Sole, prog dir: Farouk Muhammad, tdm buyer; Tom Telex: 014 -44176. Licensee: CBC. Ownership: CBC Marshall, prom mgr; Angelo CBC. Barbara Trueman, location Ontario, P.E.I., Quebec Television Ayley, chief tin offcr: Cathy (Crown Corp). Persichilli, news dir; Pip Bola, chief engr. On 56 mgr & prog dir; Heather Boyce- MacLean, gen sls rep; CATV's-1,800,000 subs. Jessie Clarey, pub rel; John Stewart, opns mgr. On 5 CAN -45,000 subs, On 2 trans. CFTO -TV -ch 9, 325 kw vis, 162 kw aur, ant CATV's -88,000 subs. kw aur, 925í/889.5g. Jan 1. 1961. Box 9 M4A 2M9. (416) CKCW-TV -1-ch 8, 29 kw vis, 2.9 ant N.B. E2C 8R6. *CICO-TV -19-ch 19, 186.5 kw vis, 18.7 kw aur, ant 299 -2000. Telex: 02 -2674. FAX: (416) 299 -2386. 489Ú250g. Box 5004. Moncton, 564t/497g. June 30, 1978. Box 200, Stn Q, Toronto Licensee: CFTO-TV Ltd. Ownership: Baton Broadcast- Licensee: ATV New Brunswick Ltd. Rep: CHUM Ltd. CKCW-TV Moncton, N.B. M4T 271. (416) 484 -2600. TWX: 06-23547. Licensee: ing Inc., 100 %. CN. Italian 1 hr wkly. Rep: Rebroadcasts Ontario Educational Communications Authority. Re- Bolton/Burchill (US), Glen-Warren, Messner (Canada). broadcasts *CICA -TV Toronto. Douglas G. Bassett, chmn & pres: Sean Dealney, St. Edward gen sls mgr; Catherine Huppe, VP progmg & prom; ant CKNC -TV-ch 9, 293 kw vis, 29.3 kw aur, Ted Stuebing, VP news; Ray Carnovale, chief engr. CKCW-TV-2--ch 5, 2.5 kw vis, 1.3 kw aur, ant P3C 627Ú539g. Oct 4, 1971. 699 Frood Rd. 5A3. (705) On 55 CATV's- 727,152 subs. 3411/356g. November 1982. Box 5004, Moncton, N.B. 674 -8301. Telex: 027-81539. Licensee: Mid Canada E1C 8R6. Licensee: AN New Brunswick Ltd. Rep: Communications. CBC. Rep: Canvideo. Baxter CICA V-(Fr /Eng) ch 19, 1080 kw vis, 108 kw aur, CHUM Ltd. Rebroadcasts CKCW-TV Moncton, N.B. Ricard, pres; George Lund, VP; Chuck Liebrock, gen ant 1,6051/1,686g. Sep 27, 1970. Box 200, Stn Q M4T mgr; Mary Lund, gen sls mgr; Bill Callender, prog dir; 2T1. (416) 484 -2600. Telex: 06- 23547. Licensee: Alan Orme, opns mgr; Laird White, prom mgr; Don Ontario Educational Communications Authority. TV Chapman, news dir; Mike Fawcett, dir of corp. engrg. Ontario. Rep: Bill Pendergraft. Bernard Ostry, churn On B CATV's-88,000 subs. & CEO; Mimi Fullerton, dir gen; Sandra Birkenmayer, Quebec sr mgng dir /external rel; Howard Krosnick, mgng dir/policy rsch & planning; Peter Bowers, chief operat- Thunder Bay ing offcr; Beverly Roberts, dir info & publications. CHFD-TV--ch 4, 56 kw vis, 10 kw aur, ant 1,202t/ CIII-TV -41ch 41, 1475 kw vis, 221 kw aur, ant Baie-Trinite 634g. 1972. 87 N. Hill St. P7A 5V6. (807) 344 -9685. 1,644t/1,779g. Stereo. October 22, 1988. 81 Barber Telex: 073-4521. licensee: Thunder Bay Electronics Greene, Don Mills M3C A2A. (416) 446 -5311. Nancy CIVF -TV-ch 12, 62 kw vis, ant 2,001ft. Nov 5, 1982. Ltd. CTV. Rep: Paul Mulvihill, All- Canada. H.F. Smith, VP communications; Doug Boner, VP news. C.P. 4000 St -Omer, Comte de Bonaventure GOC 2Z0. Dougall, pres; A.H. Seuret, VP & gen mgr; Millie Rebroadcasts CHI -TV Paris. (418) 364 -7025. Licensee: Radio Quebec. Ownership: Labelle, prog dir & prom mgr; Gary Rime, news dir: Radio Quebec. Radio Quebec. Gerard Barbin, Manfred Volbracht, chief engr. On 9 CATV's-53,984. CITY-TV-ch 57, 280 kw vis, 28 kw aur, ant 1,690Ú pres. W. M5V Co-owned: CKPR(AM), CJSD -FM. 1,780g. Stereo. 1972. 299 Queen St. 2Z5. (416) 591 -5757. Licensee: CITY-TV, div of Chum Ltd. Bearn /Fabre GIGO-TV9 -ch 9, 32 kw vis, 3.2 kw aur, ant (acq 1976). Rep: Alexander, Pearson & Dawson. 780í/522g. June 1978. Box 200, Stn Q, Toronto M4T Moses Znaimer, pres; Dennis Fitz -Gerald, gen mgr; CKRN-TV -3-ch 3, 35 kw vis, 3.5 kw aur. Rebroad- 2T1. (416) 484 -2600. TWX: 06- 23547. Licensee: Greg Mucky, gen sls mgr; Jay Switzer, prog dir & film casts CKRN -TV Rouyn. Licensee Ontario Educational Communications Author- buyer; Mary Powers, prom mgr; Stephen Hurlbut, dir ity. RebroadcastsCICA.TV Toronto. news prog; Ron Reid, dir opns & engrg. Carleton CKPR -TV-ch 2, 56 kw vis, 10 kw aur, ant 1,202Ú CHAU -TV-ch 5, 52.2 kw vis, 5.22 kw aur, ant 643g. 1954. 87 N. Hill St. P7A 5V6. (807) 344 -9685. Uxbridge 2,180V475g. Oct 17, 1959. CP 100 GOC 1J0. (418) Telex: 073 -4521. Licensee: Thunder Bay Electronics 364-3344. Telex: 014- 43126, Licensee: Television de CIIITV -22 22, 5000 kw vis, 750 kw aur, ant Ltd. CBC. Rep: Paul Mulvihill, All- Canada. H. Fraser -ch la Baie des Chaleurs Inc. NA. Rep: Paul L'Anglais 598t/439g. Jan 6, 1974. 81 Barber Greene Rd., Don Dougall, pres; A.H. Seuret, VP & gen mgr; M.E. Inc. Pierre Harvey, pres, gen mgr & prog dir; Jean Mills M3C 2A2. (416) 446-5311. TWX: 06- 966767. LaBelle, prog dir & prom mgr; Gary Rinne, news dir; Yves Ross, gen sls mgr; Yvon Goulet, film buyer; Carl Licensee: Global Communications Ltd. (acq 3- 22-77). Manfred Volbracht, chief engr. On 6 CATV's- 50,150 Larouche, prom mgr; Claude Peoneault, news dir; Ownership: See Global Communications Ltd. Global. subs Co-owned: CKPR(AM) -CJSD -FM. Marcel Chaibot, chief engr. On 11 CATV's- 17,000 Rep: Canvideo Sls Ltd. N subs. On 12 trans. Timmins Wawa Chapeau CBLFT3 -(Fr) ch 9, 16 kw vis, 3.2 kw, ant 7061./525g. CBLAT-3 9, 16 kw vis, 3.2 kw aur, ant 581 ft. CIVP -TV -ch 23, 8.65 kw vis, 312 kw aur. c/o Radio Licensee: CBC. -ch Rebroadcasts CBLAT Geraldton. Quebec, 800 rue Fullum, Montreal H2K 3L7. Licensee: CFCL -TV-ch 6, 100 kw vis, 10 kw aur, ant 562t/508g. Quebec Broadcasting Bureau. Radio Quebec. Rep: July 1, 1956. Box 620 P4N 7G3. (705) 264 -4211. Telex: Societe de radio -television du Quebec. Francoise 067- 81539. Licensee: Mid -Canada Communications Wiarton Bertrand, pres: Joan Louis Nadeau, gen sls mgr; Nicole Leblanc, prog dir. Rebroadcasts CIVO Hull. (Canada) Corp. CBC. Rep: Canvideo. Mike CKCO-TV2-ch 2, 100 kw vis, 13.5 kw aur. Rebroad- -N Maunsel, opus mgr; Ray Laneville, stn & sls mgr; Bill casts CKCO-N Kitchener. Callender, prog dir; Alan Orme, prom mgr; Len Gillis, news dir; Rudy Fauteux. chief engr. Co- owned: Chicoutimi CFCL(AM). Windsor CBJET -ch 58, 10 kw vis. Rebroadcasts CBMT Montreal. CITO -TV-ch 3, 55 kw vis, 5.5 kw aur. 544t/499g. CBEFT--(Fr) ch 54, 62.7 kw vis, 6.3 kw aur, ant 683g. Licensee: Mid -Canada Communications. CN. July 17, 1976. 825 Riverside W. N9A 5K9. (519) CIVV- 8, 278.1 kw vis, 27.8 kw aur, ant Baxter Ricard. pres; George Lund, VP; Chuck Liebrock, 255 -3411. TWX: 064 77 619. Licensee: Societe Radio V-ch 1,948Ú570g. November 1982. 100 gen mgr; Mary Lund, gen sls mgr; Bill Callender, prog Canada. CBC F, Delany, VP & gen dir; M. Blvd St. Joseph S., Alma 7A6. Licensee: Radio-Quebec. Laval dir; Alan Orme, opns mgr; Laird White, prom mgr; Don Grossman, mgr. G8B Sagnon, prom mgr. Chapman, news dir; Detlef Krumbacher, dir of engrg. CICO- M32-(Fr /Eng) ch 32, 180 kw vis, 18 kw aur Rebroadcasts CICI-TV Sudbury. ant 7031/703g. July 1976. Box 200, stn Q, Toronto M41 CJPM -TV-ch 6, 61 kw vis, 6.7 kw aur, ant 440Ú190g. 2T1. Licensee: Ontario Educational Communication Stereo. April 14, 1963. Box 600 G7H 5G3. (418) Toronto Authority. Rebroadcasts CICA -TV Toronto. 549 -2576. Telex: 051 -36132. FAX: 418- 549 -1130. Licensee: CJPM-TV Inc. Ownership: Tele Metropole, CBLFT-(Fr) ch 25, 1,760 kw vis, 182.7 kw aur, ant CIII- 7V-1-ch 22, 218 kw vis, 33 kw aur, ant 367t/367g. 100 %. NA. Rep: Paul L'Anglais (Canada), Mero 1,602/1520g. March 23, 1973. Box 500, Stn A M5W Nancy Smith, prom mgr. Rebroadcasts CIII TV Paris. Marketing West, Young Canadian Ltd. Roger Hudon, Telex: 23195. Licensee: 1E6. (416) 925 -3311. 06- pres & gen mgr; Richard Martin, gen sls mgr; Roger CBC. CBC. Pierre Juneau, pres; Don Goodwin, Jobin, prog dir; G. Groulet, traf dir; Claude Poulin, rgnl rgnl dir; Dee Gilchrist, prod mgr; Scott Johnson, Wingham news dir; Yves Champagne, chief engr. On 6 Alex Framg, prog dir; Howard Bernstein, exec sls; CKNX -TV-ch 8, 180 kw vis, 100 kw aur, ant CAN's. On 1 trans. Linghor, prod news; Barry Smith, resource mgr; Rudi 7931/623g. 1955. Wingham NOG 2W0. (519) 357 -1310. rgnl engr. Telex: 069 -55461. FAX: 519- 357 -1897. Licensee: Gaspe -Nord CBLT -ch 5, 77 kw vis, 7 kw aur, ant 444Ú541g. Box CKNX Broadcasting Ltd. Ownership: The Blackburn 100 kw vis, 10 kw aur, ant 500, Terminal A, 354 Jarvis St. M5W 1E6. (416) Group. Rep: All- Canada. R.V. Eldsen, pres; A. CFER-TV -2-ch 5, Rebroadcasts CFER-TV 925-3311. Telex: 06-23195. Licensee: CBC. CBC. Skelton, gen & gen sls mgr; C. Weima, prog dir; Ray 706Ú495g. Nov 13, 1981. Pierre Juneau, pres; Dee Gilechrist, prod mgr; Don Baynton, news dir; Gary Belanger, chief engr. Rimouski. Goodwin, rgnl dir; Howard Bernstein, prod news; Scott Hull Johnson, regl sls mgr; Barry Smith, resource mgr; Alex Frame, prog dir; Rudi Linghor, regl engr. CFGS -TV-ch 49, Sep 7, 1986.
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