P. M. Railway tor 8he iac and intermediate stations. At from 10 lbs. a Paris, and iACK;1 anything For is I day, from May 15ili to Oct. 15th, $5 W , WT" Sleeping Cars on all Trains. Sliedinc with steamer tor Charlottetown P. E. I. you, do not want to boast For Priceless 15 " « a a Europe, night of conquests, Baltimore. Sight 7 q( Headache.—Tlieie is in SC, HEADACHE,class “ * every of a I never 20 « « « tt ! It contains over 150 fine of Battle society received on of thing do; but just to let you 1 9 engravings Phe vast numbers who sutler with KT^Freight days sailing until 4o know Scenes and incidents in the War. aud is the (I Company are not responsible for to Headache Neuralgi: c'ock P. M. keep no secrets to I T, Bickmore, lying at Cenlral Wharf. For only baggage from various couses. Over myself, must tei! FULL •ny amount exceeding land that excittment ot the ner w you BRIGbalance lo AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history ot that $5(1 in,value iiersor- vous juu24-newl A. R. what has Freight apply ICE MARKET •i) unless notioe is system, dissipation in or a STUBBS, Agent. happened. Our master has hired a HOUSE, STREET, great conflict. are meeting with given, and paid lot at the rate ol eating drinking, gen E. Agents unprece- eral condition ot the 1 ... FREEMAN, dented success from 90 to 40 passenger for every tmo additional value. unhealthy stomach or liver disliked « first J?11* lwNo. 2 Union Wharl. selling copies per day constipation, &c« In fact there are KnW,Vthat and it is m nearly as mau\ rfJfra published both English aud German BRYDOBS, Managing Hincitr, causes by and wlut A Full ! B.„ as sugerers. Dr. J. A van Summer “ame> Interior histories are BAILEY, Local Snomnttndtnt. Briggs* He for is ; should he^rk,I!U'k,fr do but Supply A TTT'TniVr being ami Arrangement take a notion to or Proposals ior and j u 1 Portland, Jun. 5th pleasant positive remedy tor the various kind- tend to me, pre- Altering Repair- Guaranteed IVJll circulated. See that the ot Headache do so, his best to to all Cuatomera the. Entire book contains -71,_oc27islw-ostl Neuralgia. ■STRIDE LIKE TO trying sit up with the you buy 150 tine engravings and This wondertul ing Light-House Tender Season. 800 leniedy has a me after his work pages. Send for circulars «& see our terms, and a Portland & R. It. gladdened many sail hours, following me about lull Ogdensburg and weary heart, and 19 still on its mission ot MT. a “Iris.” description of the work. Address, NAT’L mercy DESERT holiday. Then he Monday, June 1871, and Sold by M. S. Junction of tries to PUBLISHING Pa. until .adfr 12th, WHITTIER, Free am ^“«!er,.1.make me like him TREASURY J>. W. CO., Phil, juyl3f4w 0N lurtber notice, trains will run by telling me bow rich he DEPARTMENT, CLARK, between Congress sts, KMMNON8 CHAPMAN, cor. MiddU AND k x-ortland and Fryeburg as lollows : J. R. MACHI AS. hundred dollars he has laid Office Light-House Board. »nd,E?cliange sts, LUNT Sc Co, m Contrre^ /“r by he Odlce .111 Street. *r°r Ist class Pianos—sent on trial—no Leave Portland at 7.30 A. and and a ,, Exchange M, 1.00 P M says, gold watch like a Washington June 1871. THE ®O0n MARK cor-/rar,klhl Congress t-tV gentleman The City, 23, DIAMOND Portland, May M>4%7V/ag*ts. Addrrss U. m. PlaDo 645 Broad- Leave at 6 00 a. m. Vnavnf other I was GLASSES, 1,1871. mayttt Co., Fryeburg and 12.05 p. m‘. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. Sunday dressed for PROPOSALS will be received at this way, N. Y. church and juy13t4w Htage Connectiwmi by 7.30 A. M. up he walks SEALEDoffice until 1 o’clock P. M., on the Manufactured by say^KXi°f&"R “Why, Peggy,.- Friday J~w-PERKIMS ” say's he, ““u t wenty -eighth day of At South Windham tor North Ray- have no pin for your collar.” July next, tor altering an l J\ E W Office of Light House Windham, 188:- Tho tarorite Steamer LEWIS- Said 1 thoroughly the Engineer, mond, Casco, Naples and &d'X •I cannot afford repairing Light-Houae Tender J. E. & HL Y. THIRD DISTRICT, Bridgton, daily. TON, (Japt. Charles Deering, will money for finarv The..’ tri., (now at Spencer Co., f At lor leave she Portland, Maine, where Tompkinsviile, N. June 1871. Fryeburg Conway and Forth Conway, Railroad Wharl, Portland, said he, "how luckv it is may be examined a* time Y., 29th, ) dally. that I’ve one any ) according Which are now offered to the pubi“c,are pronounce Hinge nnd Mlramer Connections •every Tuesday and Friday and Proposal* lor building Foundation and by 1.00 P. at 10 Eve’nga, *Pecificat>ons, plan oi all the celebrated ol the world ,, oVIock, or on t° pin from his pocket- the vessel, which will by Opticians to be tb' and and Mi. 7— arrival jgv° yonV,a?d J"il,s.a form a part of the contract ICE Pier, Dwelling Tower, for Light *ra:n trom At Jack,1 couldn’t at COMPANY. House on Sebago Lake with Steamer Oriental lor ?! Boston, (commencing on help looking it. It was be obtained MOST PEKFEOT Sabines Point, Prorideace Naples a ■ the upon application to Crstlne, D er lady’s portrait, with hair all tbeUght-Houaet8ii?hrWHCh mat> at Bhode Bridgton, Harrison, Waterlord, $10 fate. H>e Barer, daily. From ^oard,and offices oi the to Island, 50Cts white, though Natural,Artfticial help the human ever know " she was Light-Honse Inspectors at Boston and eye Office At Steep Palls tor and and young, like and old woman’s He Portland.and They are ground under their own No. 14 1 ross Street. sealed proposals, in duplicate, accom- Limington Limerick, daily. Joiiesport Machiasport.- a Anatom-Houses at supervlsi for 50 cent, that re- w111 said it was * N.H from minute SEPARATEpanied by a guaranty in and a print- At East Baldwin lor U powdered, as done it and8S«Mittle Portsmouth, Crystal Pebbles, melted together, ai.” dup’icate, Sebago, and South Bridgton, lor *10- R L 181 Chatham ,e?Te Macbi8»port every Monday they in old Ellsworth, Maine. ed of this . aolX Wolcott, Sq, •„5^r"ina*Ihuredai at a derive their name, “Diamond,” on account ot SEASON copy advertisement, ad tressed to the un- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Jun22t4w niOMiinef 5 o’clock, Umes; and pink and no Bidders are required to state I ill Sllltm lilinrr llmie tbei4 AND PEICES BE- Saturdays. NT. iSth (commencing* dress, bigger then a I hardness and EXTENDED, dersigned and endorsed on the At inst) touching at the above named ine brilliancy. {envelope, “Propo- Baidwin tor Cornish, Kezar landings DIU3J time within which will contract sals lor Sabines Point Porter, Palls and The Lewiston will touch at H°w he came they lor The Scientific Principle on which they are con- DUCED. building Light Bou*e” will be N. and tor Bar Harbor, (Ml I* q^rter ■£*Bther- by the entire and received at this Freedom, H, Norlh and East Par- thing gcx dness knows! But ot Fatfsfactory completion of the worlr structed brings the core or centre ot the (ei-s direct- office until noon of Ju y31st, 187*. Reduction Prices ! June20 to September in course according to the terms of the tor the materials and sonstielri, daily. of additionf<*b to 'J*!'iroro her usual IStb, specifications, in case ly in front ot the eye. a clear and 1st, labor lor ouiklicg founda- landing at Soulh-West he, “Now do *"d t0 producing distinci tion and At *°r tfar- it take be &aaranteed by vision, as in the and pier ot granite, in eight feet water and 2nd, Denmark and Bridgton TO CONFORM TO P^av1 1Ihw» want to ?ays satisfactory natural, healthy sight, prevent- SEASON Centre, For keep company with you security1*"06’ all RATES, 18TI. tor materials and labor (or house dally"06111 turther particulars Inquire ol andi«a88y‘ now ing unpleasant sensations, such as glimmering building dwelling you know the truth.” I and ot 15th to October and tower ot L;ght House on Sabines Point, Provi- At Fryeburg tor and ROS8 & 8TUKIHV Says “I o m ,prlnte(1 specifications, plan, wavering sight, dizziness, &c., peculiar to all May 15th. Conway North Conway.y< East Reduction \NT, want neither »„d°,ri,£1jL^rn’.88®”* Hi'i and guarantee others in dence River, R. to and and of Duties ! 179 your company nor a"'[ ,e required. Tlie use. 1., according plans speciflea Fryeburg _ Commercial Street, or your pres- rlgtit is leserved lo 00 tions be Lovell, daily. and reject any bid, or all bids fur are mounted in the best J2 ^ai,y..$5 to seen at this Tofflce or furnished to bidders CYRUS Uen'l ents, please remember that hereafter It reasons other than the '/hey manner, in frames of 'tom the above 8TURDIVAST, Agent, price that may be named.' the best of all on application therelor. to nlw.S.t.agfs points connect with the Portland, May, 1871. was I but I quality materials used for that pur- 20 lbs. 9 ft'om my loti rough, know, hate him so. Aud I sealed and ose. do.. 00 The right to reject or all B'yehnrg which arrives in “Ao.«i.'i.fla8Awe ,care*uJ1y endorsed any bids twhich may tie Portland in season Great to was none too for he Proposals lor Altering and fc#1 Customers furnished deemed to connect with ihe 3.30 p. m. I Saving Consumers rude, bothers me vet as Repairing Light-House finish and durability cannot earlier or later than above disadvantageous is reserved. trail: fo Boston. much as 8’ ttxei be in besurpas- pro rata. Hr OetlfBB up Club*. B O S T ever. placed another envel- jHHF*Their f.C. PRRRPTirrpra tu.lroiml w._____■ O IX Though yon know if he were *,r anid tor WOODRUFF, ever so addressed, delivery in person, or be sent CAUTION-.-None Lieut. Col. of W-Senil tor onr new good and I the genuine unless bearing the Engineers, er at the Pori land Price List amt a Club form -AND- handsome, am ?your °W”own “ad Pcepuid, to the *» station, Ticket office M. C. R. K. aud “Chairman ot the trade mark ◄ stamped on every trame. QUALITY OF ICE SUPERIOR. Engineer 3d L. H. District. will accompany it, containing mil directions—mak- Peggy, think ol no one else Light-House Board,” Washington 4w tickets lor Boston tor sale at all a City, J. A. MERRILL & And a jun30d3taw m,w& t Through principal ing large saving to consumers and je27eo04w W, B. Co., CONTINUED SUPPLY lor tho WHOLE stations on remuneiatise SHUBMCK, Chairman, 139 Middle the line, and by the conductors on the Street, SEASON or no trains. PHILADELPHIA mj&I^.thji?K°“.,”igbtbaf« kn0Ck.Pd Jewelers and are GUARANTEED, (liarge. Opticians, sole Agents for Port- Portland, The Great Treasurer’s land, Me., from whom can only be Rutland, Oswego, and America Tea one the old farmer bad lost and I Notice, Deering. they obtained. MONTHLY RATES. Cumpa’j, knew it These goods are not sin-idle I to at Freight trains leave Portland, daily, at 4 P. M. 31 tail 33 New Steamship Line. and Mark was is hereby given, that Pedlers, any pi ice Chicago Railway Company * Vf»j Slrrtl, York. the thief who had tried to mur- JVIOTICE ihy authority ol a .. reiglit trains leave Frjeburg daily, at 5.35 A. M. La vote passed at tlie annual Town sepl3d&wly I- !L’S" IMJ. Box 5643. aer him. (meeting of the Annual Meeting:. lor 4 P. M. train must Jn22t4w Town ot Beer,ng, held Ma.cl. 28th, 20 lbs. HT’Freight le at Station leave eaoh 1871,1 iliscount 9e It they are not. A.S. HALE MKS’ 1 ,er » E. U. New T«k. ny, ami their Walrr-prsol New York. *v CO., May 0-dti T hove this day connected them- Qnalitie*, have Broadway, Hartford, Conn. jun22t4w AS,"l>T' ''T,r" J PLUMMER-* WILDER, mmmei ded them to lhe use ol PER WEEK to male or female. she dressed turner* tlle name aml a,y|eof Sportsmen, Base Ball ©nr (Cor, 28th and 29th Sts.) in her best uavsK11” 173 Middle Stabs. and the 11100 Agents Wanted, Address } i?asteI’ a?d and tiraniie ",r the purpose ol Marble .St., Up Players, Government, as well as to the 3)^0 $3.50 lM>K tmg Mark Hnlher. That ManuiJ,.?,’. Jyltf gen- Will! two stamps, F. A. SHATTUCK 4iCO. per day. Elevators and all the modern im- BOSTON. sheIhfnWi had for nisht HUNT. al tLe uld s,and of ral public. i 1 •roveraents. Wells' Carbolic Tablets. promised to take his JEWETPAcYr'.F’ mr28tlt Augusta., Me Situated in the great Hotel Centre pin, and if he we are 12 Congress where For Cough*, Cold-A n«anearM. prepared to luriuP. si., Ask your dealer foi a pair. The have the he the In the line to N I S H new and saf enor sea-rein* Pr^v^dto money bragged of to satisfaction of all wl o ',,,!? ?'”® WITZ Lewis & S. Leland. These Tablets present the Acid in Combination and may ,a»or us George steamers JOHN marry him; Mark was as patronage. with their Maine nih other efficient remedies, in a BROOKS, m3 merry^asY could°Uld Pharmaceutical Associa- popular form lor MONTREAI., having been fitted be, and the worse Hold Jyl2Hw_"he Cure ol all THROAT and fo, liquor. tion. LUNG Diseaseii at expend with a I Harrow. Everywhere. IOAKSENESS and ULCERATION 'ap great larga a Y'JH-TURNER, 'iilvcrizing mayl9-d7w For oil he THROAT -'nnmberofheaafitul State Promise is a FOURTH Hale! *re and Rooms, lse prorn- Portland, July 10,1871. ANNUAL MEETING of the r immediately relieved, statements are con- yillrnn the a* follows: NThe“s's thedmP’the to slocks and fixtures ot a store in this city do* si season ,-there money count, and the N on a new as valuable in THEMaine Pharmaceutical Association will he in Wharf, implement principle, Lost. held rHEmg a large business, and in one ot the best, ot ol Leaving Atlantic Tartland, at T o’clook. the its as not be tor at the Common Council Room in the Pin towear‘ Now Millinery Stock fbr place the Mower. Need paid rk K. Citv BuildingK hjcations. Said stock will be sold at a it r India Whart, Boston, every dav at I o’clock P Sale, b. after Hunt, Marble Worker, lost a pocket book In Portland on bargain JU'4 7ou% havener*nd 8

a of paid for on money and Ail Apothecaries and Druggists JAUTION " just then the delivery. •me vnluahlo interested in the clhange his business. For further partlculais apply b GOUGH & HOWARD, Employment & Real Es- Cents, Reck,... :LUO Apply Congress^stKet,1'’ jj he liberally rewarded returning the 1 JOHN •?,*?[*>£ ap24eod&wtt hy «»*<• H-T. ite 351 St., Q. KELLOGG, IH Platt St v w Agent for the St Maine s .me to B. K. Hunt, No 312 st. , ,, CUMMINGS,/Wen,. [1 Agents, i Congress between Oak and Vrelykt taken a# ainoi. Congresi p Portland, July 5,1871. > reen. tlf| ju62w o may22t t jun2mwlrC"'ar- 80l8A*ent ;!or thehf/sT* I kfc May l.imo-dtl BUOWtAMW