.illOUni CO HISTORICAL A I'.:"- FREEHOLD N J aw Editorial Kota:—To inform or remind th* people o( Matawan M d adjaoent municipalities of .NttftUL asoatim tha historic heritage which Is H 9 9 « theirs, a native aon, steeped In th* lore of bygone days here, prepared for the Journal a Member Monmouth County Press Club (ketch depleting the commun­ ity's early development. Hoping to arouac Intereat In the p'.o- 66lh YEAR — 42nd WEEK Founded In 1869 poiod celebration In September MATAWAN, N, J., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 12 Pages—2 Sections Five Cents Single Copy. of the 300th anniversary of tho founding ot Matawan, this col­ umn will ba devoted for some Thirsty Englishtown Ume to weekly lnatallmonts of Dr. Thomas Powers Mr. And Mrs. William VanBrunt I Overseer Of Poor Keep Up With The Time Trailer To Run With the product of William S. Hor­ Two thirat dispensaries Id a ner's w ear oh ln annals ol the community tbe slse *f English- Democratic Choice If you don't want to be Ute fer past. We hope our readers will town Is sufficient, tha SUte Al. Celebrate Their Golden Wedding To Handle Relief church Bonday morning or aaiaa 2 d ip these chapters and file them cohollc Beverage Control Beard an encagement, be (are (a sat away or place them In a scrap­ decided In upholding the decision For Assembly Office yonr dock one hour ahead Bat­ book about old Matawan, that ef tbe boro to deny a license to For Matawan Twp. urday nite befera retiring. At I Boro Council Posts future generations may be In­ Lester J. Palmer fer a plenary Bayshore Represented On a. m . Sunday in sec ti one along spired to record local and family retail oonsamptlen license at M Residence In Municipality the eastern seaboard, dayUte Mrs. Mae Disbrow Files history, and encourage some to Main Street. County Ticket With The saving time officially atarie. For 5 Years Necessary Annually this warning ie giv­ In Opposition To Mrs. study the Interesting life which In his pica Palmer contended Picking Of Cliffwood For Aid; Recipients th is settlem ent has enjoyed since that before prohibition, when the Dentist By Leaders j en out by newspapers and other Shepherd; Cesdidaey i m . population wai allegedly small­ To Get Heavy Cuts mediums for relaying infonna- Of McQuarrie Hit er, there ware urea beer gardens tlon, yet on the day in which the C hapter Two In BngUsbtews. Ha (ays (hat herbertTpryor in dayUte saving period starU, k in ­ FIFTH INSTALLMENT tha two now In epetaUoa can libraryW mplaint ; dreds of persons faU to heed the LITTLE PARTY STRIFE By WUllam 8. Hornor hardly serve the clUmena of the warning and arrive for appoint­ boro adequately. Will Seek Re-election To Settled By Farry After He I ments an hour late. So in aider . A SKETCH ' Benjamin B. Beoeer, the bora lo avoid inconvenience to year- No Republican Council OF THE Freeholder Posts; Fox Appeared Before Com­ self and friends yon might as man-about-town, In commenting Also Named; Woman Slate Listed; Earle J. BOWNE FAMILY en the deol<S«o, w ai heard to re­ mission; Water May | well start reacuuiering now that Harrington Out For of New Jersey mark, “SbaehS, nothin’ ever hap­ Offered Candidacy Be Supplied Genoa ' you have a Job to do Saturday A copy of his will follows: pens tn this bug.” nite or early Sunday momlng Justice Of Peace Cherry Hall Papers and that ia to push the hands oI The bayshore area ls represented Matawan Township relief orders I Copied from H. B.'a copy of E. J.’s thst old clock an hoar ahead. Harry Trailer, 74 Atlantic Avenue, on the Democratic county ticket this will bc given out Saturday momlng { One m ust keep up with the Ume. was the choice of the regular boro copy. VANITIES OF 1936 IS year with the endorsement of Uie at tlie township hall under the Ov­ W ill of John Boune Mercht. 1714 DemocraUc organisation to serve candidacy of Dr. Thomas Powers, erseer of the Poor Act by WUllam BN the name of Ood Amen. This as running mate for Councilman a resident of Cliffwood, for the as­ Hyer, Sr., overseer of the poor, ac­ fourteenth D ay of September In the A MSnUONK SUCCESS sembly. 1 August Muehlhausen, Jr., for the cording to the decision of the town­ REPUBLICAN PRIMARY Year of our Lord 1714 1 John Bowno two council vacancies, b u t nlte's pri­ Dr. Powers, a dentist, has been ship committee at a meeting ln the of Middletown Mercht. Being /sick/ mary filing deadline revealed. Benefit For Hospital Free recognised of late as a leader In township hall lu t nlte, FIGHT JNTOWNSHIP and week ln body b u t of perfect mind Snturday, April 25. luao. Mr. nnd men tod by hiring other trucks Other outstanding developments Patient Fund; Producer Matawan Township affairs. Besides to Under the new plan those to be and memory thanks to Ood therefore M rs. WHIIhill L. VnnBrutil will cel- tnke enre of the excess business. were the absence of any Republican serving as head of the recently or­ given relief wUl be greatly cut. All but calling to mind the mortality of Is Grateful To Cast cbratc their golden wedding unni- Mr. VunBrunt grew up as n coun Contest For Every County counctlmanlc ticket and the de­ ganized Matawan Township pollco those who did not live In the town­ body and that it Is appointed for all force he also 1s a member of the versnry nt their home on Broad try boy in Tlcctown. Madison Town­ Committee Post Looms; nouncing of the candkUcy of Joaeph T h e performance for th e benefit ship five years prior to the Btatc man once to Dye Do make and ordain Matawan Township board of educa­ Street, Malawan. About sixty Im­ ship, looking aftea tlio farm while McQuarrle, who filed earlier ln the of th e tree patient fund of tlio M at­ taking over relief three years ago Marz And Keller File this my lest will an d testament, tion and county commlttccmnn from mediate relatives of this bride and ills father was In business In New week for the poat ot collector. Mc- awan Hospital staged by tho Mat­ will automatically bo eliminated from flrat and principally I give and be­ his district. This la his first attem pt; groom o f fifty years ago v.lil gather j York. Tills continued until a year Quarrle’s entrance into the race is relief from the township. Tills Mntawan Township Committee queathe m y spule to the h an d s of awan Little Theater Guild at the for it family party and to bring their I after lie was married, when. In 1BB7, understood to have disturbed the at seeking anything but a locnl of- ' ................................. m eans anyone to rccclvo relief from C hnlrm nn John M an, .Tr. and Oeorge Ood that gave It and my body I r e ­ high school Tuesday nlte was nn out­ flee. best wishes for n continued long I ho secured a team of horses "on announced plane of Democratic standing histrionic success. The en­ tile overseer of the poor will lisvo F. Keller are tho Democratic can­ commend to the e a rth to bc burled ln Dr. Powers wns selected Friday life of happy companionship, health tick" and a wagon and started truck­ leaders who Intended to support tire production war. under Uie solo to have established rc.-klcncc In thn didates who have filed for r*-elec- a Chrlstlanlike and ilrccnt manner nlte by county Democratic lenders ing prosperity which this oouple ' ing. Ill 1600 he purchased the ntngo Helen O . Shepherd, present O.O.P. direction of the president of the township eight years or m ore ngo. tlon to the olSces of township com­ at lhe /discretion/ ol my executors following a mcctlm,' nt ii lied linnk has enjoyed theso many yoars. j lino from the late Francis C. Bedle. Incumbent. Outld, Mrs. Hosa 11. Hergen, who Relief will be given as food orders m itteem an and tax collector, re­ hereafter nnmed ii n<l a* to i»y world­ hotel. Walter Fox, A.sbury I'urk at­ Mr. VnnUrunt Is tlie senior mem- i lie drove n line tcum to the singe, Altho the Republicans failed to file once more demonstrated her abil­ only. Those orders will be drawn spectively. Juntas A. Hngen ls seek ly estate I Rive nnd dispose of the torney, will be Powers’ nimilnx mate ber of tho firm or VanBrunt ic Bon. {changing tlie team during the day, for the council offlcee, opposition ity In tills Held. on stores located witliln the town­ Im: the nomlnutloii ns Republican gains In manner following Imprimis for the assembly. | lie Is the oldest living business man | and mot nil trains ut Matnwun stn- did develop against Mrs. Shepherd Will’ll Interview ed by u Jo u rn al ship. No rent will be paid. No kero­ m m lU lntc for tho township com my will I" tlm t m y Just debts bc Henry W. Herbert. Eniill.slitown, Htlll conducting Iiis own business In | tlon. Tho single furc wus ten cents inlttee. with the flllng of the name of Mrs, reporter, Mr.'.. Ileigcu expressed li sene orders will lie Issued. Milk o r­ paid nnd discharged. Ttem I lllvo nnd Arthur Pryor, Wnnnmnssn, were MuUiwnn. Next year tlie firm will each way til’ lliteen oenls for a round Mac Dlsbrow for collector.
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