BBiiooddiivveerrssiittyy CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn aanndd SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee DDeevveellooppmmeenntt iinn BBaannggllaaddeesshh:: An overview of the present status, management problems and future prospects Prepared and Submitted by Sharif Ahmed Mukul Department of Forestry and Environmental Science School of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh March, 2007 Photograph credits: Author Biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh Mukul, S. A. (2007) Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh An overview of the present status, management problems and future prospects Sharif A. Mukul Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, School of Agriculture and Mineral Sciences, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh E-mail:
[email protected] Summary Over the past few decades biodiversity has become the issue of global concern for its rapid reduction worldwide. Bangladesh is no exception. The country is exceptionally endowed with a vast variety of flora and fauna, but due to country’s tremendous population pressure, rural poverty and unemployment it has been decreased alarmingly. Government has taken various initiatives to alter this situation. The present paper is based on intensive literature survey and tries to explore the country’s overall biodiversity situation, biodiversity-development links, present trends and causes of depletion of biodiversity, biodiversity conservation initiatives in the country, major policy and legislation to conserve biodiversity, biodiversity research initiatives, prosperous sector of biodiversity etc. Finally the study concludes that, a separate statutory body or institution is fundamental to ensure conservation; sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits arisen from biodiversity products and benefits in the country. Keywords: Biodiversity; Deforestation; Hill forest; Sal forest; Mangrove forest; Wetlands.