KAUPELANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY July 2021 – 38Th Edition – 1,460 Entries
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KAUPELANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY July 2021 – 38th edition – 1,460 entries Abbreviations of Language Identification Ar Arabic Bg Buginese C Chinese D Dutch En English Hk Hakereh In Indonesian, from 1901 MK Middle Kaupelanese, from 1401 to 1800 Kp Palayanga (Kaupelanese dialect) Kw Wisanu (Kaupelanese dialect) Mn Moinate OJ Old Javanese OK Old Kaupelanese (Raja), until 1400 OM Old Malay, until 1900 Pg Portuguese Sd Suduk Sk Sanskrit Tm Taumelan Wm Waimahui KT Kei-Tanimbarese Note – The etymologies are given between brackets, in Italic, from the latest to the earliest attested form for words that evolved locally. Foreign words are traced just to the time they enter in the language. Each entry is preceded by the language identification (listed above) and followed by its meaning in that language. The absence of earlier form or meaning denotes no change in comparison to later stages. A an - self; reflexive pronoun [MK, OK] anga - south [MK, OK ] angat - to depart [MK, OM (ber)angkat] a - that (unseen); focus [MK that, OK] angi - child [MK, OK ange] aba - age [MK, OK abat time, era] angin - son; daughter [MK angi child n adat - law; code [MK, OM tradition] (possessive), OK ange child] adi - rain [MK, OK adyet] ansaur - history; to tell [MK, OK, KT] adimai - snow [MK white rain] ansu - angel [Pg anjo] ahi - fire [MK ahwi] anti - to wait [MK, OK] ahitai - ashes [MK, OK ahwitai] anung - smell [MK] ahiwan - ember, glowing coal [MK, OK ahwi apa - oar, spade, blade [MK] wān] apau - art [MK, OK apao dowry, capacity] ahu - lime, limestone, calcium [MK, OK] ar - to dig, to excavate [MK] ahudak - heir, to inherit [MK, OK awodak] arahi - to request, to ask for [MK araɁi, OK] ahukmara - client, customer [MK, OK araing - coal [MK, OM arang] wokmara to frequent] aram - soul; essence [MK, OK] ahutu - weapon [MK] arema - entertainment; to play [MK, OK] ahuyeni - stove [MK, OK ahwiene] ari - empty; hole; vacuum [MK] ai - to [MK, OK ait] aribi - matter; subject [MK] ailak - to pass, path [MK, OK] arim - pleasure; to please [MK, OK arem to like] aing - strange [MK] armada - navy [Pg] airi - to isolate [MK, OK aire] arti - to understand [MK, OK, OJ] ais - ice [En ice] aru - to arrange, pack, put in order [MK] aiso - beyond [MK, OK so] arye - space [MK arie] aiti - to cook [MK] asura - devil, demon [MK, OK, Sk asurah] aiwanak - thanks [MK] aswesi - wolf [MK, OK aswesi jungle dog] ajar - to learn [MK, OM belajar to teach] atai - free; to release; to relieve; to leak akai - dish, plate [MK] [MK] akaun - to sit [MK] atar - fight; to fight [MK] akelak - stonemason [MK] ataru - uncle [MK] akeng - palm tree [MK] ate - until [Pg até] akisa - soldier; military [MK, OK akisa] ati - heart; intimate, personal [MK, OK ate] akisu - dream [MK] ati - message; to send [MK] alamai - building [MK] atihena - jealousy [MK, OK ate heart hēna alamaitulu - power plant; plant [MK] possessor] alaur - needle [MK] atihinata - anguish; anxiety [MK atiɁinata, OK alidi - refrigerator [MK lwidi icy, OK lwide cold] ate heart Ɂata to press] atogèsim - headhunter [Kp atogatjim, Sd toga along - forest [MK alaung] spirit tjimē capture] alu - to get, to take, to catch [MK] atu - hundred [MK, OK] alu - well (n.) [MK, OK] au - I; my [MK] aluin - to assume, suppose; presumption, augus - August [En August] assumption [MK, OK aluen] aur - hour [En hour] alum - smoke; vapor; to evaporate [MK, OK ausibi - tide; flood [MK] alu] autari - falling tide [MK] ama - father [MK, OK] awahe - enchantment, charm, spell [MK] amai - stepfather [MK, OK] awali - structure [MK skeleton, OK awale] amu - to want [MK] awarimi - harsh; bitter [MK] ben - to swear; promise [MK, OK bēn] ayak - to open [MK] beri - angry; severe [MK] ayama - aunt [MK, OK anyama] berkat - blessing; to bless [Tm] ayana - midwife [MK] besa - to cut; to turn off [MK, OK] beyu - deaf [MK] biar - beer [En beer] B bimbi - goat [MK, OK mbimbi] boi - cattle; ox [MK, Pg boi] botika - drugstore [Pg botica] ba - early; to anticipate [MK] bubu - grandmother [MK] bada - rhinoceros [MK, OM badak] budi - to judge [MK, OK budhi intelligence, Sk badu - health; dowry; capital [MK] buddhi] bagajim - luggage [Pg bagagem] buk - book [En book] baha - front [MK] buktulis - notebook [En book] bahaya - danger; risk [In] buma - crown [MK, OK buma] bakan - timber, wood, plate [MK] bumi - environment; to be used to [MK, OK baki - wall, fence [MK] bhumi land] bumuk - to need [MK] baku - file, queue, line [Tm row, OM] burung - to call [MK] baik - bike, motorcycle [En] buraing - husband [MK, OK burai] bain - to kiss [MK, OK bai] butamak - helmet [MK] baiskal - bicycle [En bicycle] buwak - manure, excrement [MK] balu - fat [MK] buwana - universe [MK, OK, OJ buwono] banda - rich [MK, OK] buwau - thick; heavy [MK] bangai - to show; to present [MK to show, OK] bangku - bank [Pg banco] bani - nothing [MK] banik - to order, to command [MK] D bantau - leaf; sheet [MK] banun - music [MK] dadi - to become [MK, OK, OJ] barat - west [In] dadihi - result, effect; to result [MK dadiɁi] barwang - bear (animal) [MK, OK, OJ] dadim - sharp; acute [MK, OK dadye] bas - bus [En bus] dahe - realm, domain, government [MK daɁe basa - language [MK, OK, OJ bhāṣa] OK daɁē ] basar - market, bazaar [MK, OK, Ar bazar] dahese - empire [MK daɁese , OK daɁēsē] bauna - spice [MK, OK baona] dahi - smooth [MK] bauri - stupid, idiot [MK] dahuk - past [MK, OK dawok went] baut - bolt [En bolt] dahu - to hide [MK daɁu, OK daɁut back] bayam - passage; transfer [MK] daina - colour; ink; to paint [MK] begamuk - vulture [MK] dak - to dominate; control [MK, OK dak] bekim - hate [MK] dam - boy; kid [MK] belahu - north [MK] damba - prostitute [MK] belala - storm [MK, OK] dambu - couple; pair; to marry [MK] belanu - waterfall [MK, OK] dambudi - twin [MK] bele - sweet, candy [MK, OK belē] damtoga - larva of sago weevil [Sd dampe bug bèleya - whale [Pg baleia] toga spirit] dami - girl [MK damwi] bèli - to buy [MK bli, OM beli] danan - cinnamon [MK] beluk - spring [MK] danga - skin [MK] doɁwone] doktor - doctor [En doctor] dangani - toy [MK, OK damkane] dol - sale; to sell [MK, OK, OJ] dapi - to exchange, to substitute [MK] dole - trade [MK, OK dolē, OJ dol to sell] dara - land, region, planet Earth [MK, OK dharat land, OJ] dolwali - shop, store [MK , OK dolwale] darek - to threash to smash [MK, OK darēk] dosail - to emit, radiate, spread [MK, OK] dasahi - descendant [MK] dosak - roof; to cover [MK, OK] dasai - family [MK] dosahe - surface [MK dosaɁe, OK dosak to cover] dasak - sovereign [MK, OK] dudu - grandfather [MK, OK old man] dau - yellow [MK] duduk - beak; nipple [MK, OK duduk] dauk - to play [MK, OK dawok] duhai - grandchild [MK, OK duhae grandfather] dauti - soft [MK] duhu - to stop [MK, OK duhut to stay] dawa - to perceive; to note; to observe duhun - forecast [MK duɁun, OK fortune teller] [MK, OK dauwa to feel] dui - horn [MK, OK dui] dawe - session [MK, OK dawēt period, moment] duirono - babirusa [MK, OK rono wild pig] dawedi - modern, current [MK, OK dawēdi now] dujunu - to confirm [MK, OK duutyunu keep right] dawejunu - oportune [MK, OK dawēt sunu right dulkan - backbone, spine [MK] time] dulun - to serve [MK, OK] dawin - deal; to negotiate [MK] dumu - to grow [MK, OK body] dayu - permanent; lasting; constant [MK, OK dayūt] duri - to mix; to blend [MK] dehi - post; pole; to nail [MK deɁi, OK deɁe duta - ambassador [MK, OK, Sk] stake] duweng - flower [MK duweng] dèkri - degree [En degree] duwit - money [MK, D duit coin] dele - soybean [OM delai] dyun - semen [MK, OK dyuu] dembai - theater; to act; to perform [MK] denden - crazy [MK] dèpatmen - department [En department] dewauk - performance; to work [MK, OK E dewaok to execute] di - side [MK] edi - mission, role, function; to function dikdik - rattle [MK, OK dyekdyek] [MK, OK end] dimang - inverse; to invert [MK] edit - to edit [En] dining - affection; to caress [MK] eduhaudi - purple [MK, OK edut haodi banana heart] dinuhut - corpse [OK dinuɁut] edyala - destination [MK, OK edi end yala way] dipa - to turn; to pour [MK] elak - flow; to flow [MK] dira - to actuate [MK, OK to work] eleya - to invite [MK, OK elēya] diri - to scrub, to rub; friction [MK] eli - to invoke [MK, OK ele to call] diwa - common; daily [MK, OK day, Sk diva] elmata - to be interested; interest [MK, OK] diwais - device [En device] enga - error, to err [MK] diwi - same, the same [MK] engkela - loin, back, sirloin [MK] disembar - December [En December] entuk - favor [MK] disik - disc [En disc] epril - April [En April] dohaiti - pan, pot, saucepan [MK] era - they; their; them [MK, OK] doheli - happy; happiness; to satisfy [MK erera - really; indeed [MK, OK eraera] doɁeli, OK doɁele to content] eri - zero; to cancel [MK] dohong - vessel, pot [MK dohaung] erpor - airport [En airport] dohuni - investment; to apply [MK doɁuni, OK etim - hair [MK] haimahiwan - public; general [MK] F hain - food; to eat [MK Ɂain, OK Ɂaen] haingi - job, task [MK, OK hainge] hainingai - larva [MK, OK Ɂainingae] faktori - factory [En factory] haira - least; worst [MK, OK haera] ferwari - February [En February] hais - line; file [OK Ɂēis mark; trace] forti - fort; fortress [Pg forte] haisaha - define; definition [MK, OK haitsaha fraide - Friday [En Friday] make see which] futbol - football [En football] haisi - silk [OK Ɂaesi; C si] haitim - ugly; bad [MK] hakum - tail [MK] halia - to speak [MK, OK] G hami - we (excluding person addressed); our; us [MK Ɂami, OK] gahele - hake [Kp] hampir - almost [MK, OM] gaisak - humpback [MK] hamu - animal; hunt [MK, OK] gailang - tumor [MK] hamun - stomach [MK Ɂamu belly