
I, ______, hereby submit this work as part of the requirements for the degree of: in:

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Chair: ______

The impact of avian predation on the brush-legged wolf , ocreata (Hentz), and anti-predator responses to avian cues.

A thesis submitted to the

Division of Research and Advanced Studies Of the University of Cincinnati

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


In the department of Biological Sciences of the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences



Anne K. Lohrey

B.A. Miami University, 2003


Dr. George W. Uetz, Chair Dr. Kenneth Petren Dr. Ann Rypstra


This research aimed to quantify the potential for avian predation on Schizocosa ocreata wolf in the field and its impact on spider behavior. In a field study, enclosures that excluded birds had a higher proportion of spiders remaining at the end of the experiment than enclosures that allowed birds access. Additionally, observational data confirmed that some bird species seen active at the study site eat spiders presented in feeding trials. These data suggest that bird predation impacts survival of S. ocreata in the field. In the laboratory, I tested spiders‘ recognition of and behavioral responses to sensory cues indicating the presence of avian predators. Courting male S. ocreata responded to avian acoustic stimuli (bird calls) with anti- predator behavior, which supports the hypothesis that bird predation limits survival of S. ocreata and may be an important selective factor on the evolution of behavior in this species of .




I would like to first thank my advisor, Dr. George W. Uetz, for his guidance throughout

this project. He has challenged me to become a better writer, presenter and thinker through this

experience. My committee members, Dr. Ken Petren and Dr. Ann Rypstra, were instrumental in

my success as well. They were always available and helped guide me through this process with great ideas to improve my project and make it more cohesive.

Thank you to my fellow graduate students, E. Galbraith, J. Gibson, S. Gordon, J. Johns,

B. Moskalik and J. Rutledge for being such great sounding boards and providing much needed

comic relief. I’d also like to thank the many undergraduate students who helped make this

research possible, especially J. Allen, I. Huang, M. Skelton, J. Smith and A. Stein.

My family also deserves much gratitude for supporting me through this endeavor. They

always offered a listening ear for the difficult times and helped me celebrate my successes. My

parents instilled in me, by example, a sense of integrity, a strong work ethic and impressed on me

the value of wisdom as well as knowledge.

Finally, I would like to thank my best friend and partner in life, Jeremy Gibson, who has

been unwavering in his support and encouragement.


Table of Contents

Abstract i Acknowledgements iii List of Tables and Figures 2

General Introduction 4 Study Organism 4 Objectives and Hypotheses 6

Chapter Page

I. Potential for avian predation on Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) 12 Abstract 13 Introduction 13 Methods 16 Results 18 Discussion 20 References 23

II. Recognition of and response to avian predator cues in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) 31 Abstract 32 Introduction 32 Methods 35 Results 38 Discussion 39 References 43

Conclusions and Future Directions 52 References 55

Appendix: Distance over which S. ocreata can be detected visually by birds in the field 56


List of Tables and Figures


Table 1.1. Ground foraging bird species observed at the field site during both anecdotal observations and timed focal observations (9 days; 15 min./day).

Table 1.2. Mean proportion of spiders remaining at the end of the experiment for each treatment.

Table 1.3. Two-way ANOVA of proportion of spiders remaining at the final census point.

Table 1.4. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA of the proportion of spiders remaining at each census point (duration).


Figure 1.1. Overlap in duration of S. ocreata breeding season, breeding season of Ohio birds and the enclosure study.

Figure 1.2. Mean proportion of spiders remaining at the end of the experiment for each treatment. N = 19 (Uncovered), N=17 (Covered).

Figure 1.3. Mean proportion of spiders remaining at each census point (duration). N=10 each.

Figure 2.1. Percentage of each behavior (locomotion, tap, stop, groom) following the stimulus (a. acoustic, b. visual, c. seismic, d. control) for each type of cue (N=10 per treatment group).

Figure 2.2. Average latency to return to courtship after presentation of each type of stimulus N=10 (Seismic), N=9 (Acoustic), N=9 (Visual), N=9 (Control).

Figure 2.3. Preliminary results from 2006. Percentage of spiders given each stimulus that responded with anti-predator behavior (N=12 per treatment group).

Figure 2.4. Percentage of spiders given each stimulus that responded with anti-predator behavior. N=21(Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch), N=16(Katydid), N=19(White Noise).

Figure 2.5. Percentage of spiders given each stimulus type (Bird Call, Non-threatening Sound) that responded with anti-predator behavior. N=63 (Bird Calls), N=35 (Non-threatening Sounds).

Figure 2.6. Average latency to return to courtship after presentation of stimulus (in seconds). N=19 (Carolina Wren), N=21 (Northern Cardinal), N=18 (House Finch), N=16 (Katydid), N=20 (White Noise).

Figure 2.7. Average latency to return to courtship after presentation of stimulus (in seconds). N=58 (Bird Calls), N=36 (Non-threatening Sounds).


Figure 2.8. Spectrum analysis for Katydid call compared to bird calls (House Finch and Northern Cardinal). Note that the frequency scale varies between the Katydid call (a) and the bird calls (b and c).

Figure 3.1. Two-dimensional representation of the average distance to the first visual obstruction from a point on the leaf litter, measured in two sites: Cincinnati Nature Center (a) and New Richmond, Ohio (b). Measurements for the New Richmond site (spring, 2007) were taken four times (May 12, 15, 22 and 20) over the breeding season.


General Introduction

Elaborate male courtship signals and displays have often been explained by sexual

selection, since such traits may increase conspicuousness of males to females and/or serve as

indicators of male quality, thereby increasing mating success (Andersson, 1994; Johnstone,

1995). However, such signals may incur predation costs, as elaborate male traits make the trait-

bearer more conspicuous to predators as well as to females (Zuk & Kolluru, 1998; Haynes &

Yeargan, 1999; Kotiaho, 2001). The respective benefits and costs of sexual and natural selection

can result in a trade-off between them (Tuttle & Ryan, 1981; Endler, 1992; Andersson, 1994;

Zuk & Kolluru, 1998; Basolo & Wagner, 2004; Husak et al, 2006). For example, male

Calopteryx damselflies with increased melanization of wing patches, a sexually selected trait,

suffer higher mortality due to predation (Svensson & Friberg, 2007). Likewise, bright body

coloration in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) increases male mating success, but brighter

males incur greater direct fitness costs due to predation (Godin & McDonough, 2003). Female

Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata wolf spiders prefer males with higher courtship drumming rates;

however, such males are subject to increased risk of predation based on drumming rate (Kotiaho

et al, 1998, Lindstrom et al, 2006).

Study organism

Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz), a wolf spider commonly found in the leaf litter of eastern

deciduous forests (Cady, 1984), has a spring breeding season. The mating system of this species

has been described as scramble competition polygyny and females are unlikely to mate with more than one male (Norton & Uetz, 2005). Males mature in late March or early April (about two weeks prior to females) and become increasingly active on the surface of the leaf litter until


the end of the breeding season. In mid-summer, eggsacs hatch and spiderlings overwinter to

mature the next spring, completing the life cycle.

During courtship, males engage in a complex multi-modal display consisting of both

seismic and visual components upon detection of female dragline silk and associated chemical

cues (Stratton & Uetz, 1981, 1983, 1986; Scheffer et al., 1996; Uetz, 2000; Uetz & Roberts,

2002). Seismic communication consists of both substrate-borne stridulation produced in the

tibio-tarsal joint and percussion of the abdomen and chelicerae against the substrate. Some

attributes of the seismic signal have been found to influence female receptivity (Gibson & Uetz,

in press). In addition, visual communication consists of active leg-waving displays of the first

pair of legs. Associated tufts of bristles on the tibiae of legs I may serve as a decoration,

increasing male mating success (Scheffer et al, 1996; Hebets & Uetz, 2000; Uetz, 2000; Uetz &

Roberts, 2002; Delaney et al, in press)

Leg tufts, while serving to make male courtship displays more conspicuous and/or attractive to females, also increase detection by visually-hunting predators such as other spider

species, anurans and/or avian predators with which S. ocreata occur (Wise & Chen, 1999a,b;

Pruden & Uetz, 2004; Roberts et al, 2006). Digitally manipulated S. ocreata video images have

been used to demonstrate that larger leg tufts elicit a faster predatory response by a jumping

spider (Phiddipus clarus), another wolf spider (Hogna helluo) and a vertebrate predator, the

American toad (Bufo americanus) (Pruden & Uetz, 2004; Roberts et al, 2006; Roberts & Uetz,


Reflectance measurements have shown that S. ocreata leg tufts as well as lateral parts of

the prosoma and opisthosoma contrast highly with the spectral qualities of the leaf litter

background (Clark, Roberts and Uetz, unpubl.). Since males are highly active on the surface of


the leaf litter, they are very visually conspicuous during the breeding season. Given the

conspicuousness of this display, questions arise about the impact of predation by that rely largely on acute vision to find prey. How much does bird predation impact S. ocreata

survival in the field during the breeding season and how likely are S. ocreata to be detected

visually on the leaf litter? If birds are important predators, how do S. ocreata respond to cues

that indicate the presence of a bird predator?

Objectives and Hypotheses

The goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the importance of avian predation on S. ocreata wolf spiders. Both field and laboratory data were collected to answer

this question. The research outlined in Chapter I investigates the potential for avian predation on

spiders in the field and its impact on spider survival. If birds are important predators of S.

ocreata in the field, as predicted, anti-predator responses to sensory cues representing an avian

predator may have evolved. In Chapter II, behavioral responses of S. ocreata to a variety of cues

are examined (focusing on responses to avian acoustic cues).

Chapter I: Potential for avian predation on Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae)

Birds are known to be highly dependent upon the visual sensory mode when foraging

(Hodos, 1993) and thus could have an important impact on spider survival based on visual characters, especially since leg tufts contrast highly with the leaf litter background (Clark,

Roberts and Uetz, unpubl.). Additionally, birds are likely to be provisioning nestlings with prey during the breeding season of S. ocreata, increasing the risk of predation during

the time at which males are actively courting females and are most conspicuous. Several species


of ground-foraging, insectivorous birds co-occur with S. ocreata in Eastern deciduous forests

(De Graaf, 1985; Haggerty & Morton, 1995).

Bird predation has been documented for some spider species (Askenmo et al, 1977;

Riechert & Hedrick, 1990; Gunnarsson, 1996) and it seems likely that ground-foraging birds

would prey on S. ocreata. While one study suggests no impact of vertebrate predation on a

mixed population of Schizocosa wolf spiders (Wise & Chen, 1999b), it was conducted over the

entire life history of the spiders. Currently, there are no studies focusing specifically on bird

predation on S. ocreata during the breeding season, the window of time throughout which

spiders, especially males, are most active and conspicuous. This study aims to examine the

potential for avian predation on S. ocreata in the field during the breeding season.

To gain an understanding of the potential impact of bird predation on S. ocreata, two types of data were collected: 1) observations of bird foraging activity and 2) survival

measurements of spiders in field enclosures either allowing or denying birds access. The

observations determined whether ground-foraging species observed preying on spiders were

active and foraging in the study area, while the enclosure experiments provided quantitative data

on the impact of bird predation on survival of S. ocreata. If birds are important predators of S.

ocreata, field enclosures allowing birds will contain fewer spiders than enclosures excluding


Chapter II: Recognition of and response to avian predator cues in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae)

Other studies have demonstrated a variety of behavioral responses in lycosids (reduction

of activity, avoidance) to predator cues (usually chemical) which serve to decrease the risk of

predation (Persons & Rypstra, 2001; Persons et al, 2001; Taylor et al, 2005). If predation risk

7 from birds is high (investigated in Chapter I) this could select for behavioral recognition of sensory cues (including, but not limited to acoustic cues) associated with an avian predator. If this is the case, then spiders presented with sensory cues indicating the presence of an avian predator should exhibit behavioral recognition and avoidance responses distinct from responses to other stimuli. The hypothesis that spiders exhibit anti-predator responses to various types of sensory stimuli representing a potential avian predator (seismic, visual and acoustic) was tested.

Further, the hypothesis that spiders respond with anti-predator behavior when presented with avian acoustic sensory cues was tested using audio playback.



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Hebets, E.A. & G.W. Uetz. 2000. Leg ornamentation and the efficacy of courtship display in four species of wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 47:280-286.

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Husak, J.F., J.M. Macedonia, S.F. Fox & R.C. Sauceda. 2006. Predation cost of conspicuous male coloration in collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris): an experimental test using clay-covered model lizards. Ethology, 112:572-580.


Johnstone, R.A. 1995. Honest advertisement of multiple qualities using multiple signals. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 177:87-94.

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Norton, S. & G.W. Uetz. 2005. Mating frequency in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders: evidence for a mating system with female monandry and male polygyny. Journal of Arachnology, 33:16-24.

Persons, M.H. & A.L. Rypstra. 2001. Wolf spiders show graded antipredator behavior in the presence of chemical cues from different sized predators. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 27:2493-2504.

Persons, M.H., S.E. Walker, A.L. Rypstra & S.D. Marshall. 2001. Wolf spider predator avoidance tactics and survival in the presence of diet-associated predator cues (Araneae: Lycosidae). Animal Behaviour, 61:43-51.

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Scheffer, S.J., G.W. Uetz & G.E. Stratton. 1996. Sexual selection, male morphology, and the efficacy of courtship signaling in two wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 38:17-23.

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Zuk, M. & G.R. Kolluru. 1998. Exploitation of sexual signals by predators and parasitoids. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 73:415-438.


Chapter I

Potential for avian predation on Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders

(Araneae: Lycosidae)

Anne K. Lohrey and George W. Uetz

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Cincinnati

P.O. Box 210006

Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006


The fitness benefits of conspicuous male signals (increased mating success) may be

balanced by the cost of increased predation risk. Male Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders,

which have a visually conspicuous courtship display and associated sexual characters, may be at

increased risk for predation by visual predators, including birds, during the spring breeding season. This study investigated the risk of predation by birds on adult male S. ocreata during the

breeding season, using field enclosures that either allowed access to foraging birds or excluded

them. Enclosures allowing birds access lost a significantly higher proportion of spiders than

exclosures, suggesting that birds impact survival of S. ocreata males. In focal observations and

ad lib observations conducted at the field site, a number of ground-foraging birds were seen

active and foraging. In feeding trials, some of the species seen in the field site during survey

periods were observed preying on S. ocreata males in preference to mealworms. Taken together,

these data and observations suggest that bird predation impacts survival of S. ocreata males in the field, especially during the breeding season.


The benefits of signals, including those used in courtship communication to increase the conspicuousness of the sender to the receiver, may come at the cost of attracting the unwanted

attention of predators (Andersson, 1994; Zuk & Kolluru, 1998; Haynes & Yeargan, 1999;

Kotiaho, 2001). When sexual selection favors individuals with traits of greater magnitude, but

natural selection from predation reduces the fitness of individuals with more conspicuous traits, a

trade-off results between them (Tuttle & Ryan, 1981; Endler, 1992; Andersson, 1994; Zuk &

Kolluru, 1998; Basolo & Wagner, 2004; Husak et al, 2006). Research on the costs and benefits


of sexual signaling in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) showed that although brighter body

coloration increased mating success, brighter males incurred greater direct fitness costs due to

predation (Godin & McDonough, 2003). Svensson and Friberg (2007) found that higher levels

of melanization on wing patches in male Calopteryx damselflies increased mating success but

also increased the risk of predation. Additionally, predation on populations of C. virgo and C.

splendens lead to reduction of wing melanization patches and changes in distribution.

Similar research has been conducted with Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata wolf spiders, demonstrating that while females preferred males with higher courtship drumming rates, such males were at increased risk of predation by lizards and birds (Kotiaho et al, 1998, Lindstrom et al, 2006).

Many laboratory studies of courtship and mating communication in the brush-legged

wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata, have yielded knowledge of the reproductive behavior of this

species as well as the selection pressures guiding the evolution of its communication system.

However, the impact of some potential predators on the survival of S. ocreata in the field is not


S. ocreata has a multi-modal courtship display including both seismic (substrate-borne

stridulation) and visual components (Stratton & Uetz, 1981, 1983, 1986; Scheffer et al., 1996;

Uetz, 2000; Uetz & Roberts, 2002). Some attributes of the seismic signal affect mating success

(Gibson & Uetz, in press). The visual mode consists of active leg-waving displays and associated tufts of bristles on the first pair of legs, which may serve to increase detectability

(Scheffer et al, 1996). These leg tufts are a condition-indicating trait important for female mate choice, with females preferring males with larger leg tufts (Uetz et al., 2002; Uetz & Roberts,



Clark, Roberts and Uetz (unpubl.) have examined the reflectance of different body parts and whole-body views of S. ocreata and found that leg tufts as well as a lateral view of the prosoma and opisthosoma contrast highly with the spectral qualities of leaf litter. Since male S. ocreata contrast highly with the leaf litter background and are active on the leaf litter surface

(Roberts, Rector, Clark & Uetz, unpubl.), it is likely that they are very visually conspicuous during the breeding season. This conspicuousness makes them more vulnerable to visual predators such as other species of wolf spiders, jumping spiders and toads. In previous research, variation in leg tufts on digitally-manipulated S. ocreata video images affected predatory responses of wolf spiders (Hogna helluo) and jumping spiders (Phiddipus clarus) as well as a visually-oriented vertebrate predator, the (Bufo americanus) (Pruden & Uetz,

2004; Roberts et al, 2006). If levels of predation during the breeding season of S. ocreata are high, it could influence the evolution of sexual characters and displays.

Birds are known to be highly visual predators (Hodos, 1993) and most ground-foraging bird species that co-occur with S. ocreata in eastern deciduous forests have a spring breeding season that overlaps with the breeding season of S. ocreata (DeGraaf et al, 1985; Haggerty &

Morton, 1995; Skinner, 2003). During this time, adult birds are foraging to feed both themselves and their offspring, particularly with high-energy prey such as arthropods (Robinson & Holmes,

1982; Savory, 1989; Moreby, 2004). At the same time, male S. ocreata undergo their final molt to maturity, developing tufts of bristles on their first pair of legs, and actively begin searching the leaf litter for females.

It is probable that bird predation on S. ocreata during the spring breeding season significantly impacts survival. Previous work has demonstrated bird predation on a variety of spider species, but not specifically during the breeding season (Askenmo et al, 1977; Riechert &


Hedrick, 1990; Gunnarsson, 1996). A study done by Wise and Chen (1999b) using field

enclosures showed no significant impact of vertebrate predation on spider survival in a mixed-

species population of Schizocosa wolf spiders. However, this study ran throughout the entire life

history of the spiders instead of focusing on the breeding season. As a result, significant

predation during the breeding season might not have been obvious because the impact could be

masked by other factors causing mortality throughout the season.

The goal of this study was to gain an understanding of the potential for avian predation

on S. ocreata during the breeding season through a combination of field studies including avian

foraging observations, prey preference trials at bird feeding stations and a field study that tracked the survival of spiders in enclosures that allow birds access versus those that prevent access.


Avian activity and foraging observations

Information on avian foraging activity was recorded during the breeding season of S.

ocreata at the location of the field enclosures on private property near New Richmond, Clermont

County, Ohio (39˚ 0’55.37” N; 84˚ 15’31.89”W). Both anecdotal observations and timed focal

observations were recorded. There were nine observation days with observation periods 15

min./day, occurring between 0900-1100 and 1400-1600 hours, the time of day during which

spiders are known to be most active (Uetz & Roberts, unpubl.). Information recorded included:

species, location (inside or outside of enclosure), position (in tree, on ground), height above

ground (if applicable), time spent on the ground, sex (if determinable) and vocalizations



Additionally, a live male S. ocreata and a mealworm were simultaneously presented to

birds foraging at a feeder to observe predatory behavior. The prey were placed in separate glass

fingerbowls and presented at ground level beneath a feeding station at the field site in New

Richmond between 0800 and 1100 hours. There were 21 preference trials and the locations of

the spider and mealworm were alternated. After the first attack and/or capture, the identity of the

prey taken was recorded (spider or mealworm), time of capture was recorded and the appropriate

prey item replaced so that the observation could continue. This study allowed verification that

species seen foraging at the field site would prey on live spiders and furthermore allowed

comparison of preference for spider prey with seed and mealworms.

Field enclosure exclusion study

This study was conducted in the deciduous forest habitat of S. ocreata during the spring

breeding season on private property near New Richmond, Clermont County, Ohio (39˚ 0’55.37”

N; 84˚ 15’31.89”W) in Spring 2006 and 2007. The breeding season of birds in Ohio is generally from late March or early April until September or October (Haggerty & Morton, 1995; Skinner,

2003; Leston & Rodewald, 2006), so the breeding period of S. ocreata and the duration of this study fall within that range (Figure 1.1). Twenty circular, 4m2 enclosures of galvanized

aluminum flashing were constructed and buried approximately 2-3 cm in the soil. Leaf litter was

left intact inside the enclosures to ensure natural conditions. All spiders were removed from

enclosed areas prior to the start of the experiment. Field-caught S. ocreata males were then

added to the enclosures at a density determined from previous research (5 male spiders / m2 = 20 male spiders in each enclosure) (Roberts, Rector, Clark & Uetz, unpubl.). Inner and outer edges of enclosures were lined with Vaseline® to prevent spiders from entering or leaving. Finally,


enclosures were either covered with bird netting to prevent access by birds, or left uncovered (10

of each, randomly chosen within blocks).

It was not possible to start all enclosure trials in one day, so they were stocked with

spiders in pairs (one covered and one uncovered) to avoid seasonal and day effects. Spiders

remained in enclosures from five to 21 days and were censused at approximately five day intervals. The last census day for each enclosure was considered the end point census and was used to compare mean proportion of spiders remaining at the end of the experiment for the two treatments. Censusing was conducted by walking through the enclosures for ten minutes and collecting all spiders seen. In 2006 additional leaf litter sifting was done to capture any remaining spiders. The initial census by walk-through searching was deemed sufficient, since only one spider was captured in the additional litter sifting, and was subsequently used. Data analysis included two-way repeated measures ANOVA on arcsine transformed proportion of spiders remaining in enclosures, including treatment and year as factors. Additionally, a post- hoc paired t-test on the difference in proportion (arcsine transformed) of spiders remaining by treatment was used, since the individual covered and uncovered enclosures were paired spatially and temporally.


Avian activity and foraging observations

Seven species of ground-foraging birds were seen actively foraging in the study area

during both ad lib and timed focal observations (Table 1.1). In the preference trials presenting

both a spider and a mealworm, first attacks by Tufted Titmice were made on the spider 18 times

out of 21 trials (X2 = 21.429; df = 42; p < 0.0001), and it took on average about nine minutes


(8.95 ± 2.12 min.) from the start of the trial to the attack. In this study only Tufted Titmice

visited the feeding station and attacked spiders, although we anecdotally observed the following

species preying on live S. ocreata males as well: House Sparrow (5 events recorded) and

Northern Cardinal (1 event recorded).

Field enclosure exclusion study

Data for the bird exclusion study were obtained in both Spring 2006 (Uncovered, N =4;

Covered, N = 3) and Spring 2007 (Uncovered, N = 15; Covered, N = 14) and analyzed using a

two-way ANOVA with year and treatment (covered; uncovered) as factors. There were effects

of year (F1,1 = 5.4123; p = 0.0378) and experimental treatment (F1,1 = 7.6001; p = 0.0304).

Covered enclosures had a higher proportion of S. ocreata remaining at the end of the experiment

(census point) (43.2%) than uncovered enclosures (33.4%) (Tables 1.2, 1.3; Figure 1.2). A post-

hoc paired t-test on the proportion of spiders remaining (arcsine transformed) at the end of the

experiment produced a similar result (t = 2.3206; p = 0.0338). In a repeated measures ANOVA

on arcsine transformed proportion of spiders remaining, there was a treatment effect, with

covered enclosures containing more spiders than uncovered enclosures at each census point (F1,25

= 6.766; p = 0.0154), but no effect of census day on proportion of spiders remaining (F2,26 =

1.1083; p = 0.3452) (Table 1.4; Figure 1.3). Two data points were excluded from the analysis because in one, a large predatory wolf spider was found inside the enclosure and very few male

S. ocreata remained and in the other, a branch fell on the aluminum flashing (allowing spiders to escape).



Over the course of the spring breeding season of S. ocreata, field enclosures allowing

birds access lost a significantly higher proportion (23% more) of male S. ocreata wolf spiders than covered enclosures, suggesting that bird predation has an impact on survival of S. ocreata.

This result is in contrast with a study conducted by Wise and Chen (1999b), which found no impact of vertebrate predation on survival of spiders. The key difference is that study measured survival of a mixed group of Schizocosa wolf spiders over the entire life history. High levels of predation on males during the relatively short breeding season could be masked in a study that looked at survival over the entire life history, and did not discriminate sexes. Given their high activity levels during the spring breeding season (Roberts, Rector, Clark & Uetz, unpubl.) and their high contrast with the leaf litter background (Clark, Roberts & Uetz, unpubl.), males are probably at the greatest risk of predation by visual predators during this specific “window” of their life history.

Generally, the distance from the leaf litter surface to the first visual obstruction in the

subcanopy is between four and eight meters (Appendix). This suggests that it is reasonable to

assume that a ground-foraging bird perched in the subcanopy would be able to see a spider on

the leaf litter. Several of the ground-foraging species familiar to Eastern deciduous forests were

seen active and foraging in the field site (DeGraaf et al, 1985; Haggerty & Morton, 1995),

including most notably, Wild Turkeys, American Robins and Northern Cardinals. Tufted

Titmice, which were observed active in the field site, were also recorded preying on live male S.

ocreata in feeding trials at bird feeding stations. Tufted Titmice prefer spiders as prey over

mealworms and are very quick and dexterous in their attack, suggesting that spiders are a part of


their natural diet. Roberts (pers. comm.) has also noted that a captive Northern Cardinal was

observed attacking and consuming escaped spiders in the laboratory on numerous occasions.

Though more spiders were lost in uncovered enclosures, there were losses in covered

enclosures as well. Some level of mortality is expected due to other predators (wasps,

centipedes, other spider species, etc.) (Wise and Chen, 1999a) as well as intra-specific

aggression (pers. obs. – one male consuming another). Presumably, the level of such mortality

was equal in all enclosures, with the primary difference being bird access. On a few occasions, a

large predatory wolf spider was found inside an enclosure on a census day and was removed, but

those enclosures were not included in the final analysis. Though we carefully lined the

enclosures with Vaseline® to prevent escape, it is possible that spiders under duress ran over the

Vaseline®. During one census period a spider was observed running over the Vaseline® to escape when pursued. Such loss of spiders could still be related to predation attempts if the spider was chased over the edge of the flashing by a bird predator.

High levels of predation during the breeding season of S. ocreata would be likely to impact selection on sexual signals and displays. During the spring breeding season of S. ocreata, birds are provisioning their nestlings with diets rich in arthropod prey, including spiders

(Robinson and Holmes, 1982; Savory, 1989; Moreby, 2004). Since male S. ocreata have a very conspicuous visual courtship display in terms of pigmentation of the legs and leg movements, they may be at increased risk for predation by visual predators. Although such conspicuous displays can increase mating success, selection for more conspicuous and exaggerated traits may be balanced by natural selection against these traits due to increased predation (Andersson, 1994;

Zuk & Kolluru, 1998; Haynes & Yeargan, 1999; Kotiaho, 2001).



This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (IBN 0239164 to

G.W.U.) and the University of Cincinnati Research Council (to A.K.L.). We thank the

Cincinnati Nature Center for allowing us to collect spiders and conduct avian foraging observations on their property. Additional thanks to J. Gibson, I. Huang, J. Johns and J.

Rutledge (for their assistance in building the enclosures and for helping to collect the spiders that were used to stock the enclosures), K. Uetz (for use of the field site), and K. Petren and A.

Rypstra for editorial comments and statistical advice.



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Table 1.1. Ground foraging bird species observed at field site during both anecdotal observations and timed focal observations (9 days; 15 min./day).

Species # Observed % of Total Observations

American Robin 4 16.67

Blue Jay 2 8.33

Northern Cardinal 5 20.83

Rufous-sided Towhee 2 8.33

Tufted Titmouse 1 4.17

Wild Turkey 6 25.00

Wood Thrush 3 12.50

White-throated Sparrow 1 4.17

Total # Observed 24 _

Table 1.2. Mean proportion of spiders remaining at the end of the experiment for each treatment.

Mean Proportion of Spiders Remaining Number of Enclosures of Each Treatment in Both Years

Uncovered Covered N (2006) N (2007)

0.334 ± 0.051 0.432 ± 0.053 4 (U), 3 (C) 15 (U), 14 (C)


Table 1.3. Two-way ANOVA of the proportion of spiders remaining at the final census point.

Source df F p

Treatment 1 7.6001 0.0096*

Year 1 5.4123 0.0265*

Treatment * Year 1 1.6238 0.2117

* P<.05

Table 1.4. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA of the proportion of spiders remaining at each census point (duration).

Source df F p

Treatment 1 6.7666 0.0154*

Duration 2 1.1083 0.3452

Treatment * Duration 2 0.4454 0.6456

* P<.05


Figure 1.1. Overlap in duration of S. ocreata breeding season, breeding season of Ohio birds and the enclosure study.


Figure 1.2. Mean proportion of spiders remaining at the end of the experiment for each treatment. N = 19 (Uncovered), N = 17 (Covered).


0.7 Covered 0.6 Uncovered





0.1 Mean Proportion Spiders Remaining

0 510> 10

Duration (census day)

Figure 1.3. Mean proportion of spiders remaining at each census point (duration). N=10 each.


Chapter II

Anti-predator responses to acoustic cues representing an avian predator in Schizocosa

ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders

(Araneae: Lycosidae)

Anne K. Lohrey, David L. Clark and George W. Uetz

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Cincinnati

P.O. Box 210006

Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006


Predator detection and subsequent anti-predator behavioral responses have been

demonstrated in a many animal taxa including vertebrates and invertebrates, but studies

involving terrestrial arthropods are relatively scarce. This study examined responses of actively

courting adult male Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders to cues indicating the presence of

an avian predator, including visual, seismic, and acoustic (airborne) stimuli. Spiders responded

to acoustic (bird call) and seismic (tap) stimuli with cessation of courtship and movement, but

increased locomotion when presented with a visual stimulus (bird shadow). Spiders responded

significantly more often to avian acoustic stimuli with anti-predator behavior, and took longer to

return to courtship than when exposed to non-threatening stimuli. Thus, S. ocreata appear

capable of distinguishing these avian acoustic cues from non-threatening acoustic stimuli,

suggesting that bird predation has been a selection factor in shaping behavior in this species of

wolf spider.


Animals from a wide variety of taxa respond to cues associated with a potential predator

by changing their behavior in a manner that decreases their risk of predation (Lima & Dill, 1990;

Lima, 1998; Kats & Dill, 1997). Such anti-predator responses can occur during any of the

phases of predator-prey interaction. Decreased activity levels, vigilance and cover-seeking can

reduce the probability of detection when a predator is in the vicinity (Lima, 1998; Kats & Dill,

1997). Cues used to determine the presence of a potential predator may be chemical

(kairomone), tactile (touch, air motion), visual (shadow, movement) or acoustic (movement on substrate, vocalization).


It is not surprising that vertebrates are capable of recognizing and responding to predator

cues with anti-predator behavior; there are a multitude of studies documenting anti-predator

responses in mammals, birds and fish (Kats & Dill, 1997). Some examples include vigilance in

pigeons (Kenward, 1978), stotting in gazelles (Caro, 1986), avoidance in beavers when presented

predator odor cues (Engelhart & Muller-Schwarze, 1995) and changes in activity levels of fishes

in the presence of predator chemical cues (von Frisch, 1941a,b; Rehnberg & Schreck, 1987).

Several aquatic invertebrate taxa also have been demonstrated to respond to predator chemical

cues with anti-predator behavior (Kats & Dill, 1997), including gastropods (Phillips, 1977; Dix

& Hamilton, 1993) and echinoderms (Scheibling & Hamm, 1991). Additionally, a few studies have examined anti-predator behavior in terrestrial invertebrates, including spiders (Persons &

Rypstra, 2001; Persons et al, 2001; Persons et al, 2002; Taylor et al, 2005).

The brush-legged wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata, (Araneae: Lycosidae) is found in the

leaf litter of Eastern deciduous forests (Cady, 1984). During the spring breeding season, male S. ocreata are abundant and active on the surface of the leaf litter searching for and courting females. The courtship display of S. ocreata is multi-modal and includes both visual and seismic components (Stratton & Uetz, 1981, 1983, 1986; Scheffer et al., 1996; Uetz, 2000; Uetz &

Roberts, 2002). Since male S. ocreata contrast highly with the leaf litter background and are active on the leaf litter surface (Roberts, Rector, Clark & Uetz, unpubl.), they are visually conspicuous during the breeding season. Thus, they may be more vulnerable to visual predators such as other species of wolf spiders, jumping spiders, toads and birds. In previous research, variation in leg tufts on digitally-manipulated S. ocreata video images affected predatory responses of wolf spiders (Hogna helluo) and jumping spiders (Phiddipus clarus) as well as a visually-oriented vertebrate predator, the American toad (Bufo americanus) (Pruden & Uetz,


2004; Roberts et al, 2006). In a field enclosure study during the breeding season, Lohrey and

Uetz (Chapter I, this thesis) found decreased survival of S. ocreata in enclosures that allowed birds access versus those that excluded birds. Additionally, they observed predation on S. ocreata during feeding trials by some of the ground-foraging bird species seen in the study area.

They concluded that birds are significant predators of S. ocreata in the field during the breeding season.

It has been documented that wolf spiders (Lycosidae) detect chemotactile cues associated with other predatory spider species and respond with a variety of behavior depending upon the circumstances (Taylor et al, 2005; Persons et al, 2002; Persons & Rypstra, 2001). For example, when in the presence of silk and excreta originating from larger, predatory Hogna wolf spiders fed Pardosa milvina prior to trials, P. milvina reduce activity levels and demonstrate avoidance behavior (Persons et al, 2001). Thus, S. ocreata might be expected to have evolved anti-predator behavior as a response to sensory cues associated with the presence of an avian predator, including seismic (vibration of the substrate), visual (shadow) and acoustic (vocalization) cues.

This may be especially important during the breeding season when males are most conspicuous on the surface of the leaf litter (Clark, Roberts and Uetz, unpubl.; Roberts, Rector, Clark & Uetz, unpubl.) and birds are feeding their nestlings diets rich in arthropod prey (Robinson & Holmes,

1982; Savory, 1989; Moreby, 2004).

Since birds have a significant impact on S. ocreata survival in the field (Lohrey & Uetz,

Chapter I, this thesis), this study aims to identify and characterize anti-predator responses of actively-courting male S. ocreata to sensory cues indicating the presence of an avian predator.

While foraging, birds may produce vocalizations that could alert prey to their presence. Birds may vocalize socially while foraging (Ficken et al, 1978; Valone, 1996), and between bouts of


foraging, many ground foraging birds of Eastern deciduous forests remain close to ground-level

and often vocalize (pers. obs.). Such vocalizations could indicate to S. ocreata that a predator is nearby. Alternatively, the frequency of vocalizations could represent a habitat-level risk of predation by birds. As a consequence, S. ocreata might be expected to reduce courtship display

or cease completely in the perceived presence of a predator (Lima, 1998).


Study animals were collected as juveniles from the Cincinnati Nature Center, Rowe

Woods, Clermont County, Ohio (39˚ 7’31.15”N; 84˚ 15’4.29”W) in Spring 2006, 2007. Spiders

were reared under controlled conditions in the lab, housed in opaque plastic deli dish containers

(10cm diameter), supplied water ad libitum and maintained on a mixture of Collembola, fruit

flies (Drosophila) and 10-day-old cricket nymphs (Acheta domesticus) as prey fed twice a week.

The laboratory was kept at room temperature (22-25˚C) and set on a 13:11h light:dark


Multiple Types of Sensory Stimuli

Adult male spiders were placed individually in a Plexiglas® arena (15cm W x 15cm L x

10cm H) on filter paper containing female silk, to elicit courtship. Female S. ocreata were also

in view of the male for trials where a predator stimulus was given. Trials were videotaped from

above using a Canon digital 8mm video camera for later analysis. Stimuli included Acoustic

(Blue Jay call, Peterson Field Guide, A Field Guide to Bird Songs; ISBN- 10: 0618225943),

Visual (bird shadow) and Seismic (3-beat tap) cues and a Control (no stimulus presented). The

acoustic cue was presented from an Apple G4 laptop computer through iPod earbuds directed


into the arena and played back at a level similar to field conditions. The visual shadow was created by moving a cardboard cut-out of a bird over the spider in the test arena. The seismic 3- beat tap was created by recording the sound of a small wooden dowel tapped on the floor of the arena. The sound-editing program Raven Lite v 1.0 (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) was used to edit a sound loop that was saved in aiff audio format and played back using QuickTime through an Apple G4 laptop computer. The seismic 3-beat stimulus was delivered to the underside of the substrate with a vibration-generating needle (a 35mm Diameter Radio Shack speaker with an insect pin attached in the center). Response was recorded as behavior type immediately following stimulus presentation and was recorded as one of the following: locomotion, tap, stop

(freeze) and groom. Analysis of behaviors was conducted using Noldus Observer. Each treatment group consisted of 10 spiders. Chi square contingency analysis was used to test for independence of behavioral response and stimulus type. Latency to resume courtship after presentation of the stimulus was recorded for each stimulus type as well and was tested using one-way ANOVA and a post-hoc Tukey test. Latencies were log transformed.

Trials with Acoustic Stimuli

Adult male spiders were placed individually in a clear Plexiglas® arena (15cm diameter x

6cm H) on filter paper containing female silk, to elicit courtship. Trials were videotaped from

above in a sound-isolated room using a Sony digital 8mm video camera. Sound stimuli were

played back to spiders using Acoustica through iPod earbuds via a laptop computer (IBM

ThinkPad G41) directed into but isolated from the test arena at sound levels (Average 80dB

using Fisher Scientific sound level meter model 11-661-6A, amplitude equalized for all stimuli)

similar to that which a spider might experience in the field (Brenowitz, 1982; Cynx et al, 1998).


In the first study, stimuli included bird calls (Blue Jay, Peterson Field Guide, A Field Guide to

Bird Songs; ISBN- 10: 0618225943; Mourning Dove, Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics), a

white noise control and a blank recording control. In a second study that used a greater variety

of avian stimuli, stimuli included bird calls (Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch,

Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics) and non-threatening sounds (Katydid, Singing Insects of

North America; White Noise). To avoid pseudoreplication, three audio exemplars were used for each stimulus type, and included as a nesting factor in statistical analyses. Exemplars were all of similar quality with no background noise. Power analysis on preliminary data determined that

20 spiders were needed per treatment (80% power). In this study, each treatment group consisted of 24 spiders. Trials with spiders that were not engaged in courtship display when the stimulus was played were removed from the analysis. The final data set consisted of sample sizes of n=21 (Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch), n=16 (Katydid) and n=19

(White Noise).

Sound stimuli were presented to males engaged in active courtship display, and anti-

predator behavior was recorded (“freeze” - cease courtship and movement, “run” - cease

courtship and move rapidly). As naturally-occurring pauses during courtship are typically 1s in length (pers. obs.), stops >2 s were considered as anti-predator “freeze” behavior. Chi square contingency analysis was used to test for independence of behavioral response and stimulus type, and one-way nested ANOVA on log transformed latencies (with stimulus type as a factor and exemplar nested within stimulus type) was used to analyze latency to resume courtship.



Multiple Types of Sensory Stimuli

Spiders’ responses (“freeze”, run away, resume courtship) varied with the nature of the

stimulus (airborne sound, seismic vibration, shadow) (Figure 2.1). Males ceased courtship in

response to a bird call (airborne) and vibrations (seismic), but increased locomotion and sought

cover from shadows (visual). Responses were not independent of stimulus (X2 = 141.37; df =

12; p = 0.001). Additionally, a one-way ANOVA with stimulus type as a factor, and a post-hoc

Tukey test, found latency to resume courtship after exposure was longest for visual cues

compared to seismic, acoustic cues and the control (F36 = 3.3136; p = 0.0318) (Figure 2.2).

Acoustic Stimuli

The first study tested discrimination between acoustic playback stimuli including a predatory bird call (Blue Jay), a non-predatory bird call (Mourning Dove), a control (white noise) and an additional control (a blank recording of silence). Responses were not independent of stimulus type in a chi-square analysis (X2 = 9.6; df = 36; p = 0.025) (Figure 2.3). Spiders

responded to bird calls by ceasing courtship and locomotion (stop >3 seconds), but did not

respond to white noise or the blank recording.

In subsequent testing with a greater variety of stimuli, the percentage of spiders

responding with anti-predator behavior was not independent of stimulus type (Carolina Wren,

Northern Cardinal, House Finch, Katydid and White Noise) (X2 = 11.802; df = 98; p = 0.0189)

(Figure 2.4). There were no differences in the level of response among exemplars for each stimulus. In further testing, avian stimuli and non-threatening stimuli were pooled for

comparison of the response of spiders to avian acoustic cues versus non-threatening sounds. In a

38 chi-square test, the percentage of spiders responding with anti-predator behavior was higher with a bird sound stimulus than a non-threatening stimulus (X2 = 5.023; df = 98; p = 0.0250) (Figure

2.5). Additionally, the percentage of spiders responding with anti-predator behavior was marginally independent of stimulus type among all of the avian stimuli tested in a chi-square test

(Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch) (X2 = 5.421; df = 63; p = 0.0665) (Figure 2.4).

The latency to resume courtship (after the stimulus was presented) differed significantly among all stimuli tested (Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch, Katydid, White

Noise) (F93 = 2.2166; p = 0.0139) in a one-way nested ANOVA (stimulus type as a factor and exemplar nested within stimulus type) with log transformed latency values (Figure 2.6), but

2 exemplar did not account for a significant amount of the variation in latency (R = 0.2820; F10,10

= 1.6874; p = 0.0983). Data were pooled to compare latency to resume courtship when spiders were presented an avian acoustic cue versus non-threatening cues. In a t-test, latency to resume courtship after presentation of the stimulus was significantly longer for spiders presented with bird calls than for those presented with non-threatening sounds (t = 2.3566; p = 0.0206) (Figure

2.7). Differences in latency to resume courtship were marginally significant among the avian stimuli tested (Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch) in a one-way ANOVA (stimulus type as a factor) with log transformed latency values (F57 = 3.5052; p = 0.0531) (Figure 2.6).


This study demonstrated that actively courting adult male S. ocreata respond with anti- predator behavior to cues representing the presence of an avian predator, suggesting predation on

S. ocreata by birds has been important over evolutionary time. Spiders exhibited different responses to varied stimulus types (freezing when presented with a seismic or an acoustic


stimulus and increasing locomotion when presented with a visual stimulus). These different

types of cues could convey information to spiders about the predator’s proximity. For example,

if a bird flies above the spider (shadow – the visual cue), it may have more time to attempt to run

away and hide. Alternatively, if a bird vocalizes nearby or produces a seismic signal in the leaf

litter, the bird is probably very near and it might be better to freeze. Since the line of sight from

a point on the leaf litter into the subcanopy is between four and eight meters (Appendix), it is

possible for a bird perched at close range in the subcanopy to visually detect a spider on the leaf

litter between bouts of foraging.

An intriguing finding was the freezing response of S. ocreata when presented with an

avian acoustic cue (Blue Jay call). An additional study in which spiders responded with anti-

predator freeze behavior when presented with a Blue Jay call, but not when presented with a

white noise control (adjusted to the same amplitude) ruled out the possibility that freezing

behavior is simply a response to a loud noise.

In subsequent experiments with a greater variety of acoustic stimuli, spiders’ anti-

predator responses to avian acoustic stimuli were significantly greater than to non-threatening

stimuli. Latency to resume courtship after stimulus presentation was also significantly longer in spiders presented with avian acoustic stimuli than those presented with a non-threatening stimulus. Increased latency to resume activity after a threatening stimulus can indicate a higher perceived level of risk (Lima, 1998). Avian acoustic cues could indicate the presence of an avian

predator nearby or the overall level of bird activity. Because stimuli were played to the subject

only once, this distinction could not be tested. However, since the response was freezing and

cessation of courtship and movement or running rather than decreased levels of display for a

period of time, the stimulus likely indicated the presence of a potential predator nearby.


Results suggest that spiders distinguish between avian acoustic stimuli and non-avian,

non-threatening sounds. Thus, it is reasonable to ask how they are able to perceive those sounds,

and how they are able to distinguish threatening from non-threatening sounds. Barth and

colleagues have done extensive work elucidating the mechanisms involved in the sensory systems of spiders, particularly Cupiennius sp. (summarized in Barth, 2001; Barth, 2004). Barth and Höller (1999) demonstrated that spider sensory hairs (trichobothria) respond to movements of air particles produced by near-field wing movements of flying prey. Although it has not been specifically tested, it is possible that trichobothria could respond to air movements produced by longer distance sound waves. Alternatively, spiders may detect substratum-borne vibration

(from airborne sound that has been transformed into the substratum) with lyriform organs and slit sensillae, sensory organs associated with perception of substratum-borne vibration. There are multiple possibilities that are immediately suggested for distinguishing between threatening and non-threatening sounds. The response could be specific to a particular frequency range in which most avian calls are found. As the spectrograms in figure 2.8 illustrate, the frequency ranges of the bird calls are very similar and are distinct from the frequency range of the Katydid call.

Further research into the mechanisms of sensory reception of airborne sound waves, as well as the tuning of sensory systems is needed.


Support for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation (IBN

0239164 to G.W.U.), the Animal Behavior Society (to A.K.L.), the American Arachnological

Society (to A.K.L.) and the University of Cincinnati Research Council and Department of

Biological Sciences (to A.K.L.). We thank the Cincinnati Nature Center for permitting us to

41 collect spiders on their property. Additional thanks to J. Gibson, J. Johns and J. Rutledge (for contributing helpful suggestions and input into this project), undergraduates J. Allen, M. Skelton,

J. Smith and A. Stein (for feeding and maintaining the spiders used in this work), D. Clark and his students at Alma College (for conducting preliminary studies on responses of spiders to a variety of sensory stimuli and assisting with advice and technical help) and K. Petren and A.

Rypstra for editorial comments and statistical advice.



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Figure 2.1. Percentage of each behavior (locomotion, tap, stop, groom) observed in courting male spiders following stimulus presentation (a. acoustic, b. visual, c. seismic, d. control) for each type of cue (N=10 per treatment group).


Figure 2.2. Average latency to return to courtship after anti-predator response upon presentation of each type of stimulus. N=10 (Seismic), N=9 (Acoustic), N=9 (Visual), N=9 (Control).

Figure 2.3. Preliminary results from 2006. Percentage of spiders that responded with anti- predator behavior after presentation of each stimulus (N=12 per treatment group).


Figure 2.4. Percentage of spiders that responded with anti-predator behavior after presentation of each stimulus. N=21 (Carolina Wren, Northern Cardinal, House Finch), N=16 (Katydid),

N=19 (White Noise).

Figure 2.5. Percentage of spiders that responded with anti-predator behavior after presentation of each stimulus type. N=63 (Bird Calls), N=35 (Non-threatening Sounds).


Figure 2.6. Average latency to return to courtship after cessation upon presentation of stimulus

(in seconds). N=19 (Carolina Wren), N=21 (Northern Cardinal), N=18 (House Finch), N=16

(Katydid), N=20 (White Noise).


Figure 2.7. Average latency to return to courtship after cessation upon presentation of stimulus

(in seconds). N=58 (Bird Calls), N=36 (Non-threatening Sounds). 49

a. Katydid Intensity (dB) Intensity (dB)

Frequency (Hz)

b. House Finch Intensity (dB) Intensity (dB)

Frequency (Hz)


c. Northern Cardinal Intensity (dB) Intensity (dB)

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2.8. Spectrum analysis for Katydid call (a) compared to bird calls (b. House Finch and c.

Northern Cardinal). Note that the frequency scale varies between the Katydid call (a) and the

bird calls (b and c).


Conclusions and Future Directions

Results from this project supported the hypothesis that bird predation is an important

factor impacting S. ocreata survival in the field, particularly of adult males. A higher proportion of adult males was lost in enclosures that allowed birds access during the breeding season compared to enclosures that restricted bird access. Additionally, actively courting adult male S. ocreata respond to cues indicating the presence of an avian predator with anti-predator behavior unique from responses to other stimuli, suggesting that bird predation has been an important selective factor on this species of wolf spider.

Focal and ad lib observations confirmed the presence of several arthropodivorous

ground-foraging birds in the study site throughout the experiment. On a few occasions Wild

Turkeys were observed foraging within an enclosure. At the same time, feeding preference trials

at a feeding station confirmed that some of the species observed in the study area will capture

and consume a spider without hesitation. It was obvious that these prey were detected visually

(pers. obs.) and it is not surprising since birds are known to be highly visually-dependent

predators (Hodos, 1993). Visual line-of-sight measurements have also shown that the active

space around a spider on the leaf litter is an average of four to eight meters, suggesting that a

ground-foraging bird perched in the understory would be able to see a spider on the leaf litter


During the spring breeding season, over which this field study took place, male S. ocreata are actively seeking females and displaying on the leaf litter surface (Roberts, Rector,

Clark & Uetz, unpubl.). They are known to be visually conspicuous because the pigmentation of the leg tufts and the side of the prosoma contrasts with the leaf litter (Clark, Roberts and Uetz, unpubl.), which could make them more obvious and/or attractive to females (Uetz et al., 2002;


Uetz & Roberts, 2002). However, if they are more conspicuous to females they are also

potentially more conspicuous to visual predators such as other spider species, toads and birds.

Additionally, since birds are feeding themselves and provisioning their young with energy-rich

prey including spiders during the breeding season of S. ocreata (Robinson and Holmes, 1982;

Savory, 1989; Moreby, 2004), it is likely that this is a time of more intense pressure from

predation. If bird predation is indeed an important selective factor, this may impact the evolution

of male S. ocreata sexual characters and displays. Such characters and displays may only be

exaggerated to a certain level and still retain an overall fitness benefit (mating success) until they

are counterbalanced by natural selection due to predation (Andersson, 1994; Zuk & Kolluru,

1998; Haynes & Yeargan, 1999; Kotiaho, 2001). This is an important factor to consider in

studies of the evolution of courtship communication systems. Future studies of bird predation on

S. ocreata should involve video playback experiments presenting manipulated video images of

courting S. ocreata males with enlarged leg tufts, natural tufts and reduced tufts to live bird

subjects in the lab to test for influence of tuft size (conspicuousness) on detection and/or attack

latencies in captive live birds.

Further evidence that predation is an important factor during the breeding season is that

actively courting male S. ocreata exhibit anti-predator behavior when presented with avian

predator cues, particularly acoustic cues (bird calls). Furthermore, responses differ when S. ocreata are presented with avian acoustic cues versus non-threatening sounds, suggesting that they are able to distinguish between the two stimulus types. Avian cues differ in their frequency spectra compared to the Katydid call (Figure 2.8), so one hypothesis is that S. ocreata recognize cues within a particular frequency range as threatening. Further research needs to be done to


elucidate the mechanisms of acoustic cue recognition and the basis for discrimination between

stimulus types.

During the audio playback studies of anti-predator responses, spiders’ responses were

generally either to freeze courtship and locomotion or to run away. An additional anecdotal

observation was that spiders that exhibited freezing behavior were often less active at the

beginning of the trial upon release from the vial and less likely to run out of the vial, whereas

spiders that exhibited running behavior in response to the stimulus were more active during

capture and release into the arena (often running out of a vial held vertically). This experiment

was unable to systematically test for this correlation; however, this suggests the idea of

behavioral syndromes as advanced by Sih and colleagues (Sih et al, 2004a; Sih et al, 2004b).

This could be a good system in which to study behavioral correlations across contexts, as they seem to separate along the shy-bold continuum. It would be interesting to test whether spiders responding with the different types of anti-predator behavior would differ predictably in

attributes associated with prey capture or mating.

In conclusion, this series of studies supported the hypothesis that birds are

important predators on the brush-legged wolf spider, S. ocreata in the field, and demonstrated a

novel category of stimuli (acoustic) producing anti-predator responses by spiders in the laboratory. This research opens up a variety of interesting avenues of future research including further studies of the predation costs of sexual traits and displays, studies on mechanisms of acoustic cue recognition and discrimination as well as studies in the exciting area of behavioral syndrome research.



Andersson, M. 1994. Sexual Selection. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Haynes, K.F. & K.V. Yeargan. 1999. Exploitation of intraspecific communication systems: illicit signalers and receivers. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 92:960-970.

Hodos, W. 1993. The visual capabilities of birds. In: Zeigler, H.P. and H-J. Bischof (eds.) Vision, brain, and behavior in birds. Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp 63-76.

Kotiaho, J.S. 2001. Costs of sexual traits: a mismatch between theoretical considerations and empirical evidence. Biological Reviews, 76:365-376.

Moreby, S.J. 2004. Birds of lowland arable farmland: the importance and identification of invertebrate diversity in the diet of chicks. In: van Emden, H. and M. Rothschild (eds.) Insect and bird interactions. Andover, Intercept, pp 21-35.

Robinson, S.K. & R.T. Holmes. 1982. Foraging behavior of forest birds: the relationships among search tactics, diet, and habitat structure. Ecology, 63:1918-1931.

Savory, C.J. 1989. The importance of invertebrate food to chicks of gallinaceous species. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 48:113-133.

Sih, A., A.M. Bell, J.C. Johnson & R.E. Ziemba. 2004a. Behavioral syndromes: an integrative overview. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 79:241-277.

Sih, A., A.M. Bell & J.C. Johnson. 2004b. Behavioral syndromes: an ecological and evolutionary overview. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19:372-378.

Uetz, G.W. & J.A. Roberts. 2002. Multisensory cues and multimodal communication in spiders: insights from video/audio playback studies. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 59:222-230.

Uetz, G.W., R. Papke & B. Kilinc. 2002. Influence of feeding regime on body size, body condition and male secondary sexual character in Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders (Araneae, Lycosidae): Condition-dependence in a visual signaling trait. Journal of Arachnology, 30:461-469.

Zuk, M. & G.R. Kolluru. 1998. Exploitation of sexual signals by predators and parasitoids. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 73:415-438.



Distance over which S. ocreata can be detected visually by birds in the field

Measurements in the field in the spring quantified line-of-sight and visual obstructions in a three-

dimensional hemisphere within which spiders would be visible on the surface of the leaf litter.

This information is important in understanding the likelihood of predation by an avian (visually foraging) predator located in the subcanopy.


These measurements describe the three-dimensional space surrounding a point on the leaf

litter in order to quantify the distance from which spiders would be visible to avian predators in the surrounding forest, and where acoustic stimuli would be unmodified by interception.

Measurements were taken using a laser measuring device held at a point (along a transect) on the leaf litter and aimed at sequential 15 degree increments from zero degrees (horizontal) to ninety degrees (vertical) in each cardinal direction (N, S, E, W). Measurements were recorded for four one-meter transects of five points spaced 5m apart, for a total of 20 points. This was conducted in June 2006 at the Cincinnati Nature Center, Rowe Woods, Clermont County, Ohio (39˚

7’31.15”N; 84˚ 15’4.29”W) and in May 2007 at the field site in New Richmond, Clermont

County, Ohio (39˚ 0’55.37” N; 84˚ 15’31.89”W). Measurements were repeated four times in

2007 in New Richmond throughout the month of May to gain an understanding of how the active space of predator detection and acoustic stimuli changes throughout the spring breeding season.



Measurements of the visual line-of-sight from a point on the forest floor to the first visual obstruction over a three-dimensional area gave an idea of the “domain of danger” for S. ocreata, or the area in which they would be visible to a predator. Data were collected from both the

Cincinnati Nature Center (CNC) in Spring 2006 and the field site in New Richmond, Ohio (NR) in Spring 2007. In the spring of 2007 four measurements were taken to detect any change over the course of the breeding season. When data were plotted with height (m) against horizontal distance (m) (Figure 3.1a,b) the curves for CNC and NR were very similar in shape, with mean distance to the first obstruction increasing from about one meter to eight meters as angle from the horizontal increased. Focusing on the New Richmond data for Spring 2007: with angles near 90 degrees (vertical, or subcanopy level) the distance to the first obstruction tended to decrease as the season progressed. In contrast, at near ground level (about 0 to 30 degrees from the horizontal) the distance to the first obstruction tended to increase as the season progressed

(Figure 3.1b).


Figure 3.1. Two-dimensional representation of the average distance to the first visual obstruction from a point on the leaf litter, measured in two sites: Cincinnati Nature Center (a) and New Richmond, Ohio (b). Measurements for the New Richmond site (spring, 2007) were taken four times (May 12, 15, 22 and 20) over the breeding season.


A special thanks to A. Roberts and his students, M. Rector and E. Starman for ideas and data collection in the visual line-of-sight project as well as I. Huang for data collection in 2007 at the

New Richmond site.