The lUcUUr Has ths International News Service (Wire and Mail), the N. C. W . C. News Service (Incladinf Radios and (Ubtes), I Its Own Special Service, Ail the Smaller Catholic Services, International Illustrated News, and N. C. W . C. Picture Service. GREAT TOLL IS Local Local A letter of March 3, 1936, Edition Edition has been received through ^ l E a ...... EXACTED BY the Apostolic Delegation, signed by His Eminence, THE Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Sec* retary of State, and address­ BY jARCHBISHOP CATASTROPHES ed to the editor-in-chief of The Register. It declares that the August Pontiff, Pius St. Louis [Prelate Emphasizes Need of Return Reports From Pennsylvania, West , XI, ^‘knows with what 2eal lTo Sanity in Church of Air REG(Name Registered ISTER in the U. S. Patent Office) And Connecticut Show Loss of you serve the Apostolic See. You make this singular love roadcast VOL XII. No. 13 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, MAR. 29,1936 TWO CENTS Half Million Dollars clearly manifest by your ! St. Lou(is.— Pleading for special emphasis on the for­ (Exclusive Telephone Interviews) - * zealous work in the field of Severe damage to church properties is reported in the the good press. Wherefore mation of yiouth in the ! current task of reconstructing so­ A Shamrock for the First Lady ciety, the Most Rev. Joihn J. Glennon, Archbishop of St. flood areas of the Dioceses of Pittsburgh and Altoona, Pa.; . . . he earnestly begsi of God Wheeling, W, Va., and Hartford, Conn. Thirteen of the 18 His choicest gifts, of which Louis, in the Columbia [Broadcasting system’s “ Church of IP 10 PIf (he Air” pe^od, declared that “ in the order df reconstruc- churches in Johnstown were hit by the flood waters, Al­ the Apostolic Blessing is the toona Chancery officials report, with the waters reaching pledge. This Blessing he Lon we havje to consider not merely the quesjtion of mate- ^al restoi^ion, but more particularly the restoration to the altars of all but one of the edifices. The churches in lovingly bestows on you and FOR SOGCESS OF Lockhaven, Williamsburg, and Renovo were also damaged. your work. In bringing you sanity, duty; and faith of all our people.” , Speaking on “ The Training of Youth in the Present Only one church in the Diocese of Wheeling was flood­ this word, I am happy to ed, but several rectories were damaged, while in the Dio­ make Imown to you my own Crisis,” Arcjibishop Glehnon asserted that in the wake of the Worli^ war “ a new generation,” because ‘‘it was scan- PRESS FIRIOITcese of Hartford three churches were damaged, and a rec­ sentiments of highest .es­ tory and a Catholic lending library were flooded. teem.” (jalized, neglected, and untaught, still remains to a great nt a baffling, if not a tlkreat- The Chancery office of Pittsburgh reports a total of The Register and its edi­ ing emgraa.y “ Is the saime to New York.— The general inten­ 30 churches badly damaged in the repeated nokv?” he asked.!A “ Is tion for April for the League of diocese, causing a loss estimated torial staff have constantly the Apostleship of Prayer, des­ striven t6 promote loyalty to our purpose! to recreate, ils we wm at $300,000. McKeesport, Glass- id some ten years ago, a period Retirement Will A- ignated by Pope Pius XI, is the port, McKees Rock, and other the Apostolic See, and, in ff business Hysteria, of profligate success of the World Catholic Press cities along the river fronts were Heroism, Virtues gratitude fo r this splendid spending and living, and of uncon­ exhibition to be held at the Vati­ hard hit. The damage to one can. trolled greed, ^nd thus forgetting church in Sharpsburg amounts to letter firom the Vatican, re­ “ The fact that the Holy Father new thehr pledges ofio^di- tje better things, to continue a $30,000. Eight churches in New lUoral, mental, and spiritual confu­ has approved this intention shows Castle, 45 miles north of Pitts­ ence arid service. i what great importance he at­ Of Founder Are sion, leaving it |as a heritage ojf the < burgh, were affected. taches to this exhibit: and is ari- youths of today, giving to thejm no m The loss in the four dioceses is other equipment for the World 6ther evidence also of his fatherly loss in ^ Many hundreds of Regis­ solicitude for the progress and sue-1 approximately $500,000, Work and thej world welfaije of Career of General Loss of life among Catholics to­ ter readers, especially in tomorrow?” i cess of the Catholic press through­ Cited in Decree Johnstown, Pa., an^ Wheel­ out the world,” the Rev. Edward talled 33, with two of the fatalities Criti* Hat Spread i ' occurring in Johnstown, one in ing, W. Va., suffered dread­ San Francisco.-p-(Special) — F. (Jaresche, S.J., editor of the > The youth problem, the Arch­ Major Geperal PauljB. Malone, one Medical Mission News, declares, Wheeling, and 30 in Pittsburgh. Vatican City.— (NCWC Cable) ful losses in the $300,000,000 bishop continued, “ is vital to any of the outstanding Catholics in the writing in the April issue of the The Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. N. Codori, — The decree recognizing the hero­ floods that spread through a genuine reconstruction, f6r while United States army, will retire Messenger of the Sacred Heart. Vicar General of the Altoona dio­ ism and virtues of Sister Mary Jo­ large part of the Eastern we speak o f t|ie crisis’ being an May 31 after 42 years of service. “ Hence, when associates pray for cese and pastor of St. John Gual- sephine Rossello, foundress of the economic one, jit has spread from When he relinquishes command of this intention, they will no doubt bert’s church, Johnstown, took the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy states. While offerittg our tfle fields of Oconoraics into the the fiinth corps army area, which add a further intention that the Blessed Sacrament and started for of Savona, took place in the pres­ utmost S3rmpathy, we urge questions of human life and human comprises the Pacific coast regrion. wishes of the Holy Father may be the hills when a false report of a ence of His Holiness,-Pope Pius, other readers to be as gener­ duties and humjan destiny.” i General Malone will close a long accomplished in the results of the large dam’s breaking was cir­ XI. The reading of the decree co­ ous as possible in contribut­ Archbishop plennon said that and active career. ' He served in press exhibit, which ought greatly culated. The excitement was too incided with exercises held at much for the prelate and he was ing towards the funds for the tfie formation ojf youth was “ uever the Spanish-American war, against to increase the interest of Cath­ Savona to commemorate the fourth mjore necessaryi than today.” i De­ Aguinaldo in 'the Philippines, and olics throughout the world in up­ later admitted to Mercy hospital centenary of the apparition of Our as a patient. Bishop John J. Mc- alleviation of the suffering. ploring the fact that Almighty God in the World war, arid has occupied Mr*. Franklin D. Roosevelt photographed as she purchased a sham­ holding and spreadiftg the power of Lady of Mercy. Carlo Cardinal apd the moral law are outlawed not army posts in Hawaii, Cuba, rock near the booth of the Ladies of Charity, an organization of prom­ the Catholic press. Cort, who has been in ill health Minoretti, Archbishop of Genoa, It is difficult at any time to in recent months, is a patient in oiUy in the public schools butjeven France, and many places in the inent Catholic women in the national capital, at a St. Patrick’s Market “ The present Holy Father, jike as Papal Legate, represented Pope . explain jgreat calamities, but the same institution. iij educational! discussions, Ai^ch- United States. day sponsored by the Newspaper Women’s club of Washington. The his immediate predecessors, has Pius X l at the Savona celebrations. they seitve to remind us that bjsho» Glennon isaid that the train- Because of h is; brilliant war Ladies of Charity and Providence hospital in Washington, conducted often remarked on the power of Daniel Gallagher, aged 37, a Sister Mary Josephine Rosello, nothing^ belonging to this injg merely in kecular subjects is record. General Malone was gpven by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, administer a milk fund the press and urged the necessity brother of the Rev. Charles Gal­ who died in 1880, founded a total earth is really lasting, and in; itself “ flisufflcierit and unequal the Distinguished Service medal for undernourished children that benefited from the event. (Reni in our day of building up a truly lagher of Twin Rocks, was one of of 322 institutes. Houses of her that only what is done for td the task of bringing the yiouth and the Distinguished Service cross photo.) influential Catholic press through­ the Johnstown victims of the flood. order exist in Milford, Mass., and toi full stature of the man.” : “ A by the American government, and out the world. It is only natural (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 1) (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 6) eternity counts. ' Man, curriculum so limited,” he sai France, awarding him the Croix de that the Holy Pontiff, seeing the through Adam’s treairan in a^le to fit thej youth to acl Guerre, made him ain oflScer in the Floating Chapel in Operation - . immense influence of print, both the garden of Eden, lost the success only in the business wo! Legion of Honor. I He is widely for good and .for evil, and realiz­ Transcription Broadcast Used known as an orator,: and on several control he had over nature, but, he added, i “ the youth \Ulu>se ing the havoc wrought by bad oUly training is|how to acquire! and occasions has addressed huge Holy QOSPEL IS PREACHED reading, should insist on the need and now must submit I to the tq accumulate money becomejs al­ Name rallies in the East. An in­ of good reading for Catholics and SOLVES PROBLEM grim cruelty of natural laws most as disturbing an element of structor in chemistry at West should emphasize the necessity of (Turn to Pnga 4 — Cohuan 1) Point for sev(sral years, he i^. the IN BAYOU DISTRICTS Catholic, periodicals. The Press author of five novels deaTiftg with' exhibit in Vatican City is intended OF CATHOUC HOUR life at the military academy. to show how far Catholics have When General Malone was com­ New Orleans, La.— (Special)— service in this part of the world, Dafeme of Faith Called *P(Mtic8* responded to the words of the Pittsburgh, Pa.— (Special) — after being 'carried over WCAE mander of the third corps area in The Gospel of Christ is being enables the Rev. Jules S. Toups, Sovereign Pontiff and widened the pastor of St. Joseph’s church, for nearly six years. This ig'said Pennsylvania, , and New brought to the scattered Catholics influence of the Catholic press. Listeners to station WCAE, Pitts­ Pierre Part, to visit the members to be the first time that the Cath­ York from 1931 to 1935, one of his of the bayou districts in the huge It is also meant to increase and burgh, in recent weeks have been PRESS CENSORSHIP of this far-flung of 800 olic Hour has been broadcast in particular interests iwas the spirit­ parish of Pierre Part by means of intensify the zeal of good Cath­ square miles of swamp and river hearing the Catholic hour 60 min­ this manner and the first tiipe that ual and physical welfare of the a new chapel boat, dedicated to olics, so that our press may reach utes later than persons anywhere thousands of CCG boys in the Mary, Star of the Sea. The float­ country.. Many of the bayou peo­ any national network program has IS AIM OF NAZIS its full stature and do all the else in the country. The Catholic been so repeated locally. camps in "that area. ing chapel, first to be placed in ple to whom Father Toups min­ work it is capable of doing for isters are fishermen, who move Hour program is being broadcast In a sudden yielding to letters the glory of God and the spread by electrical reproduction to satisfy AmsteWam. — The warfare ginizations as well at the rejfuta- from settlement to settlement in of regret and protest that had of the faith.” demands of local followers of the against the Is be­ tibn of the attacks of atheistic Floods Check Attendance search of fish and who live in reached the station since its sub­ (TumtoPage2 — Column S) program, which had been dropped ing carried on systematically by pipers against the Church is ruth­ houseboats for about five months stitution of a commercial program the Nazi! authorities. Under the lessly excluded! It is reliably re­ of the year, spending the other for the Catholic Hour, Ford^ Bill­ pretext that the refutation of the ported that some 300 German Cath­ PHILADELPHIA PRIEST months in temporary homes and Battlefield Site of Church Rite ings, station manager, made_ ar­ constant , violent attacks ; against olic papers will be affected by these palmetto shacks. rangements to have the pragestm the Chur|:h in the neo-pa^n pub­ new rulings, exposing the helpless The floating chapel, built largely recorded as it was sent out and lications constitutes “ politics” not Catholic reading public to the most with funds contributed by sodality FIELD MASS ARRANGED then reproduced through the sta­ permissible in diocesan ofrans, a unscrupulous pagan propaginda, RAISED TO EPISCOPACY members, was provided for Father tion’s facilities after ^ the conflict­ new ruling has been issued which niw openly tolerated by the | gov­ Toups .by Archbishop Rummel, who ing program had ended. The net­ makes it bbligatory for the editors ernment. I I decided, on his first 'visit to the work wire, over which WCAE of all. religious papers toi become iHow far the! Nazi countenance Philadelphia.— With Dennis Car­ preached by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Pierre Part parish, that a chapel previously had received the pro­ members i of * the Nazi “ Press of this new trend goes maV be boat would be the only successful TO MARK CENTENNIAL gram, was connected directly with' dinal Dougherty, Archbishop of Thomas F. McNally, pastor of the chamber,? thereby submitting shown by the confiscation of all the Church of the Immaculate Concep­ means of reaching the shifting the studio of a local recording com­ them to donstant censorship. Philadelphia, officiating, the Most pany, records v/ere made as the recently-published books by Father tion, Jenkintown, who was a semi­ population of the bayous. The boat Houston, Tex.— A Military Field Jpseph F. Rummel, D.D., Arch­ The religious papers may pub­ Catholic Hour proceeded, and the FHederich Muchermann, the breat Rev. Hugh L. Lamt was enrolled nary classmate of the new Bishop. includes, besides the chapel, living Mass, one of six centennial cele­ bishop of New Orleans, on San lish only official Church news, German Jesuit, jformerly editor of on the Feast of St.{Joseph among quarters for Father. Toups. It is completed discs were hurried to Floods Prevent Attendance brations of the state of Texas this Jacinto battlefield at 10:30 o’clock the radio station. strictly ecclesiastical neWs, his­ Der Gral, and by a remark of the the successors of the Apostles. In towed by a gasoline launch, named year under Catholic auspices, will torical and theological ebntribu- on the morning of April 21, 1936, Berlin Nazi daily, Der Antiriff^ the Cathedral o f Sts. Peter and Several Ordinaries of dioceses in the St. Francis Xavier. be sung on the San Jacinto battle­ in thanksgiving for a'century of Listeners have found the method tions limited to Church topics, and wjiich in a recept editorial did not Paul, in the presence of many visit­ the East and Middle West, who had The large parish served by the field, near here, April 21. civil and religious freedom. Ser­ of reproduction very satisfactory. items referring to ecclesiastical hesitate to say, in connection fwith ing prelates and members of the planned participating in the cere­ bayou priest includes four prin­ Announcements of the Field mon by the Most Reverend John J. arts. Only advertisements dealing a mass murder tiral, that “ Com­ clergy. Bishop Lamb was conse­ monies, were unable to attend ow­ cipal missions and a number of Mass bear in the upper right hand Cantwell, D.D., Bishop of Los Ugan4a Jubilarian w th articles required in religious munists and priests who do busi­ crated Titular Bishop of Helos and ing to flood conditions that made stations. Up to this time. Father borner an impression of the seal of Angeles and San Diego.” practice are permissible, which ness among themselves are npt to Auxiliary Bishop otf Philadelphia. travel impossible. Among the Toups has traveled to his people the state of Texas and in the upper Mass Sung at Alamo means a drastic cut in revenue be demed better than this (rim- Assisting His Eminence as co- Bishops present were: on foot, on horseback, by automo­ left hand corner the impression of A larger engraved invitation an­ since many other establishments inal.” i were the Most Rev. The Most rRev, John A. Duffy, bile, and by boat. the seal of the Diocese of Galves­ nounces the Mass will be sung at owned by Catholics used toj support The ridiculous assertion thait the Gerald P. O’Hara,; Bishop of Sa­ (Turn to Page 2 — Column 6) At Bayou Pigeon, the most pros­ ton. They bear this legend: “ The the spot where “ the embattled pio­ the religious press. Catholic youth groups of Gerfnany vannah, whom Bishop Lamb suc­ perous mission in the parish, there state of Texas joins the Most Rev­ neers of Texas secured for us with Reader* Helpless have a secret pact with the Coiu- ceeds as Philadelphia Auxiliary, are 58 Catholic families, for whom erend Christopher E. Byrne, D.D., their valor the blessing of civil and Every attack on measures such An Apt Pupil munists lay at the bottom of this and the Most Rev. (ieorge L. Leech, Bishop of Galveston, in requesting religious liberty.” as the sterilization law, the de­ Father Toups said Mass once a preposterous statement. Ofl the Bishop of Harrisbuirg, also a for­ month in a small schoolhouse, using the honor o f your presence at a The first of the six events under struction of the parochial 'schools, Catholic youth leaders recently ar- mer inember of the clergy of this the teacher’s desk as an altar, until Solemn Military Field Mass to be Catholic auspices took place in-San and the repression of Catholic or- (T um to Page e — Column Z) archdiocese. The | sermon was (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 7) 'celebrated by the Most Reverend (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 4)


San Francisco.— The remark­ olics in San Francisco, throuj h a brought from Rome Father Kickapoo, Kans.— (Special) — Lutz, first secular priest in the people near the present |ite of able’ growth of the Catholic Chi­ ' missionary of their own race, Were Thomas Cham,_ who struggled ten The small village of Kickapoo will territory, had come to the Kansas Kickapoo. nese cepter in San Francisco, without avail, and even become the center of wifle atten­ Indians in 1828, and Father Van The federal government signi­ which, \rith its population of more exp.eri- years with practicsjlly no success enced missionaries from C tion on June 1, when Kansas Cath­ Quickenbome himself ^lad made fied its willingness to aid in the than 100,000 Orientals, has the hina before returning to; Rome ps head failed of success among the ^arly of a seminary for the Chinese mis- olics will leather to celebrate the two visits to the Osages, in 1828 civilization of the Indians, and the largest Chinese colony in the West­ settlers here, who were wrapp„ centenary of the erection of the and 1830. Jesuits asked for assistance in be­ ern world, is the subject of lauda­ ed■ up sions. Father Enrico Valentini with the pursuit of wealth in a new was then brought from the Hong- first Catholic chapel in the state. As early as 1825, General Clark, ginning their work with the Kicka- tory review in the latest issue of land. As early as 1853, the The centennial celebration will U. S. Indian agent, had requested poos. Father Van Quickenbome the Chinese Digest, published here first kong vicariate, but he also met Archbishop of San Frrinbisco (Turn to Page 2 —4 Column S) demonstrate the tremendous prog­ Father Van* Quickenbome, who already had obtained $1,000 from weekly. : ress the Church in Kansas has was tjien stationed at Florissant, the Catholic Missionary society of Directed by the Rev. Geprge W. made since Father Van Quicken- Mo., to establish a permanent mis­ Missouri, and the government P. Johnsqn, C.S.P., the mission has Religious Ohservancev Planned borne, S.J., arrived here in 1836 sion among the Indians in Kansas, promised him an annual grant of cstabiishdd a Catholic school and to found a mission among the im­ and, in 1835, the chief of the Kick­ $500 as soon as he should estab- school ceiter now hbused in a com­ moral and hard-drinking Kickapoo apoo tribe begged the priest to Ush a school. modious jstructure and eiquipped Prograniiin i to Ngrk Indians. send a Blackrobe to reside with his The priest, with three Jesuit with a chapel, a convent, Ian out­ Priests had visited the Indians brothers, started for the Kickapoo door plajjgfrpund, auditorium, two of Kansas a number of years be­ 32nd Sacerdotal Jubilee misrion on May 25, 1836, and ar­ clubrooniSf end nine classrooms. State’s ^ercenteiiary fore 1836, and many historians rived there June 1. They imme­ Built in 1921 through the gener­ beli^^that Fray Juan de Padilla, Is Marked by Archbishop diately started to build a chapel, osity of Mrs. Bertha Welch, who the SH^ciscan missionary who ac­ and all went well until an Indian contributed $100,000 for its erec­ jPrc(yidence, R. I.— Lavish ^rep- _. { Island with an act o: the Bay state companied Coronado on his expe­ , Md.—The Most Rev. agent. Major Cummins, decided tion, the school and social center arations, including plans for at legislature lifting' thje edict of ban- dition in 1540-41, was martyred Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of that he needed further informa­ were dedicated to the Blessed Vir­ least two religious observa)i ces, ishment ordered ^gainst Roger on territory that is now in the Baltimore, on the Feast of St. tion’ before he could allow the Stanislaus Mugwanya, 87 years gin. They are the,gathering place are under way for a five-month pro- Williams when he espoused the An Indian girl follows closely state of Kansas, but Father Van Joseph celebrated the 32nd anni­ building to proceed. His decision old, for 21 years chief justice of for thousands of Chinese i young­ gn m to celebrate the 300th an- cause of religious liberty three the instructions that this Good Quickenborne’s founding of the versary of his ordination. The caused a delay, but General Clarlc Uganda and at one time regent of sters each day. niversary of Rhode Island and centuries ago. Shepherd nun is giving her in the Kickapoo mission was the first at­ Archbishop received instructed hiln to let the work go King Chwa II, recently celebrated There are about 5,000 Chinese Providence plantations. The long series 0 E tercentenary art of knitting. The picture was tempt to place the Church in, this in Rome, the ordaining prelate be­ ahead. It was not, however, until the golden jubilee of hi* Baptism. Catholics in the colony. Their The ceremonies will star! on events, which will extend through taken at an orphanage that the territory on a permanent basis. ing Cardinal Resphigi, Vicar Gen­ May, 1837, that the first grant of He was received into the Cetbolie conversion has increased at a rapid May 4, Rhode Island Independ mce the summer mon ths, will be Sisters of the Good Shepherd con­ Bishop Du Bourg of the Louisi­ eral of Pope Pius X. He was con­ $50() came from the government. Church in 1886, five months before rate in recent years, though only day, with exercises at the itate brought to a climac on Oct. 24, duct at Bangalore, in the Diocese ana territory had sent Father secrated Bishop of S t Augustine Father Van Quickenbome, with the 22 Baganda martyrs were after a long,, hard struggle! house, where Governor Jameii M. v/ith a popular-price< football game of Mysore, India. There are 3,000 Charles de la Croix fo open a mis­ in 1914, becoming the youngest the aid of the brothers and some burned to death at Namugongo. He First Efforts Fruitless Curley of Massachusetts, a Cath­ between Providence college, con- members of this congregation at sion among the Osage Indians, who Bislwp in the country, probably in workmen, built a school of hewn has been decorated by the Holy Singulairly enough, the first ef­ olic, wUl present------Governor------Th _j..eo- ducted by the Domi lican Fathers, work in missionary countries.— later moved into Kansas territory, the world, and was appointed to logs, one story high and 16 by 15 Father and by his government.— forts to take care of Chinese Cath­ doln■e Francis Green o f Rliode (Turn to Page 2 — Column 7) ■ (NCWC-Fides.) as early as 1821. The Rev. Joseph the see of Baltimore in 1921. (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n S) (NCWC-Fides.)


(Cf about 20 children community'will play an important tentatively scheduled for early in tims of the flood by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Manchester; the Most role in the tercentenary program. The only flooded church in whiim in the beginmng. Early records Rev. Cuthbert O’Gara, C.P., Vicar May at the very beginning of the Msgr. Bernard Conley, Ca;ancellor. show that the little Indians were As a manifestation o f gratitude it was possible to have services Apostolic of Yuanling, China: the tercentenary program, but, in def­ last Sunday was St.: Joseph’s, |t It is impossible to est mate the much more interested in the food to God for His protection o f the Most Rev. Thomas J. Wade, S.M., erence to Catholics, it was decided amount of the damage in the Dio- and presents they were given than democratic colony agftinst the de­ being the only edifice hit by the Vicar Apostolic of the North Solo­ to delay it until June. It was water where the altars we^e not cese of Altoona, but it i|vill prob- in religious instruction. Father signs of those who had set up a pointed .out that the annual Cath­ ably be upwards of one hundred mon Islands; the Most Rev. Peter theocracy i«t Massachusetts, and damaged.' ‘ The foundations of all Hoecken becarie so skilled in the L. Ireton, of olic Charity Fund appeal in the the churches seem to be sound, but thousand dollars. Kickapoo lang uage that the In­ as a further tribute to His benef­ Richmond; the Most Rev. Stephen diocese would start May 10, and the floors of many of them ate dians dubbed him the “ Kickapoo icence during the centuries, June The only church in thje Diocese J. Donahue, Auxiliary Bishop of that, on that day and the preceding buckled and will/ nave to be rt- of Wheeling that was flooded was Father,” He ci imposed a grammar 7 has been set aside as "Thanks­ Sunday, special sermons in the New York; the Most Rev. Raymond giving Sunday.” placed. St. Agnes’ and Immaculate St. John’s in Wellsburg, according and a dictionary of the Indian Kearney, Auxiliary Bishop of churches of the diocese customa­ Conception churches in Lockhavetn to'Bishop John J. Swint, but some tongue. Brooklyn; the Most Rev. William On that day, the Most Rev. Fran­ rily are devoted to that cause. The immoral tendencies of the were both flooded, and water conji- of the rectories were dami .ged, with D. O’Brien, Auxiliary Bishop of cis P. Keongh, Bishop of Provi­ Besides the "Thanksgiving Sun­ pletely filled_the basement of Sit. Kickapoos, their passion for strong several feet of water in Wellsburg Chicago, and the Most Rev. Fran­ dence, who is taking deep interest Joseph’s church in Refiovo. There drink, given to them by unscru­ day” it is proposed to designate and water two feet above 1 he second cis J. Spellman, Auxiliary Bishpp pulous White traders, and the an­ the Sunday o f “ Old Home Week” was no Mass in Williamsburg, Ptj., floor level in St. John’s rectory in of Boston. late in the summer as a day for Benwood. Water also reached the tagonism of Certain government officials and non-CatholTc ministers In the course o f his reference Floating Chapel the purpose of invoking, God’s second floor of St. Ladislaus’ rec­ blessing on the state for the years tory in Wheeling, and the school of made progress at the mission diffi­ to the priestly career of the new to come. Tentatively, "Old Home that parish and SL Catherine’s cult. About the end of 1837, it Bishop, McNally said: Week” is slated to start Aug. 10. P l M f f i F school in the see city wei e flooded, was rumored that most of the “ The appointment of Bishop In Operation with considerable dainag i to their Kickapoos were planning a migra­ Lamb to the Episcopacy occasioned furniture. Forty per cent of the tion to a site on the Red river, and no surprise to the priests and peo­ homes in Wheeling were flooded. it was decided to put off the erec­ ple of Philadelphia. His unblem­ (Continued From Page One) Great suffering follo»ve| the flood tion of expensive buildings until Militiamen at Wilket-Barrt, Pa., are shown carrying a woman, ished character, his brilliant his new chapel was put into serv­ FI seriously ailing, through the flooded streets of the city to a Red Cross achievements, his long and arduous Investments in Wheeling, but news leports of such time as the Indians would be ice. the disaster were greatly exagger­ permanently settled somewhere. emergency station for treatment. All government agencies have been labors in the various important The Belle River mission has a ated. The task of cleaning out the In 1839, the Indian office decided organized to relieve suffering of the thousands made homeless and to posts assigned to him since his Catholic population of about 75 Promissory Notes (Coti^nued From. Page One) , combat threatened pestilence in flooded areas where drinking water has the commoWealth as the one who mud and filth deposited by the rag­ to discontinue the annual grant of ordination to the priesthood had families, who are scattered along been contaminated.— (International Illustrated News.) won for him the admiration of his of is taught to believe t ^ t ‘a prioti’ ing waters presented th(! peoples $500. This was done a year later. both river banks for a distance the .world or government owes him greatest problem in the early part In 1840, when Chief Pashiski, who brother priestsr the commendation of four miles. This is the oldest The Catholic Bishop of of his eminent superior, and the re- a living, and that he' is going to of the week. had been the mainstay of the mis­ of the Pierre Part missions, its Chicago Signed Personally eated recognition ofthe Holy See. get it.” The Wheeling death toll in­ sion, and 20 families left the place, ? records going back to 1858. Its by His Eminence Cardinal the project was considered doomed ndeed, his whole Hie appears t6 Needs ‘Liberal Edncafion’ cluded but one Catholk;, a two- first chapel, built 40 years ago, was to final failure. By this time, how­ have been designed by Providence Mundelein Youtns today, he went on, need year-old child who fell in the water burned down, and the second, ever, the Jesuits had firmly estab­ as a preparation for the Bishopric. erected 30 years ago, was destroyed "what we would call a really ‘lib- and was drowned. His distinguished course of studies Denominations Hartford diocesan oflicials an­ lished other missions among the by a hurricane in 1915. In the ei-al’ education,” , o^' one that the centenary pageant, to be pre­ in Overbrook and again in Rome, nounced that the interior of St. Indians, and the future of the K. of G. Save Hospital last six years. Father 'Toups said $500^1,000 ‘‘would open up befoore them not Church in Kansas was assured. Cleveland.— The work of the sented at St. Louis’ theater April where he achieved new and un­ merely a vista and an lappreciation Anthony’s church in the see city Mass in the school there. To reach Until 1849, the territory now in Kenton, 0., council of the Knights 19 and 20, signalizing the 100th usual distinction; his valuable ex of the things that pasi, but also of will have to be completely refin­ the village, he had to travel five Maturities—Ten Years the state of Kansa§ was under the of Columbus in preventing the clos­ anniversary of the establishment perience on the mission in densely thosd that have permanent value!” ished. Sts. Cyril and Methodius’ miles by car, then wilk a mile over jurisdiction of the Bishop of St. ing of St. Anthony’s hospital in of the Congregation of the Sisters populated sections of the city, his a road impassable by automobile. These notes are a direct obli­ He dited the ‘‘Our father” as ‘‘an chuyeh in Hartford had its base­ professorship in the seminary, his gation of the Archdiocese of ment flooded and the reotory had Louis. In that year. Pope Pius IX, that community is told in a letter of St. Joseph in the United States. - The mission at Four-Mile Bayou entire philosophy,” and urged training as secretary to His Emi­ Chicago and are secured by all to be evacuated. The ba sement of acting on a petition of the Seventh from Sister Maria Joseph of the 31,706 Subscription* Secured had to be abandoned two years ago, youths to follow the toice of con­ nence, his position as assistant the assets of the Archdiocese. St. Paul’s church in Glistonbury, Provincial Council of Baltimore, Sisters of Charity who conduct the Cleveland. — The fifth annual when the parish boat became so science, the heeding of which, he superintendent of schools, anA fin­ Conn., was flooded and 1here was erected the Vicariate Apostolic of hospital to State Deputy Frank G. Students’ Catholic Press crusade disabled that the 14-mile trip from We Employ No Solicitor* said,i “ will do more than all the the Indian Territory, comprising ally, as Chancellor of the Arch­ laws and courts of the. land to keep from three to four feet ol water in Jones of this city. Sister Maria for the Catholic Universe Bulletin Pierre Part was impossible and all the territory east of the Rocky Joseph expressed the gratitude of diocese— all conspired, by their op­ them straight.” the superstructure. The Hartford resulted in gaining a total of 31,- when the school building in which damage was estimated ajt close to mountains not included in the the nuns for the K. of C, aid. 706 new and renewal subscriptions portunities for observation and Mass had been said was rented to "Thus, with God above, his soul study of ecclesiastical govern­ McMahon db $50,000. limits of Arkandhs, Missouri, Iowa, Pioneer Church Burned in the 15-day campaign. a private family. There are 38 w'ith(n, with conscience his guide/* and Minnesota. The Most Rev. J. ment, to fit him, in a particular families in the mission. the prelate declared, "the youth of While a checkup of minsing per­ Edmond, Okla.— St. John the Jogue* Monument Hoped For B. Miege, S.J., the first Vicar Baptist’s church here, said to be manner, for the dignity to which Hoban* Inc. today can bravely f^ce a world sons in the Connecticut area was New York.— A committee of St. he has been promoted. The Bayou Godel mission is the Apostolic, made his home at St. the first church built by Catholics smallest in the parish, having a Exclusive Agents disillusioned, distraught, a world not completed, there we :e no re­ Mary’s mission on the Kansas river Isaac Jogues’ society has been ports of death among Catholics. in Oklahoma territory, was de­ named to petition the New York “ In addition to the distinguished total of about 85 Catholics* for of strife— with class warring until 1855, when he moved to conduct of these appointive offices. lOS So. La Salle Street against class and nation against stroyed by fire. legislature for a monument in hon­ whom Father Toups said Mass Chicago, III. Leavenworth. The Diocese of Bishop Lamb has served the arch­ from time to time in private homes. nation.” PRESS CENSORSHI^ IS Leavenworth was established in Fr. Edmund WaUh to Speak or of St. Isaac Jogues as the dis­ New York.— The Rev. Dr. Ed­ coverer of Lake George. diocese well in many important Training Mu>t E|e Pure PLANNED BY ! NAZIS 1877, with the Most Rev. Louis projects. As spiritual director of Youth’s trhining, he continued, Mary Fink, O.S.B., at its head. mund A. Walsh, S.J., regent of the Undefeated in Score of Year* school of foreign service at George­ Washington.— Georgetown uni­ the Holy Name union he infused "should be in all cleanlihess and (Continued From Page-L One) Ten years later, Kansas was di­ new life and vigor into that organi­ town university, Washington, D. versity’s Philodemic society, which purity of thought ind action.” vided into three dioceses, that of zation, extending its influence to rested under this pretext 17 had C., will be one of the principal has been undefeated in debate for “ And in this regard,” he added, Concordia being directed by the the confines of the archdiocese and THE REGISTER to be released. Not a shadow of speakers at the banquet o f the more than a score of years, won a “ Catholic youth has the additional Most Rev. Richard Scannell. The inspiring, by his wise counsel, its proof has been submitted for the ifational Catholic Educational as­ unanimous decision over a visiting Published Every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc. advantage of sacramiental grace. guilt of all the others detained, Most Rev. James O’Reilly was ap­ outstanding accomplishment in the 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 That training and th,is grace are pointed Bishop of Wichita, but sociation convention April 14. team from Yale university March among them persons as well known 20 on military preparedness. field of Catholic Action. He also absolutely necessary that thereby among German Catholics as Hans died before he could take active Pageant Rehearsals Begin organized and conducted, under Pruldcnt— — ------Host Rev. Blihop Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Dtnvet the youth may be saved from the charge. The Most Rev, John J, St. Louis. — : Rehearsals have Btihop Gire* $500 to Flood Relief the patronage o f His Eminence, PmMtBt-Eraeritnr.------Host Rev. Bithop i . Henry Tihcn, D.D., Wiehita, K«ne*e Niermann, Franz Stebler and his Cleveland.— The Most Rev. Jos­ Editor-in-Chief------Jit. Rev. Msgr. M*ttbew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. sex obsession, and rescued from Hennessy was the first Ordinary begun at Fontbonne college for several official diocesan pilgrim­ jvife, and Albert Steiner. eph Schrembs, Bishop o f Cleve­ Mtnasin* Editor------Hubert A. Smith, Jour. D. the fetid atmosphere of sex mor­ to take up his duties in Wichita. ages to Europe, personally super­ AuocUte Editors— Rev. Arthur Froehle, A.B.! Millard F. Everett. Jour. M.i Youth Leader in Jail land, donated the sum of $500 to bidity, which, on and off the stage, The spiritual leader of the Ger­ Representatives from the three intending the countless details in­ C. J. HcNeill, A.B.. B.J.: Rev. Walter Cansvan, M.A.; Ruth Vincent so many degenerates present as the Red Cross Fund for Flood Re­ volved in those undertakings. He man Catholic Youth association, Kansas dioceses and from many lief. DIOCESAN EDITIONS an important factor in modem Monsignor Ludwig Wolksr, is still places in the surrounding territory also found time to direct weekly CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Freeno) life.” Field Mass at Many Mexican Churche* Open in jail and was recently visited are expected to take part in the broadcasts on the Catholic Hour U o*t Rev. Bishop Philip G. Sober, D.D., President. Rt. Rev. Michael Sullivan, Editor Chicago.— The Tribune here re­ His Excellency warned against there by His Eminence, Joseph centennial celebration being ar­ over local stations, a task which SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Sacramento) ports that seven Mexican states Most Rev. Bishop Robert J. Armstrong, D.D., President youth’s succumbing tp the “ obses- Cardinal Schulte, Archbishop of ranged by the Rev, George Towle, nedfessitated the selection of ap­ have reopened their churches and Rev. Patrick A. McHugh, S.T.B.. Editor and Business Manager ,sion’* of the pursuit of wealth, Cologne, who was advised by Chan­ present pastor of Sacred Heart propriate subjects for discourse by the end of March 3,000 will be REGISTER (Grand Island) which will make of him “ one of cellor Hitler, after addressing church, Kickapoo. The Most Rev. and capable speakers.” Most Rev. Bishop 8. V. Boda, D.D., President! Rev. Patrick MeDaid (No. Platte). Centennial, Plan reopened. But priests are still re­ Editor; Bueiness Director. Rev. Paul Wiese, Grand Island that much-criticized and con- Francis J. Johannes has been asked a telegram of protest to him. stricted in number. In an edifying address of thanks- EASTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Great FslU) demiied class of citizens known as that the matter of the arrested to preside at the rites. Induttrial Conference Planned mving for the honor accorded him. Most Rev. Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara, D.D., LL.D „ President ‘capitalists.’ ” “ The conscientious youth leaders was now in the hands (Continued From Page One) Rev. Eugene Gergen, Editor and Bueineas Manager Washington. — The Catholic Bishop Lamb paid a glowing trib­ youth,’’ he went on, “ who under­ of the prosecutor, which meant that Antonio, when the Most Rev. WESTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Helena) REMARKABLE GROWTH Conference on Industrial Prob­ ute to Cardinal Dougherty. M olt Rev. Bishop Joseph M. Gilmore, D.D., President stands his responsibility and his he. Hitler, could not interfere. It Arthur J. Drosserts, Archbishop lems will hold a regional meeting Rev. Patrick Casey. M .A., Editor and Business Manager duty should struggle earnestly, but is well known, of course, that Hit­ OF COLONY RECALLED of San Antonio, celebrated a Field NEVADA REGISTER (Reno) at the Willard hotel here March honestly, to obtain such wealth as ler interferes often enough in Mass in front of the historic Most Rev, Bishop Thomas K. Gorman, D.D., J.C.L., D.Se.Hlst., Prai. and Editor 30 and 31. is necessary for his own well-being, other matters when he clioosea to (Continued From Page One) Alamo. SOUTHERN NEBRASKA REGISTER (Lincoln) Most Rev. Bishop Lonii B. Kucera, D.D., President for the sustaining of those who protect the interests of his own insuperable obstacles and was in Tertiarie* to Unite in Tribute The second event was a Field New York.— The members of Rev. Maurice Helmann, H .A ., Jour. D„ Editor and Business Manager are dependent on him and for their turn succeeded by Father Andrew Heroism, Virtue WEST VIRGINIA REGISTER (Wheeling) party membership. Mass at La Bahia, where the'Most future well-being, for a home in Antonnuci, who likewise failed to the of St. Dominic in Host Rev. Bishop John J. Swin*,. D.D., President Cardinal Faulhaber lad cou­ Rev. Emmanuel B. Ledvina, Bishop the United States will offer a Rev. Frederick J. Sebwerts. M .A., Editor and Business Manager which to live, and for those things rageously protested in i. sermon penetrate ih e Chinese stoicism. of Corpus Christi, arranged a Field The major portion of the early special tribute of loyalty to the PEORIA REGISTER (Peoria, lilinoie) that are necessary for living there, against the allegation of Catholic Mass to commemorate the surren­ Most Rev. Bishop J. H. Sehitrmin, D.D., Ph.D.. J.C.O., President Chinese Catholics were those who Holy Father Thursday, April 30, .such as are helpful to develop such connivance with the Communists, der of that famous church fort and Rev. H . H. Ross, A.B. B.J.. Editor and Buainesa Manager Feast of St. Catherine of Siena. Of Nun Are Cited SANTA FE REGISTER (SanU Fe. New Mexico) brought the faith with them from tastes and talents as are his.” This, but the only result was i violent the cruel massacre of its defenders he said, “ is entirely different from China. ^ The pledge of loyalty with special Moat Rev. Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken, D.D., President editorial in the Nazi storm troopers’ afterward. prayers for the Holy Father will Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. Estvelt, P.A., V.G., Editor the sins that go under the popular The first real results in China­ Rev. Daniel Krahe. O.M.Cap., Assistant Editor organ, the Black Corps, V'hich did On May 10, the Most Rev. Rob­ be offered at Holy Hour services (Continued From Page One) name today of capitalism.” not even refrain from iniiinuating town were achieved by the Paulist ert E. Lucey, Bishop of Amarillo, ALTOONA REGISTER (Altoona. Pa.) Fathers and some lay instructors, throughout the nation in centers Hazelton, Steelton, and Hershey, Most Rev. Bishop J. J, HeCort. D.D., President Youth’s training, the prelate d^ that the Cardinal was ne t telling will say Mass on the convent of Dominican Tertiary activity. Pa., in the United States. i Rev. Thomas E. Hadden, Ph.D., S.T.L.. Editor and Businese Manager dared, should make him a con­ the truth, just as the offic al organ who established a Chinese school ground there in memory of the The Denver Catholic Register is also a part of this newspaper syetem. on a modest basis; and from that Children’* Book* Named A discourse expressing gratitude scientious citizen in which his mo- of the Hitler Youth saw fit in a martyrdom of Father Juan Padilla, Providence, R. I.— The Pro Par- . I tive. should be “ not alone the love school has developed the great for the reading of the Uecree was Price o{ The Register (dated every Sunday), (1 a year. C*o*d* and South recent issue to attack tie Hier­ first martyr of Texas. vulis Book club for children here America, t l.5 0 . Foreign, $1.76. In bundle lots, one eenV > copy if bought ^ of his neighbor, but the love of the archy as “perfidious” betause of social center that ^ n d s today. The Most Rev. Anthony J. delivered by Archbishop Giuseppe has made three notable selections Pizzardo, secretary for Extraor­ regularly for sale o r ' diatrlbution. common Father above.” A trained the stand taken in their j lint pas­ 400 Chinese Students Schuler, S.J., Bishop of El Paso, for March. They are, for the little dinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, who youth, he added, will be able to toral against the pagan tr< nds pro­ Four hundred Chinese children will have a Mass on May 31, to Entered ae Second Claee Matter at Post Oflice, Denver, Colorado. children. Slovenly Peter, from the was bom in Savona. discern the weaknesses in the sub- moted by Nazi youth leaders. are now enrolled in St. Mary’s commemorate the first entrance of famous old German folk legends; The R eyi'ter lias the largest circulation of any paper in the English langnagv I versive theories of the day, and he Franciscan missionaries into Texas Responding to this discourse. school, an increase of more than for the boys from 10 to 14, Back devoted to religious newr. * ^ ^ ^ will understand that while “ faith 100 over last year. These repre­ territory, and on June 6 a Texas Pope Pius XI referred to the co­ Kansas Girls’ Scholol to Treasure Island, written by incidence of the reading of the de­ and brotherhood, peace and justice sent, according to recent tabula­ Centennial exhibition will open at Harold A. Calahair as a sequel to may not have the glamour or the Has First Broadcast tions of the community’s nine Eng­ Dallas. Arrangements for a suit­ cree with the ceremonies at Sa­ Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure vona, saying he was delighted to be excitement of the revolution,” on Atchison, Kans.—Going lish-speaking schools, one Chinese able Catholic exhibit are being Island, and Old Spain in Our South­ them “ lies the smile of heaven, and air for the first time, child of every five. There arc 380 made under the direction of the repseunted at Savona through his west, by Nina 0:i^ro, for the older Legate. His Holiness then recalled VINCENTIAN BROTHERS in them is the hope for man.” / Scholastica’s college broadcast a children enrolled in the center’s Most Rev. Joseph P. Lynch, Bishop girls. that mercy toward the miserable, are called to a' beautiful and lofty vocation, co-operating with the prlcita half-hour program over ri dio sta­ Chinese language school. The Eng­ of Dallas. Delegation to Hare New Home in the work of the mission, both at home and abroad. They reap an abundant tion KFEQ, St. Joseph, l^o. The lish school is conducted by eight the poor, and the; suffering is the harvest of souls in the service of the Master, Rescues His Friend Prelate* Will Attend St. Paul. — Collections were highest expression o f the charity program was sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, taken up in all the churches of this On the evening of April 20 there of Christ, who gave charity as His YOUNG MEN school’s student council. who have theib motherhouse in archdiocese to permit the faithful will be a public reception in Hous­ own mandate and excluded any Orange, Calif., and their convent to contribute toward the erection feeling themselvee called to serve God In the religious state are requested ton for the notable guests Fleming limitation in the exercise of char­ to write ue. W e assure you a prompt and alncere responsa. Especially wel­ in the school cerjter. of a new home for the Apostolic Prominent Chinese Is to attend the Field Mass. Members ity, because He wished it to be come are those who are skilled in any trade. ------^------— Delegation in Washingrton, D. U. Convert of Franci scans of the Hierarchy in addition to exercised toward the poor and suf­ For particulara writa to GROUP TO PRAY FOR Archbishop Rummel and Bishops U. S. Prie*t in India Po*t fering as if it were to His own Per­ REVEREND FATHER SUPERIOR, Tungchow, China.— Amjong 37 Washington.— Word has been SUCCESiS OF EXHIBIT Bryne and Cantwell who are ex­ son. In fact, the Holy Father said, St. Mary’a Seminary Perryville, Missouri converts just baptized by the Fran­ received at Holy Cross Foreign ciscans Fathers here is a doctor of pected to attend the Mass include in the description of the Last Judg­ (Continued Fiom Page One) the Most Rev. Arthur J. Drossaerts, Mission seminary of the appoint­ ment Our Lord affirmed that what letters who “ read” his way into ment of the Rev. Lawrence Graner, the Chujeh by private study. When “ The Holy Father has taken a Archbishop of San Antonio; the the just do to the suffering they great personal interest in the plans Most Rev. Karl J. Alter, Bishop of C.S.C., as Vicar General of the do to Him. Among the just. His he came to the mission several Diocesd of Dacca,‘ Bengal, India. months ago to obtain booki i on the for the World Catholic Press exhi­ Toledo; the Most Rev. Daniel F. Holiness continued, there was one bition, and it is in itself an act Desmond, Bishop of Alexandria; Father Graner is a native of Frank­ in whom there was no need to Catholic religion, he said: “ I have lin, Pa. heard a, lot about Christian ity, but of homage of the Catholic press the Most Rev. John Mark Gannon, marvel at this affirmation, namely, Why Not Invest for of the world to His Holiness,” Bishop of Erie; the Most Rev. Rich­ Catholic Action Shown in Pre** St. Joseph, because in his life he changing religion is not s( simple Auburn, N. Y.— The Auburn So­ as changing one’s jacket . . . I am Father Garesche adds. “ This is ard 0. Gerow, Bishop of Natchez; actually gave food and drink to the Most Rev. William J. Hafey, dality union has been sponsoring determined to act with circum­ the first time in the history of the and clothed Jesus. The Venerable Lifetime and Eternity? Bishop of Raleigh; the Most Rev. an unusual piece o f Catholic Action spection and to know where the Church that such an.exhibit has Rosello, Pope Pius said, was a sub­ Edmond Heelan, Bishop of Sioux in statempts of Catholic doctrine truth is to be found before coming been held.” “ All in all, the ex­ lime champion of this charity, and Through the hibits will be the most complete, City; the Most Rev. Jules B. Jean- and practice printed on the church he expressed particular pleasure in to a decision. It seems to me that mard. Bishop of Lafayette; the page of the Auburn Citizen-Adver­ in the Christian religion there are varied, and universal that have the fact that her dau^ters con­ ever been assenfbled under Cath­ Most Rev. Francis C. Kelley, Bish­ tiser, secular new^aper, on Satur­ tinue her work. S. V. D. ANNUITY PLAN many different opinions . . . In op of Oklahoma'City and Tulsa; day afternoons. In a box heading fact, here in Tungchow Here are olic auspices,” he says. “ The Sa­ the Most Rev. Francis M. Kelly, “ Catholic Information, by Auburn several denominations, al! main­ cred Congregation for the Propa­ If You Do Bishop of Winona; the Most Rev. Sodality Union” there is set forft Vatican City.— (NCWC Cable), taining that they have th» truth,* gation of the Faith has given its Louis B. Kucera, Bishop of Lin­ material that can be read within a -The miracles proposed in the but I know that the truth must be aid to secure the representation You will receive a high rate of interest (6% , 6%, of about 80 countries, so that coln; the Most Rev. Emmanuel B. minute or two. cause for canonization of Blessed one, hence ...” After re* ding all Ledvina, Bishop of Corpus Christi; Relief Cheaper Than Riot Andrew Bobola, Jesuit, were con­ 7 % ) as long as you live. the books obtained at the < lifferent languages and t^es of printing the Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, New York.— Explaining the fed­ sidered at a meeting held at the missions, he decided in favor of will be seen in tnis exhibit which You will know what your money is doing, now and will be amazing and undecipher­ Bishop of Amarillo: the Most Rev. eral relief projects In an address residence-O f Pedro Cardinal Se­ the Catholic Church. gura y Saenz, Cardinal Relator of after your death. able to the Western reader. A Josepn P. Lynch, Bishop of Dallas; at a symposium on “ The Catholic number o f the communities of the the Most Rev. Joseph Schrembs, Churen and Labor” sponsored by the cause. You will ahare in the noblest work on earth, the Granddaughter of tbity’s Oriental Rites will take part, and Bishop of Cleveland; the Most Rev. the National Catholic Alumni fed­ saving of immortal souls through our An­ of course a great many of the Anthony J. Schuler, S.J., Bishop eration, Edmond B. Butler, secre­ nuity Plan. Founder Dies on Birthday other religious communities. of El Paso; the Most Rev. Francis tary-of the Emergency Relief bu­ Missionary Brothers "No doubt one of the effects of J. Tief, Bishop of Concordia, and reau, declared that the total cost St. Joseph, Mo.—Miss Octavia Novitiate of the Lay Brother* Write for Particulars, Stating Age, to Robidoux, granddaughter this great exhibit will be t6 bring the Most Rev. Thomas J. Toolen, of public relief projects is cheaper of JoB- The Histlonariet of the Sacred Heert Harry Raury of Easton, Pa., is eph Robidoux, founder ol the city before Catholics in general, and Bishop of Mobile. than that of one major riot. Mr. Butler contended that the work welcome candidates In ffood standing shown as ha brought his dog safely of St. Joseph, died at SI. Anne’s the Catholics of the United States Seventy-five thousand persons for mlsdonary work at home and Rev. Father Society of the from the flooded basement of his home in St. Louis on her 09th in particular, the great opportuni­ are expected to attend the Field relief projects accounted for the abroad. hom o. whan the Delaware river birthday. Survivors include ties which still await them to,en­ Mass. Following the Mass the hon­ fact that there had not been a For particulars* apply to Divine Word, Box 6, Techny, 111. single major disturbance since the FATTIER JOHN DICKS* M.S.C. thrsa tan ad to engulf the town.— cousin. Mother Louise Befuvais of large and stren^hen the scope of ored gmasts will attend a luncheon 719 Ratavia Ave. CencTa* lIHneia j^^(Intamational Illustrated News.) Duquesne college, Omaha. our Catholic press.” to be given by Bishop Byrne. depression began. r y w w w England If the name is ^vritten Mary- political and social reapproach- the pictures, statues, and crucifixes where he was joined by several was by an act of parliament de­ lyn, it may be regarded £s the ment. This is the more true in in the church covered with violet pious youths. Seventeen years clared *fSupreme Head pn Earth name of the Queen of the 3aints that, for being a summary, the veils on Passion Sunday. It is as later, his followers had become so of the Church of England.” This with a suffix. There is, as :'ar as book nonetheless gives a well- if she said:' “ Your minds are fixed numerous that it was necessary to ' fact alone destroys any claim which our information goes, no sa nt by proportioned and complete idea of on Christ’s terrible sufferings and build a large convent. A life of con­ the Anglican Church maji put for­ the name of Shirley. The law of the the position, mission, and relation* death on the cross. You do not tinuous fasting and prayer was led ward to apostolieity. Thi primacy Church, hoyrever, does not r squire of the Catholic Church in th'e need at this time any representa­ by St. Francis and his associates. of Peter and his successors is an more than orie saint’s nam i, nor present-day world. He who is seek­ tion of Him to remind you of the ‘The order arising out of this first apostolic doctrine, and when it is does it prohibit the addition of ing for a more abundant and inte­ great work He accomplished for foundation by Francis was called suddenly and violently repudiated, names which are hot those of grated truth cannot miss his way you.” In the Mass of Passion the Hermits of St. Francis o f As­ as was the case in England, there saints. Accordingly, your baby toward* it in pages of one Sunday, Psalm XLII is omitted. sisi. The name w'as later changed is- rejection of an apostolic doc­ may be baptized Marilyn S iirley. who found it in the closing year* The reason for its omission is just­ to "Minims,” indicating that the trine, and therefore loss of the of hi* life. Father Delaney is an­ ly founded’ on the contents of the brethren were the least of religious orders. The order spread quickly mark of apostolieity. : 7 OOT a non-Catholie diiorced other one of those convert* who psalm, for it seeks to banish sorrow over Italy and France. 'Eo this Since, the Angliclfti Cliurch has woman; my husband deserted me enthusiastically writes what his and sadness from the soul, to repudiated the Divinely constituted 15 years ago and I have never new-found faith means to him. He awaken a joyful mood for him who latter couuitry St. Francis was sent principle of unity in doctrine— heard from him since. May I join cannot only help others along hi* prays. It is proper, therefore, to at the request of the king, and he indisputably an essential mark of the Catholic Church and be mar­ paths but can present to Catholic* omit this psalm at a time when the remained at the court of France z d e f a c A d e o f f f i s C k a r c k i n until his death at the age of 92 in the apostolic Church—doctrinal ried to a Catholic man? ike UHte towm. oPAQuiLA, i m y . a fresh view of that which they heart should be penetrated with have always had and pften enough 1508. disintegration has been rapidly ad­ You may join the Citholic is eomposad c f M/hite moxbl» inudd. profound sorrow, painful sadness, and intense compassion as are sup­ vancing in that body, sd that to­ Church, and if you are conrinced m ik rack ana. Jt has spUididUf have so little appreciated.— Fran­ Sorrowful Mother cis J. Welzmiller, S.J. posed to prevail in Passiontide. In day and for some years past there that it is the true Church you tgrQvuahd p o r t a l s , the lu m v o n . * ^ have been three distinct groups the prayers of the Mass, the Honored on Feast have a strict obligation ii con eoc/TA/«fS rana o f p od e CELiSTlNC^ Twice in the year does the within that sect, known as the science to do so. As regards con­ THE TRANSITION FROM THE Church brings to our minds the Broad Church, the Low Church, MSVtEO. TO UAST WE£KS jx a n o N ANCIENT TO THE MEDIEVAL wonderful decree of Divine wis­ Church recall to our minds the tracting a valid marriage m the share the Blessed Virgin had in the and the High Church. The Broad Church, that depends, in thi sup .M ASS is dendeU fron ihe WORLD. By R. F. Arragon. New dom in the redemption of the Church group are modernists and LoJUk tdorcL MiSS/0, meaniHo a wsnutsaL • %» tooni it used York. Holt. 1935. Pp. 134. $1. world. At the tree of knowledge sacrifices of Our Divine Savior by position that your husband is still celebrating the Feast of the Seven rationalists of the most]advanced alive, on whether the marriige is 1kg vrieii at Sfd co^Litton, e f HexS: nB MiSSA £ST (Qo, n / f w / Most teacher* and students of Satan deceived and conquered our type, and deny practically all the oiSMittM.). other tuunes hate beta p/utK. to the Mats a s: W HOiV history are familiar with the Berk­ first parents, thereby bringing Sorrows. The first time these valid or invalid,. dissoluble or in­ thoughts are brought to our minds fundamental teachings of the dissoluble. If there is a merely SAOveicFi IBB tCAtd suFPte., rue bucha/o s t cineL ike earue shire Studies in European History death into the world. God now Christian revelation, such as the chfitilPK ; iertK, TUB SKBAJeWO OF to which the present volume is a chooses the wood of the cross as is in Passiontide and the second natural bond (this would l e the time in the season after Pentecost. inspiration of the Biblej the Di­ case if either you or your husband contribution. Though the primary the altar of the ^ ea t atoning sac­ vinity of Christ, the supernatural purpose of this series is to supple­ rifice, by which the prince of this The sorrows of Mary commemo­ was unbaptized and the marriage rated by these feasts are the sorrow origin of Christianity, etc. The was celebrated since 1918; the ment classroom texts with appro­ world was “ cast out and his works Low Church is composed, of evan­ priate background material that destroyed^” and from which issued (a) at the prophecy of Simeon; Supreme Pontiff may dispense “ in (b) at the flight into Egypt; (c) gelical Christians, so called, who favor'of-the faith.” . If the mar­ is neither too specialized and for mankind the life of grace and profess to be guided by strictly Ancient Prophets Vivid in Their technical nor too elementary for glory. In paradise "the Creator at having lost the Child at Jeru­ riage was contracted before 1918 salem; (d) at meeting Jesus on His Scriptural principles, and reject and either you or your husband the average college student, the marked out the wood, that it might Confession, Communion, the sacri­ general reader can find them en­ expiate the guilt, of the wood. The way to Calvary; (e) at standing at was unbaptized, the marriige is the foot of the cross; (f) at Jesus’ fice of the Mass, and the Real Pres­ invalid. Or possibly the P inline tertaining and informative as well. economy of our salvation so re­ ence as idolatrous Popish inven­ Foretelling of Christ*s Passion The period treated by Professor quired it, that wisdom should de­ being taken from the cross; (g) privilege may be applied. I i any at the burial of Christ. 'The tions. The High Church or Anglo- case, proceed as follows: Tahe in Arragon bristUs with an array of ceive the cunning of the wily be­ Catholic members ape the Roman challenging problems. Chief among trayer and prepare salvation to Blessed Virgin is the Mother of structions and be received in xo the (Lenten Biljle Talk*) writer of the Old Testament rates sins of many, and hath prayed for Sorrows because her Son was the Catholic liturgy and saqramental these, of course, is the question of issue from the very instrument Catholic Church. Then through The, Old Testaifient has many higher from the purely literary the transgressors.” Man of Sorrows. This feast con-- system. They have what they call how and why Rome and the an­ which the enemy had used to your pastor have your case pre prophecies about the life of Jesus standpoint than this prophet. He In this remarkable prophecy, we jures up particularly the picture of “ mass;” they reserve in their cient civilization fell. Scholar* of wound us.” Since the salvation sented to the diocesan matrimonial Christ, and is startlingly clear in had a most extraordinary foresight have a picture of the cruel suffer­ the overwhelming anguish and in­ churches what they call “ the real historical interpretation have loqg of the world hung upon the ignomi­ Court for adjudication, or submis describing His Passion. One of into the future, and spoke of the ing pf Christ that was so to be­ describable compassion of the Vir­ presence;” they have confession, sought a satisfactory explanation nious wood of the cross, the self­ Sion to Rome as circumstance i may those writers who jspoke with out­ Messias in vivid language. draggle His appearance as to rob gin Mother at the bitter sufferings and so on. In regard to i doctrine, require. The suggestion that you standing clarity was Isaias, v^ho Him of His youthful beau^. . We of the decay of ancient economic same cross has become a “ sweet It was he who foretold His birth and death-of her Divine Son. She they are very close to the Roman take instructions and be re:eived lived about 700 years before Our see Him as the Man of Sorrows and agricultural systema and of Catholics, refusing only to accept from a Virgin, and described His Roman public spirit a* well a* of stood at the foot of the cross into the Church is based on the Lord. Others were David and the acquainted with infirmity. We wholly plunged in grief and bathed the dogma of Papal infallibility. supposition that you are sincerely character, in the following words: the decline of the classical tradi­ Churches Reopened author of the Book of Wisdom.' “ Behold, a virgin shall conceive, see Him so stricken that He ap­ in tears, while her Son was shed­ There is no effective remedy for conirinced of the truth of the Cath­ The people of Juda were guilty pears as one struck by God and tion in literature, art, and educa­ Mexico City.— 'What seems to and bear a Son, and His name shall ding all His blood on the cross. this Babel of doctrinal confusion, olic religion. This sincere convic­ of many acts of idolatry, and it aflUcted, and we recall the, awful tion. While refraining from ad­ be a definite move toward partial be called Emmanuel, that is God- for the Bishops of the Anglican tion is the only adequate motive was to warn them that (^od sent cry from the cross centuries later: vancing any new interpretations, alleviation of the situation of the St, Isidore Noted with-us. And there shall come Church are hopelessly divided in for entering the Church. To do so Isaias. In sublime and terrific “ My God,, My God, why hast Thou the author manifests an excep­ Church in Mexico has just taken forth a rod out of the root of For Many Works doctrine. Some of them are ex­ merely to be enabled to msriy a forsaken Me?” But, as Isaias de­ tionally well balanced judgment in place. It has resulted in the re­ Idfiguage, he warned them of many Jesse, and a flower shall rise up treme rationalists arid professed Catholic man would be hypocritical fearful calamities that were to clares, He was wounded for our his succinct analyses of the prin­ opening of a considerable number Two brothers and one sister of modernists; others still a cling to and sinful. come upon their country. No out of his root. And the Spirit of iniquities and was bruised for our cipal theories thus far presented. of churches and •will probably re­ St. Isidore o f Seville have also traditional Christianity. the Lord shall rest upon Him, the sins, and by His bruises we are He ha* nothing but contempt for sult in the opening of more. It is been declared saints. After be­ Spirit of wisdom, and of under­ Such doctrinal bedlam cannot be healed. We strayed away like the materialistic treatment of the particularly important that this coming Bishop, St. Isidore presided standing, the Spirit of counsel, apostolic. Witness St. Paul’s in­ sheep,, and God put on Christ the intellectual and spirital change impulse comes, apparently, from over several synods, and thor­ and of fortitude, the Spirit of sistence on unity of faith: "I iniquity of us all. as a mere reflex of social and eco­ the central government itself, and oughly reorganized the Church in Holy Coitamunioiitill Is knowledge and of godliness. And therefore, a prisoner in the Lord, Yet, as the prophet declared, it nomic change. The role of the also that it conduces toward a more Spain, whikh at that time was vic­ He shall be filled with the Spirit beseech you that you -wajk worthy was through His own wiU that , the Church in preserving the best ele­ equitable interpretation of the toriously emerging from its strug­ of the fear of the Lord. A Child is of the vocation in which you are Master was to offer Himself up to ments of the ancient culture and constitution. It is worth empha­ gle with Arianism. St. Isidore is Sours Nourishment born to us, a Son is given to us, of transfusing them with her called. . . . careful to keep the death. He was not to protest. He sizing, however, that the present well known for his great knowl­ unity of the Spirit in the bond of and the government is upon His was to be led as a sheep to the supernatural vitality is portrayed move does not mean the services edge, and many of his works, rang­ (One of a New Series on the why the CatKolid Church gives shoulder. His names shall be with fairness and accuracy.-— of more priests have been author­ ing from grammar to theolo^, ara peace; one body and orie Spirit, Holy Communion ' to the faithful slaughter and to be dumb as a as you are called in one hope of Catechism) called Wonderful, Counselor, the Clarence J. Ryan, S.J. ized, or that the number author­ extant. Shortly before he died in only under the species of bread: Father of the World to Come, the lamb before His shearer. your calling; one Lord, one faith, The Holy Eucharist is me st fit­ He was to be cut out of the land ized by law, everywhere wholly in­ 636, the saint distributed all his 1. In order to prevent the Sacred Prince of Peace. God Himself will one Baptism, one God afid Father tingly termed the “ Sacram snt of of the living for the wickedness of adequate, has been increased. possessions to the poor. Blood from being profaned, since, come and save you, then shall the Centenarian Leads 120 of all, who is above I all, and Love,” since it expresses, under the jjeople. Yet He Himself did under the appearance of wine, it eyes of the blind be opened and through all, and in us alj” (Ephe­ the aspect of Holy Communion, the no iniquity, nor was there any de- Of Kin to Attend Mass might easily be s))illed, and could the ears of the deaf shall be un­ Savior’s abiding solicitude fjr the crit in Him. When He would lay Quebec.—On his 100th birthday, sians iv, 1-6). not well be reserved; 2. To make it stopped.” supreme welfare of souls . . , souls down His life for sin, a long-lived Moise Durocher, a French-Cana- ransomed by the exhaustive shed­ easy for all to receive the Holy dian farmer near here, led his 120 MOVING PICTURES CLASSIFIED Why do we have siatues of Eucharist, since ipany would feel So striking is the 53rd chapter seed would spring up, and, through ding of His most precious Blood. of Isaiaj in its description of His labors, this just servant of God di‘'ect descendants to the vil­ Christ in the churches, since no- j repugnance at drinking from a FoIIo'irlns’ is > list of motion pictures reviewed and classifled b r the Natiansl Receiving the Holy Euchai ist as Christ at the time of the Passion would justify many, bearing their lage Church of St. Rose to at­ body knows how Christ \looked? common receptacle, or chalice; and council of the Legion of Decency through its New York headquarters: the nourishment (tf our sculs is that it is often called- the Passion iniquities. Therefore, as Isaias. tend High Mass. He was pre­ It is true that no authjentic por­ 3. To declare thereby against the Class A— Section 1— Unobjectionabl* for General Patronisgs referred to as “ Holy Comminion” according to Isaias, just as we declared, God would distribute to sented with a gold medal by the heretics that Christ is present, Atlantic Adventurer. Her Master’s Voice. Paradise Canyon. trait of Christ has come down to jbecause it signifies the un .on of speak about the Passion according Him very many followers. Christ provincial minister of agriculture us, and, accordingly, w;e do not whole and entire, under ea ^ sepa­ Dad Boy. Heroes of the Range. Paddy O’Day. tthe faithful with Christ ami with to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. would divide the spoils of the for his 80 years’ cultivation of Beauty’s Daughter. His Night Out. Preview Murder Case. Icnow^hat His physical appear­ rate species. In the earliest days ione another, and also bespeaks the Following are some excerpt? from strong, according to the prophet, the soil. Between Hen. Hitch Hike Lady. Prisoner of Shark Island. of the Church, thje sick, those in Bohemian GirL House of a Thousand Professional Soldier. ance'was. Neither have the New Common Participation of the Body it: because He would deliver His soul Testament writers left ms a de­ prison, and all wlio communicated Border Caballero. Candles. Red River Valley. and Blood of Jesus Christ. It is unto death and would be deemed Son of_ God, He will defend Him, Boulder Dam. I Dream Too Much. Return of Jimmy at home, received the Holy Eucha­ “ There is no beauty in -Him, nor scription of Christ, for they were truly the perpetuation oE the by those who put Him to death to and will deliver Him from the Burning Gold. I’ll Love You Always. Valentine. rist only under thp form of bread. comeliness: and we have seen Him, Calling of Dan Matthews. Rhodes, the Empire wholly taken up with His doctrine ^‘Lord’s Supper.” be among the wicked. He would hands of His enemies. Let us ex­ In Person. and His Divine personjality and (“ And they were persevering in and there was no sightliness, that Call of the Prairie. It’s a Great Life. Builder. Reception of the Holy Euc harist bear the sins of many, and would amine Him by outrages and tor­ Robin Hood of El Dorado. paid no attention in their writings the doctrine of the Apostles, and we should be desirous of Him: ^ p ta in Blood. Kid Ranger. ,ias spiritual food is not only the pray for the transgressors. tures, that we may know His meek­ Captain January. King of the Pecos. B jues Tavern. in the communication of the break­ despised, and the most abject of to His physical appearance, which most precious of privileges rouch- ness and try His patience. Let us Cattle Thief. Lady in Scarlet. Rose Marie. ing of bread.”—Acts ii, 46.) It men, a Man of Sorrows, and ac­ In these sublime words, we see Charlie Chan at the Circus. Last of the Clintons. Rose of the Rancho. after all is an entirely secondary isafed by God to man, it is also a condemn Him to a most shameful matter.! Accordingly, we must is true''‘-that, subsequently. Pope quainted with infirmity: and His the Master being crucified on Cal­ death; for there shall be respect Chariie Chan’s Secret. Laughing Irish Eyes. Seven Keys to Baldpate. ^matter of precept, intend :d by Leo and Pope Gelpsius commanded look was as it were hidden and vary with the thieves, being put to Chatterbox. Lawless Nineties. She Couldn’t Take It. either deprive ourselves of all Divine Providence as an inex- had unto Him by His words. These Cheers of the Crowd. Lawiess Riders. Silly Billies. the chalice to be received by the despised, whereupon we esteemed death with them as a common Collegiate. Leathernecks Have Landed The Singing Vagabond. representations of Christ or else ihaustible, superabundant sou rce of things they thought, and were de­ have recourse to the genius and faithful in public Communion, but Him not. Surely He hath borne criminal. He was innocent of any Crime PatroL Life of Louis Pasteur. Skull and Crown. grace, answering the needs oi every ceived : for their own malice blinded Littie America. Song and Dance Man. only in order to (jombat the erro­ our infirmities and carried our sor­ sin, and yet He took the sins of Desert Gold. imagination of great artists to de­ soul in its daily strujggle against them.’*' Compare these words with Don't Gamble W ith Love. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Spanish Cape Mystery.. neous dpetrine of ithe Manicheans, rows: and we have thought Him as the entire world upon His shoulders. Storm Over the Andes. pict for us with chisel and brush sin and temptation. Christ Our St. Matthew’s: “ And they that Don’t Get Personal. Little Red School House. their concepts of what Christ who detested wifie as something it were a leper, and as one struck He made it possible, through His passed by Him [as He suffered on Drift Fence. ■ Lone Wolf Returns. Tale of Two Cities. * jLord says expressly: “ Amen amen Taming the Wild. looked like. Certainly; there is diabolical, and to prevent these by God and affficted. But He was deato, for us; if we use the means East of J'sva. Love on a Bet. •I say unto., you: Except you eat the cross] blasphemed Him, wag­ Everybody’s Old Man. Lncky Terror. Three Godfathers. nothing wrong in this and much heretics from approaching with wounded for our iniquities. He was He established, to have the fruits Three Live Ghosts. the Flesh of the Son of mai, and ging their heads .... If Thou Every Saturday Night. Man of the Hour. the faithful to Communion. But, bruised for our sins: the chastise­ of the Passion apply to our own The P Man. Midsummer Night's Three Musketeers. that is good. We human beings drink His Blood, you shall not be the Son of God, come down from this was only for'a time, to meet ment of our peace w m upon Him, souls and thus to win eternal hap­ Fang and Claw. Dream. Too Many Parents. are so constituted that we depend the cross. In like manner also Tough Guy. jhave [supernaturalJ life ii; you” that emergency. When the heresy and by His bruises we are healed. piness in heaven. Farmer in the Dell. Milky Way. more or less on our external senses (John vi, 54). the chief priests, with thp scribes Fast Bullets. Miss Pacific Fleet. Trail of the Lonesome Pina for our intellectual concepts, and disappeared, the faithful returned All we like sheep have gone astray, ’That Isaias could so clearly and ancients, mocking, said: He For the Service. Mister Hobo. Trail of Terror. there is in us an irresisfable urge It should be noted that it is not to the primitive custom. every one hath turned aside into foresee these Christian doctrines saved others; Himself He cannot Follow the Fleet. -Modern Times. Two for Tonight. necessary that we also dr nk of Forced Landing. Murder on the B-idle Path, Two in Revolt. to picture to ourselves, the phy­ As already renjarked, the Holy his own way: and the Lord hath 700 years before the coming of save. If He be the King of Israel, Freshman Love. Music Goes ’Round. Two in the Dark. sique of those whom wej love and the “ Chalice,” in order to -eceive Eucharist (“ Sacrament of Grace” ) ^ id on Him the iniquity of us all. Christ can be attributed to noth­ let Him now come down from the Gallant Defender. Music Is Magic. Timothy’s Quest. admire, yet have never seen. the Blood of Christ; for, under rs a special proyision of Divine He was offered because it was His ing but Divine power. He also cross and we will believe Him” Garden Murder Case. Mutiny on the Bounty. Unknown WomAi. the appearance of bread, 've re­ own will, and He opened not his foretold the glory that would be Gentle Julia. My Marriage. Wildcat Saunders. Artists aid us in satisfying this Providence for the best interests (Matt, xxvii, 39-42). Ghost Goes West. Mysteries of Notre Dame. Woman Trap. very legitimate urge, and at the ceive also His Blood, since we re­ of souls. But besides, it is an elo­ mouth: He shall be led as a sheep Christ’s even on this earth: “ The In Zacharias vi, 12, we find the Give U * This Night. Mysterious Avenger. Yellow Dust. same time furnish si natural ceive Him whole and entire. His quent proof of Our Savior’s ten­ to the slaughter, and shall be dumb Gentiles shall beseech Him, and prophecy that 30 pieces of silver Great Impersonation. Nevada. You Miy Be Next. Humanity and His Divinity. der love, uniting Himself most as a lamb before His shearer, and His sepulchre shall be glorious.” Hair-Trigger Casey. The Night I* Young. Young Love. stimulus • to devotion and piety. were to be His price [paid to Judas, Here Comes Troubls. OSicers’ Mess. Your Uncle Dudley. Who will estimate the holy emo­ Wherefore, Christ promise;! eter­ intimately with us. (“ He that He shall not open His mouth. He Another prophecy of Isaias foi'e- His betrayer]. tions and sublime thoughts that nal life to those also who receive eateth My Flesh, and drinketh was taken away from distress, and told insults Christ would undergo In the 21st .Psalm, we find Class A— Section Z— Unobjectionable for Adults have been suggested by the reli­ Him under the appearance o ' bread My Blood, abideth in Me, and I in from judgment: who shall declare in the Passion: “ I have given My David, more than 1,000 years be­ Aht Wilderness. Jaws of the Jungle. Petrified Forest. only: “ If any man eat of this Alias Bulldog Drummond. Kind Lady. Petticoat Fever. gious masterpieces of a Raphael or him.”—John vi, 57.) Holy Com­ His generation? because He is cut body to the strikers, and My cheeks fore Christ, writing: "My heart is Another Face. King of the Damned. Private Life of Louis XIV. a Michelangelo of a Carlo Dolcj Bread, he shall live forevet; and munion also unites the faithful off out of the land of the living: to them that plucked them: I have become like wax melting in the Bride Comes Home. Lady of Secrets. Public Opinion. or a Guido Rmi? Surely no one the Bread that I will gfive is My most closely together vidth one an­ for the wickedness of My peoj^e not turned My face away from midst,of My bowels. My strength Bridge of Sikhs. Last of the Pagans. Bing Around the Moon. Broadway Hostess. Let’s Live Tonight. Road Gang. would deprive reli^on pf this aid Flesh, for the life of the world” other by a bond of love and con­ have I struck Him. And He shall them that rebuked Me, and spit is dried up like a potsherd, and (John vi, 52). Our Savior insti­ Circumstantial Evidence. Love Before Breakfast. Society Fever. to devotion and piety rimply be­ cord: “ For we, being many, are give the ungodly for His burial, upon Me.” Compare this with what My tongue hath cleaved to My Country Doctor. Magniheent Obsession. Spy 77. cause these likenesses of (5hrist tuted the Holy Eucharisu under one bread, one body, all that par­ and the rich for His death: be­ St. Matthew recorded as an his­ jaws: and Thou hast brought Me Crime and Punishment. Manhunt. < Strike Me Fink. Murder Han. Tango. are not authentic representations the two species of bread and vrine take of one bread” (1 Cor. x, 17). cause He hath done no iniquity, toric fact, writing about six years down into the dust of death. For Dancing Feet. because He instituted it, not only Desire. Must ’Em Up. These Three. of His exact physical fprm. By uniting us in the most intimate neither was there deceit in His after Our Lord’s ascension: “ Then many dogs have encompassed Me: Divine Spark. Ncxi. Time W e Love. Three Women. as a sacrament, but also as a sac­ manner with Jesus Christ, the mouth. And the Lord was pleased did they spit in His face, and buf­ the council of the malignant hath Exclusive Story. The Passing of the Third W ay Down East. rifice, for which both species are Source of all Divine graces. Holy to bruise Him in infirmity: if He feted Him: and others struck His besieged Me. They have dug My Escape From Devil’s Island. Floor Back. The Widow from Mont* If You Could Only Cook. One Way Ticket. Carlo. When is it a grievous sin to en­ required (as observed in out previ­ Commvmion imparts to us innumer­ shall lay down His life for sin. face with the palms of their hand^’ hands and feet. 'They have num­ tertain rash suspicions of the- Informer. On Probation. Wife Versus Secretary. ous article on the Sacrifice of the able graces. In particular, it pre­ He shall see a long-lived seed, and (Matt, xxvi, 67). bered all My bones. And they have It Happened in New York. Perfect Gentleman. We're Only Human. neighbor? ' Mass). Accordingly, the words of serves and increases sanctifying the will of the Lord shall be pros­ In the second chapter of Wis­ looked and stared upon Me. They Our Lord, “ Drink ye all of this” Class B— Objectionable in Part When rash suspicions'and doubts grace; weakens our evil inclina­ perous in His hand. Because His dom, written centuries before parted My garments amongst Anything Goes. Hands Across the Table. New Gulliver. pertain to serious matters many (Matt, xxvi, 27), are by no means tions, giving us the desire and soul hath labored. He shall see Christ, we find sinners declaring them: and upon My vesture they A Night at the Opera. Hell Ship Morgan. Outcast Lady. theologians teach that from their a command to all the faitmul, but strength to be virtuous; cleanses and be filled: by His knowledge of One who was to come that “He cast lots.” The avrtul suffering Ceiling Zero.' I Conquer the Sea. Pursuit of Happiness. nature they are mortal sips be­ only to the Apostles, andjto their us from venial :and preserves us shall this My just servant justify boasteth that He hath the knowl­ Colleen. It Had to Happen. Reckless. even unto death; the Divine thirst; Crime of Dr. Creep!. King of Burlesque. Remember Last Night. cause they inflict the same grave successors, the Bishops ana priests, from mortal sin; and is a pledge many, and He shall bear their iniq­ edge of God, and calleth Himself the horrible gibes of Christ’s ene­ Dangerous. Klondike Annie. Song of the Saddle. injury on the neighbor as do rash when they celebrate Holy Mass. of our future resurrection and uities. Therefore will I distribute the Son of _(jod.” They determine mies; the piercing of His hands Dangerous Water*. Lady Consents. Soak the Rich. judgments, and because suspicions For this reason, priests alfo, when everlasting happiness. (“ He that to Him very many, and He shall to afflict Him. “ Let us prove then and feet •with nails; the division First a Girl. Living Dead. Sylvia Scarlett. they do not actually celebrate Flirting With Danger, Mimi. Walking Dead. and doubts oftener lead to serious eateth My Flesp, and drinketh My divide the spoils of the strong, be­ if His words be true, and let us of His garments, even to- the de­ Frisco Waterfront. Melo. Walking Death. consequences than do .rash judg­ Mass, communicate under the spe- Blood, hath everlasting life: and cause He hath delivered His soul prove what shall happen to Him, tail of casting lots for the! seam Mr. Co)ien Takes a Walk. ments. Such serious consequence;^ cies of bread alone. 1 will raise him up in the last unto death, and was reputed with and we shall know what His end ^ss tunic—all these are herb fore- Class C— Condemned shall be, For if He be the true •re murmurings, hatreds, and de There are three special reasons day.”—John vi, 56.) the wicked: and He hath borne the fold, a thousand years befo; Guilty Parents. High School GirL Java Head. . .'r.-w iJ'- ►'t'.'c! . ■»' ■-•.I-,.", rf. •• -‘.rr

PAGE FOUR T H E REGISTER Sunday. March 29, 1936

ATTEND CELEBRATION A s Scientist Finds Vitamins via Soap Among those from St. Francis DIRECTORY de Sales’ parish celebrating St. Patrick’s day at the Shirley Savoy ATTRNEYS AT LAW were: Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Carroll, Jr.; the Misses Margaret McNicho­ JOHN H. REDDIN (Continved From Pago Oao) las, Lanore Kellaher, Bernadette E. & C. Buildinc when the force* of thi* earth rite editorial days, when the federal Prindle, Maridolores Carroll, Mar­ M AIN 0857 in their might. Individual* are reserve banking system was being garet Trainor, Roberta Everley, Marjorie Russell, and Madonna JOSEPH A. CRAVEN rarely the *arae after *uch an ex­ established, unctnpus prophecies Symss Buildinf Doyle; Messrs. Russell Powell, perience. Many thouaand* who were made on nil sides that the TABOR 6148 were carele** in their' attitude United States would never again Emmett Noonan, Jay Nevins, toward* God realize their own have a serious depression. The James Hughes, John Hynes, Barry ALBERT E. ZARLENGO Univsrsity Bids. weakne**,^ and submit. In some prophets certainly failed that Keechen, Joseph Murphy, and Bud time. Hughes. ' MAIN 1614 cases, rebellion is aroused, for Washington.— The E^Vj Dr. Jos­ there are proud people who are un­ eph A. Daly, executive secretary willing to recognize . that fallen The radical press of the United of the Natbnal Legion o f, De­ mankind may be made heroic and State* was highly elated because cency, appeared at a h ir in g of a saintly through suffering. In the Columbia Broadcasting system sub-committee of the house of rep­ great public calamities, the good recently permitted Earl Browder, resentatives ' committee! on ’ inter­ THE REGISTER READY < suffer with the wicked^ but God secretary of the Communist party state and foreign comjmerce and ha* ways of His own of making and it* Official spokesman in the testified that the National legion REFERENCE DIRECTORY: recompense, and suffering by them country, to speak for a quarter of is opposed to the Petfengill bill, is never without beneficial results. an hour. The Yankee network, a which would forbid the so-called A detailed description of these firms, tradesmen, and their ^ With St. Peter, hence, we say: New England chain of stations “block-booking” method of film services is published in The Denver Catholic Register once a < *‘Be you humbled, therefore, under affiliated with the Columbia sys­ distribution. month. Patronize them— They are Reliable. i the mighty hand of God, that He tem, substituted 15 minutes of jazz Dr. Daly told the members of may exalt you in the time of visi­ for the Red agitator’s speech. congress that he was “ authorized tation; cast all your care upon Many newspapers, although they by and responsible to the Episcopal CONTRACTORS INTERIOR DECORATORS Him, for He hath care of you” disagree with Browder, praised the Committee on Motion Pictures.” (I Peter, v. 6, 7). A. D. SEARL Columbia system for upholding the He described the organization and THE 'DUNN & GIBSON “ American principle of free CONSTRUCTION CO. Decorator. A Paper Hanger functions of the Legijon of De­ 1829 George , the New York speech.” cency and added: “I lappear be­ Appraisals, Estimates A Repairs 327 SANTA FE MA. restaurant man, in his hook, ‘ ‘The We believe in free speech, but fore your committee uilder the in­ IS28-38 INCA ST. MA. 1798 METAL WORKER Girl From Rector’s,” gave a vivid are not prepared to go so far as structions of the chairman of the description of Diamond Jim Brady, some people. We see no reason Episcopal Committee on Motion CARPENTERS GENERAL' HEATING CO. whose fantastic life was made the for allowing Browder to forward Pictures, Archbishop McNicholas, Sheet Metal Workers— Gutters subject of a feature movie a few his cause over the radio. He does to inform your committee of the J. F. McKAY 376 SO. BROADWAY SP. 6272 month* ago. Brady was an not himself stand for free speech. opposition of the Legion of I^e- Contractor A Builder extraordinary salesman, who made In Russia, with whose government tency to the bill under considera­ 1811 ARAPAHOE KE. 1471 ORNAMENTAL IRON tion.” i millions in disposing of railroad he is sympathetic, nobody who dis­ F. R. SCHMUTTE supplies when the railways of this agrees in the least with the Com­ “ The Lemon of Decency,” Dr. FURNACE REPAIRS Iron and Aluminum Work country were undergoing their munists is permitted to use the Dly said, ‘Tdoes not believe that 1401 SO. BDWY. PE. 6237 huge expansion. He was such a radio. The newspapers, the there is promise or hope of a whole­ SOUTH GAYLORD HARDWARE huge eater that Rector says: ‘ ‘He schools, the universities, the some screen through the agency AND PAINT STORE PLASTERERS was the best 25 customers we broadcasting stations, the theaters, of legislative enactment.” Gutters, Skyllfhts A Furnaces had!” His nickname was derived and all publicity agencies are regi­ Dr. Daly read to the committee 1061 SO. GAYLORD SP. 2961 WALSH BROTHERS Plastering A Lathing Contractors from his jewelry, and when he mented in Russia as Red propa­ a statement authorized;on Feb. 26 950 OSAGE ST. KE. 7621 wore his diamond* he looked like ganda forces. All institutions, by the Episcopal Corjimittee on J. G. CARDELL Chimney, Skylights, Gutters, Etc, an ‘‘excursion steamer at twi­ such as the Church, that dare to Motion Pictures, dealing with its T . W . LOVE light.” He had powerful diamonds remind people of fundamental hu­ program for the improvement of 1813 ARAPAHOE TA. 3055 Plaster and Stucco Work , in his shirt, diamonds in his cuffs, man dignity and right* are perse­ the moral tone of the films. 3305 COOK ______YO. 4839 actually wore diamond suspender cuted or suppressed. If Earl GLASS SEWERS AND ASHPITS buttons, fore and aft; diamonds on Browder had his say, the men who Immense Painting Now his fingers, and even diamonds for now own the Columbia Broadcast­ ARAPAHOE GLASS CO. MUTUAL CONST^ & MFC. CO. vest buttons. There was a rumor ing system - would not have a On Exhibit in Chicago Plate, Mirrors, Window, Ornamontal W ell Casing, Cesspools, Etc. that he had diamond bridge work. chance in five miljion to get 15 Chicago.—The famous painting, 1815 ARAPAHOE MA. 6725 2850 WALNUT KE. 3619 He often had eight or ten guests minutes on the air. “ Golgotha,” a panorama of the for dinner, and, if none or only Communists, if they were suffi­ Crucifixion by Jan Styka, Polish part showed up, he gravely ate the ciently strong to change things, artist, is now being exhibited in meals that were ordered for the would not be willing to live under the Civic opera house: The im­ absentees. He never drank intoxi­ the constitution of the United mense painting measures 195 by The Register Shopping Guide cating beverages, but he consumed States or the principles of our 45 feet and is being exhibited in MR. AND 'MRS. SHOPP£R-*Th« RcfUter recommend* this ^phabetically- a huge amount of orange juice. Declaration of : Independence. all parts of the world fpr the bene­ indexed list ef business and prefesaional people for your needsi A s leaders His meal started with two or three American patriotism recognizes A new way to get vitamins A and D, by absorption of the vitamins through the skin, has been discov­ fit of Catholic charities.! Funds de­ in their vmious lines, they are well e^uiMed to givo jrou excellent service. ered. by Dr. George Sperti (upper right), director of the Institutum Divi Thomae, in Cincinnati. Upper rived from the Chicago ^exhibit will Give them • trial and show your appreciation, for they are co>operatlnjr with dozen large oysters, and he often the right to change our form of us in giving you a finer publication. ordered another dozen. These government to some extent from left: Agnes Helmer, research associate of the institute, is seen “ vitamin washing” a white rat. Lower benefit the Cathedral Study club would be followed by a dozen time to time by amending the con­ photo: Albert Schrage and Lawrence Raker (right) try the relative merit* of getting their vitamins by and the Polish Welfare association. hard-shelled crabs. Then came stitution; but the Reds would com­ washing with the special soap, or by eating spinach, while Freda Holtz, secretary of St. Aloysius’ home, looks DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL GROCERY six or seven giant lobsters with no pletely scrap this document. We 1. (Photo courtesy of The Cincinnati Enquirer.) Latin Bible Suggested DR. W. F. LOCKE waste except the actual bone could not have Communism and For Irish Taidhg Oaths Westerkamp Bros. structure. Then ^he had a steak. also have that political and human KE. 8613 KE. 8813 KE. 9043 5106 Wash. Coffee, cakes, and pastry followed. freedom known as Americanism. Dublin.—Following a juror’s re­ 1216 Speer Blvd. Talk— Don’t W a lk - ‘ ‘When he pointed at a platter of fusal to swear on a Bible unless VETERINARIAN it was printed in Irish, a sugges­ Telephone Your Order French pastry, he didn’ t mean any Pearl Buck’s latest novel, “ The Jail Sentence Is Small Animal Specialists Everything a Good Grocery special piece of pastry. He meant Exile,” tells the story of her tion was made by a legal authority the platter.” After this, he would mother. She shows how, under that, until there is an lirish-printed Cat and Dog Hospital Should Have Bible, a New Testament in Latin Bast Food* at Lowest Price* order a two-pound box of bonbons a strange Puritan compulsion, Paris Ha* 18 New Churches let is the oldest of the Catholic CLIPPING—SURGERY—DISEASE W s Deliver and pass them among his guest*. Carie, the heroine, married a mis­ Paris.— Construction of 18 new weeklies published here. Its first be used by the' Irish-speaking If any guest took a piece. Diamond sionary, whom she did not love, Given Seller of churches in the Archdiocese of number was issued on May 16, Catholics because there should be REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Jim would order another two- and went with him to China. She Paris was started in the year. 1840. no objection to the official lan­ •JWJWJWMVVJWWMW guage of the Church, pound box for himself. In fact, so never fitted intb the life she found Cardinal Verdier has begun in his Apostate* Seek Readmission The firms listed here de­ HORACE W. BENNETT & great was his love for sweets that there. Four of her seven children occupancy of the see of Paris 88 Fushun, Manchukuo.— After 36 COMPANY he bought a controlling interest in died from lack of skilled medical new churches, of which 63 are years, a group of old men who English Catholic: Scout serve to be remembered FilAy Literature T.'bop 1271 TAbor 1271 one of the biggest candy factories care, and, finally rebelling, she es­ completed. apostatized in the Boxer uprising when you are distributing of that time. He used to leave the tablished herself anid the surviving ih 1900 has petitioned, to be re­ '^oop Is 1st in WorW 210 Tebor Batlding Pope Honors Chinese Leader your patronage in the dif­ REAL ESTATE restaurant for the theater, and was youngster* in a comparatively de­ ceived into the Catholic Church Bradford, £ng.-t-St.J Bede’s Boy Boston,— Joseph Levine of this Shanghai.— Lo Pa Hong, Cath­ LOANS AND INVESTMENTS likely to, eat two or three boxes of cent place, where the mother did again. Scout troop, founded in 1908, is ferent lines of business. city was convicted in the Chelsea olic philanthropist of Shanghai and Choice Apartments for Rent candy before the night was over. her best to create a bit of Amer­ ; Biblical Scholar Is Dead not only the first Cathqlic troop in di^rict'’court on charges of pos­ national president of ' Chinese INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS After the show, he would return ica. The children knew and loved London.— Dom Henry Lawrence the world, but isi aWo the first sessing and selling obscene litera­ Catholic Action, has been honored school troop in the woirld and the to Rector’s for a midnight ‘‘snack.” their father very little, and were ture, by the Holy Father with the nom­ Cottineau, O.S.B., who from 1910 This prodigious appetite was ex­ forced to make many sacrifice* in to 1923 worked with Cardinal Gas- first troop of any kind in York­ Levine was arrested following a ination of Chamberlain, of the shire. Members of the troop haue plained when doctors later discov­ order that he could push through raid by police on a house where Cape and Sword. This makes him quet in Rome on the revision of the ered that he had a stomach sev­ the publication of a translation of Vulgate, has died at Farhborough traveled throughout Ehgland, Ire­ police reported they found and a member of the Papal household. land, and Continental Europe, and eral times the size of that of the the New Testament he had made. aboey. seized mpre than 1,100 books-and were received by Pope Pius. average human being. His stom­ In the end, Carie, with her long­ French Pres* Favor* Church Preferred Parish Trading List photogr^hs of an obscene char­ Montreal.— The French press of Belgium Ha* 12th Basilica ach finally went back on him, and ings for happiness unfulfilled, acter. Tihe raid was the result of Brussels.— Belgium’s 12th Ba­ he offered $100,000 in gold if the turned completely away from her today is changing its attitude False Accusation Made complaints that the pictures and toward Catholicity, poVerful dai- silica has just been designated by >ij. Johns Hopkins surgeons could give husband and his God. A review books had .fallen into the hands of lies wnich were once anti-Catholic} Holy Father. It is the famous On Austrian Catholics in a radical magizine declares< him a new stomach— ‘‘orte from an young children. now being definitely pro-Catholic, i _ church in Limburg, Vienna.— The American public St. Francis St. Dominic’s elephant preferred.” They did not “Again and again in reading this Levine was fined $500 on the where the Blessed Mother is ven­ was alarmed by a report that the succeed, but he left the hospital a book I remembered the Soviet slo­ says the Rev. Vinevent Ducatillon, charge of possessing obscene liter­ erated under the title, “ Health of Union of Catholic Geman Juve­ magnificent sum for prolonging his gan, ‘Religion is the opiate of the O.P., of Paris. De Sales’ ature arid sentenced to one year the Sick.” niles in Austria had, with the sup­ life several years. people.’ ” in jail ori each of two counts on the Catholic Editor Will Resign Czech President Lauds Church London. — Ernest Oldmerdow, port of the Church, started an anti- Diamond Jim has gone down in We have something of an ex­ charge pf selling obsceim litera­ Prague. — “ Catholicism is the Semitic campaign in i which the American history as one of its al­ K.C.S.G., soon will relinquish the COAL planation of Peajrl Buck’s own ture. One jail sentence” will be important factor of Czechoslovak boycott of Jewish shops was de­ T H E BROADWAY most legendary characters, but the strange life in this book. We un­ editorship of the Tablet. The Tab- suspended if the $500 fine is paid democracy,” declared President manded. This report is untrue. DEPARTMENT facts about hi* enormous appetite derstand now '^whjr it was that, by April; 18. Benes, in an address to the dele­ Austria is fighting against Nation­ STORE COMPANY Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. are well substantiated. There was though she married a missionary, gates of the Czecho Academic al Socialism and its , anti-Jewish COLORADO FIVE J. M. CONES, >res. F. A. Mumford, Mgr. a glorious side to his character. she had very littlei faith, and why league, Catholic association of uni race theories, and many Jews have Rector say* he never saw the man she recently divor<;ed the mission­ Mayor of Boys Town'Is W. 25th and Decatur GA. 6125 LOSE IN CHICAGO versity students. found a refuge here .after being 21 to 51 South Broadway do an unkind act, and he was gen­ ary and married another man. Chosen ‘First Citizen’ driven out of Germany. erous to a fault. Even though he Head of Christ Carved in Crystal What could Carie expect but dis­ , Nebr.— Daniel' D. Paris.— A glass artisan who has knew that people played him for a illusionment if she married a man St. Mary’s high school of Wal- CampanJ 16, who was chosen mayor just been proclaimed in a contest “ sucker,” he continued to be lavish senburg, winner of the Colorado Club First of Kind to without loving him and then went of this unique community (Father • L. C. B. A. ! with them, for,| said he: “ Being a ^atholic prep basketball champiort- the “ premier j;raftsman of France” Annunciation off a* a missionary with him, al­ Flanagan’s Boys’ home) in' Janu­ has carved from a huge block of Sing Tenebrae Service St. Mary’s Branch No. 298 | sucker is fun—^if you can afford though she did not have a spark ^ ip , drfeated Cathedral high ary, has been named the town’s crystal a magnificent head of New York.—A program of pop­ I Meetinc* held every second snd fourth | .it.” school of Springfield, Mass., in the of his zeal? The.story leaves us “ first citizen.” Along with his Christ. This masterpiece by M. ular, semi-classical, and sacred I rhursdsy of the month st 2 o’clock. | cold. Carie, instead of being a opening round of the 13th annual LONDON MARKET AND new distinction, the youth receiv^ Collette will be presented to His music, including the chant of the HOLY GHOST CHURCH HALL j The 'Nation declares that James National Interschblastic Basket­ heroine, seems to; us an illogical a four-year university scholarship Holiness as a gift from French lamentation sung at tl|e Good Fri­ GROCERY 19TH AND CALIFORNIA STS. | A. Farley, postmaster general of creature. She did not use ordi­ ball tournament at Loyola univer­ and a gold watch. sity in Chicago Thursday after­ Catholicsj day Tenebrae service, which it is OSCAR TUNNELL, Prop. II —II —ri».n the United Sttites, wished to be nary prudence in ithe planning of noon. The Soutihern Colorado telieved never before has been at- governor of New York state, but her life, and thenjblamed God for VatiAn Head Has Jubilee Quality Meats and Groceries cagers were eliminiated in the sec­ Vatican City.— The Governor of mmpted by a Glee'club, so far as “ since that extraordinary vote- the failure. We remind the radi­ Low Marriage Rate is known, was- presented in the 3800 Walnut. Street getter, Governor Lehman, is a de­ ond round the follotwing day by St. Vatican City and the Marchesa Pbones: MA. 5239— TA. 3845 cal reviewer that not religion but Reported in Poland Joseph’s high school of Decatur, innual concert of the Fordham sirable running-mate on the state lack of common sense was the opi­ Giovanna Serafini-Soldini have just Warsaw.—The low rate of mar­ Ind., 32 to 24. celebrated their golden wedding iniversity Glee club under the di­ "ticket with President Roosevelt, ate of this woman. Her rebellion rection of Dr. Frederic Jo^jyn. St. Anne’s Shrine thi* year, Farley’s chance will against God was in line with the riage in Poland in 1935 is lamented De La Salle high of Chicago de­ anniversary. A Mass of thanks­ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Price* Every Daj come in 1938.’! crazy patchwork of her ill-plannOd in news dispatches, which show feated St. Mary’s of Anderson, giving whs offered in the Church life. that only a 6.4 rate per thousand Ind., in the finals Sunday night to of . St. Martha by the Most Rev. 5 Editors in Family TWO 1L«a|£ STORES Arvada President Roosevelt’s plan to of popUjlatien was married in that win its third national Catholic Agostino Zampini, Vicar of His Fostoria, 0.—The hlartin fam­ Mas* on Sunday at 8:30 A. M. country last year, as compared title. Holiness. ily has provided the 13-year-old SAME PRICES put heavy taxation on undivided Although many Americans were Sunday Devotions at 7:45 P. M. reserves of corporations came a* a fav6rable to Ethiopia in the be­ with 11,6 in Germany,'9.9 in Hol­ Plenary Council to Be Held Wendclette, student publication of NOVENA IN HONOR OF ST. surprise, but may prove a phenom­ ginning of the Italian invasion of land, and 7.6 in France. London.— The plenary council St. Wendelin’s high school, with 5TH CONCERT WILL 3401 Fra^clia Ste enal bit of statesmanship. Econo­ that country, the obvious selfish­ of the Church in England and five of its editors. John Martin 3101 ANNE ON THURSDAY AT 7:45 mists declare that recent studies ness of the European powers in Church Willed $3,600 BE GIVEN MARCH 29 Wales, authorized by the Holy is the present head of the paper, show one of the primary causes of playing their own political game By Milwaukee Priest Father iii a recent message to the and his sister and three brothers the depression is the tendency and trying to make Italy the goat, The Civip Symphony orches­ Bishop of Nattingham, will be held served in that capacity in their DE SELLEM Milwaukee, Wise.— A total of school days. ! toward over-saving on the part of and also the irrefutable accounts tra’s fifth concert of the season in two years^time. The firms listed here de­ rich individuals and corporations. $3,600 ^as willed to the Church by will be given Sunday afternoon, i Benedictines Go to Tibet FUEL AND FEED CO. of the extent of the slave trade in the Reiv. John M. Kasel of St. During 1928 and 1929, the sur­ March 29, at the City auditorium, Vienna.— A second group of CHARLES A. DeSELLEU serve to be remembered Ethiopia, soon cooled enthusiasm Francis’ seminary. Sacred Heart pluses were dieposited in commer­ for Haile Selassie’s people. De­ instead of on March 22 as pre­ monks from the famous monastery 60 Doomed Lepers We Ship by Rail when you are distributing cial banks, where they were used monastery in Hales Corners, in ad­ viously announced. The appear­ on Mt. St. Bernard has departed PHONE TA. 3205 spite the fact that our own coun­ dition 1(0 a cash blu est, teceived your patronage in the dif­ ance of two popular musicians as for Tibet to take up the perilous 3STH AND WALNUT to swell brokers’ loans, or were try has itself engaged in territo­ the priest’s extensive library. ferent lines of business. invested directly in the money rial expansion by means of the soloists will be of interest to pa­ work of Christian charjty for trav­ Saved by Priests RES. PHONE MA. 8544 market and intensified the specu­ sword, the average American is daily casualty record in motor re- trons of the orchestra. Henry elers over the summit of Si-la pass lative frenzy bf the period. In re­ not in favor of aggression: but he hide* ^mounts to five per ceitt. Trustman Ginsberg, violinist and in the Tibetan mountains on the cent years, they have distended ex­ found it difficult to be enthusiastic The human toll of auto accidents concertmaster of the orchestra, frontier of the Chinese Province of Kongmoon, South cihina.|—After cess hank reserves and constituted over a continuation of the vile up until January, he estimates, was and Elias Trustman, ’cellist, will Su-Chwan and Tibet. ib cold-blooded decision to drown a serious threat to economic sta­ and backward , government of above that of both the Italian and play Brahm’s double cOncerto for Radio Worker* Are Given Patron 60 lepers living in huts nearby as bility. The amount of money un­ Ethiopia. the Ethiopian armies through violin and violincello. Conductor Paris,— ^Radio technicians, engi­ ‘[public nuisances,” the town coun- used and lying in banks ha* criti­ Whether Italy will gain any­ battle. Horace E. Tureman has arranged neers, qnd artists have been given il of Hoh T’ong, near here, was cally retarded industrial and busi­ thing by taking over Ethiopia or a He finds tbe country a huge a varied program for this concert, a patroness, Notre Dame de Bonne inally persuaded to turn them over ness development. An argument large part of it remains to be seen. wasteland, whose villages, and including works bj; Mendelssohn, Nouvellp. For the first time they p the Gate of Heaved Leper asy- DRUGGISTS TOWEL A LINfeN SUPPLY against destroying reserves by W. B. Courtney, writing in Col- cities are nondescript coIlection4 Rabaud, and Chabrier, in addition have celebrated this feast day in Ijim operated in the K oh^oon MOUNTAIN TOWEL SUPPLY CO. ' taxation is fdund in the need of Tier’s, tells of traveling as a jour­ of huts made of mud or dried dung, to the concerto. the parish Church of “ Our Lady of dcariate by the Maryknpll Fa­ YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS large corporations for meeting nalist through those sections al­ and sajrs that Italian soldiers who ^ n . Glad Tidings,” Cardinal Verdier, bers. will be filled correctly st Service Fumljihed for OfBecs, Barbers, WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Restaurants, Store*, snd Banquets emergencies, puch as the replace­ ready under Italian sway, and hi* went to Ethiopia with a hope of Archbi^op of Paris, presiding and The Rev. Francis J: Connors of Ph. SP. 9765 1096 South Gaylord St. cabody. Mass., one of those in ment or repair of costly industrial description show* the country any­ staying there and establishing attended by two of nis Auxiliary 3104 Downinr MAln 7960 barge of the colony, blls the dra­ plants destroyed in sudden disas­ thing but desirable. The roads farms are completely disillusioned. Rapid Growth of Bishops, Patronize Our Advertisers S. P. DUNN, Msnacer ters like the' many-million-dollar built by the Italian military, al­ It isi true, however, that Court­ matic story. I flood* of a feyr days ago. It is not though equal to the secondary ney ha* seen only a part of Ethio­ 6Qth jubilee Observed ~ proposed to deprive corporations road* in the United States, are so pia. 'jrhe country has 350,000 'Order Recalled By; Michigan Capuchin Francis J. Fisher, Inc. The firms listed here de­ of ordinary vforking capital. Re­ difficult that 100 to ISO American- square [mile*, and is said to possess DISTINCTIVE FLORIST serves would be permitted for de­ built . trucks used by the Italian highly (fertile tableland* far above Detroit.—A $olemn ’ Mass of TAbor 6204 serve to be remembered preciation, obsolescence,, and bad expeditionary forces arp wrecked sea level. Tbe rest of it is largely Tsining, China.—Although the Thanksgiving celebrated by the when you are dikributing debts. The tendency to pile up every day, many going to the re­ desert iplains and mountains. In Congregation of the Presentation Rev. Capistran Claude, O.M.Cap., Cement, Plaster, Mortar reserves instead of distributing pair shop, but sbme to the junk it* trohical regions, it is necessary Nuns, a local foundation of native marked the religious’ 60th anni­ Flowers, Inc. your patronage in the dif­ versary as a member of the Order them in dividends, in order to pile. The task : of taking enor­ for the Italian array to feed sol­ sisters, was founded only six years 731 SEVENTEENTH ST. Metal Lath, Stucco ferent lines of business. enable those entitled to these divi­ mously heavy trucks over these diers S0 much quinine that they ago by the late Bishop Evaristus of Minor Capuchins. Father Capis­ 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER dends to escape income tax, will be reads is more dajngarous than the have a I perpetual headache. < It is Tchang, .first Vicar Apostolic of tran, vicar of the monastery, is 77 C. W. Ted Dillingham, Jr. averted. | actual fighting with the Ethiopians. hardly likely that a man of Musso­ Tsining, it has made rapid prog­ years of age and is the oldest priest in the St. Joseph province Tbis writer does not pretend to On an auto jOurn^y from Adowa to lini’s ability would send his regi­ ress and at present numbers more Albany Hotel Bldg.j TA.OOlO know whether, the system will work Asmara, Courtney counted 37 lor­ ment* so figbt for a worthless piece than 50 members, Lumen service of his order. He has been on the Out. He recalls that in his early ries freshly ou t' of action. The of laadl points out. provincial board for 18 years. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS
