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Published by: Chemical Free Body 16869 SW 65th Ave. #141 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 United States

© Copyright 2018 CHEMICAL FREE BODY MEDIA All Rights Reserved. May be shared with copyright and credit left intact.

www.chemicalfreebody.com 3 about CHEMICAL FREE BODY

ChemicalFreeBody.com was created to bring awareness and solutions to the man- made chemical assault destroying our eco- system and our health. We teach people how-to transform their health in minutes a day with the highest quality, naturally oc- curing cleansing and nutrition products. Visit us and learn more about this exciting new opportunity to take charge of your health at: www.chemicalfreebody.com



We want to encourage you to never stop following your dreams to be healthy. If you have tried to lose weight or improve your health in the past and you did not experience the results you wanted, most likely its not your fault.

The growing number of microscopic toxins and harmful organisms in our air, water, food, clothing and personal care products today have become an invisible plague on humanity. Seriously, its really bad! Think about it... how could anyone be truly healthy, let alone lose weight and have great energy with all of these toxins accumualting in our body? It’s Impossible!

However, when we learn how-to cleanse and nourish our bodies properly from the inside out... our energy and skin improves and the weight just falls off naturally!

Learn and implement the daily rituals in this manual and in the next 90 days you’re waist will shrink, your skin will glow and your health will transform. We did it, hundreds of our private coaching clients have done it and so can you!


I spent years eating cooked and pro- cessed foods (Basically the Standard American Diet) and when I was young and active I was able to pull it off, not gain weight, and never thought much of it. I believed that I was super healthy. I ate meat for protein, whole grain bread for good carbs and I drank milk for calcium. I did what I was suppose to do.

By the time I had reached the age of 37 I found myself 38lbs overweight, tired, not sleeping well, two skin issues, acne, digestive tract issues, rock hard bowel movements with blood in them, surgery to remove an organ, the worst heartburn ever and I was very close to getting on prilosec since the daily handfuls of tums and rolaids were just not working any- After completely transforming my health more. Pretty bad huh? My quality of life (by myself) with the basic fundamentals I sucked and I told no one. It was my little learned I became obsessed with what hap- secret. The truth was I was in denial. pened and why cleansing and proper nutr- tion worked so well for me. I have invested Then in 2011 I went to the Hippocrates at least 1-2 hours per day geeking out on Health Institute with my friend Charles this stuff, reading books, watching videos, who was diagnosed with incurable can- attending wellness clinics, and interviewing cer to see if their natural approach would people that have healed themselves too. save his life. There I learned how to cleanse and nourish my body properly Over the last 7 years I have learned so much and that was the point in my life where personally and after coaching over 500 peo- everything changed. Today, I have none ple through this process, I am certain that of those health issues, I lost all the weight when you follow the simple steps outlined and kept it off now for over 7 years, my in this manual that you too can have similar energy is basically amazing, and I look 10 results. years younger! AND! My buddy Charles is alive and thriving with no cancer in sight. It does not matter where you have been, all Winning! that matters is where you are going... Now let me share with you what I discovered! 6 LEAKY GUT 101 Roughly 90% of us are dealing with some level of Leaky Gut which is basically small holes in the gut lining that allow undigested food particles, mi- crobes, and chemical toxins into your bloodstream. This causes inflammation and wreaks havoc on your glands such as the thyroid and everywhere else the blood travels. Leaky Gut is a major underlying issue that needs to be addressed if you want any chance of having and maintaining good health. The Royal society of did a major study and found that the colon (large intestine) is the major contributor to 85% of all illness and disease. After my experience I agree and we need to focus on our digestive tracts health if we want our whole body to be healthy.

It all starts with the colon. Which leads us to the root cause of . Not drinking enough purified water... Let me say that again. The beginning of Leaky Gut is not drinking enough purified water and 95% of people are not drinking enough of it! That means most of us are walking around with what is called “cellular dehydration”. This is basical- ly where our cells are dehydrated and do not contain enough moisture to operate properly. Our blood requires water, our lymphatic (garbage removal) system requires water, our brain requires water, and our digestion requires water to operate effectively. If any of these are low on water then the first place the body goes to get it is the colon.

Our colon needs to be well hydrated to remove waste. If it is not hydrated, then waste cannot be re- moved properly. Waste matter eventually builds up on the lining of the colon and starts causing prob- lems. The average person has built up 6-12 pounds of waste material in the colon in their lifetime. 7 Pressure from an impacted colon can push against the spinal nerves and cause back pain. Or push against the prostrate and cause inflamation. Even headaches can be caused by an impacted colon. The impacted waste matter also creates an inter- nal terrain that is highly acidic with lower levels of oxygen which causes fermentation and sets up a terrain to breed harmful organisms.

These harmful organisms “The Bugs”; Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, Yeast, Fungus and Parasites eat our food and go to the bathroom inside of us causing more aciditiy.

Eventually the colon becomes so polluted it works its way up into the small intestine and pollutes it as well and that is the beginning of Leaky Gut.

How healthy do you think you can actually feel on a daily basis with this going on inside of you? Do you think this might be part of your current health issues or stubborn weight gain? Remem- ber, roughly 85% of ALL DISEASE can be con- nected to a dirty digestive tract.

The Chemical Free Body product line and this manual is designed to help you “reset” the inter- nal terrain of your digestive tract and take it from a low oxygen, highly acidic environment... to a high oxygen, high alkaline environment in just minutes per day.

When we change the environment to high oxygen and high alkaline, we create a “Terrain” that is in- hospitable to these harmful organisms and they exit the body.

If we drive our car for a long time with little to no maintenance while using low quality, cheap fuel, it begins to run poorly and break down. It’s the same with our bodies. Most of us have never done any maintenance to our internal body and have been eating low quality, processed, and heated foods 8

LEAKY GUT 101 Adding better fuel to a vehicle is great for better performance, however, if the “check engine light” is on, then the first step is to take the car into the shop and look under the hood. Once the issue is identified then it can be addressed and the car is tuned up to perform at top levels.

We clean the engine, change the oil, change the transmission fluid, change the fuel filter, etc. Then once that’s done we start putting in good fuel and the car will run great and last much longer.

The same goes with our bodies. If you are tired, overweight, have brain fog, can’t sleep, have aches and pains or are on medications, those are what we call “check body lights”. If they are flashing it’s time to stop and get your body tuned up before you end up breaking down with a major health issue. Plus, life is too short to live that way!

Most of us have tried our best to take really good care of the outside of our body, but what about the inside? You can’t see inside so it gets neglected. Most of us have never been taught that digestive health determines our overall health. We nev- er make the connection simply due to a lack of education on the subject and social pressures to eat and do what everyone else is doing.

By shifting your focus to maintaining a clean healthy digestive tract not only can you start to reverse the process of leaky gut, you will start to feel better and look amaz- ing! You will develop a “Glow” to your skin that will inspire many people to comment on how great you look. Age spots can start to disappear as well as some wrinkles and the weight just falls off. It’s a lot of fun! O.K. Enough said. Let’s get into this so you can get started looking and feeling amaz- ing! 9 ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE: PART 1: CLEANSE & RESTORE “WATER IS THE DRIVING FORCE OF ALL NATURE” -LEONARDO DA VINCI



#1 Drink Purified Water upon waking. Add lemon or lime juice or raw apple cider vinegar to further alkalize your body.

#2 Drink 1⁄2 your body weight in liquid ounces of purified water daily!

#3 Use a measurable tool that holds 16-32 ounces for ease of use.

#4 Use a glass or stain- less steel container to eliminate toxic plastic. (We use mason jars) 10 DRINK PURIFIED WATER... FOUNDATIONAL TO YOUR HEALTH

Our bodies are roughly 75% water so water is foundational to great health. We want our water to be clean and free of manmade chemicals which means we want our water to be purified either by: Reverse Osmosis, Distillation or De-ionization.

Only 1 out of 20 people are actually consuming enough water to be healthy. That’s scary... but at the same time very exciting because as soon as you up your water intake, your health will improve and you will lose weight!

And remember, not drinking enough water will cause a state in your body called “Cel- lular Dehydration”. And when this occurs the first place the body goes for water is the colon. And this is where Leaky Gut begins. So stop Leaky Gut in its tracks and start drinking more water!

Carol, one of our female students lost 50lbs in eight months just focusing on this one daily ritual. Please do not underestimate what water will do for you!

You may find it difficult to drink the necessary amount of water during the first week or two and plan on a few more trips to the bathroom. However, once you make it through that short time period your body will start to soak it up like a sponge and it becomes easy. Practicing this simple daily ritual will change your life. An that is no understatement! 11 step 2


DIRECTIONS: Daily Maintenance: Take 3 Capsules in the morning on an empty stomach with water. For the Initial Cleanse: Take 3 Capsules morning and night for 15 days on empty stom- ach with water and wait 30 minutes before eating. >Its O.K. to take GUT CLEANSE PLUS with: Green 85 Juice Formula, lemon and/or lime water, flax water, caffeine­-free teas or other supplements.

On average you can expect to cleanse between 6­-12 pounds of impacted fecal material and mucoid plaque that has built up in the intestines during the initial 15 day cleanse. Even if you only cleansed out 1 pound of this acidic accumulated waste matter it would be totally worth it! DON’T WORRY ABOUT DIARREAH! You can start this cleanse while working, travel- ing or even playing sports. This is a very gentle cleanse and the only people typically that have had diarreah issues are elderly folks with severe gut issues. If your concerned about diarreah just start off with 1 Capsule and work your way up to 3 Capsules. It is critical to remove these toxic blockages and pave the way for elimination of more toxins that will be exiting your body as you drink more water, continue with Gut Cleanse Plus and drink GREEN 85 Juice Formula. GUT CLEANSE PLUS is also antimicrobial, reduces stress, helps to protect our cells from radiation and is an overall body balancer. Due to the high levels of environmental pollution and processed foods entering our bodies we believe that this product is criti- cal to maintain a healthy gut, ideal body weight and a Chemical Free Body.

TIP­: It is also recommended that you go for walks or do some type of mild to moder- ate exercise to assist your body to remove toxins as they start releasing. Exercise will speed up any detox symptoms so you will feel better and happier much faster. 12 step 3


DIRECTIONS: Mix 1 Scoop of GREEN 85 with 20-24­ ounces of purified water, or 10-­16 ounces of your favorite nut milk, coconut milk, or smoothie on an empty stomach in the morning. Shake or stir until dissolved... then drink. If you have a hard time with flavor then add lemon and/or lime juice. To completely eliminate the “green taste” mix it with unsweetened cranberry juice. For Maximum Weight Loss & Energy take Twice per day!

Drinking GREEN 85 Juice Formula 1­-2 times per day loads your body with high qual- ity, concentrated nutrients, which are the building blocks our body requires to restore our gut lining and run our Body and Brain at 100%.

GREEN 85 reduces food cravings in two ways:

#1. The high quality absorbable proteins help to regulate our blood sugar.

#2 It replaces roughly 85% of nutrients that are missing in our soil and when our cells are properly nourished they send us “Not Hungry” signals and we simply eat less.

When you eat less, your grocery bill drops and you save money!

GREEN 85 replaces what is missing in our food chain in 30 seconds making it super convenient! Take a bottle to work or keep one in your car for easy access.

Pretty cool huh? You now have a easy way to nourish your body naturally to help you lose weight, improve your energy & mental clarity and look amazing! 13 step 4


DIRECTIONS: Follow the directions on the product label. Did you know that most probiotics on the market die in your stomach acid? Very little actually make it to your intestines to re­colonize and bulid your immune system. People are wasting Billions of dollars annually on these very weak products. That is why we believe Probiotic Spores are the future of probiotics and gut health! Almost all of the spores make it through the stomach acid to recolonize the good bacteria. Probiotic Spores are very powerful and we also feed them with prebiotics (probiotic food) in our formula to help them grow and recolonize the immune system.

Probiotic Spores with Prebiotics are critical for a strong immune system, brain function, and a healthy gut, especially if you have taken antibiotics or any other phar- maceutical drugs which wipe out your good bacteria (immune system). Stress, alcohol, recreational drugs, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antimicrobial soaps along with meat, eggs and dairy raised with antibiotics all kill our good bacteria in the gut and should be avoided. There are many more chemicals in our food chain and ecosystem today that destroy our good bacteria as well. Just try to be as chemical-free­ as possible in anything you purchase that goes in or on your body. Without these good bacteria we are just asking for trouble with our health. And please do not think that by eating yogurt that you are getting the probiotics you need. Most yogurt is just acidic dairy and sugar which feed the bad bacteria and the most of the probiotics die in the stomach acid. Fermented foods such as sauer- kraut, kimchi, and tempeh are much better choices to boost our good bacteria in our body rather than sugar laden yogurt. You can find good unsweetened yogurt made out of coconut and almonds today as an great alternative to the acid based dairy products. 14 ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE PART 2: REHABILITATE “RECOVERY IS ABOUT PROGRESSION NOT PERFECTION” -ANONYMOUS Muscles that line your small intestine and colon contract and relax in a rhythm that produces a wavelike motion. This movement, called peristalsis (gut action), pushes food through the length of your digestive tract.

Now that your digestive tract is clean and nourished it’s time to rehabilitate your gut action action that has been weakened by consuming cooked and processed foods. Weak gut action leads to weight gain, poor skin, fatigue, poor bowel movements, constipation, and leaky gut!


Since many of us grew up eating mostly cooked and processed foods our digestive tracts muscles and gut action has atrophied. Adding in what nature intended us to eat (Raw, un- cooked foods) will start the rehabili- tation process of our digestive tract. The initial goal here is to get to 51% of you food by weight to be Raw & Liv- ing foods. What ever percentage of raw foods you’re currently at, just add 10% more and work your way up over a 6­-12 month period to the 51% mark. Here is a powerful tip: Buy the fresh- est produce possible and have a BIG SALAD every day! 15 step CHEW YOUR FOOD UNTIL LIQUIFIED Don’t miss this one! This is as import- 2 ant as drinking enough water. Chewing your food until liquified is the First Step in digestion. I promise, if you make a practice of chewing your food well, it will become a habit that you don’t even think about. This will add years to your life and give you much more energy throughout your day. Plus, it costs nothing to do this, and will save you money since you will eat less. This choice is yours to make, and it is our choices and our daily rituals that deter- mine our true health and happiness. So develop the ritual of chewing your food well. :) step ABDOMINAL & CORE EXERCISES 3 If you have chronic constipation doing abdominal exercises and core work 6-7­ days per week is highly recommended to rebuild the muscle structure of the digestive tract to assist in eliminat- ing food waste properly. Again, this costs nothing but will pay huge dividends for you in improving your digestion and elimination! 16 step 4


DIRECTIONS: Start off with 1 Capsule with meals for 7 days then work your way up to 2 Capsules for a period of 2-3­ years. If you develop liquid stools then take less until your body cleans out and regulates. Most people are completely fine taking 2 capsules. We take 4­-6 cap- sules now with heavy meals, not just for digestion but for anti­-aging. Please don’t take that many Capsules in the beginning. I took 2 Capsules with meals for 5 years be- fore I added more. With everything always start slow and work your way up.

As you add in more Raw and Living “uncooked” Foods to your lifestyle you will “feel” it. in the digestive tract. It’s like putting on a lot of weight on the bench press and trying to do reps when all you have been lifting is a broomstick for years.

The Digestive Enzymes will help break down the Raw & Living “uncooked” foods and be like your “spotter” on the bench press helping your digestive tract to rebuild the muscle structure and gut action as it processes raw foods “the weights”.

That is why it is critical to chew your food really well and also add digestive en- zymes to your heavy meals until you have completely rehabilitated your digestive tract.

You can take the digestive enzymes before, during, or right after your meal with just a enough water to get them down or swallow them with your chewed food.

For energy or heartburn you can also take them on an empty stomach. 17


#1 Flax Seed Water: In a glass pitcher put 1 part flax seed to 4-5 parts purified water. Let set for 8 hours or overnight in the fridge. Then stir and let settle. Pour through a strainer to remove seeds. Have 2-3 twelve ounce glasses daily. Add to water, smoothies or protein shakes. I like to just add a little lime juice! This is a fantastic soluble fiber to aid in digestion and a great source of protein and omega oils! Use the seeds again with fresh water up to 3 times to make more flax water.

#2 Flax Seed Meal: Grind flax seed in a spice grinder or in a high speed blender. Then add a tablespoon or what you desire to purified water, smoothies, protein shakes and any nut milks.

#3 Aloe Vera: What doesn’t this plant do? Improves digestion, detoxes, a natural prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria and an anti­-inflammatory. Take 1 ounce of the fresh inner leaf daily for maintenance. Take 1 ounce twice daily for cleansing and rebuilding. You can also purchase it online in a bottle. Just make sure it is organic and in glass not toxic plastic.

#4 Chia Seed: Also creates a mucilaginous gel that aids digestion. Loaded with omega fatty acids and a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Add a tablespoon to water, juices, smoothies, protein shakes and shake well. You can also make chia pudding by adding 1 part chia to 3 parts nut milk. Shake well then let sit in fridge for 15 minutes and enjoy!

#5 Fermented Foods: Sauerkraut, kimchi and tempeh all have natural probiotics and prebiotics. A great supplement to probiotic spores and a healthy diet.

#6 Sprouted Beans: Nothing on the planet will give you more roughage than a sprouted bean to rebuild gut action. Plus, they are a perfect protein source and great brain food. Simply soak any bean in water first and now it is “Sprouted” and alive. You can at that point cook the bean or continue to rinse it with water morn- ing and night until the tail “pops out” then consume raw with salads. Just avoid black/soy beans they have been too hybridized. All other beans are good to go!

NOTE: If you have any digestive tract issues such as IBS, crohn’s, colitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticuli- tis or diverticulosis DO NOT CONSUMES SEEDS. They can stick in the pockets of the already irritated intestinal lining and cause infection. 18 AVOID DRINKING LIQUIDS WITH MEALS Drinking liquid with meals dilutes your Digestive Enzymes your saliva glands excrete and any Digestive Enzyme supple- step ment that you take. This causes fermentation in your gut and over time will de- 6 stroy your internal terrain and impede nutrient absorption. You want digestion & absorption of nutrients, not fermentation.

TIP: Stop drinking liquids 30 minutes before meals and wait at least 1 hour after eating to drink again.

SQUAT FOR EASY BOWEL MOVEMENTS If we go out into nature and go potty we will find ourselves squatting. The Japanese squat to go potty just like in nature. They find our toilets rather odd. step By squatting you will actually line up the colon for easy elimination and cut your “potty time” in half. This also 7 helps people with hemorrhoids besides being a simple, nat- ural and smart way to go potty.

Photo courtesy of Squatty Potty You can also place some phone books next to the toilet to put your feet up on or use a small stool. To purchase a “Squatty Potty” online go to: www.squattypotty.com 19 WHAT TO EXPECT? “HOLD UP YOUR HEAD YOU WERE MADE FOR VICTORY” -ANNE GILCHRIST

As toxins start exiting your body, you may go through some detox symptoms which can range from mild to severe including: Headaches, nausea, night sweats, irritability, bloating, fatigue, poor sleep, parasites exit- ing the body, a metallic taste on your tongue, and skin rashes. These detox symptoms can last 1-3­ weeks or you may have none at all. Everyone is different. For most people, they are on the mild end of things and after just one day they feel great! However, some of us that have been exposed to a lot of toxins and consumed a lot of heavy fatty foods might have a tough go of it.

If you feel that the detox is too much or you’re itching or swelling, Stop taking everything, drink lots of purified water, and let it settle down for a few days. Then start back on The Gut Cleanse Plus for a few days, see how that makes you feel. Then add in GREEN 85 again for a few days, see how that makes you feel, then the same with the Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes.

Through the process of elimination you can identify which products are working and which ones you may have to put on hold. If you identify that you were allergic to one of our supplements you have two options: #1 Share the product with a friend or family member that is not allergic to it. #2 We would be happy to refund your money or consult with you for an alternative. Typically 6 months to 2 years after cleansing and eating clean nutritious foods your hormones will balance themselves and most allergic reactions will go away including ones to food, animals, or pollen that has bothered you in the past.

O.K. That’s it. Now it’s up to you! Call us or go online to place your order and get started. Please let us know how it’s going for you or if you have questions. Also, every Wednesday @4pm PT/ 7pm ET we have FREE LIVE Group Coaching on our Facebook page @Chemical Free Body. Come and join the community and ask any question! If your interested in Private Coaching send us an email to [email protected].

Tim James Founder/ CEO & Healthy Gut Specialist! :)

NOTE: A very small percentage of people’s colon is so backed up that when they start taking Gut Cleanse Plus and the other products they become constipated. This happens because these products clean from the top down and as waste material exits the digestive tract it simply gets plugged up at the bottom. This is very rare but it can happen. If it does we recommend you stop taking all products, stop eating, just drink water and see a colon hydrotherapist asap. You can also do an enema at home or take a magnesium product to liquify everything. If that doesn’t work seek medical help. 20 ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE SUCCESS TRACKER

Check off each ritual completed at the end of the day ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE SUCCESS TRACKER MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of purified water daily 2 Take GUT CLEANSE PLUS daily 3 Drink GREEN 85 JUICE FORMULA 1 - 2 times daily 4 Chew my food until liquified 5 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY PROBIOTICS daily 6 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY DIGESTIVE ENZYMES with meals daily 7 Feel gratitude for one thing of my day :) CONGRATULATIONS! WEEK 1 COMPLETED!!! HOW DO I FEEL? WEEK 1

Check off each ritual completed at the end of the day ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE SUCCESS TRACKER MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of purified water daily 2 Take GUT CLEANSE PLUS daily 3 Drink GREEN 85 JUICE FORMULA 1 - 2 times daily 4 Chew my food until liquified 5 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY PROBIOTICS daily 6 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY DIGESTIVE ENZYMES with meals daily 7 Feel gratitude for one thing of my day :) CONGRATULATIONS! WEEK 2 COMPLETED!!! HOW DO I FEEL? WEEK 2

Check off each ritual completed at the end of the day ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE SUCCESS TRACKER MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of purified water daily 2 Take GUT CLEANSE PLUS daily 3 Drink GREEN 85 JUICE FORMULA 1 - 2 times daily 4 Chew my food until liquified 5 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY PROBIOTICS daily 6 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY DIGESTIVE ENZYMES with meals daily 7 Feel gratitude for one thing of my day :) CONGRATULATIONS! WEEK 3 COMPLETED!!! HOW DO I FEEL? WEEK 3

Check off each ritual completed at the end of the day ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE SUCCESS TRACKER MON TUES WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of purified water daily 2 Take GUT CLEANSE PLUS daily 3 Drink GREEN 85 JUICE FORMULA 1 - 2 times daily 4 Chew my food until liquified 5 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY PROBIOTICS daily 6 Take CHEMICAL FREE BODY DIGESTIVE ENZYMES with meals daily 7 Feel gratitude for one thing of my day :) CONGRATULATIONS! WEEK 4 COMPLETED!!! HOW DO I FEEL? WEEK 4


Is it possible that you can have anything you want in life by following a Simple 2 Step process? Yes! This process was originated by Dr. Maxwell Maltz back in the 1960’s and since then he has helped millions of people to make permanent change in their lives. He taught us that our subconscious mind is all powerful and it directs every- thing in our lives including our health and our happiness. Here is how we re-program ourselves based on his discovery: >We reprogram the subconscious mind with self confidence. >We build self confidence through the practice of Daily Rituals. What this means is that anything you desire is attainable if you focus on ONE THING... Daily Rituals! After 3 weeks of doing anything on a daily basis a new habit is formed. What was diffi- cult now becomes effortless with the assistance of our newly re-programmed subcon- scious mind! Pretty cool Huh?! :)


I want you to print off the Success Tracker RIGHT NOW and tape it to your refrigerator or bathroom mirror or somewhere else where you are forced to see it everyday and put a pen close so you can check off your accomplishments at the end of the day. Some days you might complete some of them, some days you might complete nothing, and some days you might complete all of them. Focus on checking off your new success rituals daily and you will be well on your way to a new you and a new life! Print the Ultimate Gut Cleanse Success Tracker NOW and start the process of looking and feeling your best! :) 22 SAVE 10% WITH OUR GUT CLEANSE PACKS! ULTIMATE GUT CLEANSE INVESTMENT “IT IS HEALTH THAT IS REAL WEALTH NOT PIECES OF GOLD AND SILVER “-MAHATMA GANDHI

Healthy Gut Jumpstart Pack Retail Value $95.90 NOW $86 $9.90 savings - 10% OFF! GET IT NOW!

Healthy Gut Pro Pack Retail value $183.80 NOW $165 $18.80 savings - 10% OFF! GET IT NOW!

Ultimate Gut Cleanse Pack #1 BEST SELLING PACK Retail value $293.75 NOW $264 $29.75 savings - 10% OFF! GET IT NOW! 23 HEAR WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT OUR PACKAGES...

“Love, love, love this product!” I used this as a pregnant women with constipation and again in the hospital. With all the pain meds of having a C-sec- tion (even on half a pain pill) you become extremely backed up. This is something no one tells you. At first, I relied on the stool softener but when those didn’t work and I had severe constipation I pulled out my bottle of “GUT CLEANSE PLUS” and start- ed feeling much better after a short while. I only took one tablet in the begining and now I do three tablets daily.

-TIFFANY GIDLEY Real State Agent Bend, OR

I started the Ultimate Gut Cleanse because as a health care provider I understand the importance of having a healthy gut. It is our 2nd brain after all. Now I have more energy, get better sleep, and have an increased feeling of well-being. The manual that comes with the program is spot on and has many great strategies to improve ones health. Plus, I like the fact that your companies mission is to make sure all of the products are free of chemi- cals. That is very important to me. I recommend this cleanse to all my patients. It is effective and simple to do even if you have a busy schedule like mine.


I chose to try the ultimate gut cleanse to enhance my weight loss and health journey. I felt I needed to not only focus on what I was putting into my body, but also cleaning out what was already inside. It has been several months since I started and I feel great. I’ve noticed more energy, regularity, a de- crease in appetite and cravings, and I’ve lost a significant amount of weight. I would recommend these great products for ab- solutely anyone. Whether it’s to enhance your cur- rent healthy routine or if it’s your first step towards a healthier you!”


I started the Ultimate Gut Cleanse because I didn’t like the way I looked and felt about myself or the food I was consuming, I just didn’t look or feel healthy. Now, after doing the Cleanse, drinking GREEN 85 in the mornings and taking Gut Cleanse Plus, my extra weight basically fell off. I’ve lost fat and cellulite. I had thought that because I’m a 45 year old woman I’m at the mercy of my slowed metabolism, but for me the products just worked. I enjoy the freedom from cravings for junk food. I totally recommend Chemical Free Body products, GREEN 85 is the only green drink that I’ve liked...really liked...the taste of. The quality of my life has definitely improved... thanks again!


I learned how changing my eating and purchasing habits can have such a great effect on the planet and my body. But I have never been one to eat my greens and found myself being a Junk Food Vegan. I ate a lot of processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, wheat and soy. Then, in October 2016, I had an appendectomy. My recovery was very slow, which was frustrating. After learning about Chemical Free Body and their Ultimate Gut Cleanse program I was excited to get started right away. I began drinking PURE water, taking the Gut Cleanse Plus prod- uct and drinking the Green 85 Drink daily. I found that the greens are so easy to mix and drink, and also taste good. My body is feeling much stronger and seems to crave this nutrition. I am very excit- ed to continue learning more about optimal nutrition and trying more of their products for a healthy body free of chemicals. It feels great eating consciously, not just for animals and the environment, but now for myself as well. Thank you!


I have had extremely good luck taking this cleanse product. I have more energy and feel so much better. I would endorse these supplements any time and would not consider stopping them. It is very gentle on the sys- tem and easy to take. It will be part of my health program well into the future. Thank you!

-JOHN MAYER Mortgage Professional Happy Valley OR 26


# 1 _DRINK PURIFIED WATER: #7_ABDOMINAL & CORE EXERCISE: Drink 1/2 your body weight in liquid For constipation do ab exercises 6­-7 ounces daily. days per week.

#2 _GUT CLEANSE PLUS: #8_DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Take 3 Capsules two times per day for Take 1-2 Capsules with heavy meals 15 days then 3 Capsules daily. for 2-­3 years.

#3_GREEN 85 JUICE FORMULA: #9_ADD CERTAIN FOODS TO IM- Drink 1­-2 times daily to maximize PROVE DIGESTION: Flax Water, Aloe nutrition! Vera, Chia, Fermented Foods and Sprouted Beans.

#4_PROBIOTICS: #10_HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE:) Follow directions on label. Your thoughts influence your actions and results.

#5_ADD RAW FOOD: #11_SQUAT FOR BETTER BOWEL Add 10% raw food to current diet until MOVEMENTS: you reach 51% by weight. Lineup your colon and poop easy.

#6_CHEW YOUR FOOD UNTIL #12_AVOID DRINKING LIQUIDS LIQUIFIED: WITH MEALS: Liquids dilute digestive Fundamental to proper digestion. enzymes.

*Disclaimer: Information contained in this guidebook should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed or other health care provider. The information provided here is for educational and infor- mational purposes only. In no way should it be considered as an offering of medical advice. Please check with a physician if you suspect you are ill. NO LIABILITY WILL BE ASSUMED FOR THE USE OF DATA CONTAINED HEREIN OR WHAT ACTIONS YOU TAKE BASED ON THAT INFORMATION. The information contained is not intended for medical advice. You should always discuss any medical treatment with your healthcare provider. A BOOK BY