aw Editorial Kota:—To inform or remind th* people o( Matawan M d adjaoent municipalities of .NttftUL asoatim tha historic heritage which Is H 9 9 « theirs, a native aon, steeped In th* lore of bygone days here, prepared for the Journal a Member Monmouth County Press Club (ketch depleting the commun­ ity's early development. Hoping to arouac Intereat In the p'.o- 66lh YEAR — 42nd WEEK Founded In 1869 poiod celebration In September MATAWAN, N, J., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 12 Pages—2 Sections Five Cents Single Copy. of the 300th anniversary of tho founding ot Matawan, this col­ umn will ba devoted for some Thirsty Englishtown Ume to weekly lnatallmonts of Dr. Thomas Powers Mr. And Mrs. William VanBrunt I Overseer Of Poor Keep Up With The Time Trailer To Run With the product of William S. Hor­ Two thirat dispensaries Id a ner's w ear oh ln annals ol the community tbe slse *f English- Democratic Choice If you don't want to be Ute fer past. We hope our readers will town Is sufficient, tha SUte Al. Celebrate Their Golden Wedding To Handle Relief church Bonday morning or aaiaa 2 d ip these chapters and file them cohollc Beverage Control Beard an encagement, be (are (a sat away or place them In a scrap­ decided In upholding the decision For Assembly Office yonr dock one hour ahead Bat­ book about old Matawan, that ef tbe boro to deny a license to For Matawan Twp. urday nite befera retiring. At I Boro Council Posts future generations may be In­ Lester J. Palmer fer a plenary Bayshore Represented On a. m . Sunday in sec ti one along spired to record local and family retail oonsamptlen license at M Residence In Municipality the eastern seaboard, dayUte Mrs. Mae Disbrow Files history, and encourage some to Main Street. County Ticket With The saving time officially atarie. For 5 Years Necessary Annually this warning ie giv­ In Opposition To Mrs. study the Interesting life which In his pica Palmer contended Picking Of Cliffwood For Aid; Recipients th is settlem ent has enjoyed since that before prohibition, when the Dentist By Leaders j en out by newspapers and other Shepherd; Cesdidaey i m . population wai allegedly small­ To Get Heavy Cuts mediums for relaying infonna- Of McQuarrie Hit er, there ware urea beer gardens tlon, yet on the day in which the C hapter Two In BngUsbtews. Ha (ays (hat herbertTpryor in dayUte saving period starU, k in ­ FIFTH INSTALLMENT tha two now In epetaUoa can libraryW mplaint ; dreds of persons faU to heed the LITTLE PARTY STRIFE By WUllam 8. Hornor hardly serve the clUmena of the warning and arrive for appoint­ boro adequately. Will Seek Re-election To Settled By Farry After He I ments an hour late. So in aider . A SKETCH ' Benjamin B. Beoeer, the bora lo avoid inconvenience to year- No Republican Council OF THE Freeholder Posts; Fox Appeared Before Com­ self and friends yon might as man-about-town, In commenting Also Named; Woman Slate Listed; Earle J. BOWNE FAMILY en the deolerous times there of fifty ccnts per week, There were both candidates had staled Hint they relief headquarters, were marked w hile tlio Democrats who have filed "You may state Uiat McQuarrle mv alster Barah Saltar all my plate °< Ul" merchant* and residents oi w'Mild not nga!!’. seek tho ofiler Pry­ were fourteen compnny-ownod trucks nbouht twenty-five regular daily ''doubtful" and will bo Investigated nre unopposed. is running on his own. His candi­ nnd the toed whereon I lyo nnd fur­ Mnlnwan nml vicinity Is gratefully of from two to flvo-ton capacity customers. The route continued, or particularly had been outspoken before relief orders urn issued by Republican County eommlttee can­ dacy Is against Uie wishes of Uie niture. apprrclaiod by both herself and the operating dally. These wero aug- (Continued on imge two) In this rogard but evidontly acquiesc­ Hyer. Tlie overseer ot the poor will didates are: leaders of the party." Item I give to Oershom Mott tho Little Theater Guild ln Its efforts ed lo the wlahos of the leaders who alt from to 3 o'clook only, and is­ First district, Dominick Pusoo, No oonlsats developed over ooun­ turn of two hundred pounds for ln behalf of this worthy cauae. t would not hear of their retirement, sue orders for a two weeks period. Prank Holliday, Mra. Angelina TY ty oommlttee poets in either Uw Re­ th* use of tho children. Mrs. Bergen said: “My sinoero Altho Dr. Powers ls reputed to SL0AT APPREHENDS HILLYER, BARKER ARE Edward Parry, Jr., township at­ nanke, Johanna Rouselle; second publican or DamocraUo n n k a. Dam- Item I live to Joseph Dennloe Uisnks end appreciation go to ev­ Ha v « mrns • anpjjjj;* anmn nn. district, Umberto SardsUs, d w in . aOtaiio committee cahoiaaies are: one hundred and Iwtnty pounds and ery member ol the cast and to all torney, reported ho appoared Doiora iltlcal observers In the county, it MAN FOR SHOOTING MADISON CANDIDATES the oounty tax board yesterday Bogart, Frank Wagaar, Mra. Luella to Jeremiah White the sum of one thoae who sorted on the numerous Pint district, Margaret P. Devlin, Is known that his friends have long morning In rasponM to a summons B. Tloe, Mrs. M ary Hubbard. hundred imd twenty pound! Item committees." Dan Rapoila; second district, Mar­ bean furthering attempts to seoure to aAtWtr a oom pulnt filed by Uio Democratic Oounty Oommlttee to Thomas Saltar and Jo BalUr and The performance was remarkable his political advancement. That Captured Here Follow Into Pick Burlew, Committee garet McDonald, Raaara B. Hulaart; county library oommlaalon that Uio oandidatea an: third district, Hilbert Burlew, Anna H annah .Lincoln, and to WlUlatji for Its costumaa and scenery, When these efforts have flroduotd lasnlll the curtain roae em the iftuude, with Wild Chase» Wanted ><44eadr-To- Retire; fy o township, test fownerly paid aa a Ptmt district. Chariae-mwlwatwn, y.-iMto ■ ' - - Hartshorn* thlea eldest children Is evident from his islactlon by Uie Mrs. Raao Wenael; second dlstrlot, fifty amall girls arrayed aa flowers X>ong Branch Police • ■ Co. Committee Fifhtt oounty library t u , sliould not ba dis­ Republican committee candidates Uw sum or two hundred and fifty oounty leaders, Dr, Thomu P, Power*, Mn. Bertha pwmail to each of them tho reel of the audience wu moved to Imme­ continued, Tha complaint was afe; Prior lo tha naming of the OIIIT­ Chief of Polloe Kdwln C, Bloal, Madison Townahlp candidates for pressed by H. B, Taylor, president of Blshof. my eatate both real and personal 1 diate applausa. One of tha outstand­ First district, Ada B, Posdlek, wood m sn, Mrs. KsUierlne Blkua aftar a wild autoinobllo chaae clown the office of townahlp eommltteeman tho library oommlaalon, and Miss Dominick Pusoo, county Oommlt­ will to ba equally divided between my ing features o f Ute performance waa White was understood to bo In the Ralph S. Heuser; aaoond district, Madame Edith Helena, a iieraonal HrAad Struct shortly before noon and lax colleolor are justice of tho Canfield, oounty librarian. tee candidate from the flrst dlstrlot, B rother Obadlah BoWne and my forefront for tlie poat. Tho Med Porman Thompson: third district, friend of Mrs. Bergen's and for­ Tuesday, succeeded In capturing An­ P mcs Charles P. Hlllyer, Republl Parry reported he explained Ilia announced today that ths Labor brother Richard Saltar their helra Bank woman was recently amralnted thony Tenadl, 11, of Newark, wanted Social Olub, of whloh ha U president, Ollbart Craig and BltMar Duncan. utd assigns forevar «hom I do here­ merly of the Metropllltan Orand oan, and Henry E. Barker, Democrat. change over from oounty library ser­ one of the eight delegates at large by Long Branoh polloe after alleged­ The filing of Justice Illllyer non has unanimously endorsed hla can­ The petition of brie J. Harring­ by appoint aole executors of Uils my Opera Co. ot New York, whose mag­ lo the Democratic national conven­ vice to Matawan Boro library ser­ nificent voice moved her audience ly firing a ahot a t Ills wife Mildred fli'ms the oft repeated statement of didacy. The aouon was taken at ton, Democrat, for the full term or iMt will and teetament. In witness tion In Philadelphia in Juno. vice had bsen dona with due publlo to an enthualaaUo ovation. Llttla at 10:40 a. m. tlio aame morning. Oommlttee Ohalrman Rlohard Bur­ the laat meeting of tha olub. Justice or the Peace waa also ffled. whereof I have heretmto set my Tlie deollned tho nomination Fri­ notice In The Matawan Journal Chiokle Blood, aon of Mr, and Mrs. Mra. Yonadl, aooordlng to police, law that he would not aaek ra-eleo The selection ol Mr. Trailer as hand and (Ml the day and year day nlte, declaring aha would be too whan the change waa under contld- Lewis Blood, o f Matawan, waa called haa been estranged from lior hus­ tlon. Ohalrman Burlew lias con the Demooratlo organisation choice flrst above mentioned. busy with national affairs to give eraUon, a reeoluUon had been adopt­ Fifteenth Anniversary7 Of_ back to Uie stage for numerous en­ band who haa but one arm. After tlnually maintained that he would ed under th* 1*1* Library Act, the ror oounollman came as a aurprlae Mgned, sealed At Delivered in p re­ her time to the campaign. Tile so- au argument at the home of tha Founding Keyport Store to soma. However, whan contacted tence of James Paul Joaeph Dennla, cores for Ids charming song and not ba a candidate tltia year but question had been placed on the bal­ lootlon of Fox wss made oarllor In wife's mother, Mra. Mary RomI, Yoii- today, Democratic leaden were en- dsnoe aklt. Jimmie Kennedy and some observora had felt th at he would lot at a regular eleoUon for a pub­ Mrs. Margaret Crawley Caau, Hera Margaret Commons. the week. . ndl pulled « .33 calibre revolver from thuslssUo In their support ol him. Jno Bowne. his accordion received groat ap­ be prevailed upon to anek re-election/ llo referendum and Uie change had From N, Y. C.i Fermerly Served Ills pocket and, fired one shot. Tha For the other townahlp office to Mr. TroUer, who la m anag­ O badlah Bowne. eifcl ft ye under aherllf & ye clerk of ers of high soore a | each table, and the 300th coiebratlull of the found­ atnlo and nation so woll; and of lla folt tlmt lliu government of the (signed) Edward W, (liirne, to the Philippine*, waa awarded ihe return straight home, sasw her off, ye court As keept Uiem oloee prison- refreshments wero served lato In ing of Matawan as oomplete a auu- ability to maintain Its progrr'sslvencHs United Slate* should aid in this ob­ Mayor. Aviator's Trophy, ana of the Har­ en under a guard from Tuesday ye cess aa poaslble, Mayor Edward W, Iho evening. and leadership, despite Lhe great servance by tlie Issuance of a com­ AtlMtfri Ui! mon air trophleeof Uie International MTILL IS RAIDIU IN DARN tSUl of March till ye Baturday fol­ Prooeeda will go toward Uie Brallln Ourrle and Uie members of Uie boro changes which havo taken pli't'r ill memorative poetago stamp by the William A. Rndgnrs, Uoro Clerk, League of Avlitora. Oapt. Mustek ON HSADDBNM COftNUt FAMM lowing" Fund to whloh all Junior Cluba aro council have Importuned Postmaster the iwrlod which haa passed sliicn ixistal deiwrtmenl and uae in con­ Copy of latter sent to Representa­ waa employed at ont lima at the No allgtna attache* to Obadlah Goneral Jamea A. Parley, U. a Sen­ requested lo contribute. Its founding two hundred anil fifty nection therewith Uie picture or like­ tive William Jt sutphln: Aaromarine plant. A mother, her daughter end mw- Bowne on aooount of this Indictment: Mrs. Osoar H. Hyer, who will be ators A. Harry Moore and W. War­ years ago, anti ness of Philip Freneau, Malawan Boro is probably the In-la# were arrealed Sunday after­ on tha eontrary. it la much to his ren Barbour and Representative the counselor of the Junior Woman's Whereas, the two hundred flitletli Now, Uierefore, be II resolved, liy third olrirat community in tho Coun* Creo nipt NMnfle (lain noon In Mlddlstown naaar Htwldciu honor th a t he led In resistance to Uils Club next year, gave a report of a WUllam H. Sutphln to oast a spec­ anniversary of its founding will bo Ihe mayor and council of Uie Boro ly of Monmouth, It waa settled more la the proper treatment for pre­ Corners, for allegedly operaUng an attempt la overthrow the liberties of conference of senior women's oluba ial stamp honoring Philip M. Frs- celebrated appropriately by its clt- of Matawan, In the Oounty or Mon­ than two hundred and fifty ysara serving old or naw ehlnglas, Oct unlleoueed still. tlw pttpia. This Indiotment, whloh neau, pool of the Revolution. The laena during ItM, including a simo- whloh ahe attended at Aabury Park mouth and State of Now Jeraey, Uisl ago, Oil September 19, UM, we are your color ohart, Oartm & Devlin, Thoee arrealed were Mrs Bunin oelcbratlon will bs a three day a f­ wu found by a pscked grand Jury (t the previous meeUng of the olub. lal program tn be arranged for the request be made of Jamea A. Par­ holding a celebration to commemo­ Malawan, phone 317. advttfp) Jacobua, 41, M n. Mary P ratt, M, anil was nevtt brot to trial, and at the fair starting Priday, Bept. 11. Al the samo meeting, Mlsa Mil­ latlt day of September, ID30, anil ley, poelmaater general of the Unit­ rate ihla anniversary and suitably Bmeat Pratt, N. n u t election Obadlah was elected A a|ieclal request Was made of Whereas, one ol lla moat ditUn- dred Seldler gava an Interesting do- ed States, to laaue a postage stamp honor Philip fteneau, the poet nf We Will B ar Police Ohief Bari N. Moyer, who member of the general assembly. Representative sutphln that he do gulshed oltlaena, Philip Proneau, tlio aorlpUon of thn annual festival of commemorative of this occasion and the revolution, who was a resident old gold, flue quality diamonds, flna lad tha raid with three ABO agents, He Wm a member of the flrst gen- itatea of the Olty of St. Peteraburg, all In hla power to aee th at tills hon­ poet of the revolution, and a friend that there be uaed upon this stamp of this community. diamond Jewelry, (terllng al|v*r, ale. declared tha atUl was fouitd Ui Mrs. or Is paid the RevolUUonary figure. of Washington, rendered a great 4114 assembly hold (ITOli aftar the In which she was ehoeen Quean of tha picture or likeness of Philip Fra- Philip Morin Freneau waa born oil Jewelry appraisals mad« tor banka Jacobua’ barn and had Man m op­ surrender of the proprietary govern­ The resolution follows: Naw Jaraey. Miss Saldlbr dasorlbed servloa to tha colonies In tha war of neau, the poet of tha revolution. Frankfort Street, New York, Jan ­ anil aalatea. RetiMlllCe, M Broad eration for one month. It had a ment lo the orown, and waa also a Whereas, Ihe Boro ol Matawan, in Ihe manner In whloh the queans Independence In aroualng them by And be It further resolved Uiat uary 1, 1713, ami Uiat year hla fatti­ ■treat, Had link. sdvtHfpwJU dally oapaolty of IH gallons, aix representaUve in ITM. prom 170# were ohosen, ths points upon which u,e Oounty of Monmouth and State his writings to win their freedom, coplaa of Ihla resolution ba forward­ er, Pierre, purchased 400 acraa In gallons ot grain aloohol wei* alao of Naw Jersey la Justly proud o| the to ITM hs was assistant Judge of tha they ware Judaad, the aeleoUon ol and latar greatly aided in tha aa- ed lo Jamea A. Farley, poatmaatar Monmouth Oounty, N, J. on Ihla Tha House Military Affalra Oooi- found, he tald. part It has playsd In furtherance of eourt of oommon pleas. Between Maoris, ths float provided for aaoh, tabllshment and growth of the re­ general of tha United States, W, ground th a latter built a apacloua mitieo yealerday al Washing ton or- TIM three ware arraigned before w m the affairs and development of thla l i l t m d 1710 ha eery aotlve In the parade, the quaen'a balUand public by his publleatlon, "Tha Jer­ Warren Barbour and napraaantstlva dwelling which ha named Mount dared hearings far Tuieday, April Recorder Louis Meeea an d held in laying out new roads and hlghwaye other fasUvltlea planned for thoae aeotion, Uila atate, and tha nation, ol sey Chronicle" whloh was published Wm. a , Sutphln of the Ird District Plaaaant Hall, a name which latar, It, on Ute Sutphln Sill te atlabllih *1000 ball lo awall Uie aetlon of the k„ (Continued on page four; who participated, tha many distinguished elUiena It irom a building aim atandlng In Uils j of the Slate ol Ntw Jeraey to tha (Continual on p h i tm ) i a public park on Sandy Moth. grand Jury. PAGE TWO—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. MATAWAN, N. J . FRIDAY. APRIL 24, 1936 Track, Baseball Te COUNCIL SCORED FOR GOLDENWEDDING 11. R. WOOLLEY IS OUT Thixton Gives Report On DEBATE CHALLENGE IS Nepr And Used Car Sales Formed By Legion Sons DEM0T10N0F SPROUL (Continued from page one) ! FOR FREEHOLDER POST MADE BYJkCAMPBELL tom or the American tdfelon Total Ot rifty-tfcrae Used C an And K f l O M J M K a with opposition from Ume lo time BL Joseph's R. c. Chirch i Lutheran Chumhes Squadron of Matawan Pott, NO; li t , from others, until the establishment Tblrty-one Ifsw Cara gald In held Ite regular meeting laat1 M dty A c t i o n W m Unwarranted Present Clerk Of County (Hie Rev. John P. Burke, Pastor) (Wllllam T. Hell, Paatort Aski Senator Smathers To of trolley service—Uien w u discon­ • Period or Two M onths nlte at legion Hall, with twHtty- It Feeling; Praise Work tinued. As business Increased he Board It Foontr World Masses on Bunday at 7, 9, 9 and I Services Ui Qelhsemsne Evongell- Meet Him On Isiues Of threo members p resen t T h t flMlb- O f Former Sergeant purchased more horsea. When he War Vet, Boro Clerk Robert O. Thixton, of Thlxton's 10:30 s. m, Daily mas»M st 7 and I cal Lutheran Church will be held National Campaign bershlp chairman reported on*'n motorised, he sold thirty-two horses Chevrolet and OldamoMIe, lalas and I. On tht flrst Bunday of tne I this Sunday as follows. In the Ma- member, Albert Hayeook, brt ' Following Uie demotion of former for a small portion of their coat. | J. Ruutll Woolley, ror fifteen yean service dealer, of Matawan, Issued month the Rotary Society receives, sonic Temple, Third and Oeboni Former Ataemblyman Theran Mc- the total membership up to tw his salea report 6n new tnd uaed.cart Holy Oomnranlon und on the tec-' Streets, Keyport, Sunday tchool will I'niKf Set. Lefloy Spvoul by the His present trucking equipment rep­ I boro clerk of West Long Branch, haa Ctmpbell. of Holmdel, has kept to eight. - Krvpon Boro Council considerable resents an outlay of over 1300,000. announced his candidacy for mem­ for the months of March and April ond Sunday of the montn Uie I1**111 (:1® »• The service be- his promise of hurling s challenge Two new baseball bats were donat­ to date. •rnttmrnl hu been expressed In 1916, the year hla aon, Harvey, ber of the Board of Chosen Free- Holy Nam* Society receives Holy j »tn* « l 10:S<1 «• ">• The pastor. Uie to debuto Iiuuei with SUitn Senator ed to the Squadron by E, N. Pike unim i lhe move by friends ot the waa married, he was taken Into the i holder* on the Republican ticket In Twenty-one used can have been Communion, flu n d ii school William T. Hell, will p rn c h on William H. Bmsthers, whom he Is and a baseball by R. B. Carney. Tho ar.(d to date in April while thirty-one man oil whom the punitive action j business by his father, I the Hty nrlmary. »;» p. m, and benediction at 3 :3 0 ^ loplc, "The Good Shepherd," opposing for the Democratic nomina­ bateball and track teams have betn w taken. , Mr. VanBrunt was one of the or- 1 AlUra but 41 years old. Mr. Woolley were sold In March. The new cars p. m. Benediction ot the Most :1®"^ on John 1B: U-,B’ In■ *h* tion to the United Statea Senate. organised with Francis Roberta it told and delivered were eleven Chev­ According to reports, organised ganlsers and charier members of has devoted over a decade of his Blessed Sacrament after me las. i Manning Plato flwhous*. Keantburg, According to a copy ot a letter coach and the first practice wot hold the Matawan Building Loan As­ rolet* and five Oldamobllea In March m. . . [Sunday school will begin at >:4S a. opposition to the action ot the coun­ it life to public service, having served written by him to Senator Smathera Saturday afternoon. ■ and fourteen Chevrolets and one cil a as contemplated by friends of sociation. organised In 1906. Xt tltat the municipality In which he resides Pint Friday devotions: Oonfet-lm- The service begins at 7:30 p. m. thla week, the former assemblyman Edward Luebeke, chairman of the Oldimoblle ao far In April, The topic of the sermon will be thr demoted officer but then plans time hr was elected a director and as clerk and administrative officer slons will be on Thursday after­ vlioallset the primary issue of the bunco party to be given tonight, re­ A partial listing of new car buyers “Following Christ In Buffering." 5 the Board of Education nnd Inst year be purified, and made while, and Bayne. Richard Jaekel, pnter W. Stating that the electorate and FOR it* demotion, and aa for him being o'clock. was electeo Chief of the We«t Long KEYPORT NEWS tried; but the wicked shall do wicked­ and John H. Bahrenburg and the the newspaper editors in North Jer­ • H A T H iilMibedient, he may have had a Just j Branch Fire Department. ly and none of the wicked shsll un­ Rev. William T. Htil. sey are apparently In the dark as m'iimhi Tor that, who knows? When the World War drew the •RIP FRENEAUSTAMP derstand; but the wise shall under­ The Young People's Society will to Sonator Smathers' political prin­ If the police committee, and the United Stutes Into the fray, Mr. Mrs. Stockton Hopkins Is spend­ stand" iDaniel 12:3, 10). hold Its regular meeUng this eve­ ciples, Smathers was requested to i»ro rouncil were Justifiable In tlielr Woolley responded to the call to ing some time vialtlng In Ohio. The Leaaon-Sermon alto Includes ning at the home of Oeorge Breun- disclose whether he was a Wilson­ uritnn against Ski. Bproul on the (Cbntlmied from page one) colors and saw active service in Mr. and Mrs. V. Perrel. of Hill­ the following passage from the inger, East Keansburg. ian or protectionist Democrat and i vi ning of April t, and the charges as Mount Pleasant, became applied Pm nce with the 310tli Infantry. 7tth side, were guests of Mr. and Mr*. M. Christian Bclence textbook, “Science whether lie subscribed to Iho prin­ in tin ir opinion w en ao serious, then to Uie section anti lasted until the Division, uttainlng the rank of Ser­ C. Htnien, First Btreet. Saturday. and Health wltli Key to the Scrip­ Cllffwood M. E. Church ciples of Administrator Harry Hop­ al ilw t lime Uiey ahould have sus- latter port of last century when It geant. When the war ended he re­ On Saturday evening a delegation tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Let ua (Edward D. Hyme, Pastor) kins and Senator A. Harry Moore iH-nii. d him. but it is apparent that was changed lo Freneau. a locality turned to West Long Branoh and on from the Order of Eastern Star of learn of tho real and eternal, and for curing unemployment. In \ Irw ol the chart** that were brot now a part of the Boro of MaUwan. April 7. 1MI, was appointed boro Irvington enjoyed dinner at Conk­ Sunday ichool, 10 o'clock; evening prepare for the reign of Spirit, the McCampbell's letter ls concluded iH'lori' Die council, they did not de­ The grave of Philip Freneau tnd olerk. Since Uiat day he has been lin's Reataurant on the State Hlih- worship, 7:4S o'clock. kingdom of heaven,—the reign tnd with the following two clMllenglnii vil r lu do thla, his mother, marked, are near ths a publlo servant. On Jan. 2, of this way. house on Uie natnle. rule of universal harmony, which paragraphs: Flaring him on probation at lo year, when the O. O. P. majority Mrt. BdWKrd Vanderbilt, of Lau­ Havo you a room or an aparunut The story of James Madison’s cannot be I oat nor remain forever "Hence my request that you Join inn conduct for Uiree months, and took control of the Board of Free­ rel Avenue, Raritan Township, and to rent? A olaaaifted ad will find a (later preMdent of thr United Statu) Mrs. Oatherlne Strauss and son, unaeen" ip. 90S). m t In a number ot public discussion* tlm t th r imposition of further pen­ holders, he was appointed Olerk of tenant at smtll eott. unsuccessful courtship of Philip Ffe- John, of Keyport, visited reltllves In In the InduaU'lal centers of Nottli ult lr* be suspended during that that Board, Jersey, to the tnd that llie people ume. without airing all these charges neau’t lovely sister, Mary, has been As administrative officer for West Newark and Irvington l u t week. lege tn Perth Amboy. He will com­ the them* of writers of old romances Mrs, Albert M. Halgh, ilh . John may |el acquainted wiUi you and ii| llir open, makea the ntoluUon Long Branch he hat assisted his OBITUARY plete the term. far several generations. Kadltan O. Osborn and Mrs, VenB. Walker lake your measure aa an economic i‘f>k rath er flimsy In It* construc- aupertor boro officers In giving the The body will be taken to Dayton and Freneau were roommates at philosopher. i Mm muntolpallty a buslne** retim e wlitch attend*;) a iunehean bridge pertv Mrs. Rarah Jaim Ikam id this (Veiling where fuheral aervlcea Princeton, . at Uie Hotel Aator, New York. Mon­ "I offer this suggestion In com­ II you happen to live In a narrow la reflected In the boro's extremely Mra. flarali Jane Henwood, 70, will probably b* held on Mondty. In the Revolution (an an enlisted low tax rate and Its tnund financial day. The affair was the ennukl widow of Wllllam Henwood, died Mlaa Llllltn Kinney, alto aaalstant plete friendliness, for I feel that \i)ll< v ilo not throw pebble* a t the man) he fought brav*ty; In British Oomedla spring festival. sueoota for the Ueket depends upon iiiw bowlders Uiat haltg high above oontlltlon. ytattoday, April U. 1030, at her home in Ihe phyilolMi'a office, and FOrbea prison ship* he suffered much; his Oordon J. Schanck end Wllllam <* Second street. K eyport.' Mra. will accompany the body. our eonvinclns Uit people of thla vim head, mm* day. they may |v*ek efforts gnaliy sided Uio patriots’ Sagurton, representing Uie Ktyport atste that wt know how to tolve un­ ii»«, and atari rolling dawn Into Heniraod had been ID only a few oauee. Hli work at a vereemaker In Fire Department and the Keyport daya. She wat born in Keyport, employment and bring about good iiiut valley, th at you live in, and behalf of Uie new American nation RAILROAD BAND IS Exempt Firemen's .AtsotlaUon N- time* in Uitte United Stitea." il*«iroy you. the daughter of the late Oharlea TOWNSHIP RELIEF h u been coupled with the pro** of apecUvely, attended a m ettlng of tnd Jeannette Bailey. H « hutband. ------ARE YOU LOOKMB ' (Hit Bproul has been a member SECURED FOR FETE Thomas Pain* as lit* chief propa­ the Fire Chief’s Association at Deal did about six years agoc (OonUmied from page one) Dltetaet ind Inaeclt In the or­ the boro polk* forte for itx years. ganda which reinforced the mor­ Monday evening. Mra. Henwood Is survived hy three I Matawan Townahlp would be wlll- chard are no m pec tors of wwuher iiAil ul the time of hla appointment, ale of Uie troop*. Reading Co. Promises To Mra. W. F rank Atanhupe will be daughtera. one ton, four grandchll-1 ing to lnattll the malm for tht tx- and In spite of bad weather certain FOR A GOOD TIRE- lie waa given a free-lance in his ac- There wm something in Uw man Have S-Piece Outfit hoateu to Ih* Missionary Society (Iren and several niece* and neph- tension ao as to permit the Genoa fruit irowers aach year pfoduce high tinttea. i« rlMUi up certain condl- whloh Justified the fame that has 6 of Uie First B aptist Church s t her For Salt Water Day ows, Tli* daughters and son ire section to purchase water from them percentage of firat quality fruit, nnm liven nlatlng. and this he did made him one of the outtlanding home on St. C sorts Place Tuesday Mrs. Oeorge Steel*, of Passaic; M n. wall. but the matter htd to proceed in a figure* of the Revolutionary period. evening st 7;*0 o'clock. Mn. Arthur WlUner H. TuUUIl, K typort, M lu legal wiy tnd to accompllth It it Some ot the llnee of hit poetry are The full support of thr boro coun­ "The boro, no d oubt receive* In Lyle will have cherge of the pro' Cornelia Henwood, and Charlea the time of thetr InatallaUon would m a lW 2 cil has been pledged the Salt Water tritim for hla awvloe*, more than arraUnsly fine. Hls poem. "The gram, and offlcert tor the year will • Kenwood, the litter two living ai be necessary for Ihtee step* to be Prison Ship" ls almost Invaluable Day Committee, It was revealed by be elected one-half of hie salary yearly, by the home, fulfilled al once. Let ut show you the world's .-nilfctmn of nne*. He It forte** In Ui the historian who would write ot Chairm an William BeMon, a t a Mrs. VanB. Walker entertained meeung Wednesday nlte at the boro Servtoee will probably be held on The treasurer was authorised to first choice economy lire i hr performance of hla tiutlM. Im > (hat period. He alto sang the events the lunohMn-bridg* olub Wednea- hall. Plana are still being formu­ Sunday at the naM inee/nd Inter­ pay tho Matawan Townmip Board — more llian a match fer n rlean reeord lhal Is beyond re- of the War of t8ta. day. Mrt. Paul T. Ath received the lated by the committee to make the ment In Oreen Grove Cemetery. of EducaUon 11000. liroarh. reliable, wtth no evil hablta. "Tlie Wild Honeysuckle” and "In­ prist for high aoore. Other mem­ many highest-priced make! ancient Salt W ater Day. revived only Keyport. The Rev, D. Roe Haney, ii ml * home man when oil duty. dian Bury Ing-O round" are two of ber* present were: Mwdames Wil­ pastor ot the Calvary Method lit in long safe mileage, tread hla best loved non-pollUcal or nen- last year, "blner and b*tter" with liam Hitchcock, Horae* S. Burrowes. M n . Norman B. Lockwood, M n. There will be a mutual feeling invitations being tent out to varloui Spltcopel Church. Keyport, will of­ Edward Lockwood. M n. H arry P. grip, blowout protection and toward 8*t. Bproul by hit friends military poems. He edited Thomas John C. Otborn, E, Froncls Ktirllcli, ficiate, M n, Henwood was a mem­ Jefferssxfe anU-MeraUst organ, companies In the metropolitan area Albert M. Halgh and Henry K. Ack­ Diabrow, Sr., M rt. Harvey G. H art­ looks. A value wc give yoli tliruout the bore and county, by this aa well a t the local merchant*. Af­ ber ot Calvary church. man, Mrs. Stanley I. Cundey, Mn. trial, and eonvtcllon, without repre­ the National Oaattle, and with Its erson, Jr. becsuic Goodyear builds dlaconUnuance at the end or Jef­ firmative replies have already been Mrt. Lavlnla Mount. Mrt. NelUe John O. Hartiler, Mn. Wllllam C. sentation in hi* behalf." Mr*. Ghutyi Corbett the most tires by millions. ferson's administration, he removed received from Uie S tandard Oil Co. Jenitn. Mn. AUda Aumack. Mn. Ludl, Jr.. Mn. Arne Kalina and Mra. Oladyt Corbett. N, died at his preas and type to Mount Pleas­ which will have a publlo tpeaker Aryetta Brown and Mra. Martha Miss Eleanor Walling attended guest OVER 22 MILLION William L. VanBrunt Is ant where he publlahad th* H. J. present and rrorn the Reading Rail­ Lee wore Pocahontas EBdge charter her home In Matawan yeaterday, nlte of the Monmouth County Al­ SOLD-THAT’S HOW Honored By 28 Friends Chronicle. May 1 . 11M-Aprtl JO. ITM. road Co., which betldt* a float will memban who ware feted at a oov- April 13. IR t, of pneumonia. Mra. umnae Club of the New Jersey Col­ NEW WAY He (Harried Etaanor. a titter of Gen­ have a sixty-five piece band. ered dlth tupper Tueaday evening Corbett came to Matawan with her lege for Women held a t the Molly GOOD IT 1SI Effort* will be made this year to ton, Pwrbea, about two and a half Pitcher Hotel in Rrd Bank Tuesday Tie* Of U fetiaw B evtm t Whan OM eral Jonathan Forman ot Um colo­ at the club rooau. Birthday cakes A New Machineless have every merchant enter a float In yean ago from Dayton, Ohio. She evening. Mias Laura Lorenaon gave Acaaalala a ee* (lallier Al I m m nial forcei. He died December II, were made tor mamben In the the grand parade. Contacts with terved as a nuree in Dr. Carl A. a lecture on Spode China. Prior to (M Heek * LwMer Caapany ISIS, aged over M. In hla IWUme lodge who celebrated thetr blrthdaya Permanent Wave a volume ot hit newspapse and ma(- every fire company In the state will during the month of Aurli. Ottawa In't office. Porbee attended the lecture, new officers were elect­ be made at the annual firemen's Matawan High School and Is now a ed for the ensuing year. Mrs. Arne aalne vane was published, and since J . HaUam Oonover will be prin­ No machinery, no electricity, no In crlebraUng hla golden wedding rally at Asbury Park in June. rtu d tat st Uw Middlesex Junior Col- Kalma was chosen as president. anniversary. WUllam L. VanBrunt then collector* have vied at suctions ciple speaker at the guest day meet­ fiaih fitu ier for his Diet edlUona, books and news- The baby parade, which will be ing of the Literary Club thi* after­ overhead wires. It provide! four K.iw a banquet latt nil* (6r about supervised by the Junior Woman's noon a t 3 o’clock In the Masonic different oil aolutlona for four twonty-nre tried and true Mends Club will this year feature alao a iu the rooms of the Matawan Hook Many books and articlee have been Temple. Mr. Oonover will apeak on written a boat him. but Uie nation masquerade walking division for "Some Old Hbuies ot Monmouth basic types of hair. Try th* nnd Ladder Oo. of which he It one people ot all ages. Prises wUI be ..I tlie charter members. has never honored him oft olsl County." lUuitratlng with original 'NEW WAV" Permanent lt'a The mayor and oouncll of lhe boro swarded ihe prettleet, most original, drawings. Harold Weber will play N o w The evening »U1 Ions be reaetn- haw adopted a leeoiuUoo request­ and meat comical costumes as well several piano teleoUona. Mrt. Her­ marvelous. iierrd for It meant Ul* bringing to- ing Uie Poet OOoe Department to aa the three regular prises for the bert R, W ui and Mn. J. Leon] K' lhrr of congenial friends of Uie- Uaue a tlamp commemorative et ohlldren. Schanck are chairman and co-chair­ im* standing who gave expression Uw llOUi anniversary ot tht lo a d ­ The coronation of the queen and man. respectively, on Uie program as tow*8 III , thetr reaped and affection for ing of lhe ban and In honor of Phil­ recognition et her six attendants win committee. Hoatemet for the af­ RETTA DEATS iliil hoat of Uie evening. T h e n was ip Freneau. Upon Um stamp ia mg- be a fMturs ot th* first day of th* ternoon will be Mra. Btlgar T. Hoow Btanly Hhep no limit lo th> gamea of chance In- geetad that hit plelure be used. A three day *>eelacle. Bdward Dt. and Mrt. Edward W young. 111 nroad HI. Tel IH •iulged in. at Uie condualon of which. oopy of u* reeotuUea la herewith Hyme and Joseph Lovett will be­ Mra. Margaret Russell has been August P. M tinning. oo behalf of Malawan stow the honora on th* royal party confined te her home on Broadway tliutr p rta m t and wtth a few well May we have yaur cooperation to at the Matonio Temple. th it week by Ulnett. < iiim i remarks, preemled Mr. Van Uw end that utUabW reoagnlUon la Heads haw been named tor vari­ Mtaa Pauline Ath. Atlantic Street, llnint with a handsome loid foun- given by thla nation lo the great ous organisations to lake part in Uw It an appendectomy patient at the SCRATCH FEED imS pen. Mr. Munnlng. slur e»- peirtot. three day holiday and Inolude; J. D. Monmouth Memorial Hoapttil. Long CARTAN & DEVLIN uil^ae Uie lenerosiyr and loyally of Mward W. Currta, Mulwi Boy Scouts; t a d e M. Haga- B ranch, mi VanBrunt. referred lo ihe fact Mayor. mtn, Ssa Scouts; Dr. Henry T. Hop­ iim i ihe people of M att wan as • Mn. M. C. Hansen and Mn. kins and Paul Btsoaal, American Thomat Morrison, of u m New M tn- ANNOUNCES ' ■ immunity poMaat lo a n unusual de. Legion and Veterans ot Foreign : >ee a fraternal feeling ror one an- MIm Halm Mij w Fated aton Koua*, P in t S tn e t. m tM T u w - WT MUL Wars; and Louis Btulta, Elks Lodge; day In New Bruruwtck. <"hrt. second to none In Uie County At BirthdsyParty Apr. 16 Oeorge lurch, newly elected Are HRVICE TOOI • il MntmouUl chief, will have charge of th e muaie. Hie Junior Woman‘a Oteb will i he enure affair «ss dVerted by A birthday party wit given in hon­ meet wtth Mn. Joeepti Oeraldl, ef NEW LO W ...... In charge of John W. DuBois or ot Helen Meyer at her home on Monday •vtntag. MIm unil ibem sn T h a ro n , la Atlantic Street on Thursday eve­ Norman B. Lockwood, Jr., Mar Uia Carhart wiu nave charge or Uir close of u»e banquet a ning at last week. Breaks Ankle At Hailat lha program. COAL PRICES thaukt was accorded la Dancing and gaaiea were enjoyed MIm tophi* Aggelakoi snd MIm i nm of Uie wonderful Prism were awarded lo Natalie A tls-foot fall from a tcafloiding AftMg HtMotli ittmdod Me flnt Mat'ieMrMinkMMd !..nulling I hr m tllrr Cooper tad Herbert Unco. Many at Uie Hatiet Camp of Ute Ktyporl anntvmary dance given by Artsmit EFFECTIVE Tlw*e present at gtfta were reeel ved by Uie hoetest. Boy Scouts Saturday afternoon re­ Chapter, MkJdt ot Athmi, Rrldiy Aueuti p. Munnlng, Peter p. Thee* present ware: Aanetla Aek- sulted in a broken right ankle tor nlte at Um El Id hom*, Un< M iM i. Certified Lubrication > Ullli Vanwinkle Toad. M m T*r- areon, KtUiartn* BarteU. Baitara Norman a. Lockwood. Jr, ot Eltie- Mr. and M>: bhrard Wtihartd imn* Henry a Kile, (lraca Isnsili Nalen Imlih, beUi Mreet, Keyport The tnjurtd snd Mr, snd Mn. JaaiM tftpfcim • , APRIL 23rd Brake Testing i' Heltark. Henry O U n a Matthew*. Manr Nutuk. Ann boy wat taken to Uie oMom ot a • card and kUMStOSrly lUnk Watoy M iall, WUUmm Om- Petenan. Katali* Ooapir, VsM tlas bora phyekian and later la Um by the Jonty fta» bdi*. SCRATCH i.mlrn. Jteeb a V M MNrta, N*r- H»ati>li. naarl* BarreU. aOof Ksr- MonmouUi Memorial Hoapital. Lone n T i T s i af BeOUthom, In for Particulars imt atari H— sa T h o n w . Wil­ port; Data Id Uiksr, tM via md Branch where he waa eonftnsd tor • van Int. liam wuktaa. Merritt Mltef. Cm- Jack I s n n a iM e r t U ses snd Ar- Mveral days. Wlitrton FEED $1.80 urewiian WUllam M. antptain. Al­ mand Havens, of M I M . Free Delivery Gaston Colot According te reports, young Lock- l*m*d lb* Tuteday leaning B it#* Phone i— bert Clayton. Naas B, nwntaln. Chib at In i ham* on itasd Stool , Main Street rrert M Buriew. Pram* P aar.p- WhUe WMthsr caadimm w*re aat tl Troop M tnd SoM baaaler WUUkai thi* waak. Mia. U tltr O. DMk re- Matawan 237 CARTAN & DEVLIN wm, .W p n a. Otflibargn, Harvey I* O. M. Anderaan In completing o«t e*Mtd a m seta*. Mn. CUatsa Hul- MATAWAN V aaB nut, am al Um g«M sf hsa- MW vmm t* eonwal tk Unction at th s scouts' aadMn.DsaMO.Hwi> nr. and John W. DuBoia. K a l b m m m u "SU Acre*" a t KaaieL MATAWAN a THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE THREE—FIRST SECTION Wade Webster Held After cations the women should be given r u a I SOUTH AMBOY MEN , STATWPr IS O T m WALUNG RARITAN TO employment within a fei{ p eeb at FO* *FROS£.Vr HTKAUMO Frank T. Attcock’s Experiments Keyport Knifing Affray the latent, acoordln# to Mr. Brennan. By F. HOWARD LiOYD GIVEH WIFE'S ESTATE WPA IN EMERGENCY In discussing aome of the angles fines of W each were Imposed on Apprehended By Patrolman Sproul of the preaent situation the com­ three South Amboy Men In Sayre- In Ceramics Leads To Discovery Whert He Attempts To Eseapei Is mittee chairman pointed out that vllle police court Saturday lot Up M*t«w«n Man File* For Award Made After Legal Also Olveti County Jail Term Brennan Feel* Federal G.O.P. Nomination! To Battle With Daughter i Raritan has always favored the han­ alleged theft of fifty gallons of Kiyport Man Announces Perfection Of Proem Thru Agffpcy Can Ah*orb A^ dling of relief thru local source*. Aa kerosene valued at (S from Prank Fight Bureaucracy Before N. Y. Court* W ade Webster, 30, of Motile Place, Thoae Able To. Work has been the custom In the past, Dtbbue of Morgan. ■ Which Unglaied Porcelain Moy Be Decorated In Keyport, wa* arrested by Patrolman people who, thru Illness or disabil­ The defendants were Walter F. Howard Lloyd, af Matawan, on* After litigation in New York Many Colors; Method Hat L o n g Been S o u g h t LeRoy Sproul, of the Keyport po­ Thomas P. Brennan, chairman ot ity. are unable to work on WpA Bright. 37, 340 Oeorge Street; Julius ot ths *even aspirant* for the nomi courts, Phlneas B. Wallins, of Key­ lice, about 5:30 o’clock Sunday a f­ the Raritan Township Committee, projects will be tak«n care of In the Oeant. 34. IIS Ward Avenue; and n»tlon of congressman for the third port, husband of the late fella Wall­ By J. EUiabeth Canluro intends to commercialize it and has ternoon on charges of wielding a contacted yesterday, Indicated tlmt manner previously used before the Joseph Jackson. 2>, 443 HlghtaBd congressional district on tha Repub­ ing. of HMD Macdonald Avenue, Frauk T. Allcook, W ashington St., turned hln orealive genius to the knife on Strother Jacluon. 33, also the members of the committee and inception of the BRA, or thru the Street, all of South Amboy. lican ticket In the coming May pri­ Brooklyn, suoceeded In wresting cus­ Keyport. whoso boyhood ambition It making of sundry articles such aa of Maple Place. The latter sustained other township officials are studying local poor office. State Trooper E. O. Hetterman of mary, has issued the following state­ tody of her estate from his daughter, was to be a butcher, lias today ac­ a«h trays and Inkwells, as well as face and neck lacerations, requiring every angle of tho situation causeu i Asked If he felt the stoppage of Keyport barracks arrested the trio ten stitches. m ent: Agatha Perslnger, who holds a po­ complished what ceramic engineers the decoratlvo placque. by the stopping of State Emergency relief fun<]p would result In emer­ on complaint of Dlblase. "My petition h u been flled for my sition with the Brooklyn Borough hava teen attempting for over a The ceramic chemist, who baa According to police reports, Web­ Relief funds. gency notes having to be taken out ster, who was said to have been nomination oa a candidate on the O u Oo. century. For years, potters have been in the tiling business for over According to Mr. Brennan, local :to finance the giving of local fid, The Senior Class of Middletown drinking, became Involved In an ar­ Republican ticket In the primary The late Mrs. WalUng died ln the tried to perfect a process that would forty years, beginning as On ap­ officials are working on a plan j Mr. Brennan stated th a t every effort Township High School will leave ( election for tho ofllco of United Israel Zion Hospital, Brooklyn, Mar. make possible the decoration on prentice nt the ago of thirteen In gument with a woman relative of whereby all male and female employ­ : would be made to forestall such a j Thursday for a three-day stay In States representative froir. the third 16, 1086, of pneumonia. Court testi­ pate-sur-pate, or unglazed porce­ Ills native country, England, atatea Jackson’s and when he went to the ables ln the township will be ab­ situation. ' ' j Washington. The members will meet woman’s aid, Webster turned on congressional district of New Jersey. mony disclosed that on the day pre­ lain, ln several and varied colors. that his particular line requires a sorbed on WPA projects. Road | “Altho we made no provision ln at Keyport where they will be con­ him, inflicting the wounds. The “In my petition tho designation, vious, Mar. IS, at 10:30 a. m„ Shelva Up to this time they have found It knowledge of art, sculpturing, oer- gravelling projects which have al­ ■ our budget for assuming the entire veyed by buses. "Constitutional Republican," was Perslnger. of 171 Gtelston Avenue, Impassible to ute any but two colors, amlc engineering and tbe manufac­ cuts were treated by a boro physic­ ready been approved are expected to {burden of administering relief on used because I believe that lulrly Brooklyn, a son-in-law of the de­ natqely a white relief on a colored ture of the ceramic colors. The ne­ ian. furnish work thruout the summer | such a scale as has been the. praotloe represents the attitude of the Repub­ ceased and a patrolman on the background. Mr. Allcock modestly cessary extensive background shows Notified that there was a fight go­ and early fall. with the ERA. we feel that with rs- lican party, as a party of construc­ Brooklyn force, Induced the deceased states he can blend over a hundred the enormity of Mr. Allcock's ac­ ing on, Patrolman Sproul hastened WPA officials have ulso upproved trenchments and economies there Is tion. toward the country and the to sign over her entire estate to bis various colors and use any number complishment. to r.ie scene. In the meantime, a sewing project which will furnish i a possibUlty th at we can handle the YOUR HOME problems facing It. I have all my wife, AgatHh. oil his placflues to creatc a lifelike All of the tiling expert's work ls Webster had made his escape and work for twenty-one township wom­ I situation without lacurring addi­ Henry L. Drexner, New York Olty Image of anything from a cow ln a done ln a crude workshop situated Sproul caught up with him as Web­ en. According to present plans the tional expense.” ” attorney, representing Phlneas B. pasture to an undraped nymph. ln the cellar of his Washington ster was fleeing down Atlantic Street. work will be done in the W est K eans­ Noting the approach of the patrol­ Wulllng, contended th*t when Per­ Exhibitions of some of hU previous Street home. Here be has erected burg flrehouse and fifteen sewing A good wrinkle is to roll sausage slnger secured Mrs, Walling's sig­ work were displayed at a Chicago ex­ a kiln, where he does all his own man (he assailant threw the knife machines and the necessary ma­ 111 flour before frying It will, prevent nature she was ln a delirious and hibition ln 18B3. A placque, "Cruci­ firing, a mill where the fired com­ into a field. The weapon was later terial will be furnished by the federal their breaking and also improve tbe IHE FINEST precarious condition. fixion'' was purchased thru a New pound ls ground to a powder, and recovered. agency. flavor. / According to the testimony ln the York agent this past Christmas by a potter's wheel and weeder which Arraigned before Police Record­ Every effort is being made to hurry er Harry Bolte, Jr., Webster, who ls case, heard before Judge Wingate ln Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, former New shapes the art porcelain. None but the start of the latter project as Be a regular reader of this week­ PROTECTION the Surrogate’s Court, the hospital York stage beauty who figured ln the best clay can be used, Mr. All- said by police to have a record, was soon as possible. From present Indi­ ly newsnaper. chart for the patient disclosed that the famous Tliaw-Whlte shooting oook putting under chemical tests held without bail for the action of at 7:30 a. m. on the morning of the in the first decade of the 'lBOOs. thousands of various grades until the grand Jury on a charge of atroc­ transaction, Mrs. Walling was ln a The formula for this Important the desired ones, which are both ious assault, with Intent to kill. He precarious condition and waa under discovery was achieved by Mr. All­ domestic and foreign, were found. was also given a term of six months an oxygen tent. The next report at cock while he was an employe of Tho the process required ls both In the county Jail on a disorderly 11:30 a. m. showed no ohange in the Amerloan Encaustic Tiling Co. expensive and tedious, Mr. Allcock conduct charge. Classified A ds condition. The transaction of the In California twenty years ago. It refuses to cut down the expense by estate was alleged to have taken was primarily a hobby with him, In­ producing Ui volume his art porce­ Relief Fond Halting Is place one hour earlier at 10:30 a. m. teresting him mainly because the lain. The finished artlole would Problem For Keyport Physicians and nurses, who were "bigwigs” among the ceramic artiste thsn be nothing but "rubbish," ho FOR RENT FOR SALE In attendance at the bedside of Mrs. said It couldn't be done. Today he snortlngly declares. Cutting off state funds for emer­ FIVE ROOM HOUSE on Broad St., 1031 CHEVROLET for sale. Innulre Walling, testified that there was a gency relief Is providing Keyport of­ all Improvements, Inquire 111 dinner of bringing her bnck to n Frank Braddock. Morganvllle, N. ficials with ono of the mnjor liend- Main St.. Mntnwnn. Telephono 70­ normal stale within that hour.' J. adv34J° RICE FAMILY GETS LOCAL WOODMEN SET ache.H of the moment. Wllh n gen­ M. ndvlj However plaintiff's attorney pro­ eral budget account as read at Uio CARBONATOR for sale. Inquire Use Genuine duced physicians und records to AWARD FOR INJURIES TO STAGEJBARN DANCE Inst incolltitf disclosing a bnlancc of 6 ROOM HOU8E, buth. sun porch, Esposito's Oeneral Stare, Morgan­ counteract this testimony. but a little over (3, lhe council must all Improvements, garage; also vllle, adv24J" In announcing his decision. Judge F. IIOWAltl) l.I.OVI) Verdict Against Thomas solve the problem of obtaining a p ­ apartment—3 rooms, furnished or Wingate maintained that the de­ Record Sale Reported For CREO-DIPT Former Mutawun Councilman DevinoAnd Son; Young proxim ately $3000 a month, pend- unfurnished, prlvnto bath, gar­ ^ REAL ESTATE fendants had not proved Mrs. Wull- Tomorrow Nite's Event Ini: the irli'a.so of slutu funds. age. Inquire Mrs. Samuel Drtwcr, SHINQLE STAIN life hnd faith In the ronsli'ucllYT lug lo bi' In n normal condition at Girl Struck By Car At Blodgett’s "Loft” Under the .system uiii'ii under the 144 Broad Street, Mutawun, FOR QUICK, ACTIVE SERVICE, the time ol the trnnsnrtlmi und nr- list your properties wltli lirlnclple.'i ol' Mu- Kupiibllcuu party. Oiithriiin' Itlre, ol Miiliiwun, was KHA, thi' funds from lhe stiito -Hidva4lfJ Greater Coverage Tlu1 pUitfnnu of n parly shoulil he dcreil Die entire estate liinieil bark General rhalriinin Anthony I'l'nnyi amiMinleil tn iihnnl $11170 u m onth. VAN'S AOBNOY uwunlcil a verillet or $40(1 anil her 307 Main Street, Mntnwnn lieuled an u covi'iiunl wllli tht' to her huslmnd and lulintul.slralor. Toui'lne unnounreil today tlmt all The horn rnnli llniiril uhiuit III3II Tor Per Gallon fulliit. aIiiumi lllre, JII7 hy Judge J, LOST Telephone 1881 ple. I am opiMiscd to thi' Mirromtcr- 'I’lii* e'.tiite consists of 72 Hhuri'S of thu coiniulttui's had romplrteil the the same pi'rlod. Brooklyn llorouuh Oils Co.’s |nt'- Kvciott Newman In the illstrlet ndv34J int( by Congress of tho rlulil.s of Ihr couti. at A:,limy Park, Weiliie.'tduy, preliminary details anil thm. cvrry- W ith Ihe relier Imul hack for locnl 8MAL1. BLACK Buxton Koytalnor, TH E soft mellow benuty of gontly ferreil Mock at trill per share, lari' ui I iiiin st m t If in It will he handled people to mm Individual. 1 mn for nualnst Thomas Drvinn and Anntltim IhltiH was set fur the unlit old-taiili- 1 containing six keys, tost Tuesdny PROPERTY OWNERS valiu*; $:itlt) wui'tli ot Jewelry; two thru tlie juiiir rommlttee, hi con­ 1 wanlhered shingles lends an the Amerlcnn system nr elvllliuitlnn DevUm, of Dak Hhuiles, for datn- lonrd barn tliinrc In br .>.titi;ril at ulto between Legion Hull and What llnve You Tu Qdll Or Rent? oulMandhlii loan:, nf ciiiislilci'uble junction wllh lltr uversecr of tho ulr of Indescribable charm and iu opposMl lo nllm expcrlinenlui.lim Ultra wlili'li they silffrml arising out lllodgetl'K ."liny lion," Hlx l’murts, lllodgott's, Keyport. Reward. Not­ HENRY H DEVLIN, IlEALTOIl value whleh Mr. Wulllni! lms Juitu- pour. Ai'tlim M ayor C. W'l'uy Uowne character, and makes of every and representation. nf nil uceldcnt which occurred In Keypoli, toinnrrow nlte. ify nuntciibuoh between ll ami 3 300 Mnln Street. Mutawun meiits levelled against, nml about In ehnlrmitn of the ikxii' com mtlleo. house a home . . . aenutne "I believe there should ho less Matuwun Jun. 0, 1030, whon Cather­ T he iipHliiliH Imllrmmi at lllnd- at Mntnwnn Hunk. adv34J Teioplione 30ft (BOO cash. Including ihe liMiirnitcc U Ln understood tlm t n llioro 111- government Interfrrrure with bunl- ine Hire, while ou her way to school, nett’s linn beau ullrncllvcly decor­ *iuiva«trj OREO-DIPT STAIN Is the only policies. ve.illgallon will lie conducted by nexs, I am opposed to war und Hhall was uliejcilly struck by n enr owned j ated bolllllnii such nil event nnd the m aterial which will achieve thla Mr. Walling has announced tlmt Ixiro nfllolals wllh u view towards AUTOMOBILES make every effort tn prevent It. In­ by tlm defendant, Thomas Devlno, pluro has bcon turnud Into a lyplcul result, actually preserving tbe he Intends to divide tho estate equal­ eliminating n number of cases car­ CHIROPODIST cluding lhe ftpproval of a strong na­ and operated by his son, Annlllua barnyard with all tlio trimmings, USED CAR BARGAIN. Cirulia7n se­ wood a* It refreshes the soft mel­ ly among another daughter, Mra. ried under the KRA. A residence Devlno. such ns hay, straw, livestock, etc. dan, 1013, rubber, paint, uphol­ DR. JENNIE MORROW Wllfb* at tional defense for tho actual preven­ Rdna May Ratasch. 071' Quincy law, requiring th at n recipient be low colur of the shingles on your tion Of vriir. I mil Ili fuViir of oii- Mlwi Kwlnkl. a witness for thu Altrncllvp nrltes will be awarded stery In oxcellent shape aud me- Retta paals' Beauty Parlor. Ul Street; a son, Howard A. Walling, to the best dressed farmer and far­ u resident of a municipality for .five home. couruglng youth lo enter public life plaintiff, on the morning In question ohanloally ok. Reasonably priced, Broad Street, Mata’wsn, Prlday, 440 Ave. Y, both of Brooklyn, and year*, will be invoked, it Is under­ nnd hnvc advocated this for yoars, waa at her place of employment at merette and also a live pig will be convenient terms urrangod. Bo­ from 10 la 4. P{* Is *1.00. Ttls himself. stood. the Matawan Private Hospital aud given away ta the holder of the luoty land's Clarage, New Brunswick plume Mstawan SH, advglllwl Ask fee Our Color Chart buH am utterly oppose to the ex­ Altho the expense of securing n .tixptndltitre* uf 13000 pir month ploitation ol youth for purely politi­ while looking across tlie street saw door ticket number. . , Ave.. Mutnwan. Tel. Mai, 11104. setting aald* of the award to the W«re pot provided for lu the bud­ adv34J cal purposes und Huddling them with lhe plaintiff sliding An a piece of The barn danoo Is being sponsor­ WORK WANTED Perslngeri ix understood to haw get and Just how the extraordinary bllllops of debt to perpetunte a loe On Ihe opposite side of the ed by lhe Choppers' Olub, Woodmen cost the Keyport man about 11 too am ount will be raised I* the foonl YOUN(i MAN withes tuy kind of political machlno. street from the hospital. While of the World. All membors of Uils Room A Board Wanted CARTAN 4DEVUN he has announced that he does not point of the problem. It Is thot work, by ihe hour, do/ or week, doing this, the car of the defendant club aro rosldents of Key|>ort, Ma la- Main Nirett Tel, i n "I' am opposed thru an oxcesslve Inland to take action to recover the wan and Olfffwood. that emergency note* will have to MAN, convalescent, wishes room and handy at most anything, experi­ bureauoracy of a government of approached running clooo to tho, sum. Tho papular Cowboy Jack and his be iMUed. unless the alalo legisla­ board In suburbs or country. Clean enced car driver, referenoes, E. N. men for whom ,we did not vote, In­ curb and knocked the plaintiff down MATAWAN Phlneas B. Walling 1* asaoclated hill billy band haa been engaged to ture ast* by next week. and quiet. CHve details. Box IIB, It., 374 Main Street, Matawan. stead of laws cnactod by the people and Injured her. Mrs. Dorothy wllli hla brother, Charles a. Walling, furnish the music for old fashlanod care of Journal, adv34w* —adv34J thru their regularly accredited rep- Asku, was on tlie street at the time ...... of Keyporv, in th e Monmouth nnd modem dancing. MMhtaUves, i believe In and ahall Stamping Co., of Matawan. and corroborated those statements. KEYPORT strive for party harmony. Having The defendant and his sister tried Ernest Heller, ooundl-commander been bom In Monmouth Oounty and to oonvlnce the court that Oathcrlno of the looal lodge and chairman of Mr. and Mrs. William Barium snd haying lived here all my life, I may No Cauie For Action 1* was engaged In running back and the decoration oommlttee, reported ton, Ron, iinve returned home from M be 'considered as fairly o o n sem n t Verdict In Stoecker Suit forth across the street at the tlmo today that Blodgett's ball room has a short visit with relatives In Harris­ with the problems of our district site wae Injured. He refused to say been completed with the addition of burg, Pa. T ake it from 2,500,000 of ns and shall do all In my power to Cllffwood Man RU«d For Arrears In whether the car which lie was driv­ an old fashioned courtroom and MIM Mabel E. tlepkman, Elisa­ bring about legislation thru whloh Rental Of Star*: Whirl (ia. Sues ing did or did not strike her. At the hoosegow, or, to you, better known beth Street, spent over Sunday with the federal government will give the Thru lta Agent, Peter Llcarl | conclusion of thn case, the counsel an the village Jail. Toonervllle'* con- her parent*, Judge and Mrs. Dan­ necessary and deserved recognition I for the defendant, admitted liability. atabe, Oy "Oo-Tce" Weatherblll, hftl iel H, Bookman, In Somerville, lo the needs ol our district. Henry Btoecker, of Cllffwood, suc­ ! Dr. Alfred O. Wallin, testifying for 111* flve-polnt tin badge all ahlned T h t’ Rev, Harold B. Clreen, pastor the plaintiff, stated that Catherine up and has promised to keep law and cessfully defended a suit for IU1.00 Of the ttoformed Church, attended "1 believe tlmt the whole problem received serious bruises and con­ order In the village tomorrow nlte brot against him by the Whirl Oo. a sassjon of the Clout* of Mon­ of relief and unemployment should tusions to her faee, two of her flrsl and to have his eyes peeled for "olty of Belvldere Beach, when it was mouth at the Asbury Park Reformed be examined to the end that real re­ slickers” who, knowing that all the tried ln the Long Branch District teeth were knocked out and she had Ohureh. Tuesday. lief to those In need should be estab­ folks are attending the bam danoe Oourt before Judge Harry Klatsky a green stick fracture of the Jaw. Reliance Jacobsen, a former resi­ lished that that employment of a at Blodgett's hay loft, might slip and a Jury on Monday of thla week. Bhe remalnod under hit treatment dent of Keyport, Tuesday received permanent nature thru a revival of Into Toonervllle for no good pur­ The plaintiff, thru Its agent, Pete for aeveral months and was unable an audition with Major Howes for Industry, should be provided on a to return to school for some period pose. Judge Oy Perkins pram Ism to his radio amateur hour. Mr. Jacob- Llcarl. also of Keanoburg, contended basis of self respect for the Individ­ be downright nasty to any hombre that Btoecker had rented a conces­ of time. Her mother corroborated ten played several piano selections. ual. this and told hew the girl was In brot before him on chargea of ausplc- Thom as Morrison and Mrs. sion al Belvedere Beaoh for the sea­ “It Is on these general grounds bed for two weeks following the ac­ lon by the village constable, Spec­ M. LMler Terry attended a benefit son of 1(34, at an annual rental of lhat I respectfully ask for the vote* ial entertainment he* been added _ sponsored by tile Mctlio. 1360 and an additional water charge cident. during which time It was oard party of my fellaW Republicans In the pri­ necessary for the mother to remain to the. evening's program. dlst tpl*Copal Ohureh of Keansburg of 117. He further stated that Mr. mary of May IB. W*dnssday afternoon. Mrs. Mor- Btoecker wu In arrears for the home from work to take oar? of her. Have you read the classified *d*f rlaon received the prise at her table. "F. Howard Lloyd.” water charge of the previous year Judge Newman awarded Catherine Alee (400 and her father Aloneo Rloe, of 117. Btoecker denied this ar­ ISSB9HSPS55" •asm ■B99BW S'"...... rangement and contended that he 1(7 for expenses to whloh he was The R. H. Lee*’ Golden had occupied the premises two years put by reason or her Injuries. The Rice's were represented by Wedding Wa* March 28 previous to 1(34, but by reason of Bdward W. Currie, attorney and poor business, the rent had been re­ oouiuellor at law, M atawan, while Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lee, 48 W ash­ duced each season until It was agreed James Carton, Jr., of the firm of ington Btreet, Keyport, celebrated that MOO would represent the rent Durand, Ivins & Carton, Asbury their fiftieth wedding anniversary for the season of 1(34. This sum he Park, represented the defendants. March U at the home of one of their eontended he paid In full and pro­ daughters, Mrs. H. O. Larkina, of duced reaelpts signed by the plain­ Y ttit WEEK 1)3 Washington Btreet. Flowers and tiff's agent, Pete Llcarl. Ths plaintiff PUn* For Memorial Day congratulatory cards were received attempted to show that these re­ Parade Pushed By Legion by the guesta of honor and a pleasant ceipts represented a balance due on • / evening spent. M n Loe celebrated previous years. Defendant Btoecker William Orlffln, Keyport Civil New Line of Men's her birthday last Prlday. Both she further stated that he did not un­ W ar veteran will be guest of honor und Mr, Lee are In excellent health, dertake to pay the water oharges as at the Memorial Day program and Mr. ami ft™, Lee were married In teetlfted to by plaintiff's witness. In parade being planned by Raritan IBIS at the Headden Methodist Epis­ thla hla story was corroborated by Post, No, 23, American Legion. Ar­ SPRING copal Church, Jersey City, liiey I net Truax, an employee. thur W. MoParland has been ap­ moved to Keyport the following year Assistant Prosaoutor Idward P. pointed chairman of preliminary where they have resided ever olnee. Jtuka, ol Keansburg, represented the preparations. •2£j They have three daughters, two sons Whirl Oo. and Pete Lloart, while The Port Hancock Ooast Artillery SHIRTS and ten grandchildren. The daugh­ Btoecker was defended by Bdward Band and a daiaohment of the Naval ters and sone are: Mrs. H. O. Larkina, W. Currie, attorney and counsellor- Reeerve from Perth Amboy as well Very Keyport: Mrs. J. D. Haas and Mra. at-law, of Matawan. as the Boy Scouts and looal post will Special 9 5 * N’I ' n f I lie lowest prlreil uml nni'l econnmli'al ca^s Wlnfleld D. Bailey, of Ul Boyd After considering the matter for » participate In the grand parade. All M b it iu llio ivnrlil loiluy stiiiuls lu u < luss liy Itwlf for Street. Stapleton, S. I.; Raymond short time, Uie Jury returned with a veterans In this area, whether le- O sheer |Mtrr- 'IV/ lon, Texas. The quickest way to add organic supervision of Cecil B, Ackerson, 1 , V ; Tlmt enr is tlm Kuril V-H. Now wa nrgt* you lo drive matter to the orchard Is to apply ohaplaln. will be observed In all IliU grt'ill new IIIIKI Kuril V-H M o r e you i|er|«l* on »ny oemeterles where veterans are In­ nRR DOER HLIOIIT DAM AO E some manure. A few growere In cur ul liny print. We urge you to know fur yourself tlw TO HORACE OARKINH' HOUSE Monmouth Oounty have been able terred. A prayer will be said, three durln| the past year (o seours al a volleyi flred, and taps sounded. In BOYS’ SWEATERS of Kuril V-H tniKlni' prrforimiut*—tlie ulniegt effort- N rtMWMM wllli ■eew wy The Keyport Plre Department waa reasonable price, a quantity ot high memory of those who lost their lives Ivs* t'linv of Iminllliitf—tlie remarks hie stability under all called out at l:M p. m. Wednesday grade cow manurs, There Is no bet­ a t aea a wreath will be plaoed upon d»1 Q Q end rniul c-tinilll ioiix—the I nir flniM’iir riding comfort—whlnK T*nn> *■ luw s* *M a wonth, after tbsrn to extinguish a flre which did small ter wa* to improve sandy or wash­ looal waters. Imve "litkfti hold" so convincingly wllh the hurtled- torment, iuuMVO HM * manlhpJkiu. A hot dinner will be served the par­ t p I i v O up Win and up, KliU Detroit, tyeM lof damage tci . house at lot AUMtlo ing knolls in the orchard or weak buying tititlli'iii'i' Hint over trull'll America’* cur*, Strtet, oocupled by Horaoe a oak Ins, trees, than toy Ute manure meth­ ticipants following the day'a program HeMy (llast throwkoul la every hotly The biaae was put out with a hand od. at the Masonic Temple, Atk your Kuril Denier for u enr tu try. You dou't type, MeAdo*! »«**.*/ gm t# exit* extinguisher from the Raritan Hoe* The Keyport post Is alio extending really know ii Kurd V-H util II you drltn ont, And you CAIl't Oo. truck, flames were oonftned to Mlu Kathryn Dunham, daughter an Invitation to Spanlsh-Amerloan Judge modern cur vuliiex until you kuow th* rortl V-81 a few shingles and a partition sep­ ol Mr. an* Mr*, tm eel P. Dunham, War veteran* to participate. S C H O C K ’S arating the house and a Joined ah*4. ■IKabeth Street, le chairman ol Uw The alarm waa turned In from th* Junior prom whloh will take pits* In d rew vegetable* should be boiled Main Street Matawan box at Broad Street and Maple Um Keyport Hl|h Bchool auditorium (ast, with a plnoh ol bloarbonate of UOMIKIW A OAK PROM YOUR FORD DHALIR TQRAY AN ft O IT THAT Vtl M PtlN O I pl*oe. FiMay evening, May n . eorta, with (he eauoepan lid off. iiHiM iftuW pi.a a PAGE FOUR—FIRST SECTION THE MAtAWAlfefoURWAL, MATAWAN, N. J FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 tho be did not threaten their sup­ In a wagon and Uw wound wgg'Wwed LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES THE MATAWAN JOURNAL remacy, his perform* nee warned up. - ' Monmouth CeHatjr ftarregaMe Office NOTKIK o k HMUNTJtY ANII &ubn»h«d im T*i«i»taoM i n the bona that they don't control William L. VanBrunt has a ,beau­ Notice to erMUoM to Present Claims i:l-K(TION every vote. Looking Backward tiful team of white horses, wt^lch he Against Mstate. TiiM'iiiltl|i of JIUlHWRHi N. J. r«bN«hr«l K iftf FHd«/ ilRtTM N In (ho matter of the estate of Charles Noitca nt the Uni# aim) i*tuw vt hi»M* By HltOWN m m U 8 H IN O AMD Thla year U r. MeCampbell will R M S ABOUT FOLKS AND la using in his Uvery buslnest He H. Close, Deoeaaed. in i thtt Oeh«ral Uloollon and of tba-n PlUMTlNG COMPANY. Inc. doubtless make ait even more im­ THINGS WE KNEW IN secured them from P. C. BcdTcVho Pursuant to the order of Joaeph L. offfopra to be eleclnd aod mrotlnva or 2 Matai Brown. President pressive showing. Aa director ol the bought them In a fortnight.wo.' Dunabey, Hurrogate of tbe County nf tbo tloarda of fletlatry and ffleotinti Adrien lay Mount. Managing IdMor t TU LONG AGO Monmouth, mado on tha twentieth day In ih r Hurouili of Mfttawan4 in tbo Tax limitation League he hat gained Mrs. J. a . Walling has removed u vaudeville actress takes over the of aim il, iKM. on th e application of County of Monmouth. XATin>AI, AUVKMTIdlKO KXFI. wide recognition thruout the itate from tho Commercial Block to U B. Debate At Princeton running of a boys' prep sohool I Hu- riinrloa Jgoltay Clone and llarotd H. Nr lite In fnsrMiy *|ven ih i t a Qen< Cloto, Kuwutora of tha* eatate qf oral ffllcwtlon will hr hell) In and for the ». J. NRtVUrAl'RAB, li(. not only as an Independent In pol­ Emmon s house at Jackson Street Irlclu i Patsy) Heath I Elsie Cos­ Township or Matawtui, lu tho County |< T Mine*. Hrw, TEN YEARS AGO (By Leon Christlnat "37) Cliarlei K. Clow, dogoaaml, nolle© In \ itic* but as an Intelligent and ag­ and Morristown Road. . grove I Is the actress who makes a Imrciiy Klvm to the orodllora of aald of Monmouth mid Htate of Ntw Jett K » » o»L C blrt|*.fhlla*H N M k (Issue of Fri., April 30. IBM) Mstawan High's debating tcmn. tlrt’fttmuT to whlUlt to tha auUacrlb- tty , on Tunaday, November Brd, 1US1 gressive champion at the taxpayer. TUt Over BIdewalks , visit to Lakeland Ocademy, In which rr*. Kxruiitori a« «foraaatd, their debii liotwecn Iho houra of aavnn o'olopa fit'ltStH IIT inN flATRfl The votei which he wlU receive ln SIXTY YEAIU AQQ composed of John Farrell, Joseph anti dt tiiHixli againal th e Mid eatate, to Advance Because of an advertisement for she owns n quarter Interest left to A. M. snd elffht o’ok-ck f*. H „ ot tne the Democratic aenatorlal contest tissue of Sat.. April 29. 18701 Hyer, and Charle* Beynon, will her by her uncle. Slio hopes to find uniter oath. wUnln aix month* from niapectlve.. . pollinr ptacea In eatd Cm T ear ...... bid* for laying certain sidewalks and - ... . . the daln of iho a/oreeald ortliir. or To'ownahlp. “ . f i t Mt.uih* ...... IM will not tend him to Washington, Local Miscellany ' lake part In ■ state debate tourna­ curbs on the Leflerts tract now being a Miuri't* (if Incomu nt Uie flcnool— i'„ey will be fuiiiver barred of ihelr Maid ilocll'in will Uo hHd In tlto Mid Three Month# ...... JO but they wUl show that the popular­ Spader & Ooran received a cargo ment to ba held at Prlnoeton to­ but—nhp ftntUi tlir Academy on tlie aotiona thm for eialnel the aald awb* Township for the nurpimo of electing IgieciJlorw and adulnlalreiora ot opened, which the members of the morrow. Khctora of a Preaiiirnt nnd Vice Prea< ity of machine rule Is thousands of of lumber from Albany on .yrednei- rcK-ka mul HtrulRhtwny Joins forces | ““onJid; Kreohi M, N. J., Aorii ao, h air ihe right to select (ha Council repudiated, Jacob R. Lef- In the tournament, only’ three Ideal of the Unilod Kiatea; a Mam- newspaper In wblrb they desire ItM r voters less than unanimous. with Humor Marlin. .Ctorta. Dey-, ^ t r of the United Htatew Hoijale from notice* primed. if lb* rtgtot ll sol ferts told Uie members of the Coun- ^ ttelnrirt!" ThU members will be allowed to a team thla « ta ‘e; a M tm brr of the Houae of riertiarti. Hir aurrogste will usaka rll in no uncertain terms whal he I " I and each team will debste alternately non> the In'iulnutsti'r umi pi lnciiMil j Harold h. cioae, lit:pr«aentallvra from tho Third Coo- tb* sele-slun *11(1 tbe nolle* will prob* , 1118 PLACE 18 IN ASSEMBLY cargo up tho creek thla spring. . „ owner, in nn ellort to mivi* the school | 3 Lake Avenue. Middletown, N. V. grnaalonal t>l»trlct; two Mombrni of ably apji**ar lu some newepaper Iks! : thought of them. He said he thought Mr. Peter V. Hyer. the' Matawan on tl,e afllnnaUvo and negative side the Qcneral Aitseinbly bt Now Jeraey you would mu have selected. Frlande every one of them should be ashamed from Uie uuTcrmiiy forct* headed by 1 ailv6,23j K,I€U or*, irom tho County nf Monmouth; two of The 4< urnal havtug bualneaa with! (Sunday Times, New Brunswick) milkman, accordingIng to histils'uqual usual cus- of th0 QU“ “ on- Thru a process of the town Shylock, Clmrlcn Proctor,] ------■■■■ - membirtt of tho Hoard of Cfroeon for objecting to laying of sidewalks elimination, only one team will re­ Freeholder* for Hie County of Mon­ tbe ButTuguir '* office will do well to j Theron MeCampbell has announc­ tom will reduce tlio price of milk on p and Mra. John ber of the Townahlp Committee for Untried i« sti-ond class malt mat* nomination for United Slates Sena­ “These Improvements," he said, “do to Mr. Adams, (Alan Thompson)! wile Mr. Win. Crawford takps the In­ debating team of New Jersey. a term of throo yeara; ono tax h Knipp and others are ae- led thpreto will he held in anrl for tho personal reasons to lay sidewalks on Church. Township of M atawan, ln aald Coun* A DEFINITE PROOF ied out the state as to whether ly To Hold Play Contest Patsy leams that Lakeland needs | ^ a^wc^nic bliroViaW compl^S- thisa property.” ■ - • ...... Mr. Lellerts went . on . i Mr. Qco. T. Lain of our town ls ty, on Tueaday, May 10th, lew , be­ ------| should seek a return to the New Jer- *1 real football coach and a winning ! ant, on cr Uelon the 10th day of June tween the hcura cf aeven A. M. and to say that he had built more »tr«t*jnow b wUh hls force o( aMl#lanU, (By Helen Thompson ’37) eight P. M- (Standard Tlmo). If an)' definite proof were needed ! sey Assembly, am to bring paying students to the j U° 1 “ and more houses than any one In the I maklng up hU Ccntennlaj Brook. Five schools from central and nor- Bald Prtmary Klrctlon to bo held In thst there is prime necessity to se- j While the response appeared both - <« o — hool. This proves fairly easy for Tho eald hir. la fUed to forecloee a the .... place _io the .roaptictive „ r . ------dlatrtct-----„ as curc action on the deepening of J friendly and assuring, it' could not ro ' i lyn Directory. . | them New Jersey wiir compete lnin a f T ri B„rnfl (RirhArd Me- ccrtain purchase money mortgage»lv* ;»noctflcaJly above mentioned and aald Teachers' Statement | Mr. Jacob Wilson ls constructing a one act play contest Which Will b e 1™ 8-'; A,,*, , 1 «n by jS-cph Knipp to Henry Daum, | I rlm a^ Section wiN bo held for th* Keyport Harbor and the dredging of | have impressed Mr. MeCampbell as n nt MntAwnn ' K een) an All-American fullback, J dated_ _ Dtcembtr _ 1. 19",2. on innda In > purpose . ... of . nominating...... (noting peraonepersona orof th? the channel to Matawan Creak, that such. For he Is here running for The following statement over the t “rope walk" at Mount Plfeasant. • held in the auditorium of Matawan happens to be ln love with the dy- i me Towmhlii or Mauwan. in iho | rtjpecllvc PRrtii . io the offlee* allow signatures of tnlrty-elght Matawan j The Monmoutli Democrat this High School at 8 p. m. thla evening. no‘'1T ,_Hu „nHJ | county -— • -• of Monmouth nml Slate o> . mentioned, and aim to l «cl Dne Malfr definite proof was supplied here this 1U. S. Senator Instead of for the As- TownshiD teachers has been received I u/ppIc hmt nn ^riit-Ariai nf rhA Mnn ^ tv»» anrt thp nlAVs thev 1 l®oy. Patsy phones lilm, ana Jersey. You, Joseph Knipp, are . snd one Female Member c-f the Couq> week when the barge, Greenlake, j sembly. | ,,^n _ _f_in ! an editorial of the Mon-.The contestants and tne plays iney h|m ^ come Rt once and made a defendant becsuse you e*e- tv Executive Committee for each_po. loaded with between 50,000 and 60,- | His place ls In the Assembly. He by The Matawan Journal. The state- i m0uth Gold Mine, ln Colorado, Owned ! are giving are: Chatham H. 8., "The 1 . . Q„rll,ai moVot hln, *ho cuted and deliver d the said purchase utleal party participating in said Prl- ment reads: t by a stock company. Mr, James I People;** Cranford H. S., “Florist! 7™ u arrlvai- maKeb nim ine money ,norlgaKC y ou. Teresa Knipp. mary Bi«tion In each election district 000 gallons of oil had to be raised would be a member now and telling •-rh* imHftt-titmMi in thp U l “wcB. wiuipai.jr. naj, «»««« rcu p ic, w m iiw u •• ,8tart||ng 0ffer to oct as coach for his I are made a defendant bc’auae you alto four Delegate*-at-Lar*e and from the bottom at a cost of severalI his colleagues a few things If lie had The undersigned teachers in tne j pagan, to.whom reference ls made in Shop; Lambertvillc H. S., Sauce j .. ^.honi n» no uinrv nt nil i aro the wife of said mortgagor. You. four Alternate Deiegatcs-at-Larse are publlo schools of Matawan Town* \ article, ls a son of Oeoree H. (not f for the Goal ing;" Perth Amboy H. S.,; BV 11 ttU* John Knipp, are made a defendant I (0 be choaen by the Republican party thousands of dollars. ' ' not chosen to run for State Senator ...... ■ 1 James) Pagan, of our town. One- “American P it:" St. Michaels' H. S . ! Burns laughs It off. but finally i bec.u« you have tm . ioj_he m ort-;, „ repnueni ....______party...... at tho National The oil cargo »as consigned to and losing, after having previously shlp wish to express their regret a t: James) Pagan, of our town. One- gaged premiaei. You, Mrs. John convention; and that eight l^'-r^ien* the opposition of the Board of Edu- j half the stock ls owned by clitoris of (Jersey City), “Nerves." |agrees on condition that Patsy Knipp. are made a defendant because .Hi-large end e,v,,.‘- rt-Jioinate Delet the U. S. Tar Products. Inc., con- j lost a fight to become governor. A prise will be given to the school j ntany at the end of the season. ynu are the «vlfe of lhe eald John gates-al>Large are lo be chosen by cem of Mauwan. The firm seeking j ------cation to their Supervising Principal.. Matawan and vicinity, and the other Knipp. ! Ihe Democratlo party to reorcaent aald Mr. John 8. McCurdy. They wish half by Mr. Jam es Pagan by whom .presenting the best play and also 8>>e agrees on condition that he build a cheaper method of tiansportatlng ■ o _ J r I. Datod Apri' 9. 1986. party at the National Convention;.. ‘ to make public tlielr apprecia- ‘the mine is operated ^ to the person who does the best act- a straight winning team for Lake- Prrd M. Punow, i r 'go two Dirtrlct Delegates and two raw material, hit upon the idea of : K »y™ jnd U . U racey It Hollcllor of C‘cmt»1alnnnt, Alternate Delegates to aald Ropubll- tion of the good work which Mr. Me- ______ing.^ The______New_____ Jersey^ ______Forensic U a - i I m d - lf one game ls lost. Uie honey- ______utilising water transportation and |N ew u ra n d Ju ry Forem an Rodgere-Conover 131 Main_Streol. jean National ConvenUon and four this particular shipment was in the j ------Curdy has done ln the schools ln the ) the resJdcnce of the bride'x par- Jgue is sponsoring the contest. The 1 ^oon if off! There is much publicity j adv4ts.8j Matawan, New Jersey, j jj^iriti Do’tgates and four Aiiemates ,• nature of a primary experiment Twenty-three Are Selected Tuesday i three years he has l*.n In Mata- Middletown. April i i 187., » ! member, of the Dramatic Club ^ISSJZ “ SOTM'B ' ' !f.nlV r < % r S * « ' ? t f r J ^ Newspaper stories to the contrary, i Justice Joseph B. Ptrksle Gives wan, and to assure him of their en- , Rev. L. H. VanDorn.Samuel R odgerv.M ataw an Hl«h will a ct as hosts t o news reporter, takes pictures ( " Y i.iu-t io \ upi 'iei In thn Thli *1 Cmgresalona’ tlre confidence ln him as a teacher, 10f New York City, and Miss Wll ! of Ted. Ilitruuah w# .Matuwitii. N. .»• . r >tilit for thu State of Now Jersey the cauw for Uie barge going under i Charge To April Members the visiting players. Nctlre nf tho time and place of hold- d the said t'i.mniy I rrtlon \o be licl<| • was becsuse at low water the hull1 1 - * supervisor and a gentleman. (iiampe. only daughter of Asarlah Patsy begins to make ninny ln« noalr It« gUtriitliiu on one side were unloaded Arst, the w u appointed foreman of the April knowledge and consent.'' Judge Bruen. Freehold’s oldest keeper,jMrs. Oroat (Margaret H o u l-County------of Mo&mouth.------_ J AI*»o" tnke nctlco— thnt the Oletlict citizen, died at tlmt town on Monday (By Kate Dletaman ’37) day) ln hor place and .makes a swan Niiii's la herobv given that a flen-; iioaiil of Iteriutry and Hleotlon for incoming tide rushed thru the hatch- > term grand Jury by Supremo Court II was decided at the last meeting iiral Klrcllen will l)p neld In anil for thn . i ahl Trwnfhlp will m int on Tueaday, TtVENTY-riVE YEARS AOO Inst, aged 80 years. He was active ln of the ugly Ruckling, 8ue (Mildred llorough of Malawan. In tho Cnunly Apill 38. 10311, for Ihi' puriiuse ot or* es on Uie list side and prevented the Justice Joseph B. Perskle Tuesday of the Olrls Athletic Association to securing the establishment of the Harris) the niece of tho housekeeper. of Momnoulli aiul State rf NfW Je 1*' i iranlalna na rtqulrril by law, craft from righting Itself. as the Incoming panel waa Installed. ( Issue of Thurs., April 37. 10II > buy a ping pong table with funds ley. on . Tuenlav. - Novombar Uni, load, J Anil fu rlh ir lake 11(11 -IT that OH If there had been deep enuf water The Justice. In hi* chargo, caution­ Miss M. L.Terhune entertained the ' J^ne™ 1 «»<> Merchants' pank of | ^ £ 7 nu^ £ r , “f the a A A During all this cxcltcmrnt nolthcr bitw nn ihe *»»»iiih ...... Mf rnvn'i (.'clnok■. . • i lu. , day, May 5th, HO, Ihu lloahls Of Patsy nor Martin reallrc that they A. M. end eln’tl o'clrtk I*. M„ at thn i Hrglilry. .. „ aiul 1‘, ccllon...... ahall mpft.. In for the craft to draw upon at low ed "don't pick out the little felfows Domino Club last Priday evening. jlh,!l »ntl was al ouo time one , h ^ saving for some time i J J — ...... respective polling plates tn «ald I tlielr inspuillvn tllnli'lcU and pmoetd1 water It would not have been neces- and let the blj fellows go unmolest­ Jesse 8. Slckels, of Brooklyn, vis- «' Bo»rd of Directors. He was|™ g M arl? DeU* 1 V * I. “ g lovc wlth w ch ilorough. ,, *l» mnkt a hoiisr-lii-htMine canvass of , ited his brother, Theodore H. Slckels,! “ of the Common Pleaa for j other. This realUatlon conics sud- flatd • ’n« t inn will he ht’M tn the ^uld j the volt rs In thoir ren|ioctlvo Ulfltrlots, ' Niry to employ expensive salvaging ed as some other grand Juries J i tills H( rough for the purpose ef e ertini , iiglMn lng all i« ntenn entitled to vote equipment and the services of a county have done." He aM flllhat nn flundsv several years. “ , . , , i denly and crusliingly when the Lake- , K hitois of a l*ir K eetloiiN. which t.iltl (snvaaa shall ho, . diver In o rd rr to raise tile barge. Mr. and'M rs. W. O. Bedle w ere' House llurns |nnd^Ifl thol? prtcw|l*nd t**1" wl" ' ‘tH n,,nl *"me ul,d >|i v of Ihe t ’n’tud Htates Henn'o from [ ioni|>lr(t <1 in or be lore Krltlay, M ay" Officials of the Matawan concern the prosecutor reqt)||^^peclal at over-Sunday gueats of Mr. and Mre.! Between oight and nlno o'clock on .{J*1**"1 S,. '! ! rPC*"5 hcl' wlUi Ted. 'Ihla rttate; n M»unh»r of Ihe House nf it4lli, 1030. r > to whom tlie shipment waa consign- tentlon. Pied Snedeker In East Orango. Thursday evening the houso oeoii- Ir® P7 * . PJ^®. . , T** . !? Ted has fallen In lovc with Bue and it(i.terpiuntiv, 1 from thr Third ('on* And ilnit mi Tuesdny. Oi4dber 18th.. pled by David Schanck (colored), |“ f" *'*'" ’! ! he also recalls lhe bargain. i«tiu*|i)ii«*t Dli'rlot; two Motnbrr* nr f tOBCt. the 11* tittln of Heiflstry anil Blo«* cd wen- inisillliu to itate definitely • The Incoming jffiiel will serve un- Miss Mabel White, nf New York future they will be able to hold ping { nle lienrrwl Af^em^'y ef New Jersey . tlon will nuit at Ihe plane nt which yrslrnlay as tn whether tlielr plans ] HI Sept. 31. Oracey, the new fore- wa* tho week-end guest of Mlw »e'»' tl' f' "camp nieoting woods," wnf pong tournaments. i Malone, iKrhest Peterson) from the County m Monmouth; two j they will hold tho Geni tal Hleution, burned to the ground. We under, liitmbrm « f thr ll-aid of Ch<*«"n | ehovt mentloni'd, lietwcun the hour or t« tiullte water shipments ln the i man. li a resident of Ooean Clro^ Helen Terhune al tho Spring Vnlloy The new O, A. A. pin was on salej1*1* t™llu'r 1,1 ,t'10 acnd(my, Is tlm stand the property wss Insured, |rrag* one) 'or thirty.live other acnlore will take 1 Alti) iaki< noilin that a Primary tamo, vli! , ...... In the rapidly growing county. ‘ Kleullon foe r I polUlf O pait'os ettllt- The First l)inlik-t utrlses Oak <1« n( doubt Dial manufacturing eon- ' i>leknue. l>rovlded . I who are neimbllean esralljUtes for of this character Is unprecedented In chiefly “ " taken...... up by...... the...... management ‘ , A series of soft ball games will be1 t f r T ‘p . j i < lint P. M. tfltandard Time). ' HfHllnl Klri'llotl lll«lrl«*t < ' The liiddrnl should be «h Inceh- | ihe freeholder nomination*! Btanley New Jersey. of the large and complleated wtate played by tho girls of Matawan High ■ '-°upie» r Oted Rnhl PHinarv K notion lo bo held ln Ih e Hetoitd lilstrM cimprlsoa (ha > 'th r Plato in lhe leapectlve district as noitheriv side of Mu'iiwan Crtwh to tue for local lutereaU to go befof* p jaeob*. Red Bank, a broker; Ar- Wednesday marked tlu* niucty- of his brother John, and by the IIU-! School, on the high school diamond. By The John Hoke* S a t. i 'Mieolntslly above mentioned and said the bouudfti'y Hue if Mlddl(«ex C0vih> the hearing scheduled by Uie Board Uiur lloltson, Umg Branch, a realty seconri nnniversary of...... the founding.. gallon incident thereto. The preaent! during lunch period*. Beveral girls i ------l ilmaiy...... RUt.lInn wl‘ be held for the |y, tlience In (lit nlmrr of ItHritan' ttaj, , of KtialriWr* tor divers and lia r- theme iilmg Mtid nhoro (if hay io agent, and Harvey W. Dobbin*, Red ol the Independent Order nt Oddi*1'11" Sunder th* Impression thst {have entered lltelr teaihs, and are] Saturday nlte Mr. and Mrs. C.1 ahn*S Mstawan (?took. - bora nt the Kryporl Boru Hall today. Bank, retired. Fellows In the United States. Knlok-1Rl one “ 'tie ho was a member of the ready for play. The teams whloh .'Leon Oarrison and Mr. and Mrs. lewniinna* ami aim ii>, wi nu« Malk IN'lllttg tilaei. l-’lro House, Cliffwood. The following are Uie now grand erboeker Udge will attend the Pros-1 fovernor's council, but U unable lo i have entered are: , Oeorge Campbell were honored by ! fv"‘\0SS!!uu”vlIf'^ “iniuw l.!-'«eh7.o.'! HAYMIINI) b\ WAllNOCK, , . i a .. Townahlp Work, Mi ( AMPIUXLlt P U i n t l R K W Jurors: by ter Ian Church on Sunday even Ink ^ on * verlfleation of this, j The Ollffwood Leaguo-~Mary Jane j friends a t h party a t the home o f 1 lUuni |*ariyarly paiticlpating...... in... eatd...... rri Dated April 114, 1WH. Obadlah Bowne died |n the early ! Kearns (captain), Helen Plttlua, Lll-1 Mr, and Mrs. John B. Hoke, Broad-! “,‘l(Ollo*, _ ln. fsoh . eUotUm . . Uiitriot Ashtou Sickles, Naveslnk: Edward In a body to hear Pastor Stearns dlit .nil I iTrenton Sunday Tlmos-Adv.l Bennett, Jr„ Belford; Joaeph H. course ui>on "Praternity." part of IMfl-lh^ March or April, ills Han PIUlUS. T. noaera. Oertrude | way. The occasion of the celebration | A ti.m .1.'l>*yi“t'«.^ Wallace McCu®, D.D.Si will Is recorded In Liber H, p. 1 of | Stein, Oamella Oumbs, Mary Oarac-1 was tht* twenty-fourth wedding an-1 U} t,p i».v, nepulilloan party W llh •» iliatacierlsllc display of Holmes^ Holmdel; Myron V. Brown, MIm Martle H. Lambernon dnuuh Central niilg., u.i Main Street liajtunrr-.nd-ionat energy, tormrr Red Bank; Otto Otcse. Belmar; Rab­ ter of James D, l-ambersoiu of St'u East Jersey Deeds. He,left seven jcllo, Oertrude Jensen. Clara Seldlor,I nlversnry of the Unrrlsous and Uio 1 toim’niuiv and Vhit’iTgbt’tu «»“"!■ Matawan, N, J. Phlldtrn- John. Ann, tiydla. Mary. And Catherine Dllks. ! nineteenth wtMUIIny nnniversary nf * ■»*«** and eliht Aitfrnate l>eie- j Askrtnblyman Theron MeCampbell bi Ra.ph Hershqn, Asbury Park; Jo­ BrlfhL and Mr. Leonard Rosr, of . . a l»*»nr«j Obadlah. Thomas and Cornelius, of | Th* Morganvllle Bus Teain-Nina \ the CnmpbelU. | o, iaTty to m m in im iS ^ Mondnys, Wetinmdays, VYIdays, blossom* forth a* atate director of seph Slain. Asbury Park: U D. flee I- Brooklyn, were married at the home 0 a.in. to % p.m. the New Jersey Tax lim itation oi tne onae s granamomer, mh». \ *(10^ ^ three were under age. t Janwlcli. Jo Blandeh, Mary Hal-| Cards and a mldnlte buffet sun. 1 i>*nv at the NatUnai convention: i Tueadaya. Thurmlaya, Hsturdays, ey, Eatontown; Charles LeMalitre, B a. in. to f) p. m. Ixagur. Inr. Aghast at Ute ruthless Red Bank; Clifford 11. Roberson, Jam es Lanibernon at fl o'clock |„ » t' ?*'", w®“ In l»rt. « l , leran. Florence Hanaway, Lucy Beal, j per were enjoyed by Mr, and Mrs, Aitmillu. V)l';r««iiis>'lg**ii” ttm.uhT tHber thni**i h.v appointment . manner ln which real estate Is be* Freehold; Bolomon Newmark. Bea- Saturday evening llov. E^lwln j,, least, by Ute lliterchanue of various (Omeo Phillips, Alta Orlne. Aynpnl Walter O. Walling, Mr and Mrs Pred 1 Naiional invention and four I Tel. Matawan X\W Ing bled white, Uie Sage of Uie brlglit; Joseph Dillon, Belmar; Bd Steams- officiating------deeds among the children In 1147. Hickey, Irma Clayton and Agnes I DronkhurM. Mr. and Mrs. IMwnrd | In’ll.T irnl^T lo^N .J^'oonvnV :, all re anbury inlcltd* to pnsa for a gar W, Denise. Red Bank: Charles j to011 bul » inlnutr or two In rseh from which It may be Interred Uiat WenMl. i Farry, Jr., Mr, mul Mrs, John S ■ Hon art to b< uho»tn hy the respix>tivo Uie youngest child bccume ol age Th» Matawan Taam-WUtirred law placing definite curb* upon Uie AppUfale, Englishtown; Everett An-' House last rrlday night for the 1 wMnlthi'wa uitH WH, jr.,Jr Mr,Mr Hiulunri Mrs,M r. J, > iLeon 1 parliea in for tho the Thlmate Ml of Cnngreeaionall New Jersey i W. H. PENGEL, D. D. S. levies on homes and farm* ; Ion Ides, Belmar; Bmest llall, Red 1 L*«l»lalure lo vole the »#,7W»I.7U about that lime. One of theee ilewls: MagraUi (oaptaln), Edna Haveock. Schanck. guests uf honor and the st the aald I'limary It eotlnn to be held , IM Main Street Matawan. N, J, II ii i campaign that merits In­ Is copied and subjoined hereto. Tho1 Ruth Dominick, Eleanor WyckolT, hosts, all of Keyport; Mr, and Mrs. May 19. 1936. | Bank; Harold Mace. Long Branch;! "hlcli will run tho Stale government Nsld date win nlso he Ihe ttevmtd * terested allenlloti. A number of principal proiierly referred lo ls the i KaUiryn Harris, Claire OrilTlth. Herbert Edwards, Red Bank: Oeorge i »»“ '* October SI. llll. Then there Is H. A. Klgnrd, Mntawan; Mr. and regUtraltnn dale In aald municipality, j OIBce lloura I A. M. to !|9S P. M. atatrs already have Uu limitation proi>erl)' on ftarltan Bay, which be- j Peggy Thompson, B arbara Donnell. Mrs, E. V. Dtmncll, u tu e silver; and Nolle' s( Nry|itnt||«ii White, UUle Silver; Miss Juanita I«» appropriation bill of Alan take notice that tne District Isa’s oil Uielr itatuu books, and ll TKkner, Ueh Arbour: CorneliusBly. gl.4it.817.IO which furnishes the Iraml! u ,c 1,0,n° of Obadlah Bowne. and Bsthar Patten, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arch Reid, Long llonid...... nf Heg!etrj andHill Blet’tlnn uivvtmii forg!etry mi | No Offlee Hours Thursday* will be well lor New Jeraey to 111' Shrewsbury, and Mlu Bernice W. money lo run Uie state during U,t* l ' a,'t*' • n[,nr Bn'1 *t the mouUi of Branch. aald llorough will 'ticel...... on Tntaday, _ . . ,J nscal yeai beginning Dec. 31, igu. I Malawan Cwek. Tlie oilier pro^rty Aptll J8, 19iae ol or* quirt- Into the benefits and advsui Brown, Mstawan. Kantsini as ri(|uire t;a Bleellon. < | considerations etc.. Have given, etc., 1 bouquet of roses was also presented Tnt fcllowing Is a description of i aatton. As s member of the House H. a good plan with peaches Is to dsaue of Sat., April » . ltM> Matawan Blgh School held Its an­ i Uie brkte-to-be. j the...e jcieoti Rleotion Otalriets In the llorough ®* Assanbly he prov«| to to a v « .; ^ tvtnty.tour to thirty inch- and by Uiese presents do glvo. grant. nual inter-olass track meet Thurs- of Matawan and the polling places lu A Fanny Place Fer A'* Needle | etc..rir., uunto n w him.nun, UWthe saidsaw John«lonn Bowne, A nrtl U In order tn alv^ Trark I Those •*,vw who " ,,u attended from»rum ncrehere the same, vis: j EARLE j. HARRINGTON liable hslr slitrt. irrtutlng Ihe back „ and M«ln with the soaftold First Klerllwn IMslrlet i of msny • coni|ilacent political — . . Wltlle Mary CaiMbone, of Olayton. jetc., Uw oiie molely or full aiid M iiailJS-w^-ri\ o I m/ kk I Were Councilman and Mrs. Croea, I ne First District is that portion of | . , I branehea not oJoecr than twelve to oomblitv her hair a few dayshm|j pari of all Uiat tract of land t » Mrs. John Roberts, Uie Misses Mar- tht- Uoi«Ugh which llrs nn tho wcater.y II I. nmhstale «f r » . » th at sh . 1 ,U ,W ,' ta#h“ f™ " • tou,'d ' .since, ' «•»«» «h»she dte»vereddiscovered a nMKllsneedle pro- nro- I CaUed J T . L .kno,„ * 1 .. by k„ th, namc 0f| ! p x * u>«Mthere «»• mambers are of hisowW team. bovs ; ^ M, lonev French.p Z T MaryS'L •'Or of Ma‘n f'tm i as far south as Attorney-at-Law Aberdeen Cteek (commonly known as | IS Hatphln Ave. Malawan, N ., pment rruaade of MonmouUi'a trudlng from her «alp. Twenty-' Matuw.i, lytn, .nd tats. In t h . j T . T r t h « ttJ the dully Hridge), I enht yearsago she»t on on* Of jc^m y of 'Miimouth, "ioresa'id,! S S ! ^ b b “ ex“jecu to ’c w 'i ! o f . *'>0 la tho Toiling Plat., uiit.t Houao facing, Telephone 30 u stormy tw uel will fsll to gain U s; Election Board Named Jackacn Btreet. in llorough Hall. j objecUve Tlw IIM Itgtslalure err- j ------| these uieful domertlc Implements. | whieh *», conveyed and connrmed ^ o f WrtTboys w moJe pro,p" 11" bf‘^room . Neeoad Klti'lloa Itlatrlet talnly sh-n im> evidence of suseep- ! The Mnn mouth Oounty Board of ■ »h!ch enlI unto them, ihe said Obadlah Bowne Th, mnnlng events are as follows;! Thn Mefond p .s tt.it is that portion 1 ol tiio Horouih which Ilea cn tne ea*> | tlblllty to isuonal nscal procedure.' Sleetlons------ha*------appointed■ --- Keyport------elee | all eBorts to remove It. The needle and Thomas llowne, by deed of bar- iN rt. dash no yd dash I80vd LEGAL NOTICES tf^ly aide of Main Htieet as far soutu ; EDWARD W. CURRIE But Uwe i> nood reason to hope that1 Uon board membtr* for thl* year, found ln her scalp I* supposed to be I,,,,, . „lldtr Uie hand and rwi, daah and mile The na thuich Htit'ol. . I ------. . . ------... MITII'K ll,' IMKVrillN Thtt il fcUHltxt IMstrlel 1 Attorney and U r Nr* Jerwy Tas LimttaUon Th* followlnt have reoalved eerti I Ute same. II Is as bright as when | w , | of |,im. tht. «ud John Bowne, held events are discus, javelin, shot- I1, lh*1. , McCamiAell u 1 Dcana, William Kaliela. Michael V., Melnser-Hlene ish oak marked on four sides, and A'limn anil lllihway «S, OIIRwaoil, the Oully prldgei thenoe (1) gtnerallv mtet aaMimtb the nun to admin- iKelle), Democrats. | Al high noon on Sunday, May 3. wllh the letters j . B , standing on tho "Patty String! Along” Ik N, J. wetlM.y along the several nourafu of ! Uhjm-ilnn,, if any, phou'il he mailo said rteek to t*ake l*cffeita; them e j trter it ■ second D islrW -R oland C, Dry. in the M. E. Church a t Cliffwood. Mr. East aide of lat-Law 'Asbury Park Press) Third Otsutet-William H. Byrne, married, Tlie chureh no doubt will degrees westerly about slxly-elglii, «u has been turned In for the senior li thenoe IB) generally westerly along j H I Main Ht. M atawan, N, J„ be tuore then niled en tins occasion, the center Hn. n slafo highway routs. Fmniei Asx'iiiMyman MeOampbell Mra. Adele Bowne. Republicans: chains to a Birrli Tree marked on clam produolloii -Pauy strings Mnamealli < miol» Ntirrogille's OINee Clifford B. Applegate. Augustus Ben­ as Mr. Melnser ts a popular young ^ nJ hP.,mA‘^V o* the I'stele of Mam* number 4 to the InlvreeelTqn of state Telephone igTO conunur, a> a consistent and ef- four sides, standing by a fresh brook: Along" lo be given in thr Mslswsn !» tlordon Heetaeed, mgiiway route number i with lhe wr«. Utene* down Ute aam4|4bofttt 40 let.y hotm dary line of the Itern nf ferllve Im' i.f boss goveninent In son. Democrats man and has many friends whom he Hlsh Sohool auditorium Friday and Noilt>e to creditors lu prveent claims Fourth DMMcl Bdwtn M Been. has Invited to be present. chains to M attawan Orei4t and foN agalnat oelate. Natawem thehte (4) generally south- New Jenwv Ills eandldsry agslnit Saturday evenings. May t and a. ruraiiam to the order af Joseph u eity ainng Ote several v tu rtea of the E, B. SANDFORD, Ph. C, lowins M attawan to the nay Otaie Senator Sinathen for the nm l. KanlMth suykar. Het*ublk«its; Jolui Matawan And Vicinity Crwk Bsaida* Ute Uiree-act comedy Ute Oonaltsy. Hurrugate of the Oounty of wetlrKy uoundaiy line of Ihe liorn of Pteserlptlon Nirrlce—lleltvsry . Oaleb Ooagtove lost ,i valuable and aloim the edge of the Oa)’ t i l l _____senior*_____ are__ presenung,_____ p.^ , Uirn .will...... b* M eninfuth maife on the tweHly*e«v< Mauwan to Its moa; aout.ierlr point ID* I ton to Uir UlUtrd SialM wttat* eath nay of ManHi, IMS, ua Ike anplj* ai V.tneatii t!ienoe w grnerafly nnr- Aeeuracy—Quality—Keonomy tn tN Ixnw-rsUc prknarl** again Uemowats. ' 11tores from some uukniiwn cause last tt roinM lo the mouthi 9! W ltaje! aooolal number* betwnee it aots. oatlon of K'lhel VattHtieklrk and H ei. Iheily a nng the ssvaral CQUiara nf the The looal boarela meet Tueaday week, Creek, ami tip Whale Of««k.Ao the I T he ipeotal numbers include a male en llurltw . idueeutHeei) of the eilale eaHet y boundary line of Ike Itoro of give* indeim idrm v o u rt * chance of Mamuei ii (inrdon, tleeeaMid. not toe I Malawan lo lhe Internet)* on of saltl to espresa their rwOTitmenl against nlte for organtsatlon. , Aaparagui was cut in some of Uie mmiUi of Lon* Neck Orftk. *nd u p lo u a rttt with Oonover Utirlew, Krneat la hereby given lo Ihe creditors of said l taattrSy boundary Itns wllh lhe i t n SANDFORD'S PHARMACV ... *...... — — —i : gardetta about lawn Utia week, not- \ m t Neck Orrek to the Bpanish O ak«VanOleaf, Htnry Brelner, and Alfred dttsaeeil to eshlhlt lo Ujo sttbierilnwe, I l^r i f (!hnrek Millet al the essterly mat'huie rule and eat* tar a candl* i eiiMmtrhea aa afereaatil, tkalr dafeita eide of lhe Itoro of Malawani ihenun M*ln Rtaiawan, Tel, |&|>IH « dale who not only ha* a mind of I If u is Ine that fseUllMr sIkhiUI | ably m H. A. Boyd's aiul o. A. where it begin. The irJud^ tract _ I » «otMi ontitled “Flay, and demahdx ssatnst the aald eslate, 18) leneia'ly wevteHy along ihe cvii' | his own bul doesn't fgtr lo we ll be placed tiw nd Um tn** before Founuln*a. tm * alilpmenu from containlni, by eaumaUon. fiveJiun* M d fe May.H by Fhiuu zom. Vir- under oath, wtlnln sis months from irr line of alortaald Chureh n rret to , dred and UtlrMon arrea the date of the afore*al0 enleis or lla InierrM'tlen with Ike eenier line * Mr M(Campbell hardly ureeta lo growth atarts. to bi agwally divided Brad* volt Uw Arvt of thia week for lihia LMBbortaon will alni -The in* Uey wU ha rorever bareed ef theli1 a c of Main street ar t'te Horn of Mala- < between the develoiamgat ol trull ia a doant btwottaa tOonUiUMd neat we«k> dim V m o iir from Hoae Marie and Mona therefor against the aald sub­ wan thtinee if) aen'i'sMy smithnriy rgoetve the nammeUon Besting scriber*. along the qeaUr line of afofMaid Main > ROSS W. NACBiN the marhiiie at iu own primary eon­ for ItM and Uie proper development MynMt, Um oldest boy of Clifford Rita iehulta will do an imptraona* Itateil, KrechiyJd, H. Marvk 97. p*nttil Uie tapasMble But lor bud* far IHT, m m s m r m IM* W. IliOaarl wm Wlm a )aol Itnlfe Wtiett eookliMT ontohi, ulao« a i*ll Uon OMIid. "Yea. oarlbaldi 11m IMNI. nlng, i, Frank Welgand. Ns^.. Keyport, l^jilatlittg plaoe. plare. Midway Hose l/ouse U Mlddleeex itreel before Uie former . sssmlXy- ytar. due ta wealMr eondtUana af* last Friday nfctoi and in a m i way of cokt w ater a t Ute kluihtu door, Some Btnanaa.' a * N, J., I'rmdor. — *.on Mrael. MATAWAN NKW JKKIIV m w allowed Uiat ha liad IlKNMWU tmUtgr boe u making Uwlr fwtUlagr ll Mipped and out a deep vaali in hla which will iHtvtiu the imtU from The play "Fatay Otrlnga Along ' 1% Ht hei Vsnlluskirk, l.loyd Hoad. Mat °* L “ x’",1 A M a ; HOlKltOHN, lh.rough Clark Tolephon* UM-J of friends tluuwit tlie stale and *t MI sprite* lion W|. He was taken to the doctor's ascending a lively thr««*act comedy in which | JcT j? ‘ i r ‘ nl'w i. nu ' Dated April 94, 1U4, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE FIVE—PlRST SECTION ~7tsr* Charles I* Kugter “I have made no provision in this ployed In tht shall ftahlng Charles L, Kugler, 08, of Morgan- WEDDINGS will for mj/ ion, Wllllam V. Stateslr. ENGAGEMENTS GENEALOGICAL— LOCAL here, and wtt laid befor* Ool.) vllle, died at his home yesterday or for my grandson, Vernon Stateslr, Ardery and hit staff from tbe : O B I T U A HY momltig, April 33, 1930. Death w u Maghan-ilolmes for tht reason that neither my son Blodgett* Freeman HISTORICAL NOTES District Engineers Office of 39 dtfa to a heart ailment with whloh T h t woddlng of Miss Ann Laura nor grandson has shown mo Uie re- It w u announced today that Truly Whitehall Street lu t January whetf Mr. Kuglor was confined to hla home Holme*, daughter of Mr. and Mrt. •pect which I feel la due them to more than iso persons favortd tlW M. R iu m II W arne Mn, John K. KlUfcrald Blodgett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ Heirt Data Wanted for several months. He was bom JOMPh Holmes, Holmdel. to R a u me," Mr. S U teilr'i will stated. erick Blodgett, of Morgan, Is en­ Improvement before thla body. Martin Rueaell Warne, BO, of 239 Mrs. Katherine a. Pllngorald, wi­ In Morganvllle Out. 11, 1071, son of Maghan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Mr. Stateslr was considered a Llnooln Avonuo, Highland Park, gaged to Miss Beatrice Freeman, of dow of John II. FlUgcrald, died at Fredorlck and Ann (Cottrell) Kugler. Maghan, Matawan. was solemnised wealthy man but the probate papers To The Editor; New Brunswick, died at hla home Charlotte, N. C., whom he met at Will you be kind enuf to give Uie her homo at 301 First and Cedar For many years Mr. Kugler was at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Ap­ morely listed hls wealth as “in ex­ Miami, Fla., while on a vacation wtth WEDDINGPLANS Tuesday evening, April 21,1939, alter Streets, Keyport, from complica­ station agent at Morganvllle when ril 18, 1936, In tho bride's home. Tlio cess of 11000" for both roal and per­ following spaco In your paper? I it month's terlous lllneii. Ho flrat his parents during the past win­ tions after uu Illness of two weeks, It waa used extensively as a ship­ Rev. Carl Kooker, pastor of the Flrat sonal property. would like to ask If any one by the Warneker-Cmui tuOored from a atreptococcua germ, ter. Tlie, couple not only confirmed name of Martin h u any knowledge Mrs. Fitzgerald was born In Brook­ ping point by farmers of Uie sur­ Baptist Ohurch, Malawan, officiat­ The will .^hooted silverware to a the ro|>ort of their engagement but The bans of the marriage of Mill later developing pneumonia whloh lyn tlio daughter of tlio lato P at­ rounding territory as well a* by ed, The wedding inarch wns played granddaughter, Mra. Dorothy State­ of a search being made thru a news­ Alice Conn, Red Bank, to W lllita ftffectod U» heart and cauaod hla are planning to be nrlarrled over the paper item or advertisement for the rick Ireland and Catherine iFoley) Crlno's tomato factory. He was a by Wilton Pollacck, of Holmdel. slr, and ah auto to William A. Sta- week-end end to mako tlielr homo Warneker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ death. lrolund, but lived in Keyport tho mombcr of the Marlboro Township Mra. M aghan's bridal gown was tcslr. , ' two daughters of Mrs. Maria Martin, nard Wameker, have been publish' Mr. Warno Wan born In Matawan in Keyport. of Red Bank, or vicinity. If so greater part of her life. With her j Committee for eighteen years -and fashioned from white lace with a Miss Freeman arrived Wednesday' ed In St. Anthony's Roman Catholli ‘ May 4, 1980, non of tho lato Hoiscklali please address. Miss M. Martin, 39 late husband, she conducted a gro-1 served as chairman prior to Minor tullo voll descending from a lace ' ' Charle* E. Close morning by plane at the Newark air­ Church, Everett, The couple are tt and Mary (Wood) Warno who died Arthur Place, Red Bank, N. J. eery and dry goods business In Key D. Brown, prosent chairman. Tho cop. Sho carrlcd a shower bouquot Charles E, Close, of M atawan, chief port after an eight hour trip from be married Bunday, April 36, at St Jan. 4, 1933 and April 30, 1933. re­ port until thn tlmo of her retirement two Republican members of the of lilies of the valley. Miss Helen clerk In the sherlCs offlco, who died Anthony’s Church. The Rev. Nich spectively. Hla mother was OS when Miami, Fla., and was mot at the several years ago. commlttce were Mr. Kugler and Mr, Holmes, sister of Iho bride, who a t­ lAprll 8„ bequeathed his residence airport by her fiance and his friends. oas Soriano, paitor, win perform thi she died. Mr. Warno waa twice Waackaack Creek Appeal The deceased was an active mem­ Brown. tended her, was attired in coral property'and, contents at 41 Main The party motored back to the ceremony. married. HU flrst wife was Jessie O. To Be Heard On Monday ber of the St. Joseph's Roman Cath­ Mr. Kugler, who never married, Is chillon and carried talisman roses. Street, ^Matawan, a plot of land ad­ Blodgett home In Morgan. Attending the bridal pair will bl VanWlnkle, of New Brunswick. They olic Church during her span of life survived by throe sisters, Mrs. IdartJ. Donald Miller was best man. joining, known as the Brown and Since the death of Charles Bar­ Miss Sally Warneker, sister of thi were miialed Jan. 34, 1900. A In Keyport, teaching In the Sunday B. Wines, Asbury Park; Mrs. Carrie The ceremony was followed by a Dayton lot, and <2000 to hls daugh­ row, Mr. Blodgett has been manag­ Boro Attorney Howard W. Rob­ prospecUve bridegroom and M atthen daugriter. Mary C. Warne, survives school and singing In tho church M. Cooper, Newark, and Mrs, Lydia reception at tho bride's home. ter, Mrs. Lillian A. Warwick. An­ ing Blodgett's Restaurant at Cheese- erts, of New Monmouth, advised L. Mullln, Jr.. of Everett. thla union. After his wife's death, choir. Rupprecht, Morganvllle. The bride's traveling ' ensemble other daughter, Mrs. Marguerite B„ quake. Keansburg municipal officials that he married Miss Ruth Odell, about Surviving arc three daughters, An- Services will be held nt the resl- was blue with coivespondlng acces­ wife of Harold O. Smith, of Freehold, the hearing on the appeal of the Have you read the sport page? sixteen years ago. nctta D„ (Mrs. Fred Kaufer); Kath- dence Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock sories and a corsage of sweet peas. is bequeathed 15000; a son, Charles Ruppel-Pltt decision of the Army Engineers In Mr. Warne waa vice-president of ryn E„ (Mrs. D. P. Roberts) and dayllteJ saving time. The Rev. "Mr. Following a honeymoon trip they Leroy.'Close, $2000, and another son, the application for the widening and the South River National Bank and Anderson, pastor of the Morgan­ nil reside at 201 Main Street. Mat­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pitt of Mor­ deepening of the Waackaack Creek Margaret F„ (Mrs. W. J. Hohen- Harold S. Close, $3000. Two grand­ gan Heights announced the engage­ Crine & Halleran owner of H. Warno and Sons, pro­ steln); three sons, J. Harry, Ray­ vllle Methodist Episcopal Church, awan. at Keansburg will be held on Mon- sons, William A. Close Smith and ment of their daughter, Miss Lydia duce commission merchants firm In mond A., and Joseph M. Fitzgerald; will officiate. Interm ent will take dny, April 27, 1936, at 2 p. m.. In the Oharle^M . Close, each receive $1000, j Pitt, to Oeorge A. Ruppel, son of New York. His father started tho one sister. Miss Margaret Ireland;, place in Oreen Grove Cemetery, Key­ Ryder-Young i U. S. Army and Navy Building at and four granddaughters. Marguer­ Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ruppel, of company and at one time a brother, seven grandchildren, Mrs. Kelsey port, under the direction of,W. H. Miss Elizabeth Young, daughter ite B. Smith, Dorothy A. Close, I Washington, D. C. Maplewood, at a family dinner par­ The appeal was made at the re­ TAXI Hosekiah, Jr., was also ussoclated Freeman Sc Son, mortician. of Charles I. Young, of Qlendale Carhart, Marie and Fred Kaufer, Marlon L. Smith and Marjorlo O. ty Saturday nlte, April 18, 1938, at with lt. Mr, Warne was a member Wllllam ifiid Eugene Hohenstcln, El­ Farm. Crawfords Corner, and Wil­ quest of tlie mayor and council sev­ Ma&aw&n R. R. Station Warwick are each bequeathed $000, Conklin's Restaurant, State High­ of Palestine Lodge, No. Ill, Free and Dr. H. T. Smith liam Hugh Ryder, son of Mrs. Thorn­ eral months ago when word was sie and Maurice Fitzgerald, all of while a Ilk; sum ls left to the testa­ way. PROMPT SERVICE Accepted Masons. Dr. H. T. Smith, brother ot former ton Ix Ryder, of Red Bank, were received from the District Engineers Keyport. tors' son-in-law, Merritt J. War­ Ouests worn Irvington, Maple­ Services will be held at the resi­ Mayor Thomas L. Smith, ot West married Sunday, April 19, 1936, in at New York that the proposed im­ Phone Funeral services wero hold at 10 wick, “for the many attentions shown wood and East Orange were present dence tills afternoon at 3 o'clock Front Street, Koyport, died at his Preakness by the Rev. James Dyk- provement to the creek was not o’clock Tuesday morning at St. Jo­ me In sickness as well as in health.” and took part ip an egg huty which With the Rev. W alter H. Stowe, rector home in Independence, Va., Sunday, ema, pastor of the Reformed Church. warranted. seph's Roman Catholic Church, Key­ Articles of Jewelry and bric- a-brac was employed to announce the en­ April 19, 1936. Death was due to a The Rev. Mr. Dykema was formerly The project which was to be a of Christ Episcopal Church, offi­ port, with the Rev. John Thompson, arc left to the children and grand­ gagement. Among the eggs found ciating. Interm ent will be in Elm­ heart aliment. pastor of the Red Bank Reformed WPA Improvement was for the pur­ curate, officiating. Bearers were children olid the residuary estate ls by the guests w u a largo ono con­ NAT-2345 wood Cemetery. New Brut) vlck, Dr. Smith has visited his brother Ohurch. pose of harboring small 'Tnft em­ Abram Morris, Wllllam P. Morris, to be divided equally among his four taining the announcement. The in Keyport several times and made Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Ryder, bro­ under the direction of Wtllu n H. Thomas Haley, John Brennan, children. Tho will was probated remainder of tlie evening was spent many friends. He was a member ther and sister of Mr. and Mrs. W. Quackenboss and Son, mortician. Thomas Dorn, and S. Frank Mason, Tuesday nt the surrogate's office, In dancing and playing games. Besides his wife and daughter. Mr. Sr. Interment was In tho church of the Virginia House of Delegates H. Ryder, respectively, were their Freehold. Warne Is survived by three sisters, cemetery. for the past ten years. Ho was ap­ only attendants. Weniel-Croea Mrs. Peter TenEyck, of Westflcld; pointed twice by the governor of Following the ceremony, tlie bride John L. Hohenrk Miss Florence Lillian Crocs, daugh­ Mrs. Emily Voorhees, of Matawan; Wllllam Whalen Virginia lo represent that state at and groom left on a wedding trip to The will of John L. Bchcnck, of ter of Councilman and Mrs. Fred­ Mrs. Anders Strusholm, of Bouth tho National Medical Conference. Washington. D. C. Upon tlielr re­ Holmdel Township, was probated at WlllWm Whalen. 78. died Monday, erick V. Oroes. of Keyport, and Jo ­ Amboy; and by '.no brother, Hcuc- Ha was also ono of the Burgeons for turn they will reside nt Conover the surrogate's office, Freehold, on April 30, 1930, nt the homo of his seph E. Wcnscl, of Freehold, son of klah Warne, of Westfield, the Norfolk St Western Railroad. He Lano, Middletown Township. Thursday of Inst week. I t leaves a daughter. Mrs. Mnrgniot Pnrker, Red Joseph M. Wenzel, of Morgiinvlllc, wns graduated from the University Mr. Ryder Is principal of tlio West bcqueHt of $00 to a daughter, LU- Bank, front complications. Mr. announced their engagement Wed­ Mlu Lillian Bhkoda of North Carolina and the Modlcal Long Branch School. lliin, nnd the balnncc of his estate Whnlen wns born in llie Lockport nesday, April 22. 10:ifl. Services for Miss Lllllnn Bhkodu. j 8cclion 0[ K(,ypw l whloh ho left | Collego of Virginia nt Richmond In trust to P. Palmer Armstrong as Miss Oroes Is a graduate of Cole­ 31, of 75 Applegate Street, Middle-1 about mty yca).s ng0 t|lkc , from which his father nnd oldest Vamleiihcritli-Caiiii rM l'uIni and uiiai'dian for Ills dangli- man's Business College, Newark. town Township, who died HUddonly I reniuence In Rod Bank and vicinity. brot,lor wcl'" 1,1110 graduated. A quiet wedding was soWiimlml on [ t,.,-. Belly M(u|„ Bchcnck, who Is to Friday morning, April 17, 1930, fiotn Suturtlny. April 111. 103(1, ut 1 o'clock,, iccclve the balance when she ls She Is employed bv the Lawyers He had always ongaged 111 farming Trust Co., New York, Her (lance pneumonia, were held Mondny nt the until Ills retirem ent a number of Mrs. William T. Anlonldes when Miss Jennie 1>. Culm, ol Hay- eluhti'en ynus of tine. The will Is resldcnre nnd at St. Jnnie.s' Ilnnmn A liullve of Mlddlelown. Mrs. oiine, becitnic the bride (it tl. Forman I dutfd May II, 11)34. was graduated Irom Mithiwan IIIk Ii years ago. S chool and tin1 New .Icr.cy I,aw Catholic Churcn. Red Bank. The Olivia Ailtonldes, died early Monday VniidiMibergh, also uf llii.vonnc, I ’ ...... Besides hl.i daughter, lie Ih sur­ Hchool He piis-scil It Ih bar rxuniltiu- Rev. Jnmcs P. arlffln, assistant rec­ mornlUK, April 20, 1930, al her home The ceremony wim peiiomml at Mn, A deline Clayton vived by Ills wife, Mrs. Ida (Saylor) IIoiih lor aLlorncv In llKIU anil ls tor, was the celebrant of a high In lied Hunk, of complications. Mrs. the nmiiM' or the l'leiibyti'iliiii The entitle or Mrs. Adeline Clay- Whalen; n sister, Mrs. John Whillcn, praellehiH lit I'Yechnld, requiem mnss and Mrs. Alleo Mc­ Anlonldes, the widow of William T. ChniTh, Kimlli,blown, by llie llev. | |lm, „f Kevport, wlio died March ill, and six graiulohlldron, all of Rod No date has been uiiiioiiiiced lor Donough was the organist and Anlonldes, Hr., wan the damthter of jllnlierl lliiehe, Tlielr only nttrmlunUI U)3II. was bi'quciitlird In equal shares llie wcddliw M r, m ul M im. itubrrL l». Vun-|in her nous, Janies Poling and Men chanted the mass. The escort* wero D Klllicr.,1 services were held y ester-! lnlc C,,,J 11,'S f " nh A Alexander Knsnck, Michael Spordn, ilenliei nh. Follow iuu n reeepllnn null j Jiiuiln H, I'uiiitborii. ller lust will, day afternoon from the Parker resl-1 p‘‘ " «1'1' IVi-iinr-lluck Joseph Knlitchck, Alexander Kolka. deuce. The Rev, Albert Lawrence ! “ anlt. (or u ,« l>»»t I f V year,,. mipiier at l he home ol the uiwin's I exeoutdl April 14, lO’JJ. named her William Bhrrnloh. nnd Dnnlel Onr- Basicy, p:;:!or nf llio First Metlm- Surviving h e r a re a dauuhlci'. M rs. parents, Mr. mul Mrs. Oi-orgn «. | son, James Pilling, as esiwiitor. The engagement ol MInm Dolls Lllllnn Smith, three sans, Harry C„ Vaiidriihcruh, Kngllshlowii, the cou­ daychlk. Interment was In the fam­ dlst .Iplncopul Chureh olTlclatod. In ­ lluck. dauKltler of Mrs. May L am - W alter D., und Knsley K. Anlonldes. ple lefl for lliclr new home In liny - ily plot at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Mid­ terment wns In llie Evergreen Come- berlson llueb, of Freehold, to IJim- all of Red Bank; and n brother, Ed­ m ine. dletown Township. The Rev. Father tcry. Little Silver. i PROPERTY CHANGES oan Pcrrl.,11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Oanioy. an assistant rec­ ward Paterson, of Delaware, N. J, Mrs. Vnndcnbergh ls u teacher of Frank Pnrrlnc, of Tonnent, waa an­ Funeral services wero under the home economics lu the schools of nounced Friday evening n t a nurd tor of Bt. Jainos' Ohuroh, gave tho Thomas Laurent absolution at tho grave nnd led the direction nf tho Worden Funeral Bayonne and tho bridegroom him Monmouth County party given at the Buok rcsldcncu by prayers. Miss Bhkodn ls survived hy Thoinns Luurent. rather of Mrs. Home, Red Bank. been employed Uie past elghlfvn Miss Marie Buok. Hum Of Matawan her parents, Ignats nnd Mary T Hurold Holmes, of Holmdel. died ut years by tho Blliiidurd Oil Co. of Tho announcement waa nindo on Bhkoda; a bwUior, Edward, and »“* h°«>« Wthwuv, Monday, April John Burton Now Jersey. Madeline K, LofTerta va. Domestic heart slia|ied aouklm bearing llm th rT a ia te ra , the MI»oa T h c re a a > . *“ «• • “ >ree mo,111,,' III- John Burton, 74, of Loommlo, died Crodlt Corp., et ul.. removing cloud Initials of tlio engaged couple. Mias Paulino and Mildred Bhkoda, all ■nc** Mr, Laurent, who w u n «alea Tuesday, April 14,1930, n t Uio Mon M lrlr-M rLauf lilln from tuip. Buok, a graduate or Freehold High Edward P. nnd Fnnnlo Drown lo living" at home. engineer for tlio National Pneumatic j motith Memorial Hospital. Long Miss Margaret McLaughlin, School, la employed at Tnylor At Co.. of Rahway, for tlio past twenty Branch daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McLaugh­ Clifford P. Chapman, rinvlno Oar- Lunilxirbion'u Fruoliulil. Mr. I’m- dona, lot 1, block K. John W. Maion, Jr. three years, was born In Stapleton. Mr. Burton waa a native of Eng­ lin, Keansburg. became the bride of rlne Is alao a graduate of tho Froo- S. I. Mlohael J. Mloln, aon of Mr. and Hannah and Charles E. Close to Funoral aervlota wero held yester­ land, emigrating to this country, liold High School and la employed Besides Ills daughter, lie Is aurvlved Mrs. Joseph Mlele, Knansbuig, Sun­ Lllllnn II, Close, Matawan, throe day for John W. Mason, Jr., 03, at fifty years ago. For tha put sev­ by Reed fc Porrlne, Freehold, by his wlfo, another daughter, Mrs. day afternoon, April 19, 1930, nt St. tracts. e . homo Of hla fathor, John W. eral yoars the deceased oonduoted a Louis Augn, of Rahway; a aon, Clif­ Ann's Roman Oathollo Cliuroli. The Keyport Su o n , Br., 11< Second street, Key­ restaurant In Loonardo, (Iroaso-Vacclilo ford, alao of Rahway; a brother, Rev. John J. Luoltt, pastor, offi­ Ixilils O. Clilsiniin, et nl„ by slior- port Mr. Mason died Tuesday Funeral servloes wero held Fri' Mr. mul Mra. Frank Vccchlo, of William and a sister, Mrs. Louis ciated. lf, to Boro flulldlng Ac lo an Assoc­ morning, April 31,1939, at Uie Marl­ day afternoon In the High Point Matawan. announce tho engage­ Hoagland, bath of Brooklyn. Attending the couple woro Mlaa iation, llmley anil Broad Streets, boro State Hoapital where lio was Spiritualistic Ohuroh, Ohapel Hill, m ent of Uielr daughter, Patricia, tn Funeral services were held Wed­ Roan LaBella, of Jersey Olty, nnd Keyport, employed. Tho Hev. D. Roe Haney, nt 3 o'clock with Mrs. Frances Ste­ Nlcholu Orasao, aon uf Mr, and nesday afternoon from the residence Joseph Mlele, brother of the groom, I M urldaml Fred P. Mltotiell to John pastor of the Calvary Methodist venson officiating. Interment foU Mra. Steven Oraaao, Long Urniich. with the Rev. Chester M. Davis of also of Keansburg. B. Post,' Koyport, Broadway near Bplaeopal Ohuroh, Keyport, olTl- lowed In Bay View Cemetery, Mid­ No dato h u been set for thn wed­ tlio First Presbyterian Church ofi Ml. and Mrs. Mlele bath attended Third/ Slated. Interm ent followed In Oreen dletown Townahlp, ding, fldntlng. Uuilnl was lu llahwny tho Keansburg publlo schools nnd Joseph Cordon*, el al., by sherif, Orovo Cemetery. He was born In Cemetery. tho Mlddlolown Township High lo AUnntIo' Highlands Building It Keyport, the » n of John Mason, Br., Have you road tho olaaatriort ads? School. Loan' Association, Key|iorlt first and Uie late Sarah (Ely) Mason. BIRTHS Jnlin II. Wllrtu They will tako up resldeilco at a Btreet, 1 The deoeasod was graduated from now hoino In Keansburg following > Malawan Townahlp Engagement Ringt the Keyport schools In Uie class nf Funeral services for John U. Wit- Uooket a short honeymoon trip, James Atanatleld to Atlantic High­ 1903. Ho waa an active worker In rus, Avenue A, Frcohold, who died A (laughter was born to Mr. and with Bluo-Wlilte and lands Building A Loan Association, Porfoot quality Diamonds the Calvary Methodi.it Episcopal Monday In the Freehold Hospital, Mrs. John Bookot, of Morton Ter­ wore held yesterday at 9 a. m. at Bt. (ItnUior-Deehrr lots 731 and 733, block 2, cllffwood Ohuroh and Sunday soliool. race, Keyport, Bunday, April 19,1998, Beach. > Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Miss Dorothy Declier, daughter of $50 to $150 Hln survivors are, besides his Tlio baby weighed nine pounds and Church. Freehold, where mass waa Mri. M artha Dechor, of Colts Neck, OllfMnood Bonoli Itealty Co. to father, a daughter, Stella: two sons. has been pamed Oorcon. She Is Mr. □eorgt' and Frances Cooper, lot 42, Kenneth and Hubert; a brother, said. Interment was In the Pree­ and Mra. Bookct'a third child. Mrs. w u wed to Harold Ounther, son of Wedding Ring* Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ountlior, also block Hj' Keyport Heights. Ruebcn; three unclos, Captain hold Oathollc Cemetery. Bookot before her marriage w u Mlsa with Flno White Cut Diamonds of Oolts Nook, Saturday, April II, Ollftwood Bench Oo. to Wllllam D. Oeorge Mason, S. Frank Maaoit and W ltrus Is alleged to liavo been Dorothy neynolda. struck last Thuraday on tho Free- 1938, at 8 p, m. at the Reformed Brown, lot_ 934, block 07, scctlon 0, $16 to $150 Thomas Mason, all of Keyport. hold-Adelphla road by a car driven Church paraonsge. Tho Rev. F. A. 00,1 Leary Union Reach by John Oallaghor. An autopsy Langwlth, p u to r, officiated a t tlio ~ ~ REUSS1LLES’ deergc W. Pltlenger Mr. and Mra. Ray Lcavy, Broad­ Myron and Myrtln Hardy to At. performed by Oounty Physician Har­ ceremony. MoMitHiiitirH I.i'imIIiii .Ii-m way, Keyport, are iwrents of Uielr Isntlo Highlands Building and Loan i Oeorgo Willard Plttcngcr. 88, a vey W. H urtinan and Dr. S. H. Cas­ The attendants wore Mr. nnd Mrs. 36 IIHOAI) HT. HKI) IIANK eleventh child, a aon, born Thuraday, Association, Union Beach, Broadway. member of the Olty Oouncll and roal sidy. Keyport, revealed denth due to Theodore Ounther, brother and sls- April 18, <1938, at tho Monmouth V lnctnia Angelllno to Cltisena estate operator, of Asbury Park, died licut,, peritonitis. Wltrus' only Mir Memorial HoBpltal, Long Branch. ter-ln-lsw of the bridegroom. of a heart attack during hla sleep vjvor 1* R brotlior-ln-lnw, Paul Mrs. O untheru. ...v Is vemployed ...... ™ ...at the ■ ^ “ Ndlng St Loan Association, Union Wednesday, April 32, 1938. Ho hud I (jrern with whom he lived, S. B, King ai'id^Soii'a Automobile D*Mh> lot* *1*° bIook *■ Lloyd Ktalisburg been In ill health the paat year. A daughter w u born to Mr. and Agency In Freehold and Mr. Dun He was a City Oommlmioncr from Mary Plahorty to Harry stand- j Mrs. Frank C. Kmedcs Mrs. Jambs Lloyd, KeansbUrg, Wed­ ther on tho Frederick Burglntrdl 1910, when that form of government lngor, et al., Carr near Maple Ave­ I Funeral services for Mra. Oraee nesday, April IB, 1938. at the Rlver- Big Brook Phoaaant Farm, Vamler- Wu Inaugurated, unUI 1931 when Uie nues, Keanaburg. vlew Hospital. Red Bank. T h u Is burg, government was changed to the A. Smcdca. BO, wlfo of Frank C. Marion J, Loranj lo Tim J. Ma­ Smcdea, Hazlet, who died Saturday tliolr second child. The couple will reside In diigllsh- eotinoll-managor type. He returned honey, Oharles near Palmer, Keans­ mornlnj, April 1, 1930, at hor home, town. to office when the first council wu burg. s m a j c were held Monday ovcnlng at 8 o'­ Ilsm em leh John Sohaafsma, ot al., by sherif recalled In April, 1D38. Auguatlne-llanson Convenient Terrnt Arranged clock from her late home. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamornlch, to Morrlsey Aa Walker, Beacon Clnr- ' Ho wta alao president of the Hoard Mlaa Florenoo Hanson, duuulitor O. E. Hickman, pastor of St. John's! of Phalanx, are the parents of a dolis, lot* 101 lo 104, of Trado and was a member of the of Mr. and Mra. H arry Hanson, of ^ ^ ^ ‘^ ^ “ T ^i^^-M eth o d lst Episcopal Church, Key- daughter born Wodneaday morning, Atlantic Township Itoard of Education from 1909 toiport omdnt^ inUlrmcnt wa, on April 3J, 1938, at the Rlvervlew Hos- Porth Amboy, w u married to oilbei t 1933 Ford Coupe Augustine, aon of Mr. and Mrs. A nntbelle Holland to Lacey I,, lb '­ ll art, Wllllam W, and Mary Duer, 1 Mr. Plttenger w u bom on a fa rm '^ ^ 1^ 1,1 Woodlawn Cemetery, | pltal. Red Bank, Loula Augustine, alao of Perlh Am­ to Lgoey L, Bogart, Atlantic Town­ near Smlthburg, Manalspan Town-', '_ boy, Saturday, April lt, 1930, at the 1930 Oakland Sedan , . She was born In Now York City, Thornton ship, acreage. Ship, Deo. 18, 1887. tho aon of Lewis Holy Roaary Ohurch, by the llev. i Uie daughter of tho lato Mr. and A daughter wns born nt tlio Mon­ Holmdel Township O. tn d Doborah Plttenger. Wllllam Hickey, pallor. Mrs. Howard Duryen and had been mouth Momorlal Hospital, Long Wllllam tnd Ilnttlo Llpphicott to 1929 Hudson Sedan . Hls widow and two aona, R obert, Mr. AuguaUne, assistant couch mid a resident of Hazlot the past six Branch, Wodnosday, April 10, 1938, James D. tnd Inez Hcudder, tw o A. and Horaoo B., survive. member of Uie school faculty at the ypi, ra, to Mr. and Mra. Alonzo Thornton, of acru, Holmdel Townahlp, M lddlttown Township lllgh School 1928 Chrysler Coupe v : Bealdcs her husband, Mrs. Smcdca East Freehold. llowell Township ' Joseph DeHanlls at Leonardo waa graduated from the la survived by several sisters. Kerblnond Mary Nerono to Mitch­ Perth Amboy High School aud Notre Funeral services wore held In Lake­ nibaon ell H am tllan, farm, Oolts Nock lload. Dame University. 1929 Chevrolet Sedan Wood Tuotday tor Joaeph DeSantis, John <’. dnrum A son was born Tuesday, April 31, llowell Townahlp, 'tv i , ion of Mr. tn d M n. F rank Do 1938, at tho Monmouth Memorial Mr. and Mri. Augustine will make MUMIetown Township 8 Mtla, Lakewood, who died a t tlio John O. Corum, 83, died of pneu­ their home In Perth Amboy. monia Monday, April 30, 1930, at his Hospital, I/ing Branch, to Mr, and Oeorgt A, Brenker, et nl., hy sherif. 1931 Chevrolet Coach folnt Ploawnt Hospital Friday nlte, Mrs. Noll Olbson, Laurel Avenue, In Oarrlo B, Walling, by executors, 1*7.' /tptll 17, 1918, following a brief III- home on Spring Btreet, Matawan. Surviving him Is hla wife, Mra. Mury Union Beach. Middletown Township, Cleorge near 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan nesa resulting from pneumonia. Up wiLLSmED West Front atreots. |0 the time of his death he wu Bllubeth Oomm. Funoral services wore held yester­ taking a technical course at tho NEW CORPORATIONS David A. Htateslr For One Week Only 1930 Dodge Sedan Marlboro State Hospital. day at 3 p, nv a t tho Second Baptist David Abeel Stateslr. 92-yniiiMild Mlddleiex County Ohuroh, Matawan, with the ltov. I A Ili'ftuUful He Is aurvlvsd by hla parents nnd lumber man who died lu Freehold P, T. Morris, of Belmar, officiating. Huffman It Aaelseii, llte. Last Wrtlk thn following deeds • brother, Alfred. April 6, Ignored hla only non In his Interment waa In Towlei's Cemetery. Bowman It Alexson, Inc., realtors, were lllml III tho nITloo of Oeorge 8 x 10 Portrait 1934 Ford V-8 Coach will and left Ills estate lo Ills wife and 90 Church Btreot, Keansburg, ten Gathers, Middlesex Oounty olerk, at , y Mnk Katasjrna Haydlaskl it grandaon. Mr. Statealr'a will was fur only shares of stock at 100. Cheater Bow­ Ntw Brunitwiok; (Inirge Wflaa probated a t tlio surrogate* olllao 1931 Chevrolet J Ton (Open Express) 1 < Vunersl services were held Friday man received four shares; Roy Bow­ Michael Yanovsky and Mary Yin* Funeral servloes were hem for Monday. nom lng a t the a t. Agnoa Ohuroh, man, one; Arthur O. Axelaon, four ovsky, his wife, Woodbrldge, to Sam ­ Oeorge Weiss, former Asbury Park The residuary estate was left In 4 9 c nardo, for Mrs. Kataayna B«yd and Olaf J. Axclsoii. one. uel D, Wtlker, 101 Atlantic Btreet, 88, of Leonardo, who died on' resident, who died Bunday, April 19, trust to his wife, Mrs. Marianna Two proofs lo ohnoss from Keyiwrt, nlia lot III Madison Town­ M l^ a . nltl, April 19, a t 119)6, a t tha Marlboro State Has- Btalealr, 33 Oourt Btreet, to go on lias, ship, ■ ir Monmouth Memorial Hospital, pltal of pneumonia, at the VanSant TRADE NAMES FILED her death to. Wllllam A, Btatealr, 13 Keyport Photo Studio ROBERT a THIXTON Funeral Homa, Preehold. Tht Rev StokM Street, a grandson. Cli«*rulet-t)ld>miiblle Kg Branch, a short while after ad Retd the sport ptgt for ill thi II watt Front l l m l ilttanoe, Mn, Saydlukl was a n O, Horn, putor of the Presby­ American Oil Burner Co. Vernon A. BUttilr, 13 Club Street, Ktyport . Niles A Mervles dow tnd ItavM no rtlatlvea. terian Ohuroh, Freehold, offlolttad, American Oil Burner tt Bales Oo., a brother to Wllllam A., and William up-to.dale sUilotlo nowa, Telephone m e Phene 1919 ' Inurment w u In Mt. Olivet Com­ Inltrment wu In the Marlboro 3)1 Main Street, KHamburg, AloU V. Btatislr, their father, 84 Court MAIN ST, MATAWAN ...... illddletown Township. OemMtry. I Frlekol.. Street, were not beneflelarlea. Htvt you read Uio oltialfM adit 1 ;n *...... ,Hij.im.Msiiiys[M|i|lt»l. Bmll Beyer, L ak#' SEEK PROBATION POST LEFT LM CE ESTATE BY MADISON G. 0. P. ing rubbish ft tb* tide or Day's 4kvenuc, Freehold, st\ff«red a lacer­ This month will mark Oeorge Birch. Jr.. »-1 ajjmber ot ation of the right foot nnd a back wood Road, Freehold, driver of tty a arose « « e responsible for an ulirm __ . . . . Inlal anniversary ot the purchase of R aritan Hose Co.. was ■ Chief injury when a ear Ui wlilch he was car, unhurt, Keypwrl, M ata w ant LtO- ] VanMater homestead and farm, A»bury Mendicant Wa* of the Keyport Flre ;Pa«a|'tinsnt County Letdera Attend sent Tn to Uw Middletown Flre Co., No tlitm- croft Residents Qualify 'Poole Avenue and Slone Hoad. Rarl- at the annual election*,wndt»t tha Annual Dinner Given No. l, Tuesday morning, Voluntary Marlboro Pa­ uge resulted. T k m riv il wnilitt «i«p. oi>i> un name* listed above are without re- grandfather of the present owner, when X-RAY CLINIC ” ...... In th e term s a ll gard to their relative scores. shortly after tho former's marriage. tChe!?H‘8h.r'h!!!!n h81U“ - ‘he uncoln Hose Co., received sev- ; >» « ‘blue Wood then it has been foundI0lun° that u “‘l, she 6" e has n “ i1 enty-elghteuty.eight voles votes oach each for the 0|uQes offices I, society, but I am a ‘blue blooded 12 Washington Street ------1 Following his death It caine into the seven bank accounts, some ln banks)I ofnf Qrsi0rst andan(| secondsw,nnH assistant chief,chief | Republican.' Beuublioan.' and am deeply lnter- Long Branch Barm On George Thoma* !(>osscssion ot hls “ n witiiam. father that were closed and the cash since j respectively. ested In and desirous ot represent-! r , _ _ r> ■___ J u p. joT the present owner. The township tied up. Also she bad considerable Telephones 321, 3210 rarm Ucitroyed By Fire ,der|, who unmarried, Is the last ___ I The newly elected chief will be/lng you at Washington beoause I securities, including $1000 ln U. S., forn,aj|y installed al the Beach Park feel I can be a true spokesman tot direct descendant of the original pur- Two small barns on the Oeorge government bonds. . , community House either on May 4 I you, my fellow blue blooded Repub- chaser. After the death of Mrs Williams or 5 foB#w the annuol , licaas." Thomas farm, Harmony Road, Port During the time that Mr. Van Monmouth, were destroyed by flre X-Ray Clinics Hold Daily Maicr has been ln possession of the tho b ^ Md h ld ^ r^ n w H«t lnapoctlon of the flre ^w taw nt1 John Lannlng. county oommlttee- of undetermined origin shortly after house he h as endeavored to follow fordl^omv fo^ L " a IX l |bi' lhU may°r In All Branches of 3 a. m. Sunday. The loss woa esti­ the original early architecture. While owned by his mother. I ------m k ‘ « e W“ l u liun m ated at *1000. Improvements have been made to Medicine and Surgery Three fir* companies. Port Mon­ Choir To Sin* $ 0 . 8 5 the residence they have been so con­ son consented that John L. Mont- 1 Between hours of B A. M. and mouih. East Keansburg and Middle­ structed as to fit Into the original gomery, county adjuster, lake out At South Amboy Church! me Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur town Township. No. '1, responded to ------, Nixon, Mrs. John Lannlng. Harold B P. M . including Sundays architectural outline*. * udmlnlstratlon |>apers and care for The choir of tlie Plrst Baptist j Dalcher, Earl Burnott, Henry Hen- Uie alarm. When they arrived the lhe e.Hlate. Since then he has In­ buildings were a mas* or flames nnd Oliurcli. under the direction of! drlcks, Recorder Mayer and Justice (H4RUN PAMM'VO PlPAPIl itialled tliut ho will upply lo the ilic firemen confined their effort* Oeorge W. Porter will repeat the | of the Peace Raymond Fenner. NOT QVItTYl T U m LATCH Monniniilli courts for administration cantata "Olivet In Calvury" Uils eve­ in preventing Uie names spreading of the estate himself. Steve Slonry’s orchestra, of Key­ Average Fee for n Complete to a larger barn nearby. ning at B o'clock In the South Am­ For Twelve Arraigned beiare Judge Edward County authorities have learned port, played for dancing following EHE Is Uie ahue tlm t 1> a t J. boy Presbyterian Ohureh, This Physical Examination and Uiat, while Mrs. WUllam was prac­ the dinner. Miss Helen Bnideekl, muoh ut home ua tennis TRENTON WOODMEN TO HO HI. Knight In Quivler Besslons Friday. Charles Parascuo, Union Descji, en­ tically a beggar In Asbury Park, she cantata was given hero on Oood Laurence Harbor girl, entertained X-Rny uf Chest for Food Month’s Wear H court Slid (air Odurse as II Is KKYFOMT AT HOME APRIL N tered pleas of not guilty ot txwsei- was In receipt ot monthly iiayinenls Friday and was well recelvod by ,wlth vocal numbers during nn Inter In Ills class rixiiu and country siot) ot unlioenstd tntaniaipts ant) from n divorced husband ln Newark. Uie congregation. A Mrala) weU mission, Hmullem uml Diimeslic Help ulub versnila, * perfectly grand Ernest Heller. Onunell-eommatider eomo will be extended lo ull miwlo —!______sn unrfgutered still. Ha was held Harry said lie also contributed In ■lion you will w ear all y s a r . . . of tlir Choppers Olub, Woodmen of I* $5 under tAOQO ball (or trial inter. his mother's support. lov(rs who desire to hear the can- I.RONAKDO INN LiqDOII In geliulne while bucko, wltli the World (Keyport and MaUWani. tola- ’ ! LICKNNK IH HIISI'KNOKI) browa i'alt sad d le...... unuouiim l Uils week Uiat the Unless the son appears at Free­ Hl> llu rlt-M Ml WINFORD IHA fW i IH UNKO hold this week. Mr. Montgomery will | Tho Rev. Charles F. VanHorn, J r .,, ------IIoohUt Olub. Trenton Woodmen, apply lo the county court for ad­ Iiastor nt the South Amboy and Key- D. Frederick Burnett, state nleo- would motor to Keyport on April SO Wlnlord Maurer, ot south KW- ministration or Mrs. Williams' *a- l»rt Presbyterian Churches, tins hollc beverage commissioner. Iins X-Ray Pictures Aro Your to bowl Uie local lodge team s iwa pork arretted by PoUet Chief An­ made arrangaments for cptra seat-|Sii>pendo<. HATAWAR MARKET 136 Main St. Tel. 835 W«DeHv«r Open K v en ln n <01 » »• H undsy V enting Ull II a. m. ______W EEK END SPECIALS ______

Hmikflrld Rolled , U rg e Pencil Itasket Butter 32c Ib. Potatoea 65c ITS TIME FOR FIBRE RUGS .... for the porch Medium Bl»r Peach llasket C rlrry «ivtl P cr 39c COLORFUL, REVERSIBLE, PRACTICAL Soup 3 cans l(k Potatoes Thi** Rugs ar* Just th* thing to Fmi\ atrinv FUR STORAGE brighten vp your perch arrange- • manta. Dirt lUten tbreagh—almply - ik stMisaic8”” 10clb- ’ - rala* the rag and iw**p wider ll.

The fill's you treaaui'e so highly*artiSiild be ip the safe keep­ r a It* l ' i ‘ X i n * r a r

SET iscib.^ 2^ ing of our storage vnulta during th^V 'iinn months. They find $ ^ .a s I'J i.bd i Ib Box Shaker ^ Bananas doz.25c com plete protection from flre, theft, and moths. I ' l ’ t r t " » " a W « ■ » M" Salt Not only do our storage vaults^'flhstnnd the ravages of Larne C aa « 2 « f j . 7 8 Cabbage 3 Ib. 10c these great destroyers, but the cool, (Jry atm osphere so necessary *3 ,M Peas 4for2Scu*e to the preservation of furs in sumtfler, in scientifically produced Bah Lemons doz.l9c and m aintained without variation in our cold storage rooms. Mackerel 2 for 25c Furs require the very best care in w arn weather. In our vaults RUGS 7 lb Unx Grapefruit 6 for 25c t h e y m ABSOLUTELY safo. PRISCILLA RUGS ^ _____ 15? Oranges l5C*r25c A few m inutes of thought... und action.,. wlH insure tho nafety of your fur*» ’til fold winds blow again. ' $32.00 t' u THR FAMOUS 2 9 Jello for c b u n c h II you have a raem wllh maple furallur* lag sagfest GULISTAN Hand i Luge Ioeb«« that yea aa* tl^aaa rug»- ylv« youi turttiwr tn* " I and >uggeaUona a a IKfc t l Ullyt important I FENMORE Uirvv ' Mney 27,50, 38.00, 45.00, 68.00 «f aga Pets 2 cans 35c Eggs dtL29c VOGELS All Hlaes AMONO THK8IS MAY BE JUST THB RTIO UM ty's atrtng Hvlft Psnrt Nlleed B n m 2 c u s 2 7c Btcaa 1 5 c 1 -2 Ib. Long Branch Rtd Bank YOU WtflH . . . AT LITTLE COST. D ili a*l*d J l Z L 42 MONMOUTH ST. t Telephone 427 Pickles qt jar 15 c Dressing qt jar 2 9 c FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE SEVEN—FIRST SECTION IONTGOMERY IS MYRNA’S NEW ‘LOY FRIEND’) ^ FEATURES AT KEYPORT STRAND TODAY AND SATURDAY TWIN FILM FEATURES Ito open a t red bank carlton Saturday , STUDDED WITH STARS AT FREEHOLD STRAND AT MATAWAN THEATER TODAY AND SATURDAY ‘Anything Goe*’ and ‘Drift Moonlite On The Prairie Fence' To Be Shown And Petticoat Fever Are Today And Saturday Screen Treat*

I The nurm) program arranged for | Manager MeChesney haa arrang* the next seven days U crammed with led un attractive film program for I hlnh-puwrrnl streamline produc- | the patrons of the Freehold Btrand tlnns and studded with brilliant cln-1 lor the next seven days. There will emu Klam to offer perform ance. th at . ! be i double feature shown today and j will not only hold your lntereat Irom j I tomorrow ln "Petticoat Fever" co- opening lo closing but the type of starring Robert Montgomery and I'litertalnment you would want to iMyrna Loy, alno “Moonlite on the .‘'PC over again. j Prairie" with Dick Foran. the slng- | For Instance today and Saturday. • Ing cowboy. ' Manager C. S. N w offer* on extra! i "Petticoat Fever” to the gayest If* (in- KU»4'Kt of Until i*U—\< Im h <1 ir*lln« \ | \ r ...... ii»». will «r special double feature In "Anything | * ai.ii *.—t iulil llilo lli«> HI Min of MiMi- I lull! H'h ll»r> U m l «»r Iim ...... Ju>— :iiiiI ! romance of them all . . . when the ih Ihr piilr 1.1 liriii* ■> to (.» <•« u> fidn.l. (lift, m u |,m - \| on I rj uMi ’fy does" starring Bing Crcaby, Ethel! | gorgeous Myms drop* into the arms munth- m-nin Ip m ||I ti«* ntnnt n Hitnilu>. M nm im m ui Tu<«.iln\ it I liii* Merman and Charlie Rugglee and! ||( m l '* Hurrlng Vlrtflnl" IVihllrr. Tub* Kii‘111 Mini IHiUf Moor*...... |>lll** fpre itilim to thr Inrtli". T#»»rr uill l»«* t* Buster Cfabbe, K atherine DeMllle,! s.vi.in Ni,inr>, t rni Mm-Murrtt) uimi i i ,i r. i immIh. i,iu. il iirim Loy. Others In the supporting cast ,,m*HmI |M«Mlrn luniorrow n>lr Hliirtlnu ul 11; l(V ahimIn* |'i ttlruiil rrvi>r.' Tom Keene, Benny Baker and Oleni ■* "T,lr l,“11 »i ,llr i.i>»<.ohh- rir>." i:\ini u>imit are William Stack, Otto Yamaoka. I Tlila plrturr <-tlnr In ti r» tnnir Labrador IVbru mm mIciiIhdp run* Erikson. There will also be a color. in,!"* n.U: ^ I S i viSSta. 'andBi'chlni.''e'ed”: | out of KHHollnr iiihI ImiiU niiir I* i m lonrl> toivrr hr art** tt whltf worn’in fur the Cartoon and news. I M* Imtnr** «hnwn Him l» ‘‘tlrrr I'n n n Trim- | rlC QlbbOllS hft8 HUpp)i6d tlltf prodliC- lir*! tlirn* In ii ji'iir, und a Wmitlful womutt fur 0w> Hr*! time nine* hi* l»*ft Edward Arnold in “Crime and Pun-1 hl<* * wMh <*•••> »«■»*'»»<* Aninp »!*« *'i:»<>ry HAtuniii) Ktnrrlnir . ticn with realistic Bettinffs hftlh In 1 |-:hrIuiuI, tH o .> 4>urH lifror*'. auwaru wnwu ui i/ruue anu run ThomiiH n*vk uml .»«*»i ivoiiir. I'omliift The •mautionut r»- I lMm WIMl rea‘1Bl'c *«Liuig5, row in ’‘Tliinr T lin r” will opi-n ^a(ur|»« |*>%fr," ru-xturrl^K ltf»h»rt j the ‘’ interior 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ on “ the‘ 1lot ‘ and J exterior ■ renf i • |iiirlN f rum \ t1 h ■ % or k Ii.hi ii Unit ,'l'|ir»f III r«< • * lut* :»riitrn th e HIAiU h a lf nf th p aLLracLlnn QffArprt f f t r ' 'I^ M iro in rr) tmil M jrn n l.oy n llh HprImmIiI O w rnt iilao C hnrlic rum - |tow i rl'nl mill ^i Ip|iiiic ilritimi lo rr-;n li tlir Hi r^ fii in muu> u •'liifam uiul oi uie amiw-won ouerea ior. rllji VHrtuun Hni, nW(i i>rr—to thi- ia.|> |>«^roa^ »o \Vr4 n-a,iu, „ni| rhu*- 1 taken from on location. Offt-rinK ii tl | lire.• »tiirs ...... 11 n u <>|t|ior| nnH) of llirir liv<«. ,*rilll,i»tl>' r*»* Sunday, Mood&y &nd Tuesday. It'SiifiiJ nt ii, Iimimiiii, Hroil<(»tii.> f»l:t> wrif hi, miKniilmilly p f* a powerful drama which dares the •r.}rfB 1,111r,'*il!,7V *f?r ih«• m rnj.o »»»{current seoson is ‘Theae Three” diiritl mitl «>x|Mitl> ilirrrlfit h\ Uilllum \\ Irr, If liuii»la «on»t*)( oulioim, Unii ingftlirr uiili i« (.bill thnl rraultR la RED primitive instincts to live, love, steal, . .which WlU be shown Sunday, Mon- rRitirl -imrfii, miiimiIIi init! miform mhli rnl« rtuinmrnl. day and Tuesday starring Miriam i* ||. Ii.vn«’» ilrnntitlii' rutil nf th r ilm rrl, “ Thri'i* (ftH lfathm s'' w ith it» kill ln th& defiant spectacle th&t liniiiriiii luli> of Mirriflrt* anil lirr*»l»m nil lli«> iiiirt n f th r r f \V» «trra iHAdlta, BANK rocked the world. N. Y. U. Concert ArtUta Thomas P. Brennan Was Hopkins, Joel Mccrea and Merle Ih Ihr iitrrni'tiou now •.linuiiiit ul tin ( >irll«n. “ Th« l.ttrilra Muriler On the same bill, “Hltch-Hikc Oberon, a picture the fans In this m Itli Kilmnml l.ntn* nm l V irsluiu Jlro rr wilt In- o h n u u n n l Tn* *»Hay and To Appear ln Leonardo Not Owner Of Building llr«iln.>, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 24-25 Lady" with Alison Skipworth plus area are going to rave about for the TWO BIO FEATURES Wlni Shaw comedy and Scrappy car* Several outstanding New York In last week's Issue of this paper next three months. Wa l l a c e f o r d — p h y l l i s b r o o k s toon. Following this ts another dou- Univenlty concert artists will &p It was erroneously slated that the The attraction for Wednesday ble feature to be shown next Wed- pear, av the auditorium of the Le­ unoccupied house at Middle Road [0,ll>’ ls “Here Comes Trouble" which nesday and Thunday In "Her Mas­ onardo drammar sehool, Leonardo, and Union Avenue, North Center- leatures laughs, romance, thrills on “ANOTHER FACE” ter's Voice" with Edward Everett Tuesday_____ , evening______a t 8:30______o'clock for vllle. destroyed by flre Tuesday nlte, B luxury llner wlu' J*»ul Kelly, Ar- Warner Bros. Mulical Western Horton and Peggy Conklin. “The the benefit of the Middletown Bap- ; April 14, was the property of Thomas | ^ne Judge and Mona Barrie. It is 99 Leavenworth Cose" with Donald list Church. , i P. Brennan, R aritan Township Com- “** lhttt hos b*«n **,d 0111 in glow- Cook, Jean Rouvcrol and Norman Stephney _ Boranchak, lyric sopra- mlttee chairman, Mr. Brennan lms *"« and ^*n some “SONG OF THE SADDLE Poster. This picture enacU a crime no. " w ^ o 'i u■** n « i d *e r ’'seveVa'l 7e1«- • ‘ slhce Informed th^ Weekly that the | Another ono day screen feature Is doctor and a murder monkey In a tlona, h?H sung the leading role m property was port ef the edtaCe o f ; for Thursday In Irvin S. Cobb’s H l/NDAY—MONDAY—TUESDAY weird story Irom n famous novel of the late Bridget FltqutrJck. I “Kverybody's Old Man” starring Ho- Preview Saturday Nlfhfc At ll:!5 ’ many OUbert and Bullivun operas; the same title. There will be free has been director and i,olokt In the Altho Mrs. Fitzpatrick was thP 1 ^ H e Hudson and Norman Poster. Direct From (he Capitol Theatre, New York ohlnnware given away to the ladles Ukrnnlan Chorus and Is widely rec- Brandmolher of Mr. Brennan, he. ’ nn both nlte*. ognlied lo r her nolo work nt the New pointed out this week that he Had I Challenger Oil Burner, completely M anager Nngy of tho Matnwan York University, The t^nor woloist,no connection or interest of any I S ta lle d , $298.00, Ask for demon­ *t"T!8S5SE08!ISl Thrnter, announced - today that he Mareun OrilTin, former member of I kind In the property, It Is to be re- jatratlon. It Is safe, economical, noise- mui another well G lanced program i schola Oantorirtn, has done con- lKrflti*(j if the erroneous connection , ^ * nt* clean. Hopla Cool, Key- Today-'i'oniorrow Lnsl 2 Days April 24-25 m a of double features booked for tho ( nldernblo concert uml ratlin work ■ of Mr. Brennan with the nremtnt of iport 791. Idv27wj oilowintt tins Hcrccn bill. thruout the went ami in now «olnisi j ih i'n r r r m m l him any unwarranted > £fticbah'}ev£/i | with the St. Bartholomew ('h u rrh ; einbivrm.sment. Baked potatoes In their Hklnx will SYLVIA SIDNEY IX)UIS NIC'OI. FINKD j Choir ln New York City. | ------always come out mealy and dry If u with R E G IN A L D O W E N 1 OU\er* uppearltw will be Charlotte I v/hv not Klv<» a nulworlptlon to small piece llo cut oil one end tn ivl • Louis Nleol, Mntnwnn Township, J nonohoe and Helen Mildred C’n.ie,, t)»)» paper an u blrihiluv gift? FRED MacMURRAY a |‘jrlin//«i4A/ V" tu ntu nbjirl mi U., hIaIa iia.p tf^.i .t low steam to eaoape. plrkecl up by state |K)llcr near K ey -!1._«. vlolln cellolnt.■ , .i; Hlmuuntl .. Mlclmlit, WEDNESDAY uml THUHHDAY port Butmclny nlte about 11 p. in. concert uiul riulln vlidinliu. forinnly HENRY FONDA viiuiiNiA vm:iihj;u — tom kkknc — m ckik Mooitir wus urrulnnert before Recorder llm- concert muster wllli the Orchmnnii iy Holit‘, Jr., nn 11 chaise of drivtnu I fi(K!ii»ty at New York Unlvorrtliy uiul wltliout a license. Nlcot was lined i present flint vitn. | Jersey Htrlug g u a rd 1!. Helen Fhik, T H E TRAIL O f IHE k iik i: < i i i n a t o Tin: l a d i e s orMiinist n tth o H rst Muptlnt C'hureh, Have you read the clniuilfied ndn? Havrr.Hlniw, N, Y , will he piunhl. SUNDAY lONESOM EPINE FULL COURSE with Fred Stont, Nigel Beulah Bondi, M A T A W A T V T Roberl Hat rat, Vponky MrFnrland, funy. RED * AcfuoHy fHmed d u ld o o ri hi T«chnl* THEATRE 1>I D i n n e r s $ 1 color * Glutted by HQnry-Holhuwoy * A W ollar. BANK W anjiii fioductioh • A Paramount Pitlur* TODAV AM) HATUIIUAY Don't Fiiil to Try Our Dally Luncheoni 50c LAST TlMtiti TOUAY—April *4 nOIIBLC FUATimK i: \ I HA \I)I)I I» ATTHA4TION t lH>IKM MOIIItlN — IKHSi: ||KHVi:V In Krhluy Nlilil uitd Haturday M allntt Onlr “THREE GODFATHERS’* “ANYTHING GOES” DANCING Tailtpin Tommy in “The Great Air Myitery” wllh I.M ’ l* h t i i m : uml « \l.rl;il nm :^v\> llm liir lint OtfUHiiri rn*i* Tn Tin1 I.imIIi'h? wlUi MONKHV (OMUDY I’Ol'r.VH ('AIITnllN - I.ATRKT NRWH IIINU CltOHIIV — KTIIEL MBHMAN — ('IIAH. KIKKH.KH with Sylvia and htr Streamline Orchestra MAT(IKI)AY*M1>NI)AY* MONDAY April »5-^l-«l also /.ANE ORKV'H EVERY Sunday, Monday, Tueiday April 26-27-28 StimiH’l (tolilw yn pn'.scnts “DRIFT FENCE” TWO Hill IKATIItlKH with l.urry illuaterl Crabbe, Xatbnln. llfMtlle, ‘I'nm Keene— Benny Dakir SATURDAY NITE PAUL KELLY JUNE LANG THOMAS BECK HUNUAV, MONDAY M d TUESDAV ARLINE JUDGE T H E S E THREE TWO—WATUIUtB—TWO JED PROUTY NEVER A . NEVER A in . LlTltAu:i/tiw Al.WAVH A CONdKNIM. (ROWD AT B1J)DORTTH JOEL McCREA ...... COMES SATURDAY

w 11 i'i » ii' ’ w n [ i ...... i „ • l It i l l ’ll h i t I P * “HITCH-HIKE LADY” f wlih AI.IHON H K IPW O R TII- W INI HIIAW TROUBLE’ NIGHT” \|I.|| .I Vllmi tlHM -- I IM. M \ H( tl *»1 I * M t • Comedy and Herappy Oartoon BLODGETT'S Wedneiday, Thuriday April 29-30 TIIEHDAY -WKDNKSDAY April M-Sll WCDNIHDAV and THURSDAY c i i m i m i i.ou i: — \ irt i . i m \ m i i i i i» DOUBLE FltATUKK SIX CORNERS KEYPORT "THE GARDEN MURDER CASE” Tll«» ~ "llOOS|f:|{ Nl (. II I" — \»»nra l« l),Vlhi III ni-Hji The M q n l fllfbway Restaurant Alone Ihe New Jersey I'aast ' M|»ri'lul rri‘« ui* \\ 141 it •• ml it M«M »i < II I'. M. “HER MASTER’S VOICE” with EDWARD EVKRKTT HORTON and PKOOY (ONKI.IN Alao 'tH-icoahltvek HAY! HAY! HEEI HAW! Meet Me ‘THE LEAVENWORTH CASE” wllh REGINALD OWEN with DONALD COOK — JEAN ROIIVKHOL — NOHMAN KOHTKR 4 fi* |fft *fn ft**** *• Herreu Hiingx and Newn A t V A N ' S FKEi: CIIINAH'ANF: t o tiie ladikn M1AUMK rilAHi: COMEDY **- CAH14ION — NEWH FREE- TO OUR LADY PATRONS—FREE SATURDAY A Beautifully Decorated Large Cake Plate : NITE Don't Min Our All Roadi Lead to the Temple of Merriment Saturday and Sunday Nitei at FIRST ANNUAL | FREE TODAY * HATHKIUY a-BIG IIITN—I ! Chicken Chow Mein and The Sm oke Shop Tavern KOBFKI MONTOOMRRY HICK fORAN BARN DANCE I Roaat Beef MYIINA MIY I The Hlnilaf (Jew boy I In

I Dancing and Entertainment MOONLIGHT ON THE kr Hi* New DeLuxe Floor Show Always the Hesl 1 MUSIC BY VAN’S RHYTHM KINGS PETTICOAT FEVER PRAIRIE CHOPPERS CLUB ii Kilraarill/iury KlilerUlnmenl J Sunday Afternoon HUNDAY, MONDAY a TUESDAY April U-I1-1I WOODMEN OF THE WORLD The Moat Talked About fktare ol the Year LILA' LEE ! 1 p. m, to 1 9, m. Formerly nf Ihe Paradis* ( luh THESE THREE MlalreM nf Oremmile* M lltlA M IIOPKINH - JO R t MoCRKA - MKRLK OBKHON BLODGETT’S “COCKTAIL HOUR” llailre nn a tpaelnus (I(Mir In a eauifiilal almmphere In Ihe All Mixed Drinki O A c WKDNEHDAY One Day Only April >» “HAY LOFT" Rhylhmlii strain* nf N n CORNU*, RRYFORT ROCKY AND HIM RHYTHM M W ITH * and Cocktaili I laughs • ■. Romanee , , . Thrills , . , an a Luiurjr l.lner ; • M u le kr 2—BIG FLOOR SHOWS NITELY—2 HERE GOMES TROUBLE ' fewbey iaek and HI. IIIH Billy Ilind wllh raul Kelly — Arllne Jade* — Mon* Barrie Special Full Court* Dinner* Served Dally From FRBR IIARKRR IIOT-OVIN OIIINA TO THB LAPIEH • 8 until 9 P. M. $1.00 Dancing From 8 p. m. Until Sunrlie VAN’S OYSTER HOUSE TIIIHtKDAY One Day Only April *0 Tomerrnw Cvenlnf IRVIN I. COBB aa SMOKE SHOP TAVERN I m u u o m i d m »pr» k » a Saturday Nitey April 25,1936 on lllfhwiy Irotoi Red a«nk is Rstentewa MORGAN, N. J. EVERYBODY’S OLD MAN DOOR PRIH R E D B ANK. , N • J» wltb BOCItELLE HUOTON - NORMAN rOITIR t i o K m u i PAGE SIX -FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JQURNAU MATAWAN. N. I. a * " - » 16M- TOUT AX IHOWAN1WE riding turned over at Morganvllle VanMater Homettead C H E W O H VENDOR George Birch, Jr., flamed HERMANN ENDORSED HEAPDSNS CORNER last Friday afternoon. Zubryak* WOMEN FROM SECTION New Keyport Kim Chief was treated at the Perth Amboy Oerj. l W tt Bot 100 Yeara Ago Dense cloud* et iqioke from burn­ Peter Zubryske, of 98 Whitehead ^venue, PrMhotd suffered a lacer­ eral Hospital. Bmll Beyer, Uk%; SEEK PROBATION POST LEFT LARGE ESTATE BY MADISON G. 0 . P. ing rubbish at tb* side or Day's I This month will m ar* Uw centen- George Birch, Jr., a wood Road, Freehold, driver of Dip Oarage *t«r* rwpowlbto far an alarm ation of Uie right foot and a back i nlal anniversary of the purchase of Raritan Hose Co., waa car. yn* unhurt. • sent lu to tbe Middletown Fire Co., Injury wltpn « Car In which he was Keyport, Matawan, Lin* ! the VanMater homestead and (arm. A»b«ry Mendicant W«i of the Keyport Fire County Leedetg Attend No. I, Tueyday morning. Nu dnm- croft Resident! Qualify : Poole Avenue and Blone Road. Bari- Voluntary Marlboro Pa­ at the annual electlonl, Annual Dinner Given Thru Civil Service tan Township. now In Uie possession tient; Had Securities boro hall Tuesday nite.^ At Laurence Ifprbor age insulted, of Gilbert T. VanMater. Rnrltan was unopposed atu! received a totnl STATE HOSPITAL Mr Hilda W. Slldtolr. 65 First Townahlp Clerk. Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, said to ol wvrnty-nlne votes. HO succeed* The Madison Township Reiwbli- B tn'ft. Keyport; M n, EdVln C. be nbout 60. who died in tlie Marl­ Gordon J. Schanck. 1 enn Olub. at its sixth annual dinner Ready for Spring Days boro Btatc HasplUU, April 0. was Saturday nlte tn Surlew's Restaur­ Dr. J. Berkeley Gordon, medical Sloat: HC Mftln SLrrtU MaLawan; diroctor, spoke on "Medical Diseases" Mr*. Oenildiu* Thompson. Brook- found to be poutesaed of an estate ant. Ijturence Harbor, enthusiastic­ U Tuesday evening before the Long It’s M iller’s for Styles, Quality, Foot-com fort dale Parut. Llncrofl; lira. Ctemlciine worth several thousand doll nre It ally endorsed the candidacy of Albert Branch Junior Woman's Olub at VanOcrtltf. also of Brook da la Farm; | wuh revealed this week. B. H enm an, NJilltown, as represents-1 its clubroom. Service. A very wide selection of Foot­ ftiuJ Urs. Uargaret p. Kelly. Main Mrs. Williams, who as sn indigent live from the third congressional and QtrerL Uocroft, were among Uia mendicant, sold chewing gum from district, i flfiw women who successfully un Invalid's wheel chair on the An* Governor Harold O. Hoffman und, w ear to choose from and in ull sizes. parsed civil service exam inations for bury Park boardwalk for many years, Prosecutor Charles Morris, present1 Expert Repairing Republican county chairman, were! ilw pa&iUoii of county probation of* ; h a d become a fahilllar figure to visl- Of Take your choice of these H ill and Dale Travel- flttT. it was revealed Friday. to rs und residents of the report. a lso voted the full support of the Madison Township organisation. Of Uie Uxty penwn* to take the Hor daughter. Lillian, about 30, Watches, Clocks and era and make sure your footwear will do you examination, twenty men and flf- . w ho w as wont to attend her mother Recorder Maxwell H. Mayer, presi­ Jewelry d e n t of the club, who served as iceu women were successful, a com* o n the boardwalk is now In the htatc credit— no m atter w here your feet may wander. munlcation received by Judge J. ’ hospital as a charity patient. She toastmaster, after Introducing Pro­ Silyprware Repaired Edward Knight showed. | will be relisted as a private patient i secutor Morris, Introduced Mrs. R. Certification of the highest scorers, a n d the elder woman’s estate charged I i O. Iselc, county vice-chairman and j anc) Replated together with other qualifications, i for her care. J |M rs. Thera Holzworth. state com-; will te made by tbe civil service com­ T h e late Mrs. Williams will also; inlttec woman. j mission today. U is expected. Fol­ ib e charged a l the rate of $10 per! Miss Dolly Madison, of M etuchen,; REUSS1LLES’ lowing the certification Judge Knight i w eek during her stay instead o f tlie Young Republican state and na­ Ufttmttuifa’B Li’Hillai Jfu rlfn TRAVELER PUMP will make tbe appointment. County 1 $3.69 as was originally charged. She tional co-chairman, was a t the guest 36 BROAD BT. RED BANK 1. a CM)1*!?* kuckakln pwqip ,aa probation posts, one of which is va­ | w as committed Oct. 4, last, after Lil- table an d spoke briefly. cant as the result ol a resignation ; lia n had been committed three days Mr. Hermann, who is also execu­ two years ago. pay an annual begin­ , earlier as on involuntary patient on tive secretary to Governor Hoffman ning salary of $2000. < Uie advice of two physicians. T h e and, clerk ot the court ot pardons in A large number of war veterans | mother said that she desired to be his remarks stated: were among the contestants. Veter­ GILBERT T. VAVMATKR near her daughter, “There is room for every one in ans. particularly disabled veterans, j Mrs. Williams, who occupied an GORDON J. SCHANCK the ranks of the party. We have MEDICAL CENTER customarily receive preference. One hundred years ag o this month ’ apartm ent at 746 Asbury Avenue, As- many, and we need many more good The individual marks of the con- .the original fUly-nine acres was bury Park, for years, was found to* W. Asbury Walling, of the Liberty I Republicans, but we do not need any and T # A Y IO ¥ « fSTKAP tfsiants y“re not revealed and Uie > purchased by Gilbert VanMater, Co. and Daniel D. Harris, ot good Republican leagues. I may not a. a nivin »llh u" names listed above are without re­ clothing when committed, since X-RAY CLINIC grandfather of the present owner, i the Lincoln Hose Co., received sev- be • ‘blue blood' in the terms of! gard io their relative scores. shortly after tho former's marriage. then it has been found that she has ,, each society, but I am a ‘blue blooded 13 Washington Street I Following his death it came into the seven bank account* some In tanks of flrst ^ second asslg h Bepublloan,' and am deeply Inter­ Long Branch i possession of his son WUllam. father that were closed and the cash slnco! respecliveiy • Barns On George Thomas ested In ant) desirous of represent­ Telephones 321, 3310 Farm Destroyed By Fire . ot the present owner. Ths township tied up. Also she h ^ considerable ] The newly e|Mted chlef ^ ^ ing you at Washington because 1 clerk, who is'unmarrled, ls the last securities, lnc|udlng »>°® In U. S., (orn)al|y installed at the Beach Park feel I can be n true spokesman for I direct descendant ot the original pur­ Two small banu on the Oeorge gayM T T 'r% '. .. I Community House either on May 4 ------you, my fellow blue blooded Repub- ch aser. After the death of Mrs. Williams,. or 5 foliowlng thc annuai parade and I 'leans " Thomas farm. Harmony Road. Port I During the Ume th a t Mr. Van X-Ray Clinics Held Daily Monmouth, were destroyed by fire Mater has been lu possession of the h° L T r r,i '^ r of the flre ‘••PWtaKBt1 John Lannlng, oounty oommlttee- of undetermined origin shortly after house he has endeavored to follow T c T P a T LuM nV^'tl by th° n,ay“ “d “'lr'd1' «*• “^tee on ar- In All Branches of 2 a. m. Sunday. The lost waa esti­ i rangements for the affair. He waa the original early architecture, While owned by his mother, t u tiun mated a t 11000. ! assisted by Mrs. Barbara Masson, Medicine and Surgery Improvements have been nude to When arranging for the burial, the Baptigt Choir To Sing Three Are oompanles, Fort Mon­ Mrs. Oertrude Oohs, Mtss Jacquel- Between hours ot S A. M. and mouth. East Keansburg an(j Middle­ the residence they havo been so con- strut)ted as to fit lulo Uie urlglnal town Township. No. '1, responded to S P. M„ Including Sundays architectural outlines. ’ ' < W 1 ' Uie alarm. When they arrived the S B -T - A' So“ " , — l a S t a a s ' 2 5 buildings were a maw ot flames and CHAHIKN PARAtX'l'U PVKADS the firemen confined their efforts NOT GlULTVl TRIAL l.ATEK 2-s- ■!"-rr ? “* ””,"u ^ tn itrovciitlng the flamrs spreading of the estate lilinseU • Olivet lo Calvary Uils eve- strve Stoney * orchestrn, of Key- Average Fee for a Complete m a isrger barn nearby. For Twelve Arraigned before Judge J. Edward Couiltv authorities have loumwl "lnB 111 8 0L'lMk 1,1 t,le Am-.port, played lor dancing following IT E H > Is Uie atu* that Is as county authorities have learned, ^ PrMbyU)rlml ohurcll.Ohurch. This'the dinner. Miss Helen Brudecki, Physical Examination and Knight 111 Quitftcr Sessions PYllito', thut, while Mrs. WllUam was prao s i muoh at heme un tannls TRENTON WOODMEN TO HOWI. cantata was given hero ou Qood Laurence Harbor girl, entertulnrd Charles Parascuo, Union Uesch, en, tlcnlly a beggar In Asbury Psrk, she X-Ray of Chest for Food Month’s Wear enurt anil gall eeurs* as II Is KEVrOMT AT HOME ArWL N Friday and wns well received bywith vocal numbers during nn Inter- tcml ploas of not guilty ol ikmm**- was In receipt of monthly iwyments Ul tli* elass room and country tlie congregation. A tanlla)' wew mission. Hnndlora und Domestic Help slon ol tmllocUMKl liitoxlcautH and from a dlvorcrd husbaud In Newurk. olub veranda, a psrfeeUy grand Ernest Heller, Oounoll-commimler conju will btMr ■ • • an unrygUtend still. Hi wns held Hurry said lie also contributed In ls $5 nf the Clioppers olub. Woodmen of lov»rs who desire to hear c j ^.EONARttO INN l.iq tlO lt In gwiulne white bueko, ivlth under IMOO ball for trial Mler. his mother's support. the World i Keyport and Matawam. browa call saddle ...... W-W Unless the son appears al Free­ t»U. . MOKNHK IH HtmPENDKD nimounowl Uils week Uiat tlio Nu Buck—M W WINPORD IH IINED hold this week, Mr. Montgomery will The Rev, Oharlss P, Vnt r!o‘ i ------Booster Olub, Trenum Woodmen, npply to lli« couuty court ror ad­ pastor nt the South Ambcs1 nnd Key- j D. Frederick Burnett, stale nlco- wiiuld motor to Keyport on April SO Wlnford Maurer, of South Kay- ministration of Mrs. Williams' es- l» rt Presbyterian Chiu-«hM, Ims holh: *>everng« commissioner, has X-Ray Picture* A ro Y o u r lo bowl the local lodge teams two port, arrested by PoUoe Chief As­ U te to protect the state'* Inlvrosl, ho made arrangement* for extra w- ■ .one.;,.tnl the liquor llcrnse of the motel"'* In a recent bowling clash Property • bury Mount Saturday nil* pn a declared. lug space nt the clmntli> vhu-li 'n White House, Leonardo, for alleged at Trenton, tint local t*tm* split, charge ol being drunk and disorder­ located Qn Broadway. , , . tullurr - my ixmallles Imixwed frtr winning one and losing on*. Th* ly, was fined IS and costs by Record­ HEALTH tlSrOtlT Mr. Porter lu>s mad* liutpercuj dellnqr.i iiLy In tiling tax re|>orts, ALBERT S. MILLER two malfliea n est Thursday nil* will er Harry Dolt*, Jr. M aurer wm also nppenrances In tloiiUi Amlxiy n^ | Burnett nave the former licensees Hhota Filled by X-Ka; and by Kxperienrrd Halaimm be rolled gu Ulc K^port ItMrtaUon idaced lu the boro ball «MU ov«r- Keyport reimrted (fate ease ot meas­ ltniltr and soM|tt. petMaslon la apply for vacation of Expert Technicians allr)* • ' nll« and irleaswl aundsj* morning. les and four af whooping nough to th k mis|H>nslon order tllwli proof of ,18 BROAD ST. , RED BANI^* Tlie arrest wgs mads at th* corner the slain dc|iartment of health fur Semi us or telephone I St, )pur suwMlueiit imyinent nf the iiennl* Have you rad Uie claaslfted adsf of Front and Broad S trati the week ending April IB. ongim*metii or wedding. ties. , MATAWAN MARKET 136 Main St. Tel. 835 We Deliver Oprtt fcve r Coffee 16c Ib. ing of our storage vaults (hiring th^ W m i months. They find $ | » 1.26 1 L a r* | ♦ 9 " ‘ 7 * 5 ' * » I lb Box Bhakrr com plete protection from lire, theft, and moths.

H" a »* «’»«* Salt 5c Not only do our storage vauM ^tthstnnd the ravages of * 3 - 5 0 Large Ca» Cabbage 3 ft. 10c these great destroyers, but the cool, dry atm osphere so necessary • 2 ” Peas 4for 25c Large to the preservation of furs in sum tter, in scientifically produced

BaII Lemoos doz.l9c and m aintained w ithout variation in our cold storage rooms. Mackerel 2 for 25c Large 1 Furs require the very best care in warm w eather. In our vaults RUGS 2 lb n viuiiy Importaht I 27,50, 38.00, 45.00, 68.00 PROry U 9 .H DogFood 10c lb. Apples 61b. 25c ; i M lW of fur coats. You, of oourse, obligate younelf I s l ig h t l y im p e r f e c t s U S Cl* ran I'lllrapplr i tn no wav hy gelling tn touch wllh us. J $19.95 TO $85.00 Joke 3 for 23c Sausage 29c Ib. e t ARMSTRONGS IJhby P w sh UNOLEUM • Tkraw Ruga and Remnant* qeakor an* Nlaniard Rim Peas 2 cans 35c Eggs doz. 29c Ml »lg*s AtlONO T tnw MAY BS JUST THR RUO LlMiy s String Hwlh Paitrv Hllml Beans 2 cans 27c Bacon 15c 1-2 Ib. LongVOGELS Branch Red Bank TOU W lfH . . . AT LTTTLK OOBT. Dill Ha lari 42 MONMOUTH ST. • TeUphone 417 Pickles q t jir 15c Pressing q t jar 29c i l K . FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. PAGE SEVEN—FIRST SECTION 10NTG0MERY IS MYRNA’S NEW ‘LOY FRIEND1 ALL TWIN FEATURES AT KEYPORT STRAND TODAY AND SATURDAY TWIN FUN FEATURES TO OPEN AT RED BANK CARLTON SATURDAY STUDDED WITH STARS AT FREEHOLD STRAND ST-'? • * / , \ s * ATMATAWAN THEATER TODAY AND SATURDAY ‘Anything Goes’ and ‘Drift Moonlite On The Prairie Fence’ To Be Shown And Petticoat Fever Are Today And Saturday Screen Treats

'nil? Hciopit program arranged for Manager MeChesney has arrang­ I he next seven days In crammed with I ed un attractive film program for high-powered ntreamllne produc- the patrons of the Freehold Strand Uorm mui Htudtfed with brilliant cln-1 for the next seven days. There will i tnn suirft to offer perfo rn u n cn that 1 be a double feature shown,today and will not only hold your ln ttrat from i tomorrow in "Petticoat Fever" co- opening to cloning bul Uw type of starring Robert Montgomery and entertainment you would w»nt to i Myrna Loy, also "Moonlit* on tho .see over again. Prairie" with Dick Foran, the sing­ For Inrtance today and Saturday. ing cowboy. ' Manager C. a. Nagy offers an extra! i "Petticoat Fever” Is the gayest: It’* Hi." uii.vihI riMiiitnrt of llirii) nil— ulirn d irrll'iR W trnii cliom titil of special double feature in "Anything | ’ romance of them ail . . . when thr: thf hUI« -.—r Ik ht liilit Ihr hi mih of Iftoh! ||V Mi«* U m l M Inn A nn — mmI UiU I* Hi*1 1'iilr tn lir In i II to mmi, l->»t u . for«(-t. I It I* him I.ii\-\|m ilr .v Goes” Warring Bing Crosby, Ethel) | gorgeous Myma drops into the arim; loiuiinlir mrim *■ )•«•(■! n • 1^ it 111 he-fthim n Xiimlut, \| hi “ A m ittn r t-m *" ulllt Ut*ll:««-i l i.nl nml I'hU lla HronltM. "Drift Fence," a Zane Orey story,, ranking character actor, plays the wl*o ” Si»ii(f I»r (In MuililI**/' m Wimirr Hr«»h. iniminil \ii‘*lrr», Cumlna nrxt featuring such clever artists as Larry J English baronet engaged to Miss tilii(aHtlii> niMi Thur».«lit> , "Tiraiitliy 'a Q upmI,” »i«rrlnK Vlritlnl” W ildlrr, Ton* "Buater” Crabbe, K atherine DeMllle, I K> I % I ii S l iln r j, K rn l M nc M n rr u> hx'iti hiiiI IMi'hlf Monrt*...... iiIiih fff r i-ltlnu t» tlir lailli*. Tl»*n* m 111 t»«* u ...... | ..... ,v ii.-iiiinni | Loy. Others In the supporting cast M,ri liil | » r t l r » hM iinrniu nllc hUHI iik n t II slA hImmvIn s I’Htlcuiit frVver.* Tom Keene, Benny Baker and Ol^n j Ih “ The Irn il ol the I.a k imim r I'ln c c u m uihini uiiriiriiiin for limit.' -mi > are WUllam Stack, O tto Yamaoka. Thl» pirtiirt* rnW fi i*lr*rt r*nm the rrtpllftl THrnler, Nrtv Vnvk. II l« tlir atorjr Erlkson. There will also be a color • Hnl nnlii)'■ m nlinrf u nly—M'lulU|»tn ...... mm,. ’ ...m. “Th» ciimnl^ , cnrluon nml Rim nmi. Thire will he . •mt uf kkmoIIik* mitl Itiniis iim r III* l<*nrl> im v rr lie » tr* u whit#-woin'tn fur th** cartoon and news. Iw» .. leutnr** . klmwn...... H iiriImxi. Mnnilii> -...... »ml Tne»dn>> Ii k» “Here Come* Trou- | rlc OlbbODS hftfi supplied the prodUC f|r»l tim e In iroien the IB0*1 Moiilicmnery hiiiI M.vrim l.n> w ith Re^lriHlil O w e n ; ttlao t'linrllr wm- fiii-li tlie »ir«**M» in many u flnewts half of the attraction offered for . , ...... taken from on location. i <>|i|M»rliiitll^ nf lltrlr lin«. lirilll'Kll)’ rea* Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. It’s dnj nlf»-n—.» lienntirully der»rnteit turjte enhe pUle. With tlir n.h*ve protrnm f The mOSt talked Of picture Of the . «'«»i't***l li> I tllinn ll Willlnm \\>ler. il aamrlMn* aew a powerful drama which dares the! entlrr week »f IiIkIi c U mi* arrren « nler|»lmne»t. . . , 1t .- Mint tmiM In ilrmniiUt- »ltmitIoiih, Uit't tiiRi-lher ullli :• »klll tlmt reaulta la RED primitive Instincts to live, love, steal, | I Which WlU be Shown Sunday, Mon- I *nnirl-|.nceil, riinmlh mill mtf.iri:. uhli eiili rtiilnniriit- kill in the defiant spectacle that | I daV and Tuesday StaiTinff M iriam: l’**ler H. K.vnc’* ilrnmnllc Ii«vi1 of Hie ilemert, ••Thei>.* (;n. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 21-25 Lady" with Alison BUpworth plus _ _ _ area are going to rave about for the TWO BIO FEATURES . Wlni Shaw comedy and Scrappy car­ Several outstanding New York In last week’s Issue of this paper ,nc>lt three months. WALLACE FORD — PHYLLIS BROOKS toon. Fallowing this is another dou­ University concert artists -will ,ap- It was erroneously stated that the ' The attraction for Wednesday ble feature to be shown next Wed- | pear, at the auditorium of the Lc- unoccupied house at Middle Road I™ 11 “ " ere “onlea Trouble’’ which nesday and Thursday In “Her Mas­ onardo Orammar School, Leonardo, and Union Avenue, North Center- features laughs, romance, thrills on "ANOTHER FACE” ter's Voice" with Bdward Everett Tuesduy evening a t 8:30 o’clock for j vllle, destroyed by flre Tuesday nlte, J1 luxur>' l‘ncr P»u ' Kelly, Ar- It Is Warner Bros. Mullet! Western Horton and Petty Conklin. “The the benefit of the Middletown Bap- , April 14, was the property of Thomas llne Judge ani1 Mona Borrlc- Leavenworth Case" with Donald tlst Church. : P. Brennan. Raritan Township Com- all that has been said of It In glow­ Cook, Jean Ronverol and Norman Stephniy Boranchak, lyric sopra- ‘ mittee chaiman. Mr, Brennan has ing terms and then some. “SONG OF THE SADDLE” Foster. Thla picture enact* a crime no, who will render several selec- {*h>ce Informed the Weekly that the Another one day screen feature Is doctor and a murder monkey in a lions, hss sung the leading role In | property wns part ef the estate of listed for Thursday In Irvin 8. Cobb’s SUNDAY—MONDAY—TUESDAY weird story from n famous novel of many Gilbert and Sullivan ooerai: Ute lute Bridget Fitzpatrick. “Everybody's...... Old ,Man" . . sturrlnit Ko- Preview Saturday Night nt 11:14 iik iv u iii» i > »iiu nmiiui ■ I I cheUe Hudson and Norman Foster the same title. There will be free hss been director and i.ololst in the Altho Mra, Fltipatrlck was the ; _j______Direct From thr Capitol Theatre, Nrw York chlnaware given away to tho ladles Ukronian Chorus and la widely rec­ grandmother of Mr. Brennan, he on both nltes. ognised for her solo work at the New pointed out this week that he had Challenger Oil Burner, completely Munmet' Nagy of tho Matnwan York University. The tenor soloist, no connection or interest of any Installed, (2B9.00. Aik for demon­ Thrnter announced today that he Marcus Griffin, former member of kind In the properly. It l> to be re- stration. It Is safe, economical, noise­ I)uk unother well balanced program Today-Tomorrow Last 2 Days April 24-25 M Y R N A U )Y the Schola Cnnlormn, has done con Igrelled If the em -'iin connection less and clean. Hopla Coal, Key-1 of iloublr features booked for thn sWcinble concert anil rndlo work iof Mr. Brennan ivlii t> aceount of port 7#1. sdv27wj wiM'k fallowing this screen bill. thruout tlie west und In now soloist the fire enlist'd him any uti‘.viirrunted with tlie 8t. Bartholomew Cliureh I’inbiirnisnirnt. Baked |>otatocn In their sklnn will “ SYLVIA SIDNEY }' PtH woatlv/th IX)I!IS NICOL UNKD , Choir In New York City. always come nut menly und dry If it O thers ii|>pcarlni{ will he Clini-lnitc Wliy not glen a siilworlptlon siniill piece be uut off oun end to nl - With REGINALD O W E N FRED MacMURRAY 1 iIn Nk ol, Mutawan Township, | Donolioe untl Helen Mllilrt'tl Cnne, thin pnprr us a birthday gift? low steum to escuiie. picked ll|> by ntate |K)llre near Key- j violin cellolsLs; HIkiiiiiiiiI Mlclwlu, WKDNKSDAY and TIIUIISDAY pori Rut.iirriny nlte nbout 11 p. m. concert, und rHilin vlnlliilul, formerly - HENRY FONDA - wus urmlitned brforr Reconlrr liar- VUUilNIA HI IDLIH — TOM KEfcNK — lllt'KIK MOOItr concert miisti'r wllh the Oreheslnil ry Hollc. Jr., on ii charge nf ilrlvlnit flis^lety nt New York. University nml without a license. Nlcol was Mrnxl I present first violinist ol the New WHERE TO DINE TIMOTHY’S QUEST” tr> uml rusts, I Jersey String Quintet. Helen FIhIi, f H E TRA II P I THE KHKH CHINA TO TIIK I.ADII K oruanlnt nt the First Iliiiillsl Clinrrh. Have you read the clKMlfiml td«7 Havetslrtiw, N. Y , will lie filunlnt. SUNDAY IONESOM E PINE FULL COURSE wllh Fred Stonii, Nigel Bruce, Beulah Bondi, ATAWAVT Robert Btyncjt, Spunky McFarland, Fusty RED M Knhu&t * Aduolly IHined dulrioart in Technl . THEATRE 1^1 tepSSSD inners $1 . X , (ol<®Dlr«tted by Hanry Hathti^qy*A Waller BANK ^4 WSrt(ier*Pro^/tllon • A Paramouni Pittui* TODAY ANII NATURDAY Don’t Fail to Try Our Daily Luncheons 50c LAST TIMKK TODAY—April n nOIIRLE FRATIJRk | \IIH \l>I»I I» ATTIMITION tltlX K K mom it in — ih i;m : iim h v i:\ In l ild.iy Nljlil nml HuturUay Matltifs Only “THREE GODFATHERS” DANCING Tailapin Tommy in "The Great Air Mystery” xx Hh II" Is NIIIM; nml ivtl.TKIt IIIH \S\S “ANYTHING GOES” II hi Kir llul O i n i u i t n I'm * T o Till' I.H'lle*! with MONKKY CIIMKIIY I'Ol’HVi: I'AltTOON - I.ATKMT NEWN IIINd (lltOHIIY - KTIIII, MtRMAN - CIIAM. KtlCKII.KH with Sylvia and her Streamline Orchestra HA'HHnAYKI'NI)AYMONI>AY April ‘!ft-:!fl-27 also ZANK OBKY'M EVERY Sunday, Monday, Tuesday April 26*27*28 Sam uel (t'oldwyn pt esi nls “DRIFT FENCE’’ I WO llld I K.VU'lthH with l urry lltuater) Crabbe, Katherine DeMllle. Tom Keene— llenny Baker SATURDAY NITE PAUL KELLY JUNE LANG ARLINE JUDGE THOMAS BECK HtlNDAY, MONDAY an« TUESDAY JED PROUTY T H E S E T TWO--r*ATUI«KII-TWO NEVER A NEVER A RDWABD AKNOI.D III In tlUUiuwru - ‘T T Ia .n ic . COVER MINIMUM “CRIME AND PUNISHMENT” -CHARGE- ti HERE “EVERY i m s h k s i i m * i with Pr.TKIt l Oltnit and MAItlAN MARHII also ALWAYN A (ONdKNIAIi CROWD AT BLODflKTTH SATURDAY • JOEL McCREA COMES LIUIAN HtllMIN HITCH-HIKE LADY NIGHT” W1111 * M WYLER- f with ALIHON 8KIPW ORTII— WINI RIIAW TROUBLE” \NKSI>AV April 2*-2» WRDNKHDAY and THURSDAY I: I»M I m i i.o w i : — \ i Hi. IN I \ Ii 111 ( I . In DOUBLE FKATUHF. •IX CORNERS KIYPORT MONTGOMERY “THE GARDEN MURDER CASE" Till — "IIIIIISTKK Nil. IIT" — A w uril I* M.IHI In HiHp “HER MASTER’S VOICE" tbe Largest lllgbway Aeiiauraiit Aleng lhe New 4shicy t’oani MYRNA L( )Y 1 M|»ecliil Tift tie Ut;lilfHiln MrIiI tit II I*. M. with EDWARD EVKItKT/ IIORTON and PKOOY CONKI.IN also HAY! HAY I HEEI HAW! “THE LEAVENWORTH CASE” wllh REGINALD OWEN Meet Me with DONAI.D COOK — JEAN ROIIVKROI. - NORMAN FOHTKR a ftfytl tmmm Hereen Sang> and Newa I'ltKF <:|IINAWARK TO THR LADIKH ( ILMtl-JK <'IIAKi: COMKDY CAKTOON — NKWM A t VAN’S FREE- TO OUR LADY PATRONS—FREE SATURDAY A Beautifully Decorated l.arge Cake Plate

NITE Don't Miss Our All Road* Lead to the Temple of Merriment Saturday and Sunday Niles at FIRST ANNUAL FREE TODAY & SATURDAY i —BIO IIITH—I Chicken Chow Mein and The Smoke Shop Tavern HOBKRT MONTdOMKRY DICK FORAN BARN DANCE R out Beef MYRNA LOY (The Hinting Owboyl bi Dancing and Entertainment MOONLIGHT ON THE Hpemered b) Hie New Deluxe Floor Show PETTICOAT FEVER CHOPPERS CLUB Always the llesl MUSIC BY VAN’S RHYTHM KINGS PRAIRIE t K'trktthlljmry KhtrrUlnmrnt Sunday Afternoon HtlNDAY, MONDAY a TUESDAY April H -tt-ll WOODMEN OF THE WORLD The Moat Talked AlMUt Pletare aI the Year LILA' LEE I p. m. lo t p, m. Forinerlr nl tlie Paradise Club Mlslrew nl Ceremnnlea « THESE THREE MIRIAM IIOFKINH - JOEL MoCHEA - MKRLK OBKRON BLODGETT’S COCKTAIL HOUR” Itanre nn a spaeleill finer In a eongenlal atmiMpbere In the WKDNKHDAY One Day Only April ID “HAY LOFT" All Mixed Drink* Rhylhmle slraliw «f . SIX COBNKBS, REYPOBT ROCKY ANII HIM RHYTHM MANTKRM Uugha.,. Romance,., Thrllla, on a Luxury Liner and Cocktails 2 0 ' ; • Musi* by 2 -BIG FLOOR SHOWS N1TELY—2 \ HERE COMES TROUBLE ' Cewbey Jaek anS hla lllll Billy Rind with Paul Kelly — Arilne JaSge — Mona Barrie Special Full Course Dinners Served Daily From FRER IIAItKI R IIOT-OVRN CHINA TO THB LADIRH • 8 until 9 P. M. $1.00 ■ tt- y rj -a )t i .u t r a T f - 'j i - ' - r -r: v .. , e . ' Dancinf From B p. in. Untli Sunrise TIIURHDAY On* Day Only April SS Tomorrow Evinlnf VAN’S OYSTER HOUSE IRVIN «, COBB si SMOKE SHOP TAVERN Route tSiniOM Ipr* R«MI Saturday Nite, April 25,1936 en Highway from IM Bank lo Eaten lo w MORGAN, N. J. EVERYBODY’S OLD MAN TICKETS Mt DOOM PatRE R E D BANK, J. with BOCIIKIXE HUDSON - NORMAN FORTH t o F . H s t r r MNMOVTO ONNn HBTMUC/UL OS&

PAGE EIGHT—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1836 T«w»n,i I Local Men Hear Speech MISS DOROTHY BOOKLET IS I Thott preaent beside the guest ot j [By C. H. Knapp In Newark WED EASIER SATURDAY nSTED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY [honor and the hostess were: t^ej Mlsa Msdelyn Freeman, of Laur- I Misses Mari* Dell*, Doris Dernber-j MATAWAN PEOPLE AND THEIR ACTIVITIES Importance Of Distributing Function once Harbor, entertained a group of ger, Joan Applegate, Margaret I BARBABA JOAN TODD — BOCIETV EDITOR In Present Day Builncsa tttreaMd friends at a party Friday evening In Marks. Bernice Applegate, also W ll-] By Guest Hpeiker Lait Nile celebration of Miss Dorothy Buckley s 11am Wllklhs, Victor Armelllno, Mel­ sixteenth birthday. Oames and ville Insley, Charles Bmlth, William ] WllUam Blair. Robert J. Mulkmus dancing were enjoyed and refresh­ Cross, Hans Schwarts and Melvin j nnd William H. Bluvln heard C ments were served. Applegate. Howard Knapp, vlce-prenldcnt iuul controller of W altt & Bund, Inc . ln a talk to fore Lhe Newark Clmpler. National Association of Cost Ac­ countant*, in the Hotel Douuln* THWfls ora c u c u m Thursday nite. He streased the tin- )>orlanoe nnd magnitude or the tlih- DEPOSITORS tributinu function in present day business. Mr. Knapp stated that the rapid growth of population and higher N ever W orry A bout .standards of living had Increased consumer demand to such an extent thut in order to meet this demand, business leaders centered their at­ 1 Hold-ups, theft, lost bankrolls tention on problems of production They never carry much cash with them. They and succecded in malting It possible can always get more by cashing a check. to produce goods on a larger scale at reduced costs. This, however, re* 2 Lost rem ittances in the mail Lake Lefferts, One of the Boro’s Beauty Spots suited ln tho production of more goods than could bc marketed profit­ They know they can stop payment on a check ably and the need for accurate and MRS. CARLETON MERRILL and send another. Mrs. Edgar McNabb spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Malkmus I Mrs. Henry E. Hutchinson has Mr. and Mrs. Tuomtui a . Welstcad costs became vitally important ln the ln New York. spent Tuesday in New York. been spending the last two weeks In spent several days last week at their determination of competitive selling The former Miss Virginia Dcltz. 3 Keeping track of expenses Washington, D. C. cabin at Budd Lake. who Is now residing with her hus­ Lawrence Aiken has rented the Mrs. Oeorge W. Clark, Jr., en­ price. band ln 8outh Amboy alter touring The monthly statement from the bank does house on the comer of Fountain Av­ tertained the Red Bank Dinner Mrs. WUllam R. Craig attended a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davis, of New Continuing, Mr. Knapp declared the south on their honeymoon. most of their bookkeeping for them. enue and Jackson Street. Bridge Club at her home lost nlte. bridge party at the home of Mrs. York, were week-end visitors at the th a t we all had It forcibly brot to our attention during the past few years Oeorge Cherry In Keyport Monday. home ol Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Craig. 4 W asting time making payments Mn. Harry Boyd, or Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Jones, of that the subject of distribution costs Miss Minnie Bucco Feted spent several days this week at the Paterson, were week-end guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wright Maloney, of Mrs. Carrie Conover spent the had not received the study it de­ They use a fountain pen and a check book home of Mrs. Martin White. the home of Mr. and Mn. Bdwln Rutherford, were week-end guests at week-end in Maplewood as a guest served. In many enterprises, distri­ At Surprise Shower Mon. aa time and labor-savcr*. , IH. Dominick. j Uie home of Mr. Maloney's parents, of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. bution of the product offers problems Charles Herscher returned to Mat­ Miss Geraldine Sarabuchello, of Mr. and Mrs. U. Maloney. and Mrs. Frank H. Conover. of control that outweigh in Impor­ Why should you worry either, about these awan this week after spending the Atlantic Avenue, entertained a num­ The card party and dance to be tance and complexity those met with m a tte rs. W e in v ite y o u t o o p e n a ch eck in g a cc o u n t winter In Casa Marina, Key West, Miss Mary Wells, a teacher ln the ber of friends at her home Monday given by the Public Health Associa­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Yorger in the actual production. Proper n a . tion for the first aid squad May 8 and Oeorge Reed, of Westfield, leave Matawan High School Is taking a evening with a surprise shower given with this bank. two weeks vacaUon at ber home ln control of distribution costs depends in honor of Miss Minnie Bucco. has been cancelled. today to spend the week-end at upon detailing responsibility along August P. Muehlhausen. Jr., spent M artha's Vineyard, Mass. Warwick, N. Y., due to illness. Games and dancing were enjoyed by last week ln Quitman, Oa. on a Mre. Charles O. Schock returned good organizational lines and a care* all. and refreshments were served. business trip for the Muehlhausen yesterday from th e "New York Hos­ Mrs. Orace Curran substituted Mrs. William H. Tlehenor return­ ful analysis of selling and dbixibu- The guest ot honor reoelvvi many Cooperage. pital, New Y c 1 . t she has been I Monday ln the Matawan Orammar ed Monday from the Presbyterian tlon expense. It should bc realised beautiful gifts. THE MATAWAN BANK a surgical pu-; ceveral weeks. | School for Mrs. Oracc Hankins fend Hospital In Newark where she has that there Ls no general method or MATAWAN, N. J. The Misses Edna and Anne Wick­ Those attending were: The MUses I Thursday for Mrs. William C. Ludl, been a surgical patient for the past formula for controlling this expense Pat Bosco, Jennie, Pat, and Natalie ham. of Red Bank, formerly of Mat­ Mr. and Mn. Walter Makln, of I Jr. ten days. which will apply to all organizations; Vecchlo. Rachel Rapoila, Tessle awan. were week-end guests o( the Olen Rock, and Miss Blanche Lans- the nature of ench business and its Caliendo, Sarah Angello, Madeline MlMStl FtDtlAl Dtrosil INSUHANCe CORPORATION Misses Elisabeth and Marie Bauer. ley, of East Orange, will bc week­ I Alphonse Tonlettl, of New York. Mrs. James Martin spent Monday peculiar problems will determine the und Tuesday In Port Monmouth vis­ Banafato, Marie Parres, Josephine end guests at Uie home of Miss Hel­ | husband of Miss Virginia Updegraff, policy to bc followed. Armelllno. Mary Tomasllla, Mar­ PAV YOUR TELEPHONE BILLS HERE M n. M. Morris, or New York, was en Carlan. formerly of Matawan, ls with the iting her father-in-law, Oeorge Mar­ a guest at the home of her son-in- tin, who Is confined lo his homo be­ garet Short, Lucy Mauro, Mary Buc­ We Are An Authorised Collector foreign news department of the Lit­ Young Women’s League Is co. Pat. Josephine, and Geraldine law and daughter. Mr. and Mra. Many iiersons havo visited Uie erary Digest. cause of Illness. Harry J. Kahn. Tuesday and Wed­ Lloyd flower garden at 330 Main Winner At Song Contest Sarabuchello, and Mrs. John An- nesday. Street lo see the profusion of bloom Miss KaUierlne Hud attended Um Tho Malawan Teachers Associa­ gcllo, Mrs. John Ingravita. Mrs. Jo­ which makes a brilliant display of twentieth annual mooting of the tion, qf which Louis N. Paxlensa Is The diet1 Club of the M atawan seph Sarabuchello, and Mrs. Theo­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ronson gave several thousand bulbs In flower. New Jersey State League of Nurs­ president. Is planning n get-together Young Women's League was award­ dore DISanto, of Matawan; Mrs. M. their annual turkey dinner In honor Ing Education In Asbury Park Wed- dinner at the Buttonwood Manor ed fourth place out ol fifteen con­ Schnrabba, of Bradley Beach; the of their son, TenKyck. last evening. j Miss Elisabeth Bauer, who has | nrsday evening. next Thursday nlte. testant giro ulubK nt the Olee Club Misses Josephine and Theresa Blon­ Oursts Included A. Adam Banke, I been spending her Easter vacation dck, of Wlckatunk; nnd the Misses Raymond Helser. Peter and Oordon Tho Saturday Nlto Bridge Club Contest of the New Jersey State : at home with her iwrents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Richard Erdmann. Jr., and Junior Woman'H Olubs a t tho Music Anne nnd Phil Venetla und Peter TenKyck. was entertained last week at Uie' Mra. John E. Bauer, returned to I daughter, Elaine, return today from Building of tho New Jeraey College Vcnoila. of Long Ilranch, home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge P. Lch- 1 Eden Hall, Torresdale, Pa., where I Uie Monmouth Memorial Hospital, fur Women. In New Brunswick, S at­ The Pinochle Club was entertained i Long Branch, to the home of Mrs. rltter. Mis. Frederick Hessey held Wednesday afternoon at the home she Is a student. 1 urday afternoon. | If your fire will not bum, a few! : Richard Erdmann, Sr. high score for the evening. of Mra. William E. BmlUi. Mra. As the glee club luu only been In cork* will be found the best thing Mr and Mrs. Harry J. Kahn and to draw It up. Chsrlrs Zelglrr held high acore for Congressman William It. Sutphln. Mrs. August P. Meulilhausen. Jr„ existence about six inonUis. the thr afternoon and Mra Ocorgr W. ion, John, wero dinner guests at entertained the soml-weekly Tuesday members feel that being awarded the home of Mr. and Mn. Jolrn who has remained In Washington Clark. Jr.. low. for the duration of the tlmo congress Afternoon Brltlge Club at her home fourth place In Uio contest, when May we have you' order for tickets Plneberg In Dayonno Wednesday Tuesday. Mra. Frederick Hnsey they were competing with glee clllba aiul programs? Tlir Teacher* Bridge Club was en­ nlte. Mr. Flneberg la assistant proa- is In session, spent the week-end In Matawan with Mn. Butphln and held high score for the week. Mrs. of much larger towns and cltlea, tertained at dinner at the Colonial ocutor of Hudson Oounty . children, Buaan and William. Paul Egan and Mrs. William 11. Craig amply repays the tlmo and effort ...... A U C T I O N ...... Tr* IIoum Monday lilt* by Mlu apent In practicing. aubsUtuted, of llouae Furnjahlnga and Mary Wells. Mra. Louts N. Paalenaa Mr. and Mri. Oeorge Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McNabb were Camden was swarded llrst place Easier Made Than Kept and Mn. Howard Erdmann Mrs. daughter, who have been visiting weke-end guesta u t Uie home of Tho Members of tho Missionary with 81.7 points. Hound Brook and Oard*n Implement* Oerard Devlin held high score lor Mi*. William Kennedy during the Society of the First Baptist OltylTch Mr. McNabb'i parents. Mr. and Mra. Haddulifleld tied with M) points. Aa­ Thoughtful men agree that wealth is Ute evening and Mra. Edmund Allen, Eater holidays, returned tu Uielr WUllam MoNabb, In Kutatown, Pa., held sn sll day meeUng In tli(| lec­ bury Park 04.3 points, and Mstawan Thur., April 30, 1036 low. home In Baldwin. L. I,, Baturday, ac­ ture rooms of the church yesterday. M point*. Sunday, Mr. McNabb and his mother At I OVtork V. U. ousier m ade than kept. The changes companied by Mra. Kennedy who celebrated Uielr blrtlidaya logeUier. Thn members rolled bandages and Two selectlona. River. River, a Mir. John P. Uoyd had aa her will make a short visit nt tlielr mado nUier hospital supplies to bo Chilean ftolk Song, and On Wings of T h t umlonlffiicd will srll io tlm h lfh . gueat* Sundry her son-in-law and that nre constantly going on tthould home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vreelaiul sent to India. Bongs by Felix Mendelssohn were «•! Iriihiort daughter, Mr. aud Mra. John H. Mil­ and Mr. and Mra. Howard Erdmann lung by the M atawan girls. I choal tools, | do* houno. \ grind ler. Jr., and the latter's daughter, The Ida Faye chapter, World Wide be carefully considered. Determine celebrated the second wedding anni­ Tlie Wednesday Afternoon Rrldgo The glee club la under Uio direc­ rlunr, 1 lottf hftndlftf nhuvcl. 1 whcol Joan necs. all of Doe ton. Maas. M n. Guild, of Uie Flrat Baptist Church, barmw, tooli amt rhovrN, Uwn mow* versary of Mr. anil Mn. Vreeland Olub was entertained Thursday af­ tion of Mrs. Douglas Fisher and Is and I hand drill, I A Uoyd entertained Her guests nnd entertained at a dinner and county to have a fund in reserve constantly Tuesday nlte by attending a per­ ternoon at Uio home of Mrs. Paul Mcompanltsl at the pliuio by Mrs. hsm-w. I furrowing Mot), 1 i-honw William H. Tuthlll at dinner at Uie rally last Friday evening. Tlie Julia iMnw, I hay culter, I pair phnfln. arwrr formance of "Dead End" In New K)tan. Mrs. Rensselaer Oartan held' Ralph Bedle. The members are Mrs. Buttonwood Manor. im*. 1 extension ladder, » rooking growing at com pound interest. areendeld Chapter ot long Branch York. high score fur Uie afternoon. Mrs. Howard Krdmann. Miss Olslre La vhfttt-t. \ mifth ho*, \ l>hon« farm wag. i received the prise banner for having Harry Kalin, socond ami Mrs. Wil­ on, l m fm r. a winh tub* amt iron Mr and Mn. J. Donald Miller en­ Favro. Miss Esther Blau. Miss Edith tuanl,. I dining Mom pci, l rug, \ i Ihe highest iiercentage of attend- Mra. Joseph B. Evans, Red Bank, liam Ollmnrtln substituted Davison. Mias Frances Lloyd, Mrs. oouuh, 3 •land*, oil atnvt, I toilet urt. Interest faW on Havings Accounts tertained Mrt. Miller's mother, Mn. lance from the longest distance. s|»nt Monday Uiru Wednesday at 9 ilrwnwMTs, 1 b«i| *nu blanket*, SI rock* Jainr* lirlan, of Trenton, her ale Oeorge Bolte. Mias Ruth Stillwell. ira. I etiMl, t bolter, \ trunk, pillowa Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Ihe home of her daughter and son- Miss Ann Laird and Ml.vi Anne L. Mlaa Marlon SUIwell, Mlsi Elisabeth and blankats. 3 latnM. \ lor bn*. I ter. Mr> William Henry Kenamey, i Mrs. Alphonse TonletU, of Nrw in-law, Mr. and Mra. Oeorge W. Todd will be the guests this week­ C artan. Mrs. Johnson C artan and tnttal top tabKt, l oil atovr, I uU e. of Princeton, and Mr. Milter's mo­ York, and Mias Bernice W. Brown, Clark. Jr. Oarrett Evans, son of end of Charles c. Schock. Jr.. snd dlihoR and glaanwarr, 1 du*. 1 mnrrit ther and father. Mr. and Mn. Mlsa Joan LeFnvre. thalr, I himiI Manila, 1 rotit, \ bureau, entertained In honor of Miss Mar­ Mrs. Joseph B. Evans, Is also spend* Wllllsni W. Ashley, ol Son F rsn - i ruga, 1 |*Uno, *tool, mualo caw, A Ororue C Miller at dinner Wednes­ garet Denton, of Rutherford, Sat­ Iht the week with Mr. and Mra. clsoo, Cul, at the annual sprint living room ohilnt l <*nter vbatr. 1 Fa r m e r s & Me r c h a n t s day nlir in celebration of Mn. Don­ IM ATTKND DANCE ai'wlnr maohlno, 1 lollH *H, 1 drvwaer, urday afternoon at Ihe TonletU Clark. prom of Ihe Lawrencevllle School, I waahalaad. 4 rookora. I drraaf>r. i ald MiUrr't birthday. bed complet*. I matal t'halr. nig, apartm ent In New York. Miss Den­ Lawrencvvllle, where both of tha About 300 attended llio Pullsli- 1 ton will bo m arried May to Doug­ At the Brownie meeting Tueaday i vxia, I baakrt, s runner*, l rug, tt Na t io n a l Ba n k Mra Phillip F. Tlm peon and Mlsa 3 boya are sUidenls. American dance held under the aus­ runuor*. Katliartne F. Tlmpeon returned Sat­ las O. Wagner, alao of Rutherford j in Ui* kindergarten room of Uie pice* of Uie Matawan Township Fire Ma t a w a n , N e w J ersey A miscellaneous ahower was given Mra. Carl H. Koeker, Jr.. lias been MAHV I’OSTRl.LO, urday after a month'! stay In the ' Malawan Orammar School, the Oo. No. at the OlllTwood flrehouse j the guest of honor and pirate bridge Drownlcs planted seeds under the awarded a certificate ol recl|>e en- Mirtfchvlllp, n. J,. Matawan•t>'m'h(dd O l d e s t Ba n k in Mo n m o u t h CoDUNTY u n t y south Thr majority of their atay Saturday evening. Proceeds from Highway. was >i>em In Biloxi. Miss. They re ­ was played. Mrs. Edward Updo- direction of Brown Owl Mrs. Edgar Oardens for her rcclpe. "Creamed Ute dance will be used to help pay ESTABLISHED IB 3 0 S N _ y ^ McNabb. Bach Brownie purchased J. M. Wiitlli'l, Auvttohrci' turned home via the gulf coast and graft and Mra. Ralph W. Herrick Onrdenslor her recipe, 'Creamed thr cost of the lire truck purchased Tffina: Caalt .pent a few days In Bweet Briar, Va., Ivere Included In the guests who ber own package ot flower seeds and Hamburger." In addlUon to th* some time ago. algned certificate, Mrs. Koeker re­ where they visited Miss 1‘hyllls i came from Lake Placid, Boston, At­ planted them In an Individual box. John Consallnn won the door prise. , Untie city, Brooklyn and norUiern Todd who attend* Sweet Briar Col- ceived six copies of her endorsed rec­ W alter Wnjclehowlca and Ills Royal Miss Jean Anderson, daughter of legr. ! New Jeney. ipe which she can give to her friends. Troubsdom Orchestra furnished Mrs. Frank Anderson, entertained a music for dancing which was en­ Th* anual President's Day cere, group of her friends with an Easter Mrs. John P. Uoyd spent yester­ Mr and Mn. Charles K. Hunt en- j joyed until a late hour. trrtsinrd Saturday nlte In honor i monies of the Matawan Woman's egg hunt Saturday afternoon at the day and today with her sister, Mrs. of Mr. and M n. Theodore Drum - | Club will be held Monday In the home ot Mre. Elisabeth Ward. Those Howard White. In Red Bank. Whll* tnosid. of Aspen. Pa , formerly of | American U glon Hail a l 2:30 p.m. Invited were: The MUses Doris Tall­ Uiere Uicy attended Uie fiftieth an­ Bell B eef Co Matawan. who were spending the | Mn. Norma Bingham, of the educa- by. Elisabeth Ann Riley, Lois Thom p­ niversary of Uie First Baptist Church 1 1 0 - 1 2 2 MAIN STREET week-end wltli Mn Drummond's I tlonal department of the Newark son. Hasel Fisher, Elva Donnell. Su­ of Long Branch. Mrs Lloyd snd MATAWAN inrrnls. Mr. and Mrs William O. i Evening News, will be Ihe guest san Donnell, Shirley Baker. Patricia Mn. While were formerly members Bedle Quests included: Mr. and [speaker. Mrs. WllUam Parker, of McKeen, Barbara Hunt. Barbara of thli church. Church fellowship PHONE MATAWAN 1644 FREE DELIVERY Mr* V. Oliver Dlggln. Mr. and M n. i Red Bank, will sing several selec- Oeran, Milton F. Btevrnson, Jr.. nils waa observed Thursday when Myron H Dlggln, Mr and M n. El­ I Uons and will be accompanied by Harry Zucker, Jr.. Donald Tallby, the guest speaker was the Rev. more Katuier and Mr. and Mn. John , Mrs. Hasel White, of Red Bank, Donald RUey, Jr., Donald oladdtng. Chsrlas F. McKoy. of Brooklyn, a lO'lf I formerly of Matawan. Charles Oeran and Thomas Oeran. former pastor ol tlie chunh. Friday and Saturday Specials FRENEAU of o. Wiggins' pear orchard No Miss Natalie Vacchio la j Mrs. Edward F. Kelley damage was done. President of "Les Amine*" | Is Honored At Shower B R O O K - 1 Mrs Deceits Graham Is vlalUng Mrs. Grace Vo**l and M n . Anna lb her ran and daughter-in-law, Mr. Quachenbuah. of Hillsboro, were vls­ F IE L D JBUTTER 3 1 ° lton with Mn. M. E. Hawkliu Wed­ A number of girls from Matawan Mrs. Kdward K Kr.'v nns sur­ sikI Mrs. Robert Bona venture at have organised a social club by the ' prised a t a ml.-HTlUm u,. shower Cmtwund. N. Y for a frw days. nesday. The Misses Oertrude Stmiuon and name of the "Lea Amines." The club I given her by Uie Junior Woman's Mr.- Jamos M. Hawkliu liad aa hss held Its flnt meeting st Uie Club, of which she Is » member, Rib Veal 1 Q c 1 Wilaon’* Pure her uurnU Sunday Dr and Mrs. Wil­ Dorothy Benaon, Mra. Fnnk Simp­ son and Corp. Ladow, of Flirt Mon- home of Miss P at Boseo, snd plsn | Monday nlte at Ihe home or Mra. CHOPS • - ■ • • Ib 1 i / j LARD • • * • 2 tb 2 5 c liam It Hawkliu and daughter, lo hold further meeting* at the I Charles U. Sllcox.. Osborn Street. Dmilmr. ol Freehold, and Mr. and mouUi. motored to Asbury Park on Monday. homes of each ol Uie members, onco Mrs. Kelley, the former Ruih Roh- Mrv Albert Uak j every two weeks on Tueaday eve­ ' en, of Nmawan. was married Ust R O L L E T E S Mr and Mrs Henry Audrraon. of ning The members ot the club have I Friday. l e a n P u x t t e i r BREWERS’ Newark, >|irnt Sunday afternoon a t1 I b Augustus Crina Will Say planned for many soclsi sotlvltles. ! An linibrvlla. decoraleil lu pink VEAL S O L ID M E A T 2 3 ° Uieir cabin their flnt being s trip by bus to YEAST FLAKES 7 9 < Mr* tOranor Duncan visited wlUi His First Mass May 24 I and white, wltli pink anil white Radio Olty on Baturday. May S. istreamers, sheltered Uie ulfis which her owaln. Mr* Amu Turner, ol I 192 YEAST CAKES Augustus Urine, son of Mr. snd I where Uiey p lsn to spand Uw enUre , were clualorrd around thr Uim' The Nr« York Sunday, who Is 111 and Large Sliced 1 C r 1 Frosh Cottage day and will dine In tht evening. , gifts Included bakeware, iimster. ronlliwd lo a lw»|vit»l Mre. M. J. Craw, of Validertnim. will > _ * 5 .7 6 BOLOGNA - - • • Ib lO 1 CHEESE- - - • - say his nrst masa Sunday, May 34. Two officer* elected were: Presl- | towels, Pyrex, luncheon m i mul * 1 0 ' Mrt. Charles Clatrmonte la fill I many others si lift home ‘al SI. Hoae of Lima Chureh. of Free- ■ dent. Miss Natalis Vecchlo: treas­ YOU SAVE *4.97 H n Louise Wlnans and Mlaa M a r-. hold, after being ordained aa a CaUi-1 urer, Mlaa Josephine Sartbuchollo. ) Refreshments served hy tu. h ^ t - BREAST ion WlpsnS visited the former'* oik' Priest Thursday. May tl. by | Member* Include: Th* Mlasss Fat ess followed a social lime Tho.-*' II \|1 Most* R. Klley, ol Uie Tren-1 Bosco, Minnie Buco*>. Msry Orsvalot, present were the Meadnnu-* ilsr.ikl (oi niirl nl t'

This la tliu second In a scries of MATAWAN, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 According to the local schedule*, artloles reviewing the old baseball EX-STUDEMT-ATHLETE a s a n a s ' EX-MAJOR LEAGUER tne first home games of the currott battlos betweon the town tetm* ol season will be ataged for thla after­ of Matawan and Keyport nearly 30 noon when Coach Carhart's Keypad years wo. in last week's publica­ BARKHORN STARRED KEY-MAT BEARS WILL i High School nine oppose* tbe powet* tion, the writer revealed the results FOR MATAWAN TEAM PLAY PRACTICE GAME I ful Hollmsn High School teem ol the flnt name which Matawan As W e See It In : south Amboy at the Keys' Held, won t to 4 on July 3 7 ,1MT. Accord* A T M AND IN FIELD while In Matawan, Coach PlstKT Wf]] Ins to tlie score book, Keyport won AT MARLBORO FIELD ! send his charged out on tbe fleld to over Its rivals 1 to fl st Keyport fleld I tackle the Freehold aggregation. . o u Aug. at, of the same year. - Compiled Batting Mark Of The Shore A rea Phelan Line* Up Star* For Keyport and Matawan are meet­ Waiting vs Holland .328 And Fielded .962 By "BALJ. HAWK” Workout Tilt With The ing worthy foes this aftentoun, wlui Tho same two flippers drew the In 37 Gamea In 1906 State Hoapital Squad the former a slight favori*? to wjn hurling assignment lor the second over the Amboy aggregation whQe recorded "grudge” battle between Probably one of the most versatile no predictions can be made on Tbbr 1 Tijic Horace Greeley's M tlct Ed Phelan announced today that er’s team until the the rival team. Doe. Wallins and players on tlie Matawan town team local experts VEEPINQ up with the neighborhood kids, Li one Job and trying to discover he had arranged for a practice game take a peep at the Matawan nine Morris wero the battery for the Key- In 1006 was none other than Billy on the Marlboro State Hospital field porters while lor Matawan. Holland Barkhorn. who filled In as catcher, Uhclr qualifications as future greats Is another and the WTlter prefers this afternoon.* Outside of a practice the latter. Any youngster possessing the ambition to become greater, between his Key-Mat Bears snd the tilt with SL Mary's was on the firing line with Charlie second base, shortstop and outfleld nine, of Sooth should pack bag atid baggage and take Horace Greeley's advice (If you Marlboro aggregation for Saturday Amboy last week, the Bchock on the receiving end. and performed proficiently In every, Mate have not get what I mean). Your own town folks are blind as lo your future asset afternoon. played a single game this spring In checking Uie score book, the position according to Uie statistics to the community. In sports a stranger will see you thru rose colored Due to a ruling ot the State In­ while Keyport met and was defeat­ < writer discovered th a t the sacrifice checkcd by the writer this week. glasses quickcr than your own town folks. My advice to young ballplayers stitution at Marlboro, the game must ed by South River, S to 1 oo April. bunt and the stolen base played a In his thirty-seven diamond per­ who are looking for a successful carter In the national pastime Is a start promptly at 2 p. m. tomorrow 14 on the tatter’s Held. , vitally Important part In placing formances with the Mhtawan nine ohange of pasture' and Uiat change must come while you arc still in and thruout tho season. Coach Carhart will undoubtedly the runners In a scoring position, or in 1006, Barkliom went to bat of- tho prime of athletic youth. Bill Sweel, spokesman for the M arl­ ALBERT B. HERMANN start his ace battery today, with' In other words tlie team on the at­ nclallv 134 times, scored 27 runs, lilt boro squad reported today that the tack played lor one run thereby O eorge Tice on the mound and Bafn- ' JOSEPH C. IRWIN safely 44 times for a season batting Getting The Baseball Ftvcr Here players have had several workouts Henry Dane, kingpin scml-pro m y S epten preventing double plays or rattier on the reoelrtng end. m ark of .328, dialkcd up 18 sacri­ PVErty amateur and semi-pro ball player Is getting the baseball fever Uils week and with few exceptions, catcher of Monmouth County and The same lineup that opposed South cutting clown the chancos ol twin Joseph C. Irwin, of Red Bank, has fice h its and stole 23 bases. ** In the Bhore area. Several teams have already btdrted the season tho squad was shaping well. Harold A. Woolley, prominent young R iver High two week* ago win prob­ killings. accepted the Invitation lo act as a Blllj[ was equally as Impressive on whUe others.wlll pry off the lid Over Uie week-end. Marlboro Hospital and J. Breese, the new physical director polltlclnn, of Keyport, wero guests ably start in thla afternoon's con­ member of the water sports com­ the defense with a season tally of Mats Ootfcat Foe the Key-Mat Bears will stage a practice ganft tomorrow afternoon on the at Uie hospital, lias been appointed at a dinner given Albert B. Her­ flict. mittee lor Keyport’s Balt Water 140 putouts, 00 assists and 8 errors The M atawan nine again outbatted Marlboro field starUng promptly a t 2 p. m. Rumaop A. C. will open Bunday pilot while Paul Waivers has been mann, former major leaguo ball­ At Matawan, Fisher will select Days’ celebration here on August for a fielding average of .903. its rivals 13 hits to 8 but unfortun­ against tho Red Bank Towners minus Walter Konoskl, Its ace'hurler, assigned to tho post of booking man player at the Hotel HUdebrecht in Berry or Mumford aa Ida starting ately Keyport hid' si mound artist 8-1-8. i Barkhorn was rated In those days ager. It was reported that twenty Trenton, Monday nlte. Ab Hermann flipper, with Hayoook doing the Mr. Irwin was dec ted to the Red who Is getting a trial wlUi Scranton of the N. Y.-Peuna. League. Scarlet Who could also hit and Doo Walling os a cagey ballplayer, could run the Raiders, Oliver Byron. Red Bank Quads. Red Bank Colored diants, candidates will be out on Uie hos­ who played ball with Hen Dane and catching, and while tbe witter la on B ank boro council In 1934, a n d since sacks Intelligently, a fast sure fielder came thru with a double and a Leonardo P. C„ Little silver, Eatontown Alerts, Holy Namo Club of Free­ pital field tomorrow and will get a Ed Phelan several years ago, ad­ tho aubject, It might be well to that time has been In dlreot oharge and regarded aa reliable when he was triple in the pinches to pull the hold. Oak Shades, Keyport Bears of Brownspolnt, Union Beach, Haslet chance to display their ability as mitted roconUy at Joo Bcnnott's menUon that this boy Hayoook look* game out of the Are. -Anytime you of the finances and operations of the sent behind the plate to handle tho ballplayers. Sporting Goods Qtoro Uiat altho re­ as if he might be developed Into a municipal water department. He ls A, C,. Old Brldgo, Engllshtown, Bolitiar Democrats, and others aro reported Me a pitcher hitting In the “clean­ catching assignment. He playod 30 ready to stage tliolr 1030 season openings Sunday afternoon. Lefty Ross, n newcomer, will most tired as a ballplayer ho has never pretty fair sort of a catcher. Thla up” or fourth place in the batting chairman of the Waterways Im­ games as second base, 4 contests In • • * • • likely start the game on the mound lost Interest In the National pastime. was the writer's Impression on the provement Committee, president of the outfleld, two at shortstop and 11 order, he must be regarded as a Couniy Stars In Pr*-Ball with Bill Bwecl on tho receiving end. Tho former major lesguor has ac- flnt look at him in practice thi* the Young Men's Republican Club, games behind the plato . .. all dur­ tough hombrc up there swinging a y o u may be Intoriwtod to know thnt Harry Petty, of Jamesburg. former Breese, a former Trenton Tcachcrs copted an invitation to toss out the week. Can’t say anything about the. of Red Bank, the Oeorge C. War­ ing the season of 1006. College star, will fill In at second or bludgeon. • liurler ot Charlie 8torm's Marlboro Town team, has been with Al flrat ball to C. LeRoy Bowne, Mayor hurling staff, the In fielders and out­ Walling drovo In four of the seven ren Sportsmen’s Association of Mon­ Aeoordlng to the records, ho played HhortsUip altho his regular position of Keyport, on tho opening day of Matnninux's Albany Club of tho Intcrnutlonul League for the past month fielders until I see thism In action. runs for tlie Keyport club so If you mouth county, tho North Jcrsoy but two gnines hero In 1907, having In n catcher. nhc! Is doing wi'U acbordlng to reports, a n d Al Hnbo, form erly of Ed V an- the Interboro twlllte league season The game at Matawan arid tha ask me, Holland should have lined Coast Rutgers Club, tho National been signed to play with another Paul Waivers will bo buck again at here next month. Harold Woolley, derveer’s Freehold Club, Ims been with Albany bin was recently sent down one at Keyport will get underway some strategy and placed lilm on Bwccpslake.i Regatta Association and bnll leain. Barkhorn was nought first base. Siimniiirco, former Keyport secretary of tho local twlllte olrcult, tho river to the York Cluli of tlie N, Y.-Penns. League for further scason- at about 3:4* Uils afternoon.- the "open bane" with a walk. Charllo the Red Bank Yacht Racing Asso­ by five major league scouts blit de­ High Sciiral star euteller who h a s sent the invitation to the ex-league* At the old Keyport High Sehool Iuh as u vutclicr. Manager Mammnux believes Balm will develop Into u Bchock, Brad Drown, Holland and ciation. ' clined to play professional bnll. since developed Into un Inflcldor, Leu days ago. good prospect und ]<*runk Hayes, of Jameslilirg, who also performed for field thla week Uie backstop *cr*«n III addition lo headline these clubs, After lie retired us a ballplayer, will probably Im M.utloncd a t the J. Walling Marred on the attapk for Vanderveer'H Frt'elmld nine, is buck luniln fer Ills second trip lo (.'onnle waa repaired and painted while tha he plays a prominent port In tho llarklinrn took over hi* father’s busi­ hot ronier ur the Infleld. Among the Matawan. Schock laced the ball for Mack's Plilliulclplilit Athletics. F; ,.nk Had a good season In Ihe Interim- infleld wa* raked oltar of pebble* two double* nnd n single, ilrlvlnu In affairs nf many other clubs of which ness In Newark where he bocnino utherii listed nil the IMI) player tlonnl League lust ymir, I wouldn't lie MtirjiriHCd to see middy Hhort/ut ANGLERS GET BIGSHARE and ruts In au effort to have It In two runs and tulllcd twice. lie Is a member, After graduating HUcecsHful. lie fell victim of a h e a rt roster are M o u n t, Welch, Thomp­ fair ahape for th* opening Uila a f - , from Ited Bunk lllgh Bchool, he en­ Oak Bhatli's. K"ttlhK a trial with some minor league dill) within the urxt Mata Hcore Ksrly attack lust year whlld playing ' a son, tlpiiknmn, J. Hurt, .loluiny OF TROUT INnC0UNTY temoon. tered Pennington Seminary and dur­ two seasons, The wilier believes lie lias wlial is takrs (o make Ihe griule, Tlie Matuwan clubber* scored two round uf golf nt Deal, lln was pop­ Wohelnels, Maker nnd ltlelly. At Matrfwan the high school h u a ing IiIh M'lilur year was cap tain of but he must net uut now Into faster nctnl-pio buiirbiill company to hrcomo runs In the opener after two were ular among tho fans and players In Manager i:d Phelan ot the Key- fine playing neld but M ki grand­ the football and basketball towns better niiiualiiti'il with the liner points uf tho uame. Data Show* Where Ftth out; Bchock and Brad Brown sin­ the shore area and his death was . • • • • « t Mnt llenrs will probably arrange Ills' stand and bleacher m t*. R*gard- and a member of the baseball nine gled, ndvsnced to second and third deeply felt by those who know him I,m ul Play«li> Wllh Uumiuil Imttlnv order as follows: DtcU, If, Were Caught In Nearby lfiaa of aa* er how lnter**t*d he or an well as president of * class. o n it double steal. Hyer muffed Stall­ 111 h, these part*. G'urhart, ef., Manuel, ss., Dane, c., alio I* In bateball or football, th* ous- A gold medal, given each year to A IllttNU time with Dob Ilsloy, thn rotlilld business luAnager of the Stream* Since Wed- ing'* drive tn right fleld a n d both In 1000, Matawan won 24 games M Fisher or H. Bhorl, 2b„ Vanderveer, totner does not relish the Id** of the senior who attains tnu highest Rumson A. Cl., thn writer haa dlacoverad that nob lias among hls 11138 runnor* scored, Blmpton w u out on and lost 14 for a season average of Ui , M, UtlMicsc, rf„ II. W alling, 3b., According to unofficial reports standing thru an entire ball game. records as best all round athlete anil roster ot playota such we'd known local start M tytke Brliuese, of Keyport, h is h ard smash U shortstop Kruser. .tu. Jimmy Clinton and Rad Waller Fredda, Post and Oashlon, pitchers. stncn Uio opening day of tha trout Keyport h u grandstand Mats but best all round student participating Tommy Delta and Oharlle Marvol, u( Matawin, Sammy Rankin who played Matawan scored, one in Uie th ird . rated at that time two of the beet The Keyport pilot plans to work season, April 18, the majority of the th* poorut playing fldd In Um *1*1* in scholastic, athletlo, and >?-. Vnleai tho unforaseen happens nine at MaUwan High Scbpol fl*M Kruser, a aaerlflo* by Mount and a team handing him four of his five might like te be Informed the where* Mr. Irwin has been associated with defeata. ■ within the naxt ttfelvi months, then will be no Interest aroused In any BY KEYPORT SCOUTS during tho flrst or s**Mid WMk In double by Doo Waiting, Ktyport outdoor sporta for Keyport High Bchool a thistles for the next five years. ebouls of the flsh reliaeed since his father, Captain Charles P. Irwin, Don't fall to read the 1000 record Maroh I, For tholr beneflt we have May. Mickey O'Connell ha* b*en won the old ball game In the seventh. I hope I am wrong in this statement but tha outlook is anything but prom­ elected manager whit* Rufl* StUlU in management of the Irwin Yaoht of Matawan'a fluhy lead-off hitter, listed bolow Um atreatAa In Mon­ Walling Klta Again ising at this Ume for teal action on the ntw athletic fleld. MacCullough Hurl* Game Works of Red Bank. He waa Mon­ J. Flynn, tn next week's third artlele mouth and Middlesex counUes was named captain of Ui* Uam. In tho "lucky" seventh, Dougherty • • • *i • Oeorge and Red amis, Rufl* and mouth Oounty OommlssU|iier of Sea of the series of Matawan'a heydays For Key* | Return Came which aro reported wtll stocked wlUi walked and stole seoond, Kruser beat May Ereet Tennis Heart* In Malawan BeouUng. un the diamond. I* Booked Here brook trout and rainbows, Jerry atulti. Ruts SUllwtU, J. Poppa out an Infleld hit, DOughorty went lo IIISHH'B ii 1'iiinor going the round* that a group of sportsmen In Mata­ “IT stands for brook trout and are among thoae who hav* algnad up third. Kruser stole second unmo­ T wan aro pluming to build et* ttnnli courts whloh tt true should be With Oharlle MaoOullough In rare “It" for rainbows, to play with the Matantet S n ftfht- lested. Doo ambled up to the plate KEYPOftT, LEAGUE BAYS1DES TAKE TWO welcome new* to the enthusiast* of the popular outdoor sport In thla hurling form, Uio Keyport Boy ere. , and won hls own ball game with a vicinity. Thy report haa It that the courts may be built at Cdgemere Menmeuth County Managor O’Connell announo*(l Bowling Data Soouts, Troop 04, easily defoated the Osborne’s Ppnd, Bailey's Corlier, two bagger to right otnter. Asbury FROM UIERTY FIVE Heights. Edgar VanBusklrk, of Vln’s Heal Kftttta Agency, Is said to bo Haslet scouts Tuesday afternoon It Utls WMk th at he would s*nd out Mount and Doo Walling divided the active In Uie move for Uie erection of Ui*** oourU. While tho complete 133 It. challenie* lo Kaansbuig, Marlbwa, Nest Week's Schedule to 0 on the Haslet fleld. Olcas and Spring Lake, Bprlng Lake, 134 R. pitching honors for Keyport on that Monday Nil* details could not bo learned, the preNnt plan la lo make them public Carhart formed the Haalot battery Freehold, Keyport, bigllshtown gad parUoular afternoon. Mount, Weinman, Culver, tennis cobrts. When approaohsd for a AmArmttloit or a denial of till* Old Mill Pond. Villa Park, | » R. othor Iowqi which hav* On d * p # t- Steamboat Co. vs Baysldos .while the umpire! were Herbert Shark River, Hamilton. 300 B, M R. Holland fanned 1) Koyport bats­ Tuesday Kite Johmon Rolled Top* In rumor. Mr. VanBusklrk said there would be an Important announcement llyrne behind tho plate and Dili ment ball teams. men Issued three passes but fallod to for publication forthcoming within the M xf low weeks. North Branch, Metedeconk River, Th* Washington Engine Oo. play­ Tidewater vs Perrtns's Single Qame High Rough on the baaes. Georgia to Greenville, 300 B, 78 R. pay more heed to the base runners Thundoy Kite The Kcyporters, presented t pow­ ers will start serious training U>la who stole everything that day blit llockliocksen Brook, Tlnton Fells, aft.moon and will oontlnu* with Engine Oo. vs Liberty Altho outseorlng their rivals by erful and aggressive llno-up and not 200 B, 60 R. tho water bucket. Aoeordlng to the OS pins the Liberty five lost two only olubbed the ball with con­ twlllte practice teutons *v*ry ih f\ scoro book. Keyport was credited SWEEL OF MARLBORO STEAMBOAT BOWLERS Pine Drook, Pino Brook, 200 B, Uiat the high school field U idle, TBAM 8TAND1NOS out of throe gafnee in Its scheduled sistency all artemoon but turned in 3S R. wllh 13 stolen bases with Poet, WL Pot league match on the Keyport alleys HITS BUTTEAM LOSES NIP PERRINE'S TEAM flno performance in noldlng and — ------'V Dougherty, Kruker and Oralg leading Manasquan River, Ardona, 00 B, Baysldos ...... 18 0 .007 to Uie Bay sides,, tho present leaders base running. H a r r y Patty I* H urling Uie parade of theft artists. M ata­ Wantpuin Brook, latontown, If B. Liberty ...... 18 12 M 0 In the raco for Uie flnkl round cham­ Buch promising young amateur Oarvey'e Pond, Naveslnk, 80 R. wan totaled 10 base thefts. In this Red Bank Towner* Are Victim* Win The Fint But players as "Jlbby" Flts|erald, c„ For Albany Int. Club Perrlnc's .. .. J4 IS .510 pionship, fmlayatown Lake, Iinleystown, 133 _ — . : game so it seems that the catohera Englno Oo. . 19 18 .800 After taking the flrst game from Ndted Out By Rival* In Drop Latt Two Tilt* By Charles MaoOullough on Uio mound, had plenty of headaches trying to R. llsrry Polly, of Jamesburg, Steamboat , 11 10 .307 Liberty by 3 pins tluTBaysldes oamo Ninth Inning 0-7 Margin Of 85 Pina Ellsworth Wilson at flrit, H. Carter Black Mills Lako, Mllhurut, 134 R. cut down tlio base stealing produc­ Tidewater . . . 8 11 .431 back to take the midway gnmo by a at second, H. Wilson at third, “Sod" pitched for Oharlle Stems' ' tion. , Allentown Lake, Allentown, il l R. boro town team uveral year* margin of 140 pilia only to aeo the Cntcher Bill Bwiel, of Uio Marl- Oharlle Perrlne’a Brownapolniers Lambertaon al short, C. Cokelet, 0, Mlddleeen County i As the result of th a t two run rally, Briefs Baysldos win tht flnal game of tho born State Hospital nine, led tho are flndiug tt dmicuil to ke»p from Campbell and H. Miller In the outer and who atveral Weeka ago del« the Keys went Into U» lead bt tho Davlti Pond, BeuUi Amboy, 38 B, the Busliwlek Kandy Klda, Brod(t< Pour out of the six Koyport bowl­ ovenlng by 02 pins, , attack with two healthy drives Bun­ sliding Into th t cellar position of the pasture forced Uio Keyport team ms n. seventh but Matawan Mm* back In ing league teams are still regarded Johnaon, of the Liberty flvo, cert day afternoon and alttio hla team, league after being rated earlier In which ran roughshod over IU neigh­ lyn's Keml-pro champion*, I* new tlio eighth to soore one. Stalling filed Oekey's Brook, Franklin Park, 28 on Uie mound *UH of Al Ma*R> aa dangerous oontenders for the rled off single game high score hon­ the .Red Bank townors, hold the tb* second round race as a conten­ boring town's scouters. ' “Bnagle" V, IU H, out deeply to left, Sim peon singled to second round title. Tlio team that ors with a roll of 348, Others who luuf by a wide margin, the Red Bank der. Conover Is mascot for tho Troop *4 inaux’s Albany Olub of the luM> right and etolo second, Holland sin­ Lawrence Brook, New Brunswick, national League. wine tho second round will defeat bowled bettor than 200 were Clllvcr, Colored Glunts came thru with a Perriiiemfn dropped two out of team. 3D fl, 138 R. * gled to left, nimpson Moring and Tidewater ohainpe of Uie nrat round Welninwi, and Mount. ' six run rally lu Uie ninth lo nose out thret III Uielr match at the Keyport A return gamo has been booked Al Sabo, Uie Fordliaai fhuii Holland golug to seoolld ..oh the Mslohponlx Brook, Old Bridge, former alar outfielder of Id V i In tho play-off match. Tlio oilers Weinman was runner up single the town rivals I to 7. Bwool, former alley* Monday nit* to the lowly for Conover Held, Keyport, to be 900 11, throw to tho plate. HollMld stole have not shown ritueh In tho flnal game soorcr with 942 while 'Culver crack catcher ef Uie fluinsoii, A. C„ Steamboat plnmen alter having played Saturday afternoon, May 3. dervecr'a rnehold olub, waa reoanUr Mauahi|NUi River. Jamesburg, 300 ahluiied lo th* York Uam of A ; third and on an attempted (queen round and have Mill not been able bowled 'em over id the tune ol 123 will do Iho catching for the Marl­ no«ed 0l|t tile latter In tl\o opener by According to present plans, Key- B, N. Y.-Penne. olrcult for further *«i* play, Holland was nlftied at the to get out of the leaguo collar slnoe in the Jlnalo. , boro Hospital tomorrow afternoon In 7 pin*. Itort’s llno-up will remain Intaot but plate on J. Walling’s bunt to pitcher llestlicot* Brook, Kingston, 300 B aonlng by Manager Al Mammau^ copping tho Utlo >of the opening lia/shlM It) a tune-up game against thn Koy­ JO* P ip , Al Schwarck, C Hopla. D. Haslet may strengthen Its preaent Cron* Way Brook, Cross Way, 38 Walling. M. Brown (knifed ending round. . • Vflfhe ...... , 147 108 177 port aggregation, a Saturday after­ Peai* am) J, Davlno snapped out of aggregation. Other soout teams tlio rally. •> ii, iso n. T. Wailing ...... 170 140 ISO noon traveling olub to b*' known as It a|tgr the medloere start and round thruout tlw shore area are being noiihaiiiton Lake, Ikililwmloi), 78 KtoYi*ort* m . Ray Kruser, Walt Culver. Prank A u m a e k ...... 1(7 140 107 tho Key-Mat Dears and couuioncd or th* rani* lo turn In two oredltablo considered for games Uils season. B. 7 8 II. TIDETABLE A.U ll II 1*0 A H Angello, Al Schwarck, Oeorgo Wein­ ■** * WelnnMh ...... n o I4S 141 local semi-pro star*. Hweel has Sage or Sucker Brook, Metiiolien, K nurr, m 8 ft i si o man, Rufle Walling. Cliurllo Kin­ Krnsot ...... 188 187 183 signed with the Rod Bank Towners Prank Allfollo, tlie tonsorlal king 78 B. 1# It. AMU 34-W A. Mount. . w i ‘C o s o hafer. Toot Walling. Paul Btensel, Matawan H. S. Nine To T. Walll Ilf.■. p ...... A4 l 1 iI n » o for Sundays witlla un Haturduys he a t TwMlrte'* M atawan. turned hi n Play Al Rumaon Tueoday Meaiis lirook, llnnhamlon, 76 U, FeUawiog *k*rl le fer Maly Artimlroni, or of ...... Qi o tt o 0 1l y tt o Joo Pep, D. Leake, O. Hopla, K. Van T o tals nan m n» will perform with Uie Htute Hos­ fln« HlN* Ifaoie 4core for the Per- 78 ft, J!oa|> )*»...... Ba o 0 1 n II f f uPelt, C. Perrlne and1 B. Auinack have Ueeh IM* a*f*ub**i ta t*rt< 4‘nU». 8 0 0 8 0 0 Liberty ’(I)' pital team at Marlboro, lln Is ono rlntM M Wllh 070 whllo Al Schwarck IMnnplimise Penil. Port Heading, it boon turning In some Imprenlvo (touch Umigla* Fisher's M atawan M*aawa4|i. Per Key pert, Neath ;. llyrr, rf tt t tt V I Culver 167 ms Of the beat young catchers lu the osrrM eff slnil* galno high score 711 M, 70 fl. MorrU, o ..4 0 0 • U Iscores during this league round. lllgh School baseball squad will mo­ A n b ey a a l etber H*Htaa My Roberts IM 101 county nnd la being sought by sev­ with a reU if 814 in the midw*y mt. Outlet Farrington U ke, near New The bowlert competing in th* Bun­ tor tu llumaoh fleld neat Tuesday adnt*. add u ailaate*. r*r As- ; » t • w ia M ount . a n 170 eral fast olub* In the shore urea. N o th in g cah hkppen before afternoon for a scheduled game wltli Briihiwlok, aoo «, Mrr h r t saklrael |* aUaul**, day afternoon bowling aweepatakea Moyers . IM .110 IjInn’Hi the l*«(M season close., it appears " m w nAll A fl H H PO A A ll It H P(> A r, lh« ttuinson lllgh School town and r*r Bay bead *a Baraegat Bayr chalked up the beet average scores, Johnson JM Ufa to In I MtUle between Ihe Baysldn Jturvk since Die weekly claKlo started, last flrmtin, Himj, ..II I I I. 'i i Irom what tlio uniter was able lo aaM I bear*, N aiiiite*. fer Bed II. Rru' ■ i " 'J J '» I Tlftfg |M) th* Liberty rival for tlm Inalsy And Sheffler Leave Huhftok, Sunday. Strange as It may seem, ,l# 0 I !l ti <1 gather In tho line of data uf the ■ u t ea Na***lab Mim Ml * II. tlrowiviwn..t e of s...... a fJ ) U a j i } To tale |m i eia tie t e k & T bu> " ...... fl I y N I) d seoond rauM «h*mplonship, ‘ enemy's striijgUi, Rumson should For Minor League Tryout k*an* I atlaaUa HtftNlnr, lb Uisee Impressive score sheet* were ttuvaft, rf•f ,...... , , . 4 I o J « fi lUaaikeal III Htmtifton. lb ...... V I I } aeoldently destroyed, therafor* the irowii, »iiiIi ...... ,..JI I I I I give ru h o r'a A nm gotion Plenty uf B U rr FACTORY O&tiANIZBH J. P » p ...... W 190 writer Is not in a position to furniali i mllow, if ...... i 'i 1 'J ll 0 trouble, It wm learned tins week Uiat Lar­ rrlday imrn£A|'''t.,4.. HrataaJ.rf-::S Ii » BAHBBALL TBAM FOR 1030 ...... , i I o T I 0 C, H o p ll...... IM 171 Noxt Friday afternoon, May I, ry Insley, former Malawan High Friday*(tt(M«a ...... MtNIlH M. Ilrown, Sb ...... 4 0 U 0 1 the scores. 1 Ilia, n ...... I t tt ft I D. P U * « ...... 171 in Manager Joe Lansgfo and OcMh WonI, |i Malawan Is tlalMl /or a diamond School siar, and J, Slieltler, of Uw aaiarday Meralag ....l*iU 4i4* It" I lT « 10 SA 8 • JIT II 8 j . ntv in o ...... i h im Mward Holtorf are oTfanlalng tliolr dash with Middletown Townahlp Old Brhlge team, left Baturdfy for Saturday afleraeen . lliU4i4* alawan ...... t*i,i*i.*ia CEDAR GROVE A. g o h w in k ...... )M 214 a tryout In a Pennsylvania minor Sr, ItoH .,,, ...... eteim.M *- team at the lfanson* Van Winkle ,t,mniiitn.-uA |J lllgh at Leonardo. Tne Mats and Henday winnHwg ..lliU iiM rynai Karjw . Itrimci, nn ...... A I I u fI j I d the Keys will renew all rivalry when league olrcult. insley hss been ploy­ Mrs. Holmes Lambertaon, of Uio Munnlng Oo, factory for .the 1030 ukltl,Pllli tillHI) . i • . . i. i .., > .n ...... 1I u H 1 I “ aenday afU*MM .,,.lliM Ii4* Ui Matawan, I. i base hltai Dim TolaW Mt 017 n o they moot on the Keyport (gravel ing shortstop and pitching for light WohIiii. 1. Tl WUi Deo Wall- Freneau sootton or Malawan, npent Kason and will arrange a stiff lUnillMMlflfthiiiHinn, i t , ...... ft o i» I i Meaday a u n lS ^ fli...... UN Ilnlhnd, Molea tis»si Anti! “ it i 1 ‘i ,r*Mn*'s (it pill old high school fleld on Mon seinl.pro club* In Uie shore area Msndar aft«a*M ,...l* il» *144 In*. aoEonk. Ii Saturday with her father, Wllllam schedule of twlllte and Saturday af­ AnuI I u linuihsrly. Ii Knissf, Ii ftounl. wiffl- M S ; | ; 110 day, May 4 Slid It Is hoped th at for tlie pa#b Uiree yesra but It oould Peal, Ii CraM. I| II. Lambertaon, who Is iirlbusly 111. ternoon times. Among those at the I A >07 Tueaday weralag ,..., .Oil* 7tU Iiii, Armstrong, ...... i It tt not Im learned whether he would lirawn, W w®fl Ii It DrawnVStalhnr. plant who will try out for the team i n 170 something will bo don* to put Uie Tueaday after aeon , ,,,liH fiN ...... ::l O, iahtwberg IM IM K. H, S. ground* In shape before nuke a bid tor an Inftald Job or Start Um baby ohlcka wltli Bea­ aw. Tom Fallon, IM 'Olllla, J, essLft: p i ’? Wedaseday m*nrtn*..,,li4* IiM con Complete Starter. W# osrry a Lease, Lefty Dovino, last year's *oe ♦•ehnililar o tt c,Pft/in* ... vn 1*7 some tilaysr |*ts seriously Injurtd would (lick te p|tetiin|, flh*fn*r W*dat*e*y alteraua ,,liM liN complete line of feed* th a t take hurler, P at Bovlnov PHnV Loscoe, v. Anpllo ■■ • • iti IN trying to fleid ft ground ball on a sur­ to »n Inl^eldir and turned in *n Im n m tar muaht* *iM prodiva record lu t stason lu fl*M pltebsri car* of th* ohlek from th* egg' to Oeorge Kimball, Ray Insley, Dom for Or»wn»rtin face coverod with rut*, itonu and Tkandar alliraua , t|liM IiM f c i i V fMtnuT ...... in* ind hitting. 11 Inlok Bovlno tnd ta n k Bliss, Towninl ..tt,i T o t a b ...... M l N t NT pebbles. II. i ia i a ...... 5S S ,°.? Wenlngt ^(toluituttahVr, We) litriMt. - ttftimrwj THE MATAWAN. JOURNAL^ MATAWAN. N. J. FRIDAY,iA.r( APR11T24,A ritiL ^t^ iw 183» t PAGE TWO-SECOND SECTION • m n a iB CL1FFWOOD LAURENCE HARBOR CHEESEQUAKE OLD BRIDGE ...... BRewrfrewN - COMMUNITY NEWS *__ ' — ■'■l « W 'h a t;'^ The Willow Boy*, of Plainfield, in­ . The laurenoe Harbor Tfti‘66, NO. A prlrate card party for the ment­ Th* fifth In a strive of card parUee Mr. add'-Mir*. Jneob OeKb tad spected their bungalow at Ollffwodd Mim Marl*-Otiib w*re dinner and i 1. w u called out Tuesday attemoon bars or tbs Ladle? AiftJUai? . and , Ute sponsored by the Willis P.-T. A. was KEANSBURG MIDDLETOWN Beach over the vaek-end. to extinguish a small brush fly* bt firemen and t*rittl.ea « u hiAd In Ute held Frldty evaning at the WlUls theater guttia Of ft*. Mn. otto Mrs. John M. Ntrown is spending Secuon l. No damage waa raportsd fiaghous* Mrlday nlte. Following school. Th* pH** winners were: Oiub t t . AsburyPark last Friday Jamea Mslley w u chairman of the School principals, teachers and thf week with her daughter und aon' The puplli In the eighth grad* the games, prlaea were awarded and Mlsa Victoria Wober, Ml** M te Jol­ nil*. :■ curd party and dance held by the janitors of the MlddWtown Town In-law, Mr. and Sirs. Harry Lewis, class in the local public sthoW have refreshments aerwd. .■ ly, M lu n a h o t* K oum an, A rthur The Wng« eoclal to be given, by Holy h u m Soctety Of St Attn* ahip schools have been restored one of Riverton. planned a oard party to be held In ‘ Mrs. Louis Schulmelster and chil­ petUe, Charlta Layton, it,. Harold the memben t i M n. Rslptt Riun- Church Frtlay M the achool eudl- fourth Of their cuts mfede In their Jake Kllmnberg. of Kearney, apent the school for PrMLy, May • Pro­ dren, Dorothy and Charles, visited Ford. M ra M idtUn* JifllUr, Ela- tain'a clu* ln Uit Brewntown sun* tom an. salaries. __ Sunday at. hla summer home in ceeds wUl be wed tor buying class Mra. Katie fay Bunday. ' worUt O re tn , M tlykt Jelly and Wil­ day school ha%b*en peatpcti*d until MIks France* By»lt ls no* a resi­ Mn. Kdwaid onaherty. who ha* Cllffwood Beach. ’ pint and a library fund for' the up­ Mr. tnd Mn. John Hauser and liam Millar, the lut party ot th* Prld*y. Miy. will ttart at dent of WoocUlde. L. I. been a Democratic worker far for Mn. John J. Smith attended the per grade*. ^ •ons, Mlltard'and Howard, and Mrs. series will be held ln M ay when the I o’clock. ■ ; w m iu o OUeUU H arry A HU1, forty yean, ha* baen nominated aa Thunday evening performance and Mr. and Mra. R ed L, O rtm th and Susan Cannlflt, visited a t the home of grand prla* will be award*d. Mr. and Mn- 3 u m MWr*l) spent Wllllsm Coverdsle end Joaeph Ryan townehlp tax collector. Mra. O'- Mls> Mae Smith the Friday evenliy children, of Prospect Avenue, have ter. and Mm:Richard Wolf, of Mor- Mn. Albert latscher, Sr., Is vis­ Wednesday ennlittjot lut week w rc local repre*ent*Uvt* of the R a h e rtr h president of the Wo* performance of T h i Red Mtll," pre­ returned’ fnm Vineland whan they Tiiiown, Thunday evming, iting her daughter, U n. W sltsr with Mr. and Mr*. Otho Schnuck, of Keansburg loeil of Uw Monmouth i pen's Democratic Chib of Middle­ sented by Uie senior claae of St. attended the funenl of Mr. Grif­ Mr. and Mra. Francis Hsrtle, Sr., Baldwin, in R aritan Township. ah*MM|iiak». Oounty LAbar Chib* t t a Joint aee- town Townahlp. . Mary’* High School tn South Am- fith's m other. . were visited on Bunday by Mr. and Oeorge Dobeon h u r*tUnV A hum* M r. and i t t , WtWtm Q*rt*l and xkm wtth the New Jeney Workers Mn. A. Mueller Imi m IM on the bajr. . - Louia Volk h u taken over the Mrs. Harvey Boyo*. of Old Bridge. from s tour of the southern stat**. daughter. Kathryn, spent Wednes­ Alliance tc Trenton. mmeea lin e & 9. Monarch ef Ber­ < Mary Clark and Winifred Smith former H. & A. Servloe Station on OUvei; Brown, of Mllltown, visited Mrs. Lester squires w u a gUeet of day owning ot lu t weelf with Mr. Miw Ruth Ooldfarb h u returned muda for Bermuda. are among Ihe student* of 8t. Mary's Uie State Highway at Seidler'a his parenta, Mr. and Mn. Arthur honor at a meeting of Monmouth and Mm. Myron A. Burlew, of Par­ to New Vork city after a abort visit Mr. and Mra. Anthony Blachoft High Sohool, South Amboy, who are Beach entrance. Hairy Demery, who Brown, Sunday. j Oounty American Legion Auxiliaries lln. ' at thr none of her parent* Rabbi returned Iran a vlali at Spring Val­ appearing In the annual senior play. formerly operated Uw a tattoo, to­ John Pouleen and children, aior- bt Asbury Park Monday afternoon. Oeorge R. Weln. of West Ckange, nnd Mrs. Morris Ooldlarb. ley Stream. N. T . wtth Mr. ind Mr. and Mn. Maury, of Palisades gether with hla wife, la now residing 1* and Laura, .vlalted Mr. and Mri. Mra Harry Ivina, Middlesex County spent Wednndty ot lu t week visit­ Mr. and i i n Peter Klee have re* Mra. biaeat BiachoS. . Park, were Bunday guesta of Mr. In White Plalna, N. Y„ where he ls WlUlam Schulmelster lu t Friday, president, w u slso s guest. ing frienda ind relatlvoa In OU* vl- turned from a trip to Florid*. The Rev. Hugh Ifaaeey, of New and Mn. John M, Brown. employed.' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schnucks olnlty. ■ Frank VanDom's apple itorag* m Chief Richard J. Treneiy. Ex- Yeek. visited hla brother. John Mas- C. ti. Davis, of Pauale, spent the Mrs. Kenneth I. Donohue I tu been spent Sunday evening with the let­ Seen Freni The Bridge Cliief Lout* Ruhroan. Oeorge E. mt. latt week. week-end at his cummer residence undergoing medical treatment in ter's mother, Mrs. George Morrell, (By Al Miller) Cedar Orove Is the scene of weekly Kauffmann, Everett Carhart. Walter The Indies' Aid aodMp of Ute in CIUTwood Beach. St. Francis Hospital, Jersey Olty. o t Browntown. - \ l Mrs. Ann* Ryenon, who h u been partle* which a n *n)ayed by both A. Conroy and Charles Vogel are Reformed Ohureh held in all-dap JTank Hedden and granddaughter, The pinochle championship of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burlew and spending the winter visiting her young and old people of thla and new members of the Keambuig meeting l u t week. M ia Marlon Bckhardt, have return­ Madison T0wnsh(p w m won laat daughters, Jane'Ann 'and Imm*. son. WUllam Schueler, of West New neighboring vlehtltica. Last Sat­ Exempt Firemen'* Association. Miss Helen Zaner. at PennaylvaB- ed to their home In Cllffwood Beach Saturday night by the Owt Pinochle visited Mr. and Mra. Frank' Van Terk, haa returned to her home ln urday evening, Mr. and Mra. Clar­ Muses Maiy mkT Katherine Bran- ia. w u a week-end gueat of Mlaa El­ after, having spent the winter In Club of laurence Harbor against the Dorn, of Cedar Orove, Ttiursday Brunswick O ardens No.' 1. ence Hauser gav* a party, and the nlgan have returned from a visit to eanor Irwin. Newark. Camel Pinochle Club, of Old Bridge.' nlte. TH unday, April It, the Sgt. Jos. evening w u spent In danctna, after Mineola, L-1. . Harold Jabn haa retarned to Jer- M n. Dorothy Daily h u returned Ute contest, which w u played by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Seger wen B. Crandall Post, No. IT), of the which refreshments wen served. Mr. a n d ' U n . WUUam Wardell aey City after a vidt with hla sis­ after spending the winter tn Flor­ WUllam F. Ohnsm an aniT Philip the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. American Legion, held Its regular Queeta wen present from Brawn* have returned home-after a motor ter. Mn. Arthur KaeWJi. . ida. ' Volk for the Owls, and Carl G. Stone Charles Sager, of Keosby, Sunday. meeting at the post rooms In Old town. Old Bridge, Oedir Oroe*. U1p lo the West Coast an d a m onth Miss Jean Botun h u been ylsKlhg Mrs. Heuber and ' daughicr, of and Bray Martin for the Camels w u The Misses Mary and Dora Ott Bridge. Plahs for Decoration Day Ch***equske. Cllffwood. High ts town, ill Mexico. her aunt, lira. John Porter, ot Rum- South Orange, ar« spending the held at Wall’s Restaurant Th* fin­ and Mildred and Kay Bowne visited services, parade and grave decora­ Mbtawan and Naw York. . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Caksey are son. week with the former’s sister, Mrs. al score w u 638 to 497. The Old Mra. WUllam Elfert, of Cedar Grove, tions were gone Into. It wu also Mn. Rose R. Burlew and daugh­ spending a few days wltb relatives in Ladles' nlte was observed In the B ertha Bishof. Bridge club will have a chance to Sunday afternoon. , decided to dispose of the ten dollar ter, Elizabeth, visited Mra. Oeorge Irvington. Reformed Church bar Uie Men's Club T he Friend&hip Olub held Its iven up m attery when team s re pre­ - Mrs. Herbert Gaub and daughter, blU on the co-operative plan, May T. Morrell Wednesday evening of last Mbs Vivian Covert. R- N„ h u re- Thursday evening of laat week. weekly meeting at Hie hom e of Mrs. en ting both organisations meet next Dorothy, of Browntown, visited Mrs, at the Legion Post rooms In Old week. xuroed to Newark after a short visit Sidney Iblean la using a new Deyo, ol Lawrence Harbor. month In Old Bridge. A large num John Hauser last Wednesday after­ Bridge. Everyone will be welcome Miss Viola Yost enteftiined » Ni^yN«utlc«l at the home of ber parent*, Mr. and sprayer in his orchards. Mr. and Mra. Janes Callahan, of ber of members front both ch'be were noon. regard less of whether they are mem­ num ber ot friends'with a o&rly last Hie fireman are preparing for a Friday evening. Dancing, glut* J irv John B. Covert. Newark, were week-end guestn of present to watch the play and re­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Dooley en­ bers of the post or not. After the ahllHj-tar . . *tt y*‘M*Hliution pasted M oadur nite a t a have opened their ninuner home ih* Mate flowen of tl aide te remain en nooount ot Mi­ Preston were Trenton vlalUtr* Tues< will be held hy Ute U adlu of Mi. ter w en Perth Amboy vial tors Fri­ ne** In hi* family. Frit* Powell, a . . . and shades of Ute jra irn|KMel was made bf Wlnlam O'­ Via. ■ her mother. Mr*. 0 . w. Dunham. Tftbmu Cowlea U«d for first place Mr. and Mn. Leroy Burlew and b u t Satuiday Uw Amwtcan Lst- Mri. Berth* Blahof entertained daughter apent Sunday afternoon Laitar Woolley and family hav* best. THew atorklnga M rt'.' Neill, head ot the R egular Otub. Mr*. Jane Hull haa retumad home In identifying wild nowen from da- lon odunty banqutt wat held at th* •aier akeer lee* hetla ll th* mwnWa ot Uw Ora ton Club or aeripUona that were given In thi at thi home ot Mr. and Mn. Olyde Mat* Hotel In M*tuchan. Th* Old raovtd from their hem* on Uw Sni- 1’ieniding over Uie meeting m ra M n. after spending Um wlntai montha llshtown rood to Mr. Woolley’s mo* Ur your peak-a-bos, Blanche Herts th. repreaenUng the with ralaUvM In Itooheater. N, Y. Newark at her home in Cliffwood oonteat. BOWne, Sr. ' Brldg* Peat, No. ITT, WM w*U rep- They coaae in knee«blgii Beach Thunday alter noon. Queeta A report of the tent cltttfplllar Mrs. Roaa Schulmelster waa pleaa ther *nd slster'a mldtno* on tb* JrlTermn Club and Beniamin An­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank BUIIniham. reeented by the tallowing; S*nlor Fndhold road. Ittatb. Per tbe daytlma dre ich, ol the Regular o tu b of Brooklyn, a n spending a few daya present *ore: Mr, and Mia- Barger campaign showed thkt Uwunmbera antly aurprleed by a number ot vio*<«ommaad*r of Uw leoal poet Men*, tb* news ia d*|f and faanlly, Mrs. ttlala, Mra. Heclit, of ihe elub have eolleew w M friends and relative* who helped N» ITT, Lutar Squire*; aaoond vie*- Mil* rrtdda Mleanaat of Niwark, Just like ytu wore e*vi at Uielr cottage. (pent tht wetk-end with Mr. ind 1 Mra. Hammond. Mra. M rgere. Mra. auoyed * total ef 1M U afg slaaaea her celebrate her birthday Saturday prmldant of th* county oomailttee ago. If you remtmber, ENGL1SHT0WN Mra. Marla nekllng auoceedi Mra. Mn. Martin Mtlonty. . Monta Joalln aa preaident of Ute Asw Mra. Heubw, M n . Oltver, Mra. this spring. The hIgheatTndlvldual afternoon. Thoa* Preaent wan: ot ltd It* auxlUarl**, M n. Otrtrud* stocking! In the nan'erg DyUa, M n . Chur lee M atting and the tn Uw greup waa Blank Sy«y. who Mra. Chart** Out*! and daughter, Mn. Mary Boyce h u been spend­ Sfelntaf* Xreisa'c U The twwntr-flfth wedding annl- ladiea' Auxiliary at Uw. Atlantic Bqulftt; p u t adjutant, Buaell Tur­ hoatam, Mra. Barth* Blahof. brot In KM egg manaa, MM Con- Anna. Mr*. Abb)* Orewnan, Mn. ner; atudlbUT treasurer, Mrs. a. ing a few daya with Mr. and Mrs. Jk Ptrk. Prlree 1,M and vrreeiy of Mt. and Mn. Henry Kohn Highland*' Mm Department. The tyMmier who la UL . unit will hold lla second anniversary Mlaa Mae Smith apsni Sunday •tanc* Young collaotod the ireateet Arnold Thtm u and Nil, Roger, of Turner; Mr. and Mrs. Metkt, Mr. « «* the oocaaion of Ut* gathering of evening with Mlaa A inea L, Walua. number among IM gtrls bringing In Day tan, Mn. Anthony n*dda, Mrs. Mr. and Mr*. Ctmer DUI, IVtiuau. m tny rrienda fnm Freehold. Brook< banquet Monday nlte in Asbury and Mn. Ben. Long, p u t Command- of Say(*\Ule. ■ in i e n maaaaa. WUUam Oertal and daughter, Kailv er WUUam Moat**, M n. WlUlam wen Wday evening vltttot* with lyn. Umt Island, and New Yort Part. v The Lidlea of Mt. farmel Society The next meeting al Uw'cHib will ryn, Mra. Margaret Wood^Mn, Mer­ Moat**, Mrs. Knemer, atoood aux­ Mi*. J. 0. Dill. 'niurwtay ot laat week. wlU held a ipaghHtj and meat tell be held on May It whloh Will be rill Oreen and sons. Roger and iliary vlet-pradduit, M n. Barbara Mr. and Mr*- Cyrua Brown wen Mrs. aeorn Mount hat returned CENTERVILLE •upper at th* OltfTvood fhthouse the Anal meeting for Uw year. The Dal*, ot Browntown. Miss Sadie Otrleton, junior vie* oemmtndtr, recent vlalton with Mr. snd Mra, from Media, Pa. where ahe waa a Saturday evening, May a. Otter- program wUl etnaist ot nporu ef Bath, t t bant blend. Mrs, Jerry John Heyer, Sr. *uwt Of he* (Mar. M fi T. Platt. Many relative* and tittnda ot the Harry BMphtnton, Mr. and Mn. lalnnanl and dancing will be teat- club mem bar hgbMea. Faningtan. M n. Otho mrrtnghm, Fred Kraemer, Mr, and Mra. Nilaen A birthday p trly fn * ilvtn I n - Mr. and Mt*. Androw The L#wb property aad btwlwn are memben ot Uw BapUal Otmnh lett. ' LINCROFT daughter; Wttalle. while'there, " a . ■ '" mend and wntitm Oottnu. th o has been purehaaed by Mr. and Mrs. at Mtddletown attended Uae aon- Mrs. Charlea Kipp laa gueat ot her M^.^*Dd Mia. Oeorge HemUlng. Mn. Ohris Jaeger la entertaining other omnmltt*** wen nimtd, ■ » FknU Smith. ke* Bunday when they heard a, vis­ daughter, Mn. Olwrlee Balale. In Rally Day wiu be obmmd at Uw gtjUMMBiMr. Ut* Mime* Jane and Mr*. Ourdan Rtndotph ind her to lake charge tf the party which Mr. and Mn. Otart* W. Aumack iting ealalatar. HaMaik. Sunday Sehool Bunday ' ' rt* Bdph. ot Red Bank. Mlaa daughter, VtrtavMie. ot BeUcviU* wm bo htM Wednesday evening and and family have moved lo Taylnrt Mra. Carrie Bird wUl IMke her The loeal Unman are iHapealng et in ' U it i and WllUam Voea, for a few daya. on* to tlx Uw pocket builaid table Mill*. lump with her aon-lr-law and 100 baby tlilcks on the co-operative ___Wt«*, Visited Mr. am) John PItapa trick h u returned whloh I* In poor oondltlon. HOLMDEL dat*hter, Mr. and Mn. Bverett De- phut. Tbe winner wUl b* aNMMbced MtS Settnd B. Clayton and family, hom* from th* Walter Read* Kenneth Deoher h u aoo*pt*d a O n « ot OaWwetl. M t f t t m Hoyee Sunday. pltal wtwrt b t hid been a piuent podtlon In the garage of Bdward Mn. Harold Bennett h u been UNION BEACH Clhartea MeOue Iwa moved his The members et the Yeimg Peo> ind Mra. Chtaur Walling and tor a month. Jeffries, Fnehold. elected pnatdent of th* taOm AM groewy bwdmaa f im D. B. Ma­ plot Boclety at the chi { o t Spring Valley, vlalted the Mr. and Mr*. 0 . Oray, ot Bing­ A bunoo party wOl bt htld tonit* T he boMte of Joaeph Smith and Society of IM DuU* RMttmd honey's lo P. K. Butcher's store, gueeta of the Ohrletlan, DMMifttbUwr, Oeorge Bdward ham tan, hat* rented the Kaatnvor.d M Uw Atlintlc Townahlp School to ou y m m which wet* practical ly Chunh. Otter oOkera aro Mta* wal whteh w u formerly oecupied by a Society of the ' home. ‘ htlp flntnot tht graduatlitt eUaa iimolutwd by Ore last year a n Uulae Be hand vtwp*Mtart; Mn. on their ai^nuil trip. chain atote. Ohureh Thunday ot laat 8. Clayton tnd being raaad. John Jeffry, eecntary. and Mta. John M. Oapunt Is vlalUng In Mr. aad Mra. Charles Daherty and Anna Bty. treasunr. The Mooting ot Uw ftrehoua* la Ltana. and Mn. Mary Washington, D. 0. axptcted to be completed ln six ^ «M M M^. and Mrs. WUUam T1NTON PALLS family, wtw m*au the winter annUu Mia. Hi* Mmoek h u retunwd to Mrs. Ida PlppM. of Atlantlo High- EAST KEANSBURG week*. Bgjwrtlr Monday nlte. PoriMl Nlghtl* m New M t twee ntamed lo theti her home ta Asbury f a it after a maklnf a abort stay with A number ot baprowmenta i n rturt vidt at tlw hem of hor tutir. ber nephew. L. B. Oonover. Uw wm ot M hu tern donated M ug mad* oil Uw WUtM* Row) ftromen and their wlrtt from the So* tkl* Mwoat ctprlct li B) Mr. and Mn. j. l lehafw are eawee. Mr*. M ur By. the Red One* by Uw Bund* Sehoal RQBERTSVILLE in acoerdanoe with erdwt k*u*d t a t Keansburg P in Oompiny at. nlgktiH. rttmal wblte - 1 Mia. Joaeph ICtuhafer la a p*u*nt olaaa, tor nlMwork. kg th* (Uwtwtaf? Ttiimh%» Com- tendtd iw*tlemoon ahow and tve- la akw rayea, and dtaii Keelyn at the PnaMdrt N m»M> TENNENTT~ atltM* road cwnmlltef, Jlm t* Dean. Mnc partermano* in Mtw Ytek Sat­ i tttclttd iblrt-U V a and Mn. BenNmiln Layton, urday. ItuehMMjr, ^ A number at Uaerevamenu aia MORGANY1LLE of AfiUUo Klghland*. apent Bun* Br, townahlp n td att|wrvt*sr, h u Miaa B a m H m haa rewm H betng mad* on Uw Hance hotneetead M ti IX B, Lalid, ef oranlweod, dwr'iNlli.Mr. Md Mr*. Frad Laon. charge ot th* worit MB* Mtrgant Oonovtr, * teoetwr preparatory to owupancy by Mr. has returned honw after betng a la Uw looal aohool, la a paUmt al iioaw M m a ahart vl« Mim Sally Ratellffe la aid. Mia.UytonwuMn.Leonard'i The Baugerlon m k h** been w W»mig>liih. 0. C. and Mn. Out VttMD. gueat of Mr. ind Mra. Henry W, Her­ «M M tto durtng th*ir aeheol day*. ptwhued by KluYy Mott, ot Htw Uw Rlverview MupMM, U m TH* annual aprloc w m * *t Ih* bert lar • week. th* home M Mr. and Mn. Oltntoh B. Branch. - Woolley m Railway. h u been oiwraled on York, who is having Ute put* n - i«w ear* «■ Braafciyw aa Mn Ladte* AM Bectety the IMch William H. NaM wp w m ted the M Ibr IpptnditMi. He U recovering CM M f H M Bafonaad Uhurah w tt be M d WM* local unh at Uw twrtarty meeting Ths On oompanle* wtta MlHd Th* pot awek shew win be held neaday, May M, al Uw «f e t uw MofiftxxiUt oounty Y. M. Thunday to esUnculah I fln it to Uw grammar nhtol tNM nu thlt H A 2 I L B T Ida. ftrwah Butphla l i M Mnlh* 0. ft. Ttturaday evanitht «t laat week homt M Mr. and Mra. J. K*«tir QurtteM t By Sidney Snow jswumber la the life or the pleklea Fort No. 44, American legion, a t in, th* noei unusual single recipes. OommltMe, against Mn. Sarah f|t to *st . 1; No. 3 IN A SERIES OF ARTICLES ON MEAT CUTS Did a worried mother ever ohsia aad thaae are easily raised, Th* TMea* nw.ibe nclpea for deuerts, Long Branch. Uohidhy. Charles Sherwood, 34 Hudson Btreet, Free* you oWay front the pickle Jar? Or will tall you How. And lf th* aoups, m am aalads, «sndwlehe*-li> T. KuUrn, SMOdsted with Mr Bur- hold, was settled Monday for (2500. did you pameai an Aunt Anna who1 IwMen plot Is very tmsH, you nead fast; aiuwilnc which mskea for nslll, sl*o apak* St Uie meeting. The suit arose out of an accident Do not sefve more than one xtrong- lived on a farm w h en you pootfi only hava a few boaea into whloh you greatesrinttmt in s dlah. Here, for Both speakers n p isln e d motyern aer­ at Matawan on Feb. I, in s. Teatl* flavored food at one meal. ' ’ go. to visit? And waa there always platw tha rich earth. In there tha Instsnceiia on* whloh wa* submitted onautic design and development. mony dlacloud that a car drlvni a Jar or two of honwmad* ptobtai teem are sown and from out of th* iy a pnlbNlonal chef, hence la not Mr. Burnelll, author If'the BuN by Mra. Sherwood enroute* to the right In middle of the dlninf box w llln m the tuoumber vtnr». ' i ccmpettttcn: n*IH,Theory of Aeronautics, design­ Matawan station skidded on tike ley room table, from which you sou# ' “Corn** the harvest" as the movlai ed and built th* flrtt successful DANISH BANOWIOH PLATC - pavement m front of the home of help youneif without queMisnt U * |d :ttsay and then cornea the fun "fiyinf wlng" type of ship. He has John Lockwood, M ain Street, Mats* Probably that was all a lone tm •df plekltni. K few Jars and bottles Use thin siloes of pumpernickel been ckMely' aasoolated with Olyde wan, veered across' the road and. ago. but the chanoea are (hat the' and *'kettle or two and the equip­ bread .w ith crusts trimmed off. Pangbom, wor^d.famoo* aviator. crashed into Farrell's car. ' exquisite goodness of til* homy-, ment:!* at hand. . . Spread^ each slice thickly with good Mullen, assodStod With tile Aero- Parrell sustained fractures of his made content* or, tboae ■ pickle jara Along, about then, too. the groc- butter* On some piece bits of cold marine Co. oMCsyport, has, been as­ If -----tisrm t k J . ^L..l____ collarbone, two ribs and other injur­ still linden In'your memory. Thwe ery atom h»vc their *helv« .well nt*at,:4n other*, use sliced smoked sistant designer ^to Bumelli for four ies. He was represented'by Mayor wpuld be sour plcklw and ' sw^*t, atockfd with the mysterious spices RSlMph and sturgeon. Make a few years and . helped deeign, the Aero- Edward W. Currie, ofM ataw an.X eiT mlM d pickles nnd water-m elon rlhd> and eeeda which change the' vege iftvi^rdine* and anchovies and marlne-Klemm plane. ter C. Leonard, Red Bank, was at- and VitU prickly mangoee and mus- table* over Into the delightful home­ some with hard boiled,egg, while jtomey lor Mrs Sherwood. . taird. pickles and chow chow. And made; plokles. For a dollar or so, chicken! and turkey is always sure ■ Toprevent breaking when i The trial wsr begun last Prfllsy wlttv' a plaoe ot freab bread and a you «dl| lay In a supply of all-aplee to,please. Spread each meat cover­ pdurlhg Into boiling i liquids, before Judge Rullf V. Lawrence and ptontlful supply of butter, 'nothing and mace and pepper coma and mtis- ing with' a btt of mayonnaise. Dot Jellies, fruits, etc, place a finger I a Jury In circuit court and announc- more wss needed to provide a grand tard powder and mustard seed ,snd with bits of horwradlsh :or thin (lnri)yonthe of Uie glass. ied as settled Tuesday, Impromptu me*l. * of Iny seed and b«iy leaves sml this wafer like slices of cucumber over, Of OOU’.BC, If you Uve.ln an apart-' and that other conceit ol pickling the' meats, while selected lettuce ment without a yard, then Is noth­ spice. Then, addlng a of vlhetar, leaves are beet for the fowl. Finely ing to be done but live In the past. the materials ate all arranged and minced onion Is best with the flsh: B ut If you possess even a tiny patch the:fun of pickling is under way: Plaoe top layer of bread on each. Of ground.or own even a btt of a Maklng plckles ls so etsy and -slm- Press ste|l together. Wrap tn damp flat roof where the sun shines, you ple that it will provide rare fun and mfektik and let stand In refrigerator may start right now to prepare for j a worthwhile cation for.even t ^ for an hour. Arrange on large plat- the fun of producing your own pick- ' youngslers. ' And tlien come the d^w t*f, garnish with radishes, onions. les and look forward to enjoying and wMu when Uie Jam of plckles Oliver ahd celery—also with email them In not so many months. ’ etand all in a row, so bravely, aSalnst cubes of cheese. Serve coffee or bot­ The flrst step muat be taken right the day when lt'la time to open the tled beer yith this assortment of a now. It consists ol writing to a Jaira... All winter long they will pro luncheon or supper snack. seedsman and getting a general cat­ vide rare enjoyment upon the table. alog. Then one hunts up the pages When Christmas comes and the ques­ Bridge score and tally-cards ror devoted to pickling cucumbers and tion arises “What *i\ we give for the asking. Stultz advSTtfwj I oiMerint a few packets of the proper an iinuwal ptesentf’-lf the recipient seeds. Other Ingredients such as Is a,man or boy, nothing Will surpass watermelon, rlhd and tomatoes anil the Uttle Jar of home made pickles. so on will probably come more sim­ And- io, as the advertising writer ATTENTION MEN ply from the market.' But the tiny would say: "Send for catalogs today." Beginning Today n-j'-cut CAc .Ruppert’s Bser Fears For Boya Lost In Middletown Candidacy Is and Snave . . , %J\I ii not only a symbol of Burnt Fly Bog Groundless ; Rejected By Woman Weekdays flj,ae living- It is a part cf Children’s Hair Cut Becipe And Cook B oob Abound With Members of the Matawan, Freneau ITie Democratic nomination for qoodllvlno and Morganvllle nre companies, the poslUon of tax collector In Mid­ 25c numborlng about eighty men In all. dletown .Township wrh refused by Other Specials . A Variety Of Delicious Veal Suggestions apent several hours Sunday after­ Mrs, Rose O Ttaherty, proprietor Of JDo/li noon. searohlng ror two Matawan a Headdens Corner store, when of­ A. RAPOLLA ^erleiioeh Karl or Sandwich turned to • the be*r be of the sound malty, well 43 West Front Mtreet ■ervant In the club houie and aaXed mellowed and aged type. And when if you pour scalding water over KKVKlKT, N. J. horn M O ra* a slice of Meat a M TOP er Jjn Out Sfjftoi th i m*a talk tom* home from work, Aah you wish to d n n you wlU find plbce it between two siloes of b m d I'esturing Newest Quality IOTT0M the wait for dinner la made much tlMt it will scale twlc* a* eaally. ho it couW be taldn whlls the gam* Mn-ehaniNa* ROUND POT ROAST IBM* agr***M* to all concerned If DSeh Uie water on, Do not l*t the f r e s h m a c k e r e l ln pragtea. And then and thet* U p n b* a bottlt (if beer ln the le* flah *tand In It s momnnt fk# tmtkiCihk ^ MNCY tlw mmlwloh waa bora. bon to take their mlnda off or un MILK FED pi (Im leiw 1 3 QUALITY, England has liked eamlwlolios ovor Leg or Rump of Veal - otherwise fretful period. lUHNTfmO Afe'lO. alnee. And here are a few good one*, Bottled beer to be served at lta 8llc«d Bacon Mlllriry SmvUW !▼ S h o u ld e rs o f L am b WHO 11 Iti 17* developed 4n England, and very t>op- b*at muit have been kept .alwaya Ofl DOAir F f >h Rllet IlSU Sr . > I» T ul&r theie) away fnm heat and tho lltht should Chuck Steak t'livlts OiSJs I9< F ra n k fu rte r! HNItT OUAIIIY Ib 25* , OPOVfctafcR 8ANPWIOH b* ,**olud*d aa much u poealble. , 1 Ittfc wotimber L k h t I* tlw iya m oii or lew Injturlou* Ommuso* bailer , to be»r' eapeclally direct raya of WHITE HOUSE Mill IIU e itiM 2 5 Thin sliced bread sun*ll»ht, SELECTED EGGS - _ Balad oil At the aame time, beer ahould not lemon Juice or vinegar be allowid to become teo cold. Be­ DROMEDARY GRAPEFRUIT rlO > Salt anil popper low a oertaln point, a aeml-mealng EVAP. MILK Peel lim »u. ahred the white* of W ebster’s Soup 3 ,0l:io « Uie e o a o r ehop them oearSely, c r a b Bummer la the one aeaaon or the LUX TOILET SOAP . . 3 -J 7 « the yoB* V I* a woodsn spoon, an* year When flaaeerti ahould not give Prunes eSlllI'ell™ 2»9* *■ 2a>l3‘ ' Mid chutney gradually until a moist any tieuUa tha d**a*ru we like C A I M O M A* p rANCV -COlUMSIASIVnCHiMOOK swd. I f l L pait* Ii obtained. Prepet* tome thin then a n Mf eaay to prepare end yet. Sugar Cooklei .10* ISANP Kr • upplr—Im* m et al Mi lew*Hwl **« alics* of bread and butter, spraad like everything elae, we uiuaiiy have IH » Sa 3 9 « bait of them with Up en mixture, a certain few th a t we oan make well G. Washington Coffee »dd a th l* layer of whttas ofe sa . AMI and therefore itiek right to them. Uneeda Biicuiti n. i. c . >13 ***• 13* Sut evsa In Seaeerta variety la r JELL-0 SIX DELICIOUS FLAVOR 3 Sk|i. 16* Prea* wtU. trm M d out lot* a^uah*. aad nieafaat th ln a Here la a differ­ Corn Flakes 0*9*1/ OtoreatoW . • i » 6 < oblong*, trtinglea, o r oreeeertta, ent recipe U u t takea but a ahort time OLtVC BANDWIOim to pcepari and can be uaed tor many Calil. Sordines le Trmte lev*# 2 ^ I5< BAKER’S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE 2 ^ 25* v OIW* ■ .. HMM a meal In llaetr. CraMi a n u tm DZS8KRT WAFFLES • li etipe sm*d cake flour sfANOAtD auA irrr Post B ran Flakes 2,.„ 2I« La Prone#Pow dtr**».IO « Brand aad baMer I t*«*po«M baUng powder S l S f i M Stone, chop and dmmd th* oltrea I Msapoaai a | v Shtiy. MMlni s imi* rntam fn w t H i yolks well Seaton TOMATOES Log C abin Syrup”" 22« Satina Starch . . *«* 5* u n* te time, sh jo q to UM* wuh l aiaimllli k .AH M w U d .1 , pepp*r, paai thru a An* aleve, and l cup mfited butter * 8 *W whites, etlffly beaten •4,*. V ' ' ^ * spread father thtokly on bread ahd Oeettly Ijiim ri u»M< ****«lty1 lluWsdar 'OtteeTJire'anS'auav' butter. Oever with *Uoe* ef bnad ■Id »lf**a v B year protection plan Crosley Electric Rdfriger- Lame Yellow Bananas ( Wsth snd bom thft.sncljnviH, and atori on easy terms only l&o A DAY—All models dlvld* than Into email nilata; rub Whin oooklnf |nen? or oaull- Freifi1'faring Beans . . 2 *. 23* (tower alvayi put a piece of ktali at our showrooms. th e yolks ot a n a thru a aleve, snd Frtiti Calllornla Peas . 225* rtiop the ollva* Andy. Out illcee of bread oruet in th* wuoepan, a* It will ttfWMd bread and butter Into tak* s*sy sll tha unpleasant amoll, Florida New Potatoes . . * 5* MURda about J Inohe* In dlaaist... TSks Mt with » •Pwn M on taking an hslf ot th*m plaoe AMU ef an> up Gfmitig Applet tMauNtaMwv 3 <* 18* otwvy, add s thin Uy«f o M him f K eyport Radio Sales Co; Tex«i Onloni W t" 3** 10* ollloken, and on Uw .k l) q r tn tN • m m m n » u with ' sswmkwtst, ' 1 WU* prspired yolki of * tt snd ottrb^rttoey

' ' ' * M A /f7 Z !

L . , , MfWOVTU COtWTT HISTORICAL A S S lii PAGE FOUR—SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN. N. J. .... ______- FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 BURNETT RULES ON 'HARBOR DEMOCRATIC FIGHT CLUB LICENSE CLUB RECORDS GAINS In Reply To Communica-iLuU New Membera: Same tion From Keantburg; ; Committee Candidates Nothing To Prevent It I Endorsed By Group D. Frederick Burnett, slate alco­ Tl* Laurence Harbor Democratic holic beverage control commission­ Club, Inc., held Its regular monthly er, has left Uw responilbUlly of is­ meeting last Friday nlte at the flre­ i i suing** liquor license to ft Keans- house with a large attendance on bnrg light club squarely upon the hand and with President James Qer- THIS SENSATIONALLY PRICED FULL-FAMILY SIZE G E N U I N E shoulders of municipal authorities rlly In the chair. tn tbe fln t Ins t ance, according to n With the primary elections only a statement released this week. few weeks ofl, the members were Mr. Burnett'* announcement, re­ enthusiastic thruout the evening, leased Utru Nathan I* Jacobs. tJik-I loud applause was given to Edward deputy commissioner. w u In an­ Herbert, Perth Amboy High School swer to a request ol Boro Clerk teacher, on the completion of his Richard A. Jessen. at Keansburg, talk in which h» praised the efforts (or an opinion. As at the present of President Roosevelt and Uie New Ume there Is only one fight club, Deal. FRIGIDAIRE the Rendesvous A. operating In As no couniy or township ticket the boro, Uut organisation is un­ had as yet been chosen at Uie time doubtedly concerned. of the meeting, the club went, on “Would you kindly advise me 11 it record as endorsing, the re-election is permlssable for the holder of a of the present county committee wo­ plenary retail consumption license m an and county committeeman. Mrs. WITH THE "M ETER-M IS Eft here at this resort to operate n fight j Esther Brooks and Cornelius A. dub upon tile premises which ore! Wall, respectively. covered In bis application lor such j During the past winter the club MEETS ALL FIVE STANDARDS FOR REFRIGERATOR BUYING! liquor license,’* Boro Clerk Jessen's I hak been growing rapidly aad is letter asked. . again showing the action which pre­ The boro clerk vent on to point vailed in Its organization in the out that among the audience are presidential year four years ago. ‘'many minora witnessing the show Since January the following new -.htch is presented on the same, members have been admitted to the floor as the licensed premises set club: Phillip Volk, WUllam Decker, apart by two doors leading into the Mrs. Eleanor Jaeger, Henry L. Mar­ barroom.'* f . tin, Alfred High, Mrs. Louise Den Jessen'* communication also Blycker, Daniel Den Blycker, WllUam pointed out that admission ls charg­ Den Blycker, Charles Olnenback. * * « e r ed to witness the bouts and that an Rank Schuler, Frank Keeney, John *Hg announcement was made from the Groben, Oeorge Wettlg. ring at the lust affair that refresh­ Also: WUllam E. Lauer, Miss Irene ments could be secured a t the bar, Jaeger, Harold A. Smith, Alexander which ts not closed during the bouts. Meyer, Joaeph T. Miller, Louis Bal- In reply tp the Keansburg clerk, ontay, Robert Seagrare, Orville Low- " c u n * " Commissioner Burnett stated: den, WUllam McAllister, William “Section 11 of the Control Act Kerr, Mrs. William K err, Mr*. Bather prohibits the Issuance ot consump­ Qlsen, Mrs. Marie Oarlomago, Mr. T H o n eq tion licenses for premises where and Mrs. KnUiony Ssumskl, Onryes other mercantile business ti carried Jones, Charles King, Chsper King, on (except Uie keeping of a hotel or Eugene Thornton, Fred Ohnsman. -restaurant, etc.) The phrase ‘mer­ Sr., Andrew dantor, Myron Bedell, cantile business' In ltt generally ac­ William Wegener and James P. cepted sense refers to the buying Thomson. d o w n and selling of goods or merchandise or the dealing In the purchase or RAYMOND DEMARCO GIVEN T B U M S A S L O W A S sale ot eonuaodttM . Thjs would ex­ TERM IN REFORMATORY clude the conduct of prim fights nnd Tb, boxing matches, which do not In­ Arraigned before Judge J. Edward volve the sales of merchandise." Knight In Quarter Session* Friday. 15* A D A Y I i f * — Continuing, the opinion tlated: Raymond DeMarco, it, of Warren Place, Keansburg, was sentenced to “It may be well that a municipal ^ga ’j II tailing authority, In Uw exercise ot tha atato Institution at Annandalc. -4sasgt® .as»iS,s a Its general polloe powers and the DeMarco waived Indlotment and powers conferred by section n ot pleaded guilty to theft* from. Uie Uie Control Act. may deny an ap­ home* ot Mia. A. Dorsey, St. Jqfrn's plication for ■ license for premises Place, Keansburg, and Oeorgo Han­ in which pris* fights and boxing ford, of Raritan Towndlip. matches an conducted. The deter­ mination of whether auch a policy EVERETT should be adopted rests in the flrat lints nee with the municipal issu­ Miss Angle Morris was hoatea* to C o m e I n ! " ing authority, subject to appeal to the Llneroft Progressive Demoorailo Uw eommlaalOMr. In the absence Olub Thuraday njle ot last week. of auch policy, however, there 1* nothing lo prevent the laauanoe ot PHALANX G E T PROOF OF ALL FIVE STANDARDS Ute license ta r auch premises. "Tlw tact th a t nil nor* ,wlU. be Mrs. Feretoal Boyd, et M d Bank, present In the licensed premise* does 1* a guest of Mrs. Oeorge Rlchdalo not alter thla conclusion." for a few daya. WE3TKEANSBURG P R O O F 1 LOWER OPERATING COST Public aalet et farm stock machlA- belng held now. Vie our advertising Joeeph Penna and Micliail Bopul Tlie t-lcctric motcr pnvts how little current tha o*w Frlgldaifa rrith column* tor nkut*. We hav* wide have retum ad from a Visit to Jersey * thu Mctcr-Miicr uses. &mp*r* if *Ulj Him, coverage.'. i ' city. , • i ’ ..ife u j Interesting Aad important Briefs From P R O O F 2 SAFER POOD PROTECTION Frlgidairo darci to build « Foo<|-SU^nr Indicator into tlie ctblttot to Communities In Central New Jersey t’ron that Safety-Zooa T«mpertnu« U maintained, Ctmftri A vM othersa ] . , t Ur. HeMMuMwk Deoeribve Trip Ask |HM W Per Baraegat lalet . ’ • > /• Uncoln Ellsworth's txpedH!on into An approprtautm bill setting aside Uie AnareUc regions waa Jut*, one cntjooo tor use In dredging and big "skiing and hunting party- to tnUUieadlnl BM littat Inlet has been P R O O F 3 FAITER PRKKZINQ—MORK IOC Dr. Theodora Schloasbech, Eridley Introduoed In the asaembty by As- Beach, ship physician ol ths Wyau ■anblyman Jamea K. Allard Ice and Tho Thermo-Gauge p n m Frlgidilro'l abUity to (to«M larger qtuui< Earp, Norwegian motorshlp, which has been Marred to the Judiciary titles of Icc— futcr. C m ftn it with eftlet* ' ■ chugged Into Ntw York Harbor Sun­ committee. It II pasiea, the bUI day after three yean In the Antarc­ would provide for a a tat* contribu­ tic and a trip halfway round the tion equal to th a 1313,000 tb e fed­ , world. Dr. Sohlo**b*ch showed eral government ha* already agreed P R O O F 4 MORE USABILITY nothing won* than a tanned face to r a ta , and l t t ,000 additional would m m despite almoat a year In and around have to be raked by county and lo­ fo n ;cr> o H \ ■Wider, roomier, handlerHer to uuse. m . Automatic ItasctI^csct D«(rotter.I Frith!’ Uie South Polar regions. cal Hourooa. ‘V nirc Hydrator. Automatic Ice Tray Reloan.Release. Double-RangiDouble-Range Cold Control. Save* steps, Save! wqrk. ditptm it with tiitn Twtrtw Um Qt4a LaeemeUve O ud Faetory Te Cteee \ Renewed operation of lhe Tucker- *nw United Btatea Playing Card ton Railroad by use of a Diesel elec­ Oo. will doae It* p lan t In M U ltoni tric engine la M fig contemplated by sliorUy before Uia expiration of Its H. S. OaUMrg Co* Maw York, pur­ lease hi October and wtll m ult In P R O O F 5 FIVE-YEAR PROTECTION PUN chasers of m m w orth Ot Recen- throwing IN men and wonen out of Frigidairc’j acslcd-in tncchanical unit it protectedicctcd for Five Year* •trucUoo Pttenoe Oorp, bonds on work. The bulkUng oooupled by Jcrvicc which the farmer company default, the company Is owned by the Mlcli- against expeoie for oalv Five Dollar*i iodadedf ' ia th* pur< ed. It la said that alteration will elln Tire Oo. The playing card con­ cnaso price. Ctmfin it with w m be started within a taw weeks over cern may construct a new plant at a twelve-mu* stretch from Barnrgat Ntrw/Brun*wlck. to Tuckerton and a short three-mile stretch fnan Manhawklu to Bay- Uag Braaeh Hettle* Halt r Modal lltustraM la DR8 M *, S.1 eu. f t c m nHy. 10.7*4. ftaM f The bong Brandt Olty Otwunis- •raa. 63 Mg let cubes, I potintfa af lea at an • fr*«dnct Daufclo-Raiig* slon Wadanday authorlaed payment CoM Central ami all Ume ether (saute* > r h h m i i w advanta|M, t Karts Ta Retire of WHO In settlement of a suit In- Ateeubtyauui Andrew Kurta. of atntuteif by Clyde Potts, engineer South Atoboy. haa )otned the tanka and architect, against the city for ONLY FRIGIDAIRE GIVES YOU A lX QF THEMl ot Democratic poUltrlana who hav* worit dona tn 1«M on plans fo r a teaspqrartty retired from the (Md proposed aawer xyatem. PoU*‘ ault | The as potential candidate* Kurts, ac- waa wtUidiawn after Uia elly agreed Another Special! Ing Halt ■ M Ntag to report*, haa been urged to a aeUknenl. Mora by H H ittssM OOU)ty leauien to Cubio-Foot FRIQSDAIRE -7 . ' " T T ' • Rim ovabl* Shelve** Frllldaire Hydra­ 6 Frlgidslrv Super Freeaer *?. ^ fw v Wfoty of T»U-bottJt ipici. Mtdi ' ' is candidate but the Ta M i Kpatawaad Pel Ire ctlala la &easvleu Utetltxt ' QIwUai* mty by Qtooral Motors has R elate d It* will Mtowtng a meeting ol Uw Bpota- • At an equally sensational price 1 D A 1 R E ] at the end «T Ma present wood PeUoe AMOdalian, It Is report­ ... a genuine 6 cu. ft. FRIGID AIM RENEWAL MOTORS' Us haa ate A M l»» t not ed that an arbitration haa been for faatllies who noed an oven a rondkU te to r m t * o f Bo«U) Am made to the boro oounoU for equip* ^W ^5»M lK Wiaw Wnto Ri Only Irigidalr* dateaito ghr* you the Food* department and that assurenoet ft—all utablf. 14 big let cube*, 1 Safety Iodlc*tor-vUltle5r*V(b*«foodi are had been given all neaaasaiy sup- W. H. W M CMpWWt. Beaoh Ha- l|*a wlU be provided. a potiad* ofk* « «»• • ijpffiP -11 ss£?s«s»Tsssr' ” «sa Crest. «srM» Math JkdBMa ^ ‘ 4 Tstaahip taa oallaalfr, m s *su. t eacbeei cats a*e«eee« iiM stfu»ai*UM M Bt*marfi« BalarM of dghtaen o u t of the sil­ ests year to aUMtta wanth* kg ly* Uire* sehool teachers In Uw free­ A HICOKD-BKtAKINtt BARGAIN. DON’T M I S S I T I Judge RMarii o. {bmmr for the hold pufaUo schools were raised and eadwMnaent ot M N «l V

Ta Have Mew "A*" T a« * W ' Oaaaa k Q*a>W»W>_. W. R. U n a ry , a I M M ’ Wer< was n crh ad la r ' ate. wa* elected iMobtr ta I m Wadnaiday r " Central Power & Light Co.