488 Administration of George W. Bush, 2002

Amy J. St. Eve, President’s trip to Mexico, Peru, and El Sal- of Illinois, to be U.S. District Judge for the vador Northern District of Illinois, vice George W. Lindberg, retired. Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by President Tarja Halonen of Finland Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, Statement by the Press Secretary on the an- of Virginia, to be a member of the Broad- niversary of the accidental shootdown of the casting Board of Governors for a term expir- U.S. missionary plane in Peru ing August 13, 2004, vice Tom C. Korologos, term expired. Fact sheet: Celebrating a New School Year for the Children of Afghanistan Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, of Virginia, to be Chairman of the Broad- casting Board of Governors, vice Marc B. Released March 21 Nathanson. Statement by the Press Secretary: Prime Kathleen P. Utgoff, Minister Saxe-Coburg-Gotha of Bulgaria To of Virginia, to be Commissioner of Labor Sta- Visit Washington tistics, U.S. Department of Labor for a term U.S.-Mexico Border Partnership: Declara- of 4 years, vice Katherine G. Abraham, term tion on Embracing Technology and Coopera- expired. tion to Promote the Secure and Efficient Flow of People and Commerce across our Shared Border, signed by U.S. Secretary of State and Secretary of Foreign Checklist Relations Jorge Castaneda of Mexico of Press Releases Fact sheet: U.S.-Mexico Border Partnership Agreement The following list contains releases of the Office Announcement: U.S.-Mexico Border Part- of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as nership Action Plan items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements. Announcement of the nominations for U.S. District Judges for the the Eastern District Released March 16 of Missouri, the Western District of Pennsyl- vania, the Western District of Missouri, the Transcript of a press gaggle by Deputy Press Eastern District of California, the Eastern Secretary Claire Buchan District of , and the Northern Released March 18 District of Illinois

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Sec- Released March 22 retary Ari Fleischer Fact sheet: A New Compact for Develop- Released March 19 ment Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec- retary Ari Fleischer Fact sheet: U.S.-Mexican Relations Statement by the Press Secretary announcing Fact sheet: U.S.-Mexico Partnership for that the President signed S. 1857 Prosperity Released March 20 Fact sheet: Growth Agenda for the World Bank and Other Development Banks Transcript of a press briefing by Press Sec- retary Ari Fleischer Fact sheet: NADBank/BECC Reform Transcript of a press briefing by National Se- Announcement of nominations for U.S. Mar- curity Adviser on the shals for the Eastern and Western Districts

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of Missouri, U.S. Attorneys for the Eastern Acts Approved District of North Carolina and the Central District of California, and Judge of the U.S. by the President Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Approved March 19

Announcement: Homeland Security Direc- S. 1857 / Public Law 107–153 tor Tom Ridge To Deliver Remarks at the To encourage the negotiated settlement of National Association of Regional Councils tribal claims

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