Jamberoo Native Nursery PRODUCTION LIST 2015/16 This list is not for ordering ~ to order please ask for our CURRENT AVAILABILITY LISTS

# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 1 binervata Twin vein hickory a 2 Acacia binervia A. glaucescens Coastal myall a a 3 Acacia decurrens Sydney green wattle a 4 Acacia elata Cedar wattle a a 5 Acacia falcata Sycle leaf wattle a 6 Acacia fimbriata Fringed wattle a a 7 White sallow wattle a a 8 Acacia implexa Hickory a 9 Acacia irrorata Green wattle a 10 Acacia linifolia Flax leaved wattle a 11 Acacia longifolia Sydney golden wattle a a 12 Acacia longifolia var. Sophorae A.sophorae Coastal wattle a a 13 Acacia maidenii Maidens wattle a 14 Acacia mearnsii Black wattle a 15 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood a 16 Acacia myrtifolia Myrtle wattle a 17 Parramatta green wattle a 18 Acacia stricta Straight wattle a 19 Acacia suaveolens Sweet-scented wattle a 20 Acacia terminalis Sunshine wattle a 21 Acacia ulicifolia Prickly Moses a 22 Acronychia oblongifolia Common acronychia a 23 Alectryon subcinerus Native quince a 24 Allocasuarina littoralis Casuarina littoralis Black sheoak a a a 25 Allocasuarina torulosa Casuarina torulosa Forest sheoak a a a 26 Allocasuarina verticillata Casuarina stricta Drooping sheoak a 27 Alphitonia excelsa Red ash a a a 28 Angophora costata Sydney red gum a a a 29 Angophora floribunda Rough-barked apple a a a 30 Angophora subvelutina Broad-leaved apple a 31 Anigozanthos Bush Endeavour Kangaroo paw a 32 Anigozanthos Bush Pioneer Kangaroo paw a 33 Anigozanthos Bush Revolution Kangaroo paw a Anigozanthos Federation Flame Kangaroo paw a 34 Austrodanthonia bipartita Danthonia bipartita Wallaby grass a 35 Austrodanthonia linkii Danthonia linkii Wallaby grass a 36 Austrodanthonia setacea Danthonia setacea Wallaby grass a 37 Austrodanthonia tenuior Danthonia tenuior Smallflower wallaby grass a 38 Babingtonia virgata Baeckea virgata Twiggy baeckea a

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# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 39 Babingtonia virgata nana Baeckea virgatanana Dwarf baeckea a a 40 Backhousia myrtifolia Grey myrtle a a a a 41 Banksia ericifolia Heath-leaved banksia a a a a 42 Banksia integrifolia Coastal banksia a a a a 43 Banksia Roller Coaster Silver banksia a 44 Banksia serrata Old-man banksia a a a a 45 Banksia spinulosa Hair-pin banksia a a 46 Baumea articulata Jointed twig-rush a 47 Baumea rubiginosa Soft twig-rush a 48 Bolboschoenus caldwellii Scirpus caldwellii Club rush a 49 Bolboschoenus fluviatilis Scirpus fluviatilis Marsh club-rush a 50 Boronia Carousel B.molloyae x heterophylla a 51 Boronia heterophylla a 52 Boronia megastigma Brown boronia a 53 Brachychiton acerifolius Illawarra flame tree a a a 54 Brachychiton populeneus a 55 Brachyscome Break 'o Day Native daisy a 56 Brachyscome Pacific Reef B.rambousn Native daisy a 57 Brachyscome Pacific Sun 58 Breynia oblongifolia Breynia a 59 Bursaria spinosa Blackthorn a 60 Callicoma serratifolia Black wattle a a a 61 Callistemon Captain Cook C. viminalis Capt.Cook Red Bottlebrush a a 62 Callistemon citrinus Crimson bottlebrush a 63 Callistemon Endeavour C.citrinus Endeavour Bright red Bottlebrush a a a 64 Callistemon Hannah Ray C.viminalis H'Ray a a a 65 Callistemon Kings Park Special Deep red Bottlebrush a a a 66 Callistemon linearis Narrow-leaved bottlebrush a 67 Callistemon Little John C.viminalis L'John Dwarf bottlebrush (dark red) a a 68 Callistemon pinifolius Green Pine-leaved bottlebrush a 69 Callistemon Rosy Morn a a 70 Callistemon salignus Pink-tipped bottlebrush a a a 71 Callistemon St Mary McKillop a a 72 Callistemon Wilderness White C.viminalis W'White a a 73 Carex appressa Tall sedge a 74 Carex fascicularis Common tassel sedge a 75 Carex longebrachiata Drooping sedge a 76 Carpobrutus glaucescens Pigface a a 77 Casuarina cunninghamiana River oak a a a

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# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 78 Casuarina glauca Swamp oak a a a 79 Ceratopetalum Albery's Red C.gummiferum Alb.Red NSW Christmas Bush a a a 80 Ceratopetalum apetalum Coachwood a 81 Chloris truncata Chloris a 82 Cissus antarctica Native grape a a 83 Citriobatus pauciflorus Orange thorn a 84 Clematis glycinoides Old man's beard a 85 Clerodendron tomentosum Hairy clerodendron a 86 Commersonia fraseri Brush kurrajong a 87 Correa alba White correa a 88 Correa Catie Bec a 89 Correa Dusky Bells C.reflexa x pulchella Dusky Correa a 90 Correa Jezabell a 91 Eucalyptus eximia Yellow bloodwood a a a 92 Corymbia gummifera Eucalyptus gummifera Red bloodwood a a a 93 Corymbia maculata Eucalyptus maculata Spotted gum a a a 94 Crinum pedunculatum Spider lily a a a a 95 Crowea Ecstacy C.Poorinda Ecstacy Crowea a 96 Cryptocarya glaucescens Brown beech a 97 Cupaniopsis anacardioides Tuckeroo a a a 98 Cymbopogon refractus Barbed wire grass a 99 Dianella caerulea Paroo lily a a 100 Dianella Cherry Red a 101 Dianella congesta Beach flax lilly a 102 Dianella longifolia Smooth flax lily a 103 Dianella revoluta Spreading flax lily a 104 Dianella Seaspray a 105 Dianella Silver Streak a 106 Dichelachne crinita Long-hair plume grass a 107 Dodonaea triquetra Common hop-bush a 108 Dodonaea viscosa Sticky hop-bush a 109 Doryanthes excelsa Gymea lilly a a a 110 Doryphora sassafrass Sassafrass a 111 Ehretia acuminata Koda a 112 Elaeocarpus Prima Donna E.reticulatus pink Blueberry ash pink form a a a 113 Eleocharis acuta Spike rush a 114 Eucalyptus amplifolia Cabbage gum a a a 115 Eucalyptus bosistoana Coast grey box a 116 Eucalyptus botryoides Southern mahogany a a a

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# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 117 Eucalyptus cinerea Argyle apple a a 118 Narrow-leaved ironbark a a a 119 River peppermint a 120 Eucalyptus eugenioides Thin-leaved stringybark a 121 Eucalyptus Euky Dwarf E. leucoxlylon dwarf E. leucoxlylon Dwarf a a 122 Eucalyptus fastigata Brown barrel a 123 Eucalyptus fibrosa Broad-leaved ironbark a a 124 Eucalyptus globoidea White stringybark a 125 Eucalyptus haemastoma Scribbly gum a a a 126 Eucalyptus Honey Pots a a 127 Eucalyptus longifolia Woollybutt a 128 Eucalyptus moluccana Grey box a a a 129 Eucalyptus muelleriana Yellow stringybark a 130 Eucalyptus paniculata Grey ironbark a a a 131 Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt a a a 132 Eucalyptus piperita Sydney peppermint a a a 133 Grey gum a a a 134 Eucalyptus quadrangulata White-topped box a 135 Eucalyptus racemosa Snappy gum a a a 136 Eucalyptus resinifera Red mahogany a a a 137 Eucalyptus robusta Swamp mahogany a a a 138 Eucalyptus saligna Sydney blue-gum a a a 139 Eucalyptus sclerophylla Hard-leaved scribbly gum a 140 Mugga ironbark a a a 141 Eucalyptus tereticornis Forest red gum a a a 142 Ficinea nodosa Isolepis nodosa Knobby clubrush a a 143 Ficus coronata Sandpaper fig a 144 Ficus macrophylla Moreton Bay fig a 145 Ficus obliqua Small-leaved fig a 146 Ficus rubiginosa Rusty fig/Port Jackson fig a 147 Gahnia siebriana Red-fruited saw sedge a 148 Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese tree a a a 149 Grevillea Bonfire a a 150 Grevillea Bonnie Prince Charlie a a 151 Grevillea Bronze Rambler a a 152 Grevillea Carpet Crawl a a 153 Grevillea Cherry Ripe a a 154 Grevillea Coconut Ice a a a 155 Grevillea Coral Baby a a

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# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 156 Grevillea Gingin Gem G. obtusifolia form a a 157 Grevillea Gold Fever a a 158 Grevillea Honeygem a a a 159 Grevillea Jellybaby a a 160 Grevillea John Evans a a 161 Grevillea Lady O a a a 162 Grevillea Mini Marvel a a 163 Grevillea Misty Pink G.sessilis x banksii a a a 164 Grevillea Molonglo Hybrid G.juniperina form a a 165 Grevillea Moonlight a a a 166 Grevillea Mt Tamboritha G.lanigera form a a 167 Grevillea Ned Kelly a a a 168 Grevillea Orange Marmalade G.glossadenia x venusta a a a 169 Grevillea Pink Pixie a a 170 Grevillea Robyn Gordon a a a 171 Grevillea Rosy's Baby G.rosmarinifolia dwarf a a 172 Grevillea Scarlet Sprite G.rosmarinifolia form a a 173 Grevillea Strawberry Blonde G.Sandra Gdn x caleyii a a a 174 Grevillea Sylvia a a a 175 Guioa semiglauca Guioa a 176 Hakea dactyloides Finger hakea a 177 Hakea salicifolia H.saligna Willow-leaved hakea a a a a 178 Hakea teretifolia Dagger hakea a 179 Hardenbergia Regent a 180 Hardenbergia Sea of Purple Purple sarsparilla a 181 Hardenbergia Snow White a 182 Hibbertia scandens Snake vine a a 183 Hibiscus heterophyllus Rosella a 184 Hymenathera dentata Tree violet a 185 Hymenosporum flavum 186 Imperata cylindrica Blady grass a 187 Indigofera australis Purple indigo a a 188 Juncus krausii Sea rush a 189 Juncus usitatus Common rush a a 190 Kennedia rubicunda Running postman a 191 Kunzea ambigua Tick bush a a 192 Leptospermum Cardwell L.flavescens Cardwell Cardwell tea-tree a a 193 Leptospermum juniperinum Prickly tea-tree a 194 Leptospermum laevigatum Coastal tea tree a a a

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# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 195 Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly tea-tree a 196 Leptospermum Mozzie Blocker a a 197 Leptospermum petersonii Lemon-scented tea-tree a a a 198 Leptospermum Pink Cascade L.scoparium Pink Casc. a a 199 Leptospermum polygalifolium L. flavescens Yellow tea-tree a 200 Leptospermum Starry Night a a 201 Leptospermum trinervium prev.L.attenuatum Flaky-barked tea-tree a 202 Livistona australis Cabbage-tree palm a 203 Lomandra Fine & Dandy 204 Lomandra Frosty Tops a 205 Lomandra hystrix Rainforest matt rush a 206 Lomandra longifolia River reed, Matt rush a a 207 Melaleuca armillaris Bracelet honey myrtle a 208 Melaleuca decora White feather honey myrtle a a a 209 Melaleuca ericifolia Swamp paperbark a 210 Melaleuca hypericifolia Red honey myrtle a a 211 Melaleuca hypericifolia prostrate M. Ulladulla Beacon Dwarf red honey-myrtle a a 212 Melaleuca linariifolia Snow-in-summer a a a 213 Melaleuca nodosa Ball honey myrtle a a 214 Melaleuca styphelioides Prickly paperbark a a a 215 Melaleuca thymifolia Thyme honey-myrtle a 216 Melia azedarch White Cedar a a a 217 Microlaena stipoides Weeping grass a 218 Myoporum parvifolium fine leaf white Creeping boobialla a a 219 Myoporum parvifolium pink Creeping boobialla a a 220 Omalanthus nutans O. populifolius Bleeding heart a 221 Orthosanthus multiflorus a 222 Ozothamnus Radiance a a 223 Pandorea Lady Di P.jasminoides Alba White flowering pandorea a 224 Pandorea pandorana Wonga-wonga vine a 225 Philotheca Profusion Eriostemon Profusion Long-leaf wax flower a 226 Pimelea Magenta Mist 227 Pittosporum revolutum Rough-fruited pittosporum a a a 228 Pittosporum undulatum Mock orange a a 229 Plectanthrus parviflorus Cockspur flower a 230 Poa labillardieri Tussock grass a a 231 Poa poiformis Coast tussock grass a 232 Poa sieberiana Grey tussock grass a 233 Podocarpus elatus Plum pine a a a

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# Botanic name Synonym Common name Hikos GT 140mm 200mm 300mm 234 Polyscias murrayi Pencil cedar a a a 235 Prostanthera Poorinda Ballerina mint bush a a 236 Prostanthera rotundifolia Round-leaf mint bush a a 237 Rapanea howittiana Brush muttonwood a 238 Rapanea variabilis Muttonwood a 239 Scaevola Purple Fanfare Purple fan flower a a 240 Schoenoplectus mucronatus Club rush a 241 Schoenoplectus validus River club rush a 242 Scolopia braunii Flintwood a 243 Streblus brunonianus Whalebone a 244 Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine a 245 Synoum glandulosum Scentless rosewood a a 246 Syzygium Allyn Magic Acmena Allyn Magic Lillypilly a a a 247 Syzygium Aussie Boomer S.australe form Dwarf illlypilly a a a 248 Syzygium Aussie Southern S.australe form Southern form brush cherry a a a 249 Syzygium Bush Christmas S.australe form Dwarf lillypilly a a a 250 Syzygium Cascade S.wilsonii x luehmannii Pink powderpuff lillypilly a a a 251 Syzygium Elegance S.australe form Dwarf lillypilly a a a 252 Syzygium Firescreen Acmena Firescreen Lillypilly a a a 253 Syzygium paniculatum Eugenia australis Magenta cherry a 254 Syzygium smithii Eugenia smithii Lillypilly a a a a 255 Syzygium smithii minor A.smithii rheotyphic race Small-leaved lillypilly a a a 256 Syzygium Tiny Trev S.australe form Dwarf lillypilly a a a 257 Themeda australis Kangaroo grass a 258 Toona ciliata T. australis Red cedar a a a 259 Trema tomentosa T. aspera Native peach a 260 Tristaniopsis laurina Tristania laurina Water gum a a a 261 Westringia fruticosa Native rosemary a a a a 262 Westringia Jervis Gem W.Wynyabbie Gem dwarf Jervis Gem westringia a a a 263 Westringia longifolia Long-leaved westringia a a 264 Westringia Smokey W.f. variegated form Variegated native rosemary a a a 265 Westringia Zena W.f. dwarf form Dwarf native rosemary a a a RED = SEASONAL

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