SCREENING OF PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITIES OF LEAVES OF SELECTED MEDICINAL PLANTS FORM Al-KHUMS, LIBYA *Salem Mohamed Edrah 1, Fouzy Alafid2, 1Chemistry Department, Science College, El- Mergeb University, Al-Khums Libya *Author & Corresponding Author:
[email protected], Tel: +218924748909 2Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic Abstract: Human beings benefit from medicinal plants to make life healthy and free from disease. Medicinal properties of plants perform them effective to halt or remedy disease. The present study was to evaluate the phytochemical constituents and antibacterial activity assessment of Crude extract (aqueous and ethanolic) leaves of three medicinally significant plants (Zygophyllum, Ammi visnaga and Rhus tripartita). Qualitative screening of phytochemical components such as Tannins, Phlobatanins, Saponins, Flavonoids, Steroids, Alkaloids, Anthraquinones, Coumarins, Terpenoids and Cardiac Glycosides were present in both extracts whilst steroids not present in all aqueous extracts of these plants and Anthraquinones present only in the Rhus tripartita in aqueous and ethanolic extracts. Whereas the Quantitive screening of phytochemical components percentage’s yields of Zygophyllum, Ammi visnaga and Rhus tripartita were 33%, 26% and 29% respectively, while the percentage’s yields of alkaloids were found as 2.4, 8 and 8.5% correspondingly, and the percentage’s yields of saponins were found as 7.6, 6 and 3.2% respectively. And the percentage’s yields of flavonoids were 9.6, 10 and 8.7% individually. Furthermore, the biological importance of these compounds together with the use of these plants in traditional medicine also encouraged us to investigate it for antibacterial activity. For this determination, the crude extracts (Aqueous and Ethanolic) of the leaves were used.