Whanganui Ki Maniapoto
'. " Wai 903, #A 11 OFFICIAL WAI48 Preliminary Historical Report Wai 48 and related claims Whanganui ki Maniapoto \ Alan Ward March 1992 "./-- · TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. I THE NA TURE OF THE CLAIMS AND GENERAL HISTORICAL BA CKGROUND ...................... 9 1. The claims . .. 9 2. The oreliminarv report . .. 10 3. The iwi mainlv affected . .. 10 4. Early contacts with Europeans ................. 12 5. The Treaty of Waitangi ...................... 13 6. Early Land Acquisitions: .................. , . .. 15 7. Underlving Settler Attitudes . .. 16 8. Government land ourchase policy after 1865 ....... 18 fl. WHANGANUI AND THE MURIMOTU ................ 20 1. Divisions over land and attempts to contain them ... 20 2. Sales proceed . ........................... 22 /------, 3. Murimotu .. .................•............ 23 -1< ____)' 4. Strong trading in land? ...................... 25 5. Dealings over Murimotu-Rangipo ............... 26 6. Further attempts to limit land selling ............ 27 7. Kemp's Trust . 29 Iff THE KING COUNTRY ........... .. 30 1. Increasing contacts with government. .. 30 2. The Rotorua model ......................... 33 3. Whatiwhatihoe, May 1882: origins of the Rohe Potae concep t . , . .. , , , . , , . , , . 33 4. Government policy ., ....................... 36 5. Legislative preparations ........ , . , ...... , , , . 36 6. The Murimotu legislation .......... , .. ,....... 37 7. The Mokau-Mohakatino .. , ............. , , ... , 38 - 2 - 8. Maungatautari. • . • . • . • • . • . • • . 39 ) 9. Native Committees, 1883
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