I Ho Week in Review

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I Ho Week in Review SfROGGIN* READ ROSEWBLUM'S ODAY'SEDITORIAIPAGE COMHIHT FOR UTISt _. ARTE EVE«T WEEK OM SPOUT PA( No. 28 CARTERET, N. J.,'. r, APRIL 17,1986 PBICE THR8E Body, Thought Hansen's TOO MUCH EASTER An III Wind, FJ. CeL, Buried Unidentified Not Enough Draftsmen Sere I ho Week .P. WHi Mr. Ben Wright Indicates BOARD OF HEAL1 BRINGS FINES FROM A horty tlumifrir lo be thnt «f Hans Olaf Hansen of Wheeler Brafidh May ePPAff'lEGDLAR" When Ben Wright, New CRACKS DOWN Brooklyn, who was drowned York Negro truck driver wa» in Review ACTING RECORDER here Februnry 111 when ho Because of the difficulty of Own scarcity <flf' competent photographed in the police Jftsman here those brought in IN COUNTY RANKS Identification bureau after he BOROUGH SAK slipped' or fell from a boat ibtaininp; skilled draftsman Lubern, Substituting For outside have invariably de- was arrested for taking metal i||l,,,,m(>i,l. for inatruc- docked'at the I. T. Williams n this vicinity, the FostW- luded higher pay than achcduled Mittuch Chairman Of Com- n(, j,)n0, its appeal in a Company's dock, was buried Wheeler Corporation is ctyl- this type work and have in from a locul plant, a number, Very Few Said To Jacoby, Hears Charge* by Wonribridgp police this e instances left with tbfir work SOn, was plnrod on his breast nl.WSpnpcr when it ap- siderinjf removal of its draft- mittee Endorsing Gov. wppk after an unsuccessful omplete became jofcs were of- and appearfd on the picture. Actually Clean; To I,,. anmo page with ac- Of Anault attempt to positively identify ng department to New Yorit. ed them nearer their homes Hoffman Wright looked at the photo AikCoancilRnU Hirplanfl disasters in the remains. Rnnse.n's pet rlojf The department wan located e labor turnover in this depart- foil overboard that Winter and exclaimed: "Boy, I suah ,„„ ppersona died ••"' SEAMAN FORFEITS BAIL previously and moved to the nt has been very high lately. niifht, and in attempting to Not only does the plant, want WFICIALJfAT MEETING i« goln' to play dat numhah " COWS ALSO A PR( seriously injured. plant about two years ago. ,Vi.rc . During the absence of Recorder rescue the animal the man Ii co-operate with the Carteret ad lost his own lifo. The dog's Carteret RenuhHcans will A resolution requiring: 1 Dsvld S. Jacohy nn his wedding decision has yet been made, but nlstratlon by riving «mploymeni doctor comes body wns refovere dbut not local people, Mr. Lonsdale said, trip the judicial duties of the bor- move may he decided upon, moro thnn likely remain in Assembly Candidate all .saloons be brought up f ,f time-worn ideas that of Hansen, because it WHS b Cause of the advantage to the ough have been carried out by presumably wedged in the ice firm's New York office is at 1 the organization ranks in the a hijfh standard of saniUt ;:,.1)mmi,,i cow." AC- • pens? of the borough's upkeep, ibi. physician, Dr. J. A Harry Lubern, young; local attor- choking the Sound at that Broadway. B il having the bulk of its employes split, impending in Middlesex m a condition to irrantln time. William l/msdale, head of the ,,,, ,,f the Department of ney, who was admitted to the bar H 'e here is to the direct advantage ounty due to t.he formation license was presented ,,l public Henlth of the The body in question was locall plantl , statedd thih s week thTh» the plant, in hig opfrlion. last year. highest, percentage of employe** ' rh,,,,l of Western Re- fished out of the water at Re- Local Men Trained of a Good Government Health Commiasioner Jd When he held court Monday waren M^iday by Wondhridge for this department obtainable | The desire of this firm to hav ,.,iy "You cant catch League, with Mayor AugiiRt F, P. Goderstad at the mee ,,',„,, ,,',„ draft; by step- night he fined John Barbarczuk of officers, *\ho communicated here is 15 ppe r cent.,, whwhili e in tht« lfcal residents for workers as fai tubtb e mililll Hti per cent, local l h«llg fafa Greiner of Woodbridge as chair- of the Hoard of Health last ,, (,,U1 room after a hot 84 Pulaaki avenue, $26 and put with the White Lighterage possible is exemplified in an un ur ee we Company, owners of the obtainable. Draftsmen have been djnrtkking of recent origin. A spe mad. • ml adopted. The resolution ...•King y" ' *' '' ' him on probation for (! months, l bnrge. The concern refused to broughg t here fromm pointposs as fw C al type of welding was started o be forwarded to the Bor ,'iilnors without an over- Mayor Joseph W. Mittuch, Nath Council with a recommend nnlv way you can ac- William Kamont of 53 Warren send g representative to at- away as PottstownP , Pa,, the wo* t e work here, a type entirely for- aniel A^Jacoby, Tax Collector Al 1 that it be incorporated in the , "ig by street and Stanley Zaglewski of B tempt id8,lit|jication, era lilivini g hheri > ddurini g thhe woek and exandjjT Comba, Lewis N. Brad upending the woi>k-ends with thefif • gn to the East. Workers to ge coholic beverage ordinance of going had to ha brought in from ford,^!ouncilm.en William Green borough. It was stated that of j families. Tin: difficulty of wald tfrtd CHfforM Cutter attendet ing satisfactory living quarters in Wierever they could be found, forty-four saloons in the bor " Mi [ntyre comments the sftm« coming on from Ohio. the otgafcitation meeting hek only a very few ue clean, Cartnret keeps many persons who WedneMly night in New Bruns- .,, moes of youth today RDCKREJGEL PLANS might, be inclined to bring their These men in addition to their has hot. wnter in which to , „.„. than those of the wick City Hall and Mayor Mittuch glasses and other food and Hi families to (!art.<>ret from doing 90. T#ork were installed as teachers in was chairman of the resolution hri Hay. He adda that ImportI i CamC e TroublTble a training school to which were containers. Lunch is not kept i committee endorsing the candi- ; , , i.ling high, wide and DINNER FOR LEGION Not. only has the. noceBsity for sent, every Saturday, chosen ered. flares serving hot lunch before the depreiwon, dacy of Governor Harold (',. Hoff- not have restaurant license* a: importing outside helped worked Workers from other departments man for delegate to the Republ ',nV ,,mn who has attaln- the persons handling the lunch'4 Entire Membership 01 Pos against I he plant's desire to give Who had made known their ambi- Can National Convention. Former .,,,,, unions born rich and employment in Cnrte.ret wherever tibne to qualify for better paid not liiive food handlers cards. ,1 to work, has had a Congressman Franklin Fort. • is These conditions, it was Here Plans To Attend it can, but lias caused many mlB- jobs than they held. These men, running against the Governor in a toehold and InkcH, brought about labor troubles are paid slightly more than in the constitute a health menace. O fl the Pflmary. The endorsement af- es that me not wanned in hg I1U, ,,|,,t y Affair At Pinei Ahiib him- ihrnnt hendftchMI 1» work they iiormnily do while they 1 1 sUl; firmed the organization's support ,v Mi adds the sage bit plant. iilTiciiils mid considerably 1B- undergo^ h training, and by t.pr with M suitable soap or of the Governor's policy, Mr. Mit- infcr powder rii&v spread t ,'1,1,1 yuiilh can tRkB it DEAN METZGER TALKS • i m.u:il pHiiluct.ion cuntn. With felM hMweiMi thi>m mid thi> Lucli said. „ ,,|(| folks to quit being cfijipajy, in case there is a alack mouth and other infectious (111 Mayor Mittuoh submitted the <dmut the plight of the Past County Commander Fred A welders art not needed, Ambrose Mudrak es. urn to their original work name of Councilman Michael Yar- Older Requirementi tiu-krcigel of the American le- chosky as a condidate for Free- gion \* chairman of the committee during the slack reason, and out- The resolution requires iiutnniohile thieves, Try Once Again of-towners fire lairl off in these holder about two weeks ago, and there be separate wash bowls n charge of the banquet to be hold intended to further this candidacy Milv had no denire to be oninnow night, in tlii> Hotel Pines, departments. toilets for men and women on ' :,«'well, abandoned an i at the meeting, but failed because democrats Further same floor us the saloon; that 1 Met lichen, by the county Legion he arrived late. Earlier in the eve- thi-y had nabbed when Irgiinization. The entire member- To Close Breach coils ht'. thoroughly cleaned t •red'two children of the ning he had conducted a special a week in winter and daily in i ship of the flartoret poat plans to meeting of the Borough Council Mudrak Candidacy mer. The board will ask the ,. asleep oil the back attend. There will be several speak- 1STPRESBYTER1ANS to ((insider the relief question. The cil to make compliance with rs including Frazer Metzger, Democrats Will Meet San- Mayor is also pushing Mr. Brad- resolution a condition to grant Dean of Men of Rutgers Univers- ford as n candidate for Republican Party's Younger Element ha-, been designated Hu- liquor licenses. ity. day To Bury Hatchet— SET NEW RECORDS County Chairman to succeed Pros- The frequent complaints re_ ,-,,|:iy, iind will open the ecutor Charlea Morris.
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