Review Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.): a new fruit crop, a market with a future a* b c Fabrice LE BELLEC , Fabrice VAILLANT , Eric IMBERT a Cirad, UPR Production Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.): a new fruit crop, a market with a future. fruitière, Stn. de Neufchâteau, Capesterre B/E, Guadeloupe, Abstract –– Introduction. Still practically unknown in the mid-1990s in Europe, pitahaya F-97130 France, (Hylocereus spp.) is now a full member of the ‘small exotic fruits’ category in shops. Never-
[email protected] theless, these species are not very well known. The aims of our work were first to evaluate thoroughly the literature currently available on Hylocereus and secondly to supplement this b Cirad, UPR Qualité des review by agronomic works not yet published. Knowledge of Hylocereus. The study inclu- aliments, Cita, Univ. Costa des a presentation of the origin, botany, morphology and floral biology of the principal spe- Rica, 2060 San José, cies cultivated within the Hylocereus genus and suggests a key for determination. Costa Rica Cultivation techniques. The agronomical practices used in Hylocereus orchards are broa- ched: multiplication, cultivation practices (supports, density, pruning, mineral nutrition, irriga- c Cirad, UPR bananes et tion, etc.), pollination and harvest. Pests and diseases are cited too. Physico-chemical ananas, Blvd. La Lironde, TA 50 /PS 4, composition of fruits. This work draws up a review of different studies regarding pitahaya Montpellier Cedex 5, composition, micronutrients and pigments. Post-harvest and processing. The life of the F-34398 France fruit after harvest (conservation and storage life) is approached as well as the various possibi- lities of processing.