MSP Resources for Missionary Work

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MSP Resources for Missionary Work Resources for Missionary Work Especially Among Unreached Peoples A Short Directory World-wide Publisher The Missionary Training Service, Oswestry Christian Centre, Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2HJ, United Kingdom Tel./Fax. +44 (0)20 7932 0728 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: Distributed in the Philippines by Philippine Challenge P.O. Box 81202 Davao City 8000 Philippines Tel. +63 82-221-2670 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: 1 This booklet is part 2 of the Missionary Training Series. To obtain the other booklets and help in organising missionary training programmes, contact: World-wide Publisher The Missionary Training Service, Oswestry Christian Centre, Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2HJ, United Kingdom Tel./Fax. +44 (0)20 7932 0728 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: Distributed in the Philippines by Philippine Challenge P.O. Box 81202 Davao City 8000 Philippines Tel. +63 82-221-2670 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: © The Missionary Training Service, January 2004. This document may be copied in either electronic or paper form but may not be modified without permission. If it is sold, 10% of the sale price should be sent to the MTS at Oswestry Christian Centre, Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 2HJ, United Kingdom. Donations can be made to the MTS at htm Thank you very much. The Missionary Training Service focuses on training missionaries for the multiplication of churches among unreached peoples. Ian Benson is coordinator of the MTS. Version 1.0 UK English 8/1/2004 91 Contents How to Use this Booklet ..................................................................... 5 Acknowledgements ............................................................................. 5 Helpful Internet Sites ......................................................................... 6 General Information on World Mission ............................................ 8 Missionary Sending Organizations ................................................... 8 Specific Agencies Working with Unreached Peoples ...................... 12 Resources by Speciality ................................................................... 21 Adopt-a-People Organisations and Resources .................................. 21 Bible Translators .............................................................................. 25 Bible Distribution ............................................................................. 25 Bible Studies ..................................................................................... 27 Books ................................................................................................ 28 Buddhism .......................................................................................... 30 Children’s and Young People’s Work .............................................. 30 Chinese ............................................................................................. 32 Cell Church Missions ........................................................................ 32 Church Planting ................................................................................. 32 Communications ................................................................................ 33 Culture – Adapting ............................................................................ 34 Donations by tax efficient giving ....................................................... 34 Emergency situations ......................................................................... 34 Evangelism and Apologetics ............................................................. 34 Family and Children's Education ...................................................... 36 Films and videos ............................................................................... 38 Fundraising organisations ................................................................. 40 Health, Medical Work and Member Care ......................................... 40 Hinduism ........................................................................................... 42 House churches ................................................................................. 43 Information, Research, Maps and Statistics ...................................... 43 Insurance ........................................................................................... 51 Islam ................................................................................................. 51 3 Jews, Judaism ...................................................................................52 Language Learning .............................................................................52 Literacy .............................................................................................53 Literature Distribution .......................................................................53 Mission Aviation ...............................................................................54 Medical Help ....................................................................................55 Mobilisation tools and ideas .............................................................56 Music and the Arts and the Great Commission ..................................61 News .................................................................................................61 Periodicals on Mission .....................................................................62 Persecution of Christians ...................................................................62 Pastoral Care of Missionaries ...........................................................62 Prayer helps ......................................................................................66 Prison Ministry ..................................................................................67 Publishing ..........................................................................................67 Radio, Television and Satellite Broadcasters ...................................67 Record and Audio-Cassette Ministries .............................................68 Relief and Development Agencies ....................................................70 Sending Churches ..............................................................................74 Short-term missions ...........................................................................74 Software ............................................................................................75 Student Work .....................................................................................75 Suppliers and Shippers .....................................................................76 Support Raising .................................................................................77 Technical Assistance .........................................................................77 Tentmaking and Business Development ............................................79 Training Organisations ......................................................................84 Travel ................................................................................................89 Visual Aids .......................................................................................90 Vocations ..........................................................................................90 How to Use this Booklet 89 Look in the Contents to see the type of resource you are looking for, and go to that page. Look on those pages and follow the leads. If you cannot find what you need there, consult the section Helpful Internet Sites on page 6. Phone numbers are given for the country of origin. If outside the country then the international code for that country must be added. May God, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Eph. 3:21; Phil. 4:19). Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the many people who have assembled useful information of which we have made use. We cannot list all the hundreds of sources but would like to mention especially the Memca briefing February 2003 compiled by Brenda Bosch, YWAM Member Care Training, and the excellent book Building Networks published by AD2000. We are also most grateful for help given by Norman Longden in typesetting and layout, and Keeling and Rosemary Anthony for advice and weblink checking. We checked all the information at the time of publishing but contact information is constantly changing. Although nearly all of the resources are from evangelical organisations, we cannot vouch for the standard or value of those materials that are mentioned. Helpful Internet Sites 5 For those with access to the internet, we recommend the following sites which have much more information than can be contained in this booklet: AD 2000 and Beyond— Among the resources on the site is a Missions Resource Directory which provides a very comprehensive listing of Christian mission resources and software, magazines, re-entry, medical, tentmaking, prayer, women, videos, etc. Browse for an online forum with dozens of answers about becoming a long-term missionary Center for Mission Direction— Connecting Christians worldwide - Directory of mission information -
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