
NCSL Restoring the Balance Recipients, 1995-2013

Year Issues/Legislation Award Winners Senator John Glenn, Ohio Senator , Idaho 1995 Unfunded Mandate Act Congressman William Clinger, Congressman Gary Condit, California Congressman , Ohio

1996 Brown Amendment Senator Hank Brown, Colorado

Senator Max Baucus, Montana 1997 Safe Drinking Water Act Congressman Tom Bliley, Virginia Senator Dirk Kempthorne, Idaho

1997 Immigration Mandates Senator Robert Graham, Florida

1998 Telecommunications Preemption Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas

1998 Welfare Reform Representative Clay Shaw, Florida

Senator Mike Enzi, Wyoming Senator Byron Dorgan, North Dakota 1999 Internet Tax Act Senator Tim Hutchinson, Arkansas Senator Robert Graham, Florida Congressman , Pennsylvania 1999 TEA-21 Congressman Tom Petri, Wisconsin Senator Max Baucus, Montana

1999 Workforce Training Senator Mike DeWine, Ohio

Senator Bob Graham, Florida 2000 Tobacco Settlement Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas

2001 Digital Signatures Senator Patrick Leahy, Vermont

2001 Federalism legislation Senator Fred Thompson, Tennessee

Congressman Rob Portman, Ohio 2002 Pension Reform Congressman Ben Cardin, Maryland Congressman Robert Ney, Ohio 2003 Election Reform Congressman Steny Hoyer, Maryland

2003 Homeland security Secretary Tom Ridge, Department of Homeland Security

Senator Susan Collins, Maine Senator Olympia Snowe, Maine 2004 Fiscal Assistance Senator Jay Rockefeller, West Virginia Senator Ben Nelson, Nebraska Senator Gordon Smith, Oregon Senator Mike Enzi, Wyoming Senator Richard Durbin, Illinois 2013 Marketplace Fairness Act Senator Lamar Alexander, Tennessee Senator Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota