Rogers Communications Inc. 333 Bloor St. East Toronto, Ontario M4W 1G9 Tel. (416) 935-7777 Fax (416) 935 3599 September 24, 2001 Sent via e-mail: DGTP/
[email protected] Mr. Michael Helm Director General Telecommunications Policy Branch Industry Canada 300 Slater Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8. Dear Mr. Helm: RE: Comments - Canada Gazette Notice DGTP-004-01: Proposal to introduce the mobile service on a co-primary basis with the broadcasting service in the frequency band 746-806 MHz Rogers Communications Inc. is pleased to file the attached comments in response to Industry Canada’s call for comments in the above noted proceeding. If there are any questions regarding these comments, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Ken Engelhart KE:jt Attach. INDUSTRY CANADA GAZETTE NOTICE: DGTP-004-01 PROPOSAL TO INTRODUCE THE MOBILE SERVICE ON A CO- PRIMARY BASIS WITH THE BROADCASTING SERVICE IN THE FREQUENCY BAND 746-806 MHz COMMENTS OF ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. September 24, 2001 COMMENTS OF ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. DGTP-004-01 INTRODUCTION Rogers Communications Inc. (“RCI”) is pleased to submit the following comments in response to a public consultation initiated by Industry Canada (“the Department”) in Canada Gazette Notice DGTP-004-01, dated June 8, 2001, entitled ‘Proposal to Introduce the Mobile Service on a Co-primary Basis with the Broadcasting Service in the Frequency Band 746-806 MHz’ (“the Notice”). RCI has holdings in a number of enterprises including Rogers Wireless and Rogers Broadcasting, companies with interests in mobile communications and television broadcasting, respectively. Within the Notice, the Department invites comments on a number of issues related to the proposed introduction of the Mobile Service in the band 746-806 MHz (“the Band”).