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š om That is intrinsic That animal tissue. to He alternated discs of He alternated putting and , of them pieces between in brine. soaked cardboard It is the unit for electric It is the unit for , difference, potential . and electromotive unit is named after This Volta. Alessandro fr

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c onvert READING COMPREHENSION READING š How did How build Volta his pile? With which With point of Galvani’s theory did Volta disagree? What is a What ? QUESTIONS tances A ...... A ...... B ...... C A B C discs dis š and answers. questions Match One contemporary of was Lui- Volta of Alessandro One contemporary 3 (Taken from http://inventors.about.com/od/utstartinventors/a/ from (Taken Alessandro_Volta.html) invented Volta’s was the first battery that produced was the first battery voltaic pile Volta’s electricity. steady current of a reliable, with disagreement in fact, it was Volta’s gi Galvani, galvanic responses (animal tissueGalvani’s theory of to build contained a form Volta of electricity) that led that electricity did not comethe voltaic pile to prove but was generated by thefrom the animal tissue contact of different brass and iron, in a moist metals, both were right. environment. Ironically, force, or differ - The unit of electromotive Volt will cause a current of one am of potential, which a resistance of one . Nam- pere to flow through a pioneer Alessandro Volta, ed after Italian in the study of electricity. Photovoltaic into electricity. The term “photo” isvert light “light” anda stem from the Greek “phos” meaning “volt” cones from Volta. F F F F

T T T T “volt” “volt” light . named after named after ...... out of the pile and , with pieces of , with pieces ...... he used a metallic ...... Alessandro Volta. Alessandro ...... the famous pile while he the famous in ...... ”. And the “phos” meaning ...... , Alessandro Volta designed his first invention, designed , Alessandro Volta comes comes of zinc and “ cardboard soaked in soaked cardboard was was ...... Volta was a professor in Pavia in 1774. in 1774. in Pavia professor a was Volta electricity theory, Galvani’s to According that convert systems are over great great over conducting conducting Alessandro Volta, they they Volta, Alessandro energy into into energy The was Volta’s first Volta’s was electrophorus The

Volta built his pile alternating built his pile alternating Volta The term “photo” comes from the from comes “photo” term The True or false? True Photovoltaic are are Photovoltaic d. e. To conduct conduct To c. Volta Volta a. b. c. d. b. Complete.

Constructed of alternating discs of zinc and cop- Alessandro Volta was born in , in 1745. Alessandro Volta EXCERCISES Alessandro Volta Alessandro 1 2

a. per, with pieces of cardboard soaked in brine be- with pieces per, electricaltween the metals, the voltaic pile produced used to car- current. The metallic conducting arc was Alessandrory the electricity over a greater distance. In 1774, he was appointed professor of physicsIn 1774, he was in Como. While at the Royalat the Royal School School in 1774: a device that producedthe electrophorus, years at Como, he studied andstatic electricity. For atmospheric electricity by ignit- experimented with was ap- 1779, Alessandro Volta ing static sparks. In of Pa- pointed professor of at the University his mostvia and it was while there that he invented famous invention, the voltaic pile. In 1800, the Italian Alessandro Volta built Alessandro Volta the Italian scientist In 1800, the first practical pile and discovered the voltaic also Count Volta generating electricity. method of and meteorology in , made discoveries is famous invention, however, pneumatics. His most the first battery.

animal tissue. is not intrinsic to electricity. into light energy invention. invention.