City of Yellowknife Strategic Waste Management Plan Final Report - April 2018 sonnevera international corp. Box 23 Bluffton, Alberta T0C 0M0 T: (403) 843-6563
[email protected] Strategic Waste Management Plan (SWMP) – Final Report The City of Yellowknife Executive Summary The 2018 Strategic Waste Management Plan builds on the waste reduction goals of the Corporate and Community Energy Plan and previous waste composition studies, composting projects and waste management plans to provide environmentally responsible waste management solutions that are cost- effective and address concerns and expectations of the public and stakeholders. The plan incorporates additional programs including: • Community elements such as government leadership, social marketing, branding, zero waste public events and improvements to public spaces recycling. • Enhancements to the backyard composting campaign, depot recycling system, curbside garbage system (user pay) and enhanced multi-family recycling. • Industrial, commercial and institutional initiatives such as waste diversion assistance, business recognition, food waste diversion, enhanced recycling and construction / demolition waste diversion. • Incentives and regulatory mechanisms including additional differential tipping fees and disposal bans. The plan will be implemented on a foundation of public consultation and program pilots to encourage high levels of support, engagement, and ultimately success. Program elements are outlined in the following table: i sonnevera international corp. Option Type Option Education / Government leadership Promotion Overall • Review and update internal procurement policy to encourage reduction, Approaches reuse and recycled content. • Develop a consistent comprehensive waste diversion program for all City and public buildings and operations. Community engagement • Develop a community engagement plan to promote waste reduction and diversion initiatives and leverage existing environmental networks.