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Pjp6'2003.Vp:Corelventura Copyright © 2003 by Institute of Pharmacology Polish Journal of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences Pol. J. Pharmacol., 2003, 55, 1045–1053 ISSN 1230-6002 EFFECTS OF CLASSIC AND NEWER ANTIDEPRESSANTS ON THE OXIDATION PATHWAYS OF CAFFEINE IN RAT LIVER. IN VITRO STUDY W³adys³awa A. Daniel#, Marta Kot, Jacek Wójcikowski Department of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism, Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Smêtna 12, PL 31-343 Kraków, Poland Effects of classic and newer antidepressants on the oxidation pathways of caffeine in rat liver. In vitro study. W.A. DANIEL, M. KOT, J. WÓJ- CIKOWSKI. Pol. J. Pharmacol., 2003, 55, 1045–1053. Caffeine undergoes 3-N-demethylation via CYP1A2, as well as 1-N- demethylation, 7-N-demethylation and 8-hydroxylation, which may involve other CYP isoenzymes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of clomipramine, desipramine, sertraline, nefazodone and mirtaza- pine on cytochrome P-450 activity measured by caffeine oxidation in rat liver microsomes. The obtained results showed that all the investigated anti- depressants, with an exception of mirtazapine, added in vitro to liver micro- somes had an inhibitory effect on caffeine metabolism (via competitive or mixed mechanism), though their potency towards particular metabolic path- ways was different. Dixon analysis of caffeine metabolism carried out in the control liver microsomes, in the absence and presence of the antidepressant drugs showed that desipramine and clomipramine exerted the most potent inhibitory effect on caffeine metabolism. Desipramine decreased the rates of 1-N-, 3-N- and 7-N-demethylations, and 8-hydroxylation of caffeine (Ki = 23.3, 36.6, 23.3 and 63.3 mM, respectively), the effect on 1-N- and 7-N-de- methylation being the most pronounced. Clomipramine showed distinct ini- bition of 1-N- and 3-N-demethylation and 8-hydroxylation of caffeine, the effects on N-demethylations being the most pronounced (Ki = 38.6, 34.8, m 45.6 M, respectively). Its effect on 7-N-demethylation was rather weak (Ki = 97.8 mM). Sertraline decreased significantly the rate of 1-N- and 3-N-de- m methylation and 8-hydroxylation (Ki = 37.3, 69.3 and 64 M, respectively), while its effect on 7-N-demethylation of caffeine was less pronounced (Ki = 92.1 mM). Nefazodone displayed clear effect on 3-N- and 7-N-demethyla- m tion (Ki = 68.8 and 66.4 M, respectively), but was weak in inhibiting 1-N- m demethylation and 8-hydroxylation of caffeine (Ki = 110 and 186 M, re- spectively). In contrast to the above-tested antidepressants, mirtazapine did not decrease significantly the oxidation rates of 3-N-demethylation or 8-hy- m droxylation (Ki = 264 and 455 M, respectively) and had no effect on other oxidation pathways of caffeine. In summary, we have observed intra- and inter-drug differences in the inhibitory effects of the antidepressants on the four oxidation pathways of caffeine in rat liver microsomes. The tested anti- depressants (with an exception of mirtazapine) may lead to drug-drug meta- bolic interactions at a level of a few CYP isoforms. The obtained results pro- vide further indirect evidence that apart from CYP1A2, other CYP isoforms are also important for the metabolism of caffeine. Key words: caffeine metabolism, rat, cytochrome P-450 activity, clomi- pramine, desipramine, sertraline, nefazodone, mirtazapine # correspondence W.A. Daniel, M. Kot, J. Wójcikowski INTRODUCTION 1-N- and 3-N-demethylation, while fluoxetine was effective in this respect towards 8-hydroxylation Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), a purine al- and 7-N-demethylation of caffeine. kaloid and a component of coffee, tea and many The aim of our present study was to estimate an drugs, has some essential pharmacological proper- influence of two other tricyclic antidepressant ties, e.g. stimulation of the central nervous system, drugs, clomipramine and desipramine, one selec- diuretic and biochemical effects based on inhibition tive serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), sertraline, of phosphodiestrerase leading to the accumulation and two new antidepressants, nefazodone and mir- of cAMP and cGMP in the cells. A number of stud- tazapine, on 1-N-, 3-N- and 7-N-demethylations ies have indicated that phase I of caffeine biotrans- and 8-hydroxylation of caffeine in vitro in rat liver formation in the liver proceeds mainly via mono- microsomes. The direct inhibitory effect of those oxygenases, but its particular metabolic pathways antidepressant drugs on CYP (via binding to en- are not well characterized in respect of contribution zyme protein) has not been thoroughly studied in of cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isoenzymes. Because humans and laboratory animals as yet. While their of its natural character, caffeine is used as a test direct effects on CYP2D are relatively well known substance for estimation of phenotype with regard [5, 7], their interactions with other CYP isoforms to the activity of N-acetyltransferase NAT2 and have not been fully tested. CYP1A2 (3-N-demethylation to paraxanthine is a specific, marker reaction for CYP1A2) in humans MATERIALS and METHODS and rats [4, 16, 18]. However, caffeine is oxidized in a few positions Chemicals of its structure. Apart from 3-N-demethylation cata- lyzed by CYP1A2, the compound undergoes 1-N- Clomipramine hydrochloride was provided by demethylation, 7-N-demethylation and 8-hydroxy- RBI (Natick, MA, USA) and desipramine hydro- lation. The literature data suggest that the last three chloride by Ciba-Geigy (Wehr, Germany). Sertra- oxidation pathways of caffeine may be mediated by line hydrochloride was obtained from Pfizer Corp. CYP isoenzymes other than CYP1A2, both in hu- (Brussels, Belgium). Mirtazapine hydrochloride was mans [1, 12, 13, 21] and rats [2, 3, 4, 17]. It seems donated by Organon (The Netherlands) and nefazo- that the CYP3A subfamily is the main isoenzyme done by Bristol-Meyers Squibb International, Ltd. catalyzing 8-hydroxylation to 1,3,7-trimethyluric (Uxbridge, UK). Caffeine and its metabolites, NADP, acid [17, 21]. Moreover, there are some suggestions DL-isocitric acid (trisodium salt) and isocitric de- that 1-N-demethylation and in particular 7-N-de- hydrogenase were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, methylation leading to the formation of theobro- USA). All organic solvents with HPLC purity were mine and theophylline (respectively) engage proba- supplied by Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). bly isoenzymes CYP2B and/or CYP2E1 [2, 21]. Animals However, the relative contribution of CYP iso- forms to the catalysis of the four oxidation path- The experiment was carried out on male Wistar ways of caffeine still requires investigation, since rats (230–260 g) kept under standard laboratory no detailed, comprehensive comparative studies conditions. Liver microsomes were prepared by concerning individual CYP isoforms have been differential centrifugation in 20 mM Tris/KCl buffer carried out so far. (pH = 7.4) including washing with 0.15 M KCl, ac- Our earlier results on the influence of psycho- cording to a conventional method. tropic drugs on the rate of caffeine oxidation in the In vitro studies into caffeine metabolism in rat liver showed distinct, but differential changes in liver microsomes the rates of individual oxidation reactions, which additionally confirmed the possibility of engage- Pooled liver microsomes from six control rats ment of different CYP isoenzymes in caffeine me- were used. Each sample was prepared in duplicate. tabolism [8, 9]. Out of the antidepressants studied The caffeine metabolism in liver microsomes was (imipramine, amitriptyline and fluoxetine), imi- studied at linear dependence of the product forma- pramine distinctly inhibited the four oxidation tion on time, and protein and substrate concentra- pathways, amitriptyline exerted such an effect on tions. The rates of 1-N-, 3-N- and 7-N-demethyla- 1046 Pol. J. Pharmacol., 2003, 55, 1045–1053 INHIBITION OF CAFFEINE METABOLISM BY ANTIDEPRESSANTS tions and 8-hydroxylation of caffeine (caffeine con- The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variance centrations: 100–800 nmol/ml) were assessed in were below 4% and 6%, respectively. The results of the absence and presence of one of the antidepres- the above measurements were evaluated using sants added in vitro (antidepressant concentrations: Dixon and Lineweaver-Burk analysis. The values 50–800 nmol/ml). Incubations were carried out in of Ki,Km and Vmax were obtained graphically. a system containing liver microsomes (ca. 1 mg of protein/ml), phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH = 7.4), RESULTS and DISCUSSION MgCl2 ×6H2O (6 mM), NADP (1.2 mM), DL-iso- citric acid (6 mM) and isocitric dehydrogenase (1.2 The obtained results showed intra- and inter- U/ml). The final incubation volume was 0.5 ml. drug differences in the inhibitory effects of the in- After a 2-min preincubation, the reaction was initi- vestigated antidepressants on the four oxidation ated by adding NADPH generating system and the pathways of caffeine in rat liver microsomes. The incubation lasted for 50 min. Afterwards, the reac- tricyclic antidepressants clomipramine and desi- m tion was stopped by adding 350 lof2%ZnSO4 pramine displayed distinct inhibitory effects on caf- and 25 mlof2MHCl. feine metabolism via competitive or mixed mecha- Determination of caffeine and its metabolites nisms, but their potency towards particular meta- bolic pathways was different. Dixon analysis of Caffeine and its four primary metabolites were caffeine metabolism carried out on control liver mi- assessed using the HPLC method with UV detec- crosomes, in the absence and presence of the anti- tion as described previously [9]. After incubation, depressants showed that desipramine exerted the samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 2000 × g. most potent inhibitory effect on caffeine metabo- A water phase containing caffeine and its metabo- lism. Desipramine decreased the rate of both the lites was extracted with 6 ml of organic mixture three N-demethylations and 8-hydroxylation of caf- consisting of ethyl acetate and 2-propanol (8:1, feine (Fig.
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